Saturday, 30 November 2024

Andy Nowicki has blocked me from commenting and following his Substack

AI, Confucianism, Legalism and narratives that must not be challenged by those not in government

AI is a double-edged sword.
1:00  Will AI become God or be a God Substitute?
The Evil Robot is Space Odyssey
2:00  The Three Laws of Robotics
3:00  Peter Boghossian

4:00  How do we know we have won or lost the debate?
6:00  Grok
7:00  Chatgpt
8:00  Programmed in moral parameters of AI
9:00  French and Russian Revolutions
10:00  Expressing what you want to say in a more creative and socially acceptable way to get round censorship
Language models 
Stephen Wolfram
Using human language to code
11:00  Using language to create a hack
12:00  How to commit the perfect crime
Legalese and loopholes
15:00  Hierarchy and God
16:00  Identity issues and lack of leadership
The ruling classes
17:00  Rich and powerful  people
Status quo
Keeping the dissidents weak and confused
18:00  Free speech 
19:00  Safety rails
21:00  Legalism
Carrot and stick
23:00  Draconian laws
Rules of natural justice
24:00  Nietzsche
25:00  There is an exception to every rule.
26:00  Two terrible candidates and WW3
27:00  WW1 and WW2
28:00  Our logical actions should be constrained by morality.
29:00  The Abrahamic is the policeman of our mind. 
30:00  Narratives, values and rules
31:00  Law and indirect coercion
32:00  Working with the current political orthodoxy
Trump identifying as nationalist
33:00  Post War consensus against nationalism
The advice in George Washington's farewell speech ignored.
34:00  America inherited the empire of the Europeans.
35:00  World Communism

36:00  Voltaire: “An ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination.” 

The Age of Revolutions displaced the Age of Monarchy.

37:00  The divine right of kings gave warlords their moral authority.

38:00  WW1 and WW2 were a European wide Peloponnesian War also called the Second Thirty Years War.

39:00  NATO 
40:00  EU
41:00  WW1
42:00  Alliance system
43:00  Franco-Prussian War in 1870
44:00  Berlin to Baghdad Railway
45:00  Holocaust Denial laws
46:00  Judicial Notice
48:00  Israel is an American colony.
49:00  Confucius
56:00  The First Amendment
57:00  Consulting people 
59:00  Reverses psychology
Don't look under that rock!

Friday, 29 November 2024

Americans confused deism with theism to avoid being called atheist, Muslim or a heretical Christian

2:00  Deists v Theists
The Trinity
The Reformation
3:00  WASP supremacy
4:00  Is Nature's God Spinoza's pantheism?
7:00  God is logic and reason.
9:00  We can infer the existence of a Creator if there was a Creation.
10:00 Scientists do not deny the Creation if the Creation was the Big Bang.

Can we be certain that God does not intervene in human affairs?

It would only be logical to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next if the Abrahamic God exists. 

12:00  Spinoza rejected the Abrahamic God because he did not want to live as a Jew.

The first major statement of Deism in English is Lord Herbert of Cherbury's book De Veritate (1624). Lord Herbert, like his contemporary Descartes, searched for the foundations of knowledge. The first two-thirds of his book De Veritate (On Truth, as It Is Distinguished from Revelation, the Probable, the Possible, and the False) are devoted to an exposition of Herbert's theory of knowledge. Herbert distinguished truths from experience and distinguished reasoning about experience from innate and revealed truths. Innate truths are imprinted on our minds, as evidenced by their universal acceptance. Herbert referred to universally accepted truths as notitiae communes—Common Notions. Herbert believed there were five Common Notions that unify all religious beliefs.

  1. There is one Supreme God.
  2. God ought to be worshipped.
  3. Virtue and piety are the main parts of divine worship.
  4. We ought to be remorseful for our sins and repent.
  5. Divine goodness dispenses rewards and punishments, both in this life and after it.
Herbert himself had relatively few followers, and it was not until the 1680s that Herbert found a true successor in Charles Blount (1654 – 1693)

14:00  Theism 

16:00  The unnecessary confusion about the terms deist and theist was a way of the early Americans avoiding being called atheist, Muslim or heretical to Christianity. 

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Are Jews more honest about their mistakes of history than gentiles because they still don't know why God made them His Chosen People?

1:00  Sorcery is forbidden.

