Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Is Luke Ford a nihilist or psychopath as Doooovid says? What are the principles of an Orthodox Jew?

3:00  Stream begins.

5:00  Feminised Western men now behave like offended women offered obvious solutions to their problems that they do not want to adopt, protected from being offended by Millenninanny

7:00  SJJ joins.

8:00  SJJmas

9:00  A YouTube chain reaction of defending principles

10:00  AA

13:00  Spaces by pretentious middle class pseuds with nothing to say

14:00  Jord

16:00  Jen Scharf
19:00  Sardinia
23:00  The Divine Narrative
25:00  SJJ proposes a fake Damascene Conversion for me.
26:00  Two different interpretations of events
27:00  Principled Agnosticism is good enough for my political purposes.
28:00  SJJ's pitch on how to pitch Secular Koranism to White Nationalists
31:00  Why I fail.
32:00  Old Maid

3:00  Jews are white people larping as Muslims.

24:00  Ian Mcleod: "Poor Enoch, driven mad by the remorselessness of his own logic."

35:00  Conops

37:00  Conops and Jay being able to reconcile their position with polite society by pretending to believe that there was election fraud but not enough to swing the election.

39:00  Luke Ford

42:00  Kiddush Hashem

44:00  Why I think Luke converting to Judaism
45:00  Desmond Ford
47:00  Does the hugely unpleasant Brandon Martinez even have a girlfriend?

52:00  Millenniyule
Rusty McRusty
MW Public Mods
Alexander Adams
News Fist
Ferryman's Toll
Isaac Young
UK Column
Red Eye Stevie
The Distributist
Ed Dutton
Josh Ferme
56:00  "Remigration"
57:00  Aarvoll
58:00  JF's children
Prince Edward Island
59:00  Coercive control
1:01:00  Dennis Nilsen
1:02:00  Sociopath or psychopath
1:05:00  Uncorrected behaviour
1:07:00  Luke's mother died giving birth to him
1:09:00  A little bit of us dies when we have meaningless sex with someone not our spouse.
1:11:00  Attachment issues
1:12:00  A recording of Luke as an earnest Australian youth
1:17:00  Fear of marriage
1:21:00  Get principles to defend.
1:22:00  Millenniymotherhen wants to molly coddle you.
1:23:00  The value of the alt-right
1:24:00  It is therapeutic to try to say what we mean.
1:25:00  Luke comparing Episcopalians with Jews
1:26:00  Paul Van Der Klay and snobbery
1:28:00  Nathan Cofnas Theory of Jewish excellence
1:32:00  Not in Luke Ford's interests to be associated with SJJ
1:34:00  Colin Liddell

1:35:00  Machine Lies

Sunday, 29 December 2024

@IncelZionistRabbi on Hanukkah 2024/5785

3:00  "Jews are white people larping as Muslims."

Sunnis and Shias

4:00  Chukim

5:00  Jewish marriage crisis

7:00  Fornication

8:00  Watch in Hebrew

9:00  Wedding rings

10:00  Jewish haircut

12:00  Black pilled

14:00  Making the most of being a bachelor

15:00  Sermons


19:00  Hebrew

23:00  Incel in Hebrew

24:00  Volcel in Hebrew

Jewish marriage crisis

The pursuit of happiness or the happiness of pursuit? Reacting to JIMMY CARR

4:00  My definition of happiness

8:00  Trustafarians

Difference between a child and an adult

10:00  Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times:

11:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs

12:00  Adventure

14:00  Pushing the boundaries

17:00  Staying in the comfort zone

18:00  Despicable emasculated stupid men

19:00  The alpha male

20:00  Female prophets of Judaism

22:00  Male leaders and the head of the household

23:00  Males brought up by their unmarried  mothers taught by their female teachers

24:00  Unprincipled men

25:00  Gladiator


27:00  Degeneracy

28:00  Education

30:00  Anticipation

31:00  What you dislike may be good for you.

32:00  Mollycoddled rich kids

35:00  Recreational extramarital sex

38:00  Russell Brand

42:00  Candace Owens

44:00  Empty goals

48:00  Cream cake analogy

50:00  Life begins at 40.

52:00  What is Khalid becoming? What was he before?

54:00  Life is an ongoing quest to discover who we are and what we ought to do.

56:00  Learning from our mistakes

57:00  Character development

58:00  Patience and perseverance

The hero's journey

59:00  Setting goals

1:00:00  The ambition of not going to hell

Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Claire and Rob Show #3

1:00  Gladiator
2:00  Master & Commander
3:00  Fight Club
6:00  Helena Bonham-Carter
7:00  Henry Asquith
8:00  Virginia Woolf
9:00  Maurice Bonham-Carter
11:00  Sweeney Todd
12:00  Johnny Depp
15:00  Christmas Down Under
16:00  Rob sounding Jewish
17:00  Inheritance Tax
19:00  Register of Disinherited Children
20:00  British farmers' protest
22:00  No inheritance tax under Secular Koranism.
23:00  The abolition of usury under Secular Koranism
25:00  Non-Muslims under sharia
26:00  Women Muslim men can  marry.
29:00  Converts
30:00  Camilla Parker Bowles
31:00  Anora
48:00  Hymn of the Cherubim

49:00  Orthodox Christian converts
51:00  Idolatry
52:00  Elitism
53:00  Meritocracy > Monarchy
54:00  Commodus
55:00  Hunter Biden
56:00  Britain is a constitutional monarchy.
Sunnis v Shia republicanism and monarchism 
57:00  Monarchies disguised as republics
58:00  The rule of thumb of patriarchy
1:00:00  Ed Dutton
1:01:00  A libertarian meritocracy
William Shakespeare went to a grammar school.
1:02:00  Bachelors, spinsters and unmarried parents are not interested in schools and educational policy.
1:03:00  Who should govern the country?
1:04:00  Party training school in China
1:05:00  Curses honorum
1:08:00  Ozzie Osborne of Black Sabbath
1:14:00  Cultural flourishing
1:15:00  Tudor culture
1:16:00   A fair enough society
1:17:00  Angels and demons

A conditional tribute - the jizya - is better than an unconditional tribute if you have to pay it

3:48:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say everyone has money problems from time to time.
3:50:00  quran.com/9/29
3:52:00  The jizya is a conditional tribute.
3:54:00  Chapter 9 is battle orders.
3:56:00  quran.com/9/28
3:58:00  Muslims are allowed to wage imperial laws.
4:07:00  Christians have a global empire.
4:08:00  Imperial and defensive wars

4:52:00  INDONESIAN and I chat.
4:55:00  Jewish attitudes towards Christians.
4:56:00  Mary
4:57:00  Converts
4:59:00  Idolatry
5:00:00  Priestly absolution
5:02:00  What are Christian principles?
5:03:00  The operation of Christianity
5:04:00  Black Hebrew Israelites
5:05:00  Idolatry is worshiping a man.
5:07:00  It would be logical to worship the most powerful being conceivable.
5:10:00  The Koran was revealed to the worst people. 
5:11:00  Jews were fleeing slaves.
5:12:00  Lunch

5:14:00  CHRISTIAN SAM  joins.
5:34:00  The Islamic narrative of Jesus
6:06:00  Romans 10:9
6:03:00  Christians want Jesus to die for their sins.
6:07:00  Jews also reject the Trinity.
6:08:00  Michael Servetus was burned at the the stake in 1553.
6:11:00  SAM returns to challenge me.
6:14:00  Deuteronomy 13 tells Jews to kill heretics.
6:15:00  There are no blasphemy laws in the Koran.
6:16:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
6:18:00  Christians and Muslims are obsessed about Jews. 
6:20:00  The New Testament is not from God.
6:21:00  According to Allah, Jesus did not die on the cross.
Christians want Jesus to die horribly on the cross and are angry when Muslims tell them he didn't die on the cross. 
6:22:00  By insulting Allah, Christians are insulting the Abrahamic God who is also Jesus, according to Christians.
6:23:00  Jews don't  agree with the Isaiah 53. 
6:24:00  Crucifixion verse
6:28:00  Conjecture
7:17:00  The Trinity
7:22:00  WW3

Philosophising is displacement therapy; political activism should be focused on solutions and rules

1:30  Space starts. 

