THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Monday, 30 October 2023
Will there be principled Jewish leadership in response to global antisemitism?
White European men with identity issues
Saturday, 28 October 2023
Taking Stephen J James to task for his nihilistic warmongering
Men who prefer to die on the hill of their own dumb opinions
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 28, 2023
7:00 Space begins.
The romanticisation of war
8:00 Luke Ford
9:00 "Hero system" AKA role models for men
12:00 Groupies
13:00 Male display
14:00 Women are war booty.
17:00 Boris Johnson
19:00 Unprincipled men are moral jetsam and flotsam.
21:00 Immoral women and unprincipled men
23:00 Why Western women keep voting for more and more immigration
24:00 Is Stephen J James saying he would rather die than admit that I am right?
25:00 Idolatry
26:00 Hierarchy and principles
27:00 The British have no constitution.
Antisemites, Jews and their obligation to exterminate Amalek
Friday, 27 October 2023
Gender relations under Secular Koranism
Gender relations under Secular Koranismhttps://t.co/aoIIqk3IEe
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 27, 2023
5:00 Analytical philosophy
Rectification of names
6:00 Secular Koranism and Carol who didn't want to be seen to be supporting a one-party theocracy that tolerated licensed brothels in red-light districts and the reintroduction of slavery
8:00 The Marxist-Leninist one-party system
9:00 Shura
10:00 People's Democratic Dictatorship v Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie
11:00 Calming unmarriageable men down with cheaper extramarital sex
12:00 Geisha houses where men and women meet
14:00 Making the bargain between men and women clear
15:00 Women who have sex with men who are neither wives nor prostitutes
16:00 Free love
17:00 Jaded men and women with a string of failed relationships
18:00 Love hotels
20:00 Only unmarried parents will be treated as sex offenders.
The seedy side of town
21:00 Date rape in Dubai
23:00 Roosh
24:00 Straight outta Compton
Male preoccupations
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 27, 2023
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Vincent Bruno issues his Ten Commandments
Peace in the Middle East with Secular Koranism
Jews and Muslims are so wrapped up in their ancestral battles with each other that they do not seem to consider that no one really cares how whether Jews or Muslims are greater in victimhood.
To the extent that non-Muslim gentiles pretend to care about Jews and Muslims fighting each other, they would be antisemites throwing dead Muslims at Jews or Islamophobes throwing dead Jews at Muslims in the hope of shaming them into shutting up about their victimhood.
However, if the rest of the world would like to avoid the death, injury, economic loss and inconvenience of WW3, people should start taking an interest in the resolution of the Arab-Israeli territorial dispute.
Broadly speaking, antisemitic gentiles both Muslim and non-Muslim hate Jews and their Western governments for preferring Jews over themselves.
Broadly speaking, both Communists and Nationalists resent their government. Communists reject their dictatorship of the bourgeiosie and the Nationaists, as you would expect, resent the narrative that gentile Europeans who died in large numbers in WW1 and WW2 are treated as lower in status to Jews and Muslims in the 21st century.
This is because Western governments have made a mascot of Jews in order to create a trap for anyone wishing to criticise their government to fall into: antisemitism. The moment you question the privileged status of Jews in the Post-WW2 settlement, you will be accused of being a goose-stepping Nazi with the result that everything you say will be demonised and dismissed. This would of course confirm the feeling that Jews are indeed privileged and that this was somehow a nefarious Jewish conspiracy to have one over the gentile again.
Those who have always disliked Jews will incline to this belief.
Any knowledge of the law would tell you that who bears the burden of proof has a significant effect on the outcome of any prosecution. If you were accused of a crime, should the burden be on the accused or prosecution?
If the burden of proof were on the accused the prove that he was not guilty of a crime, how is he to prove it without an alibi? Without that, it is impossible to prove a negative ie that you did not kill or steal as accused.
In English law, the standard of proof for conviction of a crime is proof beyond reasonable doubt. For civil actions, the standard is the balance of probabilities.
Who are the Jews? This question is relevant for antisemites who believe Jews are synonymous with unmitigated evil, guilty of every detestable policy by their government.
Are you a Jew if your mother is not?
Can Jews themselves agree on who is a Jew? It appears not.
Is it important that Jews and gentiles can agree on who is a righteous and unrighteous Jew?
At the very least, wouldn't the righteousness of any individual be dependent on his ability to speak the truth and exercise logic?
