Wednesday, 31 August 2022

What ought to be the universal aspiration for all honest, reasonable and moral people?

1:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
2:00  Honest, reasonable and principled
3:00  Not being a liar, not believing in nonsense and keeping promises
4:00  Being mendacious, nonsensical and unprincipled
5:00  Teaching the difference between valid and sound arguments
6:00  Being taken seriously
7:00  Therapy takes years
8:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality
9:00  Atheists worship their own dumb opinions.
Papal Conclave
10:00  If it is everyone for himself in the Papal Conclave
11:00  Subscribing to the narrative of the Abrahamic God
12:00  Conspiracy theories
13:00  Focusing on undisputed fact and sound reasoning
14:00  If God exists
15:00  Why do Jews claim the Koran is false?
16:00  If both the Torah and the Koran come from God, Jews and gentiles can choose either.
17:00  Kingdom of priests and light unto nations
18:00  Noah, Abraham and Joseph were Noahides.
19:00  The Noahide laws in the Babylonian Talmud
20:00  Law is impossible without the written word.

The Torah was a revolutionary document. 

21:00  The Koran was an improvement on the Torah. 

22:00  What are the criteria for the best religion?
23:00  The best religion is the one with the most powerful divinity conceivable with a book of rules with the wideset application and fewest restrictions.
24:00  Why choose a book of rules containing 36 capital offences when you can choose one without?
25:00  Ir nidachat cannot be part of the rabbinical curriculum.
26:00  The rational Jew would convert to Islam for a better afterlife. 
27:00  Even if world Jewry converted to Islam, they would still be light unto nations. 
The reward for Jews is to become Muslim. 
28:00  Once their purpose has been served, Jews can retire.  
29:00  Jews can still be light unto nations by becoming Muslim. 
30:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
31:00  After America adopts Secular Koranism, the rest of the world would follow. 
37:00  Tidying up the statute books
38:00  Trinity
42:00  We want to be honest, reasonable and principled. 
43:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
44:00  2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy and 250 years of liberalism
45:00  Comfortably Muslim in two or three generations

Why do Jews unwittingly incite antisemitism by denying the divine source of the Koran?

1:00  Noahides
2:00  Neurosis
3:00  Jews suffering from Islamophobia
4:00  Jews accusing each other of antisemitism and being Nazis
5:00  Western perceptions of Islam and Muslims
6:00  MSM can contradict themselves without losing too much credibility but individuals cannot. 
7:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to serve gentiles and humanity. 
8:00  Doublethink and wrongthink has undermined the mental health of Jews and gentiles under liberalism
9:00  Jews are only allowed to engage with righteous gentiles. 
10:00  My theory of the Abrahamic God and the double protection of Jews under the Equality Act 2010
11:00  Intersectionality most undermines the status of the indigenous non-Muslim married father.
14:00  Jews are their own worst enemy.

Jews having a nagging fear that their first revelation might be inferior to the final revelation of the Abrahamic God but are currently neurotically denying it. 

15:00  Isn't it obvious to Jews that it would be more rational to follow a scripture that does not have 36 capital offences in it? Are they stupid or something?

16:00  Jews becoming Muslim to enjoy a better afterlife
17:00  Ir nidachat is a capital offence for Jews.
19:00  Islamophobic Jews
20:00  Jews are meant to be the people setting and upholding standards for gentiles.
21:00  Jews have to acknowledge that the Abrahamic God is believed to have communicated with humanity twice through the Torah and the Koran. 
22:00  By what criteria should we choose the best religion available?
24:00  Christianity or Islam?
Which scripture is superior - the New Testament or the Koran?
25:00  Jews have been getting things wrong for centuries.
26:00  Rabbis refusing to rank the four gentile religions in order of their conformity with the Noahide laws are actually disobeying God for which there will be condign punishment. 
27:00  Atheists pretending to be Jews, Christians and Muslims not afraid of God
28:00  Rabbis who refuse to engage with Muslims


34:00  Jews do not always agree with each other. 
35:00  2 Jews, 3 opinions
36:00  Jews are both a race and a religious group and get double protection under the Equality Act 2010.
37:00  Islamophobic Jews
38:00  Defiant Jews
39:00  Only Secular Koranism can morally regenerate the West.
41:00  Dithering nationalists
43:00  Jews have neither a Pope nor a Sanhedrin. 
45:00  One-party theocracy
47:00  God if He exists would not approve of liberal democracy. 
48:00  Liberalism would only work if all liberals were God-believing social conservatives. 
49:00  Western identity issues will be resolved under Secular Koranism.

A constitutional amendment that the commandments of Allah be made the supreme law of the United States of America

Mohamad Omar Nachawati
Eric Cartagena, CLTD I wonder how much bipartisan support would there be for a constitutional amendment that made the commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America.

Claire Khaw do you have any suggestions for how support for such a proposal can be amplified, especially among thought leaders in government, corporate and academic institutions? I think we all agree that status quo is utterly indefensible.

Nihad Awad & company feel free to voice your opinion on this matter. Would the Council on American-Islamic Relations National Headquarters be FOR or AGAINST a constitutional amendment that made the commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America?

Claire Khaw
I do believe that the Republican Party is more likely to support this sort of thing than the Democrats.

Perhaps putting this idea to Trump at his website at would result in its being amplified by Trump and his advisers, because they will discuss it amongst themselves even if they hate it.

Jordan Peterson too could perhaps be financially incentivised into discussing this proposal as a thought experiment.

I am sure rabbis as well as secular Jewish public intellectuals such as Ben Shapiro would have a few things to say about this too.

A federal referendum would be the best way of legitimising this proposal, but this would be unprecedented since America has never had a federal referendum.

Mohamad Omar Nachawati
I don't agree with you on Trump. Maybe with some of his misguided supporters, but I've found that many of them are really hard to get through to. Trump was one of the reasons that motivated me to leave life in America and take up residence in Turkey back in 2019 (and I've been here ever since).

Jordan Peterson financially incentivised? I've been following him for a while now, and I was originally impressed with his courage to stand up to secular humanism-based "human rights" legislation in Canada back in 2016. Though, it seems that he lost a lot of cred with his benzodiazepin fiasco and also with his recent poorly received message to Muslims. In any case I do wonder how much his rate (if any) would be to take up the issue for serious discussion.

Claire Khaw
Trump and Peterson may not be exactly as we would wish, but who could or would fill their shoes? We can only work with what is available.

Mohamad Omar Nachawati
Not a federal referendum, but perhaps a joint resolution affirming that the supreme ethical values and principles upon which the nation is established are none other than the commandments of Allah as revealed in the Qur'an.

If that could be achieved, then I'd think the door would be wide open to serious deliberation in Congress on an actual amendment.

For those who might find this to be a tiny bit out of the ordinary, consider that on March 20, 1991 Congress essentially affirmed that the Seven Noahide Laws are the supreme ethical values and principles upon which the nation was founded. Despite these laws not being recognized by name in the Qur'an, I fail to see how one could say that adherence to the commandments of Allah as revealed in the Qur'an would not fulfill the Seven Noahide Laws.

Claire Khaw
Would you happen to know if there is a comprehensive list of the Commandments of Allah? A rabbinical contact of mine is asking.

Mohamad Omar Nachawati
Codification of the commandments of Allah is an interesting topic.

Since any codification would necessarily entail interpretation of scripture, I understand it to fall under the umbrella of fiqh. If you read books on fiqh, they are typically categorized by topic, but I have yet to come across anything comprehensive and concise enough to be considered a code of Islamic law. 