2:00  Pakistani doctor


3:00  The majority of Muslims are not rational beings.

4:00  "They don't have the power, so what is the point [of saying anything]?"

The Noahide laws

5:00  Why don't Muslims just list the Commandments of Allah?

6:00  The assumption of failure by Muslims

7:00  Muslims ignore their own holy book, but doesn't everyone?

8:00  A Pakistani man pretending to be an Oriental woman in his avatar triggers me. 

13:00  Principles

14:00  White Nationalists have the principle of saying the N word.

15:00  Psychologist

18:00  Scientology

Middle class pseudo intellectuals

Best friends with Dickson's ex-girlfriend

20:00  Scientology is racially-aware. 

21:00  Dianetics v Scientology

22:00  Attitude of Scientology to extramarital sex

23:00  Matchmaking Scientologists

Two months new

24:00  Auditor of Scientology

25:00   Tests of scientology

26:00  Psychometric tests

27:00  Academics are attracted to the tests of Scientology.

29:00  Examinations in Koranic Knowledge

Shia v Sunnis

Monarchists v Republicans

30:00  Unprincipled political parties

31:00  Irrelevant doctrinal disputes

Arianism v Trinitarianism

33:00  Islam is the most rational religion in existence but Muslims argue with each other over irrelevant and unimportant matters. 

34:00  Republicans and Democrats switching their support base

35:00  Carol White Muslim Woman is unprincipled.

36:00  Annapurna

39:00  Our different badges of identity

45:00  Western civilisation is dying of atheism, selfishness, status seeking and snobbery.


46:00  BNP

New ways of dividing and ruling

47:00  Middle class pseuds
48:00  Gregory Lauder Frost
Nick Griffin and the Knights Templars
49:00  Millennial Woes and his decade of not discussing Secular Koranism
50:00  Waiting for the Mad Max society
Liberalism without non-whites
51:00  Nick Griffin acknowledged years ago that the NHS would collapse if all non-whites were sent home all at once. 
52:00  The NHS is our state religion - our Maoist Revolution.

How the Ancient Chinese would use a solar eclipse for political purposes

54:00  Lockdown came from China
57:00  Mexican wave
58:00  BUPA
Assassination of United Healthcare CEO
59:00  Joker
1:00:00  Our logic should be constrained by our morality.
Gavin Boby
1:03:00  Millennial Woes thinks he should be paid to think.
1:04:00  SJJ still identifies as liberal.
1:05:00  Leadership
1:06:00  All laws in authoritarian.
1:07:00  Thoughtcrime
"Fundamental British Values" values sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 
1:08:00   What Carol White Muslim Woman still does not understand
1:09:00   AI, consumerism and confession
1:10:00  Tamagotchi
1:11:00  Rogue Chinese men who commit mass murder
1:12:00  Secular Koranism
1:14:00  Codification
1:15:00  Hierarchy, meritocracy and monarchy
1:16:00  Monarchy is the opposite of meritocracy.
1:17:00  Republic > Monarchy
1:18:00  A vanguard?
Meritocracy > Monarchy
1:19:00  Only Eurotrash are the leaders of European nations.
1:20:00  Keir Starmer and others groomed for obeying their neocon overlords in America
1:21:00  Changing of the guard in Europe
1:22:00  Liberals now the new dissidents?
Issues need to be resolved peacefully and legally.
1:23:00  Civil discourse apparently impossible. 
How do we know which side has won the argument?
1:25:00  October 7, horseshoe theory
Ethno-nationalism v Globalism
1:27:00  Libertarians, ethno-nationalists, Nazbols, Tolken, Shire etc and other political ideologies
1:29:00  Futurist
1:32:00  Faustian spirit
1:36:00  Department of Racial Hygiene
1:51:00  Vincent: "It's a lot of talk."
1:52:00  Wrongthink
Correct action  based on correct belief is what is necessary.
1:54:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.

The first two commandments are the most important.

1:56:00  Nerds on the internet.
1:57:00  "No government is Christian."
1:58:00  Satan takes orders from God.
SIGMA joins to cite Doooovid.
2:00:00  Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel
2:01:00  The test is for us.

2:03:00  Sigma and Vincent cannot make the distinction between themselves and God.

2:07:00  The purpose of obeying God's laws
2:08:00  If people believed in God, they would be more likely to obey His laws from generation to generation. 
2:09:00  Rules and laws can be changed.
2:10:00  The rules
2:12:00  Free will v Predestination
2:14:00  Omnipotence and passing the buck
2:22:00  God is a breeder. 
2:27:00  Theodicy

2:29:00  Noahide Tom: "God lets us choose the kind of people we want to breed with according to what we want to believe."

2:31:00  Noahide Tom: "Jews have the best formula."

2:32:00  Jews are indestructible.
2:34:00  Naqba
Czech Republic
2:35:00  Larping
2:39:00  Defining oneself as a believer or a non-believer
2:40:00  Nick  Fuentes a philosopher?

2:43:00  WHITE MUSLIM WOMAN joins to rebuke men larping as white nationalists.
2:44:00  Margaret Sanger
2:45:00  Claire  Khaw acknowledged as a philosopher by Vincent Bruno.
2:46:00  Women respect men with a belief and value system.
2:51:00  Baby brain
2:55:00  Laws under Secular Koranism
2:56:00  Hitler
2:57:00  Replacing God with philosophy
2:58:00  Nick Fuentes and White Noahidism
2:59:00  Own your land.
3:06:00  Knowledge is power.
3:13:00  Dams for power
3:18:00  Miserable white people
3:19:00  The Abrahamic God
3:21:00  Fragile individuals
3:22:00  No faith in traditions
3:23:00  Sam  Harris
3:26:00  Sacrifice and tithes
3:28:00  Cooperation
3:29:00  Elon Musk is a natalist.
3:33:00  Nicholas Tesla
3:35:00  Eschatology
3:38:00  I am describe as a philosopher again by Vincent.
3:39:00  Philosophy is a means of procrastination.
3:40:00  Booker T Washington
3:41:00  Female reformers
3:42:00  Margaret Sanger
3:43:00  Vincent Bruno thinks like a man. 
3:46:00  Humans should raise humans.
3:49:00  Margaret Sanger
3:51:00  Elizabeth Dilling. Matilde Ludendorff
3:52:00  Solving the problem of a low birth rate
3:54:00  Vincent's polytheistic breeding programme
3:57:00  Dysgenic breeding
Welfare mums
4:01:00  Changing the law to make marriage a good bargain for men again
4:04:00  The law is the algorithm of human behaviour.
4:07:00  Marriage forms families, families form communities.
4:08:00  Who shares Vincent's values?
4:10:00  It's a status issue. Ethical monotheists have a higher status to unethical idolaters.
4:11:00  Vincent describes marriage "as a horrendous practice that ruins society and create useless horrible societies that we have now". 
4:16:00  Shared values and acknowledged rules
4:18:00  Vincent would ban ethical monotheism.
4:23:00  Problem-solving is masculine.
4:25:00  Progressive ideologies
4:27:00  Gay men won't make the best fathers.
4:29:00  Who will look after the elderly?
The society Vincent wants is already here! 
4:31:00  Mother in law jokes
4:32:00  Choosing an alpha male leader in a patriarchy
4:34:00  Transhumanism
4:35:00  Monogamy
4:36:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
4:37:00  Legal and moral reasoning
4:38:00  Social conventions
4:40:00  The extended family and the community
4:42:00  Child discipline
4:43:00  Religion
4:46:00  Adolescent rebellion
4:47:00  Polytheism
4:49:00  Idolatry
Being kind to kids
4:50:00  How witchcraft is punished in Saudi Arabia
4:53:00  Supertanker of monotheism and Vincent's sampan of Secular Paganism
4:54:00  Justification of Secular Paganism
4:55:00  Secular Koranism
4:56:00  Track record
4:57:00  Half baked ideas
4:58:00  Chinese inventions
4:59:00  Pioneering spirit
5:00:00  Leaning back in a forward looking way
5:01:00  Privileging married parents
5:02:00  Matriarchy leads to an ageing and shrinking society.
5:03:00  The consequence of the people losing confidence in their government
5:04:00  White people no longer have a working class.
5:05:00  Vincent's dysgenic breeding programme
5:06:00  Shaming people into believing in God
5:07:00  It could be worse