Even if that individual had no principles to speak of, he is still redeemable if he is prepared to submit to truth and logic.
Can the Arab-Israeli dispute between Jews and Muslims be settled by Christians? The answer is no, because it would not be logical for Jews and Muslims who regard Christians as idolaters and blasphemers to trust heretics cursed by God worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God who created the Universe to adjudicate on their dispute.
So who would be the arbitrators to their dispute? Russians? But they identify as Christian. Indians? But they are idolaters. The Chinese are atheists who want to consider themselves wise. They are at any rate not compelled to believe in nonsense by their government and nothing in human history approaches the levels of absurdity the Trinity reaches.
This much is clear: you cannot be a righteous gentile if you are a Christian who breaks two of the Seven Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.
But what about those Christian Zionists who support the existence of Israel?
Their views do not count in the same way that the views of someone with no legal or moral capacity must have their opinions dismissed.
The Arab-Israeli dispute cannot be decided by Western imperialists whose imperialism is the cause of the Arab-Israeli territorial dispute. It would be against the rules of natural justice for someone to decide in his own cause.
Who is both Chinese and satisfies the condition of being properly grounded in Western history, culture and the theology of the three Abrahamic religions known for her learning and judicious impartiality who has recently published a book proposing a new moral and legal political system for the West and the rest?
Even if you are skeptical of the ability of just one individual to settle the Arab-Israeli dispute, don't you owe it to yourself to hear her out?
Monday, 23 October 2023
Doooovid on the late Samantha Woll
Sharia on rape
— Rob (@robontwatter) October 23, 2023
9:00 Harassment
Online Safety Bill
10:00 Feminine victimhood
20:00 Sexual history of the complainant going to the credibility of the witness
21:00 Compensation
23:00 Defence to rape: reasonable belief in consent
24:00 Saudi Arabia and UK rape statistics
25:00 "My truth"
27:00 "Confrontation with evil"
35:00 I return.
36:00 Women financially incentivised to accuse a man of rape.
38:00 Subsequently withdrawing consent
80 lashes
41:00 Jonathan Sumption and Keith Joseph
42:00 Heresy
44:00 Trust in the system
45:00 Men fearful of defending themselves.
The Empathy Gap by William Collins
46:00 Conventional morality resting on sexual morality
48:00 Deuteronomy 19:15 and Justice Kavanaugh
49:00 False accusations of rape
50:00 Licensed brothels in red-light districts
51:00 Thou shalt not bear false witness.
52:00 Male solidarity
53:00 The orthodoxy of matriarchy is not slut shame.
54:00 Husbands afraid of their wives divorcing them using the rules of no fault divorce being accused of marital rape.
55:00 Radio 4 afternoon play
56:00 American wife threatening to divorce her husband if he voted Trump.
57:00 The relationships sharia would regulate.
58:00 Making the arguments
59:00 Zarina Macha
1:00:00 Gazelle and Andrew Tate
1:01:00 Sameera Khan
1:05:00 quran.com/4/15
1:07:00 Date rape
1:08:00 The rules of natural justice
1:09:00 Denim Day
1:11:00 Joseph and the wife of Potiphar
1:12:00 Islam
1:13:00 Winning with facts and knowledge
Granville Thorndyke
1:16:00 Jonathan Bowden
1:22:00 Marital rape
1:23:00 Jobs for the boys and girls
Sunday, 22 October 2023
Stephen J James predicts the continuation of the American Empire and dismisses the solution of Islam
Saturday, 21 October 2023
Shouldn't we hate evil and doesn't God tell us the difference between good and evil?
Is Allah a Conditional Zionist?
Friday, 20 October 2023
Western identity
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 20, 2023
2:00 Dickson
3:00 Peter Hitchens and Cosmic Skeptic
5:00 ROB joins.
6:00 Parents
By Philip Larkin. They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had. And add some extra, just for you.
8:00 Daniel Miller at the Jaysun Horsley talk on Gynocracy
9:00 Male role models
10:00 Female permission
11:00 Talmud
13:00 Definition of masculinity
16:00 Autistic savant
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
"Hookers in hijabs with Slaves in Chains"
New Twitter @RealVinBruno - Gay Militancy https://t.co/nfazF4HEXl
— Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) October 18, 2023
1:00 The Commandments of Vincent Brunoism
4:00 Creative homosexuality
6:00 Polytheism and moral relativsm
7:00 Beyondism and ethnostates
Artificial wombs and artificial eggs
8:00 Cloning and two men having offspring with their DNA
9:00 Incest and inbreeding
10:00 Incest and clans
11:00 Hereditary diseases
12:00 Designer babies
13:00 Dumb liberals
14:00 Artificial wombs
15:00 Control group
16:00 Artificial organs
17:00 "Don't have daughters."