The closest thing to one that I'm aware of would be the the Mecelle or Al-Majalla (also know as the Ottoman Courts Manual). However, the Mecelle is not comprehensive, and it appears to lack the necessary rigor, i.e. each law needs to be indisputably traced to its legal authority (i.e. the verses of the Qur'an that contain such commandment).

Here is a link to a non-authoritative version of the Mecelle - Ottoman Courts Manual (English)

Claire Khaw
I am appalled at this omission!

Mohamad Omar Nachawati
again it could be that ones exist, but I have just not come across them.

In any case, while I see it to be useful, I don't see it as strictly required. Though, what appears to be necessary is a mechanism (e.g. a supreme court) to invalidate laws that contradict what are understood by the consensus of the governed to be the commandments of Allah revealed in the Qur'an, and a mechanism to compel the government to uphold those commandments.

Advice to diaspora Jews who want to stay in the diaspora

God if He exists would indeed sharpening His Knives of Punishment. Repentance is always an option and this must start from the top: Jews are to repent of not properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles and Orthodox rabbis are to repent of not ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws as I have been repeatedly urging them to do for years now.  Indeed, they should have thought of doing so 1400 years ago if they were taking their religious obligations to gentiles seriously and been recommending Islam to Christian kingdoms in Europe or urging their Muslim overlords to obey If they were frightened of about Christian persecution in Christian European kingdoms, American Jews could have relied on the First Amendment for protection when it was ratified in 1791. 

In Europe, Orthodox rabbis could have relied on the European Convention of Human Rights to state what they believed to be the truth from 1953.

Once the Noahide ranking of the gentile religions is official and agreed, the penny will drop with most reasonable Christians who will, all things being equal, renounce their blasphemous worship of an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

Even if most Westerners are not ready to make the transition from matriarchy to theocracy, Secular Koranism is the intermediate step or bridge designed to help morally degenerate Westerners undergo a moral regeneration under a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring that most parents are married parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders as prescribed by

The thing to remember about Secular Koranism is that though nominally a theocracy, it is a theocracy with the First Amendment since it is in fact based on which Islamophobes refuse to acknowledge.  

What has this to do with Diaspora Jews? I imagine most of them would rather stay in the diaspora. If we are to take seriously the narrative of Judaism and the capital offence of ir nidachat, all Jews who live and die as citizens of a city that has gone astray ie gone over to idolatry attract the penalty of death by beheading.

If this penalty is not meted out to Jews in their lifetime, it can be deduced that this punishment will take place in their olam haba, which cannot be a very pleasant thought for Jews who have citizenship in any Western nation that considers itself to be part of Christendom.

In order for Jews in the diaspora to stay in their gentile nations without risking their olam haba, they must ensure that their gentile nation is a righteous gentile nation following Koranic principles. This means Diaspora Jews must support and promote Secular Koranism together with Muslims in order to receive divine assistance in their desire to remain in the diaspora. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

What Islamophobes say when they lose the debate

3:00  Bribery and corruption
4:00  Jord's sales pitch of Western Secularism
6:00  Secular Koranism is the only game in town.
7:00  Conops is an old social democratic dinosaur.

My tidal wage and God analogy

8:00  We have no choice bout to appeal to God.
9:00  Antisemites and their competing antisemitic conspiracy theories
12:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God > competing antisemitic conspiracy theories
13:00  TJump on whether objective morality is public morality supported by divine law
15:00  Divine laws are the Noahide laws
16:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People to serve humanity. 
Jews should be injuncted for specific performance so that they perform their religious duty to gentiles which they have omitted to perform for at least 1400 years.  

17:00  The family is the building block of society.
20:00  Those who reject Secular Koranism are Islamophobes or afraid of Islamophobes. 
21:00  Capable Carol
22:00  People in arrested adolescence
25:00  Muslims who reject Secular Koranism are afraid of Islamophobes.
26:00  Jews rule the roost in atheist and theist political discourse.
28:00  A phobia is an irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims.
29:00  "Smart rabbis" who won't rank the four gentile religions
30:00  Jews who reject the idea of the Koran being a second and final revelation to mankind
31:00  Jews provoke antisemitism by rejecting Islam. 

Jews have the tow path to heaven while gentiles have the motorway.

32:00  36 capital offences in Judaism
33:00  Jews will suffer any death penalty they clocked up in their Jewish lifetimes in their olam haba. 
34:00  Jews can only escape a horrible afterlife by converting to Isalm. 
35:00  Jews can become righteous gentiles but not unrighteous gentiles. 
36:00  God is not to be regarded as the co-equal of the crucified Christ. 
37:00  Idolatry is wrongthink detectable by God.
38:00  My alleged Christophobia is evidence that I denounce idolatry and blasphemy.  
39:00  My ideological opponents who are unprincipled atheists and nihilists
40:00  Being lied about by my political opponents who cannot defeat my arguments
43:00  Using Truth, Logic and Morality to solve our problems
45:00  Rabbis running scared
46:00  Eating crow

Friday, 26 August 2022

Which is most and least likely?

a)  Jesus never existed.
b)  Jesus was a moral prophet of God.
c)  Jesus is the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Now is the winter of our discontent, says General Lord Richards (retired), more or less

9:00  I start to speak.
11:00  The unforced errors of our ruling classes
12:00  The Dissident Right are too corrupt and cowardly to engage with me.
13:00  Adam Green
14:00  Patriotic Alternative and British Democrats - which will Eddy Butler join?
15:00  The history of Christianity
16:00  The Torah
17:00  The Dissident Right are headless chickens.
18:00  Pro-natalist policies
20:00  Muslim parents of primary school children are the most vigorous in protesting against LGBTQ.
21:00  Unmarried mothers bringing up their bastards in fatherless homes do not care about LGBTQ schools as long as they get their free babysitting. 
22:00  Atheists have no agreed moral system. 
23:00  Atheists are cattle easily controlled by the stick and carrot.
24:00  Unprincipled narcissistic nihilist atheists
25:00  How most Western men think 
26:00  Atheists and nihilists run on Game Theory.
27:00  Retirees like General Lord Richards
28:00  The matriarchy is morally rotten.
30:00  Stephen JJames

35:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
36:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
Virgil's Aeneid
38:00  Orthodox rabbis afraid of their Christian overlords
39:00  Noahide laws
40:00  Orthodox rabbis are disobeying God by refusing to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
42:00  Why won't Muslims find their nearest Orthodox rabbi and ask them why they refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws? 
43:00  Muslims who dare not engage with me like EF Dawah and EA Dawah
44:00  Rabbis cannot explain how and why the Torah precludes a later and better revelation.
45:00  Rabbis want gentiles to think God cannot even bestir Himself to make a new and better revelation for gentiles. They don't care that this belief would make gentiles reject God and become pagans, but they will when the Western country they live in becomes a failed state. 
46:00  Zeus kept Prometheus alive to keep him suffering.
47:00  Honest and rational Jews would convert to Islam to avoid being punished for their ir nidachat in their afterlife.
49:00  My cogent points
50:00  Five Pillars of Secular Koranism
53:00  Kevin Barrett on Adam Green

Monday, 22 August 2022

Which Antichrist?

The concept of Antichrist is an ideological weapon to defend Christianity against its ideological challengers.

Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy according to its own narrative. If Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, then one can deduce that there would be a very large Christian Section of Hell because out of all the five world religions, Christianity is the least Noahide. It is least Noahide because of its idolatry and blasphemy. This must be so because the last three empires have been Christian and the Abrahamic faith with the largest number of adherents is Christianity.