Jewish JORDAN joins.
5:08:00  Artificial wombs
5:09:00  Westerners feel they are being phased out by their governments.
5:10:00  Artificial wombs
5:11:00  Remoralising people
5:12:00  All the five world religions support patriarchy.
5:14:00  Morality without religion?
5:15:00  Christianity
5:16:00  Feminism
5:17:00  Elon Musk's data mining AI bots
5:18:00  Men are being set up for failure.
Trump is challenging the liberal order and the matriarchy want him dead. 
5:19:00  Brain implants
5:23:00  Cryogenics
5:24:00  The phone is the body and the SIM card is its soul.
Jordan believes in God.
5:26:00  Precognition and premonition
5:27:00  Hinduism
5:28:00  Ideal forms
5:29:00  Pi and Fibonacci sequences
Christianity and Jesus
5:32:00  The Holy Father
5:34:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God who punishes evil and rewards good in this life and the next
5:36:00  Hungry ghosts and evil spirits?
5:38:00  Secular Koranism and Political Islam
5:41:00  Philosophy is not a substitute for effective and focused political activism.
5:42:00  Women are more practical.
5:43:00  Minority and women's rights
5:44:00  Claire Khaw is described by Vincent Bruno as a philosopher.
5:46:00  Jordan is not Jewish enough for Vincent.
5:47:00  Only Jordan's mother is Jewish.
5:49:00  Register of Jews
5:51:00  Jordan is not an observant Jew.
5:52:00  Jordan's Jewishness is being measured by Vincent.
Both Vincent who is gentile and Jordan are circumcised. 
5:55:00  Would non-observant Jordan be struck off the Register of Jews?
5:57:00  God would disapprove of the heretical Jew and approve of the righteous Jew.
6:00:00  The integrity of the Rabbinical Registrar
6:03:00  Jews get themselves into trouble over  Chillul Hashem.
6:06:00  Measuring the righteousness of a Jew
6:08:00  The Nazis defined who is Jewish.
6:09:00  Procedural propriety
6:10:00  Vincent wouldn't want to be forced to include a lesbian as a gay man.
6:11:00  Locus standi

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Messiah Substitute being light unto nations lighting their way towards Theocratic Nationalism

3:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to convert to Islam.
4:00  The mortal sins of Christianity
5:00  Heretic burning was a Christian practice.
6:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were republican revolutions.
7:00  Sunnis were republicans and Shias were monarchists.
9:00  Three views of how the succession should have been resolved
10:00  The Book of Samuel
11:00  The Book of Kings followed the Book of Judges.
12:00  Council of Guardians help the Supreme Leader of Iran
13:00  Who would be Caliph?
14:00  Americans are the Ninevites of the 21st century.
15:00  Secular Koranism would help America be a better run global empire.
16:00  Marriage Substitute
17:00  Sunni and Shia divide
18:00  Not following Koranic principles leads to historical tragedies.
19:00  RT =  replacement theory
20:00 Jews and Christians

22:00  White Muslims

23:00   The First Amendment is supported by quran.com/2/256 

26:00  Laura Loomer and Milo
26:00  Who are the leaders?
27:00  Congress is not Jewish, Christian or Muslim.
28:00  The ruling classes must be held accountable. 
29:00  Restoring the patriarchy
30:00  The Church
32:00  Leadership and hierarchy
33:00  Trump
I am accused of wanting a feudal society.
34:00  Christianity
35:00  Noahide laws
36:00  Sexually liberated degenerates
37:00  The church has no useful function other than to say liberals get to heaven too.
38:00  Jesus and the Virgin Birth
39:00  Islamic narrative of Jesus 
40:00  Nicene creed
41:00  Purgatory and barzakh
43:00  Afterlife
44:00  Secular Koranism
45:00  Patriarchy is a eugenic breeding programme.
46:00  The five world religions
47:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.
48:00  Principled leaders
49:00  The Caliphate
50:00  Secular Koranism
52:00  An official one party state

54:00  ANNAPURNA joins.
56:00  "Smash the Brahmin patriarchy"
57:00  NGOs
59:00  The sluttification of women
1:01:00  Patriarchy
1:04:00  Hijra
1:08:00  Hindutva
1:09:00  Production and parenting of the next generation
1:11:00  Vincent Bruno
1:12:00  Anti-natalism
1:14:00  Children encouraged to consider transgenderism.
1:15:00  There is only Secular Koranism and the status quo.
1:16:00  My bird of prey analogy
1:17:00  Women and their malign encouragement of each other
1:19:00  Anti-natalists
1:20:00  Vincent Bruno
1:21:00  Secular Koranism
1:22:00  Hindus being mean to each other
1:23:00  Passing the message upwards
1:25:00  Israel is a colony of America.
1:26:00  Islamic inheritance rules
1:28:00  Female suffrage

1:29:00  MIKE MALZAHN joins.
1:30:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on US armaments
1:31:00  US equipment modified by Israelis.
1:32:00  Estate duty
Living trust
1:34:00  Income tax
1:35:00  Utilities
1:37:00  The Koran regulates gender, labour, consumer and international relations.
1:38:00  Flat rate income tax 20%
1:39:00  Liberals
1:40:00  Middle income
1:42:00  What is good?
1:43:00  3 Rs and civics
1:44:00  Litterbug
1:46:00  Free love
1:48:00  Wives, prostitutes, or women who are worse than prostitutes?
1:51:00  Section 8 Housing
1:53:00  Murphy Brown
Dan Quayle
1:56:00  IVF would be banned under Secular Koranism.
1:58:00  Miscarriages and the pill
1:59:00  Girls have been on on the pill since 11
2:01:00  Too unAmericanised
2:02:00  Georgia
2:03:00  Judith and Holofernes
2:06:00  Historical jurists in the US Supreme Court
2:08:00  People without children in their 60s
Soylent Green
2:12:00  AI

2:15:00  Referendum
2:17:00  Seeding Secular Koranism
ERA - Equal Rights Amendment
2:21:00  Secular Koranism
2:22:00  Maslow's Hierarchy
2:23:00  George Washington's farewell speech
Vivek Ramaswamy
2:27:00  Mike's advice
2:30;00  quran.com/17/111
2:34:00  A permissive but literal approach

