THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
8:00 Snorkelblog asks what the Aryan spirit is but does not answer the question.
9:00 It was he who acknowledged that he has been infected by liberal values and takes instinctively liberal positions.
Jacob Faturechi
10:00 Manufactured consent
11:00 The modern European is a poor shadow of himself
12:00 We live in a matriarchy.
13:00 Definition of society
14:00 Blaming Jews for multiculturalism
15:00 Immigration
16:00 Christopher Bjerknes
17:00 Greg Johnson
18:00 CK as an interlocutor
19:00 Secular Koranism
20:00 Jews and the New Testament
21:00 Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
22:00 Baseball caps
24:00 George Floyd
26:00 Daniel Sienkiewicz
Why must I read the Old Testament?
29:00 I need to understand the failure of the Jews, he says. But I already do. They have failed to ever call out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity and they have not failed to exterminate the Amalek.
Mass immigration to Toronto
I already know about the failure of Jews to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry of Christianity towards the Noahide righteousness of Islam
The other thing Jews have failed to do is exterminate the Amalek, but the sharia of Secular Koranism will deal with them since the Amalek can only be identified by their ideology. You would expect Amalek to be the people whose laws are most distant from the Noahide laws. This means Western nations who promote globohomo are Amalek. There is no need to exterminate them if they repent with Secular Koranism, however.
As for Jews, God would be very angry with Jews for not obeying HIs command to exterminate Amalek and instead assimilating with them and even marrying them. Jew and gentile marriages producing mixed up kids of Jew and gentile parents is the race mixing most disapproved of by God.
In summary, Jews have failed to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws producing the ranking at
ii) not being light unto nations leading gentiles away from idolatry by endorsing either Islam or Secular Koranism and raking Christianity least Noahide of all the gentile religions
Snorkelblog clearly thinks Jews would be killing people like him because he identifies with Amalek because it cannot be denied that the Anglo Saxon empire does indeed promote the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah which is anti-Noahide.
It would be in the interests of Jews to come over to Islam if they really believe in God.
Please watch this video. It is actually profoundly upsetting to rabbis who have no answer to the issue of ir nidachat. If Christianity is idolatry, then all of Christendom is ir nidachat. If this is the case, then all Jews who lived and died citizens of Christian kingdoms and Christian republics would be faced with the penalty of beheading, which is what they would face in their afterlives.
42:00 Adam Green mentioned.
Snorkel looks up "dictionary" instead of "secular".
43:00 Secular Koranism or Sacred Koranism
45:00 Follow the Noahide laws to restore the patriarchy.
46:00 Secular Koranism can come with your own national characteristics.
47:00 There are Christians who have no problem with the Noahide laws.
48:00 Malaysia is a Muslim nation.
49:00 I have to tell Westerners that their Christianity and liberalism are both kaput, because no one else will, not even believing Jews and believing Muslims, assuming there are any! I am like the Dutch boy who put his finger in the dyke because there was no one else around.
52:00 If Snorkelblog blocks me, I will just find another white nationalist who is also a married father to pester with my Secular Koranism.
53:00 We have no choice but to obey the laws of the most powerful being conceivable.
54:00 Definition of secular.
55:00 Believing Jews and gentiles ought to feel anxious about which scripture they should follow.
59:00 Secular Koranism is my baby that is fully grown, fully clothed and fully armed.
1:02:00 Are Western liberals Amalek?
1:04:00 Secular Koranism excludes the stories in the Bible as well as the threats and promises of God. It is only concerned with the rules. There are two sets of rules in two sets of scripture: the Torah and the Koran. The less restrictive rules are in the Koran which also guarantees freedom of belief with which is the basis of the First Amendment. It is obvious that the Torah is too hard for Jews to follow, which was why God if He exists revealed a later and better scripture for all of humanity. Do you remember what happens at the beginning of all episodes of Mission Impossible?
As soon as Jews transmit this message to humanity, it will become obvious to Jews and gentiles that the best way to better government in this life and a better afterlife for most of humanity is to obey the laws of God in the Koran.