4:00  The exhortation to "worship Jesus" is inciting and encouraging idolatry.

6:00  Any religion that opposes Christianity would be classified as Antichrist by Christians.  It is therefore predictable that Christians would label Marx and Muhammad Antichrist.

8:00  Malcom Muggeridge who died in 1990 wrote The End of Christendom.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. Christianity is making Westerners ill. Indeed, even the desire to maintain their Christian identity against all reason prevents them from returning to health.

9:00  Prophesies should be taken with a pinch of salt, particularly if that belief was based on a disputed claim that is obviously an absurdity ie that Jesus is God. The concept of the Antichrist is basically a defensive liar claiming that any strong leadership that challenges his lie is the Antichrist.

10:00  Nationalism can only be promoted through social conservatism and patriarchy. Patriarchy can only be maintained through theocracy. If we are to establish a theocracy, that theocracy should be based on revealed scripture. There are only two revealed scriptures attributed to the Abrahamic God: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Since the Torah is too hard even for Jews to follow, all should follow the Koran if they wish to have the benefit of the protection of the most powerful being conceivable.

11:00  Progressive Christianity does not promote social conservatism. Therefore progressive Christianity is not fit for the purpose of maintaining the patriarchy. That which is not fit for its intended purpose should be taken out with the trash.

12:00  Americans in their republic should be safe enough against being turned into a monarchy with an absolute monarchy, shouldn't it? Why have a monarch when you can have a constitutional dictator? Caliphs are constitutional dictators.

15:00  Rod Dreher is still Christian, therefore he still lives by lies. It is obviously a lie that Jesus is God. Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand.

18:00  America lacks the capacity for self-correction because it is a matriarchy. A matriarchy is a society that suffers from moral motor neurone disease meaning that its members are incapable of organising themselves against its internal and external enemies. Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. The West is a matriarchy perfectly explaining the unregulated morals of its ruling classes and the inability of the people to challenge their corrupt and incompetent ruling class. The incorporation of Koranic principles into the American constitution including the farewell speech of George Washington would restore the patriarchy in America. All that is required is for prominent Americans to propose this after bringing themselves to discuss this.

19:00  "Antichrist pattern" - anything Christians don't like?

20:00  You would expect globalism if there exists a corrupt and evil global empire. The American empire can be broken up legally and peacefully with the help of Trump-supporting American people and those already subject to its domination.

21:00  The solution to the Antichrist is to cease being Christian. Muslims don't have the concept of the anti-Muhammad because their religion is not full of mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus.

Top 8 features of Secular Koranism for the UK

1. is non-negotiable.

2.  It would have to be a one party state.

3.  There would be a flat rate income tax of 20%.

4.  Usury would be banned.

5.  No fault divorce would be banned.

6.  Brothels would be licensed in red light districts.

7.  Humane slavery operated by the state hiring out slaves to hirers of slaves inspected by slave visitors would be an alternative to the welfare state.

8.  The Equality Act would be repealed.

7.  Capital and corporal punishment would be restored.

8a.  The Church of England would have to be disestablished. The monarch is welcome to lead it if he wishes.

8b Britain would in time become a republic when it is realised that the monarch won’t be able to attract enough support for monarchy even if he is his own Pope of Anglicanism.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Christianity is the odd one out

How can we know which religious group God most disapproves of? Isn't it the case that those who most blatantly flout His laws would be Christians practising their idolatry and blasphemy that God has explicitly and specifically forbidden in His Commandments?

Christians have argued that it is not idolatry to worship an executed blasphemer if the executed blasphemer is indeed God, but how can this be proven? Where in Christian scripture does it say that Jesus is God?

The Doctrine of the Trinity was cooked up by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

While Jews are forbidden from entering churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised, they are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God.

If all the above are true, Christianity must be the odd one out.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

My undertaking to David Irving to report his impersonators on social media

8:00  David Irving Statement
11:00  Holocaust Denial
12:00  Libel trial
13:00  British PoWs
14:00  The origins of WW1
15:00  The British government is more invested in suppressing legitimate questions about WW1 and WW2 than Jews.
16:00  The Second Thirty Years War
19:00  American Revolution
21:00  Blaming Germany for WW1 and WW2
22:00  The Battle of Agincourt 1415
26:00  Salman Rushdie
28:00  Alison Chabloz
29:00  Antisemites and Judeophobia
30:00  The evil eye
34:00  Sir David Irving?
35:00  Events and phenomena not explained properly by history
39:00  Historical record of Jesus

41:00  I have solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
42:00  Why would you worship someone who faced an unenviable death?
43:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.
44:00  The English, American, French and Russian Revolutions
45:00  Why the English Republic didn't last 
A Caliph is not a king.
46:00  Parliament has absolute power over its electors. 
47:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty is inconsistent with belief in God.
48:00  The 39 Articles of Anglicanism
50:00  Idolatry is forbidden by God.
51:00  The Aeneid
52:00  Christian revival?
53:00  Unitarian Christianity
54:00  Christian needs can be satisfied by the Koran.

Friday, 19 August 2022

Talking about feminism and spirituality with @Sam from Israel

5:00  No interest in men for abolishing no fault divorce.
7:00  Women dressed not modest
8:00  OnlyFans
15:00  Yoga pants
20:00  Abolishing no fault divorce
21:00  Marriage licence
22:00  The culture of casual sex
26:00  Are the marriageable now the minority and the unmarriageable the majority?
28:00  China
36:00  The rat race of New York
38:00  Making it up as they go along
41:00  Historical materialism and Diane Feinstein, Californian Senator has a Chinese handler, apparently.
43:00  Yuri Bezmenov

54:00  Horny Texan women
56:00  Threesome
58:00  Complementary schismogenesis
59:00  The price of sex
1:00:00  The price of married sex is the wedding ring and that is just the beginning.
1:02:00  No more free will when the Messiah arrives.
1:05:00  Teshuvah
1:06:00  Jesus
1:20:00  My preference for human solutions
1:21:00  Amalekites
1:22:00  Idolatry is all over the Orient. 
1:23:00  Spiritual and intellectual Judaism
1:24:00  "The Western world negates true spirituality."
"The Western world markets spirituality as just another commodity."
1:25:00  God can be understood through the intellect.
Emunah and bitachon
1:26:00   If people literally believed in the Abrahamic God who rewards good and punishes evil in this life or the next, then people would automatically do the right thing. 
1:27:00  Martyrdom
1:28:00  All religions are mind control. 
1:30:00 is the basis of the First Amendment. 
Muslims do not worship Muhammad.
1:31:00  Neither Jews nor Muslims believe in divine prophets. 

You are an Islamophobe if you reject Secular Koranism without a better alternative

If you agree that morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence apart from others, then there is an objective way of measuring the efficacy of different moral systems. 

If you assume the existence of a Hypothetical Supreme Authority, you would have to assume that He knows what objective morality is. Objective morality is therefore divine law contained in divine scripture in the Torah and the Koran. The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. The Noahide laws set a universal minimum moral standard and the Koran satisfies this requirement.

Atheists who wish to disobey God's laws would reject the idea of living in a theocracy because they prefer their lifestyle choice of not becoming married parents. Since atheists would also need to keep themselves in existence and apart from others to demonstrate the success of their morality, they have basically shot themselves in the foot as regards perpetuating their existence as a group. 