2:54:00  Making the arguments for Secular Koranism

Celebration of Holy Days under Global Secular Koranism

2:00  Divisive Christian holidays
3:00  Christian schism
4:00  Julian and Gregorian calendar
5:00  AD and BC
7:00  Calendars are political.
8:00  Christmas and Easter
10:00  Jesus in Islam
12:00  History
13:00  The Age of Republican Revolutions displaced the Age of Monarchy.
15:00  Sunnis and their four rightly-guided Caliphs
16:00  Turkey
17:00  Christmas is a Festival  of Consumerism
18:00  Ramadan is always 11 earlier each succeeding year.
21:00  Day of Atonement
22:00  Jewish festivals
24:00  Tisha B'Av
25:00  What Jews were made God's Chosen People to do
27:00  The Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and King Charles
29:00  Monarchy is an anachronism and therefore so is Christianity.
31:00  Global Secular Koranism
32:00  Harvest festivals
33:00  Jewish calendar
Rosh Hashanah is also the beginning of the academic year.
35:00  Common Era started being used in 2005.
36:00  Hannukah
44:00  Stationery

Laura Loomer and Milo are the personification of the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West




13:00  Liberalism is our unofficial religion.
Arthur Goldberg
14:00  Milo a Noahide?
15:00  Acting class
20:00  Christians are so desperate they will take Milo.
23:00  Rush Limbaugh
25:00  Dan Bilzerian
28:00  Lucas Gage
30:00  Lauren Southern
32:00  Millenniyule

37:00  Evil, stupid or crazy? And does it matter?

40:00  The moral and political system is wrong.
42:00  Blame the Jews
Charlie Kirk
43:00  Tim Pool now works for the Daily Wire.
44:00  The belief system of antisemites
46:00  Millennial Woes
47:00  Remigration
49:00  The political vandal
50:00  Making their mark by destruction
51:00  Leaderlessness, apathy, laziness, pessimism
53:00  Believing in God
54:00  Shared beliefs
56:00  Laura Loomer and Milo are personification of the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West. 
Ecclesia and Synagoga
57:00  Belief in the afterlife
58:00  Conditions of martyrdom
59:00  Self-immolation
1:00:00  The First Zulu
1:02:00  Inauguration Day

1:11:00  Sunni-Shia divide
1:13:00  Mecca
Sykes-Picot Agreement
1:15:00  A monarchy is the antithesis of a meritocracy.
1:17:00  Meatheads fighting
1:21:00  Track record
1:22:00  Seventh Day Adventism and Mormonism
1:26:00  Jews the Chosen People
1:27:00  Idolaters will be punished in the afterlife.
1:28:00  Free will
Jews are being a bit slow.
1:29:00  quran.com/18/4
1:30:00  Moral agency

Friday, 20 December 2024

My kingdom for a horse and the banning of dating apps

4:00  Moral imperative

5:00  SJJ is a nationalist normie.

7:00  Secular Koranism

8:00  SK is AI-acknowledged.

9:00  Lazy lawyer

12:00   Jewish Holy Days

13:00   Calendars


15:00   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar

16:00  Equinox

17:00  Harvest festival

26:00  Global order
27:00  Statehood snobbery of Americans
29:00  Portsmouth v Southampton
30:00  Nations are houses in schools.
31:00  Pecking order
33:00  Religious groups are the biggest and powerful groups of all.
34:00  Joseph, Jacob and Abraham
37:00  Ethical monotheism
38:00  Characters in a soap opera
39:00  Biblical characters better than superheroes.
40:00  Civics no longer being taught to America schoolchildren.
41:00  Fall of Singapore
44:00  New Guinea
45:00  Every war is fought with the military tactics of the previous war. 
46:00  Mongol horsemanship
Hunting, shooting and fishing
48:00  Psychology
49:00  Fragging
51:00  Liars
52:00  What's wrong with the men?
53:00  There are no atheists in foxholes?
Full Metal Jacket
57:00  Defensive wars and imperial wars are fought differently.
59:00  Breeding programme of the patriarchy
1:01:00  Muslims are American mercenaries.
1:02:00  Men are only after the one thing.
1:03:00  Monogamy is the most stable society.
1:04:00  Marriage is a buddy system.
1:07:00  Apartheid
1:08:00  Jewish marital relations
1:12:00  Nina Power: "Marriage is having someone to remember things with you."
1:13:00  The pleasure of female company
1:16:00  Sex as the currency between the sexes
1:18:00  Staving off male depression
1:19:00  A female who is a good housemate is probably safe to marry.
1:25:00  Penitence
1:29:00  Ban extramarital sex
1:30:00  Supporters of patriarchy need to take control.
1:32:00  Preventing the young from wasting their youth
1:33:00  Paternal authority
1:35:00  The purpose of porn
1:37:00  The Guinea Pigs of Secular Koranism
1:39:00  The message of the matriarchy to its defective products
1:41:00  Immigrants
1:43:00  Stand your ground!
1:46:00  What will be will be.
1:47:00  Incremental morality
1:48:00  Boomer parents
1:49:00  My kingdom for a horse prayer
1:50:00  The BBC and Millennial Woes have done the same thing to me.
1:53:00  Feeling heard and understood

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Sharia supports the First Amendment, the Noahide laws infringe it

3:00  Bluesky
5:00  Resolving our disputes
6:00  Millenniyule
8:00  Abuse of power
9:00  Male bonding
11:00  Antisemitism
12:00  Noahide Tom
16:00  "I saw Jesus."
17:00  Christianity is a religion for slaves and women.
18:00  Fear should not be a motivator. 
19:00  Morality and the law
20:00  The evil inclination
23:00  Jews have caught the disease of children.
24:00  36 capital offences
25:00  Principles
26:00  Hidden idolatry
27:00  Hypocrisy
28:00  Jews and gentiles
29:00  The higher standard
30:00  The more difficult text
31:00  Jews slid into idolatry.
32:00  Moses Mendelssohn
33:00  A wrong concept of God
34:00  Shituf
37:00  Penny farthing
38:00  Personalised curriculum
39:00  Liberal Jews
41:00  Vincent is envious of Jews.
Are infants inferior spiritual infants compared to Jews?
42:00  Did Joe Biden really think the Noahide laws would reintroduce capital punishment for idolatry, blasphemy, adultery, sodomy and bestiality?
43:00  Ronald Reagan
44:00  Secular Paganism
48:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
49:00  Christianity is not fit for the purpose of maintaining morality.
50:00  Muslims should take credit for the best parts of liberalism. 
51:00  Middle class snobbery
52:00  Why did God choose Jews?
53:00  Going to med school
54:00  You can be affluent and middle class without being Jewish.

Vincent wants "a direct relationship with God."

55:00  It would make sense to worship the most powerful being.
56:00  It would make sense to follow the scripture that is the best guide to humanity.
Hinduism is growing in America.
58:00  The Noahide laws
59:00  Interfaith rabbis and blended religions
1:00:00  Banning monotheism
Idolaters and atheists would ethical monotheism.
1:01:00  Diversity and competition
1:03:00  Harmony in the world
Universal minimum moral standard
1:04:00  Secular Koranism with Alaskan to Wyomingite Characteristics
1:05:00  Natural law
1:06:00  What is so unethical about ethical monotheism?
1:07:00  Vincent doesn't care that he is being unAmerican.
1:10:00  I am attaching myself to a world religion.
1:11:00  Marriage
1:12:00  Knowing the difference between what is practicable and what is in theory possible
1:13:00  Trump
1:15:00  Technology for social control
1:18:00  Changing people's minds
1:20:00  Media campaign
1:21:00  Secular Koranism
High trust society
1:23:00  Muslims are too afraid to question their monarchy.
1:24:00  Pakistan
1:25:00  Tribal wars may not be about religion
Cooperative competition
1:26:00  Patriarchy is a eugenic breeding programme.
1:27:00  Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe you can force people to be moral.
1:28:00  Liberals and social conservatives have different standards of sexual morality.
1:29:00  Our governments are breeders.
1:30:00  Because matriarchy is degenerate, our government wants to scrap us because it thinks we are a defective batch of products whose production is to be discontinued. 

