Friday, 31 May 2024

Talking to an agnostic about whether we should obey God's laws and believe in Him

16:00  AJ joins.
18:00  Sufi story
23:00  Rumi
33:00  Slave of God
34:00  Free will
38:00  Exoteric and esoteric
40:00  Bahaullah and the Bahai Faith
45:00  Bhagavad Gita
48:00  The Mahabharata
40:00  I confuse Zen with Shinto Buddhism.
53:00  Spirituality or rules?
54:00  Al-Ghazali
56:00  Instruction manual
57:00  Book of Matthew on entering by the narrow gate
59:00  Analytic philosophy and metaphysics
1:00:00  Al-Ghazali
1:07:00  The Incoherence of Philosophers
1:12:00  Notes and writings
1:15:00  The truth is political.
1:18:00  Morality
1:19:00  Perjury
1:20:00  When to be silent and when to speak
1:22:00  Changing the rules and the interpretation of the rules
1:23:00  Every rule has an exception.
1:24:00  Religious groups
1:26:00  The paradox of religion
1:30:00  Rules are safety rails.
1:31:00  Social control
1:33:00  Atheism and theism affects our thinking and conception of the long term.
1:35:00  Making logical inferences
1:37:00  Was the Universe created?
1:40:00  The Big Bang
1:47:00  Falsifiability
1:51:00  Is God transcendent or immanent?
1:52:00  Mutazilites
1:53:00  Taqwa
1:54:00  "The quality of mercy is not strained."
The good life
1:55:00  A moral and political hierarchy
1:58:00  The Koran
2:01:00  A Hypothetical Supreme Authority
2:02:00  Culture wars
2:03:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
2:04:00  US constitution, club rules
2:05:00  Instruction manual
2:06:00  Causation can be traced.
2:07:00  The most powerful being conceivable
2:10:00  A continuing war
2:12:00  Amalekites
2:13:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.
2:14:00  Christianity is for absolute monarchs, Islam is for constitutional republics.
2:16:00  Sharia theocracies
2:17:00  Constitutions
2:18:00  Objective criteria for measuring national well-being
2:21:00  UAE and the crime rate
2:22:00  Marriage and divorce
2:23:00  Female  emancipation
2:26:00  Roman Empire
2:27:00  Constantine the Great would have chosen Islam if it had been an option.
2:28:00  Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.
Rumi and Al-Ghazali
2:29:00  Power corrupts
2:31:00  Cognitive dissonance
2:32:00  Iran
2:33:00  Iranian Revolution
2:34:00  China and South Africa

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Talking about Stew Peters leading an anti-gay backlash against LGBTs

1:00   Space starts with Vincent saying he feels threatened by homophobia. 

6:00   The Right will be used against the left.

7:00   AI bots to distract us.

8:00  Managing our expectations and manipulating our beliefs

9:00  The principle of the thing

10:00  Doing the right thing

Hundred Flowers Campaign

12:00  Keyboard warriors following orders.

13:00  Stealing the election

14:00  Stew Peters and Biden

15:00  Do Conservatives want Christian nationaism or gay people want paedophilia legalised?

16:00  A fair enough system

18:00  Mandela Effect

20:00  We are being psychologised.

Salem Witch Trials and Aztecs

21:00  Catholic Church v Galileo

22:00  A better narrative

23:00  We are all being replaced.

24:00  Atheism makes cowards.

25:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that religion can be maintained without religion."

26:00  Principled men need to apply and interpret the constitution.

27:00  The nature and purpose of religion

28:00  It is not enough to blame Jews.

29:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

30:00  Constitutional republicans replaced monarchy.

31:00  Monarchy is an anachronism. 

32:00  Cognitive dissonance

33:00  The men of Weimar Germany

34:00  Gen Z

35:00  Immigration has become a behavioural addiction.

Dignity of value

36:00  The White Man on the Couch

37:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

Cognitive dissonance

39:00  Vincent and Claire as elders

40:00  WW3

41:00  Justin Mohn and James Moran

42:00  The afterlife

43:00  War, women and booty

44:00  Sublimation


American Revolution

45:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380

46:00  Christianity

47:00  Mad King George and the American Republic

50:00  Christians fighting each other in the New World

51:00  Americans should pursue justice, acquire wisdom and seek knowledge.


52:00  Designated places to question the current political orthodoxy

54:00  Stew Peters is rude to non-whites.

55:00  Fit and Fresh

57:00  The boundaries can be defined by law. 

58:00  Trump and vaccines

1:00:00  Assimilated Jews

1:01:00  Alligators and crocodiles

1:02:00  Paul Vander Klay

1:04:00  The bargain between Pope and monarch

The principles of Judaism and Islam  give Jews and Muslims their distinctive identity. 

1:08:00  Trump

1:09:00  Appealing to God

1:10:00  Mennonites

1:11:00  Splendid isolation

1:12:00  A new official moral system

1:14:00  American Civil War and slavery

1:15:00  Reparations

1:16:00  Transportation


1:19:00  Choosing a religion for your country

1:20:00  Written revelation

1:21:00  The reason for the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is for our own protection.

1:23:00  Book of Judges, Book of Kings, Book of Samuel

1:24:00  Constitutional monarchy

1:25:00  Caliph

1:26:00  Overton window

1:27:00  Romans

1:28:00  The Abrahamic God is a self-correcting system.

1:29:00  The rules in an official handbook

1:31:00  Domestic partnership

1:33:00  Lower status of LGBTs compared to married parents

1:38:00  Secular Koranism Lite

1:39:00  Usury

1:40:00  Almir Colan

1:42:00  "Why won't Stew Peters discuss Secular Koranism?"

"Is Stew Peters antinomian?"

E Michael Jones

1:49:00  Warrior believed the earth is flat.

1:50:00  PRIMORDIAL CHAOS joins.

1:56:00  Noahide laws

2:00:00  Stew Peters funded by Jews.

2:10:00  Calling yourself celibate is saying you're gay?

2:12:00  Muslim women are more under control.

2:13:00  Trump and Zionism

2:17:00  Islam

2:18:00  Christianity is an anti-intellectual religion.

Foreign policy is not the interest of most voters.

2:20:00  Boomers are nearly dead.

2:22:00  An old antique

2:23:00  Musical tastes now separate us.

The divine narrative

E Michael Jones

2:24:00  The failure of Christianity

2:25:00  Jewish conspiracy theory

2:26:00  I reject eschatology.

2:27:00  Christianity

2:29:00  Heretical Jews

2:30:00  Primordial Chaos is agnostic.

2:31:00  XENOPHON joins.

2:33:00  Gen Z

2:34:00  Morality

2:26:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic religions

2:39:00  The social and political purpose of God


2:40:00  Islam > Mormons

2:41:00  MYTHOS joins.

2:43:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable.


2:46:00  Mormon God is the demiurge?

2:47:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

The gods taking sides in the Trojan War

2:48:00  We didn't  follow the rules properly.

2:52:00  The rules

2:53:00  A living religion, a living power

2:56:00  Messiah Substitute

Unitarian Christianity

2:58:00  Adam King

3:00:00  Mission Impossible

3:01:00  The eternal covenant between God and Jews

3:02:00  God will not burden a soul with more than it can bear.

God is the best of deceivers and planners.

3:03:00  Messiah Substitute

3:04:00  God is dead.

3:05:00  The better idea of Mythos

3:06:00  The "religion" of Mythos

3:11:00  Raymond Cattell's Beyondism

3:13:00  A  legal system crucial to any religion.