18:00 Making the female extinct
Creating a culture of hedonism
19:00 Isolating heterosexuals geographically and sterilising them through the water supply
20:00 Discriminating against poor people who cannot afford artificial wombs
24:00 Reproductive rights
25:00 Parenting
26:00 DNA splicing
28:00 Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.
29:00 Degeneracy
30:00 Patriarchy
31:00 Who will be allowed reproductive rights?
33:00 Monotheism forbidden in the Kingdom of Vincent.
34:00 Objective: make females and the five world religions extinct
35:00 Hookers in Hijabs with Slaves in Chains
36:00 Noahide laws
37:00 Vincent is offering the equivalent of lab-grown meat while I am offering slow-cooked wholesome moral fare.
39:00 AI disapproves of Vincent and SK
42:00 A morally neutral AI instead of the judgmental AI judging Vincent
43:00 "Secular ethics"
44:00 Vincent's pretend persona
45:00 Vincent pretending to be an overweight and promiscuous actress promoting slavery
46:00 Tricking AI
48:00 Obesity and bestiality "completely unacceptable"
53:00 Weird religion
54:00 Gender of AI and Secular Koranism
56:00 Vincent pretends to be Muslim on top of everything else.
57:00 Vincent accuses AI of Islamophobia.
58:00 Slavery
1:01:00 Who is the ultimate arbiter of morality?
1:02:00 Islam does not forbid slavery.
1:03:00 Without God, isn't there no ultimate morality?
1:04:00 Plus size queens not obese
1:05:00 Converting to Islam to heal
1:11:00 Muhammad
1:15:00 AI bias
1:18:00 Slavery allowed under the Noahide laws and sharia.
1:20:00 Social purpose of slavery
1:21:00 AI for sharia law
1:25:00 Universal human rights
1:28:00 Slavery made America great.
1:29:00 Antarctica and America
1:30:00 Institutions are bargains that are naturally occurring in any human society.
1:33:00 Social contract
1:34:00 Anti-Muslim bias in AI
1:35:00 13th Amendment
1:41:00 Are we the slaves of our government or God?
1:44:00 Sharia
1:46:00 There is no real answer.
Doooovid's Multiple Truth Hypothesis
1:47:00 Indefinable concepts
1:50:00 Doooovid
1:51:00 Plausible deniability
Binary system
1:52:00 We give up asking questions when every question is answered with a maybe.
Calling a spade a spade.
1:53:00 The ultimate question is whether God exists.
1:55:00 Aren't Jews supposed to teach the Noahide laws?
1:56:00 You can't have your cake and eat it too.
1:57:00 The law of the excluded middle
1:58:00 You're not supposed to be doing that.
1:59:00 Do Westerners enjoy more freedom than non-Westerners?
2:00:00 WW3 will be started on the basis of a lie.
2:01:00 Is God a Zionist?
2:02:00 Ken Livingstone
2:03:00 The sacred narrative of the American Empire is that Hitler was not a Zionist. The narrative of the American Empire is that Zionism is virtuous and anti-Zionism evil. However, the narrative is spoilt by Neturei Karta who are Orthodox Jews being anti-Zionist while the Nazis are on record for being Zionists. In order to facilitate the expulsion of their unwanted Jews, the Nazis had to support Zionism so there would be somewhere for the expelled Jews to go to. Actually, even Hamas are conditional Zionists because they say Jews can live in Israel but under sharia.
2:04:00 The most significant product of WW2 was the founding of the modern State of Israel.
2:05:00 Israel is important to the US for geopolitical reasons in serving as an American colonial outpost for the imposition of American power in the Middle East whose most important product is oil sold in US dollars.
2:05:00 Soft polytheism
2:06:00 Infinity is also one, trinity is also one.
2:08:00 Doublethink and neurosis
2:09:00 Freud thought we are all neurotic.
2:10:00 Certainty and predictability is important.
2:11:00 Being prepared to die for your country
2:12:00 Fighting defensive wars only.
