Sunday, 2 March 2025

Why wasn't there a Reformation in the Eastern Orthodox Church?

56:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss the Russian Revolution.

58:00  The French Revolution 

59:00  The Edict of Expulsion 1290

Military campaigns cost money making war finance through usury necessary

Oliver Cromwell, as a key figure in the English Civil Wars and later as Lord Protector, is most notably associated with his military campaigns in Ireland during the period of 1649–1650. These campaigns were part of the broader Wars of the Three Kingdoms, which included conflicts in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Let’s unpack this with a skeptical but fair lens, considering what’s known and what’s debated.

Cromwell’s involvement in Ireland stemmed from the Irish Confederate Wars (1641–1653), a messy tangle of rebellion, religion, and power struggles that erupted after the Irish Catholic Confederation rose against English Protestant rule in 1641. By 1649, after the execution of Charles I, England’s new Commonwealth government, with Cromwell at the helm, turned its attention to Ireland. The Confederates had allied with English Royalists, posing a threat to the fledgling Commonwealth. Cromwell was dispatched to crush this resistance and secure Ireland—both strategically and ideologically, given the deep Protestant-Catholic divide.

His main campaign kicked off in August 1649 when he landed in Dublin with a well-equipped army of around 12,000 men. Skeptics might question the traditional narrative of Cromwell as a singular genocidal bogeyman, but the evidence of his actions is hard to dismiss entirely. Two episodes stand out: the Siege of Drogheda (September 1649) and the Sack of Wexford (October 1649). At Drogheda, after the town refused to surrender, Cromwell’s forces stormed it, killing an estimated 2,500–3,000 people, including soldiers, civilians, and priests. He justified this as a “righteous judgment” against those he saw as rebels and papists, though historians debate whether the scale of slaughter was exaggerated by propaganda or understated by apologists. Wexford followed a similar pattern: a refusal to surrender, a breach of defenses, and a massacre—perhaps 2,000 dead, though numbers vary.

These weren’t “wars” in the sense of prolonged back-and-forth conflicts but rather a brutal, targeted campaign to subdue resistance. Cromwell’s forces moved efficiently, capturing key towns like Kilkenny and Clonmel by mid-1650, though Clonmel put up a stiff fight, costing him significant casualties. He left Ireland in May 1650, handing the mop-up to his lieutenants, like Henry Ireton, as the Scottish threat loomed back home. The campaign effectively broke the Confederate-Royalist alliance, paving the way for the Commonwealth’s consolidation of power and the infamous land confiscations that followed under the 1652 Act of Settlement.

Now, a fair skeptic might ask: was this Cromwell waging “wars” or just a ruthless pacification? It wasn’t a drawn-out conflict with pitched battles every season—it was a nine-month hammer blow. Some argue he was a product of his time, where sieges often ended in massacres if terms were rejected; others see a deliberate policy of terror. The primary sources—his own letters, parliamentary records, and Irish accounts like the Aphorismical Discovery—paint a picture of calculated violence, but intent remains a point of contention. What’s clear is that Cromwell didn’t wage multiple distinct “wars” in Ireland; it was one campaign, part of a larger war, with lasting scars.

So, to sum up: Cromwell’s Irish campaign of 1649–1650, marked by Drogheda and Wexford, was his primary military engagement there. It’s less a series of wars and more a single, ferocious intervention. The rest depends on how you weigh the man’s motives and the era’s norms. 

1:04:00  Noahide laws

1:05:00  Tovia Singer

1:06:00  PAUL joins.

1:09:00  Kawkab


1:11:00  White Nationalists having good Muslim wives after becoming good Muslim men worthy of good Muslim wives

Alex is non-denominational.

1:14:00  Iran and Malaysia

1:15:00  Countries with an independent foreign policy: China, Iran, Russia

1:18:00  Sykes-Picot and the Radcliffe line

1:19:00  Islam against Classical Civilisation

1:20:00  The Roman Empire lives on through the Roman Catholic Church.

1:21:00  The Chinese like their pork and gambling.

1:25:00  E Michael Jones says the Reformation was the worship of Mammon.

1:26:00  Bolshevik Revolution

1:27:00  Trotsky

1:28:00  Lenin

1:29:00  Secular Jews in Russia

1:30:00  Hitler wanted to ban usury.