1:05:00 What if a white Muslim man were promoting sharia?
Anyone promoting Secular Koranism whatever his or her race or religion would get rocks thrown at him or her since Westerners are overwhelmingly Islamophobes. But if America were to adopt it, the rest of the West would follow suit. If the rest of the West adopted Secular Koranism, the rest of the world would follow, including China, India, Iran, Russian and Ukraine. You mark my words.
1:10:00 Christianity dominated the world and even Jews and Muslims had to submit to their Christian overlords. But all empires come to an end, and we are the period moving from decay into renaissance. Secular Koranism would shorten the period of chaos in the way Hari Seldon's psychohistory was supposed to shorten the period of chaos from the fall of the First Galactic Empire to the founding of the Second Galactic Empire as explained at
1:14:00 Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
1:19:00 Immigration and Hiroshima
Why not ask why your government keeps allowing immigration though they know the people hate it without blaming Jews? Are you really sure you can think of no explanation other than the malice of Jews for mass immigration?
1:20:00 Nigeria town in Japan
1:21:00 George Floyd
1:25:00 Jehovah's Witnesses
1:27:00 If the Abrahamic God exists, there is no other god worthy of worship, is there? If the Abrahamic God is the most powerful deity conceivable, why bother with worshiping a lesser god?
1:28:00 Snorkelblog wonders why I keep talking about idolatry when I am agnostic. I am a Principled Agnostic. This means I must look at events and phenomena through the lens of both an atheist and a theist and provide two explanations for any event or phenomenon.
For example, Jews have divine protection because they are God's Chosen People or Jews are distinct from other groups because they are the first people with written scripture claiming to be from the most powerful being conceivable. Muslims are the second.
Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe so if we want to keep our group in existence and apart from others, then we must take a leaf out of their book.
This Christians have already done, but it crashed and burned through Christians associating partners with God which is the sin of idolatry and blasphemy and through the inferior scripture of the New Testament which is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance testifying that they met an executed blasphemer. In a rational world, the Word of God in the Torah and Koran would trump the word of mortal and fallible men promoting just the kind of idolatry the Abrahamic God specifically and explicitly forbade in the Torah.
The problem with Christianity is that its beliefs are patently absurd and no longer enforced by the government, which is why Westerners no longer even pretend to believe in it. The loss of parental authority means that parents no longer bother to make their children take confirmation classes to become paid up members of Christendom. Indeed, married parents don't stay together and most children are brought up by their unmarried mothers in fatherless homes.
Islam is Judaism Lite, so follow it unless you think Hinduism and Buddhism are good enough. India is a twice fallen civilisation and Tibet has been conquered by China. Sri Lanka is now a basket country. Westerners like going to Thailand whose men pimp out their women.
1:30:00 The fact that Snorkelblog doesn't get it about idolatry means he doesn't believe in the Abrahamic God that rewards good and punishes evil in this life or the next. Most Westerners don't, which is why they are too frightened of doing the right thing ie speaking what they believe to be the truth. People who don't believe in the Abrahamic God would be like cattle, easily controlled with the cattle prod, or donkeys motivated only by the carrot and stick with no principles they are capable of following. That is the problem, not Jews. There are plenty of people who only pretend to believe in God, many of them rabbis and Islamic scholars. They dare not speak truth to power because they fear the consequences of being cancelled.
I imagine if God exists, He would be punishing these hypocritical Jews and Muslims who only pretend to believe. If they did believe, they would only fear God and not be afraid of their Christian overlords.
1:37:00 "The spearhead of anything that is going to upset your culture will be Jewish."
Neocons are Jews.
1:39:00 Most Europeans believe their ancestors had an inferior religion.
1:41:00 If not Christianity and Secular Koranism, what else?