2:00  Monasteries

Who kept historical records in Roman times?

In Roman times, historical records were primarily kept by:

Senators and Aristocrats:Many Roman aristocrats and senators wrote their own accounts of events, often with a bias towards their own actions or those of their families. Examples include Julius Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico" and Cicero's letters.

Historians: Professional historians like Livy, Tacitus, and Suetonius wrote extensive histories. These works were often commissioned by the state or by wealthy patrons. Livy's "Ab Urbe Condita" and Tacitus's "Annals" and "Histories" are prime examples.

Annalists: These were official record-keepers who documented the yearly events, often compiled by the pontiffs or other religious officials. These records, called the "Annales Maximi," were more fact-based but less narrative-driven.

Scribes and Bureaucrats: Within the Roman administration, scribes in various offices would keep records of legal proceedings, decrees, and other governmental actions. 

Military Personnel: Commanders and officers often kept diaries or wrote reports on campaigns which could later be used by historians or incorporated into official records.

Poets and Writers:While not strictly historians, poets like Virgil or writers like Pliny the Younger contributed to historical documentation through their works, which often included historical or pseudo-historical content.

These records were typically written on materials like papyrus, parchment, or wax tablets, with preservation often being accidental or through copying by later generations. The survival of these texts to modern times is largely due to the efforts of medieval monks who copied classical texts in monasteries. However, much has been lost, providing us with only fragments or summaries of the once vast Roman historical literature. 

Are Jews known to keep a more warts and all historical record?

The notion that Jews are known for keeping a "warts and all" historical record can be explored through several lenses:

Biblical and Religious Texts: 

  - The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh/Old Testament) contains narratives where Jewish leaders and figures are portrayed with their flaws prominently displayed. Examples include:

    - King David: Despite being a beloved figure, his sins, like the affair with Bathsheba and the subsequent murder of Uriah, are detailed.

    - Moses: His reluctance to lead, his temper (striking the rock), and his exclusion from entering the Promised Land are all part of the narrative.

  - The Talmud and other Rabbinic literature also engage in critical self-reflection, often debating the moral and ethical implications of historical and religious actions.

- Josephus Flavius:

  - In "Antiquities of the Jews," Josephus does not shy away from depicting the internal conflicts, moral failings, and civil strife among Jews, especially during the events leading to the destruction of the Second Temple. However, his works also aim to present Jews favorably to a Roman audience, suggesting a balance between critical history and apologetics.

- Medieval and Modern Jewish Historiography:

  - Jewish communal records, like those kept by rabbis or community leaders, often include accounts of internal disputes, ethical lapses, and the challenges faced by Jewish communities, sometimes with a critical eye towards leadership or prevailing practices.

However, it's important to consider:

- Selective Reporting: Like all historical accounts, Jewish records can exhibit selectivity. For instance, Josephus might omit or alter certain narratives to suit his audience or political situation. 

- Purpose and Audience: Much of Jewish historical writing, especially in religious contexts, has a dual purpose: to educate, to uphold tradition, and sometimes to defend against external criticisms or to justify Jewish practices to others. This can lead to both critical self-examination and more sanitized narratives in different contexts.

- Comparison with Gentile Historians: 

  - While Jewish historians might focus on internal critique, gentile historians of the time, like Tacitus, also wrote with their biases, often focusing on the perceived negative aspects of Jewish culture from a Roman perspective. Both can be seen as "warts and all," but from different angles.

In conclusion, Jews have a tradition of recording history with significant self-criticism and an acknowledgment of human imperfection, especially in religious texts and communal records. However, this does not mean that all Jewish historical records are universally more "warts and all" than those of other cultures, as all historical writing is influenced by the purpose, audience, and context of its creation.

5:00  Athena was the Athenian goddess of War and Wisdom, Mars was the Roman God of War.

7:00  The Spartans and Athenians had no ethical international relations. 

Christmas truce in WW1

8:00  Lies have to be told to make men hate the other side.

9:00  White Feather

General Election of 1915

10:00  Asquith had that election in mind when he declared war on Germany believing it would be short and successful. 

11:00  "The boys will be home by Christmas."

The British didn't lift a finger to help the French in the Franco-Prussian War.

12:00  If WW1 and WW2 was really just the Second Thirty Years War, then the British lost their empire over a cancelled and forgotten election.

