THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Rabbi Mizrachi says Iran is better to raise Jewish children in than Israel
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
We CHOOSE to believe FOR MORAL AND POLITICAL REASONS when we exercise faith
Is Judaism Left Wing or Right Wing?
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Saturday, 19 December 2020
The nature and purpose of having moral/religious/political principles
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Censorship provokes more antisemitism
Why God made Jews His Chosen People
Rabbi Sacks on the fatherlessness of unhappy British children
Doooovid on Hanukkah 2020/5781
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Predicting the new moral and political system of the West
Why so many Westerners are militant atheists who hate God
If Westerners now reject Christianity because of the way their ancestors were forcibly converted and then intimidated by the Christian totalitarianism of the Inquisition and heretic burning into remaining Christian, that is understandable. After centuries of abuse by the Church, they rejected it as soon as it became respectable to do so.
The fact that so many of them are now militant atheists with barely concealed contempt for the adherents of the Abrahamic faiths is more a rejection of the absurdity of the Trinity and their corrupt Church than hatred of God, though they do not necessarily consciously realise this.
Militant atheists fall under the category of people who think liberalism is better than any of the Abrahamic faiths when it has obviously failed while refusing to discuss whether the First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256 and give credit where credit is due who also refuse to read the Koran if only to tell me which verse they hate the most, especially if they are academics.
The Trinity is dead and the kulturkampf killed it
Much of the New Testament is vague extremist nonsense. Rational and honest monotheists Jew and gentile should have rejected Christianity after the success of Islam but insteads chose to hide the defects of a religion that practised idolatry and blasphemy. This is in itself evidence of moral failure. Too bad Jews and Muslims never officially protested against this as soon as they could and even now refuse to engage on the subject. They need not fear the wrath of Christians because it is doubted that even the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury really believe that Jesus is also God. To all intents and purposes, the Christian who literally really believes Jesus is God is already extinct.
Would becoming a Secular Koranist make you more attractive to women?
"Secular Koranism: protecting masculine men from immoral women."
The fundamental ideological difference between atheists and monotheists
What is dialectical/historical materialism?
I understand this as Hegel saying the equivalent of "stuff happens to compound the effect of whatever it is that is affecting you as a society either in a good or bad way, I dunno, history will tell".
Marx used Hegel saying this to support his argument that eventually, we will *progress* to a workers' paradise if you implement my ideas.
Neocon neoliberal Francis Fukuyama said that if everyone in the world uses liberal democracy, the world would *progress* towards the end of history when all nations of the world will reach an earthly heaven of liberal democrats.
But liberal democracy failed on 3/11/2020.
Communism and Liberalism come under the category of progressivism.
Proponents of sharia would be anti-progressive in that they believe following God's laws alone and not presuming to *progress* towards anywhere in particular except to keep God's laws would get them closer to heaven on earth.
How are we to judge the soundness of these different arguments?
Hegel and Marx > God?
God > Hegel and Marx?
Hegel > Marx?
Marx > Hegel?
Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism > Nationalism?
Nationalism > Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism?
God > Nationalism?
Nationalism > God?
Monday, 14 December 2020
Josh: "The Messiah is not the Magic Man, he is just the person with the most compelling argument."
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Is Western philosophy definitely dumber than the Torah and Koran put together?
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
The First Amendment is based on 2:256 of the Koran
The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson and it was he who drafted the Virginia statute of religious freedom which later became the First Amendment.
When Nietzsche said in the 1870s that "God is dead and we have killed him", he meant Liberals had killed the Trinitarian belief that Jesus is God in the Kulturkampf.
But Liberalism is know killing itself by stealing the election from Trump.
When Liberal Democrats have to cheat, lie and steal to get the election result they want, it means they neither believe in their own principles nor follow them.
This unprincipled corruption is sensed by China who is now kicking America's Australian poodle to see what Washington will do next, after the Americans finally decide who their President is on 20 January 2021.
Whoever is is deemed to have won the election by the Supreme Court will be regarded as a lame duck and so would any President who inherits her position from a lame duck President.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Unprincipled politicians and philosophers
Why Westerners don't care that Christianity and Liberalism are kaput
If you say Christianity is kaput, Westerners wouldn't care because the overwhelming majority of them are not confirmed Christians and are in fact atheists. If you tell them Liberalism is "obsolete" as President Putin did in 2019, most Westerners would also be indifferent because they do not identify as members of the liberal elite.
