Saturday, 26 December 2020

Rabbi Mizrachi says Iran is better to raise Jewish children in than Israel

7:00  Liberal Democrats
8:00  A time of chaos was predicted by the Zohar.
9:00  Deuteronomy 28
45:00  Rabbi Mizrachi mentions Bismarck!
48:00  UK leaving the EU
1:04:00  Good Jewish girls diagnosed as antisocial by liberal Jewish psychologists
1:56:00  Synagogues in Iran are actually subsidised by the government because the Iranians are not antisemites. Iran only has a problem with Israel being a liberal democracy promoting globohomo. 
1:57:00  It is easier to be a good Jew in Iran than in the West.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

We CHOOSE to believe FOR MORAL AND POLITICAL REASONS when we exercise faith

We should have fewer of these pointless debates because for those who want to believe in God, they can always think of a knockout reason to believe as far as they are concerned. Ditto for those who don't want to believe in God because they don't want to follow His laws.

Belief is a matter of choosing to have faith, and choosing whether or not to have faith is a moral and political choice. We already know that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe who have been around for about as long as the Chinese have. China is of course the world's most ancient gentile civilisation and empire.

The past three global empires upon which the sun never set have been Christian. Catholic supremacy gave way to WASP supremacy after the Spanish American War. European supremacy eventually gave way to American supremacy, but is America a Christian country? The First Amendment was based on and it was the American Republic's First Amendment which gave the Europeans the courage to deny the Trinity in the same way that Trump gave the British the courage to leave the EU.
If God exists and made Trump POTUS for a reason, could it have been to give Westerners the option of repenting and finally rejecting their military and economic imperialism to look after their own people?

Is Judaism Left Wing or Right Wing?

He doesn't answer the question, but liberty is what we ought to have after all the necessary laws are in place, and God knows what laws are necessary for our group to remain in existence and be apart from others, to the right degree, for our own dignity and liberty.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

The nature and purpose of having moral/religious/political principles

Principles really come from religion because religious principles are really moral principles. A person would be judged by how much he follows the rules of his community and in ancient times his community would also be his religious community. The smallest viable community is the tribe in the countryside. City-states would be the next level up, then the nation state and then empire.

Chinese legalists have been experimenting with the law as the algorithm for humans since ancient times and they are the antithesis of Confucian ideas of a benevolent ruler whom the people love and want to please without being commanded to do so. Legalists were in fact practitioners of "Oderint dum metuant." But Imperial China fell when the Mandate of Heaven was withdrawn from the Qing Dynasty.

While the Chinese would probably be prepared to admit that they are not perfect, Modern China is more in unconsciously in conformity with Noahide and Islamic principles than the West that is being actively satanic with its gay marriage and transgenderism.

When the West was successful, it too was being unconsciously in conformity with Noahide and Islamic principles too.

The purpose of any moral system is of course to keep the group in existence and apart from others.  
The law in China is now more a synthesis of Confucianism and Legalism based on certain ideas of the West such as equality before the law, the rule of law, the rules of natural justice etc that the West has now forgotten in its neurosis, psychosis and dementia caused by its sexual and moral corruption.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Censorship provokes more antisemitism

20:00  Doooovid on Richard Spencer speaking at the University of Michigan

24:00  Luke Ford and Adam Green

25:00  White Nationalism and Sargon of Akkad

26:00  Daily Stormer

29:00  Alan Dershowitz

32:00  Opposing censorship

33:00  Antisemitism is the basis of Jewish identity. 

36:00  Kevin MacDonald

40:00  E Michael Jones 

42:00  Brundlefly

43:00  Eric Striker a Holocaust Denier

45:00  Patrick Little

50:00  Jews are snowflakes for being so hypersensitive and paranoid. They are no longer beaten up for being Jewish. Because gentiles in America are such snowflakes, Jews in America have become snowflakes too. Because of feminism, men now behave like neurotic women snatching offence when none was intended. Gentile men caught this disease off gentile women, and Jews caught this disease of the mind off gentiles.

53:00  Atheist till 15 and being treated better as a Jew

57:00  Deborah Lipstadt

1:00:00  BDS

1:01:00  The vindictiveness of ADL generates antisemitism

1:03:00  Holocaust

1:05:00  Jews perceived as pro-immigration

1:06:00  E Michael Jones deplatformed from Twitter. 

1:23:00  Jews who are not good for Jews should be subjected to herem/excommunication/being struck off the Register of Jews.

1:32:00  Right-wing and left-wing Jews

1:45:00  OV

1:48:00  Progressives will be representing Judaism in America under a Biden Administration. 

1:56:00  SPLC

1:59:00  Female rabbis

2:01:00  Rabbi Sacks

2:00:00  People who hate God are invariably from a Christian background whose ancestors were forcibly converted and then intimidated by blasphemy laws into remaining Christian.  

2:09:00  Hashkafa

2:15:00  Which caused more death, damage and injury to Jews?  a) Christianity  b) Nazism

2:16:00  E Michael Jones

2:18:00  Jews appear to support immigration because they think they are white liberal middle class too.

2:20:00  Only campaigning left-wing Jews have any sway with ADL.  

2:21:00  Judaism should not be confused with Jews who do not follow Judaism. 

2:23:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. Jews are punished for not calling out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity and Liberalism. 

2:24:00  Christian atrocities in Jerusalem

2:35:00  Allowing speech expressing antisemitism helps Jews protect themselves from worse. 

2:42:00  Black Lives Matter

2:43:00  Rise in antisemitism or rise in mass shootings generally? 

Why God made Jews His Chosen People

24:00  The practice of child sacrifice can be explained by our desire not to have as many children as the times we have sex.

1:05:00  When God speaks and Man does not listen, He can always say to subsequent generations "I told you so and your punishment was caused by your ancestors' immorality and heedlessness."

Jews and gentiles were created to punish each other for disobedience to His laws.  

It is the easiest thing for God to make Jews His Chosen People and keep them in existence - as Zeus kept Prometheus alive to have his liver eaten every day - to suffer persecution from gentiles for as long as they do not do what He chose  them to do: promote the Noahide laws by ranking the four gentile religions in the correct order. Rabbis are to present their agreed ranking to the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury inviting them to explain to Jews and Muslims why Christianity is not guilty as charged of idolatry and blasphemy. 

Jews could also be asking themselves this question: if you're going to be punished whether you do the right or wrong thing, why not just do the right thing? 

Why are Muslims still capable of martyring themselves, while Jews disdain to do so?  

Have their morals been corrupted by liberalism?

Should Jews and Muslims make a joint complaint to Western liberal establishment that their morals are being corrupted by the globohomo of liberalism? 

Do Jews in fact worship the clay feet of liberalism, just like the gentile, because they are too afraid of committing the "heresy" of questioning it and suffer the consequences of being "cancelled"? 

Jews will be blamed by gentiles whenever they are oppressed by their own government. This is both a fact of life and a law of human nature.  

If Jews are indeed God's Chosen People, then they had better do what God chose them to do, or suffer the divine consequences of disobedience stated in Deuteronomy 28. All they are being asked to do is to rank the four gentile religions and then present their agreed findings to the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury as soon as possible.    

There was a Disputation of Paris. A Disputation of London where the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury are summoned to defend the Trinity would be of theological interest to all the Abrahamic faiths globally. Perhaps God will even accept a Disputation by Zoom.

Rabbi Sacks on the fatherlessness of unhappy British children

54:00  On the question of shared values, why did Rabbi Sacks write a book on morality for gentiles without once mentioning the Noahide laws? Was it cowardice?

