THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
51:00 I’m not actually Muslim and don’t come from a Muslim background. It is obvious that our laws should not be anything our legislature passes and they can in theory pass any law they want unless it is bound by a moral system. If you were officially Communist/Fascist/Nazi etc, you would expect your government to govern according to the principles of Communism etc. What are the identifiable principles of your moral system? The US government is promoting the principles of Sodom and Gomorrah and propagating them globally throughout the American global empire.
It seems only Islam sees the logic of your laws being in harmony with your chosen moral system, whatever it is.
If you don’t have an official moral system, then your laws would be a cushion bearing the imprint of the buttocks of the last corrupt and incompetent legislature that sat on it.
If you believe in the narrative of the Abrahamic God, you would have to believe that he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because it lacked even ten good men.
Are there as many as ten good men in the entirety of the American global empire?
Is America a Noahide nation?
Can any of these points be made to the Republican Party and would they be receptive?
I doubt most Americans are aware of Education and Sharing Day. Why not call up your schools to find out how if they intend to mark it in a meaningful way?
Wouldn’t the Noahide prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy conflict with the First Amendment?
The Koran is the only holy book that supports freedom of belief. The First Amendment is based on and doesn’t call for the execution of idolaters, blasphemers, adulterers and sodomites.
It is a simple enough point to make and people will be also interested in view of the indictment of Trump to prevent him from running for President again. The Noahide law requiring your society to establish a court and legal system is intended to make it more likely for people to receive justice rather than to facilitate kangaroo courts to perpetuate the rule of your corrupt and incompetent ruling classes.
1:30:00 If you think Jesus is alive, you think he is immortal. If you think he is immortal, you think he is divine. If you think he is divine, you are guilty of idolatry.
1:30:00 Jehovah's Witness believe Jesus is an angel.
1:32:00 Schofield and Israel Bible
1:33:00 Lord and lord
1:34:00 An angel is a creation God.
1:35:00 Athanasian Creed
1:36:00 Europeans have been tricked into believing in the Trinity for over a millennium.
1:37:00 Westerners have run out of options in moral systems, having tried out all the wrong ways.
1:39:00 Vincent says he is a social liberal.
1:40:00 Secular Koranism is not that offensive or oppressive.
1:41:00 Secular Koranism is bigger than Noahidism.
Jews subject to the 36 capital offences of Judaism would be subject to them in the afterlife. There are four methods: beheading, burning, stoning and strangulation. Once these death penalties are discharged, they are reincarnated as gentiles or Jews according to their preference.
If Jews think this is too harsh, they can always convert to Islam.
Muslims who don't go to hell get to heaven.
Christians would all go to hell because Christianity is ipso facto idolatry and blasphemy, but the good news is that there are actually very few confirmed Christians and Christianity is virtually extinct in the West.
This leaves atheists and agnostics who would be punished according to the Noahide laws they broke.
Hindus and Buddhists are already subject to the rules of reincarnation.
Liberal democracy has become a religion for atheists, what is call a “lived experience” - which means nothing more than someone’s subjective experience and dumb interpretation of things that have become part of a sacred narrative, but only to that individual because that individual is an atheist who worships his own past and his own dumb opinions.
Secular Koranism is Koranic Conservatism because Christian Conservatism is kaput.
Christian Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput.
Christianity is kaput because hardly any Westerner is Christian and the only people who have the right to call themselves Christian are confirmed Christians. However, hardly anyone identifying as Christian has in fact been confirmed.
Do confirmed Christians even believe that Jesus is the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?
Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Christians are supposed to believe in the Trinity which requires Christians to believe that an executed blasphemer is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Oh, and He was born of a virgin too.
Is it any surprise that Christianity is kaput?
Does it surprise you that those who have made the subjects of absolute Christian monarchs believe absurdities ruthlessly executed those who denied the Trinity by burning them at the stake?
George Orwell’s Big Brother had nothing on the Pope and subsequently the established churches of Europe in terms of absurdities the subjects of Christian absolute monarchs were expected to believe or pretend to believe.
Christianity failed a long time ago and was replaced by liberalism which has now also failed.
If Christo-Liberalism has failed, what should replace it if you are a social conservative?
