Thursday, 31 October 2019

The teleological approach to the Abrahamic God whose chosen people were Jews

6:00  Supersessionism

7:00  God's People

8:00  Teleology

9:00  The purpose of nonsense and lies

10:00  The Greatest Invention of all time

11:00  The teleology of God

12:00  The divisiveness of the generation gap

13:00  Disowning and disinheriting recalcitrant offspring

14:00  The higher your status the more restricted your choice of spouse

17:00  Why did God choose Jews for what?

18:00  Christians tried to invent a superior religion to Judaism, but it has crashed and burned.

19:00  The abused in turn become abusers in a chain of victimhood

20:00  The Trinity

21:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia

22:00 The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with liberalism.

23:00  A Christian revival in our lifetimes is unlikely even if we were all born yesterday.

24:00  An idolatrous absurdity

25:00  Comparative scripture

25:00  The Council of Nicea

26:00  The Blasphemy Act 1697 and Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813

27:00  Why did God choose the Jews?

29:00  National identity

30:00  Identity crisis and larping

31:00  Echo chamber

32:00  Children and their dress box

33:00  Nihilism is a byproduct of atheism.

34:00  Parental care and instruction or lack thereof

36:00  Parental authority

37:00  The fatherless

38:00  Breakdown of the rule of law

39:00  Guru–shishya tradition

50:00  God created a logical universe.

53:00  Pairings of opposites are key to understanding good and evil.

54:00  A universal religion had to start in a tribe.

55:00  Worshipping the most powerful deity conceivable

56:00  An eternal covenant was made by the Jews

57:00  The Koran is Zionist.

59:00  The Mandate of Heaven

1:00:00  Jade/Yellow Emperor

1:02:00 The War of Chinese Unification

1:03:00  The American Civil War was a war of American Unification.

1:04:00  Will archaeologists of the future suppose that Americans worshipped their Presidents?

1:05:00  Are Jews the mechanical hare?

1:06:00  According to Pascal, Jews are evidence of God's existence.

1:09:00  The borders of Israel have already been defined by the Torah.

1:10:00  The policeman in our heads

1:11:00  The flag and flagpole

1:21:00  Nihilists

Christianity and idolatry

5:00  Historicity

6:00  The miracle of the Koran

7:00  Divine source of the Torah

8:00  New Testament not from divine sources

9:00  The Torah and Koran are conceptually superior in that they are believed by Jews and Muslims to come from God

10:00  The New Testament is acknowledged by Christians to have been written by mortal men.

11:00  The Tabernacle

12:00  The Koran was revealed over 23 years when Muhammad was being political and military leader of Muslims.

13:00  The Hadith is hearsay as to what the Companions of the Prophet reported him to have said and done.

14:00  Secular Koranism rejects the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran.

15:00  The New Testament is full of unbelievable stories and vague extremist statements.

17:00  The Wars of the Reformation and the fragmentation of Christendom

18:00  The Great Schism

19:00  The prostrations required of Orthodox Christians

21:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity

22:00  The role of the Holy Spirit is the Agent of God

24:00  The 13 Principles of Judaism

26:00  The pantheism of Spinoza

27:00  Judaism is stricter - requiring the death penalty - about idolatry than Islam because Jews are only a tribe, while gentiles are far more in number than Jews

29:00  Why God might be offended by idolatry

30:00  Why the Normans assimilated and disappeared

31:00  Jews are the world's most ancient tribe

32:00  Judaism has preserved the existence of Jews.

33:00  Jews would be nothing without Judaism.

34:00  Nancy Pelosi

35:00  The adherents of the Abrahamic faiths don't practise their religious principles.

36:00  Ideological determinism and the neurosis caused when your nation and your people lose their identity through the failure of their religion

37:00  The irreligious alt-right eg Richard Spencer, Brutus, Greg Johnson

38:00  The Darwinian struggle for survival of the deities. The Titans and the Olympians

39:00  The advancement of civilisation is evidenced by the reduction in the number of deities.

40:00  Monotheism in Ancient Egypt

41:00  Catholicism v Protestantism

42:00  European monarchs looked to Rome as the centre of European civilisation

43:00  Holy Mary Mother of God

46:00  Iconoclasm

47:00  Jesus Charged with Blasphemy

48:00  Prophets of the Old Testament are regarded by Jews as sinning mortals.

50:00  Christianity has inconsistent positions on usury

53:00  Usury creates the boom-bust cycle

54:00  High property prices caused by usury.