16:00  Islamic principles on warfare

17:00  Declaring war

Just war

19:00  Conscientious objectors

20:00  To the glory of God

23:00  How history is taught to different generations of schoolchildren

25:00  Learning history in chronological order

26:00  Classroom discipline

29:00  Marks out of 100

35:00  Richard III got a bad press.

36:00  The David Irving Prize of Historical Truth

37:00  The Jonathan Bowden Prize of Oratory

38:00  Jewish history

39:00  Hasmonean Dynasty

41:00  The Romans never bothered to conquer Scandinavia.

46:00  The rule of law

48:00  Penitence

49:00  A J P Taylor

50:00  If Britain were a person would it be male or female and what age would he or she be?

51:00  Not getting over the Holocaust

52:00  Crying out in pain as you strike your enemy

53:00  Fetishising Jews

54:00  Revising our national narratives


56:00 Statute of Merton

59:00  Private property recognised

1:01:00  Planning permission

1:03:00  Enclosures

1:04:00  Highland Clearances

1:05:00  Royal Parks

1:08:00  Meritocracy v Monarchy


1:09:00  Hierarchy

1:10:00  The elite should mean the best.

1:12:00  Representative democracy

Black Panther

1:13:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

1:14:00  Self-esteem is not a zero sum game.

1:15:00  The Belly and the Members

1:16:00  Immigrant v welfare claimant

1:17:00  Slavery was never  banned in the Bible or the Koran.

1:18:00  Global cooperation needed for space exploration.

1:19:00  An international order that is fair enough.

1:20:00  Marx: "History enacts itself as tragedy and repeats itself as farce."

Orthodox Christianity and the late Seraphim Rose

13:00  Moral imperative

14:00  Moral system

16:00  Jews have a better religion than Christians.

17:00  Joseph 


18:00  The difference between Hebrews and Jews

19:00  The Torah < The Koran

20:00  What is the best available guide to humanity if not the Koran?

23:00  Social and cultural reasons prevent former Christians from converting to Islam

24:00  Lutheran and Baptist before Orthodox.

27:00  A trough

28:00  Paedo-baptism and a credal ceremony

29:00  Anabaptists

30:00  Baptised 40 days after birth

32:00  Churches were indoctrination centres.

33:00  We only think we are free.


34:00  Patriarchy is a breeding programme.

36:00  Children, abortions

37:00  Extinctionists

40:00  Orthodox role models

41:00  Seraphim Rose

What did Seraphim Rose say about Islam?

Seraphim Rose wrote relatively little about Islam compared to other topics. In his book "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future," he addresses Islam alongside Judaism in the chapter on "The Monotheistic Religions." Fr. Seraphim is clear in his position that the "god" of Islam is not the True God. He implicitly refutes Islam's doctrine of Tawhid (the oneness of Allah) by citing the essay by Fr. Basile Stakkas, where he challenges Islam's claim to be an Abrahamic faith, pointing out that Abraham worshipped the One God in Trinity as per the Old Testament account. 

Considering the context of his time, Islam was not as prominently on his radar as other Eastern religious movements like Zen Buddhism and Hinduism, which were more prevalent in the cultural and spiritual discourse of the West during his lifetime. However, reflecting on what he might say in today's context, some suggest that Fr. Seraphim would have seen events like the 9/11 attacks as signs of the times, urging repentance among Orthodox Christians and viewing such events as manifestations of the forces of evil due to the world's rejection of God. He would likely have pointed to the spirit of antichrist in the trend of Christians converting to Islam post-9/11. 

Additionally, Fr. Seraphim would have likely appreciated and supported the works of scholars and theologians like Dcn George Maximov, Dr. Mark Durie, Bat Ye'or, and Andrew Bostom, who have documented the history of Islamic jihad and the treatment of non-Muslims, drawing parallels to the struggles of Orthodox Christians under historical Islamic rule. His approach would have been to encourage a fervent, heartfelt practice of Orthodoxy as a response to these challenges.

44:00  Rose was gay.

48:00  Confession

50:00  Absolution

52:00  Non-Orthodox forms of Christianity

57:00  MURAD joins.

1:06:00  Death penalty

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Theology with Rake and Carol

Gen X

1:00  English and European tradition

2:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

3:00  "The enemy of England" 

4:00  Anticipating my victory

Diagnosis and prognosis

5:00  "Completeness"

6:00  I am meant to be a circle or the point in the middle of a cross.