59:00  Marriage

1:00:00  Britain's fatherlessness and its children who are the unhappiest in the world

1:05:00  Patek Philippe joke

1:08:00  Penelope Leach

1:09:00  The Sabbath saves marriages.

Doooovid on Hanukkah 2020/5781

7:00  My message on Hanukkah

The Hanukkah message of Vice President Harris

15:00  Prophecy and miracles
20:00  Hanukkah is only a minor festival. 
24:00  Which festivals are more important and why?
25:00  Hanukkah trees
28:00  Israel
29:00  BLM and Polish nationalism
30:00  The menorah as a symbol
Adam Green
32:00  Antisemitism Report
43:00  Joseph in Exodus
48:00  Rudy Rochman

53:00  Soros, Trump, Kuschner
54:00  Russian trolls
1:00:00  Being Jewish marrying a shiksa
1:01:00  Doooovid spending Hanukkah with me, a shiksa
1:02:00  Fear of marriage
1:05:00  Honouring evil parents
1:06:00  Jews having fewer potential spouses than gentiles if they want their children to be legitimately Jewish.
1:07:00  Antisemitism
1:08:00  Edward Said
1:10:00  Jewish IQ
1:11:00  Women with high IQs

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Predicting the new moral and political system of the West

Great civilisations are great empires, great empires can only be held together by their moral and political system, and the most successful religions are the Abrahamic faiths because they worship the most powerful deity.  

Because Christianity has failed, it has been replaced by Liberalism. 

Because Liberalism has failed, it has been replaced by Cultural Marxism and Intersectional Feminism.  

Because Cultural Marxism and Intersectional Feminism will also fail, it will be replaced by Islam.

The Noahide laws do say that Islam is the most Noahide of all the five world religions.

You could ask a rabbi for confirmation.

Why so many Westerners are militant atheists who hate God

 If Westerners now reject Christianity because of the way their ancestors were forcibly converted and then intimidated by the Christian totalitarianism of the Inquisition and heretic burning into remaining Christian, that is understandable. After centuries of abuse by the Church, they rejected it as soon as it became respectable to do so.

The fact that so many of them are now militant atheists with barely concealed contempt for the adherents of the Abrahamic faiths is more a rejection of the absurdity of the Trinity and their corrupt Church than hatred of God, though they do not necessarily consciously realise this.

Militant atheists fall under the category of people who think liberalism is better than any of the Abrahamic faiths when it has obviously failed while refusing to discuss whether the First Amendment was based on and give credit where credit is due who also refuse to read the Koran if only to tell me which verse they hate the most, especially if they are academics.

The Trinity is dead and the kulturkampf killed it

Much of the New Testament is vague extremist nonsense. Rational and honest monotheists Jew and gentile should have rejected Christianity after the success of Islam but insteads chose to hide the defects of a religion that practised idolatry and blasphemy. This is in itself evidence of moral failure. Too bad Jews and Muslims never officially protested against this as soon as they could and even now refuse to engage on the subject. They need not fear the wrath of Christians because it is doubted that even the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury really believe that Jesus is also God. To all intents and purposes, the Christian who literally really believes Jesus is God is already extinct.

Would becoming a Secular Koranist make you more attractive to women?

It is possible that women will find you, a masculine man, suddenly very interesting indeed after you declare yourself to be a Secular Koranist. Perhaps out of sheer perversity and the desire to undermine the patriarchy which Secular Koranism is intended to restore through a one-party theocracy, immoral women will throw themselves at you in the hope of corrupting your morals. 

I am not making any promises, just suggesting that it is possible.

To protect yourself from immoral women throwing themselves at you to corrupt your morals, wear a T-shirt declaring 

"Secular Koranism: protecting masculine men from immoral women."

The fundamental ideological difference between atheists and monotheists

What is dialectical/historical materialism?

I understand this as Hegel saying the equivalent of "stuff happens to compound the effect of whatever it is that is affecting you as a society either in a good or bad way, I dunno, history will tell".

Marx used Hegel saying this to support his argument that eventually, we will *progress* to a workers' paradise if you implement my ideas.

Neocon neoliberal Francis Fukuyama said that if everyone in the world uses liberal democracy, the world would *progress* towards the end of history when all nations of the world will reach an earthly heaven of liberal democrats.

But liberal democracy failed on 3/11/2020.

Communism and Liberalism come under the category of progressivism.

Proponents of sharia would be anti-progressive in that they believe following God's laws alone and not presuming to *progress* towards anywhere in particular except to keep God's laws would get them closer to heaven on earth.

How are we to judge the soundness of these different arguments?

Hegel and Marx > God?

God > Hegel and Marx?

Hegel > Marx?

Marx > Hegel?

Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism > Nationalism?

Nationalism > Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism?

God > Nationalism?

Nationalism > God?

Monday, 14 December 2020

Josh: "The Messiah is not the Magic Man, he is just the person with the most compelling argument."


1:00  Wearing masks
4:00  China
5:00  Japan
6:00  Roman salute in Germany
7:00  Is China capitalist?
8:00  Chinese economists using the Austrian School of Economics
9:00  Marxism is capitalism in the Chinese national interest.
10:00  Imperialism
11:00  An unwieldy empire of many nations
12:00  Economic imperialism
13:00  Free trade
Berlin to Baghdad Railway
14:00  Thucydides Trap
15:00  A feminised and senescent nation with a low birth rate suffering from degeneracy invites attack
16:00  Too many shy Trump supporters
17:00  Verbal jihad
18:00  3 November 2020 and Texit
19:00  One-party state
20:00  Balkanisation and secession
21:00  A second American Civil War?
22:00  Partition of America?
24:00  Two-party system
25:00  Israel and China
26:00  Stocks and pillory
27:00  Police
28:00  King Solomon
29:00  Following God's laws
30:00  Education system
31:00  Heresy
32:00  Order through chaos
33:00  Klaus Schwab
34:00  Vaccines
35:00  Bill Gates and mass infertility
36:00  Made-up religions
37:00  Conspiracy theories
38:00  The failure of representative democracy
39:00  UBI
40:00  Liberalism is Nihilism.
41:00  Shekels
42:00  No important institution in a matriarchy is fit for purpose.
43:00  Liberalism
44:00  Moral and religious principles promoting social conservatism
45:00  One-party state
46:00  Psychopathic narcissistic nihilistic solipsists
47:00  Bill Gates, George Soros
48:00  King Solomon
49:00  Judges, Kings, Republic
50:00  Kings and dictators
51:00  Soviet Union and China
52:00  Russia, China and America are now republics.
53:00  Russians and Americans are white.
55:00  People hate thinking, Greg Johnson and ZMan
56:00  Liberalism and Christianity
57:00  Secular By Design and Orthodox Jews
59:00  Golden Calf
1:00:00  Aaron was a Republican or a Conservative. 
1:01:00  Trump is the Messiah and the silver bullet. 
1:02:00  Book of Joshua
1:03:00  The High Priest has two wives.
1:04:00  Rabbis and the Yetzer Hara
1:05:00  Celibate Catholic priests not as effective as sharia.
1:06:00  Taxes and a flat rate income tax 20%
1:08:00  A world without usury
1:09:00  Affordable house prices, the birth rate and marriage substitutes
1:10:00  Posterity
1:11:00  Hanukkah
1:12:00  Christmas on the Tenth of Tevet
1:16:00  Christmas and Saturnalia

1:17:00  "The Messiah is not the Magic Man, he is just the person with the most compelling argument."