2:13:00 Our gender identity
2:14:00 Encouraging our enemies with our weakness and stupidity
Islam has a 1400 year track record.
2:15:00 Dubai
2:16:00 Rotating monarchy
Holy Roman Empire
2:18:00 Moral relativism
2:19:00 Noahide laws
2:20:00 Liberalism is telling everyone to shut up.
2:22:00 Moral principles
2:23:00 Divine revelation
2:24:00 The nature and purpose of religion
2:25:00 Noahide laws
2:26:00 First and Second Temple
2:27:00 Defamation
2:28:00 The speech crime of lashon hara
2:29:00 Posterity and human institutions
Dumb democrats who want to carry on voting morally and intellectually crippled by their idolatry
Zionism is a modern political ideology. God is not a Zionist, and you seem to not understand the difference between Israelites,(Those who stand and fight with God), that the land that was later called Israel because of the tribe, and Zionism is a perversion.
— Peacock786 (@PeacockClub786) October 17, 2023
On the idiocy of idolatry
Conditional Zionism: God is a Zionist but not a liberal democrat
Tuesday, 17 October 2023
Sam Samuels on Ezekiel 38 and Doooovid with Vincent Bruno
Claire's one and only disciple has blocked her on Twitter
Why Carol AKA @peacockclub786 ex-Secular Koranist has blocked me
I'm not your private secretary I will no longer be responding to your tweets and am now blocking you.
— Peacock786 (@PeacockClub786) October 17, 2023
- She can neither explain or justify William Breiannis's claim that God is not Zionist. https://www.academia.edu/t/vVUhm-Rpu8YnJ-bDowF/resource/work/108217010/Does_the_Quran_Support_Zionism
- She refuses to support the one-party theocracy capable of establishing and maintaining Secular Koranism.
- She insists that the way forward must be to carry on voting even though I have explained to her that the political parties pandering to the female voter was what established the matriarchy of the West.
- She refuses to support the abolition of no fault divorce to support the eugenic practice of marriage.
- She refuses to support treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2
- She refuses to support my proposal to reintroduce slavery which has never been forbidden by God in either the Bible or the Koran.
- She refuses to support my proposal of licensed brothels in red-light districts or accept that quran.com/24/33 allows slave girls to become prostitutes. The verse says slave girls must not be forced into prostitution if they wish to remain chaste. This means if they are not compelled, then it is allowed. If slave girls are allowed to choose to become prostitutes, then all the more would freewomen since they would have more rights than slave girls.
- She ignores the fact that George Washington warned against political parties in his farewell speech. https://www.americanmajority.org/blog-2/why-was-george-washington-opposed-to-political-parties/
- She ignores the fact that God warned against dividing your [political religion] into sects rejoicing in your own doctrines in quran.com6/159
- She is guilty of the hidden idolatry of substituting her own unsupported opinion for God's and Washington's.
- She ignores my repeated warnings that the final destination of hypocrites is hell. quran.com/4/145
- She cannot accept that God curses Jews and gentiles.
- She places American public opinion and American culture (whatever that means) higher than God's laws.
Sunday, 15 October 2023
Vincent Bruno on identity and Munk Fu on religion
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 15, 2023
1:45 VINCENT BRUNO joins.
The Hamas Covenant
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement was issued on August 18, 1988. The Islamic Resistance Movement, also known as the HAMAS, is an extremist fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the territories under Israeli control. Its Covenant is a…
Goals of the HAMAS:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine." (Article 6)
On the destruction of Israel:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (Preamble)
The exclusive Muslim nature of the area:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Holy Possession] consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgment Day. No one can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it." (Article 11)
"Palestine is an Islamic land...…
The call to jihad:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"The day the enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In the face of the Jews' usurpation, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised." (Article 15)
"Ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and…
Rejection of a negotiated peace settlement:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as…
Condemnation of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
"Egypt was, to a great extent, removed from the circle of struggle [against Zionism] through the treacherous Camp David Agreement. The Zionists are trying to draw other Arab countries into similar agreements in order to bring them…
Anti-Semitic incitement:
— Lior Sela (@liorsela) October 9, 2023
The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)
3:00 Waiting for boomers to die, don't fund either side.
4:00 Reform of the Israeli Supreme Court
Alan Dershowitz
5:00 Islam is Judaism Lite.