There is only one correct answer, bearing in mind that there are only five world religions. The Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism are not good enough for Orientals, and certainly not good enough for the Occident.
China disdains to identify itself as Buddhist and its imperium is credited to its statecraft, not any religion. Even Communism has been adapted for Chinese purposes and is now called Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.
There are three Abrahamic religions and it is obvious that most Jews in Israel do not want to live the lives of observant Jews, preferred instead to be liberal democrats worshiping their idol of liberal democracy.
What would be the most suitable religion for Israel bearing in mind the saying of "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"?
If Arabs in the Middle East live under sharia and social conservatives in Israel want social conservatism without having to adopt a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences, what legal system should they adopt to get along with their Aran neighbours better after the collapse of the American imperium?
Secular Koranism if adopted today by a non-Muslim majority society would automatically slide into Islam once it becomes Muslim-majority.
1) Muslims who refuse to support Secular Koranism
The question is why so many Muslims refuse to support it. Is it because they prefer liberal democracy to Islam or have a fear of Islamophobes?
Muslims in the West who don't want sharia can be shamed as being guilty of hidden idolatry who prefer the degeneracy of liberal democracy to obeying the laws of God in the Koran, or being cowards and hypocrites whose opinions should be ignored.
2) Social conservatives without a solution who nevertheless reject Secular Koranism
Social conservatives in the West with no solution who refuse to discuss Secular Koranism with each other can be easily accused of Islamophobia. They will be completely unable to defend themselves against accusations of Islamophobia and the less rational person loses the argument.
3) Liberals who oppose Secular Koranism because it threatens their sexual liberation
Liberal democrats who reject the theocracy necessary for social conservatism, married parenthood and good parenting can easily shown to be unmarriageable degenerates who are atheists and nihilists whose opinions should be dismissed. The arguments have already been made and won.
55:00 Jews are not known for their love of nature.
56:00 Raised Jehovah's Witness
57:00 Noahide childhood
58:00 Equalising Jews and gentiles
1:02:00 Sam Harris
1:03:00 "Morality is not really real."
1:04:00 Liberalism is a moral system.
1:05:00 Justice and injustice
1:06:00 Comparing different moral systems through their efficiency and longevity
1:14:00 Private and public morality
1:17:00 Revenge
1:18:00 Revenge and retaliation
1:20:00 Vengefulness of Jews on Purim
1:24:00 Disease
1:25:00 Parasites
Christianity is a immuno-deficiency.
1:26:00 Liberal Jews are bad Jews because liberalism causes Jews to be bad Jews.
1:27:00 What are liberal principles?
1:28:00 Noahide laws and Judaism
1:31:00 Jews are becoming less observant and more of them are secular meaning they are losing their identity.
"Christians need to oversee these Jews."
1:32:00 "Reality is illusionary."
1:33:00 "Life is a video game."
1:34:00 DD identifies as "Christian Lite" but doesn't answer why he is attracted to Christianity. Because it is the religion of his ancestors? Or because he just wants a religion that is the religion of his ancestors?
1:36:00 "Morality is not real."
The economy is not real and this is not because it is rigged.
1:37:00 The economy is not what it should be.
1:38:00 "Religion is not real."
1:39:00 Illusion
1:44:00 Morality, ethics, empathy, reciprocity
1:46:00 Islam assumes that your laws should conform to your moral system, whatever it is.
Jews haven’t lived in their own theocracy for 2000 years, have they? If they had to choose to live in a Christian kingdom with an absolute monarch or a Caliphate, which would they choose bearing in mind that living in a Christian kingdom is ir nidachat?
7:00 Israel governed by Koranic principles would prevent the execution of Jews for breaking the Sabbath and worshipping other gods but respect observant Jews.
1) How do Muslims feel about making Hijra to Sodom and Gomorrah?
2) Having found themselves in Sodom and Gomorrah, shouldn't they support Secular Koranism as part their Islamic duty of jihad?
3) If they refuse to support Secular Koranism, could they be guilty of hidden idolatry?
4) Is the conceptual idol of Muslims who refuse to support Secular Koranism fear of being seen as extremist or radical?