Atheists would be more likely to be non-parents and unmarried parents, putting them at a disadvantage from social conservatives who are more likely to marry before having children and to stay married in order to properly parent their legitimate children.  It is therefore objectively true that marriage is dysgenic and illegitimacy dysgenic because we already know that most convicted prisoners come from fatherless homes brought up by their unmarried mothers. 

If the purpose of morality is to keep a group in existence and apart from others, then Judaism is obviously the most successful religion because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. We also know that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and that the past three global empires have been Christian. However, Christianity is now a spent force. The next religion for the West must therefore be Islam, because it would be irrational to choose Hinduism, Buddhism or any of the other non-Abrahamic low status faiths. 

I promote Secular Koranism as an intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy.

If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, the vehicle must be theocracy.

We owe it to ourselves as rational beings to choose the best religion available. The best religion must the one worshiping the most powerful being conceivable with the clearest divine scripture applicable to most of humanity. That would be the Koran. 

If you disagree, can you think of a better guide to humanity than the Koran?

If you dislike my proposal, would you be prepared to read the Koran?

If you refuse to read the Koran but still claim that the Koran is not the best guide to humanity without an alternative to propose, are you not being an Islamophobe?

If you are an Islamamophobe, doesn't that mean you lose the argument because the sound argument should trump the illogical argument?

Thursday, 18 August 2022

No escape for anyone from the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe

4:00  The only way for gentiles to defeat the Jews is to compete with them in obedience to God's laws.
5:00  No one will follow a religion created by social pariahs, not even other social pariahs.  
6:00  God is more powerful than globalists.
7:00  Antisemites who reject the Abrahamic religions
China follows the ideology of a self-hating German Jew
8:00  Which is better - first or final?
9:00  Ir nidachat
11:00  Christianity is the weakest link.
11:30  Moral disability of Westerners.
12:00  Atheists are easily threatened or bribed.
12:30  Isolated Western men
13:00  Secular Koranism, TBG and Millennial Woes
14:00  Mark Collett
15:00  Jews lack hierarchy too.
16:00  Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury
17:00  Shopping around for a rabbinical opinion
18:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis
21:00  Locke and Jefferson were accused of being Muslim.
22:00  All theological discussions begin and end with the Abrahamic God.
23:00  Jews cannot confront their centuries of omission to promote the Noahide laws.
24:00  Jews and Muslims in the West should be promoting Secular Koranism to frightened and confused Western men.
25:00  I am the genius who has solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
29:00  How to know God exists
30:00  There is no God worthy of worship but Allah.

38:00  New Testament and the Trinity
39:00  Restoration and redemption
40:00  The narrative and mythos of Secular Koranism
42:00  Only God is more powerful than the globalists.
43:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

50:00  Constantine and the Conversion of Europe by A H M Jones

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

The nihilism of illness (3-16-22)

9:00   Most Americans who claim to have religious beliefs would claim to be Christian, but Christianity is kaput. We know Christianity is kaput because even Christians don't know what Christian principles are nor can they list them to an agreed number.

If Americans believed in God, they would have a problem with fornication whose practice has created the demand for abortion by unmarried women.

If people claiming to be Christian really believed in God, they would be mortified to be told by Jews and Muslims that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. These people claiming to be Christians are not dismayed presumably because they do not believe God exists to punish them in this life or the next for disobedience to His Commandments specifically and explicitly forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. They are therefore atheists pretending to be idolaters.

If rabbis really believed in God, they would be telling Westerners to adopt Islam or at at least Secular Koranism which is an intermediate step between matriarchy and theocracy. After all, Jews are supposed to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from idolatry towards Secular Koranism.

If Muslims really believed in God, they would be obeying commanding them to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son.

It is interesting that you say being ill made you believe in God less. If being ill were the step before death, would your belief in God be strengthened or weakened if you believed you were about to die? If the answer is that your belief in God would be weakened if you believed you were about to die, then what is the point of believing in God anyway? If you never believed in God and only pretended to believe in God, why did you adopt this pretence? Was the reason why you adopted this pretence to raise your status above your fellow Christians who still want to believe Jesus is God and practise the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer despite its obvious absurdity?

When you decided to reject Christianity, was it snobbery, racism and chauvinism that made you choose Judaism rather than Islam?

11:00  Most people are sheeple and I have no interest in pandering to the sheeple.

Monday, 15 August 2022

How Conservative Americans can draw the attention of Donald Trump to Secular Koranism

If I could, I would make my comment a series of questions. 

1.  Is Christianity as a moral system operational in America?

2.  How can we tell if Christianity is operational in America?

3.  If Christianity is operational in America, wouldn't some Christian principles be in force?

4.  What is a Christian principle that all Christians can agree on?

5.  Is the Christian principle unique to Christianity the Doctrine of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?

6.  Isn't the Trinity idolatry if idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God?

7.  Didn't God forbid idolatry in the Old Testament?

8.  Are Christians by worshiping Jesus angering and offending God by equating Him with a convicted blasphemer executed for blaspheming against Himself?

9.  Is respect for marriage and family values what all the world religions have in common with each other?

10.  If all the world religions including Christianity are supposed to respect the practice of marriage, isn't Christianity the weakest link for letting in liberalism which means nothing more in the 21st century than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting?

11.  Are members of the liberal establishment bad parents and the badly parented offspring of liberal parents?

12.  What is the percentage of illegitimacy in America now?

13.  Are these numbers electorally significant?

14.  Would any democratic politician hoping to win an election dare to offend so many parents of illegitimate offspring and so many badly parented bastards of unmarried parents who would be treated as sex offenders by

15.  Is the only way of restoring the patriarchy in America the legal enforcement of 24:2?

16.  If the problem of widespread illegitimacy is not immediately addressed, is the problem of bad government and corrupt politicians going to continue worsening? 

17.  What else other than sharia would morally regenerate America?

18.  If it is impossible to persuade enough US voters to support the shaming of unmarried parents, then there is no need to delay in pointing out the problem that will not be solved by democracy, is there?

19.  Is the First Amendment based on of the Koran?

20.  Was the American Republic in fact founded on Islamic principles?

21.  Isn't it time Americans went back to their roots by taking the intermediate step of adopting Secular Koranism?

Saturday, 13 August 2022

My comments now blocked from Snorkelblog's "[Live] Action, ethnic salvation, and a clear future with Golden Age Man"

12:00  Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values. Feminism has displaced patriarchal moral values.

20:00  "The degenerate will be culled."

24:00  Christianity has obvious pagan influences.

27:00  Marriageable people will marry and become parents of legitimate children and are more likely to remain married in order to properly parent their offspring to teach them increasingly rare common sense. Common sense is just the exercise of reason. If you have common sense, you will understand the nature and purpose of marriage, which the Western matriarchy is doing its utmost to undermine.

45:00  Christianity is the dying religion of a dying empire, dying because of its sexual, moral and intellectual corruption.

48:00  Both Christianity and Islam are a Universal religion about worshiping the Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Nonsensically, Christians believe, or claim to believe that Jesus is co-eternal, co-substantial and co-equal to the Abrahamic God. If that is what they believe, they must believe that an executed blasphemer created the Universe. The requirement to believe in nonsense would be repugnant to anyone who submits to Truth, Logic and Morality.

50:00  There are two ways of looking at Christianity. 1) It has been around for so long it is likely to remain in existence. 2) It has been around so long that it is old, will soon become sick and die.

1:03:00  Christianity is idolatry.

1:27:00  You can only abolish usury with Islam.

1:32:00  John Calvin said it was OK for Christians to practise usury.