1:18:00  Submitting to suffering
1:19:00  Teshuvah
1:20:00  Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre
1:21:00  The Three Supremes is the Holy Trinity of China
1:22:00  Magna Carta
1:23:00  King John
1:24:00  The difference between theory and practice
1:25:00  The symbiotic relationship between rich and poor
1:26:00  Superprofits used to bribe politicians to advance free trade
1:27:00  Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party
1:28:00  Bankruptcy and slavery
1:29:00  Abolition of slavery
1:30:00  Shanghai Jewish Museum
1:30:00  The Chinese War of Unification of the First Emperor
1:34:00  Legalism v Confucianism
1:35:00  The Eight Deliberations
1:37:00  Equality before the law
1:38:00  War and Peace
1:41:00  The French debt crisis that led to the French Revolution
1:43:00  The spoils of war

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Is Western philosophy definitely dumber than the Torah and Koran put together?

I think we can all agree - Jews and gentiles, atheists and monotheists - that the Bible and Koran are wiser than Western academic philosophy, can't we?  Modern Western philosophy is the collection of stupidity and nonsense designed to plug a God-sized hole after Liberals killed God in the Kulturkampf of Germany and the rest of the Trinity-rejecting West. 

11:00  Most Christians have never heard of Tertullian and it is not helpful to beat about the bush with these Christians because they won't get it. You can be shouting at them that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy for years and years and they will still pretend not to get it, because there are no so blind and deaf as those who refuse to see or hear.  

The Archbishop of Canterbury is so theologically ignorant he didn't even know he was supposed to believe in the absurdity of the Trinity or just forgot about it when he was trying to do his man of the people thing with his sleeves rolled up the way Blair liked to do.  

Rabbinical opinion is divided on whether Christianity is Noahide.  

If you want the Western governments to have more sensible policies that support social conservatism you need to go to the root of the problem, and you need to tell them Christianity is kaput.  

If you don't think your shoulders are broad enough to do this, pass it on to your Chief Rabbis to say that Christianity is kaput because it was a practical joke played on Christians as well as unprincipled Jews and Muslims who should have pointed this  out to Christians the moment it became safe for them to do so.  

Because of the First Amendment, It would be safe for Jews in America to say that Christianity is the least of the Noahide of all the gentile religions. If you are too frightened to say that to Christians, you can pick a fight with Chabad by telling them to tell the  US government to forget about Education and Sharing Day from  now on if it does not explicitly mention the Noahide laws.  

Did you know Rabbi Sacks actually wrote a whole book on morality for gentiles without once mentioning the Noahide laws?  

16:00  Healing the conflict amongst the Abrahamic faiths over the centuries cannot be done unless rabbis demand that the Disputation of Paris be revisited and it takes place while Islamic scholars observe and comment.  

34:00  This so-called covenant is a BARGAIN. Understand it as such. The Koran is the divine version of Trump's Art of the Deal. 

35:00  God loves those who understand His laws enough to argue with Him about them.

46:00  China had a terrible legal system called legalism and its law were deeply unfair and harsh. No justice, no peace. 

Because the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and incompetent, the Mandate of Heaven was withdrawn from it. 

I met Rabbi Sacks at the talk he gave on this.

59:00 Gender relations in Judaism

1:04:00  Female prophets in Judaism

1:11:00  God can be reasoned with. Hopefully Yoram Hazony can be reasoned with too.

Seriously, how long are Jews and Muslims going to put off telling Christians that Christianity is kaput and that the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human?  Because the Western moral system is broken, the Western political system is now also broken, and guess who they will blame whether Jews (who were made God's Chosen People to set and uphold standards for gentiles) warn them or not?  Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but you should still do the right thing, shouldn't you? I have a narrative that could be made acceptable to non-Muslim gentiles who believe in God and don't want to be guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Hashem and would like to put it to you. You owe it to yourself to hear me out, so stop running away.   

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

The First Amendment is based on 2:256 of the Koran

The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson and it was he who drafted the Virginia statute of religious freedom which later became the First Amendment.  

When Nietzsche said in the 1870s that "God is dead and we have killed him", he meant Liberals had killed the Trinitarian belief that Jesus is God in the Kulturkampf.

But Liberalism is know killing itself by stealing the election from Trump.

When Liberal Democrats have to cheat, lie and steal to get the election result they want, it means they neither believe in their own principles nor follow them.

This unprincipled corruption is sensed by China who is now kicking America's Australian poodle to see what Washington will do next, after the Americans finally decide who their President is on 20 January 2021.

Whoever is is deemed to have won the election by the Supreme Court will be regarded as a lame duck and so would any President who inherits her position from a lame duck President.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Unprincipled politicians and philosophers

Philosophy is political, and politics would be better if it were more philosophical ie wiser after considered debate. But Western philosophy is occupied by people who call themselves philosophers who neither ask nor answer questions and are too afraid to define terms.

Just like politicians, philosophers flee from engagement and debate because they are trying to hide their failure.

In a matriarchy, none of the important institutions of state are fit for purpose.

What is the point of having philosophers who don't know what principles are and have none, who are in effect nihilists because they are atheists?

Even if these philosophers claim to support a political ideology or have a religious belief, they will not be articulating or defending them.

In a degenerate matriarchy, even supposedly religious people will not defend their principles.

Why Westerners don't care that Christianity and Liberalism are kaput

If you say Christianity is kaput, Westerners wouldn't care because the overwhelming majority of them are not confirmed Christians and are in fact atheists. If you tell them Liberalism is "obsolete" as President Putin did in 2019, most Westerners would also be indifferent because they do not identify as members of the liberal elite.  

However, if you tell them that the moral and political system of the West has broken down, they might sit up and take notice.  

It is interesting that even philosophers who identify as liberal don't feel able to defend liberalism which is why liberals prefer to sneer, censor and disengage rather than answer questions. Liberal philosophers in academia are now merely covering up for the failure of liberalism and those who do not identify as liberal would fear to challenge it because they don't want to be "cancelled". The point is there are no philosophers with any principles they are prepared to state or defend which means in practice most Western men are nihilists who are no better than cattle who can only be motivated by bribes or threats.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

The meaning of life

2:00  Men need chaperones now. 
4:00  Gender relations
6:00  Nihilism
9:00  Nihilism is a product of atheism.
10:00  Nihilism is impossible if you believe in the Abrahamic God who created us to wonder whether He exists and ask ourselves whether we should obey His laws even if we don't believe He actually exists. 
13:00  Sharia and nihilists
15:00  Mask-wearing in lockdown
16:00  10 Commandments and 7 Noahide laws
17:00  The purpose of a pet
18:00  The purpose of wild animals eg salmon
19:00  Lions and deer and their harem
20:00  Fawn
21:00  The purpose and meaning of our lives
25:00  Masturbation
26:00  Sex toys
27:00  Those who play computer games all day
28:00  Minimum specifications
29:00  Decisions, decisions
32:00  The unexamined life is not worth living. 
33:00  The purpose of my life is to save Western civilisation
35:00  The purpose of our life is to be moral and rational if we aspire to be rational and moral human beings. 
36:00  Judaism, Jews and minorities
38:00  Knowing ourselves
39:00  Countries can be like people eg neurotic, proud, virtuous, vicious etc.
40:00  China, Iran
41:00  Western malaise and Blanche Dubois
42:00  Denial
43:00  Secular Koranism is the solution.
44:00  The meaning of life