3:15:00  The Abrahamic God and the afterlife

3:18:00  Morality

3:19:00  God is Sid Phillips.

3:21:00  I am defensive.

3:23:00  The soul is the memory we leave behind.

3:26:00  Genetics

3:28:00  Ease of communication and transport in our global empire

3:30:00  Minimum requirements


3:36:00  War and scientific advancement

Noahide laws

3:41:00  Laws have to be written down.

2:31:00 Is it antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, liberalism, feminism or fluoride in the water that makes people stupid?

2:31:00  CLAIRE KHAW appears.

Trump verdict makes America  more likely to descend into violence when it is made ever clearer that the liberal order will keep rigging elections and the courts. 

2:32:00  Stew Peters, Nick Fuentes and E Michael Jones

2:33:00  Isn't it profoundly unAmerican to call for a Catholic theocracy?

2:34:00  The Roman Empire lives through the Catholic Church.

2:35:00  A constitutional republic needs to be based on a book of rules. 

2:36:00  Sexual immorality is extramarital sex. 

2:37:00  Is it beliefs or diet that makes people stupid?

2:46:00  Antisemitism and other false beliefs make people stupid.

2:49:00  Catholic Church

2:52:00  Christian projection

2:58:00  Tovia Singer

2:59:00  Adam Green

3:01:00  Hindu cannibals

3:02:00  Hindu-Jewish alliance

3:09:00  Sexual liberation from the Bible and the Koran

3:10:00  Intention of the Founding Fathers

3:13:00  Is America a Noahide nation?

3:17:00  Arbour Day

3:19:00  The Koran does not call America the Great Satan.

3:20:00  Von's religion

3:21:00  America is the modern Babylon.

3:27:00  Columbia

3:30:00  Sodomy is a sin. 

3:31:00  Islamic pederasty is called bacha bazi.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

DEBATE: Yasir Qadhi vs. Mustafa Akyol | Islam and the State

56:00  Isn't the Caliphate just the most powerful Islamic republic in the world? If America became an Islamic republic and remained the world's number one superpower, it would become the Caliphate, wouldn't it? Perhaps Imam Khamenei the Supreme Leader of Iran will confirm. 

Surely the Islamic principle of shura is enough to make any country a viable Islamic republic dividing people into religious group, occupational groups, married couples, spinsters and bachelors, slaves, the unemployed etc.

1:00:00  A Caliph is not a monarch.

1:01:00  A modern and novel Caliphate

1:02:00  Sunnis should get over themselves and acknowledge Iran as the Caliphate.  

1:04:00  What Koranic principles would be in force?

1:05:00  Personal piety and public order

1:12:00  Turkey is a secular state. 

"The government should take an interest in the moral betterment of the people."

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Muslims don't care about the Noahide laws

2:00  Noahide laws

21:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws 

32:00  Islam is the broom of Judaism.

38:00  Antisemitism in Christians and Muslims

42:00  Rabbi Cherki

52:00  Jews made Westerners support  Israel.

56:00  Jew-friendly Muslims

57:00  Jews introduced pornography to Christians, apparently.

59:00  Christians were once prepared to die for their faith.

1:00:00  Did Christians really believe in the Trinity?

1:01:00  WW2 and feminism

1:02:00  Christian women were once modestly dressed.

MUJAHID joins.

1:03:00  Feminism has undermined marriage and patriarchy.

1:07:00  The Trinity is so unbelievable even Christians who claim to believe in it are only pretending. We know this to be true because they are all so unprincipled. 

1:08:00  The Rockefellers are in an America that does not have an official religion. 

People with the wrong beliefs get ostracised. 

1:09:00  Israel

1:11:00  Noahidism is more ancient than Islam. 

1:12:00  Creating a religion

1:13:00  Who is the boss?

1:14:00  Ethoical monotheism ie the Abrahamic religions is the most powerful religious systsem of all.

1:15:00  Proselytising

1:16:00  Liberalism

1:17:00  White people don't have a working class nor the dignity of labour.

1:20:00  There will be debating societies under Secular  Koranism.

1:21:00  Cults, Mormonism and polygamy

1:25:00  Simpleton Muslims

1:29:00  Fascist

1:36:00  The Chinese are the biggest group of converts to Christianity.

1:37:00  The secular state of Israel does not want religious to settle there, just women of child-bearing age and men of fighting age.

1:38:00  The Haredim and Secularim

1:39:00  Rabbis who do not sing from the same hymn sheet

1:40:00  Rabbis will only be accountable when there is a Sanhedrin but none of them really want to restore it.  

1:42:00  Muslims in America and Britain

1:43:00  Rabbis

1:45:00  Bribing rabbis

1:48:00  Maimonides

1:49:00  Liberalism is destroying everyone's identity.

1:50:00  The Red Heifer

1:51:00  Jews and Christians will find it very hard to accept that Muslims are the ones in receipt of the better revelation.

1:52:00  Judaism on Christianity

1:55:00   White nationalists want to be liberal without the non-whites in their country.

1:56:00  WARRIOR joins.

2:03:00  Vincent seems to have a problem grasping the concept of free will. 

The narrative is that God gave us free will thus allowing us to enter the examination hall that is this life to show that we are capable of telling the difference between good and evil in theory and in practice. 

At each crossroad of moral choice, we are in theory capable of choosing between good and evil ie whether to obey God's laws or not.

Vincent's fallback position seems to be "Well, I wouldn't have done it like that."

If God wanted all His creatures to automatons just carrying out His orders, we would all be angels with no free will obeying God's laws.

Since Vincent thinks he knows better than God how to run the Universe, his position that he has not no free will is puzzling and confusing.

2:05:00  Vincent says he doesn't don't want to worship a god that allows suffering. But to be human is to suffer. So what kind god would he worship?

2:07:00   Vincent should read the Koran so he actually knows the difference between the Koran and Hadithic. The Koran says nothing about executing executing apostates though Daniel Haqiqatjou believes in executing apostates.

Vincent says he only cares about the laws, but in many schools of sharia the Hadith is also legislation. That is why when people talk about sharia, everyone gets confused because the question about which School of Sharia and which law is the next question and no one quite knows.

Vincent does not appear to see the logic of free will.

Why can't Vincent see that if this life is an examination hall, we must logically and necessarily be given the free will to choose between obedience and disobedience?

2:08:00  How are the questions of who created us and why "irrelevant and impossible to answer"?

If you believe in God, the purpose of our life becomes immediately clear: this life is an examination hall to test our ability to know the difference between good and evil, in theory and in practice.  

Since Vincent denies God's existence, he must therefore be an existentialist with the purpose of working out the purpose of his life  

As an agnostic, I would say that my purpose is to fulfil my potential.

Has Vincent worked out the purpose of his life as an agnostic who believes in predestination but who does not know who has predestined his life?

If Vincent does not think God exists and has predestined his life, why does he insist that he believes in predestination?

What does he think he is predestined to do?

"Warrior" is right in saying that if you believe in God who created you for a benign purpose, then you would just obey His laws or try to.  Once you take this option, life would become simpler, but Vincent rejects that because he thinks he knows better without being able to show how his way is better.

2:09:00  Nobody knows for certain whether God exists, but belief in Him is necessary to make people obey His laws from generation to generation. You don't have to believe in God to acknowledge that obedience is the effect of belief.  

Even if we do not believe in the afterlife, Koranic principles of governance are able to accommodate gay non-Muslims who are non-parents. This means gay people will be left alone if they do not get arrested, tried and convicted for public indecency offences.