6:00 Hamas incursion 7 October 2023
7:00 Without Jews practising Judaism, there would be no Jews. Without Jews, there would be no one to claim the right to a Jewish homeland or even to occupy it.
8:00 Kabbalah
9:00 9/11
10:00 Conservative clothing in times of danger
11:00 God would support the Abrahamic religion that most adheres to His laws ie not Christianity and not Judaism.
13:00 Jews who reject Judaism after Jewish emancipation
14:00 Islam is the equaliser.
15:00 Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
16:00 Why don't Israelis bomb Palestine?
28:00, 31:00 and 53:00 Batya Ungar-Sargon speaks.
— Alexander Dugin (@Agdchan) October 14, 2023
Let us try to describe one of the possible scenarios of further escalation in the Middle East. The Palestinian uprising begins in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Mahmoud Abbas cannot contain the situation, and seeing Israel carrying out a full-blown genocide in the Gaza… pic.twitter.com/9qlFK2iBdn
22:00 Noahide laws
The Seven Empires: A Multipolar Project
— Alexander Dugin (@Agdchan) October 15, 2023
The multipolar world denotes the coexistence of several empires, fully sovereign primarily in relation to the USA, against its claim to exclusivity and universality, and also towards each other.
Today, the world is gradually showing signs… pic.twitter.com/UZAYmjuDKw
28:00 US mismanagement of its foreign policy
29:00 Israel and blacks
31:00 America is self-sufficient.
White guilt
32:00 WW2
33:00 The cost of empire
34:00 Margaret Sanger and the bachelor tax of Rome
35:00 Birth control
36:00 Christianity
Leibniz's idea that we live in the best of all possible worlds
37:00 Christianity was meant to fail, Europeans were meant to cross the Atlantic.
38:00 Christianity a spent force.
39:00 All empires become a victim of their own success.
40:00 Patriarchy and hierarchy
41:00 Muslim grooming gangs
42:00 Generation gap between generations of white people
43:00 Intolerance of white people towards each other
44:00 Sexual mores
45:00 White culture
46:00 Boys not men
Generation gap
47:00 The many echo chambers we all live in
48:00 No common reference points
49:00 O tempora! O mores!
51:00 Is Christianity capable of Reformation?
53:00 Culture wars
54:00 Christianity has no codified principles.
55:00 Heresy
56:00 Manichaeism
59:00 Roosh and Christianity
1:00:00 Average age and matriarchy
Pope forbidding contraception
1:02:00 Birth rate and immigration
Margaret Sanger
1:03:00 Eugenics
1:04:00 Religion stabilises your society.
1:05:00 Intergenerational gap
Huckleberry Finn and To Kill A Mockingbird
1:06:00 Isolated in our echo chambers
1:07:00 Mainstream
1:08:00 Jordan Peterson connecting with his students through Disney movies
1:09:00 Pop culture
1:10:00 Moses or Marvel superheroes?
1:11:00 Frivolity and white supremacy
1:12:00 Mainstream
1:13:00 We need an official orthodoxy.
1:14:00 Neurosis
1:15:00 Noahide laws
1:16:00 Slavery
1:19:00 Jews
1:20:00 Christians culturally appropriated the God of Israel and MUNK FU joins.
1:22:00 Constantine
1:23:00 Council of Nicaea
1:24:00 History of Christianity
1:25:00 Esau
1:27:00 Isaac's sons: Esau and Jacob
1:28:00 15 year old twins with Esau being the elder
1:31:00 Jesus
1:32:00 Idolatry
1:34:00 Why God forbade idolatry
1:35:00 Kikes
1:38:00 Cultivate your own garden.
1:39:00 Why people want contradictory things
1:40:00 Freedom and restriction
1:41:00 Confusion, idolatry and blasphemy
1:42:00 Christians don't fear God.
1:43:00 Rebelling against idolatry
1:44:00 Jesus the teddy bear
New Testament, John Calvin and usury
1:45:00 Negative interest rates
1:46:00 Safety rails in scripture
1:47:00 Rules and Jesus
1:51:00 King of the Jews a sacrificial lamb
1:53:00 Non-denominational Christian
1:54:00 Non-Christian speakers
1:56:00 Religious rules
1:57:00 Christianity should not be endorsed by the government?
