Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Antisemite and Islamophobe Brundlefly married to a Jewess with Jewish offspring is exploiting and bullying a vulnerable man who is Jewish and autistic

Brundlefly is the Manager of Church of Entropy. https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/


Church of Entropy
​ya my manager says i cant stream with @Claire Khaw

Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy The reason why you appointed your so-called Manager is to find an additional excuse to avoid streaming with me because you need to be protected from my arguments.

​@Claire Khaw you're just jealous

​@Gandalf White 2 no one should be streaming on Claire's channel

Claire Khaw
​@Brundlefly I wouldn't want to be a woman who can no longer manage my own affairs.

​@Claire Khaw no woman should be managing her own affairs

Church of Entropy
​whats wrong with having a manager again?

Church of Entropy
​im just one person

Claire Khaw
​@Brundlefly Islam does not take that your extreme position with regard to dealing with women.

​@Claire Khaw i dont remember caring about what islam thinks

Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy You were selling Indulgences to @Brundlefly like the corrupt Catholic Church. It is interesting that Vincent called this move "lamo".

@Claire Khaw nothing about your arguments are compelling


Hail Christianity

Christianity is the answer to our problems

Church of Entropy
take it up with manager

Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy Your creation of the position of Manager is so you can pass the buck to him. I already know your transparently cowardly tactics.

​@Claire Khaw the manager created the position

​@Claire Khaw The manager manages the managed

​@Claire Khaw you would be insta-banned

Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy Ah, so you were persuaded by @Brundlefly to create a position for him, were you? Very interesting. I thought it was your own idea!

​@Claire Khaw persuaded? more like commanded

Claire Khaw
​@Church of Entropy Your manager will be giving you the black eye soon from the sound of things!

37:00  Chabad hysteria
42:00  Church of Entropy renounces her denial of the existence of Christ.
44:00  Brundle: "Let's fight the Noahide laws."
45:00  Brundle: "Entropism is subservient to my will. Entropism is falling in line and shutting up about Jesus, and I won't burn the witches."
Church of Entropy does not contradict him. 
46:00  Brundle to me: "You are a hostile presence."
47:00  Brundle refers to "supremacist Jews".

Is Church of Entropy a vulnerable woman being bullied and exploited by Brundlefly, or is she the one dominating and manipulating him by pretending to be submissive? Are they in a co-dependent relationship? Should we care?  https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/anxiety-zen/201609/6-signs-codependent-relationship

Thursday, 14 November 2019

The Origins of Anti-Semitism

The perceived Jewish problem is really a problem with liberalism which heralded Jewish emancipation causing Jews to labour under the misapprehension that they can be both good Jews and good liberals. What Jews seem to forget is that there is nothing liberal about Judaism. In any case, liberalism in the 21st century stands for nothing more than the degenerate sewage of feminist hegemony, gay marriage and transgenderism ie globohomo. It is the evil, insane and suicidal liberal agenda to turn our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah and attract the same punishment that is the problem. 

Jews are now synonymous with liberalism and liberalism is hated by those who see it is represented by and benefiting Jews and the liberal elite who care nothing about the concerns of ordinary people.

There is no mention of the Noahide laws by Trudy Gold. It is not generally understood even by Jews themselves that the Noahide laws represent a minimum moral standard of government. It is pretty clear that Christianity falls below this minimum moral standard because of its idolatry while Islam more than satisfies it. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws

When Jews finally work up the courage to remind gentiles of the Noahide laws and point out that it is Islam that is more in harmony with them, they might just be hated less.

If gentiles already hate their own liberals, how much more will they hate the Liberal Jew?

Friday, 8 November 2019

alt-right Jew stream

3:00  You are a VOLCEL.

14:00  It's probably a improper to look at a woman lying on her back in her bed when you are looking at her. Even more improper if you are actually attracted to her.

18:00  So many people now don't know the meaning of fornication.

19:00  Vivian Veritas is hot, but she is a Jewess who knows more about Catholicism than Judaism.

33:00  My high verbal IQ is praised but in terms of looks I could have been no higher than a 5 in my prime.

34:00  I am more of a nefarious actor than Church of Entropy, according to Brundlefly.

36:00  Streaming is a form of self-expression. I suppose we all want to own a radio station so we can hear the sound of our own voices 24/7 because we are suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, probably, or have a message we feel must be propagated to save Western civilisation or whatever.