2:13:00  Vincent is denying the existence of God because evil exists and evil people prosper, or appear to do so.  Were we promised Heaven on Earth where perfect justice reigns? In which verse was this promise made?

Have Vincent come across the word "theodicy" ie the problem of evil?

For some strange reason, people use the existence of evil to deny God's  existence and insist that if God exists, Heave on Earth would reign. Because Heaven on Earth does not exist, God does not exist, but that was never the bargain, was it?

The bargain was always "Obey my laws which tell you the difference between good and evil and you will get to heaven if you pass the examination."

2:14:00  If God wanted all His Creatures to bow down to Him, He would only have created angels who are basically automatons who cannot do other than obey God.

It is interesting that Vincent keeps saying that if he were God you would have done a much better job. How would he have done a better  job?

2:16:00  What sort of god would meet with Vincent's high standards of godhood?

2:18:00  I am not sure what you are trying to prove with all these Muslims. 

Some are going to agree with his interpretation of the Koran, others are not.

2:20:00  Vincent is always telling his birds not to fight.

What does Vincent mean when he says good and evil are "relative things"?

2:21:00  Smoking and eating pork are not stated to be evil.

2:22:00  Being a member of a religious group gives us better protection.

Vincent seems to be saying that he refuses to believe gentiles who obey the five Noahide laws (excluding the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy) are evil. 

The Koran prescribes no this life punishments for idolaters and blasphemers.  

Muslims who believe in the afterlife will think idolaters go to hell, but Muslims have no right to punish idolaters and the Koran does not give them this right.

2:25:00  Why does Vincent keep talking about this "spacetime" thing?

Why would he worship a lesser god that is part the Universe when he can worship the supreme and eternal Creator of the Universe?

Saturday, 25 May 2024

The failure of the Right is the consequence of not having religious principles

4:56:00  Introduction to Claire Khaw and Secular Koranism 

4:59:00  Reintroducing slavery and establishing licensed brothels

5:00:00  Public corporal and capital punishment

5:01:00  Aceh Province

5:01:00  Birching 

5:03:00  Purge

Mahathir Mohammed

5:04:00  Anwar Ibrahim

5:05:00  AA

5:06:00  Deconstructing  tweets

5:07:00  Noahide laws and Muslim countries

5:08:00   Afghanistan and Kabul

5:13:00  What is wrong with the right

5:14:00  Feminism

5:15:00  Secular Koranism

5:16:00  Two women needed to witness a loan agreement but only one man

5:18:00  David Irving

5:19:00  Boomer Truth Regime

5:20:00  Winston Churchill and the cookie analogy

5:22:00  Rabbi Mizrachi accused of Holocaust Denial

5:24:00  Netanyahu accused of Holocaust Denial

5:26:00  Attempted murder

5:33:00  Allahu akbar

5:34:00  Alhamduillah

5:35:00  Control the interpretation

5:36:00  One party theocracy

Supreme Leader

5:38:00  Recanting and remorse

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Discussing the Noahide laws and E Michael Jones

2:00  MUJAHID on the Noahide laws

4:00  Scapegoat

5:00  Muslims are already Noahide. 


6:00  Jews on the right and on the left, Jews are everywhere.

"Jews working with each other to fulfil their prophecies." 

7:00  Mujahid points out that the Noahide laws would execute idolaters and blasphemers, unlike sharia which supports the First Amendment with

8:00  BLINDMAN on zakat and jizya

10:00  Freedom of belief under Islam

11:00  Muslims gave their subjects their money back after admitting they could not protect them from Christians.

13:00  Noahide laws

20:00  "Israel is the ruling state of the world."

21:00  "Pax Israel"

Esau and Edom

22:00  Introducing degeneracy to Edom to destroy the Edomites

Extreme feminism

Attack the nuclear family

23:00  Feminise the men and make sodomy respectable

24:00  Cultural genocide

"Jews have stripped Westerners of their identity by stripping them of their culture and religion."

25:00  PHINNEOUS the Ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jew joins.

28:00  Was in the US navy

30:00  Paul Newman

32:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

33:00  E Michael Jones, King of Antisemites

34:00  Sharia is better for human rights than a Torah theocracy.

36:00  Zionism

37:00  "the pinnacle of evil"

38:00  Anti-Non-Zionist Jews

39:00  "If Jews ruled the world, we would be finished."

40:00  God gave Israel to Jews.

41:00  Lost tribes of Israel

42:00  Gypsies of India

44:00  Possession in nine points of the law.

46:00  Phinneous seems to be saying that he is prepared to live under sharia. 

47:00  Blindman's ancestry

50:00  King Solomon and the Noahide laws

51:00  Vincent Bruno asks Phinneous about the Noahide laws.

52:00  Phinneous: "If only there were a unified Jewish conspiracy!"

53:00  Secular Jews, Kabbalists and Madonna

54:00  "There should be nothing separating Muslims and Jews." 

55:00  CLAIRE KHAW explains her position.

56:00  Apparently I sound like I am from Alabama! 

An eye for an eye etc is an argument for proportionality.

57:00  Rule of law
I explain my position. 

58:00  Implied moral code

59:00  Vincent explains Secular Koranism.

1:00:00  The Noahide laws are against the First Amendment. 

1:01:00  Liberty is what we ought to enjoy after all the necessary laws are in place.

We are the slaves of our government. 

1:02:00  The failure of "implicit morality" has led to three degenerate generations. 

1:03:00  The Noahide laws are a universal minimum moral standard.

1:04:00  Idolatry is worshiping your own dumb opinions. 
1:05:00  Jewish zealotry

1:06:00  Chabad

1:07:00  Secular Jews are also enemies of Judaism. 

Arthur Goldberg

1:09:00  Jewing it up
1:11:00  No extramarital sex
Strippers need to be 21 in Florida. 
1:12:00  America is a nation of political will. 
1:13:00  The Right have no principles.
1:15:00  Becoming a Noahide

1:18:00  Talking about E Michael Jones with Gemma  O'Doherty

1:23:00  Vincent's therapy group find it hard to understand the operation of the Abrahamic God.
1:24:00  The attributes of the Abrahamic God
1:25:00  The best of all possible worlds
1:26:00  We all want a happy ending. 
1:27:00  Prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy are for our protection
1:29:00  Belief will keep people obeying for longer.
1:30:00  Sexual immorality
1:33:00  The extended family
1:35:00  Legal housekeeping
1:37:00  Mental illness

Because white people who hate their government won't join the military any more, their government is importing foreign men of fighting age. 

1:38:00  The worst thing about idolatry is that you end up worshiping something weaker than yourself. It means you will worship your own pride - which is a deadly sin - as well as your incorrect opinions. 

1:40:00  Daddy issues
1:41:00  "All men should have a drop their treason in their veins."
1:43:00  Jobsworth
1:44:00  Moral laws
1:45:00  Galileo
1:46:00  Aztecs

1:47:00  The Abrahamic God is a self-correcting system.

1:48:00  Westerners do not have to adopt the Muslim interpretation of sharia.

1:49:00  Goodbye Facebook and YouTube. 
1:51:00  Twitter shadow bans

Freedom of speech but not of reach.

1:52:00  My ideas are being echoed.
1:53:00  Trivium and Quadrivium
1:56:00  Mob justice
2:00:00  Mujahid
2:01:00  Possession is nine points of the law.

Washington does not want Israelis to get on with their Arab neighbours. Rabbi Kahane was assassinated. 