Sunday, 29 November 2020

"Rabbi" Khaw discusses with Judas the reason for certain restrictions of Judaism from 48:00


9:00  Plato's Republic
11:00  Jordan Peterson
12:00  Libertarians
13:00  Curt Doolittle and Propertarianism
15:00  Wang Yang Ming
19:00  Verbal and non-verbal communication skills
24:00  There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so. 
25:00  Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
26:00  Wise and rightly guided
33:00  Principles and practice
34:00  David Hume
38:00  History and historical perspective
39:00  The difference between history and current affairs
40:00  Chou Enlai on the French Revolution/1968 Student Protests
41:00  French Republics
42:00  The French Islamic State
43:00  Amendments to the US constitution
46:00  Every cloud has a silver lining.
47:00  God knows
48:00  Rabbi Sacks
49:00  The problem of liberalism for Jews and gentiles
56:00  Why Jews treat Christians and Muslims differently

57:00  Jews can easily win the argument against Christianity because the Trinity is so absurd, but Jews cannot win the argument against Muslims because rational and moral Jews who are not Jewish chauvinists who want fewer religious restrictions would choose a Koranic theocracy which is already Noahide to a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences.

1:05:00  Rabbi Khaw says
1:08:00  Nihilists in a matriarchy
1:09:00  Liberalism
1:10:00  The Economist on democracy

1:12:00  Liberalism is an orphaned bastard whose mother never knew its father's name.
1:14:00  Communism has a father.  
1:15:00  Manchester Liberalism, free trade and neoliberalism
1:16:00  Liberalism is about punishing Trump.  
1:18:00  Nietzsche and Hegel
1:22:00  Why Western philosophy is shit
1:24:00  My contribution to Western philosophy
1:25:00  Secular Koranism
1:27:00  Socratic questioning
1:28:00  Wisdom

1:29:00  JUDAS joins.

1:33:00  Rabbi Sacks
1:36:00  Jews and Chinese
1:38:00  A man must not feel close to any woman not his wife.
1:39:00  Flirting in a burkha
1:41:00  Age differences between husband and wife
1:43:00  Immodest women and the scattergun approach
1:48:00  Whom to marry
1:49:00  Celebrities
1:50:00  Cohens
1:52:00  Levites
1:55:00  Mein Kampf
Don't read the Ralph Manheim translation!
1:59:00  What Hitler thought was wrong with parliamentary democracy

2:01:00  Hitler on oratory
2:04:00  "Democracy is a petrified fossil."
2:05:00  Monarchy
2:06:00  Being an ordinary celeb
2:07:00  Holocaust denial not forbidden in the UK and Alison Chabloz
2:09:00  The Roman salute

Do nihilists believe in free will?

Something bad must have happened to you or your society to have made you a nihilist.

If you have just realised that you are a nihilist, it must have been because of your atheism, which leads to nihilism. Denial of God's existence would naturally lead to an unwillingness to follow God's laws or any religious principles from which moral principles originate.

The moral vacuum of atheism can be filled by the monotheism of worshipping the most powerful deity conceivable - the Abrahamic God.

What if you doubt His existence?

You may doubt the existence of the Abrahamic God, but the existence of the *idea* of the Abrahamic God cannot denied. Even atheists who deny the existence of God cannot deny the existence of the *idea* of God. If God were a creation of Man, then He was created for a purpose and this purpose must have been to assist Man in his government, politics and law to keep his tribe, nation, empire and civilisation in existence and apart from others.

Error can in theory be corrected and lives and the direction of nations, empires and civilisations changed for the better or worse.

Can free will cure the degeneracy of nihilism?

Why nihilists are worse than cattle

In just the same way that nihilists can only be motivated by bribes and threats, cattle can only be motivated by the stick or the carrot.

While it is understandable that non-human animals cannot be expected to understand and follow moral principles, there is an expectation that men who call themselves philosophers would have some idea of the nature and purpose of having moral principles and show some willingness to discuss and debate these ideas.

Which is worst and best?

1) To be cattle reared for slaughter who cannot be expected to know about principles

2) To be a nihilist masquerading as a liberal philosopher while refusing to state his liberal principles or discuss liberal morality

3) To be a nihilist who does not know that he is a nihilist wishing to remain in denial that he is a nihilist

Cattle at least have the purpose of being eaten. The fraudster even if malign serves his own purpose. But the man who does not know that he is suffering from the feminine vice of denial is the most unnatural and to be pitied.

Effeminate Western men are overwhelmingly nihilists and therefore Westerners, including Western women who understandably despise their nihilistic men, are to be pitied, along with their offspring (but most of them will have no offspring).

Are modern Western philosophers wise enough to fill the moral vacuum of Christianity and Liberalism?

On the whole, Western philosophy is a fraud on Western Man and the disease of his civilisation.

It is laughable how many live philosophers revere dead mad NIetzsche and pretend he had anything that useful to say.

I will try to be fair to him and admit that I quote him saying that interpretation is a function of power, not of truth, but then everyone already knows that it is the victor who writes history.

Nietzsche also noted that the Catholic Church would be undermined after the Kulturkampf and attempts to separate church and state which he expressed through saying melodramatically that "God is dead and we [liberals] have killed him."

To be fair to Nietzsche again, he also examined Islam as a possible replacement to Christianity but did not think much of it because European military supremacy put Europeans above Muslims. It is understandable that he would make the category error of confusing Islam with the decline of the Ottoman Empire assuming that it was Islam that led to its fall rather than failure of the Ottoman Empire to follow it properly.

Are Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Intersectional Feminism or Liberalism viable replacements to Christianity?

Western philosophy is the antithesis of wisdom and a fraud on Western Man, who is now too degenerate to notice that his moral and political system have both failed.

Academic philosophers still in employment in Western institutions are not about to admit that their stupid degenerate naked fat ugly mad emperor has no clothes.

Is there a single modern philosopher who said anything useful?

Nietzsche said God was dead when he meant the Catholic Church was mortally wounded by liberalism after the Kulturkampf.

Hegel is the Grandfather of Communism because Marx adopted the Hegelian dialectic.

Putin declared liberalism "obsolete" in 2019 but not a single philosopher bestirred himself to discuss this.

The only public intellectual who ever mentioned Putin's pronouncement was the late Rabbi Sacks who must have known liberalism was a con trick but was too polite or afraid to provoke gentiles by telling them that their sacred state ideology had failed.

Before the rule of law unravels in the West, is it not now time to take liberalism out with the trash before the West becomes a series of failed states?

We cannot expect Western men claiming to be philosophers to discuss any of this because they rely on the supposed utility of Western philosophy to remain in their jobs.

The moral and political system used by Western politicians

What are morals?

They are rules of behaviour consisting of rights and responsibilities originating from religion, though atheists and nihilists (who pride themselves in having no moral principles) refuse to acknowledge this.

What is morality?

Morality is a system of moral rules.

What are moral systems?

They include secular political ideologies as well as religions. In the West, Liberalism is now the operating political orthodoxy that trumps religious principles. Interestingly, President Putin declared in 2019 that liberalism was "obsolete" which, surprisingly, did not generate any political debate at all. Those who dissented from liberalism already agreed, and those in the Western liberal establishment did not want its obsolescence discussed or acknowledged.

It is interesting that George Soros identifies as liberal.

Can liberal principles be stated and agreed on by those who identify as liberal (but who are really nihilists)?

Unlike revealed scripture, there is no official handbook to liberalism nor can liberals define liberalism or state agreed principles. 