1:31:00  Hitler did sometimes get a good press.

1:33:00  Orthodox Christianity was under the control of the Russian Empire.

Why wasn't there a Reformation in the Byzantine Empire?


Your question about why the Byzantine Empire didn’t experience a Reformation like Western Europe’s is intriguing, and it’s worth digging into with a skeptical eye while keeping the historical pieces straight. Let’s explore it without assuming too much or overcomplicating things.

First off, the Byzantine Empire, centered in Constantinople, ran on Eastern Orthodox Christianity from the 4th century until its fall in 1453. Western Europe’s Reformation kicked off in the 16th century—think Luther nailing his theses in 1517—long after the Byzantines were dust, so timing’s a hurdle. But even if we imagine a Reformation-style upheaval during its existence, the setup was different. The West had the Catholic Church—a centralized, Rome-led behemoth with indulgences, corruption, and a chokehold on scripture that sparked rebellion. Byzantium’s Orthodox Church wasn’t quite the same beast.

The Byzantine Church was tied to the state—emperors like Justinian or Basil II weren’t just rulers; they were God’s reps on Earth, blending secular and sacred power. This “caesaropapism” meant the emperor could slap down clerical overreach, keeping the Church more a partner than a rival. Contrast that with the West, where popes and kings bickered over who got the bigger stick. No huge power gap, no simmering resentment to explode into a Luther moment. Could corruption have sparked something anyway? Sure, the Byzantine Church had its scandals—iconoclasm debates in the 8th and 9th centuries got messy—but they were state-managed, not grassroots revolts.

Then there’s theology and culture. The Orthodox leaned on tradition—liturgy, icons, Greek texts—over the West’s Latin legalism. They didn’t hoard scripture like Rome did; literacy was higher in Byzantium, and the Bible wasn’t locked behind a language wall. Monks and laity could read it, so the “let’s break free and read God’s word” fuel of the Reformation didn’t burn as hot. Plus, the Byzantines faced constant external threats—Persians, Arabs, Turks—making unity a survival tactic, not a luxury. Splitting the Church over doctrine might’ve seemed suicidal when the Seljuks were at the gates.

What about dissent? There was some—Bogomilism in the 10th century, a dualist heresy, had Reformation-esque vibes with its anti-clerical bent. But it got crushed or fizzled out, partly because the state-Church machine was too tight to let it grow. The West’s fragmented feudal mess gave reformers breathing room; Byzantium’s centralized grip didn’t. Could a printing press have changed that? Maybe, but Gutenberg came post-1453—too late for Constantinople.

So, no Reformation because: no overbearing papal monopoly to smash, tighter state-Church fusion, less theological chokehold, and a besieged empire too busy to navel-gaze.

1:37:00  Tovia Singer

1:39:00  E Michael Jones

1:41:00  Who won the Wars of the Reformation?

1:44:00  Western imperialism

Shining city on a hill

1:45:00  Are Westerners beneficiaries of Western imperialism?

I leave.

1:46:00  The Jewish dollar

Three letter agencies

1:48:00  Ukraine

1:57:00  NATO Fake Orthodox Church

2:03:00  Draft dodging

2:08:00  J D Vance

Roe v Wade

2:09:00  Catholics v Protestants in America

God's Bankers by Gerald Posner

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Secular Paganism - getting rid of the competition

15:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

Critique of Secular Paganism

Overview: Secular Paganism attempts to combine the preservation of pagan traditions with a legal framework that prioritizes rational, ethical, and non-religious principles. It seeks to create a system that protects polytheism while permitting agnosticism and atheism.


Diversity and Inclusion: Secular Paganism promotes religious diversity by protecting polytheistic beliefs and allowing for agnostic and atheistic perspectives. This inclusivity can create a more tolerant and open society.

Rational and Ethical Principles: The emphasis on laws derived from natural principles and rational concepts appeals to those who value logic and reason. It moves away from divine revelation and focuses on human intelligence and ethics.

Environmental and Animal Welfare: The commitment to humane treatment of animals and environmental protection is commendable and aligns with contemporary values of sustainability and conservation.

Legal Protection of Freedoms: The promotion of blasphemy and the prohibition of laws regulating consensual adult relationships reflect a strong commitment to individual freedoms and personal autonomy.