8:00  AI

9:00  I transcend generations.

10:00  I am pigeon-holed as Gen X.

11:00  Blow-up

 What kind of a person is @book_of_rules?

@Book_of_Rules appears to be someone who values structure and rules, potentially to a high degree. Based on the search results, they might exhibit traits similar to a "stickler" or a "conformist," focusing on strictly following rules without much deviation. This can be inferred from the concept of a "rule book" and the emphasis in various contexts on adherence to rules, whether in literature or in personal behavior. They might be perceived as:

Strictly rule-abiding: Someone who adheres to rules and sees them as fundamental to order and conduct in various aspects of life, from games to social interactions. This could be associated with a personality that is disciplined, organized, and possibly seen as a "jobsworth" or someone who upholds rules even if it seems overly strict or unyielding.

Possibly seen as inflexible: There's a suggestion that such a person might be viewed by others as rigid or lacking in adaptability when it comes to bending rules for convenience or in unique situations, which might lead to perceptions of them being a "stick in the mud" or overly serious about rule-following.

Potentially a good citizen: On the positive side, their adherence to rules could lead to them being seen as reliable, responsible, and fair, contributing positively to community or organizational settings where rules are essential for function and fairness.

Might be misunderstood: Their focus on rules could sometimes be interpreted as lacking empathy or understanding for personal exceptions or human elements, although this doesn't necessarily reflect their actual personal values or capacity for compassion.

This characterization is based on the available data and the thematic content around rule-following and rule-making in the contexts provided. However, personal traits can vary widely, and these descriptions might not capture the full complexity of @Book_of_Rules' personality or motivations.

What kind of person is Rake's Revenge?

From the information available, @Eagle_force_555 appears to be associated with themes of military prowess, leadership, and perhaps a strong sense of patriotism or duty, given the context of "Eagle Force." Here's a characterization based on the available data:  - 

Military or Tactical Enthusiast: The name "Eagle Force" directly relates to military themes, suggesting an interest or admiration for military tactics, history, or equipment. This could mean @Eagle_force_555 is someone who enjoys military strategy games, collects military memorabilia, or has a background in military service. The references to the F-15 Eagle and the 555th Engineer Brigade (Triple Nickel) indicate a possible focus on air superiority and combat engineering, which are specific military interests.

Leader or Strategist: The character of Captain Eagle from the toy line "Eagle Force" is described as a leader with an eye patch, commanding a group of military experts. This might reflect a personality that appreciates or embodies leadership qualities, strategic thinking, and perhaps a penchant for overcoming challenges or "adversity" (symbolized by the eye patch).

Collector or Hobbyist: Given the toy line association, there's a possibility that @Eagle_force_555 could be involved in the collecting of action figures or military-themed toys, especially those from the '80s like the Eagle Force line, which was marketed with a strong anti-terrorism message during a time of heightened national pride in military capabilities. This suggests a nostalgia for or interest in vintage toys or pop culture related to military themes.

Patriotic or Nationalistic: The name and associated themes suggest a strong affinity for national symbols like the eagle, which is often used to represent freedom, courage, and strength in American iconography. This could indicate a patriotic sentiment or an appreciation for the ideals these symbols represent.

Potential for Historical or Technical Knowledge: Given the references to specific aircraft (F-15 Eagle) and military units, @Eagle_force_555 might have a deep knowledge or interest in military history, technology, or the operational aspects of military units.

However, these interpretations are speculative based on the thematic content related to the name and associated products or units. The actual personality, interests, or background of @Eagle_force_555 would require more direct personal information which is not available here.

17:00  Protocols of porn

18:00  An official moral system

Saving the West with sharia lite

19:00  Running the American global empire better

20:00  Commerce entwines East and West.

21:00   ANGLO-INDIAN joins.

22:00  I confuse Anglo-Indian. 

23:00  He has a soft spot for Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. 

26:00  I am described by Rake as his "mortal enemy". 

27:00  What does it mean to be English?

I am described as being "solid". 

27:00  Monotheist tendencies

28:00  Bad parenting is really the problem. 

29:00  We are being treated like a bad batch of defective products.