It is already well known that liberalism is whatever whoever is leader of a political party says it is, and we already know what to think of Western political leaders.

The nihilist in denial that he is a nihilist

Can you be a nihilist without realising it?

Yes, because even if you declare yourself to be a principled man, you may in practice not follow or defend any principle, not even that of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality, which is the minimum standard of any atheist claiming to be moral and rational.  

You could pretend to be an adherent of any religion but not defend any religious principle at all.  

You could be the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury and still be a nihilist, if there is no principle at all that you would  defend and you have no principle at all that you care to state.

Religion is a group evolutionary strategy

Morality is a group evolutionary strategy and the most successful moral systems are religions which sanctify the practice of marriage. Religions last significantly longer than secular political ideologies because they try to keep to the gold standard of marriage while secular political ideologies invariably depart from it, producing the problem of degeneracy and causing the decline and fall of your nation and civilisation. Sexual corruption leads to moral corruption, moral corruption leads to intellectual corruption resulting in dementia and the inability to solve and avoid obvious problems.

China separated its "church" from its state a long time ago

Japan modernised and cut through China like a hot knife through butter during the Sino-Japanese War. Presumably, it was complacency and incompetence that prevented China from similarly modernising to their cost. 

After much conflict, they found themselves adopting the ideas of a self-hating German Jew. China is the most ancient continuous gentile civilisation in the world and is the most successful and longstanding practitioner of separation between "church" and state. You may have noticed that China is not defined by its religion. Paradoxically, it is also obvious that it operates under the principle of "cuius regio, eius religio" while offering freedom of worship to its subject peoples for a range of recognised and established world religions.

Article 36 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China of 1982 specifies that:

"Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief. No state organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion. The state protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state. Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination."

China is the world's most ancient continuous empire incorporating within its territories many peoples, cultures and religion which undeniably existed long before 1982.   

Nihilist philosophers pretending to be liberals who refuse to either ask or answer questions

If defamation is justified by truth, then so should any political opinion, however offensive, if we do indeed have free speech. 

Since political activism is about changing laws, and opposition to laws are based on whether they are necessary or fair, free speech is required to debate and challenge the moral basis of these laws.  

It has come to my notice that even academic philosophers do not know what morality is, refuse to discuss it yet claim that they have "won" the argument, presumably because they have a job as a philosopher while I do not.

Rewarding good and punishing evil

Can we have a world in this life where good is rewarded and evil punished?  

Yes, if we have laws that punish evil and reward good.  

Can humanity collectively agree to obey the Noahide laws?

Can nations be measured for their righteousness through how many of the Noahide laws they obey?  
If you reject the Noahide laws because they come from Judaism, are you an antisemite?

If you reject the Noahide ranking of the four gentile world religions that Islam is the most Noahide-observant, is it because you are an Islamophobe?

If you admit to Islamophobia, have you not already conceded that you have lost the argument since you have admitted that you have an irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims?

Have you noticed that those who hate and fear Jews and Judaism, Muslims and Islam are invariably atheist?

If these antisemites and Islamophobes claim to be Christian, why do they not recognise or care that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?  

If they really believe in God, why don't they care that they have been guilt of idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years?  

Are people who claim to be Christian really nihilistic atheists (who are also antisemites and Islamophobes) since they do not even have the beginning of wisdom to fear the God they claim to believe in?

Unprincipled nihilists cannot betray themselves because they have no principles to betray

We betray ourselves when we betray our own principles. But what should be our principles?

If we have a religion, our principles would be our religious principles.

If we are atheists and seek to be known as moral, rational and honourable, the we would have to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality and be prepared to engage on the truth, logic or morality of the thing until it is resolved.

Unprincipled nihilists do betray themselves when they say they make a point of having no principles. What loving father would allow any daughter he loves to marry an unprincipled nihilist?

The private and public purpose of religion

Can you be said to be moral if you make a principle of having no moral principles?

If you have no moral principles, you are a nihilist and a nihilist is an atheist who denies the existence of God.

To say you can be moral without moral principles is as meaningful as saying you can be full while being empty or leave a room without going out of it, or claim the rule of law exists in the jungle.

There is a school of thought that equates morality with conscience but what might trouble one person's conscience would not trouble another's if they have different moral principles.

Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others. That is the purpose of religion, which has two purposes: public and private. The public purpose of morality operates through the law, the private purpose of morality is spirituality operating through a clear conscience.

An atheist nihilist is not necessarily a criminal, but he only obeys the law because he fears punishment. His moral standards would be lower than that of someone who wants to obey God's laws because they are God's laws with the policeman that is God already inside his head.

It is not to be confused with having a clear or troubled conscience.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Conservatives who only want to conserve their dignity when their ideology has failed

Do you ever wonder why Conservatives never ever win any debate?

Because it has no agreed principles and has never been properly defined.

Conservatism was conceived after the French Revolution as a form of "theocracy lite" after Catholic priests lost their heads to the French Revolutionaries. It has therefore been a defensive ideology and has now degraded into an ideology of defending whatever the status quo is, good or bad.

Because gay marriage was legalised by a Conservative Prime Minister in Britain, we can safely conclude that Conservatism and Britain are both morally bankrupt. It is also under a Conservative Administration that Downing Street has in residence its first pair of unmarried parents.

Just as liberalism is really all the stuff Western governments have done and said, so is Conservatism. It would be like sacralising all you ever did in your life, good or bad, without examination or analysis.

The other problem with Conservatives is their flabby and flaccid response to debating important ideas and questions. Their fallback position seems to be "If I never participate in a debate, I can't lose it."

Morally flabby and flaccid men are the death of your civilisation.

An exchange I had with a Conservative:

Are you a Conservative?

A CON:  
Yes I am.

Do you think that the good of the cause is more important than [Trump's] ego or no?

I don't think it is just his ego. His supporters want him to fight on and will be disappointed if he doesn't.

How is he fighting on exactly? He hasn't even presented a case which people can understand what he is fighting exactly. 

Please tell me if you think that he is more important than the cause.

You don't seem to understand that the evidence has to be presented in court.

Yes I do. But why can't his team of lawyers cogently present to the public why the results of the election are fraudulent? It's been weeks now.

Please let me know why you think that the results were fraudulent.

Please tell me if you think President Trump is more important than the Conservative cause.

Conservatism is kaput, like Christianity.

Trump represents nationalism because he identifies as nationalist.

Why do you assume there is no case just because the evidence has not been presented?

Because he has had weeks to present why exactly the results are fraudulent and he hasn't done so. What is he waiting for exactly?

You'll soon find out.

Will we? 
People who want to deceive people will not be specific in their claims. 
Decievers deal in generalities.
That's why I ask people who make claims to be specific. If they can't then it's a giveaway that they aren't honest.
Does that make sense?

I don't think you can be a Trump voter.

You pretend to be a supporter to demoralise his supporters when you pretend to have withdrawn your support when you never gave it in the first place.

Because you only lied that you did.

It would seem that I said something that bothered you. 
Was it the whole Decievers deal on generalities thing which struck too close to home?

No at all. I have noticed that you often pretend to be supportive of something and then undermine it as a former supporter of it.

This has been your modus operandi and I wonder what your interest in me is.

Not all things are about you. Though narcissists tend to think that things are about them when they are not. 

I have asked you direct questions yet you don't address them. 

Also you speak in general terms on everything. Never do you get into specifics.
Those are red flags.

I am glad Trump is fighting it and so are plenty of his supporters. What do you expect me to say?