2:02:00  The overwhelming majority of female voters are not equipped to make foreign policy decisions. 

Stephen J James on the war in Ukraine

2:03:00  Trump
2:05:00  Wealthy people refuse to discuss politics/
2:06:00  Politicians are even more afraid of discussing politics than wealthy people who are not in politics.

2:07:00  The Chinese are fortunate in not being subjected to a dumb Punch and Judy Show. 

Yuval Harari's narratives in Sapiens

2:09:00  Even narratives are imposed on porn.

Philosophy is not enough. A narrative with rules and values must be imposed.

Kant and Heidegger

2:10:00  Christians don't get rules.
2:11:00  The Catholic Church is a sound and light show of God.
2:12:00  Kingdom Halls are very austere.
2:13:00  E Michael Jones moved to tears by the beauty of European art
2:14:00  Churches were centres of indoctrination.
Jesus was a franchise.
2:15:00  The priest is powerless once he gets on the wrong side of the king.
2:16:00  Sword of Damocles
2:17:00  Chabad
2:18:00  Religious twist to therapy
2:19:00  Belief in a higher power
2:21:00  Noahide laws trending on Twitter?
2:22:00  Hinduism trending on Twitter
2:23:00  E Michael Jones
2:24:00  Which religion should be used to defeat Jews/liberalism/neocons?
2:25:00  Joel Davis,Thomas Sewell, Arvoll
2:26:00  Prophets of God claim the support of God.

The Messiah Substitute is a quasi prophet. 

2:27:00  Artificial wombs
2:28:00  If you can't beat them, join them.
2:29:00  Homosexuals have heterosexual parents.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Secular Koranism uber alles

3:00  Pontifex maximus
4:00  Whiteness is not really enough for white nationalists of America. 
5:00  Do white people want to stay Christo-Liberal?
6:00  The Koran cannot be redacted.
7:00  Displacement therapy
8:00  Antisemitism
10:00  Christianity for absolute monarchs, Islam for constitutional republics.
11:00  To be a US state or not?
12:00  Israel is not Jews.
13:00  Talking about whiteness is identifying yourself as racist, antisemite, Islamophobe and stupid. 
14:00  Culture is now the code word for race.
What is the moral system of the West?
15:00  Dagestan
18:00  The Hapsburgs have been around since the 11th century.
19:00  We owe it to ourselves to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality.
20:00  Christians have not yet received the memo that Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy. 
22:00  Dugin's Fourth Political Theory

E Michael Jones who is now only one step away from Secular Koranism seduces Gemma O'Doherty

Eastern Europe is still run mostly by family businesses. 

2:00  They don't want us talking to each other and deviating from the official narrative. "We are subject peoples. Whether you are in Dublin or Southend, you are living in a conquered province of the American Empire."

3:00  Breakfast in Croatia, lunch in Italy and dinner in Slovenia

4:00  50 euro tip refused by waiter.

5:00  Catholic art is an imitation of nature and allows you to peer into the hidden grammar of the universe which is the logos. 

6:00  Aristotle did not know that the universe was created. The vassal states of the US in Europe provide cannon fodder for the war in Ukraine. 

7:00  "We have to become philosophical."

8:00  The Church has everything to fear from the modern world. 

"The social engineers have been trying to destroy us for centuries."

10:00  Do Westerners really have to return to the monastic tradition if they want to be philosophers again?

11:00  Weaponised migration

14:00  The American Empire is going down the drain.

15:00  "The Catholic Church built Europe and America."

Do the English find it hard to accept that it was the Catholic Church that built Western European civilisation?

16:00  English people do not take their idols seriously.

17:00  Art, beauty and music moved EMJ

18:00  "There is a logos out there."

19:00  "We share that logos because that's Creation and we're Creation. We're made for this Universe  and we can perfect that Universe because grace perfects nature and beauty perfects art."

"The English have been in rebellion against the Catholic Church."

"Protestantism is no longer a threat." 

"The hidden grammar of the American Empire is Protestantism, but it is not there any more. A new type of understanding will emerge."

20:00  "It is resistance to say the Eucharist is idolatry."

"The empire is collapsing and we need something new."

21:00  Islam is emerging from the twilight of Christianity. 

23:00  Muslim takeover of Europe and its degeneracy

24:00  Sublimation

25:00  Calvinism

26:00  Wine

"Grace perfects nature." 

27:00  "America is the most beautiful and ugliest country in the world." 

"The world is ugly and the people are sad." 

Jews and Muslims

28:00  Cubism

Man needs beauty and if this need is denied, he will want sex and drugs and rock and roll.

29:00  "A rabbi owns Pornhub. This is the way the Jews control you. Sexual liberation is political control."

31:00  Catholicism and Ireland

Michael Voris, Jim Goad and white boys who don't go to church

32:00  White boys who broke with the moral law think they can screw whoever they want become a slave of their own passions. 

Because white people cannot agree on what their religion is, they focus exclusively on race. 

33:00  "It's a trap. Identifying as white plays into the hands of your enemy."

"Identifying as white means you are internalising the commands of your aggressors."

"The problem is morality."

34:00  Capitalism under Thatcher and Reagan allowed the looting of the American economy and workforce.

"Labour is what made America great. Americans knew how to mobilise labour. Henry Ford was a genius when it came to mobilising labour. He paid high wages and got the best labour creating an industrial powerhouse, but that  was Main Street but Wall Street is controlled by the Jews."

35:00  Mitt Romney

36:00  "We have to know who we are or we will lose because we can't identify the enemy."

37:00  Capitalism in the Celtic Tiger is state-sponsored usury.

"Your ducats cannot copulate, as Shylock said."

"If you cut down the apple tree because someone else is offering you cheaper apples from somewhere  else, in the long term it leads to poverty, and we are heading towards poverty."

39:00  Unity and diversity under the Catholic faith in Europe

40:00  "Ethnos means logos."

41:00  The Puritans couldn't live with each other, the Indians or the Virginians. They couldn't live with anybody.

"You can't talk to a Quaker because every Quaker is directly inspired by the Holy Spirit." 

"When everyone is infallible, how do you talk to each other?"

42:00  "Secularism means you forget about religion but that means might is right and the mighty takes over. There are higher values than your money. Ownership of a culture is going to protect me." 

43:00  "We have to be philosophers."

"God allows evil in this world because He can't ban it having allowed us free will."

44:00   God can harness the evil inclination and turn it into good. 

"Culturally, it is not too late. You can build back the cathedral in Dresden. 

45:00  "Labour is the source of all value. Germans are the best workers in the world."

Pogroms of Germans in the Sudetenland and Poland meant the loss of wealth in these regions.

46:00  "Global consciousness is forming and will find political expression. God willing, we will find a political leader to implement it politically."

47:00  "America is not going to have a state religion."

"We can have no functioning constitution in the absence of a moral people."

"If you can't govern your own passions, forget about democracy. You will not be able to govern a country if you cannot govern your own passions."

49:00  NATO: "Serbia delenda est." 

50:00  "These last ethnic groups in Europe" 

"The ethnos protects us the way our families protects us." 

Monday, 20 May 2024

If God is logical, believing in God would also be logical

4:00  Forbidding and punishing extramarital sex

5:00  Government can regulate the number of children married parents have and forbid unmarried parents from having children by treating them as sex offenders with

6:00  The logic of God

7:00  God's Chosen People

8:00  Global government divides and rules Jews and gentiles, men and women, the rich and the poor, the marriageable and unmarriageable, the straight and the gay.