1:34:00   "Only white people can be Christians."

1:49:00  Jews have the strongest group identity because they hate the highest status scripture with the most restrictive rules for living from the most powerful being conceivable and have been around longest even as gentiles over the ages have repeatedly tried to exterminate them.

1:49:00  There are no social parasites who are gentile?

1:52:00  Why should gentiles prefer idolatry?

1:59:00  "God hates gentiles."

2:05:00  Islam

2:10:00  Golden Age Man admits he is a White Supremacist. 

2:14:00  White European people

2:28:00  Original Sin and white guilt

2:54:00  Golden Age Man admits he doesn't know if the earth is round. 

Secular Koramism INTRO Lesson One SK 1

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Will Ustadh Salman Younas and Shaykh Faraz Rabbani reconsider their objection to Secular Koranism?

I disagree with a famous and influential ideologue named Claire Khaw. Claire claims to have invented a new version of Shari’a called “Secular Koranism.” In developing her Shari’a, Claire only allows the Koran to be used and no other texts outside of the Quran. Claire makes the following statements about the Quran:

There is no command that one must believe in Allah
Idolatry is not ruled forbidden in the Quran
Blasphemy is not declared illegal in the Quran
So, according to Claire’s Secular Koranism, idolatry and blasphemy would not be forbidden, and the government would exact Koranic dictates in an agnostic way.

Is Claire Khaw’s “Secular Koranism” a legitimate school of Shari’a?

This is not a legitimate school in the shari’a, and even a cursory reading of the Quran would demonstrate the utterly bizarre nature of the claims you relate to this individual.

Hundreds of verses in the Quran speak about the grave sin of disbelieving in God and the requirement to believe in Him. Allah Most High explicitly states in the Quran, “So, believe in God and His messengers” in the imperative form. [Quran, 3:179]

Similarly, the rejection of polytheism, of which idolatry is one form, is so rampant in the Quran and so central to its message that no sensible person could claim that it is not forbidden. In one verse, the Quran relates Ibrahim saying, “Do you take idols as deities? Indeed, I see you and your people be in manifest misguidance.” [Quran, 6:74] The same applies to rejecting and blaspheming against God, His angels, books, and prophets.

[Ustadh] Salman Younas
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Apart from Secular Koranism, what is the quickest way for Muslims to do dawah to the world?

The objective of Secular Koranism is to do dawah nation by nation. 

Imagine if Secular Koranism were adopted by America. The rest of the West would follow suit, including Israel, because Israel is only a liberal democracy because it is an American Protectorate. Once Western nations and Israel adopt Secular Koranism, it would only be a matter of time before we have Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics, Indian Characteristics etc. 

To encourage Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders to adopt Secular Koranism would very quickly break up the global American Empire because Australia, Canada and New Zealand would then become independent quasi-Islamic Republics. Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.

Should the Ummah earnestly invite America to adopt Secular Koranism with American Characteristics as soon as possible to prevent WW3?

"A 2017 study estimated that 3.45 million Muslims were living in the United States, about 1.1 percent of the total U.S. population. In 2017, 20 states which were mostly in the South and Midwest reported Islam being the largest non-Christian religion."

It would be the easiest thing in the world to encourage the Ummah - but in particular American Muslims - to discuss Secular Koranism with each other in real life and on social media, wouldn't it?

Do American Muslims face the prospect of becoming the Muslim equivalent of Democrat-voting Jews supporting globohomo neoconservatism if America does not adopt Secular Koranism with American Characteristics?

Is the First Amendment based on 2:256 of the Koran?

There is a White House Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. The Koran is the only scripture from the Abrahamic God that gives humanity freedom of belief. We already know that Judaism does not give Jews freedom of belief since breaking the Sabbath, idolatry and blasphemy as well as instigating a community to practise idolatry are capital offences in the Torah. We also know that Christianity was used to support the divine right of kings whose subjects had to follow the religion of their monarch or else be burned at the stake as heretics.  

The purpose of the American Revolution was to overturn to presumption of cuius regio, eius religio

Is Ustadh Salman Younas saying American Muslims must wait for America to become majority-Muslim before promoting Islam as a political manifesto?

Does Islam acknowledge that Jews are God's Chosen People?

Is the Koran Zionist?
If not, what does mean?

Is there any historical record of any Muslim leader obeying of the Koran?

Is Christianity idolatry?

Are the morals of the Western ruling classes currently completed unregulated as if they were an absolute monarch?
If so, is Secular Koranism the only integrated moral and legal political system capable of returning the West to moral and social order?

It proposes a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism that would restore the patriarchy without requiring anyone to change their religion. Why would any Muslim in the West object to this proposal and why are they not capable of discussing it honestly and rationally?

How do Muslims in the West feel about crossing oceans and continents only to lose their identity after having their DNA globohomogenised by intersectionality? 

Is the Mandate of Heaven arguably a proto-Muslim idea?

Why do Christians who claim Jesus died for them reject the idea that he didn't really die on the cross as they claim?
Is it because they want him to have been sacrificed? If they want him to die for their sins so that they can be saved, does that mean they don't love Jesus as they claim, but only see him as a piece of human sacrifice? Does this attitude not expose their hypocrisy and absurdity? You would have thought that Christians would be happy to hear that Jesus didn't die horribly after all, but they feel angry and threatened by the Koranic narrative that he only appeared to die but did not in fact die on the cross, because they are only selfishly thinking of themselves, aren't they?

How old is the Mufti of Singapore?

If Jews are God's Chosen People, were they chosen by God to light the way of gentiles away from idolatry?
Would the best way of doing this be for Orthodox rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, as recommended at which is to put Islam top of the tree and Christianity bottom of the heap because of its idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer? Is Christianity cursed by God, cursed to have been taken over by liberalism, feminism and now intersectionality? Is intersectionality in fact the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah and doubtless attracting the same punishment?

If Jews are God's Chosen People chosen to set and maintain minimum standards of morality, shouldn't they be endorsing Islam as the most Noahide gentile religion?

Are Muslims, like Jews, too afraid of offending their Christian overlords to call out the idolatry of Christianity?

If Jews and Muslims are too afraid of their Christian overlords to call out their idolatry, is it because they fear their Christian overlords more than God Himself?

If Jews and Muslims fear their idolatrous Christian overlords more than God Himself, is it because they don't think God exists to punish evil and reward good in this life or the next?

If Jews and Muslims fear Christians too much to denounce their idolatry, is it because they lack faith in God and are in fact atheists?

Is atheism idolatry and is idolatry thoughtcrime God will detect and punish in this life or the next?

Why would believing Muslims living in the West not support Secular Koranism?

It is clear that the ruling classes of the West are morally and intellectually compromised because they have no functioning moral system that supports marriage and family values and that their civilisation is breaking down. Worse than that, their ruling classes seem bent on starting WW3 as if they wished to commit suicide by cop. 

Isn't a form of sharia that non-Muslim Westerners find acceptable the only viable solution and salvation for Muslims and non-Muslims in the West?

Would you also agree that Islam without sharia is a car without an engine?

Doesn't confirm the human right of freedom of belief protected by the First Amendment?

If so, what would be the objection to Claire Khaw's proposal for a form of sharia that allows non-Muslims to remain non-Muslims if that is their wish?

Saturday, 6 August 2022

The Founding Fathers on Religion - In Their Own Words

Four-punch combos for Jews, Christians and Muslims

1.  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
2.  If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
3.  How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
4.  If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry and disappointed with Jews for not doing what He made them His Chosen People to do ie light the way of gentile nations away from idolatry and blasphemy?