1:59:00 Voting
2:01:00 Medics
Bishops and cardinals
2:02:00 Gnosticism
2:04:00 Jimmy Swaggart
2:06:00 Pauline epistles
2:07:00 Twelve disciples
Paul of Tarsus
2:08:00 Esau and Jacob
2:10:00 Paul's Damascene conversion
2:11:00 New Testament
2:13:00 Witnesses
2:16:00 Usury and Hitler
2:17:00 Holding Congress to account
2:18:00 The Whore of Babylon
2:19:00 The worship of Mammon
2:20:00 Congress and political parties
2:22:00 Washington warned against political parties,
2:23:00 Hindu caste system
2:24:00 Corporate America controls America.
2:25:00 Rotating capital
2:26:00 District of Columbia
Leaving a museum behind after the capital moves again.
2:28:00 Flyover country
2:29:00 Mississippi
2:30:00 13 colonies
2:31:00 Left turns in New Jersey
2:35:00 All 50 states except Alaska and Hawaii
2:37:00 Fiery dragon and a ball of flames
2:38:00 Thanksgiving on the plane
Saturday, 14 October 2023
Will Vincent Bruno be the first LGBT US Secular Koranist?
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 14, 2023
Vincent's Facebook problems
6:00 Instagram
7:00 Gab
8:00 East, west, Twitter's best.
The new Vincent
10:00 Time for Vincent Bruno to move on over to Secular Koranism.
11:00 Vincent's market ideas for Secular Koranism
12:00 Image of Secular Koranism
13:00 Hadith
14:00 Vincent as the first gay American Secular Koranist
15:00 Battlestar Gallactica
16:00 Moral relativism
Hard and soft polytheism
17:00 Rabbinical positions on Christianity
18:00 Moses Mendelssohn
19:00 Hamas incursion
20:00 Harvard students
22:00 False flag attack
23:00 Israel supporters are boomers who will be dead soon.
24:00 Reform of the Israeli Supreme Court
26:00 Retarded rabbis
27:00 Noahide laws
28:00 Muslims to shame rabbis into ranking the four gentile religions
29:00 Rabbis to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
30:00 Noahidism and Secular Koranism
31:00 Vincent is not going to be Chief Administrator of the Noahide laws.
32:00 Low status stupid Noahides
Alan Cecil
33:00 Jews, Christians and Muslims avoid me.
34:00 Antisemitic anti-intellectual Muslims
35:00 I have more intellectual honesty than the average rabbi, Christian theologian or Islamic scholar.
36:00 Daniel Haqiqatjou
Vincent Bruno as the first gay American Secular Koranist
37:00 I can handle myself.
38:00 "The Mossad" of Jewminati
39:00 Knowledge of Noahides
Jon Voigt
41:00 Rabbis and Islamic scholars won't talk to me.
Anti-intellectual Muslims
43:00 The narrative of Jews, Christians and Muslims being under a curse
Moon landings and flat earthers
44:00 Doooovid and Church of Entropy
45:00 "White men are universal garbage and absolute trash."
46:00 Nazis were effective, unlike degenerate white nationalists.
47:00 Nazis were capable of following orders, unlike white nationalists.
48:00 White nationalists and their pie in the sky plans to live on a farm
49:00 Roosh and "tradwomen"
50:00 1:20 ration of women to men
51:00 Meming their way to an ethnostate
52:00 Degenerates so stupid they deserve to suffer
53:00 White nationalists unworthy of respect
54:00 Debate exchange and Betfair
55:00 Listening to dumb people
56:00 Secular Koranism is like the Abrahamic God.
57:00 Respecting religions with ancient scriptures
58:00 Loved, hated and known
59:00 Agnosticism
1:00:00 Riding to town on the coat tails of the Ummah
1:01:00 Are Jews always smarter than gentiles?
1:02:00 Vincent Bruno as a Secular Koranist
1:03:00 Noahide laws
1:04:00 Secular Koranism is softkill and insidious.
1:05:00 Prostitutes
1:06:00 Margaret Sanger
1:07:00 Ann Coulter and Sameera Khan
You don't have to like Jews to be a Zionist/Nazis were Zionists too
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 14, 2023
2:00 ROB joins.
3:00 Madagascar Plan
4:00 World Zionist Congress
5:00 Michelle Renouf
7:00 Is anti-Zionism also antisemitism?
8:00 Ken Livingstone on Nazi Zionism
9:00 Madagascar
10:00 Edict of Expulsion 1290
14:00 It is not illegal to dislike Jews.