1:42:00 14 88
1:43:00 The real enemy is the Deadly Sin of Pride. You already know Christianity was better than the pre-Christian deities, but you continue to mourn for the Canaanites. You already know that Christianity is kaput, but you still reject a moral system based on the laws of God in the Koran. You hate the Abrahamic God because you hate Jews. You hate Jews because you blame everything you hate on them. Even if they are guilty of all the things you accuse them of, what are you going to do about it other than to replace your current moral system with something better?
The only realistic choice for Westerners is another Abrahamic faith, but still you reject it, determined to try all the wrong ways first. Personally, I don't think Hinduism is good enough for the European. I don't think it is good enough even for Indians. If the European were to adopt Hinduism, the rest of the world - including Indians - would think you have all gone crazy. All your enemies would move in for the kill, now convinced that you are suffering from dementia.
Why isn't Hinduism good enough? Because it doesn't even have a book of rules Indians now would agree to follow.
1:47:00 The effects of uncontrolled mass immigration
1:49:00 would allow Europeans to hate whoever they wanted provided they don't incite and commit crimes against them.
1:55:00 Shinzo Abe and African farmers
1:56:00 Matriarchy
1:57:00 Keith Woods
2:03:00 A narrow range of options increases the likelihood of making the right choice.
2:05:00 Reparations
2:08:00 What is wrong with following the laws of God in the Koran in preference to the laws of our corrupt and incompetent politicians?
2:09:00 How is what I propose "Judaic totalitarianism"? I don't call my solution Secular Torahism, I call it Secular Koranism. The Koran guarantees freedom of belief and worship with We already know that Jews and Christians did not enjoy freedom of belief when they took their religion seriously. Since I base my integrated moral and legal political system on the Koran which guarantees freedom of belief, how on earth is it "Judaic totalitarianism"?
I have already argued that Jews should convert to Islam if they really believed in the Abrahamic God who punishes evil and rewards good in this life and the next because it is the Torah and not the Koran that has 36 capital offences. Presumably Jews would be punished in the next life if they are guilty of any of these offences in their Jewish lifetimes. The one of ir nidachat must be the most dismaying of all for them since about half of them live in Western nations that are identifiably Christian. If Christianity is idolatry, then Christendom is idolatry. The crime of ir nidachat ie of being a citizen of a city that has gone astray is the crime of being a citizen of a city that has given itself over to idolatry. If Christianity is idolatry, then any Jew who lived and died a citizen of Western nation considered part of Christendom incurs the penalty of death by beheading.
2:09:00 I am double vaxxed.
2:14:00 This is my reasoning. If the Abrahamic God exists and revealed the Torah to Jews and the Koran to gentiles after dividing humanity into Jews and gentiles, then there would be no purpose in worshiping any lesser god, particularly if you are so obsessed about Jews having one over you. So if the Abrahamic God created the Universe and divided humanity into Jews and gentiles, the only way to have one over the Jews if you are gentile is to obey His laws better than Jews. The good news for gentiles is that the Koran is a less restrictive system which does not have 36 capital offences. In fact, The Torah is now too hard for Jews to follow and we all know they never followed it properly, so the only rational choice is to use the Koran.
So even if you don't believe in God, the Koran is still the best available guide to humanity, whoever wrote it.
2:25:00 "Jews and Jewish narratives control the world" - It could certainly be argued gentiles who appropriated the God of Israel control the world. It is Westerners who control the world with their three global empires. If you want to use the narrative of the most powerful God conceivable - the one who created the Universe and made Jews His Chosen People - then your worldview must logically and necessarily be guided by this narrative. The only way to break out of this narrative is to change your religion, but none of the non-Abrahamic religions have the power of the Abrahamic God. Buddhism is an atheist philosophy, Hinduism is the religion of a twice fallen civilisation. India first fell to the Moghuls then to the British. This means gentiles are only left with Islam if they acknowledge that Christianity is a spent force.