5) Could the other conceptual idol Muslims could be guilty of worshiping be the desire to see Claire Khaw fail because she is neither male nor Muslim?
6) If the hidden idols Muslims are worshiping who refuse to support Secular Koranism mentioned in (4) and (5) are in fact irrelevant and irrational as regards their Islamic duty to enjoin good and forbid evil, wouldn't God punish them for their disobedience and hypocrisy?
2:16:00 Are the rules of America the rules of Sodom and Gomorrah?
What are Christian principles?
2:17:00 Gay tape on packages from Amazon
America is the new Sodom and Gomorrah.
2:18:00 The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
2:19:00 No marching in the streets required.
2:20:00 "We are and are not LGBT."
2:21:00 "We are infiltrated and a strong society."
2:22:00 "Is America a righteous gentile nation?"
2:24:00 Fighting back and voting intentions
2:28:00 6 January 2021 and CIA
2:33:00 The family
2:34:00 Restoring the Republic
2:35:00 "Marketplace of religion"
2:36:00 The First Amendment and a centralised religion
2:37:00 The American Revolution was about rejecting Christianity and monarchy
2:38:00 Thomas Jefferson's Koran
2:39:00 US Constitution written in 1787.
Bill of Rights ratified in 1791.
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom passed in 1786.
2:40:00 A Christian of the established church
2:41:00 John Locke
The social contract is a legal fiction.
2:42:00 Moral system
2:43:00 50 years of feminism destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.
Von claims Iranians loved the Shah!
2:45:00 Sexual morality and matriarchy
2:46:00 Political parties surrender themselves to Corporate America every four years when the go cap in hand to their corporate sponsors pandering to the female voter.
1:00 Which laws have the Israeli Supreme Court struck down?
1:30 Is a dictatorship always necessarily worse than a democracy?
2:00 Who voted for the members of the Israeli Supreme Court?
3:00 If democracy is the opinion of the majority of voters, why is it assumed that most voters are wise? If they are not wise, why care what they think?
5:00 Does democracy necessarily always bring about better government than a dictatorship? How do we know when we enjoy good government? I would suggest that when we enjoy good government, our society is not polarised and close to a civil war. What is the culture war about? Essentially, half of Israelis want to continue worshiping at the shrine of liberal democracy and the other half have had enough of it after six elections in five years. Those who want to continue worshiping their idol of liberal democracy are those who want to enjoy sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, and those who have had enough of the Israeli Supreme Court are social conservatives who see the point of two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship bringing up the children of their marriage.
7:00 What are the values of liberal democracy? Are they in harmony with Torah principles?
9:00 Is liberal democracy idolatry? Do Jews ever discuss hidden idolatry?
12:00 Which rights should be "human rights" and who gets the casting vote if not God?
3:00 Waton complains about people who would rather die than change their views
4:00 Problem with boomers acknowledging that what they believed in when they were young was wrong
6:00 Become Muslim to protect yourself from Liberal Jews.
7:00 UK Muslims fear PREVENT.
9:00 Harry Waton was not a real rabbi.
11:00 The Muslim message that sharia would improve government for Westerners
12:00 Sharia would prevent the break up of America by secession, partition and civil war.
13:00 Indigenous Muslims and immigrant Muslims of America
Reading begins
17:00 Judaism is a world philosophy
19:00 Balam in the Book of Numbers
20:00 Pinchas the zealot who executed a fornicating couple in delicto flagrante with the thrust of a spear
22:00 Pagan superstition
Attributing cause and effect to the Abrahamic God is Jewish philosophy which must not be confused with superstition since His existence cannot be falsified.
2:07:00 Islamophobes will keep rejecting Secular Koranism. Islamophobia is rebellion from God and is satanic.The sin is its own punishment because rejecting the best available guide to humanity is foregoing the protection of our tribe, nation, empire and civilisation from the wrath of God when we could be enjoying His guidance and approval.
2:08:00 Jews are allowed to become Noahides if they convert to Islam which is the most Noahide gentile religion, being Judaism Lite. Jews are forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised, but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques.
2:09:00 If Israel does not conform to the minimum moral standard of a righteous gentile nation, Jews do not have the moral authority to tell gentiles what to do and will not be heeded.