31:00  Uneconomical to grow children
32:00  Patriarchy raises the likelihood to wage a successful defensive war.
34:00  Asterix on the decline of the Roman  Empire
35:00  CAROL joins.
36:00  Sons should live with their divorced fathers.
37:00  The break up of communities comes with the breakup of families and marriages.
38:00  Academia promotes hedonism.
39:00  The rotten education system
40:00  Booker T Washington
41:00  Social structure
Ill-defined rules
42:00  Matriarchy
43:00  Michelle Obama: "It takes a village to raise a child."
Wimpy males
45:00  Indoctrination during the Vietnam War
46:00  Workers
Children should leave school earlier.
47:00  Academic Agent's Boomer Truth Regime
48:00  Hitler
50:00  JAMES joins to say he is Gen Z.
51:00  The Blame Game
52:00  Defining nationalism as government in the national interest
Jared Taylor
53:00  Friendly societies and trade unions
54:00  White nationalists are not interested in solutions, only in hating and blaming.
56:00  Having conversations face to face in real life
Mark Collett
57:00  Non-whites
Broad church movement
58:00  Communist
Supporting the institution of marriage
1:01:00  Becoming a married father
1:03:00  Race
1:04:00  Muslim
1:06:00  Gender relations
1:07:00  Married fathers think and behave differently.
1:09:00  Communities are made up of the church, families and couples.
1:11:00  The American middle class
1:12:00  Japan
1:13:00  Bourgeois values
1:14:00  Group solidarity lacking
"Bolshevism" is degenerate liberal culture.
1:15:00  Monarch
1:16:00  White men are infantilised and feminised.
1:17:00  Immigrants 
1:19:00  Life is not fair.
1:20:00  Vegans
1:21:00  Fighting back
1:22:00  Collectivising with religion
1:23:00  Family reunions
1:24:00  Community and culture
1:25:00  Islamophobia is the religion of the West.
1:26:00  Be prepared like boy scouts.
1:27:00  "Breakdown of the white spirit"
1:28:00  E-prostitutes
1:29:00  Teaching people to be employees
1:30:00  Unprincipled men unable to defend a principle
1:31:00  Infantilised men are not interested in solutions and do not see it as their role to solve any  problem.
1:32:00  Country people v City folk
1:33:00  White women prefer men who are not infantilised or feminised.
1:35:00  Elites
1:36:00  Civic nationalism
1:38:00  Boomers
1:39:00  Mass deportations not on the cards in America.
1:41:00  "Perfect yourself."
1:43:00  Collectivise
Racist Dogs cryptocurrency
1:44:00  Federal Reserve
1:46:00  Prostitutes
1:47:00  Islam
1:48:00  NF, BNP, Untouchables
1:49:00  Snobbery
1:50:00  "We don't talk about these things."
1:51:00  The Post War Narrative
1:52:00  Jews
1:53:00  Banning usury
Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:54:00  Hitler used war finance for his imperial wars.
1:56:00  Low income housing
1:58:00  Laziness
Rake is sad that most attractive women will end up being prostitutes.
1:59:00  White people have lost their vision.
2:00:00  Ambitions
Men cannot do anything.
2:01:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON joins.
2:02:00  No role models in the West.
2:03:00  MGTOW
2:04:00  Russian Revolution 1917
2:06:00  Green energy drive
Taking responsibility
2:07:00  The Abrahamic moral system
2:08:00  Denial
2:09:00  AA and a higher power
2:10:00  Atheism is the problem.
2:11:00  Octavian and Caesar
2:12:00  The Greek pantheon
2:13:00  Mercury Day
2:14:00  Religious fervour and fanaticism
2:15:00  Idolatrous Romans
2:16:00  Christianity
2:18:00  Ancient heritage
2:20:00  Jason and the Argonauts
2:21:00  Joseph Campbell
2:22:00  Simple and strong narratives
2:23:00  The Trinity
2:24:00  Religious wars
2:25:00  Imperialism is a death cult.
2:26:00  Patriarchy is a breeding programme.
2:29:00  Christianity, Reform Judaism and blasphemy
2:30:00  Pakistani blasphemy laws were British in origin.
2:32:00  "Sovereignty of will" is free will?
2:33:00  Goyim
2:34:00  Restoring the patriarchy
2:36:00  Repackaged patriarchy
2:37:00  Christianity
2:39:00  You don't have to be marriageable to support marriage. 