2:00 The only way of measuring the efficacy of any religion is to ask ourselves what religion is for. As I see it, the purpose of a religion is to keep a group in existence and apart from others. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. Hinduism is not good enough for Europeans and neither is Buddhism. It really is as simple as that. The very least any religion should do is protect and maintain the practice of marriage. Christianity has proven to be the weakest link because it let in liberalism which let in feminism. Liberalism in the 21st century means nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting and this means Westerners suffer from degeneracy. To suffer from degeneracy is to become weaker and stupider with each passing generation because of the problem of ever lowering standards of education and behaviour which will mean that our ruling classes will become ever more corrupt and incompetent if nothing is done to arrest decline.
If the problem is matriarchy, the solution must be patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.
Isn't it obvious that neither Christianity nor liberalism have an official handbook? Laws for gentiles was only revealed in the Koran. Liberalism has never had an official handbook and will not be getting one because no public intellectual will touch such a diseased ideology with a bargepole now in some attempt to resurrect a rapidly decomposing corpse.
4:00 If you agree with me that the problem is degeneracy in that the eugenic practice of marriage is not being supported by the government, then we must find the moral system that would treat unmarried parents as sex offenders. The Koran has which will do the job nicely. If not, what else?
5:00 A Jewess wrote the Japanese constitution,
6:00 Christianity makes you weak. It would be OK if our ruling classes knew what they are doing, but as we know, they are incompetent and corrupt and refuse to acknowledge problems so they don't have to tackle them.
12:00 Mother refuses to answer him about whether the world is better now than it was before.
17:00 Nova Scotia and Hokkaido
18:00 Lord of the Rings
20:00 If the problem is matriarchy, why don't you think you could get your country back by restoring the patriarchy thereby regaining control over the ship of state? It is feminism that is the problem and men are hooked on the idea that they can get cheap sex from women not their wives. That is what actually stops them from doing the right thing: because they are hooked on feminism and because they don't think anything they do would change anything in their lifetimes.
1:13:00 If God created the Universe, then everything in it belongs to Him.
1:14:00 The genetics of Westerners should not be bastardy.
1:15:00 Idolatry
1:16:00 If the Abrahamic God exists, He would embody Truth, Logic and Morality.
1:18:00 Ralph does not answer why he is not a confirmed Christian.
1:19:00 Ralph proposes to expel British Muslims.
1:20:00 God's opinion on the Trinity cannot be assumed to be in harmony with that of idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer.
If I were a logical Supreme Being who created humanity, I would be communicating with its members through revealed scripture.
1:21:00 Amongst people capable of reason, an executed blasphemer who was never in a position of political responsibility of legislative authority must be considered to have less moral authority than revealed scripture containing laws that are fair enough.
1:22:00 If Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, why would God allow it for so long?
1:23:00 The story of Abraham and Isaac was about the ending of the practice of human sacrifice.
1:24:00 Because Jews and Muslims are too afraid of their Christian overlords to call out their idolatry, I, a mere female and foreigner, must heed my moral imperative to do what these shameless hypocrites dare not do, and step into the breach, for the sake of humanity and Western civilisation.
15:00 Atheism is a category of idolatry ie self-worshiping narcissism.
17:00 If I were Administrator of the Afterlife, there would be Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist, atheist, nihilist sections of Hell. Individuals would be judged according to the principles that they said they had and how well or badly they followed them. Nihilists - who are proud they have no principles - would be graded according to how much harm they did.
19:00 Judgement of atheists in the afterlife
22:00 Noahide laws
25:00 James confuses the situation that existed after the Flood with the Noahide laws.
26:00 The Noahide laws as a measure of universal morality
27:00 Babylonian Talmud
28:00 Prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy
30:00 Burping while I list the Seven Noahide laws
32:00 Objective morality
33:00 Even murderers and thieves agree that there should be laws against murder and theft.
34:00 The principle of reciprocity is do unto others as you would others do unto you.
36:00 Surprises
37:00 The existence of enforceable laws against robbery
Incomprehensible questions
41:00 Due process under a court and legal system
42:00 James claims that the Koran states that life is produced by clay.
43:00 James is unable to cite the verse in the Koran which supports his claim.