55:00  Christians don't even care that they are idolatrous and that God has forbidden idolatry.

56:00  The corrupt bargain that is the Trinity

58:00  Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.

59:00  Hungary and Poland

1:00:00  Pope Benedict's investigation of the Vatican Bank

1:01:00  Cardinal Pell

1:02:00  Gay mafia in the Catholic Church

1:03:00  An even more liberal Pope after Francis?

1:04:00  Changing the law is the only way to change people's behaviour.

1:05:00  Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.

1:06:00  You don't need to believe in God to believe in the moral imperative of restoring the patriarchy with slut-shaming Secular Koranism.

1:07:00  If the problem is matriarchy, then patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.

1:08:00  Britain helped create Saudi Arabia

1:09:00  Sharia dispenses with a parasitic priesthood.

1:10:00  Only God can forgive us our sins, no member of a corruptible priesthood has the capacity to forgive us our sins.

1:15:00  Confession was the Big Brother of the Middle Ages

1:16:00  Morality should not be an option but enforced by law.

1:17:00  God helps those who help themselves. If something should be done, then it must be done. If it must be done, then it should be done as soon as possible.

1:18:00  We don't want degenerate badly parented offspring.

1:19:00  I am accused of being utilitarian

1:20:00  Apathy and despair is stirred up obviously ineffective action.

My questions on the Noahide laws answered

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Luana Fabri Goriss, Jewish with MA in Antisemitism, discusses Noachide

1:00  Luana on Koraniyule

3:00  Abrahamic faiths not following their religious principles

5:00  Not "second or third generation refugee"

6:00  Culture of victimhood

8:00  The dominant culture of gay marriage and transgenderism is not what any rational immigrant would want.

9:00  The slippery slope of gay marriage

10:00  UN agenda  2030

15:00  LGBT Jewish Schools  pushed by Jewess

18:00  Antisemitism, Kiddush Hashem, Chillul Hashem

19:00  Integration and assimilation. Jewishness is more than DNA.

22:00  Noahide laws

24:00  Light of the Nations

25:00  Israel recognises gay marriage

26:00  Theocracy

28:00  Deborah, Judge, Warrior and Prophetess

31:00  Jewish feminists

33:00  The assimilated Jewish left5

34:00  The Jews who said kadish for Hamas terrorists

35:00  Jewish emancipation 

36:00   The emancipated Jew were still hated and feared.

37:00  The changing face of the Jew is the changing fashions of hatred

38:00  Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

40:00  Luana doesn't think Christianity has failed. 

41:00  When the Noahide laws go, Christianity will go and the West will descend into tribal warfare.

42:00  The Al Aqsa Mosque is a hint to avoid establishing another corruptible priesthood.

43:00  Usury

44:00  Jews have Israel, where will Christians go when they are persecuted?

46:00  Countries who conduct pogrom descend into chaos and disorder.

47:00  The legalisation of gay marriage

48:00  Unprincipled people

49:00  Idolatrous Christians

51:00  Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.

52:00  Looking on the bright side.

53:00  Muslims are more likely to protest against gay marriage.

54:00  Why do religions fail?

55:00  Blasphemy

56:00  Are Jews more kiddush or chillul Hashem?

57:00  Religious Jews can be criminals too.

58:00  Stable and sustainable

59:00  Different levels of observance in different generations

1:00:00  Loss of tradition

1:02:00  Do Jews campaign for immigration? 

1:03:00  HIAS

1:05:00  The Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all 

1:06:00  The Abrahamic faiths

1:08:00  Christ was pleading the Fifth Amendment at his blasphemy trial.

1:09:00  The antisemitism of the New Testament

1:10:00  Jerome

1:11:00  The Virgin Birth

1:12:00  Jewish concepts

1:13:00  Greek concepts

1:15:00  Jews being claimed by gentiles. 

1:16:00  If Jesus was really born of a virgin, then he could not have been the Messiah because the Messiah would be descended from the line of King David.

1:17:00  Jesus has no tribal lineage to King David.

1:18:00  John, Ignatius, Syria, Doctrine of the Virgin Birth

1:19:00  Abraham knew the laws.

1:20:00  Luana has read the Koran.

1:21:00  Muslim in Israel mistreating kittens.

1:22:00  Kosher and halal slaughter

1:23:00  BLOOD IN THE STREETS Eid Al-Adha animal sacrifice festival sees roads turn red with blood as cows are beheaded

1:24:00  Luana would rather well-treated free range chicken than battery farmed kosher chicken.