If Vincent's parents told him to not to marry or have children

1:31:00  Population reduction programme
1:33:00  Jews and gentiles can learn from each other.
1:36:00  God is teaching humanity a lesson about not cherry picking our religious principles.
1:37:00  Muslims unable to identify, list and number Koranic verses that are Commandments of Allah after 1400 years of Islamic history.
1:38:00  SCOTUS has 9 members.
1:39:00  Values
1:40:00  Handcart
1:41:00  Negative marketing
1:43:00  Hindus have no principles.
1:45:00  quran.com/18/4
1:46:00  Ignoring our moral imperative
1:47:00  "My name is [fill in the blank] and I am an alcoholic."
1:48:00  Christians are still in denial that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy after 500 years.
1:49:00  There are only two religions acceptable to the Abrahamic God if He exists.
1:50:00  What is the longest time a civilisation has stayed in denial about having the wrong religion? Christians have had the wrong religion for nearly 1700 years. 

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Fear based laws (Noahide) vs love based laws (Jesus) - what stops crime

5:00  Antisemites

6:00  Fear or love?

7:00  The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.

8:00  NOAHIDE TOM joins.

11:00  The Islamic obligation to wage jihad

15:00  The evil inclination

22:00  Culture is a product of law and morality.

23:00  The Benedict Option of retreat

25:00  Shithole Muslim countries don't follow their own rules.

26:00  The Iranian Republic is the only halal Islamic republic. 

27:00  We act on our beliefs.

29:00  Noahide laws

30:00  Rules are made to be broken.

31:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

34:00  Multifaceted

35:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

37:00  The principle of the thing

38:00  Going to the top

39:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.

40:00  Atheists should be able to agree with at least five Noahide laws.

A minimum standard of sexual morality ensuring most parents are married parents

42:00  AZRAQ joins to discuss cities of sin.

43:00  The group

44:00  Good legal system

48:00  Competition

50:00  The Fourth Estate

52:00  Slut-shaming

55:00  Resolving to do better

56:00  Female attitudes towards foreigners

57:00  Red Pill

59:00  The Stick of Shame and the Carrot of Credit

1:00:00  Careerwomen

1:01:00  Sex segregation

1:02:00  Parenting

1:03:00  Chaste believing women

1:06:00  AZRAQ discusses eugenics..

1:07:00  Americans shocked and horrified.

1:08:00  The female is the eugenic filter.

1:09:00  "Men will just go with anything, right?" "No!!"

 "Women are natural eugenicists." 

1:13:00  Men just aren't that fussy.

1:15:00  Polygamy to monogamy

1:16:00  God is not breeding us, our government is.

1:17:00  Hierarchy

1:27:00  The dollar

1:30:00  Fear is not a good motivator.

1:32:00  Discipline

1:34:00  Fear and love

1:36:00  Rabbi Schneerson

1:40:00  Jordan Peterson

1:41:00  Dark triad

1:43:00  Psychopaths in the Noahide movement

1:45:00  Noahide laws

2:05:00  Fornication forbidden in the Koran

Stephen J James on the 5th Koraniyule 2024

4:00  Millenniyule
6:00  White Sharia
7:00  "What you dislike may be good for you."
Solutions so far
8:00  "Collapse bros"
10:00  Benjamin Boyce
James Lindsay
14:00  The culture against debate
15:00  Purity spiralling
16:00  Herd Immunity
20:00  The nannies of Millenniyule

27:00  Men protecting each other's feelings from being hurt
28:00  Greg Johnson
29:00  Judging who won a debate
30:00  The difference between a valid or sound argument
37:00  Wyvern
38:00  Sargon or me
42:00  Aesthetics of the fireside chat

45:00  Interrogation begins
47:00  Boxing match analogy
49:00  Stop drinking the Kool Aid.
50:00  Liberals let in the migrants.
51:00  Slut-shaming and the revolving door analogy
52:00  UAE
53:00  Maternity leave
54:00  My end of the line analogy
56:00  The scam of feminism
58:00  The coffin of feminism
59:00  The patriarchy is a breeding programme.  
1:00:00  My edge of the cliff analogy
1:01:00  Referendum to become a one party theocracy
1:02:00  Socratic questioning
1:04:00  Promoting married motherhood
1:05:00  Unmarried parents will be treated as sex offenders.
1:07:00  Licensed brothels in red-light districts is a feature of Secular Koranism.
1:08:00  Would you like to be a married mother or a licensed prostitute or something in between?
1:09:00  The sexually liberated Englishman
1:11:00  Coverture was abolished in 1882.
The first wife of Muhammad was a businesswoman. 
1:13:00  My parking analogy
1:14:00  The end of the party
1:15:00  Formerly forbidden sexual activity
1:16:00  Women are having too much sex.
1:17:00  Gynocracy
1:19:00  Boomer parents
1:21:00  Religion promotes marriage.
1:23:00  The Pill
1:25:00  Dubai
Road atlas
1:27:00  Iran and Malaysia
1:28:00  SJJ and I both drop out
1:31:00  We want a peaceful and orderly transition from Christo-Liberalism to Secular Koranism.
1:32:00  Christianity
1:33:00  E Michael Jones and Gemma  O'Doherty say "Inshallah".
1:35:00  Allah is the best of schemers.
1:36:00  Secular Koranism will unite the Ummah.
1:37:00  Judaism and Sunni Islam are not organised religions.
Sunni scholars are morally compromised because they must be in fear of their absolute monarch.
1:39:00  Western imperialism
1:43:00  Drawn to England
1:45:00  I have to remain in the West to save the white race.
1:47:00  I have been chosen to save the white race.
1:48:00  Messiah Substitute
1:49:00  The New Nationalist Narrative of Theocratic Nationalism
1:51:00  England is the Centre of Sodom and Gomorrah
1:52:00  Socratic reasoning
1:53:00  The Abrahamic God is a self-correcting moral system.
1:55:00  The story of the fox cub
1:56:00  Redemption and correction
1:59:00  Once in Royal David's City

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Children’s Spiritual Rights - TheChildCult.BlogSpot.com

1:00   AZRAQ joins to discuss children's spiritual rights.

21:00  SIGMA joins to waffle about birth rates.

27:00  Secularism and liberalism under threat

28:00  The threat of Islam

31:00  Spiritual rights

38:00  Lying to children

52:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss the raising of white birth rates.

1:19:00  On lying to children

1:21:00  Nihilism

1:31:00  Attention-seeking

"Hyperbolic decision"

1:46:00  For every rule, there is an exception.

1:54:00  CAROL joins.

1:56:00  Children's perceptions of reality

2:20:00  Michael Levin

2:24:00  7 is the age of reason.

2:28:00  Muslim children told to say no to authority by their parents.

2:31:00  The child should be saying yes to the environment until they are 7.

2:38:00  Near miscarriage story

2:45:00  Master or oppressor?

2:49:00  Scripture for the worst of people

2:52:00  "Real Islam"

3:03:00  Gender roles

3:07:00  Gender relations

3:21:00  CLAIRE KHAW rejoins to discuss gender relations.

3:22:00  Monogamy

3:26:00  BROOKE joins.

3:27:00  Incarceration, execution or blood money?

3:34:00  Community


3:46:00  Idolatry

3:54:00  Babylonian Talmud

3:56:00  Jews not ranking the four gentile religions


3:58:00  Proclamation

3:59:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

4:00:00  CAROL joins.