1.  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
2.  If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
3.  How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
4.  If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry and disappointed with Muslims for never having obeyed at any time in their entire history?

1.  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
2.  If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
3.  How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
4.  If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry with Christians for thinking that His prohibition against idolatry does not apply to them when their practices must be the most offensive of all to Him?

Friday, 5 August 2022

Arthur Goldberg financially ruined by US legal system for promoting the Noahide laws

1:00  Copyright claim by Rabbi Chananya Weissman
3:00  Rabbi Weissman's baseless hatred of me
4:00  Jews and gentiles trying to challenge the matriarchy are unable to take focused effective action against their insane, evil and stupid ruling classes because they are divided by their antisemitism and Islamophobia.
5:00  Fighting the matriarchy's policies of globohomogenisation
6:00  Rabbi Weissman's stuttering
7:00  Keith Joseph sacrificed his political career for criticising unmarried mothers.
8:00  Rabbi Weissman has deleted all but one of my comments on his video.
9:00  Jews should have endorsed Islam and denounced Christianity as soon as Islam became successful. 
10:00  Ranking the four gentile religions
11:00  Jewish and Muslim too afraid to do what I do
12:00  Tisha B'Av
Edict of Expulsion
14:00  If Amalek had a religion, it would be globohomo.
16:00  Theocracies in the world

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Jacob Faturechi too afraid to tell Christians Christianity is idolatry from 5:37:00

5:37:00  FATURECHI speaks.
5:51:00  RALPH speaks. 
6:13:00  Son of Man debate
6:18:00  Christians don't care about interpretations or translations unless it is their preferred interpretation and translation. 
6:23:00  Rabbi Singer
Jacob admits to being a non-observant Orthodox Jew.

You waste time with Christians if you let them talk their nonsense. The trick is to keep asking them again and again to explain how Jesus is God. The only authority for that proposition is the now discredited Athanasian creed which contain a series of nonsensical assertions which is easy to ridicule. 

After that, accuse them of Islamophobia, which they cannot deny.  

Get them with the four-punch combo:


  1. How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
  2. If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
  3. How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
  4. If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry and disappointed with Jews for not doing what He made them His Chosen People to do ie light the way of gentile nations away from idolatry?


  1. How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
  2. If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
  3. How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
  4. If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry and disappointed with Muslims for never having obeyed at any time in their entire history?


  1. How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
  2. If Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy because Jesus is God, how is Jesus God?
  3. How does mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer prove that Jesus is God?
  4. If the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, would He be angry with Christians for thinking that His prohibition against idolatry does not apply to them when their practices must be the most offensive of all to Him?

Why is the obvious solution never used?

The obvious solution to the obvious problem

4:00  Hamza's defective character and jealousy of me for daring to speak truth to power
5:00  It is beneath you to care what lunatics say about you.
6:00  Gavin Ashenden
7:00  Poor political activism
8:00  Becoming Worldwide Heavyweight Boxing Champion

9:00  My route to influence is not the same as those who continue to accept the validity of democracy.

10:00  Jay Walker and Ralph Masilamani
11:00  No requirement for me to make anyone like my proposal because there is no alternative. 

12:00  Christians are politically inert: neurotic and in denial. They lie to themselves that Christianity is not idolatry to avoid contemplating the consequences in their afterlife if God who forbade idolatry exists. 
13:00  Ralph has no idea of the history of how Christianity came to be adopted. 

The original title of this stream: Why is the obvious solution never used?

15:00  Islamophobes are incapable of logical thought because of their irrational hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims as well as their knee-jerk instinct of denying the failure of Christianity. 

15:00  No requirement for anyone to like my solution because there is no other viable alternative.
16:00  Civilisational suicide of the degenerate West
17:00  "The liberal elite"

18:00  Getting superchats and superstickers is the objective of Dissident Right YouTubers rather than effective political activism.

19:00  Jews and Muslims have intergenerational cooperation entirely lacking in non-Muslim gentiles in the West.

Daniel Sienkiewicz

20:00  The Dissident Right are mostly unmarriageable bachelors afraid of offending women of their own race who are mostly feminists.

21:00  Atheists are mostly incapable of risking or sacrificing anything because of their innate cowardice whose intellect is crippled by their narcissism.

22:00  YouTube commentators who echo my ideas because of their logical inevitability eg Alex Christoforou

23:00  The West consists of mostly frightened men without connections afraid of discussing politics with anyone in real life other than anonymously online

24:00  Gavin Ashenden already knows the Koran is superior to the New Testament. The Torah and Koran are believed to be the Word of God while the New Testament is not claimed to be more than the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that they met an executed blasphemer.
25:00  Gnostic Christians were just snake oil salesmen. 

26:00  Christianity was used by European monarchs to support the divine right of kings. Monarchy is an anachronism in the 21st century and an Islamic Republic beckons the failing states of the West.

 27:00  The Wars of the Reformation and its aftermath of Liberalism ("dictatorship of the bourgeoisie") and Communism ("dictatorship of the proletariat") are conclusive evidence that Christianity is not capable of reformation.

28:00  Islam got the Iranians their country back. 
29:00  National sovereignty would be restored in the West by Secular Koranism.
30:00  Idolatry is thoughtcrime and wrongthink.
31:00  Hidden idolatry
32:00  Blasphemy
33:00  Further and better particulars of claim
34:00  Who is the most high status rabbi?
35:00  Shias have made more of Islam than Sunnis.
36:00  Hizb ut Tahrir have not achieved what the Iranians have done.  
37:00  Christianity is kaput and our ruling classes are insane, evil or suffering from a learning disability.
38:00  Henry VIII and the founding of the Church of England
39:00  The Monroe Doctrine after the Spanish American War was the first statement of WASP supremacy.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions are analogous to diarrhea and food-poisoning caused by the failure of Christianity. The First and Second World Wars have been near fatal episodes. What is certain is that it will not survive a Third World War.

40:00  The Islamophobia of Ashenden and his associates
41:00  Rabbis afraid of offending their Christian overlords
42:00  No hierarchy amongst rabbis.
43:00  Ralph is a sphinx without a secret.
44:00  Ralph's threats are a sign of his intellectual impotence. 

49:00  My proposal for an arbitrator

Ralph is a windbag.

50:00  Adjudicator
51:00  Christianity is a spent force.
53:00  What is the percentage of confirmed Christians?
54:00  IC race codes
55:00  Our debate can be in written form.


9:42 AM
House of Comments
​I will give 3 more streams to debate me

9:42 AM
House of Comments
​And then remove it

9:42 AM
House of Comments

9:42 AM
House of Comments
​I think that's fair

9:43 AM
House of Comments

9:43 AM
Da Freak
​dont leave

9:44 AM
Da Freak
​u know she needs to emotionally tampon us before she will addresss the chat

9:44 AM
Da Freak

9:44 AM
Carl Wrangel af Sauss
​Christianity, Protestantism to be specific and its work ethic, created the wealth of Europe and North America.

9:45 AM
Da Freak
​r u ex lovers?

9:45 AM
Carl Wrangel af Sauss
​Repent, Claire, and turn to Jesus Christ today

9:45 AM
Carl Wrangel af Sauss
​Don't you know that He died for our sins?

9:46 AM
Da Freak
​I doubt that. YOu dont even accept scripture for evidence

9:47 AM
Da Freak
​Ralph is contrary in many ways. With what did h win? I'm guessing by w/e his Rabbi told him & he parroted.