Complexity and Enforcement: The detailed and extensive legal framework may be challenging to implement and enforce consistently. The numerous sub-laws could create confusion and require significant resources to manage.

Conflict with Existing Religions: The outright prohibition of monotheism and certain polytheistic practices may lead to conflict with adherents of those faiths. This approach might be seen as oppressive rather than inclusive.

Reproductive Requirements: The mandate to double the population every generation may be unrealistic and could lead to social and economic strain. It also raises ethical concerns about imposing reproductive expectations on individuals.

Punitive Measures: The use of the death penalty and other severe punishments may be controversial and could be seen as contradicting the principles of humane treatment and rational ethics.

Potential for Misinterpretation: The broad scope of laws, especially those related to blasphemy and religious criticism, could be misinterpreted or abused, leading to unintended consequences and social unrest.


Secular Paganism presents an ambitious attempt to create a legal system that balances religious diversity, rational ethics, and individual freedoms. While it has several strengths, including its commitment to inclusivity and environmental protection, it also faces significant challenges in terms of complexity, enforcement, and potential conflicts with existing religious practices. The concept requires careful consideration and refinement to address these weaknesses and ensure its principles are applied fairly and consistently.

19:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy. 

22:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

23:00  Education and Sharing Day

24:00  The media needs  to give people the green light to discuss it.


27:00  Will Americans be stupid enough to abolish the First Amendment?

28:00  Secular Jews are given a good press.

29:00  Noahide laws

30:00  Vincent's dastardly plan

31:00  The Abrahamic God was what made the West great. 

32:00  Vincent denies Hinduism is paganism.

34:00  Polytheists in America don't feel threatened because of the First Amendment. 

Vincent doesn't think Rake has any firm beliefs or a stable ideology.

36:00  White people reject Christianity because it has failed them.

37:00  Pagan is a euphemism for white nationalist.

38:00  Monotheism

40:00  Vincent has a written plan to defeat the five world religions.

41:00  I have not written out a proper Islamic constitution.

42:00  Hinduism is polytheism.

43:00  Hindus

45:00  Rabbi who says Hinduism is monotheism.

46:00  Christianity will not get the peer review it needs to be declared not idolatry.

47:00  Bowing before idols

48:00  No rabbinical consensus on Hinduism

49:00  Under what circumstances would Americans voluntarily give up their First Amendment?

50:00  Jehovah's Witnesses tried to warn Jews against the Nazis.

52:00  Western pagans tend to be antisemites

53:00  Sometimes problems have to ripen.

56:00  There are no Noahide laws for Muslims to fight.

58:00  The First Amendment

59:00   Russians did not have the First Amendment.

Hate speech is blasphemy against liberalism.

1:00:00  Blasphemy

1:02:00  Paganism

1:04:00  Hindus are  not polytheists.

1:06:00  Temple of Polytheism

Polytheists are afraid of the Noahide laws, sharia and Nick Fuentes.

Secular Koranism

1:07:00 Support for SK by Vincent

1:08:00  Vincent's 7 laws

1:10:00  The Abrahamic God is not good enough for Vincent.

1:11:00  The difference between Paradise and Heaven

1:13:00  Messiah Substitute

1:15:00  Hopeless causes

1:18:00  Marriage and family values

1:19:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.

1:21:00  Vincent's Seven Laws of Secular Paganism

"Kosher club"

3:00  Religion

4:00  Aleister Crowley on religion

8:00  No comment.

9:00  Spiritual beings

10:00  Atheists worship their own opinions.

Laws are useful.

11:00  "You cannot legislate for morality." Why not? 

12:00  Agnosticism

13:00  The soul is the memory we leave behind after we are dead. 

14:00  People are stupid.

15:00  Mail reading OAP complaining about the government but wants Ukraine to be part of NATO.

16:00  The necessity of a supreme authority

17:00  Securing immortality

18:00  Curating personalities

19:00  Grok refuses to role play religious figures or God.

21:00  Hoarder?

22:00  Fear of death

23:00  How sacred cows become sacred cows

24:00  DRAGON joins.