9:00  The pill should only be given to married mothers who have completed their families and prostitutes working in licensed brothels.

10:00  Men prefer women to be on the pill.

11:00  The Dissident Right and the Concubine Contract

13:00  Concubine Contracts allows women to decide whether to continue with their long term relationships with men not prepared to marry them even if they have their baby.

15:00  Regulating sexual relations

16:00  Free love is not a human right.

17:00  We are the Slaves of God.

18:00  Atheists are a rapidly ageing and shrinking group despised by their own governments who see them as useless eaters. 

20:00  Atheists will eventually face extinction. 

21:00  White people are degenerate.

22:00  The Roman and Ottoman Empire became a victim of their own success.

23:00  US$15 per hour as a manager of a retail store is not enough.

24:00  Mel K

26:00  Factions

The party of the KKK became the party of BLM

28:00  Women in public life

30:00  Mel  K Show

32:00  Posterity

33:00  Parenthood


38:00  Marriage substitutes: fornication, sodomy

39:00  I have convinced Vincent! 

41:00  Status and justice

42:00  Extended family

43:00  Families make us tolerant.

44:00  High school tribes of geeks, nerds, jocks and cheerleaders

45:00  We just need a new narrative.

46:00  Western identity

47:00  Vincent's moral imperative

48:00  God's logic.

49:00  God created the Universe.

50:00  Laws are there to regulate our behaviour.

Noahide laws

51:00  Atheism

55:00  A free exchange of ideas

57:00  People act on their beliefs.

58:00  Pluralism, scientific method, free competition and honesty are the values of Beyondism

1:01:00  Powerful Christians and churches

1:10:00  Usury

1:11:00  Absolution

1:12:00  Calvinism

Talking to Sam Samuels about Mel K, E Michael Jones and Nick Fuentes

2:00  Degenerate Hollywood
3:00  E Michael Jones
4:00  Yuval Harari
5:00  The Wars of the Reformation
6:00  Creation of the Catholic Church
7:00  Pontifex
8:00  Pontifex maximus
9:00  E Michael Jones and Nick Fuentes
10:00  The Trinity is too absurd to believe. 
11:00  When in doubt, blame the Jews.
12:00  Michael Voris is a sedevacantist. 
E Michael Jones would also Inquisition Protestants together with Jews. 
13:00  Monogamy was enforced by Christianity.
16:00  Paganism
19:00  Even monarchs rebelled from the Pope.
20:00  Imperial overreach of Christian
21:00  Jews are the useful idiots of the American Empire. 
23:00  Christians culturally appropriated the Tanakh from Jews.
24:00  Noahide laws
27:00  1700 years of Christian lies
28:00  Christian nostalgia
30:00  Married porn stars
Porn actress who converted to Orthodox Judaism
31:00  Alex Jones
34:00  Sublimation
Far and Away
39:00  E Michael Jones and Nick Fuentes
40:00  Ignorant Jewesses
41:00  European porn is mostly produced by gentiles.
42:00  "Pornography is immoral."
43:00  British Royal Family 
44:00  Prince Charles in Rumania
49:00  Nick Fuentes
50:00  Knights Templar
E Michael Jones
51:00  Divine right to rule of Europeans monarchs supported by the Pope.
54:00  E Michael Jones will receive divine justice, says Sam.
55:00  Manifest destiny
Vatican II
Jews gravitated to Protestants after Catholics lost power. 
58:00  Christian eschatology
1:00:00  Raisi's death "by the hand of God"
1:02:00  The desire for resolution and supremacy in Catholics
1:04:00  The purpose of antisemitism
1:11:00  Amalekites

Women want weddings but not marriages? - marriageability class 8

1:00  Parenting issues
2:00  Children parented with siblings and two married parents automatically grow up with a sense of hierarchy.
3:00  Koran on marriage
4:00  Families are the building blocks of society.
5:00  Bastards growing up in a fatherless home
6:00  Bastards cannot have a rational discussion.
8:00  Western governments do not support marriage.
11:00  Our culture of entitlement
12:00  The American Dream
13:00  We need heroes.
14:00  The pursuit of happiness
15:00  Romantic gestures
18:00  Know thy woman.
19:00  Anniversary dinner and Valentine's Day
21:00  Happiness should be pursued obliquely.

SAIRAH joins.

24:00  Marriage is for legitimate offspring. 
25:00  Married at 24
27:00  Marriage is a show of commitment.
28:00  Most convicted prisoners are from fatherless homes.
29:00  Sairah married her best friend.
30:00  Pornography
31:00  Gray's Anatomy
32:00  Maldives 25th wedding anniversary
35:00  20 years married
37:00  "We don't do Valentine's."
41:00  Couples should grow together.
The grass is greener on the other side.
42:00  Wisdom and communication
43:00  Frequency of marital congress
45:00  Marriage contract

Communication, permission and sensitivity

46:00  Stay at home dads are against the rules.
47:00  Deeds of variation
48:00  Rules
50:00  Nature and purpose of marriage
How to be marriageable
51:00  How to be loveable
62:00  Being reliable
53:00  The Catholic Church has a marriage course.
54:00  Governments could support marriage by treating unmarried parents as sex offenders.
Usury in Jordan
56:00  £20K weddings

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Discussing Maximillian II, the role of the Holy Spirit, the Trinity and the Arabic of the Koran

6:00  Stream begins.

7:00  John Calvin

8:00  Maximillian II,_Holy_Roman_Emperor

Maximillian was a crypto-Protestant.,_Holy_Roman_Emperor

12:00  General Protestant

13:00  Not Lutheran

15:00  Heidelberg Catechism

15:00  The Creed of Augsburg

17:00  Lutheranism

18:00  Transubstantiation

21:00  The Trinity

22:00  Islam is crypto-Trinitarian.

23:00  "Eternal Soul" = Holy Spirit

24:00  The nature and purpose of the Holy Spirit as the Agent of God

26:00  The Holy Spirit "makes the living living". 

32:00  Orthodox Christianity is as objectionable as Catholicism. 

34:00  Athanasians v Arians

36:00  E Michael Jones says Arianism is easier to believe than the Trinity.

38:00  Arian beliefs were in harmony with Graeco-Roman beliefs.

40:00  Deuteronomy 13

42:00  God is greater than His Creation.

43:00  The Koran is a Creation of God.

44:00  The Plays of Shakespeare

49:00  Logical problem

50:00  The overwhelming majority of humanity are not Jews who are finding it very hard to follow the Torah, so the obvious answer is the Koran.

51:00  Peace in the Middle East would be possible if only Israeli Jews would agree to live under sharia. 

52:00  Israel is the unsinkable aircraft carrier of America.

53:00  Arabic-speaking Muslim countries

58:00  Article 31 of the Hamas Charter

Article 31:

Under the wing of Islam, it is possible for the followers of the three religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism - to coexist in peace and quiet with each other. Peace and quiet would not be possible except under the wing of Islam. It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region, because the day these followers should take over there will be nothing but carnage, displacement and terror.

58:00  Liberalism and Marxism are religions for atheists. 

1:00:00  Islam is an imperial religion.

1:02:00  The Reformation

1:03:00  Jews in Iran

1:05:00  The status of Jews and Israel

1:07:00  Christian empires became  a victim of their own success.

Fornication is a marriage substitute.

1:08:00  Immigration

1:09:00  European solutions are irrational and immoral.

1:11:00  The solution to the problem of not following your book of rules is to follow your book of rules.

1:13:00  The Iranians got their country back with Islam.