9:48 AM
Claire Khaw
​Gus upload of Ralph and me

9:48 AM
christine ramsay
​Fr. Ashenden won't talk to insane people.

9:49 AM
Da Freak
​I can prove from the Quran that Mohammed submitted to Jesus Christ & was a born-again Christian. Islam hijacked.

9:49 AM
Da Freak
​I dont thik Ralph is capable of beating you

Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Isn't Dr Gavin Ashenden obviously an Islamophobe?

1:00  Gaven Ashenden's Islamophobia

4:00  Muslims 
5:00  Gavin Ashenden's CV
6:00  Chaplain to the Queen
7:00  Gavin Ashenden
10:00  Christians avoid me because they already know I am gunning for the Trinity.
14:00  A former Muslim friend of Ashenden
15:00  The Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible.
16:00  Ashenden advises Christians to engage with Muslims directly.
17:00  Jews and Muslims do not regard their prophets as divine while Christians believe Jesus is God. 
18:00  Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
21:00  Jules Gomes
24:00  2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy
25:00  God must be sharpening His Knives of Punishment.
26:00  European Wars of Religion
27:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions
28:00  Nicholas II
38:00  Possibility of exile
42:00  War and revolution
43:00  Government consultation
44:00  Bad government is caused by a bad moral system.
45:00  Shura - consultation
46:00  Cromwell's Republic
47:00  Ashenden claimed Muhammad called Jesus a fraud.
48:00  The British will get over their Islamophobia when their government is stupid and corrupt enough. 
49:00  WW3 and global Koranism
50:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics would have a domino effect.
51:00  Republican consultation
52:00  Marriage and family values
53:00  Wikipedia
54:00  War, technological advancement and pederasty
55:00  Christian monogamy
56:00  The Dissident Right
57:00  The Trinity is offensive to reason.
59:00  Trashing the Trinity is necessary for Secular Koranism to be adopted.

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

John Gischala discusses Claire Khaw's Secular Koranism

Secular Koranism invites the support of marriageable Jews and gentiles

Unconfirmed Christians who don't go to church
2:00  Roosh V now attends a Christian Orthodox Church.
4:00  Why these Christians are unconfirmed
5:00  Becoming a Secular Koranist and passing exams in Koranic Knowledge to become a Qualified Koranist
6:00  Ashghar Bukhari
7:00  Zionism and Palestinians
8:00  Twitter
9:00  Jon Vance
10:00  My dawah to non-Secular Koranists
12:00  Hooked on the idea of it being a right to have sex with another consenting adult which Secular Koranism would abolish
13:00  Secular Koranism is only directed at marriageable men and women.
15:00  Jews and Muslims
17:00  Atheism is idolatry. 
18:00  Not all atheists are nihilists, but all nihilists are atheists.
19:00  Atheists who choose evil because they believe evil will win
Western men behaving like children and women
20:00  Ralph is in denial that Christianity is kaput.
21:00  2.3 billion idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer
22:00  Buddhist principles
23:00  The Koran gives us the rule of law.
24:00  Jews and Muslims must remedy their omission to inform Christians that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. 
25:00  Christians 
26:00  Muslims have to be polite about Jesus and the Virgin Birth.
27:00  The greatest achievement of Jesus was to trick Christians into worshiping an executed the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.
31:00  Secular Koranists must take the debate to Jews and Muslims.

My message to Jews, Christians and Muslims who refuse to discuss the option of Secular Koranism

All problems have an obvious solution.
2:00  The moral and political system of the West are kaput. 
3:00  Jesus in Islam
4:00  The problem of Christianity
5:00   What was the greatest political achievement of Jesus?
6:00  Unlike Muhammad, Jesus was not a successful military or political leader. 
8:00  Christianity was not rolled out in Rome until 300 years after his death. 
9:00  Jefferson Bible
10:00 The greatest achievement of Jesus was to trick Christians into idolatrously and blasphemously worshiping himself.
11:00  The Administration of Justice in the Afterlife
12:00 36 capital offences in the Torah
13:00  Most Jews are already guilty of ir nidachat.
14:00  Religion in Germany
18:00  Post mortem punishment
19:00  How Muslims can persuade Jews to Islam
20:00  Atheists are idolaters who worship their own dumb opinions.
22:00  The absurdity of the Trinity
23:00  Illegal to be Jews and Muslims in Europe
24:00  Blanche Dubois
25:00  Why do Islamophobes suffer from Islamophobia?
27:00  Obeying our moral imperative
28:00  Trojan Women by Euripides
29:00  Have Jews or Muslims ever tried to put the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury right on the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity?
31:00  The bearer of bad news
33:00  Why did God allow Christians to acquire three global empires if He didn't approve of their idolatry and blasphemy?
34:00  Can Muslims cite any achievement by Jesus or something he said that was wise?
36:00  Repent with Secular Koranism for better government.
37:00  Sections of Punishment and Reward in the Afterlife
38:00  The Administration of Justice in the Afterlife
39:00  Post mortem punishment for Jews
40:00  Stop envying Jews. 
41:00  Stoning is the punishment for idolatry and blasphemy.
44:00  Jesus, Paul, Popes and Archbishops of Canterbury
47:00  Ralph is not confirmed.
50:00  Jews have been partying with idolaters and blasphemers.
51:00  I do what supposedly believing Jews and Muslims are afraid to do because they are too afraid of their Christian overlords.
54:00  I always have two explanations for an event or phenomenon: the divine view and the atheist view.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Ralph Masilamani denounces the Founding Fathers and equates patriarchy with domestic violence

Women's football
6:00  The Laws of Rugby
9:00  Lonely as a cloud, I disdain to take an interest in sport. 

10:00  RALPH MASILAMNI joins.

12:00  Muslims reject me.

13:00  My plan to unite Jews and Muslims against Christian idolatry.
14:00  My plan to dismantle the American Empire.

16:00  People are happier living in nations whose governments govern in the national interest.

17:00  Nations are unions of tribes.

17:00  Non-white illegal immigrants want to come to Britain because they speak English. They speak English because of the Anglo Saxon world empires. 

18:00  Russian Pan-Slavism and Eurasianism

19:00  Codification is not an exclusively liberal practice since Maimonides was not a liberal and he codified the Torah.
The British are divided by the EU referendum. 

20:00  Constantine and the conversion of Europe

21:00  Ralph accuses me of being deluded as to the failure of Christianity.

22:00  What Christian principles are being promoted by the Archbishop of Canterbury?

23:00  Ralph does not seen to realise that the current British monarch has been female and she recently celebrated her Platinum Jubilee.
24:00  Ralph denies he is nationalist and calls himself a "Christian absolutist". 
25:00  "Iranistan"

Ralph talks about removing Muslims from Britain.

28:00  Ralph falsely denies he wants to in effect repeal the First Amendment.

29:00  Ralph calls freedom of belief "blasphemy". 

30:00  Roe v Wade and OMOV
31:00  Secular Koranism and the Glorious Revolution 

32:00  People and nations should be identified ideologically. Nations should be identified by whether their laws conform to the Noahide laws and individuals should be identified by 
a) the principles they claim to follow
b) whether they follow these principles

33:00  Amongst white people, there are already significant numbers of them who are clearly subversive to the patriarchy ie liberals and feminists. 