Because I only speak in general terms, I am a narcissist?

Thinking things are all about you might.

Why do you speak only in general terms ?

I don't think everything is about me.

When did I say anything to make you think I thought everything was about me?

When you asked what my interest in you is.

But why do you speak in generalities ?

What in particular do you want to me to speak about?:

Let's try by answering my question on if President Trump is more important than the cause ?

They are interchangeable.

There is a general statement. 
Can you get more specific about what you mean?

I really mean that Trump and his fighting spirit and the fact that he is fighting is part of his identity.

He is either more important than the things he says he if fighting for or he isn't. 

Unless he's only fighting for his ego. Then your answer about them being interchangeable makes perfect sense.

Is that what you meaned then?

I have already indicated that I support him and his supporters want him to keep fighting. What else do you want from me?

I would like direct answers to my questions instead of evasive (another red flag) ones.
I would like specifics instead of generalities.
See how so many things can be revealed by using questions and answers?

I have answered all your questions.

If you don't find them sufficiently informative, you should think of better questions.

Not in a direct or honest way.
But that's ok. 
As I stated before, decievers deal in generalities.

How have I deceived you?

You haven't.

Though your answers have been.

I don't see how any answers have been deceptive.

You make general statements on various topics. But when you are asked specific questions you avoid them or make other general statements. This is your modus operandi.

I have no other modus operandi other than to propagate my message.

But that message is just a general message. 

You don't go into specifics.

As well as you don't believe it yourself.

Which is deceptive.

What are you accusing me of not believing in?


I am agnostic.

Then why promote a system based on belief in a deity ?

Because we should choose the best available religion/moral system.

Why ?

Why not choose the best available religion/moral system?

Why choose the worst or the middling?

By what criteria are you using to determine what is the best ?

Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe because they worship the most powerful deity conceivable.

That's not true.

Name a more ancient and powerful tribe than the Jews.


Which tribe?

There are many Black tribes. But they were the original humans. So everything flows from them.

You can't think of a more ancient and powerful tribe than Jews.



They are not a tribe.

How so?

Nations consist of tribes.

Do you have a problem with Jews?

Are the Persians a nation or a people ? 

I have no problem with Jews. 

If you don't have a problem with Jews, why do you have such a problem accepting that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, particularly when you can't even think of a tribe more ancient and powerful than Jews?

You appear not to understand what is meant by a tribe, confusing it with race, nation and civilisation.

You're have no fixed beliefs at all, do you?

I have plenty of beliefs that I think are true. Just not all the same ones that you do. 

I believe it is a contradiction to believe in the Koran but to deny the author of it.

I believe that people who want to deceive others will make many general statements but nor specific ones.

I believe that some women hate other women.

I believe that Hitler was no friend of the Jews. And anyone who admirers Hitler really hates Jews.

Do these statements make sense?

As an agnostic, I don't deny God.

Did you say you supported Secular Koranism?


Please watch this 9+ minute video and tell me how life would be better living under Islam.

Is the West getting wealthier or more indebted under liberalism?

Iran before the Islamic Revolution was only a puppet of the West. After the Islamic Revolution, it was able to defy the might of America and its allies. This you cannot deny.

Christianity; Conservation and Liberalism are kaput, aren't they?

So you wish to pretend Christianity, Conservatism and Liberalism are still working even as your country gets worse in the hope that denial will eventually bring success?

Are you sure denial is a strategy to success?

Too many general statements on your part. 
According to you everything you dislike is kaput.

Prove that Christianity, Conservatism and liberalism are not kaput if you disagree.

We should dislike failed ideologies, but you are in denial.

What particular statements do you want me to make?

What does the word kaput mean to you ?

Broken, failed.

Are you really continuing to deny that Christianity, Conservatism and liberalism are kaput after what has happened to your country?

Why would you think democracy is a viable way of choosing leaders?

Are most American voters wise?

What is liberalism anyway?

Isn't liberalism just stuff Western governments have done and are doing?

Do you consider yourself Christian?

What are the origins of liberalism?

What liberties does liberalism give us?

What has Conservatism conserved?

What must happen before you agree that Christianity, Conservatism and liberalism have failed?

Are you denying that Christianity, Conservatism and liberalism have failed because you reject the only rational and moral choice?

Is the reason why you reject the only rational and moral replacement to Capitalism, Christianity, Conservatism and liberalism your Islamophobia?

Do you know that admitting to Islamophobia means you have admitted to losing the argument because a phobia is an irrational fear and hatred?

Are you a confirmed Christian?

Do you believe in the Abrahamic God?

Are you aware that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?

How do you feel about Christianity being idolatry and blasphemy?

If you don't care that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, does it mean that you are really an atheist because if you did believe in God, you would fear to break His Commandments, wouldn't you?


It's not indicative of a sane mind to send 17 different questions in a row without waiting for a response for the first question that you asked.
So I must ask you if you are feeling ok?

Are you saying you refuse to answer them?

No. But you need to act like a sane and rational person. Asking 18 questions one after another doesn't qualify as that.
Does that make sense?

Are you refusing to answer them because you know answering them honestly would mean you losing the argument?

I note that you are not making any attempt to answer my questions most of which only require a yes/no answer.

I will answer them one at a time. But please don't ask 18 questions in a row without waiting for a response to the first question. It makes you seem mentally imbalanced when you do that.

Asking simple and obvious questions you refuse to answer is a pretty effective way of winning the argument which you are too prideful to concede.

Your hysteric behaviour indicates an imbalance in your mind.

It seems you will keep continuing to complain and insult me again rather than answering my simple and obvious questions which is evidence of bad faith.

You amuse me with your pathetic insults and your clear inability to answer my questions honestly.

You are another liar and denier of the truth suffering from the inability to form obviously conclusions because you are fixated on defending the beliefs of your ancestors and displaying hatred of the people God must have sent to humiliate you, if He exists.

Have you been sent here to humiliate me?

It is humiliating to have both your moral and political system be seen to fail by the rest of the world. No need to take it personally though. Out of this disaster, the person who sees the correct solution first to proclaim it will be rewarded by history.

You seem not to like Western Civilization. 
Perhaps another civilization would be better for you to live in. Why live in a miserable society when you can live in a much better one that is a true patriarchy?

Define Western civilisation.

You can't answer my questions so you are telling me to leave before you run me out of town. Still not answering any of my easy questions?

Are you pleased Trump lost?

Are you glad the neocons are back in Washington?

Wait for an answer before going hysteric again.

Western Civilization is the social norms, ethical values, political systems,etc. that come from Europe.

Since you don't like these people why do you choose to live amongst them?

Why don't you answer my questions then instead of insulting me again and again and telling me to leave because you have lost the argument?

What people are you accusing me of not liking?

I am not telling you to leave. I am asking why you choose to live amongst people you despise?

Why aren't you answering my questions?

Who are you accusing me of despising?

Why not just answer any of my questions? I answer your questions.

Choose one to ask me. I will answer it then you can ask another. To ask 2 dozen questions and expect me to answer them is absurd. Please behave in a rational manner. This isn't some shithole country.

Are you not going to answer any of my questions?

I will. But one at a time. Which one would you like me to answer first?

I think I have made my points surprisingly well. I wasn't expecting you not to answer any of them!

I will answer all of them. But one at a time. Stop acting crazy and behave yourself. You seem to need a man to put you in your place.

Keep your insults coming and keep not answering my questions.

It's not an insult to notice you have no patriarch in your life. 
You do need a man to guide you. You are out of control and need to be humbled.