4:01:00  God's Chosen People


4:18:00  Pluralist and conjugationalist

4:20:00  An idiotic or autistic Abrahamic God

4:21:00  Infinite regress

Uncaused First Cause

4:28:00  Paradox

4:36:00  Elon Musk

4:39:00  Kabbalah

4:49:00  Christianity

4:53:00  Marriage

4:55:00  Raising children in a community

4:57:00  AMIRA'S HUSBAND on the Noahide laws

5:05:00  God would not be so unkind as to leave humanity without an instruction manual.

Saturday, 14 December 2024

School uniforms and textbooks under Secular Koranism

6:00  Comprehension of values under Secular Koranism

8:00  Integrated curriculum

15:00 Janet and John


21:00  Norman Rockwell

23:00  Carol and I in charge of the US Education Department 

26:00  Westerns

28:00   A Secular Koranist narrative

30:00  Basal readers and stereotypes

32:00  "All families are different." "Dad bakes cookies."

34:00  Entertaining the children should be educating the children.

"The good guys have won, the bad guys have lost."

37:00  Post-Islamic Revolution America

38:00  Moral dilemmas

Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, The Rifleman

39:00  Turkish nationalism

40:00  Gay people should not be considered higher status than married parents.

41:00  Roleplay

45:00  Aesop's Fables

47:00  A future America where wrongs have been righted by Secular Koranism

51:00  Ottoman Empire historical drama

52:00  Archery

53:00  The Founding Fathers

54:00  Deism and Theism

55:00  Spinoza

57:00  The Age of Revolutions replaced the institution of monarchy.

58:00  The rightly guided Caliphs were not monarchs.

59:00  Monarchy is a problem. 

1:01:00  Everything bad that ever happened to white people was caused by them not following Koranic  principles.

1:02:00  Lincoln Memorial displays him as an American Zeus.

1:03:00  Spanish American War 1898

Teen pregnancies

1:04:00  Civics

1:06:00  quran.com/24/2

1:08:00  Bart Simpson under Secular Koranism

1:14:00  Islamic values in Westerns
1:15:00  Child development
1:17:00  Fathers going to work
1:19:00  Return to the Future
1:21:00  "Globohomo trans factory"
1:23:00  The aesthetics of Secular Koranism
1:28:00  School uniform

Friday, 13 December 2024

What’s the difference between Judaism and Zionism?

1:00  Different kinds of Judaism and Zionism
5:00  Neturei Karta
8:00  Doooovid is anti-Zionist.

18:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to define Zionism.
20:00  Ottoman Empire
22:00  Do Jews deserve a homeland?
23:00  Do Jews need, apart from citizenship in a Western country, a homeland?
25:00  Homeland after the Holocaust
27:00  Zionism is a Western imperial project.
29:00  A respectable reason for American presence in the Middle East
30:00  Varieties of Zionism
31:00  Christian Zionism
33:00  Ken Livingstone
34:00  Mufti of Jerusalem
35:00  Greg Johnson Zionism
Lord Balfour
36:00  Nazi Zionism
37:00  Antisemitic Zionism
39:00  The Ottoman Emperor must have been a Muslim Zionist.
41:00  Abraham Accords agreement was a mutual agreement between Arab and Israel to turn a blind eye to each other's  human rights abuses.
44:00  Muslim Zionists
46:00  Adam Green
47:00  Hebrew prophets
48:00  Allah is Zionist.
49:00  Allah is a theocrat, not a liberal democrat.
52:00  Crossing that bridge when we get to it.
53:00  The righteous would triump over the unrighteous.
54:00  An Israeli referendum of three kinds of theocracies?
55:00  Dooovid deflects.
56:00  Children of Israel = Jews
57:00  Zionism is a pillar of American imperialism.
59:00  The status of Jews is being questioned by Jews and gentiles.
1:00:00  The possibly divine source of Christianity and Islam is Judaism.
1:01:00  Islam confirms Judaism.

1:02:00  Secular Jews in Israel would logically and necessarily choose Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics in a referendum because it is the least restrictive theocracy, Once this happens, America would have to adopt Secular Koranism with American Characteristics and this will be followed by US vassal states adopting Secular Koranism with EU Characteristics, followed by Secular Koranism  with Chinese and Russian Characteristics and eventually a new global order of Secular Koranism with Global Characteristics. 

1:02:00  The prophets were Muslim according to Islam.
1:03:00  The Third Temple

1:04:00  What kind of theocracy would righteous and reasonable Jews and gentiles choose to live under that whose minimum  moral standard would be enough to satisfy God if He exists?

1:05:00  Doooovid deflects again.

1:06:00  "Global Zionism"
1:09:00  Paul Rimmer
1:13:00  Charles Moscowitz
1:14:00  Global empires
1:15:00  The Ottoman Emperor was also Zionist.
1:16:00  WEF
1:17:00  Global Noahidism > Global liberalism
1:18:00  Caliphate
1:19:00  Israeli political system
1:20:00  Jacob was an ancestor of Moses.
1:22:00  Jacob was the grandson of Abraham.
Esau is the ancestor of non-Muslim gentiles.
Ishmael is the ancestor of Muslims.
Jacob is the ancestor of Moses.
1:26:00  Abraham practised circumcision.
1:27:00  King Solomon
1:30:00  King David
1:31:00  Jews don't want a Torah theocracy or want to rebuild the Third Temple or ask themselves if the Sadducees would have to be restored to perform temple sacrifices. 
1:32:00  Heretics cannot be considered righteous Jews.

Secular Koanism cannot be considered heresy because you would have to be an adherent of a religion before you can be considered a heretic. 

1:33:00  God only helps those who help themselves who believe in the rule of law.
1:34:00  The executive, judiciary, law enforcement
1:35:00  Who is righteous?
1:37:00  How is a Secular Koranism heretical to which religion?
1:38:00  Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 
1:39:00  Muslims have no desire to restore the Caliphate to obtain Muslim unity.
1:40:00  God intends that His laws are obeyed.
1:41:00  Muslims are not following their principles correctly.
1:42:00  London Mayors are elected by Muslim voters.
T Jump
1:43:00  Palestinians
1:44:00  Helpless Muslims
1:45:00  Collective punishment of Muslims
Are Gazans being punishsed for Muslim disobedience?
1:46:00  quran.com/18/4  
1:47:00  Job's trial was not a punishment.
1:49:00  Exercising moral judgement
1:50:00  Criminals cannot be judged righteous. 
1:54:00  Muslims fighting to be more of a victim than Jews is contemptible. 
Idolatry of Christianity
1:55:00  Unrighteous Jews and unrighteous Muslims refuse to call out the idolatry of Christians who worship an executed blasphemer.
1:56:00  Only righteous Jews and Muslims would take idolatry seriously.
1:57:00  I have powers of deduction.
Hypocrites are cursed by God.
1:58:00  Hypocrites who call themselves Jews and Muslims are cursed by God.
1:59:00  Secular Koranism
Anjem Choudary
2:01:00  quran.com/18/4
2:03:00  Isn't ironic that I, a non-Muslim female, am promoting sharia more than Muslims?
2:04:00  The Ottoman Empire misinterpreted Koranic principles.
2:06:00  Dooovid is a nihilist and a Hare Krishna.
2:07:00  Atheists worship their own dumb opinions.
2:08:00  October 7
2:10:00  quran.com/18/4
2:29:00  Caring about 18:4
2:32:00  Karma, collective and individual punishment
2:33:00  Cause and effect
2:34:00  Deuteronomy 28
2:35:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
2:36:00  I am capable of entertaining the idea that God exists to punish evil and reward good in this life or the next.
2:38:00  Punishment follows for breaking the law.
2:39:00  The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.
2:43:00  Speakers Corner
2:45:00  Agnostic
2:46:00  Christians worship a Jew.
2:47:00  Attending mosque
2:48:00  Zionism
2:49:00  The British
2:50:00  Hamas Israel War
2:52:00  quran.com/18/4
2:53:00  Christians make up the rules as they go along.
2:54:00  Event of the Mubahala
2:57:00  Nationalist
2:58:00  Nation of Islam
2:59:00  Adopting Islam would be in the national interest. 
3:03:00  Muslims should refuse to say whether they are Sunni or Shia.
Restoring the Caliph
3:04:00  Hindus fining another Hindu for asking what their caste is would be the best way of getting rid of the caste system.
3:05:00  Book of Rules from God