2:10:00 Gentiles will be better protected from God's wrath if they adopt the Koran as their guide.
2:11:00 Do Jews really think they have the moral authority to forbid gentiles from having their own religion or following the Koran when half the Jews in existence are heretical Jews?
2:12:00 The Koran is for all of humanity, including Jews.
2:13:00 Vincent proposes to create a religion more Noahide than Islam, but that would be inventing a religion, forbidden by God!
2:14:00 The Koran is a mercy to Jews who are finding the Torah too hard to follow in their advanced state of degeneracy after marinating for so many centuries in the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity as well as the degeneracy of sexual liberation being promoted by the matriarchy of the West.
2:15:00 Are there really any Jews asking for a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences?
2:16:00 Alan Cecil
2:17:00 The quickest way to Noahidise the world is to get rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws making Islam the most and Christianity the least Noahide.
Jews and Muslims should collectively ask the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God.
A panel of rabbis and Islamic scholars should consider the answers given by the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury to see if they contain sound or at least valid arguments.
If their answers fail this test, they should be invited to resign their position in favour of any successor who think they can more successfully defend the position of Christianity.
If there are no candidates prepared to step into the shoes of the current Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury unable to satisfactorily answer these questions, the two most powerful churches in the world should be officially declared by global Jewry and the Ummah to be idolatry and blasphemy for which Christians should repent by urging their ruling classes to adopt Secular Koranism.
2:19:00 If something should be done, it must be done. If it must be done, it should be done as soon as possible, preferably before the outbreak of WW3.
2:21:00 Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. If Islam itself is not Noahide, Secular Koranism is less Noahide. However, the current political orthodoxy of Christo-Liberalism is even less Noahide. We cannot expect currently degenerate Westerners to go from 0 to 100 mph in a minute and must be patient with them, building up their confidence slowly with the Islam Lite that is Secular Koranism, then Islam that does not have a holy book requiring the execution of idolaters and blasphemers to finally reach Noahidisim which would be executing idolaters and blasphemers.
2:22:00 Obsession
2:26:00 Secular Koranism v Noahidism
2:27:00 Gentle tolerant Islam which does not executed idolaters or blasphemers compared to Judaism which does.
2:28:00 To understand what Secular Koranism has to offer, you must first read the Koran.
Jews too afraid to tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers.
2:29:00 Arranging an honourable retirement for Jews from their role as God's Chosen People when their services will no longer be required after the world is Noahidised with global Secular Koranism
2:30:00 All Muslims have to do to obey and discharge their duty is to tweet tagging @Pontified and @JustinWelby asking them how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. Jews should join in too to discharge their duty as God's Chosen People teaching gentiles the Noahide laws before their retirement from their roles that is clearly a burden more than their overburdened Jewish souls can bear.
2:40:00 If Jews really believed in God, they would fear punishment from God meted out in the afterlife for all death penalties they incurred during their Jewish lifetime. Most Jews who lived and died as citizens of cities that have gone astray in Christendom are already guilty of ir nidachat - a capital offence.
15:00 Delaying marriage because fornication is allowed.
Long term pair bonding compromised by a culture of casual sex.
16|:00 Lack of parental investment
17:00 When the wage of one working man was enough to bring up a wife and family
18:00 Men cannot refuse the bribe of extramarital sex.
19:00 Complementary is not equal.
20:00 Co-dependent relationship
21:00 A pride of lions
23:00 Hypogamy
25:00 The status of men and the status of your nation
26:00 Non-whites in the West get mentally ill too.
27:00 Only Fans
29:00 Stupid or malign?
30:00 Immigration
31:00 The red pill and getting laid
32:00 Family formation
34:00 The dangers of fornication
36:00 Dating shows with promiscuous females
37:00 Excess men and changing the rules
38:00 Freedom
39:00 The unofficial religion of America is the pursuit of happiness.
40:00 The American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy, confirmed by the French Revolution and reconfirmed in the Russian Revolution.
41:00 is co-dependency in the negative sense, but partnerships are about being co-dependent on each other ie needing the other to secure the common objective, whatever it is.