1:27:00  Islam cannot work without sharia.

1:31:00  Hillel and Jesus

1:32:00  Silver and Golden Rule

1:35:00  Losing sight of right and wrong. Lawlessness

12:36:00  Redefining the terms of the Natural Law v Legal Positivism debate

1:37:00  Theocracy

1:38:00  Divinely sourced, legal and morally authoritative 

1:42:00  Narcissism and self-worship

1:43:00  The narcissism of human rights

1:45:00  Being nagged by the matriarchy into submission

1:46:00  The Fisherman and His Wife

1:47:00  Feminism

1:48:00  Division of labour

1:49:00  Complementary relationships not competitive relationships are the best relationships.

1:51:00  Fear of misgendering people

1:52:00  Our new religion is feminism.

1:53:00  The idolatry of Christianity

1:54:00  Unsustainable nonsensical agendas

1:55:00  Belief in God prevents nihilism.

1:56:00  Conscience and God

1:57:00  A sense of right and wrong

1:58:00  Empires have fallen while Jews still exist.

1:59:00  Conscience is divine law.

2:00:00  The sin of pride that causes narcissistic personality disorder

2:01:00  The shallow cult of youth and beauty

2:02:00  Population reduction and sustainable development

2:03:00  Climate change

2:04:00  Noah Yuval Harari

2:06:00  The coming of the Messiah

2:07:00  No more boundaries, no more rules.

2:08:00  The origins of degeneracy

2:11:00  The church, Michael Servetus, John Calvin, Martin Luther

2:13:00  Chabad

2:14:00  Christians and Muslims in turn protected Jews

2:16:00  Christians protesting more than Jews.

2:17:00  Muslims and Jews

2:18:00  The conversation ends.

2:21:00  EU and UN

2:23:00  Self-expression no longer allowed in the totalitarian West.

2:25:00  Is Truth, Logic and Morality allowed?

2:27:00  Boys forced to wear girls' clothes at school

2:30:00  Feminism and Liberalism

2:34:00  Rabbi Sacks not condemning gay marriage

2:36:000  Rabbi Mizrachi

2:38:00  Israel

3:14:00  Baseless hatred and Lashon Hara

3:15:00  Being in charge

3:16:00  Rothschilds. There is no Jewish quota. The church forced Jews to be moneylenders.

3:17:00  The perceived Jewish problem is a problem with liberalism.

3:18:00  Jewish by DNA only

3:19:00  Jewish values are the values of the patriarchy: God, Family and Education

3:21:00  Blaming Jews is the easiest option.

3:22:00  Putin: Russian president says liberalism 'obsolete'

3:24:00  People with daddy issues tend to have a problem with authority figures eg God.

3:25:00  E Michael Jones, Arc-Antisemite

3:26:00  Be fruitful and multiply within wedlock.

3:27:00  The historic norm of marriage once destroyed leads to loss of identity.

3:28:00  The White Nationalist desire to ban all the Abrahamic faiths, expel Jews, Muslims and non-whites and then finally have a jolly old religious war to fight over which pagan god to worship.

3:29:00  Transgenderism will drive a rise in children being sent to religious schools. 

3:31:00  Only one Abrahamic faith, according to Luana.

3:32:00  The woman with the Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all on usury

3:38:00  Usury and Jubilee

3:42:00  Antisemitism began with the Christians.

3:43:00  Selling Christianity to the gentiles was a marketing decision by Paul.

3:44:00  Gentiles swamped the Jewish Christian groups.

3:45:00  Separating Muslims from the Koran

3:53:00  Garment of the Jews

3:54:00  The Noahide laws are addressed to gentile nations.

3:55:00  Chabad

3:57:00  Ham sandwiches

3:58:00  Hem of the Jew

3:59:00  The Koran is Zionist.

4:02:00  Secular Koranism in Israel?

4:04:00  Orthodox rabbis in Australia on gay marriage

4:05:00  Lot was a judge in Sodom.

4:08:00  Abortion to birth

4:10:00  The sacralisation of the right to have extramarital sex

4:11:00  Rape victims and the morning after pill

4:12:00  Abortion, infanticide and murder

4:14:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

4:15:00  The Dead Sea

4:17:00  Christians speaking out against globohomo.