Thursday, 12 December 2024

SJJMAS #8 — Millenniyule Companion Stream 1

Incremental morality; Tayo joins to discuss relations between Anglo-American Orthodox Christians

1:00  Jews were chosen by God to maintain and set standards. 
2:00  We must know who we are and what we are supposed to do. 
3:00  Westerners are orphaned from their tradition of  marriage by feminism.
The Noahide laws are a universal minimum standard of morality.
4:00  Marriage is the gold standard of sexual morality.
5:00  Public corporal punishment is the prescribed punishment for sex offenders.
6:00  Are we the Slaves of God? If so, isn't it better to know this than not know this?
7:00  The minimum number of principles is to tell the truth and exercise logic. 
8:00  If Westerners are unable to discuss sexual  morality, they can try to speak the truth and exercise logic. 
9:00  quran.com/2/256 supports the First Amendment. 
10:00  Thoughtcrime is unIslamic. 
11:00  Christianity failed to support the divine right of kings.
12:00  Does King Charles wish to serve the evil neocons?
13:00  People calling themselves political pundits too afraid to discuss the meaning of words or ask questions
14:00  Acknowledging our vassal state status
3 out of 7 is a pass.
4 out of 7 of the Noahide laws is a fail.
16:00  The breakdown of law and order
17:00  The moral imperative to speak the truth as we see it and exercise logic.
Knowing the difference between a valid and sound arguments
19:00  The absurdity of worshiping an executed blasphemy
20:00  Christianity is the most despised religion in the West.
21:00  Orthodox Christian congregations are not mostly marriageable men and women.
22:00  White nationalists who have converted to Orthodox Christianity have jumped from the frying pan of low white birth rates to the fire of low white birth rates.

26:00  TAYO joins to discuss Orthodox Christianity.
29:00  More Orthobros than Orthosisses
30:00  Natty on Randos United
32:00  Andrew and Rachel Wilson
33:00  Natty and I disagree about the definition of Matriarchy and Patriarchy
34:00  Christian nationalism
36:00  Spirituality, religiosity and politics
37:00  Religion is a tool of politics.
38:00  People want us to see things their way.
39:00  Motivating men to fight wars by manipulating their beliefs
40:00  Palestinians are motivated by their hatred of Jews.
41:00  "I would rather die."
43:00  The longer you have been wrong, the less likely to admit it.
44:00  Flat earthers wins if the burden of proof is on the round earther.
45:00  Finding our community which shares our values and will help us.
49:00  Missionaries understand that they are on a mission.
50:00  Muslims know they are supposed to invite non-Muslims to Islam.
51:00  Secular Koranism is intended to support the practice of  marriage.
52:00  Stable marriages, stable families, stable communities, stable individuals
53:00  Matriarchy is a an ageing and shrinking society.
54:00  White European Christians were horrid to each other. 
Constantine the Great adopted Christianity.
56:00  The divine right of kings legitimised monarchy.
57:00  Hansel and Gretel 
Thirty Years War
1:05:00  European cannibals
1:07:00  Shared values and beliefs between atheists and ethical monotheists
1:08:00  Hypothetical theocracies
1:09:00  Differing standards of sexual morality between atheists and ethical monotheists
1:10:00  Worshiping the same God and decisively rejecting idolatry would help Jews and gentiles get on with each other better and obey the rulesfrom generation to generation creating a more stable and peaceful society.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Vincent Bruno says that unlike Claire Khaw, he does not want to be Monarch of the Morons

2:00  Noahides should worship the same deity as Jews.
3:00  Jews and gentiles should worship the same deity.
4:00  Shituf is worse than avodah zarah.

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.


8:00  The Noahide laws

9:00  Nachmonides

10:00  Idolatry is death for Jews.

11:00  Islamic scholars in Sunni kingdoms cannot be trusted.

12:00  quran.com/18/4

13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses should become Muslims.

14:00  Arianism is idolatry.

15:00  E Michael Jones said Arianism was easier to believe than Trinitarianism.

16:00  The God of Israel is more powerful than the crucified Christ.

17:00  Creed of Jehovah's Witnesses

18:00  Witnesses of Jehovah's power

19:00  Marian Cult

20:00  Rabbis want gentiles to like them. 

Jews are not allowed to enter churches.

21:00  Eschatology

22:00  Noah's Ark

23:00  Noah only had an oral tradition which was replaced by written revelation.

24:00  The timeline is the narrative.

25:00  The Torah and the Koran contain God's laws.

26:00  The institution of monarchy

27:00  Divine right of kings

28:00  Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

29:00  There is a Book of Kings in the Old Testament. 

30:00  Christianity was a Messianic cult. 

Paul never met Jesus.

31:00   Deuteronomy 13

Paul never Jesus.

32:00  Blasphemy no longer attracts the death penalty.

33:00  Unitarianism

35:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims are hypocrites.

37:00  Raymond Cattell

38:00  Monarch of the Morons

39:00  Muhammad was the most successful prophet.

41:00  Messiah Substitute

Pagan Natural Law

42:00  Divine revelation

43:00  In the land of blind men, the one eyed man is king.

44:00  Developing the narrative

46:00  See saw or handcart?

47:00  Secular Koranism is better for Americans than Beyondism.

48:00  Will Hindu Noahidism slut-shame?

50:00  Corporal punishment would be cheaper than incarceration.

51:00  India would never be declared a Noahide nation unless it adopted Secular Koranism with Indian Characteristics.

52:00  Kneading the dough

53:00  Hinduism

54:00  Vedanta

Simple stories and clear rules

58:00  Presstitutes rabbis

1:00:00  The nature and purpose of the Noahide laws

1:01:00  Shias > Sunnis

1:03:00  Trump

1:05:00  Legacy of Vincent Bruno

I am like Satan, apparently.

1:07:00  Is Sigma gay?

1:08:00  Noot

1:09:00  Principles

1:11:00  Trump

1:12:00  Setting the scene for Secular Koranism

1:13:00  "I'm planting a seed and you're trying to take over agro-business."

1:14:00  Vincent isn't scared of Secular Koranism. 

1:15:00  Crushing Hindu Noahidism with Secular Koranism

1:15:00  Islam wins more arguments than Judaism.  

1:17:00  Shia scholars

1:19:00  Evil inclination

1:20:00  Lowering our expectations

1:21:00  Usury

1:22:00  The Vincent and Claire Theology Show

1:26:00  A flat rate income tax of 20%

1:27:00  Vincent admits he is obsessed with power.