1:14:00  China

1:17:00  The Western moral system

1:18:00  Free speech in Iran

1:20:00  The Supreme Leader of Iran

1:21:00  Aspiring to live in a sovereign state 

1:22:00  The Koran regulates gender, labour, consumer and international relations.

1:23:00  Islam is a divine legislative programme. 


1:25:00  The pre-Christian pagan religions were inferior to Christianity.

1:26:00  Perspective says liberal democracy is superior to Islam because the former demonstrates. 

1:29:00  Perspective basically says "Anything but Islam."

1:31:00  Perspective says he believes the Abrahamic God created the Universe.

1:32:00  "Islam is an ethnic pagan religion."

1:33:00  Greek

1:34:00  God had to choose a language.

1:35:00  Arabic is difficult.

1:36:00  BLINDMAN joins.

1:37:00  Arabs are only 10% of the Ummah.

1:49:00  Trump Bible

2:00:00  The New Testament just not good enough even if it is all that is claimed. 

2:02:00  Zionism


2:05:00  The Canaanites and Amalek

2:08:00  When the ancient kingdom of Israel was split in two

2:09:00  Lawsuit

2:14:00  Blasphemy

The Crusades

2:16:00  Lawfare and vexatious litigation

2:20:00  Martyr

2:22:00  Somebody has to do it.

Discussing Calvinism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Concubine Contracts and Masonry with Vincent Bruno and Stephen J James

2:00  Stream starts.

Claire Khaw is Vincent's Third Therapist.

Faith and works based religion

3:00  Christianity is faith-based salvation.

4:00  The Anglican Church was meant to replace the Catholic Church for monarchs after the Reformation.

5.:00  Calvinism

6:00  There is already an inherent problem in the separation of powers when Henry VIII made himself Head of the Church of England because of the problems the Hasmonean Dynasty caused itself by making the king also the chief priest. 

7:00  The success of John Calvin explained.
9:00  Predestination
10:00  Antinomianism
11:00  Calvin identified gaps in the market in the Swiss and Dutch Republic.
14:00  Our actions are dictated by our beliefs
16:00  It would be logical to take the optimistic view if we believe in the Abrahamic God on the possibility of redemption after a show of remorse and penitence. 
17:00  Calvinism is logically and necessarily a republican form of Christianity.
Michael Servetus
19:00  The Noahide laws would protect the morals of the group.
20:00  Democritus
21:00  Determinism
22:00  Moral philosophy
23:00  Zoroastrians don't like debating. 
26:00  Only Jews and Muslims claim their scripture is the directly revealed Word of God.
27:00  Jews and Muslims have been around for a long time.
28:00  Hinduism and Buddhism are ancient religions without empire.
29:00  Vincent's mother found a new community in Jehovah's Witnesses.
30:00  Vincent's mother journey to Jehovah's Witnesses
31:00  Vincent was mother dragged to 50 churches by his mother.
32:00  Before Vincent's mother settled on Jehovah's Witnesses, he was never in the same church twice. 
34:00  Home Bible Study classes in Vincent's home
36:00  Child discipline in Kingdom Halls
37:00  JW books for teens
Same instruction manual for 6 to 60s
38:00  Secular Koranism made fun for children
39:00  Jehovah's Witnesses art as propaganda
41:00  Christianity, Islam and Noahides
42:00  Religious groups, their identity and rules
44:00  Hare Krishna is too socially conservative for Vincent.
45:00  Hindus let Vincent think what he wanted to think about Hinduism.

46:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins to discuss the Concubine Contract.
47:00  Shotgun marriages in Islam - Mutta Marriage and Misyar Marriage
49:00  Illegitimacy in Canada, US and UK
50:00  The post-marriage West
51:00  The cooperation of the Fourth Estate
52:00  A referendum on the moral regeneration of the West
53:00  Will the future of the Weste be Islam or Noahidism?
53:00  White Sharia
54:00  White Nationalists Islam Alliance
56:00  SJJ identifies as liberal.
57:00  Immigrants
58:00  "Claire wants us to whip each other in our own countries."
59:00  Demographic crisis is the moral crisis.
1:00:00  Sweden and Scandinavia
1:01:00  Live simpler lives to avoid mass immigration.
1:02:00  US$14 per hour for managers
1:04:00  China can put the US out of commission by dumping the dollar.
1:05:00  Claire the Caliph
1:06:00  Phasing in 
1:07:00  Jeremy Corbyn and Liz Truss
1:08:00  Pandering to the democrats
1:09:00  3k views?

1:11:00  William Prince of Wales
1:12:00  Princess Anne
1:13:00  Charles III
1:14:00  "Red and weird" portrait of Charles III
1:15:00  Baphomet
1:18:00  Madonna
1:20:00  No political views allowed by the Royal Family.
1:21:00  Charles as defender The Faith
1:22:00  Charles could convert to Islam
1:23:00  Vincent says if he were Charles he would convert to Islam. 
1:24:00  Kate in hijab

Australian women who converted to Islam

1:25:00  Why women are better at languages than men
1:26:00  It's up to men to defend principles and territory.
1:27:00  Anne Neville
1:29:00  Duke of Kent is Grand Master
1:32:00  Muslims and the Noahide laws
1:34:00  Christianity is a Jewish conspiracy.
America was built on Freemasonry.
1:35:00  Masons would be a self-selecting group of respectable married men. 
1:37:00  Capitol Hill
Fasces all over US public buildings.
1:39:00  Stonemasons
1:41:00  Moses and magic
1:42:00  British Israelism and pyramidology
1:43:00  Hiram Biff
1:46:00  Once a philosopher, twice a sodomite.
Bacha bazi
1:50:00  Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel and Agent Provocateur.
1:52:00  Crypto-homosexuals
1:58:00  Duality
2:03:00  War re-enactment
2:06:00  Exegesis
2:10:00  Male bonding
2:11:00  Ladies nights at Mason Lodges
2:13:00  Catholic prohibition against Masonry
2:14:00  Crypto-homosexuals
2:16:00  "No more gay people here!" 
2:18:00  MMA
2:19:00  The difference between boxing and MMA
2:21:00   Kick boxing and Muay Thai

Thursday, 16 May 2024

Discussing the Leibniz and the best of all possible worlds

4:00  Full time ministry

5:00  Travel

From atheist to agnostic

7:00  Iran

8:00  Religion = politics

10:00  Israel is an American colony.

12:00  Committing to our decisions

Rabbi Mizrachi

16:00  Jesus is prophet of Christianity.

18:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.

19:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

Jesus was crucified for blasphemy.

20:00  John 4

21:00  LUCA the Unitarian raised Presbyterian joins.

30:00  Council of Nicaea

31:00  PERPECTIVE speaks.

35:00  Socinian Controversy

36:00  Thomas Jefferson

37:00  America is or isn't a Christian nation

38:00  Christianity is obsolete because the Age  of Monarchy is over and out.

Christianity is for absolute monarchies, Islamic for constitutional republics.

39:00  The Torah and the Koran come from God, but the New Testament is not.

40:00  The First Amendment is supported

42:00  The rich young  man

43:00  Fewer Christians, less freedom

Feminism undermines patriarchy.

44:00  America does  not have an official moral system.

Because there are no codified principles in Christianity, there are not followed.


48:00  Christianity acquired three global empires.

51:00  Leibniz's best of all possible worlds

Discussing the Concubine Contract and John Calvin with Vincent Bruno 

First Class - Wife Contract

Second Class - Concubine Contract

Third Class - Prostitute Contract

7:00  For better or worse, in sickness or in health, for richer or poorer

9:00  Suitable for white nationalists and non-virgin white women

11:00  Marriage is the gold standard of eugenic sexual reproduction and parenting.