Unable to answer my simple questions, you are now offering to marry me!

I am offering to put you in your place.

Are you saying you can't even answer even one of my questions?

Which one do you want me to start with.

So you won't be answering any of my questions even after I have answered yours?

Name the one you want. Stop acting foolish little girl.

Now you're saying you won't answer any of my questions until I specify which and are trying to assert what you think is your masculine authority after you have lost the argument?

Ask politely. You need to not be out of order with me.

You are the one out of order.

[to be continued]

Ten questions on rewarding good and punishing evil

  1. Can we have a world in this life where good is rewarded and evil punished?  tNE Yes, if we have laws that punish evil and reward good.  
  2. Can humanity collectively agree to obey the Noahide laws?
  3. Can nations be measured for their righteousness through how many of the Noahide laws they obey?  
  4. If you reject the Noahide laws because they come from Judaism, are you an antisemite?
  5. If you reject the Noahide ranking of the four gentile world religions that Islam is the most Noahide-observant, is it because you are an Islamophobe?
  6. If you admit to Islamophobia, have you not already conceded that you have lost the argument since you have admitted that you have an irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims?
  7. Have you noticed that those who hate and fear Jews and Judaism, Muslims and Islam are invariably atheist?
  8. If these antisemites and Islamophobes claim to be Christian, why do they not recognise or care that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?  
  9. If they really believe in God, why don't they care that they have been guilt of idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years?  
  10. Are people who claim to be Christian really nihilistic atheists (who are also antisemites and Islamophobes) since they do not even have the beginning of wisdom to fear the God they claim to believe in?

Avoiding and solving moral and political problems with the Koran

It is actually the easiest thing in the world to demonstrate that all the problems afflicting the West could have been avoided if it had been following the Koran.

I wonder if anyone will respond to this challenge by a non-Muslim who sees a functioning moral system as absolutely necessary to the continuing existence of any nation state. 

The fact that most people will probably decline to engage on the basis of "If you never engage, you can never lose" is another sign of the effeminate risk-aversion of Western Man and his inability to use Truth, Logic and Morality to solve and avoid obvious and predictable problems. 

If the moral and political system of the West were still in operation, I wouldn't be a voice in the wilderness.

Capitalism and Christianity

Just as you cannot be a capitalist without practising usury, you cannot be a nihilist without being an atheist. Because atheists deny God's existence, they disobey His laws and make up their own. Because such men are mortal and fallible, they fight each other for supremacy, making the rules up as they go along, suffering error and disaster as they go in their practice of whatever erroneous ideology they have cooked up, be it Nazism, Fascism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Communism etc.

If God exists, there was a reason why He allowed three global Christian empires to rise and fall. He made Jews His Chosen People to promote the Noahide laws enabling Jews to set standards of behaviour. Having set them, they must uphold them by ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws with Islam the most Noahide and Christianity the least because of its blasphemy and idolatry. Jews are too shy to point out to Christians that they have been worshipping for 2000 years an executed revolutionary executed for blasphemy. If Christians knew their Ten Commandments, they would know that idolatry and blasphemy have been forbidden by God.

In any case, confirmed Christians are vanishingly rare and it is to be doubted that even the Pope or Archbishop believes Jesus is God.

Saturday, 21 November 2020

The theological origins of Christianity

Jesus was convicted of the crime of blasphemy because he said his papa was the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe whom Jesus claimed came down to earth to impregnate Mary the way Zeus did to countless mortal women.  

Jesus was convicted of the crime of blasphemy because he said his papa was the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe whom Jesus claimed came down to earth to impregnate Mary the way Zeus did to countless mortal women.

The Lovers of Zeus

The names of the Lovers of Zeus included Antiope, Callisto, Danae, Europa, Electra, Leda, Leto, Taygete, Niobe, Io, Semele, Themis, Mnemosyne, Demeter and Alcmene. Some of the lovers of Zeus bore him children. His liaisons with many mortals resulted in offspring who are described as Demigods. the famous children of the lovers of Zeus include:

Leto who was the mother of Apollo and Artemis

Semele who was the mother of Dionysus

Maia who was the mother of Hermes

Dione who was the mother of Aphrodite

Hera, the wife of Zeus was the mother of Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus

Demeter, the sister and lover of Zeus, was the mother of Persephone

Christians then claimed that after Jesus died he was promoted to co-equal status of the supreme and eternal God who created the Universe and His Holy Spirit.

Despite knowing the Ten Commandments and their prohibition of idolatry and blasphemy, Christians nevertheless practised their religion of idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years until they were allowed to deny the Trinity without being burned at the stake.

Once they began to deny the divinity of Jesus, they denied the  existence of God too, replacing their moral system with liberalism which now promotes global gay marriage, global transgenderism, global bastardy, global degeneracy, Intersectional Feminism, global atheism and global nihilism.  

Once these idolatrous and blasphemous atheists repent, global Islam will replace globohomo.

The Lovers of Zeus

The names of the Lovers of Zeus included Antiope, Callisto, Danae, Europa, Electra, Leda, Leto, Taygete, Niobe, Io, Semele, Themis, Mnemosyne, Demeter and Alcmene. Some of the lovers of Zeus bore him children. His liaisons with many mortals resulted in offspring who are described as Demigods. the famous children of the lovers of Zeus include:

Leto who was the mother of Apollo and Artemis

Semele who was the mother of Dionysus

Maia who was the mother of Hermes

Dione who was the mother of Aphrodite

Hera, the wife of Zeus was the mother of Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus

Demeter, the sister and lover of Zeus, was the mother of Persephone

Christians then claimed that after Jesus died he was promoted to co-equal status of the supreme and eternal God who created the Universe and His Holy Spirit.

Despite knowing the Ten Commandments and their prohibition of idolatry and blasphemy, Christians nevertheless practised their religion of idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and Abrahamic God who created the Universe for 2000 years until they were allowed to deny the Trinity without being burned at the stake.

Once they began to deny the divinity of Jesus, they denied the  existence of God too, replacing their moral system with liberalism which now promotes global gay marriage, global transgenderism, global bastardy, global degeneracy, Intersectional Feminism, global atheism and global nihilism.  

Once these idolatrous and blasphemous atheists repent, global Islam will replace globohomo.

The nature and purpose of the Church of England

The C of E is actually redundant since it is only a Creature of the Liberal State and will agree with whatever the government proposes.  

Does the C of E have a spiritual purpose, other that of rubber stamping whatever the government proposes including the civil partnership, gay marriage and transgenderism? To the extent that this could be argued to fulfil a spiritual purpose, the C of E could be said to be pandering to those who seek  admission into heaven because Christianity is now liberalism, and liberalism is now the state religion and moral system. 

What is liberalism though? 

Putin declared it to be "obsolete" in 2019.

Liberalism in the 21st century means no more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, which is neither viable nor sustainable if you wish to keep your society, nation and civilisation in existence.  

The point to remember is that if the British political establishment consists mainly of atheists and nihilists promoting atheism and nihilism, then the C of E in practice condones this and submits to it.

Those who ignore truth, logic and morality

The careless cannot see the truth, the corrupt will ignore it and refuse to act on it. Sexual corruption leads to intellectual corruption causing the inability to use truth and logic to solve and avoid obvious problems resulting in the decline and fall of your civilisation. 

The truth being ignored by Western Man is that his moral of and political system have failed. Western Man refuses to acknowledge this truth because acting on this realisation would mean submitting to Islam which would be an injury to his pride. 

Pride comes before a fall. 