46:00 Every educated household in the West should contain a copy of the Koran.
49:00 A righteous gentile
50:00 Atheist morality would be derived from the Noahide laws, whether they admit that or not.
52:00 No need for morality if we are utterly alone in the Universe.
55:00 There is no escape from God and His laws.
56:00 Life can still be enjoyed even if we obey God's laws or live in a theocracy.
58:00 A perfectly moral deity would support marriage in order to support the family in order to create a stable society that we all want and need.
3:00 Distributist will be more unlikely to give up his chosen religion of Catholicism than he was to give up his previous atheism because admitting his conscious choice was wrong is even more humiliating than rejecting the atheism of his parents.
4:00 Why Westerners who don't understand the burned and bloody history of Christianity propose to return to the totalitarianism of Christianity the way a fool returns to his folly the way a dog return to its vomit
5:00 Christians are the most violent and warlike people of all.
6:00 Henry VIII
7:00 Henry annulled his marriage to Katherine of Aragon.
8:00 Henry's son Edward
9:00 Mary was not declared illegitimate even though the marriage of her parents was annulled.
11:00 The greatest achievement of Jesus was to trick all those Christians over two millennia to worship him as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah, believed to have created the Universe.
17:00 Liz Truss
20:00 Christians prefer the idolatry and blasphemy of Trinity to the Truth, Logic and Morality of Islam.
21:00 The non sequiturs of people who suffer from a learning disability, a mental health issue or a defect of character
22:00 Jay Walker
23:00 The proper definition of words
24:00 Islam
25:00 Christians insist on worshiping a mistake.
26:00 The sin is its own punishment.
27:00 Jews > antisemites; Muslims > Islamophobes
28:00 Paganism < Ethical monotheism
29:00 David Greene and Carl Benjamin < Claire Khaw
30:00 Jayson Wilson
32:00 Denial is a feminine vice.
33:00 When men turn to women
34:00 No honourable and influential men left in the West any more?
35:00 Will immigrants act with more focus and effectiveness than the indigenous Westerner against the matriarchy?
37:00 Atheists, antisemitse and Islamophobes of the Dissident Right still not getting it that they need a new moral system.
38:00 Roblox
41:00 Cancel culture both ancient and modern
42:00 Jay Walker
42:00 Not only do Christians have to believe in God, they have to go the extra light year of believing Jesus is God.
44:00 Shut up and pray to Jesus!
45:00 Men becoming women
46:00 Was Jesus the supreme narcissist?
47:00 How should Jesus be punished under Jewish law if he indeed cause all those Christians to practise idolatry for two millennia?
48:00 The Koran is the best available to humanity.
49:00 Is hell stuffed with Christians guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?
50:00 Narcissists would relish the idea of tricking all those Christians to worship them as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
9:00 Post Christian Westerners who don't want to become married parents
10:00 Will only immigrants challenge the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah?
11:00 Do immigrants to the West consent to their daughters become unmarried mothers, their sons being taken to the cleaners by their ex-wives, their grandchildren being bastards, gaily married or transgender?
13:00 Muslims have to point out that Christianity is kaput for their dawah to be accepted.
Jews and Muslims should ask senior Christian religious leaders how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy and when they say it is not idolatry and blasphemy to worship Jesus if he is God, ask them how Jesus is God.
17:00 SAM SAMUELS joins.
18:00 The historical Jesus
21:00 Idolatry
22:00 No record of Jesus in Jewish scripture.
23:00 The penalty for idolatry for Jews is death.
25:00 Willfully blind Christians
26:00 Arianism v Trinitarianism
28:00 The subjects of the monarch were injected with Christianity at infancy to be confirmed in adolescence.
29:00 Globohomogenised Muslims and other assorted immigrants
Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.
30:00 Human DNA as a resource to be exploited by the global empire
31:00 Don't bring children into the Western world
32:00 Israelis resisting the matriarchy.
33:00 Most parents in the West are unmarried parents who don't care about their children being globohomognised.