27:00  The Abrahamic God

28:00  Religious progressivism

29:00  Arms race of religions

32:00  Tree of Life

34:00  Self-conscious guilt


35:00  Approaching religion through reason

36:00  Morality

37:00  Virtue signalling hypocrites

38:00  The rules of a theocracy would be more stable. 

39:00  Egalitarianism  v Hierarchy

40:00  Meritocracy v Monarchy

43:00  Common sense v rare sense

44:00  Motivated by hate and  fear

45:00  We are the slaves of our government. 

46:00  Choosing the best thing around for the job

47:00  Omnist

48:00  Learning and loving

50:00  I am black pilled.

56:00  We are spied on by through our phones. 

57:00  Narratives

58:00  What is a politically feasible?

59:00  Patriarchy

1:00:00  I drop out.

1:23:00  CK's departure mentioned.

1:37:00  Cats are Jewish.

1:57:00  Psychopathic pre-cannibal

2:07:00  Muslims

2:10:00  Jews and Muslims

2:11:00  Christians

2:14:00  Armenians

2:22:00  I am not the anonymous listener.

2:42:00  Christian idolatry

3:01:00  Accents

3:09:00  SK and CK

3:10:00  CK called "a  bull". 

3:17:00  Identity politics

3:27:00  Henry Thoreau on forging identity

3:34:00  Chicken Tikka Massala

4:08:00  Crazy Asian female drivers

4:32:00  Sex with crazy ladies

4:33:00  Trump-supporting macho men

5:12:00  Guitar

5:37:00  John Dee and sorcery

5:39:00  The mystery of atheism

5:43:00  Christianity is Roman.

5:44:00  Constantine the Great

5:45:00  From cult to religion

5:46:00  "Pagan oriented but Christian based"

5:47:00  Spartacus and the slave rebellion

5:49:00  Idolatry of the feminine

5:52:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins to explain his behaviour towards ANGLO-IRANIAN.

Yazidis and the Aleister Crowley

5:59:00  The Wicker Man

6:01:00  Golden Bough

Dying King tradition

6:02:00  Paganism

6:03:00  I brought Vincent to the space.

Being godly

6:04:00  Gay dads


6:08:00  Rake's principles?

6:09:00  Pearls before swine

6:11:00  Nietzsche

6:12:00  "Do no harm, take no shit" cannot be legally enforceable. 

6:14:00  Vincent has the principle of banning monotheism.

6:15:00  Freedom of expression

6:18:00  Hinduism to be banned

6:19:00  Outlawing the immoral

6:20:00  Sexual immorality

6:25:00  Enjoining good and forbidding what is evil

6:29:00  I know what I stand for.

6:30:00  I respect Vincent.

6:31:00  The wrong legal system

6:32:00  The spread of ideas

6:36:00  Noahide laws

6:37:00  Pincer movement

6:40:00  Transhumanism and transgenderism

6:42:00  The Talmud

6:47:00  Noahide laws

6:48:00  Gender identity

6:49:00  Rake refuses to make the distinction between secular and religious Jews.

6:50:00  Chabad

Rugby analogy

6:53:00  ANIHILISM

6:59:00  Grok on gender

7:01:00  Israel

7:03:00  Truth, Logic and Morality

7:23:00  DELEON joins.

8:04:00  Palestine

8:06:00  Excuses for the Jews

Stockholm Syndrome

8:19:00  TIM on antisemites

8:20:00  Correlation is not causation.

8:21:00  Confirmation bias

8:23:00  White privilege

8:29:00  Icelandic rabbi

8:35:00  Jews for Jesus

8:39:00  October 7

The correct definition of morality makes it obvious which religion would be best for America