4:18:00  Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Sacks

4:19:00  Silence signals submission

4:24:00  Shopping on Shabbat

4:29:00  The women with wigs and gay people in synagogues

4:32:00  Get a room!

4:33:00  Slut-shaming

4:34:00  Shotgun wedding

4:37:00  Decline in educational standards

4:38:00  Scott Morrison

4:41:00  Extinction rebellion

4:44:00  LGBTQIWTF

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Secular Koranism as Chinese Group Evolutionary Strategy

I join from 2:33:00

According to Doooovid, I am promoting Secular Koranism as part of the Chinese group evolutionary strategy.

I think religion is another word for group evolutionary strategy.

Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, Islam divine civic nationalism.

Islam is "Judaism Lite", Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

Christianity is of course kaput and the fact that Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage is conclusive evidence of this.

How would slut-shaming Secular Koranism benefit the Chinese in particular? It would benefit any race or nation that adopted it if it wanted to protect, restore or establish the patriarchy.

Dooovid rightly says that it would subvert liberal democracy and feminism, but the alt-right also want to subvert liberal democracy and feminism.

The Russians have already said they don't think liberalism is doing the West much good and might be "obsolete".

The Chinese dropped hints to that effect before the Russians.

Just imagine being in such a bad way that those whom you think are your enemies are worried that you have gone mad and want to stop you from destroying yourselves and the rest of the world in the process.

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Deism, Theism, Atheism and Nihilism

Adherence to any of the five world religions - belief that we were created by God to follow certain rules of morality in order to make ourselves worthy of having

1) an afterlife not in hell or
2) a next life that is not worse than the one we have.

Deism, the idea that God exists but does not know our hearts and minds, does not intervene in human affairs and is indifferent to us and never answers our prayers, leads to nihilism. 

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Isaiah 56 and 57

1:00  Why is a Jew urging an idolatrous religion on gentiles? Christianity is obviously idolatrous.
2:00  Noahide laws

8:00  Why aren't you a "big fan of the afterlife" AKA olam haba, Aaron?

9:00  Theocratic dictatorship

22:00  Judaism rests on the Sabbath.

25:00  Jews way back then wanted to protest against being victims of cultural appropriation?

48:00  Muslims don't have a Sabbath. Their "me time" is their 5x daily prayer.

50:00  The purpose of the Sabbath is "me time" for Jews to reflect on their lives, about politics and be with their family and friends once a week. Robots therefore don't need to rest, they just need to be well-maintained. Christians - if there are any still around - will still have the option of resting on Sundays.

54:00  What is this about the goyim being only "accessories to tikkun"? Adam was Noahide, surely?  Jews did not come into being till the Torah was given Moses and  Abraham was therefore Noahide in the course of becoming Jewish .

1:13:00  When the business crashes and burns, the management will be blamed. Jews are the management. Why won't the management promote the Noahide laws they were specially chosen by God to do?

1:14:00  Is Judas sure that Hitler was autistic? From the sound of things, he was a charmer with excellent social skills.

1:20:00  Judas has no choice but to live with his parents and look after them FFS, Aaron. You must know he won't be able to get a job in Israel and that the cost of living and property prices in Israel is horrendous.

1:24:00  What could bring the Moshiach faster is if Israel becomes a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

1:34:00  I am pretty damn consistent, Aaron.

1:35:00  I think all modest skirts should be below the knee.

Aaron, why are you being so butthurt about me giving Erika The Antisemite a wrench to protect her from being timed out in my chat by you that you have blocked me on all social media platforms? You really are behaving like a girl.

As for crashing your Hangout in your last stream, I really had thought you were giving me unmistakable come hither signals. I responded because you said no in such a yessy way and it seems you are now getting huffy with me and accusing me of date rape.

I suspect that what you say you are angry about is not really what you are angry about at all. You are just mad at me because you can't think of arguments against Israel becoming a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

The Knesset should be renamed the Sanhedrin and be run on the following lines.

There were two classes of rabbinical courts called Sanhedrin, the Great Sanhedrin and the Lesser Sanhedrin. A lesser Sanhedrin of 23 judges was appointed to each city, but there was to be only one Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges, which among other roles acted as the Supreme Court, taking appeals from cases decided by lesser courts. In general usage, "The Sanhedrin" without qualifier normally refers to the Great Sanhedrin, which was composed of the Nasi, who functioned as head or representing president, and was a member of the court; the Av Beit Din or chief of the court, who was second to the nasi; and sixty-nine general members (Mufla).

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...