34:00 Body contouring
38:00 Cellulite
39:00 Abdominal crunches, dieting and exercise
43:00 The body contouring machine
44:00 After the divorce
46:00 Fat cells and exercise bikes
50:00 Basic training
51:00 Losing weight by falling in love
53:00 Being in a good relationship is like a drug.
In 1999, the Church was separated from the state and became an independent organization, but the ruling body of the church is still decided by public voting (among members of the church), and mostly consists of the political parties. The Church of Sweden is often classified as a semi-state church. This is because of its formal separation from the state but its lasting ties with official Sweden, most notably the Riksdag and the monarch. The Church of Sweden is also the only religious organization regulated by its own law, the Church of Sweden Act, which stipulates that the Church of Sweden has to be a democratic, Lutheran, Folk church. As a result of the separation, people born in Sweden where the parents are members of the Church of Sweden since 1999 no longer become members of the church automatically at birth.
21:00 People only pretended to believe Jesus was God to avoid being ostracised or burned at the stake.
24:00 Prince of Peace, Jesus and Caesar Augustus
27:00 Rabbi Singer
28:00 Merchant of Venice
29:00 Jordan Peterson
30:00 Islam is a compromise with Christianity.
31:00 When the Messiah arrives ...
32:00 Gnosticism
34:00 Rejecting the Christian and Islamic Jesus
35:00 The Messiah will arrive!
38:00 Plan A and Plan B
39:00 Noahidism
40:00 Christianity
41:00 Free market capitalism
Triple whammy
42:00 There will be no Christian revival.
46:00 History is a process.
47:00 "We are at the end times."
48:00 Globohomo is being thrust down the throats of Westerners.
49:00 "We are now in a transition phase."
51:00 God won't be agreeing to disagree about Him being a dead Jew on a stick.
52:00 Social conservatism is shared by Orthodox Jews and fundamentalist Christians.
53:00 Mel K
54:00 Mel K's wishful thinking
56:00 Anticipating the will of the Creator
Islam in the West
58:00 Mel K
59:00 Zelenko
1:02:00 Joseph Atwill and Islam
1:04:00 Passion Plays
1:05:00 Constantine and his son were Arians.
1:07:00 Titus Andronicus
1:09:00 Rabbi Singer
1:10:00 Idolatry
1:12:00 Subverting the conscience
Joseph Atwill finds Buddhism attractive.
1:13:00 Muslims and their beliefs
1:14:00 Bruno Bauer
1:15:00 Government totalitarianism
1:16:00 Noahide laws and the idolatry of Christianity
1:17:00 Islam > Noahidism
1:18:00 Nazism and Bolshevism
Mel K
1:20:00 Florida
1:21:00 Noahidism
1:22:00 Christians
1:23:00 Beheadings under Noahidism
1:24:00 Universal Knowledge of God
1:26:00 Political ploy
1:27:00 Noahides are Islamophobes.
Islam has scripture, Noahides don't.
1:28:00 Rabbi Singer
1:29:00 The Koran corrupted because it has Christ in it.
1:30:00 Sharia based on Koranic principles
1:31:00 Secular Koranism is only interested in the rules.
1:32:00 Secular Koranism as a political manifesto.
1:34:00 The Koran has Jesus and Mary.
1:35:00 Noahidism has no scripture.
1:36:00 Islamophobia
1:37:00 Rabbinically-guided Noahidsm
1:38:00 There will be no rabbis to rabbinically guide the Noahides.
1:42:00 I have to accept the possibility that the West will continue to reject Secular Koranism, but Sam won't accept the possibility that the Messiah may not arrive.
1:44:00 I cannot pretend Secular Koranism is not based on the Koran.
1:45:00 Are there any Christians left in the West?
1:48:00 Our different positions
1:49:00 Orthodox Christianity and brutal Slavs
1:51:00 Secular Koranism
1:52:00 Why Christianity failed
1:53:00 I have both the atheist and divine explanation for the collapse of the West.