Tuesday 2 July 2024

KAMALA HARRIS and other trouble-making women

Claire Khaw introduces Secular Koranism to philosophers and theologians from 1:47:00

1:58:00  Titanic

2:07:00  I ask the link between theological and philosophy and am bombarded with Hegel and Schmitt. 

2:09:00  Sharia

2:10:00  "Jewish bullshit"

2:12:00  Orthodox Christians

2:13:00  John the Apostle

2:14:00  The New Testament is not divine. 

2:15:00  The Torah is the Five Books of the Pentateuch.

2:16:00  Early Christians were Jews.

2:19:00  Jewish/Islamic theology is Jewish/Islamic philosophy. 

2:20:00  The paradox of antisemites worshiping a Jew

2:21:00  The problem is that America does not have an official moral system.

2:22:00  Blame the French for secularism.

2:24:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.

2:59:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

3:02:00  Hadith

The  Koran denies Jesus died on the cross.

2:25:00  How to make America Secular Koranist


2:27:00  The Noahide laws



2:29:00  Education and Sharing Day

2:30:00  Noahide laws v sharia

2:31:00  quran.com/2/256



2:35:00  Why the Noahide laws were deleted from the proclamation

2:36:00  The First Amendment

2:38:00  Idolatry

2:41:00  Icons

2:43:00  Secular Koranism

2:44:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.


3:03:00  I am a "Jewish Nazi". 

3:04:00  Sexual offences under Secular Koranism

3:09:00  Apostasy will not be punished under Secular Koranism.

3:13:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

Monday 1 July 2024

Caleb Maupin's diagnosis of the problem and his solution

39:00  The precariat
44:00  No need for a proletariat.
A prison state
45:00  The matriarchy encourages its charges to kill themselves and take drugs.

Talking to Luke Ford about the Biden-Trump debate from 31:00

31:00  Commentary of Caleb Maupin

1:07:00  "Something's off here."
1:10:00  Biden snarling
1:14:00  Trump's position on NATO
1:15:00  Trump called Bidenn a Palestinian.
1:17:00  Trump on abortion
1:20:00  Republicans moving to the plebs and Democrats moving to the patricians.

32:00  Luke Ford doesn't think Biden will be replaced by Gavin Newsom.
33:00  Many Democrat voters are stupid single mothers.
34:00  Trump/Biden debate
35:00  Inability of Biden to blink
36:00  Vicarious embarrassment felt by Hungarian for Americans
39:00  Caleb Maupin
40:00  Gavin Newsom
42:00  Samuel Moyn in Granta

45:00  Utopian outlet
47:00  1968 student riots
48:00  Human rights
49:00  Vietnam War
Siding with the underdog
50:00  Benefactors are gratified by their generosity when they find a suitably pathetic and needy recipient. 
51:00  The status of donor is higher than that  of recipient.
52:00  Learned  helplessness and Lady Bountiful
55:00  Womenn who pay for dates
57:00  Phatic communications
57:00  Unnecessary communications after the relationship
1:01:00  We mustn't irritate the love object. 
1:02:00  Instinctive and compulsive behaviour
1:03:00  The 70s was a launchpad for degeneracy.
1:04:00  Gay sex is cheap sex.
1:05:00  Married sex is the most expensive form of sex.
1:06:00  Daddy Issues
1:07:00  Situationship
1:08:00  Our ruling classes tend to be married.
1:09:00  Marriage is only for the elites.
1:10:00  Caleb Maupin's analysis rejected by Luke Ford
1:11:00  Less support for marriage now than before.

Gay man is disgusted by the dysgenics of women chasing men


6:00  Why men love the idea of women running after them

10:00  Does the male or female choose?

13:00  Family approval

16:00  NUR mentioned



18:00  Situationships

JP conference - guess what JP is short for?

2:27:00  "Jews use our vices against us."

3:03:00  Did Jews kill Christ or not? Does the Koran have the answer? 

3:06:00  @SamParkerSenate proposes the separation of synagogue and the state. 

Does he want to abolish Education and Sharing Day? 