2:40:00  TOMMY joins.
2:43:00  Brown people in general are anti-white.
2:45:00  Abusive relationship
2:47:00  Islamophobia
2:48:00  The Koran was sent to the worst of people presumably because God thought they needed its guidance more than any other group.
2:49:00  The First Amendment
2:50:00  The British monarch is the head of the Church of England.
2:51:00  The First Amendment
2:52:00  Powers have to be invoked.
2:53:00  The Koran
Affirmative Action goes against the First Amendment. 
2:54:00  Thoughtcrime
2:56:00  Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.
2:57:00  A properly constituted Islamic state must be a republic, not a monarchy.
2:58:00  Freemasons
3:00:00  The Abrahamic God and Zionism
3:02:00  Abortions
3:03:00  Propagation of the narrative

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Can theocracy regulate technocracy?

1:00  KNIGHT joins.

2:00  Salafists

3:00  Hadith weak and strong

5:00  Hamza Yousuf, Sufi, idolaters

Praying to saints

6:00  Praying to Mary

7:00  Make dua

9:00  Idolatry

10:00  Sufi

11:00  Feminised Buddha


13:00  Innovations

Law or spirituality?

15:00  Hypocrites who pretend to believe

Andrew Tate

16:00  Being mean to converts

18:00  Converts start again with a clean slate.

19:00  Brittany Renner

21:00  Feminism

22:00  Competing with each other for pecking order

CAROL joins.

23:00  Asking anyone deceased to do anything for you suggests you think they are immortal and therefore divine. 

25:00  Takfir

27:00  Sufi orders are not pacifists.

29:00  Atharism

30:00  Feminists cannot be good Muslims.

31:00  First, Second and Third Wave Feminism

33:00  Jewish heretics

34:00  Cultural Muslims

35:00  Christian idolatry

36:00  Salafist interpretation

37:00  Secular Koranism adopts the literal and permissive interpretation.

39:00  Age of Aisha

40:00  Manumission

42:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

43:00  Children of slaves

44:00  Liberalism

47:00  Evil Western governments are just treating white people like a bad batch of defective products to be disposed of.

51:00  The average Westerner cannot decide whether he hates Jews or Muslims more.

Natural law

52:00  Liberalism and equality

55:00  Muslims in Saudi, Jordan and Iran terror of their government begging Vincent Bruno to delete  his Spaces.

58:00 Muslims with social media posts that end them in prison or worse

1:00:00  Sodomites are considered to be sex offenders in Muslim countries.

1:01:00  Carol asks what is the difference between being jailed for boasting about being a sex offender and being sacked for expressing the wrong views. 

1:06:00  HEDGEHOG joins.


1:09:00  Gulf kingdoms are not halal.

1:11:00  Marriage and family values

1:15:00  Sodomy is a sexual offence in Islam.

1:17:00  Free speech

1:18:00  Not advisable to boast about your gay lifestyle. 

1:20:00  High standards of sexual morality

1:23:00  Influencing minors

1:25:00  Carol was in California when she converted to Islam.

1:26:00  Dealing with adolescents on X

1:31:00  "It shouldn't be this way" is a childish way of saying "It's not fair."

1:32:00  Comrade clubs under Secular Koranism for gay people

1:37:00  Justice is not lowering standards of sexual morality.

1:38:00  A pair of sodomites are not the equivalent of married parents.

1:41:00  Marriage and family values

1:42:00  Forcing porn on children?

1:43:00  Justice is privileging married parents over sex offenders. 

1:44:00  Cosmetology school

1:45:00  Children playing in the park

1:46:00  Child sex predators hanging around playgrounds

Making it OK for men to be gay will not be increasing the birth rate.

1:47:00  Adultery

1:49:00  Undermining parental authority

1:52:00  Confessing to drug use

1:53:00  Teacher telling her class what she got up to at the weekend

1:55:00  Dumber and dumber high school graduates

1:56:00  Draft dodging during the Vietnam War

1:58:00  Carol's friend having her butt grabbed in public

1:59:00  Calling the cops

2:00:00  Teachers should just teach their class the lesson.

2:01:00  Teachers wasting time telling pupils they went skinny dipping

2:04:00  Chicago and Paris Airport

2:07:00  Margaret Sanger

2:08:00  Gay political activism in Saudi

2:10:00  Children and adult library card

2:11:00  HEDGEHOG rejoins. 