If you were an Old Testament Prophet or a revolutionary born in our times, you would be on YouTube as much as possible, wouldn't you?

44:00  Brundlefly is told by Judas about the moral imperative of the Noahide laws that oblige Jews to promote them to gentiles.

46:00  Church of Entropy has been told by Brundlefly - who is now her manager - to boycott me.

47:00  I never said I wouldn't have you on my channel, Judas! Where did you get the impression?

48:00  Secular Koranism conforms to the Noahide laws.

48:30  Christianity is kaput. Can any society do without a religion that maintains minimum moral standards of sexual morality?

1:00:00  I join.

1:02:00  I explain what happened at https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html
Gay Hindu
1:03:00  Jon Vance and Ego Dik
1:05:00  "Pro-rapist", rape fantasies
1:06:00  "referral to the authorities"
1:07:00  Daring Conops to libel Jon Vance one more time under his real name.
1:08:00  "Hysterical little bitch"
1:09:00  Just Another Hindu
1:11:00  Anti-Noahides
1:12:00 Jews, Muslims and Unitarian Christians would be for the Noahide laws.
1:13:00  Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws while Islam more than satisfies them.
1:14:00  Secular Koranism which forbids usury would better protect gentiles from Jewish power since it would ban usury with quran.com/2/275.

Christianity's positions on usury has been hopelessly compromised by John Calvin who allowed usury and had Michael Servetus burned at the stake for denying the Trinity.



1:14:00  CONOPS joins.

1:16:00  Defamation

1:18:00  I accept Ego Dik's clarification about what he meant at https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html from 4:35:00

1:20:00  The Koran

1:20:30  Multiple Truth Hypothesis

1:22:00  Progressive revelation

1:23:00  https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2019/11/men-who-virtue-signal-to-obtain-greater_6.html

1:24:00  "pro-rape"

1:25:00  Conops hysterically accuses me of "training rapists" and being "a rapist recruiter".

1:26:00  quran.com/4/16

1:26:30  Noahide laws  https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws  "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

1:27:00  ALLAH IS A ZIONIST https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/28575/allah-is-a-zionist

1:36:00  Doooovid doesn't have a wife because he's not really looking for one.

1:40:00  Secular Koranism is really another school of sharia. It is basically the Koran as I interpret it.

1:47:00  JON VANCE joins to explain Ego Dik's comments on rape and war on his channel.

1:50:00 Cultural Christians who don't even believe that Christ is the co equal of the Abrahamic God have no religious principles that they adhere to and no self respect.

1:54:00 Aaron Amihud joins to libel me.

1:58:00 There is nothing in the Koran any reasonable Jew should object to.

1:59:00  Aaron Amihud insists that Ego Dik was inciting the rape of Western women.

2:00:00  Jon Vance clarifies what Ego Dik.

2:02:00 Jon Vance accuses Aaron Amihud of being "a bystander to the gay disco by misrepresenting what Ego Dik said".

2:03:00  I explain again what I thought Ego Dik said.

2:04:00  I point out that Aaron Amihud should be aware that Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws. I have also previously discussed this with him.

2:05:00  Judaism on rape  https://www.myjewishlearning.com/the-torch/how-do-the-rabbis-in-the-talmud-address-rape/

2:09:00  Secular Koranism is not a belief system but a legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists while protecting the patriarchy and guaranteeing freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256

2:10:00  Conops libellously implies that Jon Vance and Ego Dik  think 12 year olds should be raped and carries on hysterically in this vein for minutes.

2:13:00  Hysterically, Conops accuses Doooovid of "not caring about the welfare of children" when he wanted to discuss something else other than rape.

2:15:00  Conops quotes the words of Ego Dik in order to portray him in the worst possible light without explaining the context and ignoring the repeated clarifications of Ego Dik. He also says Secular Koranism is in some way responsible for the rape of Western women.

2:16:00  Conops says he would like to hang people like Jon Vance from the highest tree. Who are people like Jon Vance? Secular Koranists? Why does he feel so threatened by a book of rules said to be from God Himself?

2:17:00  Conops refers to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oVCgVXPO8w where Ego Dik was heard to say that women would be raped in war from 46:50

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...