3:11:00  @EMichaelJones1 says Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Satanist.
3:11:30  Did Jews or liberalism "destroy the moral consensus"? Doesn't liberalism mean sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting? Aren't religionless antisemites scapegoating Jews for their own vices, when it is their religionlessness that is the problem?

3:13:00  "Antisemites of the world unite!"

3:15:00  "Blacks are more Jew-wise."

3:16:00  The whites have become black.

3:17:00  "Classical masculinity no longer exists in the West."

Are Jews being scapegoated for feminism?

3:21:00  "Jews treat us like guinea pigs."

4:07:00  @EMichaelJones1 speech on libido dominandi.

4:48:00  Germar Rudolf's speech on the secular religion of the Holocaust that established the Anglo-American Empire whose capital is the Secular State of Israel to be defended at all costs by the neocons.
4:59:00  Peace bonds or "preventative custody"

Does anyone remember Minority Report?

The nature and purpose of enforced belief in the Holocaust is to support the Anglo-American Empire's moral claim of assuming the White Man's Burden of protecting vulnerable Jews from the eternal Amalek.

If gentiles refuse to worship Allah and/or obey His laws, they will be forced to worship Jews, it would appear. 

If Jews refuse to support the Noahide laws, they will carry on provoking antisemitism, which is an imprisonable offence in the West.

5:33:00  Deductive reasoning consisting of easy to remember questions creates simpler narratives than inducting reasoning filling encyclopedias.

5:41:00  Germar Rudolf has compiled a riveting encyclopedia which was read by a female blue collar worker nearly cover to cover when she was ill in bed.

6:17:00  "Belief in the Holocaust is religious in nature. If that is not true, what else is untrue? What can you trust? Good and evil gets flipped. Nothing makes sense any more. So many things depend on it."

The Catholic Church suppressed the astronomical findings of Galileo.
6:39:00  Dave Gahary's speech
6:59:00  There is no Jewish Question, there is only the Jewish Problem.
7:02:00  The Jewdiciary
7:03:00  Umar Lee
7:05:00  Black men have been labelled "white supremacists". 
7:07:00  The definition of a Holocaust survivor

7:15:00  Cultural Thug
7:21:00  Masculinity and character
7:23:00  "Jews use our lower instincts against us."
7:28:00  Otto Weininger 

7:31:00  SAM PARKER on gentile unity being created by hardware and software.
7:38:00  Stupid songs about reindeers with big noses
7:39:00  E pluribus unum
7:42:00  California and Texas
7:44:00  DEI
7:45:00  "The Jews seek to divide us."
In Rome, do as the Romans do. 

Sam Houston
Andrew Jackson
Robert E Lee
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Jonathan Edwards

7:47:00  "Kill a white man on your way to work tomorrow."
"Lazy white people should be replaced by the new Americans."
"Diversity is about getting rid of white people, and that's a good thing."
"The greatest danger to democracy is white supremacy."

"American hardware is white Western Europeans, American software is the constitution, and our operating system is Christianity."

"The Jew has tried to flood our country with incompatible software to divide us crash our computer and render our operating system inoperable to enable them to be the operating system and the virus."

7:48:00  Deism
7:49:00  Lucas Gage is no longer Christian.
7:50:00  The spiritual Jew
The classical operating system

7:51:00  "Prothink"

8:08:00  Race can't be your religion, white people. You need to call yourself by your moral system. If you refuse to identify with a known moral system, you must be a White Supremacist who thinks your whiteness protects you with the policy of blaming Jews when it doesn't.

8:16:00  Is globalism "Jewish" or is it just a feature of the global American Empire? One could easily say that globalism is American, which Americans would find hard to deny.

8:17:00  Do Jews really believe they are God, as @Gentilenewsnet claims, or have antisemites by attributing everything evil to Jews raised the status of Jews above themselves the more they indulge in their Jew-blaming?

8:18:00  @Khanverse: "Everybody should talk."

Yes, everyone should defend their principles until defeated by Truth, Logic and Morality, especially those who call themselves political activists or public intellectuals.
8:39:00  "Where are the good Jews?"

Good question.

KAMALA HARRIS and other trouble-making women