However, if you tell them that the moral and political system of the West has broken down, they might sit up and take notice.
It is interesting that even philosophers who identify as liberal don't feel able to defend liberalism which is why liberals prefer to sneer, censor and disengage rather than answer questions. Liberal philosophers in academia are now merely covering up for the failure of liberalism and those who do not identify as liberal would fear to challenge it because they don't want to be "cancelled". The point is there are no philosophers with any principles they are prepared to state or defend which means in practice most Western men are nihilists who are no better than cattle who can only be motivated by bribes or threats.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
The meaning of life
Sunday, 29 November 2020
"Rabbi" Khaw discusses with Judas the reason for certain restrictions of Judaism from 48:00
Do nihilists believe in free will?
Why nihilists are worse than cattle
Are modern Western philosophers wise enough to fill the moral vacuum of Christianity and Liberalism?
The moral and political system used by Western politicians
What are morals?
They are rules of behaviour consisting of rights and responsibilities originating from religion, though atheists and nihilists (who pride themselves in having no moral principles) refuse to acknowledge this.
What is morality?
Morality is a system of moral rules.
What are moral systems?
They include secular political ideologies as well as religions. In the West, Liberalism is now the operating political orthodoxy that trumps religious principles. Interestingly, President Putin declared in 2019 that liberalism was "obsolete" which, surprisingly, did not generate any political debate at all. Those who dissented from liberalism already agreed, and those in the Western liberal establishment did not want its obsolescence discussed or acknowledged.
It is interesting that George Soros identifies as liberal.
Can liberal principles be stated and agreed on by those who identify as liberal (but who are really nihilists)?
Unlike revealed scripture, there is no official handbook to liberalism nor can liberals define liberalism or state agreed principles.
It is already well known that liberalism is whatever whoever is leader of a political party says it is, and we already know what to think of Western political leaders.
The nihilist in denial that he is a nihilist
Religion is a group evolutionary strategy
China separated its "church" from its state a long time ago
"Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. The state protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination."
China is the world's most ancient continuous empire incorporating within its territories many peoples, cultures and religion which undeniably existed long before 1982.
Nihilist philosophers pretending to be liberals who refuse to either ask or answer questions
Rewarding good and punishing evil
Unprincipled nihilists cannot betray themselves because they have no principles to betray
The private and public purpose of religion
Can you be said to be moral if you make a principle of having no moral principles?
If you have no moral principles, you are a nihilist and a nihilist is an atheist who denies the existence of God.
To say you can be moral without moral principles is as meaningful as saying you can be full while being empty or leave a room without going out of it, or claim the rule of law exists in the jungle.
There is a school of thought that equates morality with conscience but what might trouble one person's conscience would not trouble another's if they have different moral principles.
Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others. That is the purpose of religion, which has two purposes: public and private. The public purpose of morality operates through the law, the private purpose of morality is spirituality operating through a clear conscience.
An atheist nihilist is not necessarily a criminal, but he only obeys the law because he fears punishment. His moral standards would be lower than that of someone who wants to obey God's laws because they are God's laws with the policeman that is God already inside his head.
It is not to be confused with having a clear or troubled conscience.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Conservatives who only want to conserve their dignity when their ideology has failed
Ten questions on rewarding good and punishing evil
- Can we have a world in this life where good is rewarded and evil punished? tNE Yes, if we have laws that punish evil and reward good.
- Can humanity collectively agree to obey the Noahide laws?
- Can nations be measured for their righteousness through how many of the Noahide laws they obey?
- If you reject the Noahide laws because they come from Judaism, are you an antisemite?
- If you reject the Noahide ranking of the four gentile world religions that Islam is the most Noahide-observant, is it because you are an Islamophobe?
- If you admit to Islamophobia, have you not already conceded that you have lost the argument since you have admitted that you have an irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims?
- Have you noticed that those who hate and fear Jews and Judaism, Muslims and Islam are invariably atheist?
- If these antisemites and Islamophobes claim to be Christian, why do they not recognise or care that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?
- If they really believe in God, why don't they care that they have been guilt of idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years?
- Are people who claim to be Christian really nihilistic atheists (who are also antisemites and Islamophobes) since they do not even have the beginning of wisdom to fear the God they claim to believe in?