34:00  It is not delusional to believe that Christianity is kaput since, for Christianity to be said to be operational in the West, most Westerners must be confirmed Christians.
35:00  Cathedrals are really Christian artefacts as evidence of a Christian past rather than evidence of a Christian present, since the only acceptable evidence of Christianity being in existence is the existence of confirmed Christians. In the birthplace of Anglicanism - supposedly the second most powerful church in the world - what is the percentage of confirmed Anglicans in the total UK population? Are these figures available? Can they be obtained from the Church of England?

36:00  Ralph claims Christians are the richest people in the world. Does he really just mean Westerners though? Most Westerners are not confirmed Christians, are they?

37:00  Trump is a Christian billionaire. 

38:00  What are Christian principles?

40:00  Why does Ralph call unrequited love "unrequitted love"?

41:00  The Trinity is the unique Christian principle of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

42:00  The martyrdom of Socrates was imitated by Jesus. 

43:00  The defining feature of Christianity is the Trinity. 

44:00  What Ralph thought as unique to Christianity is in fact appropriated from the Torah.  
The Shema

45:00  The Three Pillars of Christianity according to Ralph
46:00  The Church of England
47:00  The Wars of the Reformation
48:00  African Christians

49:00  With only a few rare exceptions, Westerners are too neurotic with Islamophobia to contemplate Secular Koranism.

50:00  "Anti-white" = matriarchy

51:00  I dare to do what Jews and Muslims fear to do: tell Christians Christianity is idolatry.
52:00  Buddhism is an atheist philosophy.
53:00  Atheists are really idolaters and narcissists.
54:00  My legal and peaceful method of dismantling the American empire

55:00  Christianity is poisoning Westerners.

56:00  The Trinity cannot be logos because it is the antithesis of truth and logic.

57:00  The Chinese do not identify themselves as adherents of a religion but as an empire operating statecraft.

I am a product of the British Empire.

59:00  The concept of the Abrahamic God definitely exists.

1:00:00  The poison of kaput Christianity and rotting liberalism is making the British ill.

1:03:00  I am a stickler for due process, in particular that supported by the Noahide laws of establishing a court and legal system to enforce the law of the land.

1:04:00  The British are neurotic and confused.

1:05:00  I serve the Hypothetical Supreme Authority who is the most powerful being conceivable. If the Hypothetical Supreme Authority actually exists, He would be the Abrahamic God. If Abrahamic God exists, He would embody Truth, Logic and Morality. I submit to Truth, Logic and Morality.

1:06:00  We must obey our moral imperative to obey the laws of God in the Koran because there is no higher authority that the  Abrahamic God and there is no better guide to humanity than the Koran.
1:07:00  I am a process server serving the Anglo Saxons with notice that their moral system falls far below the standards required of the Noahide laws. I am awaiting the support of Orthodox rabbis whom I would have thought would have no trouble in agreeing with me that Christianity is idolatry because Christians are required to worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel he was convicted by the Sanhedrin of blaspheming against. We also know that while Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques, they are forbidden to enter places which are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised. If blasphemy is anything offensive to God if He exists, idolatry is offensive to God. Christians in Christian kingdoms have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for 2000 years.

1:08:00  Ralph denounces Jefferson and Franklin.

Ralph says Jefferson and Franklin were traitor to the American people whose edifices should be burned. 

1:09:00  Ralph says he would torture a confession out of Jefferson in his basement using a cauldron. 

1:09:00  Ralph calls the Jefferson Bible sacrilege.
1:11:00  I have solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
1:13:00  Chinese and Somalis
1:16:00  Promoting violence
1:17:00  I respect the beliefs of atheists and agnostics.

1:18:00  Ralph says he has no political manifesto. This means he has no solution other than to continue claiming Christianity is the solution when it is obvious that it has failed.

1:19:00  Ralph scorns the First Amendment. 

1:20:00  Viktor Orban marginalised and demonised by the EU
1:21:00  Budapest
1:22:00  Violence
1:23:00  Secular Koranophobia
1:24:00  Christians deny their obvious idolatry.
1:27:00  The Athanasian creed says Jesus is both God and man.
Athanasius did not seem aware of the law of the excluded middle.

1:28:00  Jim Bowden is drunk again. 
1:29:00  Secular Koranism with EU Characteristics

1:33:00  Raymond Harmon found at - and his like will not save America.

1:34:00  The Abrahamic God

1:35:00  Multicultural and multiracialism is logically and necessarily inevitable in empires since empires are about incorporating the nations of others into your territory.

1:36:00  I am a servant of Truth, Logic and Morality. 
1:37:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics

1:38:00  The Dissident Right cannot have a full and frank discussion with each other on any matter of importance, let alone talk to me.

1:39:00  I am the mind of a man happily inhabiting the body of a woman conscious of my feminine privilege. 

1:41:00  I am the genius who solved the Mystery of the Trinity at
1:42:00  I am accused of suffering from a delusion. 
1:44:00  The liberal Church of England

1:45:00  Ralph would like to execute the Archbishop of Canterbury. This could be regarded as an outrage by the British people whose faith he officially represents. But how many Britons are actually confirmed Anglicans?

1:47:00 gives the background of Kipling's poem of hate against Germans.His son died in WW1.

1:49:00  Ralph equates the patriarchy with violence. 

1:50:00  Ralph conflates a book of rules with sex offenders who have never read it.

1:54:00  I support due process but Ralph does not.

1:55:00  Secular Koranism would repeal any law that is unKoranic.

1:58:00  Ralph and I discuss the solution to the political problems of the British.
2:01:00  Britain's pitiable plebs
2:03:00  Plebs are being demonised by the ruling classes.
2:05:00  Ralph's BNP video
2:06:00  Jim Dowson
2:07:00  Nick Griffin
2:10:00  Alison Chabloz

2:11:00  Ralph denies he is a nationalist though he is always pandering to those who identify as nationalist and keeps repeating their talking points to attract them.

2:12:00  Ralph panders to simple-minded plebs who are easily mesmerised by his patrician and priestly tones claiming Christianity will solve their problems.

2:13:00  Ralph is more obviously guilty of narcissism than me because he has nothing useful to say and panders to the plebs by indulging their Islamophobia.

2:14:00  Ralph is a sphinx without a secret.
2:15:00  I reject Christianity.
2:17:00  I disdain sport.

2:18:00  Unmarried parents would be treated as sex offenders under by Widespread illegitimacy has already been a problem as long ago as 1974 when the late Sir Keith Joseph made his Edgbaston speech. 

2:19:00  I propose a tariff of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring or per offence of public indecency.

2:20:00  The British national anthem
2:21:00  Christianity must be cursed by God if He exists.
2:23:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
2:24:00  Peace of Westphalia

2:27:00  Ralph claims to be neither a monarchist nor a republican but a "Christian absolutist".

2:28:00  China is civic nationalist.
2:31:00  30 Years War
2:32:00  Wars of the Reformation
Peace of Augsburg
Protestantism is a manifestation of the national self-consciousness of the European peoples. 
2:35:00  Nationalism

2:36:00  Ralph says the prospect of a Hindu Prime Minister is a humiliation to white British men. 

2:40:00  Civic nationalism
2:41:00  PPE
2:46:00  Tibet has been conquered by China. 
2:48:00  No peace without justice.
2:51:00  Ralph proposes another Inquisition.
2:52:00  Ralph quotes the most warlike verse of Jesus at me.

2:53:00  Ralph equates patriarchy with domestic violence.

2:56:00  Not all antisemites are Nazis. 
2:59:00  How can someone who uncompromisingly and repeatedly calls for a one-party theocracy be called liberal?

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...