If Trump fails to win his legal challenge, declaring the moral and political system of the West kaput with only one rational and moral replacement would allow him to make his point just as eloquently on behalf of the American people whose society has now become a matriarchy.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Who would oppose Secular Koranism?

If you are a Jew and you oppose Secular Koranism which is Noahide observant, you must be an Islamophobic non-observant Jew.  

If you dislike Secular Koranism as a gentile, you must be Islamophobic and/or antisemitic.  

If you are Islamophobe, you have already lost the argument because phobia is an irrational hatred and fear.  

Atheists who object to Secular Koranism would not be married parents and they would have no intention or prospect of becoming married parents. In short, they would be unmarriageable nihilists who do not have in mind the long term national interest. For this reason, their opinions can be disregarded because they have no intention of marrying or parenting properly any offspring they might have.  

It is safe to disregard people who do not think governments should at least have the purpose of keeping their nation in existence.

Antisemitism detector test

I wonder if rabbis would be interested in my antisemitism detector test which is very easy to remember and apply: you are an antisemite if you deny the status of Jews as God's Chosen People and the validity of the Noahide laws.

You don't even have to believe in God to accept that Jews identify themselves as God's Chosen People because that is how the Torah describes Jews. Even the Koran acknowledges the status of Jews calling them the Children of Israel.

As for the Noahide laws, why would any rational and moral person object to the Noahide laws?

What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding murder? 

What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding theft?

What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding sexual immorality? 

What rational and moral person would object to laws forbidding the eating of an animal while it is still alive?

What rational and moral person would object to the requirement to have a court and legal system to enforce laws against murder, theft, sexual immorality and animal cruelty?

What rational and moral person would object to the requirement to have a court and legal system to enforce laws against murder, theft, sexual immorality and animal cruelty?

If you were an atheist, blasphemer or an idolater, you would object to laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy, but there is a way round that. The Koran is silent on blasphemy and even guarantees freedom of belief with which is the basis of the First Amendment. It can be inferred that a Koran-based theocracy would in fact guarantee freedom of belief and free speech as the First Amendment does. It can therefore be inferred that such a Koran-based theocracy would accommodate atheists to polytheists including Christians whose religion is in fact guilty of both idolatry and blasphemy. Claiming Jesus is divine and having idols of him in church is undeniably idolatrous and worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe is undeniably blasphemous. The Koran however accommodates Christians who are referred to as People of the Book.

Monday, 16 November 2020

Liberal democracy will continue to cause degeneracy until it is replaced by a one-party theocracy

Every bastard/unmarried mother/unmarried father represents a trinity of sin.

No politician in a democracy in a closely-fought election will dare to alienate these people now.

Only a one party theocracy can push back the tide of chaos, criminality, degeneracy and decline. 

No politician fighting an election in a democracy would raise the subject of tackling the problem of widespread illegitimacy now.

40% of children born of unmarried parents in America is just the tip of the iceberg.

In Canada and the UK, the percentage of bastards is 50+%.

In Jamaica, it is 86%.

Behind every bastard is a pair of sex offenders and a pair of unmarried parents now live in Downing Street.

It will not get better unless something is done to shame unmarried parents and treat them as sex offenders who are agents of criminality and chaos.

What would discourage them other than now that bastardy has been normalised and made Prime Ministerial?

The cure exists before the disease

Morality is a system of rules designed the keep your group together and apart from others. Judaism is the most successful example of this because it cannot be denied that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe or that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. There are two ways to worship the Abrahamic God if you wish to remain a gentile, but Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, and Muslims are commanded to admonish those who claim that God has begotten a son by

Since the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human and there is a culture war raging across the West on whether Westerners want to be liberal or nationalist, Christianity has clearly failed. Since no society can continue to remain in existence without a religion, there seems only one rational and moral choice left for the West. While Islamophobes, atheists and nihilists insist on calling Islam alien, it cannot be more alien than Hinduism and Buddhism, can it? At least it comes with an instruction manual and the rule of law, unlike Hinduism and Buddhism. 

Judaism has the idea that the cure exists before the disease, even if sin prevents us from availing ourselves of the obvious solution to our problems.

Rabbi  Sacks:

There is an important principle in Judaism, a source of hope and also one of the structuring principles of the Torah. It is the principle that G-d creates the cure before the disease. Bad things may happen but G-d has already given us the remedy if we know where to look for it.

To be politically disengaged is to be morally disengaged

In political discourse, people are not interested in the arguments. In conversations I have had with friends and family who prefer not to engage with me in political debate, they are in effect saying: "We do not care to discuss what is right or wrong, we only care who wins so we know to whom we must submit."

These people think they are apolitical but are in fact being amoral atheists and nihilists.

An atheist and nihilist only cares to enjoy his or her only life and for this reason is easily threatened and bribed. Our politicians with the exception of Trump are indeed unprincipled atheists and nihilists who are happy to admit that they will do whatever is legal, while avoiding discussion of the morality of their laws.

The most important philosophical discussion we can now have is the nature and purpose of morality. It does not appear that there is a moral philosopher capable of discussing these issues in all of the West because philosophers disdain to discuss politics in case their job gets cancelled. Ironically, Socrates is now still remembered for the questions that got him killed.

Not only do Western philosophers refuse to answer any questions, they actually now refuse to ask them.

Common sense is rare in a matriarchy but common in a patriarchy

Common sense is only possible if you live in a society that obeys Natural Law. Natural Law is in conformity with the Noahide laws which forbid idolatry and blasphemy. Christianity is a religion that in theory and in practice practices idolatry and blasphemy because the definition of a Christian is a person who worships an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. We now live in a matriarchy and this means we live in a degenerate society that will become less rational and moral with each passing day and certainly with each passing generation.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

How Islam Achieves Fair Elections

Wouldn't Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds as unmarried parents be treated as sex offenders by of the Koran and attract a punishment of 100 lashes each for their bastard at Downing Street? Does anyone know exactly how many bastards the British Prime Minister has sired?  If such a man lived under the Caliphate, would he be treated as a serial sex offender? What does it say about British society if it accepts what would be considered a serial sex offender as leader of their nation and bastardy as perfectly normal and even think it is a good thing that it was Carrie Symonds who managed to cancel Brexit by getting Dominic Cummings sacked?

Christians should be put on notice of the idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity by Jews and Muslims

Know and remember what Christians did and have been doing for 2000 years now: they attached the rotten corpse of a dead Jew convicted of blasphemy to Hashem whom Jews worship as the Creator of the Universe.

If believing Jews suffer this without protest, it means they are no better than Christians.

The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is 

1)  the homogenisation of a dead Jew executed for blasphemy with 

2)  God and 

3)  the Holy Spirit.


In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons or hypostases, but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will. As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning. "The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" are not names for different parts of God, but one name for God because three persons exist in God as one entity. They cannot be separate from one another.

The Doctrine of the Trinity is analogous to putting Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit in a food processor and blending the three until they are inseparable from each other.  

How do Jews and Muslims feel about this?

How do Christians - assuming that they are not already extinct - feel about breaking God's Commandments against idolatry and blasphemy?  

The fact is that most people who identify as Christian do not believe in this.  

I would also venture to suggest that even those who have been confirmed as Christians do not believe in this either. 

Do the Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope believe in this absurdity?  

Should they not be asked by Jews and Muslims to give an account of this doctrine in the way that Jews were called to give an account of their religion in the Disputation of Paris in a rigged debate after which a great number of Jewish holy texts were burned in 1242?

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...