Avoiding and solving moral and political problems with the Koran
Capitalism and Christianity
Saturday, 21 November 2020
The theological origins of Christianity
Jesus was convicted of the crime of blasphemy because he said his papa was the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe whom Jesus claimed came down to earth to impregnate Mary the way Zeus did to countless mortal women.
Jesus was convicted of the crime of blasphemy because he said his papa was the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe whom Jesus claimed came down to earth to impregnate Mary the way Zeus did to countless mortal women.
The Lovers of Zeus
The names of the Lovers of Zeus included Antiope, Callisto, Danae, Europa, Electra, Leda, Leto, Taygete, Niobe, Io, Semele, Themis, Mnemosyne, Demeter and Alcmene. Some of the lovers of Zeus bore him children. His liaisons with many mortals resulted in offspring who are described as Demigods. the famous children of the lovers of Zeus include:
Leto who was the mother of Apollo and Artemis
Semele who was the mother of Dionysus
Maia who was the mother of Hermes
Dione who was the mother of Aphrodite
Hera, the wife of Zeus was the mother of Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus
Demeter, the sister and lover of Zeus, was the mother of Persephone
Christians then claimed that after Jesus died he was promoted to co-equal status of the supreme and eternal God who created the Universe and His Holy Spirit.
Despite knowing the Ten Commandments and their prohibition of idolatry and blasphemy, Christians nevertheless practised their religion of idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years until they were allowed to deny the Trinity without being burned at the stake.
Once they began to deny the divinity of Jesus, they denied the existence of God too, replacing their moral system with liberalism which now promotes global gay marriage, global transgenderism, global bastardy, global degeneracy, Intersectional Feminism, global atheism and global nihilism.
Once these idolatrous and blasphemous atheists repent, global Islam will replace globohomo.
The Lovers of Zeus
The names of the Lovers of Zeus included Antiope, Callisto, Danae, Europa, Electra, Leda, Leto, Taygete, Niobe, Io, Semele, Themis, Mnemosyne, Demeter and Alcmene. Some of the lovers of Zeus bore him children. His liaisons with many mortals resulted in offspring who are described as Demigods. the famous children of the lovers of Zeus include:
Leto who was the mother of Apollo and Artemis
Semele who was the mother of Dionysus
Maia who was the mother of Hermes
Dione who was the mother of Aphrodite
Hera, the wife of Zeus was the mother of Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus
Demeter, the sister and lover of Zeus, was the mother of Persephone
Christians then claimed that after Jesus died he was promoted to co-equal status of the supreme and eternal God who created the Universe and His Holy Spirit.
Despite knowing the Ten Commandments and their prohibition of idolatry and blasphemy, Christians nevertheless practised their religion of idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years until they were allowed to deny the Trinity without being burned at the stake.
Once they began to deny the divinity of Jesus, they denied the existence of God too, replacing their moral system with liberalism which now promotes global gay marriage, global transgenderism, global bastardy, global degeneracy, Intersectional Feminism, global atheism and global nihilism.
Once these idolatrous and blasphemous atheists repent, global Islam will replace globohomo.
The nature and purpose of the Church of England
The C of E is actually redundant since it is only a Creature of the Liberal State and will agree with whatever the government proposes.
Does the C of E have a spiritual purpose, other that of rubber stamping whatever the government proposes including the civil partnership, gay marriage and transgenderism? To the extent that this could be argued to fulfil a spiritual purpose, the C of E could be said to be pandering to those who seek admission into heaven because Christianity is now liberalism, and liberalism is now the state religion and moral system.
What is liberalism though?
Putin declared it to be "obsolete" in 2019.
Liberalism in the 21st century means no more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, which is neither viable nor sustainable if you wish to keep your society, nation and civilisation in existence.
The point to remember is that if the British political establishment consists mainly of atheists and nihilists promoting atheism and nihilism, then the C of E in practice condones this and submits to it.
Those who ignore truth, logic and morality
The careless cannot see the truth, the corrupt will ignore it and refuse to act on it. Sexual corruption leads to intellectual corruption causing the inability to use truth and logic to solve and avoid obvious problems resulting in the decline and fall of your civilisation.
The truth being ignored by Western Man is that his moral of and political system have failed. Western Man refuses to acknowledge this truth because acting on this realisation would mean submitting to Islam which would be an injury to his pride.