13:00  Marriage is still frightening for white men even if Jews, Muslims, non-whites were all expelled. 

14:00  The marriage license is a license to have sex and children.

15:00  Margaret Sanger

16:00  Government support of marriage

17:00  Parenting is a two parent job.

18:00  Women who say they would rather not work but are forced to do so for economic reasons.

20:00  The grass is always greener on the other side.

21:00  The pursuit of happiness

The pursuit of justice

22:00  Obey your monarch who enjoys the divine of right of kings.

24:00  Indians

25:00  Posterity

26:00  Better to be a philosopher dissatisfied than a fool contented.

27:00  Belief in God would make us more willing to put up with our lot.

28:00  Making the best of things

29:00  Ambition

30:00  Siring offspring

31:00  Parenthood

32:00  Maternal grandfather

33:00  Understandable anxieties

36:00  Vincent and I should help others have children. 

37:00  We should be glad we were born. 

38:00 "Stop the world, I want to get off."

40:00  What if  people stopped having children tomorrow?

41:00  Stephen J James can be regenerated.

42:00  Damaged people and TV shows

43:00  Gordon Ramsay

44:00  Degeneration v Regeneration

45:00  Philosophical solutions in theory

47:00  Americans should pursue Knowledge, Wisdom and Justice.

48:00  Happiness is not necessarily sex and drugs and rock and roll. 

Religions tells us what we are supposed to do.

50:00  Shoulda woulda coulda

51:00  Vincent wants to be the pig contented.

52:00  Despising and envying shallow people

MUJAHID joins.

53:00  Slavery, prostitution and concubines

54:00  My literal and permissive interpretation

55:00  Muta marriage

56:00  Battle of Khaybar

58:00  Muta brothels and talaq

59:00  Concubines

1:00:00  Slaves

1:06:00  Misyar Marriage

1:10:00  Free love is to be banned.

1:11:00  Eugenic marriage

1:12:00  Marriage strike, demographics and polygamy

1:13:00  Patriarchy is a breeding programme. 

1:14:00  We just have to propose the solution in theory.

1:15:00  Nomadic Neanderthals

1:16:00  Gypsies and travellers 

1:17:00  Agricultural, industrial and technological revolution

1:18:00  Regulating sexual relations

1:19:00  Romantic love

1:20:00  MUJAHID asks Vincent about becoming a parent.

1:21:00  The value of life

1:22:00  Living for someone else

1:23:00  Islamic states

1:25:00  Natural resources are free in an Islamic state.

1:26:00  Happy poor generous people

1:27:00  Ingratitude and greed

1:28:00  Mental illness

1:32:00  Suicide

1:33:00  Antinomianism

1:34:00  Evil John Calvin

1:35:00  Reward and punishment in the afterlife

1:41:00  Vincent's Calvinist cousin

1:44:00  Vincent paying for his sins

1:45:00  If only Vincent  believed! 

1:46:00  Justice is blind. 

1:47:00  Your sins are forgiven if you convert to Islam.

1:47:00  Tawbah - penitence

1:50:00  Antinomianism

1:51:00  Corrupt  Christianity

1:52:00  Sin is just something you shouldn't do which is bad for you.

1:53:00  Deterrence, restitution and retribution

1:54:00  Sadducees did not believe in an afterlife. 

1:55:00  Olam haba - the world to come

1:56:00  Mormonism

1:57:00  Reincarnation

1:58:00  Between our lives and the End Times 

2:02:00  Blasphemy and desecration

 2:06:00  The Red Poppy

Provocation is a partial defence to murder.

2:08:00  The Koran forbids Muslims from mocking idol worshipers.

2:11:00  Christian Zionists

2:12:00  Hindus

2:15:00  Provocation

2:23:00  Hatun Tash

2:26:00  Sacred to Vincent

2:28:00  Mohammed Hijab is 7 ft tall. 

2:29:00  Tommy Robinson, Nick Griffin, James Goddard, Jayda Fransen, Mark Collett

2:30:00  Transitional arrangements


2:32:00  Women in the battlefield

2:33:00  Women and children

2:36:00  The status of babies of slaves

2:42:00  Concubine contract

2:44:00  INDEPENDENT MUSLIM joins.

2:48:00  ROBERT TATE joins

2:49:00  Algeria

2:51:00  Saudi Arabia and Jordan

2:52:00  Christianity for absolute monarchies, Islam for constitutional republics.

2:53:00  Nationalism

2:54:00  Arrested for antisemitic posts

2:55:00  Mass immigration

2:56:00  NGOs and David Miliband

2:57:00  Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Lawrence Fox are Zionist shills.

2:58:00  Mujahid's ancestors invited to Britain and products of the British empire

2:59:00  Voted Brexit

3:00:00  Unvetted Third Worlders

3:01:00  Nick Griffin and Mark Collett

3:02:00  Canada  and Australia

3:02:00  Sharia gives more freedom than the Noahide laws because it protects freedom of belief with

3:04:00  Robert is agnostic.

3:05:00  Sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting

3:06:00  Islam > Christianity

3:07:00  Unmarried parents

3:08:00  Responsible married parents

3:09:00  Fornication

3:10:00  Gender confusion

3:11:00  Sam Smith

3:12:00  Kabbalists

3:13:00  Noahide laws

3:16:00  INDEPENDENT MUSLIM joins.

3:17:00  White Syrian

3:18:00  Hadith

Projection and domination

3:19:00  Marriage in Islam

Age of Aisha

3:33:00  Hadith

Thomas White talking to Jason Kessler

1:00  Wignat
7:00  White people need representation. They need religious representation, so they need to choose a religion. 
8:00  Rich and poor people.
12:00  Definition of wignat ie "wigger nationalist"
14:00  White nationalism = failure to launch
17:00  Women
19:00  Nation of Islam
20:00  Non-whites also affected by feminism.
21:00  Gender roles
22:00  The failure of Christianity and the end of Christendom after WW1
26:00  Men are simps.
27:00  Thomas Sewell
28:00  The sex drive of 40 year old men
29:00  The validation of sluts is cheap and passing.
30:00  You have to try with women.
31:00  It's not the bedding, it's the wedding.
32:00  Why white women prefer black men
33:00  Men must take the initiative.
Extrovert men have the advantage over introverted men. 
35:00  Religious and racial identity
"White is how you act, not who you are."
36:00  Wiggers
40:00  Idiocracy issue
41:00  White women who date white and black men
42:00  Racial distinctions

"Liberal whites have a tremendous outgroup preference."

43:00  "Jewish domination"
44:00  The civil war between whites before the Civil War of America
45:00  Communists and their promotion of class consciousness
Thomas Sewell
47:00  Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson
48:00  Class divisions of white nationalists
50:00  Non-whites listen to his channel
51:00  Why won't Keith Woods talk to Thomas Sewell?
Joe Rogan would never have Jason Kessler on. 
Steve Sailor and well to do Jewish guy
52:00  Kanye
53:00  Collective Dismal in the chat
54:00  My comments read out by Thomas White.
55:00  Jews
58:00  Kessler not getting it that all human groups need a rule system to follow. 
Kessler wants Partition, of the kind that took place in India. 
59:00  Marriage is eugenic.
1:00:00  Race mixing
1:01:00  The natural way is eugenic.
1:04:00  "My government is trashing the First Amendment"
1:05:00  Twitter account shadowbanned
1:06:00  Jared Taylor and Kevin MacDonald
1:07:00  CIA used to work in Twitter.
The Karen meme
1:09:00  "White people are obsessive rule followers."
The problem with Christian nationalism
1:10:00  Christian nationalism is civic nationalism.
1:11:00  Kessler is a cultural Christian. 
Christian nationalism is subversive to white interests.
1:12:00  "Politics outside the electoral system"
1:13:00  Trump
1:14:00  Republican Party never acknowledges the white vote.
1:15:00  Roger Stone
1:16:00  Antisemitism
Explicit video

1:23:00  "Implicit whiteness"

1:24:00  White advocacy includes advocating that white people adopt an official moral system after getting them to acknowledge that race cannot be their religion. 