1:29:00  Critical mass

Khalid Safir on the 4th Koraniyule 2024

Marriageability classes
1:00  Not an ice cream van.
3:00  Psychology and neurosis
Who are we to tell people what their correct beliefs should be?
4:00  Bystander apathy
5:00  Who are you to tell me what to do?
6:00  We should listen if it is true and logical.
7:00  Truth trumps ideology.
8:00  Taboos and heresies
10:00  Purity spiralling
11:00  Forbidden subjects
12:00  Politics is a vocation.
15:00  Mohammed Hijab
16:00  Jordan Peterson
17:00  Agnosticism
18:00  Corruption at the bottom and top
20:00  One price for all.
21:00  Corruption is ignoring truth and indulging in denial.
22:00  The eugenic practice of marriage
23:00  Atheists and nihilists who don't care what happens to their society after they are dead
24:00  Being replaced because of  our bad attitude

Non-whites helping white people

26:00  Our religion of feminism and sexual liberation
27:00  Even Dolce & Gabbana can agree that married parents should be supported. 
30:00  Our governments are supposed to be breeding us.
31:00  Monarchy
37:00  Absolute monarchy
38:00  MBS
40:00  Foreign policy
42:00  The Spanish, British and American global marine empires
43:00  NATO
44:00  The Koran regulates gender, labour, consumer and international relations.
45:00  Pay your taxes and obey the law. 
46:00  The Abrahamic religions have the benefit of divine revelation.
47:00  The Ten Commandments are for Jews, the Noahide laws are for gentiles. 
48:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
49:00  Pauline epistles
51:00  The harm of idolatry
53:00  Buddhism
54:00  Public and private morality
55:00  Christianity could only be maintained by heretic burning.
57:00  "The poor will always be with us."
58:00  Forgive the first time.
59:00  The Koran says hypocrites go to hell.
1:00:00  God is both merciful and vengeful.
1:01:00  Catholics 
1:02:00  Attending church on Sundays
1:03:00  Churches are indoctrination centres.
1:04:00  Idolaters pay the opportunity cost of not being rightly guided by the Koran.
1:05:00  A man only serve one master.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Does Jewish privilege exist?

2:00  Jewish privilege

3:00  Zionist privilege


8:00  Assad

9:00  Christians

10:00  Sunnis scholars under monarchies are intellectually and morally compromised.

20% of Muslims are Shia.

13:00  Eschatology

Monarchy is not halal. 

14:00  UnAmerican

15:00  George Washington's farewell speech

16:00  What is the name of the game we are supposed to be playing?

17:00  Our identity

18:00  My restaurant analogy

19:00  The monarch is above the law.

The Proposition Nation of the Founding Fathers

21:00  The rules

22:00  Discrimination

23:00  Policing someone's behaviour

Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. 

24:00  Hypocrites go to hell.

25:00  Jewish privilege

26:00  Jews enjoying the best of worlds.

27:00  Purity spiralling

29:00  Khalid



34:00  Islamic scholars under monarchies are morally compromised. 

35:00  Caliphate

36:00  Imperial harem of the Ottoman Emperor

Gay marriage in the Ottoman Empire


38:00  Causation

39:00  Noahide laws

41:00  Reluctance to become married parents

42:00  People are cattle.

43:00  Cults have a narrative, values  and rules.

44:00  The narratives, values and rules of a Nazi  state

45:00  SIGMA joins.

46:00  Muslims are not following their own rules properly.

47:00  Chinese people were not burned at the stake for questioning the Trinity.

48:00  Computer analogies

56:00  Religion

57:00  John Vervaeke and Paul Van Der Clay

58:00  Sigma believes in a religion that isn't a religion. 

59:00  White privilege

1:00:00  Feminine privilege

1:01:00  High and low status people

1:03:00  Being unAmerican

1:04:00  Principles of being an American would be the Bill of Rights

1:05:00  Pay your taxes and obey the law

1:06:00  Becoming married parents

1:07:00  Marriage license

1:10:00  Extramarital sex must be forbidden and punished.

1:11:00  Abolishing no fault divorce

1:12:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders.

1:13:00  Stick and carrot

1:18:00  Changing the narrative

1:19:00  Men are motivated by sex.

1:21:00  Getting round the problem of having to get married.

1:23:00  Cynicism and jadedness

1:26:00  The harm of feminism

1:27:00  Philanthropy and charity

1:28:00  Parental expectations

1:33:00  Hedonism,

1:34:00  Cosmopolitanism

1:38:00  Monogamy

1:40:00  LGBT

1:42:00  Ageing and shrinking feminised societies

1:43:00  The sexually sated man is politically inert.

1:44:00  Bachelors avoiding their responsibilities

1:45:00  Ancient Greeks and Romans who practised pederasty are now extinct.

1:46:00  Lying to themselves

1:47:00  Immigrants

1:48:00  Big words like good, evil, religion, morality, idolatry etc.

1:50:00  Judaism is strictest on sexual morality.

1:51:00  Going along to get along

1:53:00  Extinct political systems

1:55:00  Humans are generic, but political and moral systems are not.

1:56:00  Trump Derangement Syndrome

1:57:00  JFK

1:58:00  Moral systems

1:59:00  Culture wars between unprincipled political parties

2:00:00  Culture can be shaped by laws and moral systems.

2:02:00  Which moral system is best?

John Vervaeke

2:03:00  The nation

2:04:00  Christianity

2:06:00  Jews

Easy to follow religions with easy to believe narratives in harmony with truth and logic

2:07:00   Christianity

2:08:00   The 10 Commandments, the 13 Principles of Judaism and the 7 Noahide laws

2:09:00  Choosing the best religion

2:10:00  Jews and gentiles

2:11:00  Christianity has failed to defend the divine right of kings.

2:12:00  The Torah is too hard for Jews.

2:13:00  Thomas Jefferson must have read the Koran.

2:15:00  Neurosis

2:16:00  Innovation. Truth, Logic and Morality

2:17:00  Correct or useful?

2:18:00  Androphobia

2:19:00  Vincent's gay dystopia

Choosing your alpha male leader

2:21:00  Competition

2:22:00  Feminine privilege

2:23:00  ANNOINTED joins.

2:24:00  You are Jewish if your mother is a Jewess.

2:26:00  Jewish privilege

2:27:00  Parasitical

2:28:00  Indefatigable and indestructible

2:33:00  Sacrificing Jewish identity for world peace

2:36:00  Amalekite kind of question

2:37:00  Tikkun Olam

Islam is a Noahide religion.

2:39:00  Debating Muslims

2:40:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

2:43:00  Rabbis

2:44:00  Hasbara

2:45:00  The Torah

2:46:00  Converting to Judaism

2:47:00  Kosher restaurant

2:48:00  Walking distance to a synagogue

2:50:00  Married men who want to convert to  Judaism after they become fathers

2:52:00  Zionist Jews

2:53:00  Background


Pepe the Frog and the Noticers

2:56:00  Antisemites

2:58:00   Jewish privilege

2:59:00   Cyrus

3:02:00   Jewish behaviour

3:03:00  Israel

3:07:00  Israel Hamas War

3:08:00  Records of Jewishness

3:09:00  Reform Jews

3:11:00  Reform School

3:12:00  Conversion

12 classes to Reform Judaism

3:14:00  Reform and Orthodox family get togethers

3:20:00  Messiah

3:23:00  Policeman

3:24:00  Jewish privilege

3:26:00  Jewess

3:28:00  SENSE CERTAIN joins. 

3:37:00  Whiteness

Nazism or religion

3:39:00  Antinomian

3:40:00  No religion, no principles.

3:41:00  Islam

3:43:00  Himalayas

3:44:00  Muslim misbehaviour

3:45:00  Gazans

3:46:00  Sharia and Christianity 

3:48:00  Noahidism

3:50:00  Gay marriage

3:51:00  Definition of sexual immorality

3:53:00  Jewish privilege


AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and  @RealVinBruno  #4.3 https://t.co/DzZ5iBlNxs — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 6, 2025 [...