  1. Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
  2. Moral systems include religions and secular political ideologies eg Liberalism, Fascism, Communism.
  3. Religions eg Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism last longer than secular political ideologies, therefore it would be sensible to replace liberal democracy with a religion since changing one's religion and political ideology is so deeply traumatic.  
  4. The best religion is obviously Islam because it is the only religion with a book of rules for humanity giving the most rights the most important of which is freedom of belief and expression. 
  5. Americans would should have no trouble agreeing that the First Amendment - the right to freedom of belief and expression - is the most important human right of all. 
  6. Americans cannot deny that the First Amendment is supported by
  7. The Koran is the only holy book of any religion that supports the First Amendment. 
  8. The Koran is believed by Muslims to be the directly revealed Word of God.
  9. There is only one Abrahamic God who made two revelations to humanity - the Torah and the Koran. 
  10. The Torah is for Jews from which they derived the Seven Noahide laws.
  11. The Seven Noahide Laws repeat the First and Second Commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.
  12. The US adopting the Seven Noahide Laws would mean the abolition of the First Amendment. 
  13. Rabbis should declare Islam to be a Noahide religion and consider the possibility that the Koran is a later and final revelation by the Abrahamic God.
  14. In not acknowledging the possibility that the Koran is a later and better revelation to humanity, Jews are inciting hatred against themselves by implying God did not think gentiles worthy of His attention and guidance. 
  15. Muslims should invite rabbis to explain why they think the Torah is a better guide to humanity than the Koran if that is what they really think. 
  16. If rabbis refuse to engage on the question of whether the Koran is in fact better than the Torah, gentiles would be entitled to assume that rabbis have conceded that it either could be better or is in fact better. 
  17. There is a verse in the Koran that states that God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear at This includes Jewish souls.
  18. Jews are not fit for the purpose of being God's Chosen People chosen to tell Christians that Christianity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
  19. If Jews were made God's Chosen People, their purpose must be to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.  
  20. In refusing to rank the four gentile religions after repeated requests to do so, rabbis are showing their unfitness for this divine purpose. 
  21. Half of Jewry are secular liberal atheist  Jews making them heretical Jews.
  22. Because Israel is a liberal democracy promoting the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jews cannot claim to have the moral high ground over Muslims.  
  23. If Jews are considered to be powerful, it is only because they have the unwavering support and the military might of the global American Empire whose ruling classes are mostly godless atheists and nihilists. 
  24. Because most Americans consider the West to espouse liberal values, their de facto religion is liberalism, their sacrament representative democracy and their religious practice general elections.
  25. Americans appear to be determined to continue ignoring the advice of their Founding Father George Washington warning them against political parties given in 1796 nearly 230 years ago.
  26. This advice was first ignored in 1792, 232 years ago when the Democratic-Republican Party was  founded - also known as the Jeffersonian Republican Party -  ending the dominance of the Federalist Party founded in 1789.
  27. Everything Washington warned about as regards political parties has come to pass.
  28. It is hoped President Trump will save the American Republic from the warmongering neocons who have come to dominate US foreign policy. 
  29. warns against sectarianism in politics caused by the existence of political parties dividing the nation's ruling classes into amoral political tribes more interested in party interest than the national interest. 
  30. It was the sagacious Washington who warned "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained  without religion."
  31. When George Washington said: "Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct," he could only have meant Islam because the principles of the Geneva Convention in fact come from the Koran. 
  32. Torah principles of warfare only apply to Jews who cannot agree on whether the Amalekites are still in existence to require being exterminated as Jews are commanded by God to do.  
  33. Jesus was never in a position to share his thoughts with humanity about the conduct of foreign policy.
  34. There are only five world religions.
  35. The Abrahamic religions are the ones best equipped to acquire and maintain empire. 
  36. Hinduism and Buddhism can be safely dismissed because the Majapahit Empire of India was superseded by Islam in South East Asia. India was also conquered by the Muslim Moghuls and the Christian British. 
  37. Judaism is for Jews, but Jews are only 1% of the world population, half of whom are heretics who would be stoned to death for breaking the Sabbath if Jews still took Judaism seriously.
  38. Christianity is kaput because the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and British monarch submit to the liberal order. 
  39. Even if Judaism and Christianity were not both kaput, the implementation of the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy and the Christian practice of heretic burning would mean the abolition of the First Amendment in fact supported by which would be offensive to God, Reason and the Founding Fathers. 
  40. If Americans define themselves by their constitution and the Bill of Rights, then they must logically and necessarily exclude religious principles that go against the First Amendment. This means they must exclude the first two of the Ten Commandments and the first two of the Seven Noahide laws, leaving the Koran and its divine support of their First Amendment with the only rational and moral choice for Americans.

Why wasn't there a Reformation in the Eastern Orthodox Church? — Alex (@DiscipleOf_JC) March 1, 2025 56:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss the Russian Revolution. 58:00  The French ...