1:25:00  America First and Nick Fuentes

1:26:00  Catholicism

"Kanye is an autistic retard."

1:27:00  Kessler says he would be perfectly fine working with non-white allies.

"White people first."

1:28:00  Christianity advocating the universal brotherhood of man

Thomas White is atheist, Jason Kessler is agnostic.

1:29:00  Christianity is incompatible with nationalism.

1:30:00   Kessler does not understand that race cannot be your religion because not everyone who is your race is not your enemy nor is everyone outside your race your enemy.

Catholic power in America

1:31:00  "White people need to be able to get along with each other."

Catholics are as nepotistic as Jews.

1:32:00  Richard Spencer

"Secularism is perfectly fine."

1:33:00  The Future of Humanity by Michio Kaku

1:34:00  "We went to the moon."

1:35:00  Science > Religion

1:39:00  Elon Musk and Space Exploration

1:40:00  Jared Taylor, Trump and the Deep State

1:41:00  A Post-American future?

1:42:00  Why Classical Liberalism is compatible with White Nationalism?

1:43:00  "A peaceful secession"

1:44:00  White supremacy

1:45:00  Jews

1:46:00  White women

1:51:00  Whose fault is it?

Women and feminism

1:52:00  Tradition, order, gender roles

1:53:00  Jews and WW2

1:54:00  Women in the workplace

Sodomites in white nationalism

1:55:00  Greg Johnson is not really saying anything interesting and is not really an intellectual. 

1:56:00  White Nationalist Manifesto

1:58:00  Peter Brimelow is a father and husband.

VDare and Daily Wire

1:59:00  Counter Currents

2:00:00  Dylan Roof did immeasurable harm. 

2:01:00  Dylan Roof felt he had to do it what he did. 

2:02:00  Tim Weiss

2:03:00  Richard Russell, Thelma and Louise

2:04:00  "We've lost faith in ourselves."

2:05:00  Scott Adams and Israel

2:06:00  Black people

2:07:00  Brother Nathaniel

2:08:00  Tariq Nasheed

2:09:00  AOC

2:10:00  "Half the country is brown."

2:11:00  Thor is supposed to be Nordic, not black. 

2:12:00  Keith Woods and Richard Spencer

2:13:00  Matt Heimbach

2:14:00  National Bolshevism and John Derbyshire

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno about John Calvin, Pliny, the Antisemitism Awareness Bill and the Lincoln-Douglas Debates

2:00  An official moral system
3:00  Antinomianism
5:00  Deterrence
Rules are made to be broken.
6:00  Faith or works?
7:00  Calvinism
9:00  Usury
12:00  Irresponsible borrowing leads to slavery.
14:00  William Breiannis
15:00  Inflation
16:00  Degeneracy
17:00  The Letters of Pliny The Younger
18:00  There is no convenient time to have a baby.
19:00  Older parents are generate.
20:00  A pride of lion lions
21:00  Elephants
22:00  Fatherly instruction
23:00  Congress makes up the rules as it goes along.
24:00  Pandering to the female voter
25:00  Trump

33:00  Agenda 47
35:00  Marriage prevents degeneracy.
41:00  Trump supporters funding RFK.
42:00  George Washington's farewell speech
44:00  Reason for Catholic ban on masonry
46:00  Muslim governments against masonry.
49:00  Founding Fathers were masons.
51:00  Disappointing presidential candidates
52:00  The American gerontocracy
53:00  Lack of a moral system
54:00  ADHD and tl;dr

1:02:00  Christians
1:04:00  Andy Nowicki
1:05:00  Chapter and verse
1:08:00  "Effort post"
1:19:00  China's adherence to Marxism
1:20:00  Alexandr Dugin
1:22:00  Religion, rules, beliefs, convictions, justice
1:25:00  "You can tell a politician's lying when his lips move."
1:26:00  Antisemitism Awareness Bill
1:27:00  Student protests
1:28:00   "Death to Zionists!"
1:30:00  If China ever ran Israel
1:31:00  Independence Day US/Israel

1:33:00  Jews are the mascots of the American Empire.
1:35:00  Divide and rule
1:37:00  Messiah Substitute
1:38:00  Divine narrative
1:39:00  Conviction and confidence
1:40:00  School debate
1:41:00  Lincoln-Douglas Debates
1:44:00  Lincoln and Mormons
1:48:00  E Michael Jones and the Trinity
1:49:00  Nick Fuentes
1:50:00  Those who convert to marry
1:51:00  Moral agency
1:52:00  Noahidism or Islam?
1:53:00  The nature and purpose of the Noahide laws
1:55:00  WW3
1:56:00  Aarvoll

Is belief in the divinity of Jesus necessary for salvation? with Kevin Tallaksen

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  I introduce myself and explain Secular Koranism.

5:00  Christianity failed to prevent the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

6:00  The Founding Fathers made a point of quarantining the church from their state.

The American, French and Russian Revolutions were about rejecting monarchy and Christianity.

7:00  Americans do not understand their role in ending Christendom. They Founding Fathers set in train a chain of events that led to the French and Russian Revolutions.

Is America a Christian nation? 

10:00  Idolatry

12:00  The only people entitled to claim a Christian identity are confirmed Christians.

Only around 6 million confirmed Anglicans in the UK

13:00  Cultural Christians

16:00  613  laws of Judaism

Degenerate Westerners who think of themselves as Christians

17:00  Believing and obeying Christians

18:00  How Jesus regarded adultery

Sixteen states consider adultery to be a crime. These include the Carolinas, Georgia, Mississippi, New York, Utah, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Illinois, Kansas, Florida, and Arizona. Some states consider adultery to be grounds for divorce while others don’t.

22:00  You can believe in God but deny the Trinity.

23:00  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

Burning Bush

24:00  Kevin suggests that Jesus was not rightfully convicted of blasphemy, but whether he did not or did not claim that his father was God, the fact remains that Christians who worship the Trinity treat the claim of Jesus as true by worshiping him as the co-equal of God, but on what basis?

26:00  Jesus saying "My father and I are one" is a figure of speech.

30:00  Book of Isaiah 53

31:00  Christianity for absolute monarchies, Islam for constitutional republics.

32:00  Without the divine right of kings conferred on them by the Pope in Rome, the barbarian kings of Europe would just be warlords. 

The Council of Nicaea was called by Constantine the Great in 325.

33:00  My agnosticism

34:00  Henry VIII and the English Reformation

35:00  The end of Christendom in 1918

36:00  Charles III has no First Amendment rights.

39:00  The Koran regulates gender relations, labour relations, consumer relations and international relations. 

43:00  Jews and Christians are stiff-necked people.

44:00  Why is Kevin denying that God is morally perfect?

47:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.

48:00 supports the First Amendment.

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...