Pride comes before a fall.
If Trump fails to win his legal challenge, declaring the moral and political system of the West kaput with only one rational and moral replacement would allow him to make his point just as eloquently on behalf of the American people whose society has now become a matriarchy.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Who would oppose Secular Koranism?
Antisemitism detector test
I wonder if rabbis would be interested in my antisemitism detector test which is very easy to remember and apply: you are an antisemite if you deny the status of Jews as God's Chosen People and the validity of the Noahide laws.
You don't even have to believe in God to accept that Jews identify themselves as God's Chosen People because that is how the Torah describes Jews. Even the Koran acknowledges the status of Jews calling them the Children of Israel.
As for the Noahide laws, why would any rational and moral person object to the Noahide laws?
What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding murder?
What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding theft?
What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding sexual immorality?
What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding the eating of an animal while it is still alive?
What rational and moral person would object to the requirement to have a court and legal system to enforce laws against murder, theft, sexual immorality and animal cruelty?
What rational and moral person would object to the requirement to have a court and legal system to enforce laws against murder, theft, sexual immorality and animal cruelty?
If you were an atheist, blasphemer or an idolater, you would object to laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy, but there is a way round that. The Koran is silent on blasphemy and even guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256 which is the basis of the First Amendment. It can be inferred that a Koran-based theocracy would in fact guarantee freedom of belief and free speech as the First Amendment does. It can therefore be inferred that such a Koran-based theocracy would accommodate atheists to polytheists including Christians whose religion is in fact guilty of both idolatry and blasphemy. Claiming Jesus is divine and having idols of him in church is undeniably idolatrous and worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is undeniably blasphemous. The Koran however accommodates Christians who are referred to as People of the Book.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Liberal democracy will continue to cause degeneracy until it is replaced by a one-party theocracy
Every bastard/unmarried mother/unmarried father represents a trinity of sin.
No politician in a democracy in a closely-fought election will dare to alienate these people now.
Only a one party theocracy can push back the tide of chaos, criminality, degeneracy and decline.
No politician fighting an election in a democracy would raise the subject of tackling the problem of widespread illegitimacy now.
40% of children born of unmarried parents in America is just the tip of the iceberg.
In Canada and the UK, the percentage of bastards is 50+%.
In Jamaica, it is 86%.
Behind every bastard is a pair of sex offenders and a pair of unmarried parents now live in Downing Street.
It will not get better unless something is done to shame unmarried parents and treat them as sex offenders who are agents of criminality and chaos.
What would discourage them other than quran.com/24/2 now that bastardy has been normalised and made Prime Ministerial?
The cure exists before the disease
There is an important principle in Judaism, a source of hope and also one of the structuring principles of the Torah. It is the principle that G-d creates the cure before the disease. Bad things may happen but G-d has already given us the remedy if we know where to look for it.
To be politically disengaged is to be morally disengaged
Common sense is rare in a matriarchy but common in a patriarchy
Sunday, 15 November 2020
How Islam Achieves Fair Elections
Christians should be put on notice of the idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity by Jews and Muslims
Know and remember what Christians did and have been doing for 2000 years now: they attached the rotten corpse of a dead Jew convicted of blasphemy to Hashem whom Jews worship as the Creator of the Universe.
If believing Jews suffer this without protest, it means they are no better than Christians.
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is
1) the homogenisation of a dead Jew executed for blasphemy with
2) God and
3) the Holy Spirit.
In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons or hypostases, but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will. As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning. "The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God because three persons exist in God as one entity. They cannot be separate from one another.
The Doctrine of the Trinity is analogous to putting Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit in a food processor and blending the three until they are inseparable from each other.
How do Jews and Muslims feel about this?
How do Christians - assuming that they are not already extinct - feel about breaking God's Commandments against idolatry and blasphemy?
The fact is that most people who identify as Christian do not believe in this.
I would also venture to suggest that even those who have been confirmed as Christians do not believe in this either.
Do the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope believe in this absurdity?
Should they not be asked by Jews and Muslims to give an account of this doctrine in the way that Jews were called to give an account of their religion in the Disputation of Paris in a rigged debate after which a great number of Jewish holy texts were burned in 1242?
AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry
Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00 [Reading begins.] 18:00 The harm of idolatry 25:00 [Reading begins.] 33:...
The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...