15:00 Jews are equated with the American Empire, the ruling classes, the liberal order, Freemasons and whatever antisemitic gentiles hate.
16:00 Is the problem liberalism or Jewry?
17:00 Yuval Harari's Sapiens
25:00 Mormon beliefs
26:00 Failure of Christo-Liberalism
"Hamas advocates the creation of an Islamic state over the combined territory of Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip (i.e., from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea)." pic.twitter.com/2kQfBYF6ij
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) October 12, 2023
29:00 Rabbi Mizrachi has said that it is easier to bring up good Jewish children in Iran than in Israel.
Secular Koranism is the middle way between liberalism and a Torah theocracy.
30:00 If Islam is Judaism Lite and Secular Koranism is Islam Lite, why would secular Jews object to it if by adopting it, they obtain peaceful enjoyment of Israel?
31:00 Rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
32:00 Idolatry and blasphemy forbidden to both Jews and gentiles.
33:00 Christians are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy.
34:00 How is Jesus God?
35:00 "My father and I are one."
36:00 The New Testament is hearsay evidence.
37:00 The Torah and Koran are direct evidence of God.
38:00 Council of Nicaea
40:00 Arianism v Trinitarianism
41:00 The many illegitimate and semi-divine offspring of Zeus
42:00 Edict of Thessalonica
God of Israel
43:00 The father precedes the son.
44:00 The absurdity of the Trinity
45:00 The American Revolution
45:00 The French and Russian Revolutions
46:00 Fascism
48:00 Decline and degeneracy can be reversed with Secular Koranism.
49:00 Redemption of the West with Secular Koranism
Thursday, 12 October 2023
Reason v Religion; Atheism v Religion
This Israel genocide that we see occuring right now is bringing to the forefront a conversation not new. Emotion vs reason. God's plan or no just God?
— NÅ«r Abdul-Qawi (@thepathofnur) October 12, 2023
Join later on to listen or participate.
2:00 The problem of evil
3:00 Emotion and impartiality
4:00 Aisha
Islam is the perfect balance of Faith and Reason.
5:00 Emotional logic
6:00 Israel should be a theocracy.
7:00 Imperial guilt
8:00 Coalition of Jews and Muslims
9:00 Israel is an American military outpost.
10:00 China
11:00 Anger and impatience
12:00 Susceptibility to idolatry, monarchy and a strong man
Human evolution is religion.
13:00 Primates and chimpanzees
14:00 The Torah
15:00 Republic or monarchy
17:00 Meritocracy or monarchy
18:00 Reasoning with rules rather than "reasoning" with our emotions
19:00 Aisha and the varying age of marriage throughout the ages
20:00 "Paedo prophet" and seatbelts
21:00 Making life predictable with the rule of law
22:00 Noahide laws
23:00 Making Westerners choose Islam
24:00 The Koran reads like the Word of God.
25:00 Materialism is idolatry.
26:00 We must believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished in order to ourselves reward good and punish evil.
27:00 Our base appetites
28:00 We are here to be tested.
29:00 Politicians who cannot think beyond the next election
30:00 Terrorism and the KKK
31:00 Hamas
32:00 Emotional blackmail on social media
33:00 Nation of Islam
34:00 Israel
36:00 Being and looking stupid
37:00 Being made to feel stupid for asking questions
38:00 Irrational emotionalism encouraged.
39:00 War propaganda
40:00 Arguing with women
Simp or tyrant
41:00 Politics, culture and masculinity
Principled masculine men outlawed.
42:00 Principles make the men.
No religion, no moral principles, no principled men, no defenders of the nation.
43:00 Feminine emotion is chaos.
44:00 Feminised men
45:00 How will the next hundred years be?
46:00 Progress and advancement of society
WW2 and Hitler
47:00 Muslims and secularism
48:00 Delayed gratification
49:00 Cessation, teshuvah and accountability
50:00 Covid and comfort
51:00 The problem of people not fighting for principles
52:00 Trump and Vivek
53:00 Ron Paul voter afraid to defend his intention to vote Trump
54:00 Vivek and Obama
56:00 Rainbow White House
58:00 Trump sacrificed a peaceful retirement on a point of principle
59:00 Rabbi who saw Trump as almost messianic
1:00:00 quran.com/41/21
AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry
Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00 [Reading begins.] 18:00 The harm of idolatry 25:00 [Reading begins.] 33:...
The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...