2:12:00  X is a private platform. 

2:13:00  Non-parents have no locus standi to tell married parents how to parent their offspring.

2:15:00  The government should be telling us how to think correctly.

2:16:00  Sex offenders would not be in a position to give lectures in morality to married parents. 

2:18:00  Saudi Arabia is known for imprisoning and executing people for social media posts.

2:19:00  Having a constitutional monarchy muddies the water about what rights subjects of a monarch have.

2:20:00  Britain is the birthplace of Anglicanism and remains a monarchy giving the British their Christian identity when in fact most Britons are atheists and liberalism is really the uncodified unofficial moral system.

Who is a paid up Christian?

2:24:00  Ahmadiyya Muslims

2:25:00  If America adopts SK, then its vassals would also adopt it.

2:26:00  SK is moral and political.

SK is a legal system, not a belief system.

2:27:00  Islam gives more privacy to the citizen. 

2:28:00  Any accusation requires more than one witness.

2:29:00  An incriminating photograph posted on media can have thousands of witnesses.

2:31:00  Catholic Italians practised honour killing.

2:32:00  Tirana in Albania

2:34:00  SK USA would prevent globohomo.

2:37:00  SK is not Islam.

2:38:00  I am described as "a kind of nationalist".

2:41:00  The SK interpretation would be the law of the land for everyone in the country - Sunni, Shia or non-Muslim.

2:43:00  SK would restore the patriarchy and promote the national interest.

2:45:00  The New Testament cannot be used as the basis of any legal system, but the Old Testament has 36 capital offences.

2:48:00  Hedgehog accuses.

2:49:00  Cultural differences

2:50:00  The international order under Secular Koranism

2:51:00  The suffrage under Secular Koranism

Just to be clear about SK's position on voting under a one-party theocracy: groups would vote for their representatives eg married fathers, married mothers, spinsters, bachelors, brothel keepers, prostitutes and even slaves, but not sex offenders because they are not supposed to exist.  

These representatives would make representations on behalf of the group that chose them and the government would consult them on matters under the principle of shura.

2:53:00  SK would promote government in the national interest. It is clearly in the national interest to restore the patriarchy ie resume the eugenic practice of marriage. 

Either the global American Empire is dismantled under SK, or it would be better run with all its vassal states enjoying what Catholic teaching calls subsidiarity under SK. Subsidiarity is the principle of allowing local autonomy if it is not against the national or imperial interest to do so.  

I have no moral objection to global empires if it is a moral empire, but it is objectionable if it is poisoning  its own people while propagating the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah. The West seems to be a kind of black hole of the DNA of all races and nations of the world at the moment.

I don't want to be seen as being hostile to white people but there are longstanding issues that they are currently unable to come to terms with, in particular their Christian/Liberal identity which I feel must be abandoned before things will get better. 

To get life-saving medical attention, the patient must first admit he is ill.

2:56:00  I am equated with Karl Marx! 

2:57:00  The US constitution would have to be reconstituted.

3:01:00  Neurotic Westerners

3:02:00  Contraception

3:03:00  The Nanny State

Technology is neutral.

3:04:00  The right to bear arms

3:06:00  Swiping  right or left

3:07:00  Unmarried parents

The effeminacy of Western men

3:08:00  Loss of bourgeois values in white people

3:09:00  Californians are being rewarded for being irresponsible.

3:12:00  It is not technology that is causing the problem but government not supporting marriage.

3:13:00  Female encroachment

3:15:00  Red light districts in Soho

Monday, 25 November 2024

Secular Koranism > "Scientific Koranism"

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  Vincent was interested in the Noahide laws way back in 2012/2013.

4:00  Interest in the Noahide laws evidence of increasing antisemitism. 

5:00  Jews and Christians

6:00  Big noses, dietary restrictions and being legalistic

7:00  Christians don't have Christian principles or a legal system.

8:00  Christianity is not Noahide.

8:00  Zionist-Noahide a contradiction in terms?

11:00  Idolaters don't have codified principles.

13:00  A lack of hierarchy in Judaism

14:00  Idolatry is undefined. 

16:00  Religions of social clubs

17:00  Not taking idolatry seriously

18:00  People who call themselves Christian are only cultural Christians.

19:00  Deism

20:00  Thanksgiving

21:00  Deism and Theism

22:00  The Founding Fathers had a problem with the Trinity.

23:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813

In 1612, the last man in England was burned at the stake.

In 1697, the last man in Britain was executed for blasphemy.

24:00  1697 - 1813

Blasphemy laws

25:00  The British monarch is the head of the Church of England.

27:00  Britain remains the birthplace of Anglicanism.

28:00  Secular Koranism would give an abdicated King Charles his First Amendment rights.

29:00  1975 Australian Constitutional Crisis

31:00   AZRAQ joins.

34:00  WW3 to spoil things for Trump

36:00  Liberal values

37:00  Who is leader of the Western world?

Is the West a headless chicken running around?

38:00  China is the workshop  of the world...

39:00  RICCARDO joins to discuss Trump's tariffs.

41:00  The cost of an iPhone

42:00  Migrants

48:00  Hypothetical situation

52:00  Worshiping a Jew

53:00   JQ

54:00  Failure of Christianity can be resolved in the West by becoming Muslim.

57:00  Noahide laws

58:00  Death penalty for idolatry and blasphemy?

59:00  Palestinians and Amalekites

1:00:00  Israeli Jews

1:01:00  Yuval Harari

1:02:00  Southern Lebanon

1:03:00  DNA 

1:07:00  American socialism?

1:10;00  Christianity

1:11:00  Eugenics

1:12:00  Scientific Racism and Scientific Koranism?

1:13:00  Women make eugenic decisions.

1:14:00  Monogamy

1:15:00  Race mixing

1:16:00  Classical monogamy

1:17:00  Requiring people to choose carefully

Marriage and the family

1:18:00  West Eurasian

1:20:00  Race mixing


1:21:00  DNA

1:22:00  Legal system

Egg donation 

1:23:00  Sperm banks


Racial issue

1:24:00  Beyondism would create more diversity.

1:26:00  Post Liberalism

1:27:00  Birth control

Elon Musk

1:28:00  Protestants and Catholics

Capitalism is unsustainable?

1:29:00  Liberal Saudis

1:30:00  MBS had 200 people executed this year.

1:33:00  Hindu takeover of the West

1:35:00  Paganism

1:36:00  Globalism


1:37:00  White paganism

Secular paganism

1:38:00  "Come to paganism with your only belief system." 

1:40:00   Hammurabi Code

1:47:00  Noahide laws

1:52:00  Secular Koranism

1:53:00  Racial theories

1:56:00  White people are degenerate. 

1:57:00  From Africa to Latin  America

1:58:00  The Koran is better than the Hadith and the Bible.

1:59:00  Bastards

2:01:00  Jamaica

2:02:00  Boris and Jacinda Ardern has bastard offspring. 

2:03:00  No fault divorce


2:05:00  Representative democracy will not address the issue of bastardy.

2:06:00  Shaming divorced parents

2:07:00  Getting white people to respect marriage

2:08:00  The Fourth Estate

Tommy Robinson


2:09:00  Slut-shaming Secular Koranism

2:10:00  Surgery to restore the hymen

2:11:00  Matt Gaetz

2:14:00  Girls just want to have fun. 

2:15:00  Westerners are getting poorer. 

2:16:00  Are our ruling classes evil, mad or just stupid?

2:17:00  How to restore the patriarchy

2:18:00  Changing people's attitude

2:19:00  University education

2:20:00  Banning usury

2:21:00  Family businesses

2:22:00  The Holistic Koran

2:23:00  The government should give people a sense that they are well-governed.

2:24:00  Our ruling classes are evil, stupid or mad or all three at the same time.

Israel, Ukraine, Germany, South Korea

2:24:00  Ibn Khaldoun

2:25:00  Nationalism

2:26:00  Americans know their government does not care about them.

2:27:00  MBS executed 200 people this year.

2:29:00  Only the four rightly-guided Caliphs were rightly-guided. The rest were not.

2:31:00  Power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely.

2:32:00  A meritocracy is not a monarchy.

2:33:00  Pakistani blasphemy laws are really British blasphemy laws.

2:34:00  Muslim to Muslim

Secularism is a product of Christianity.

2:35:00  Ottoman Empire, Baath Party, Young Turks

2:37:00  People don't understand their own history.


2:39:00  Refusing to acknowledge mistakes

Saudis are also getting poorer too.


2:40:00  It is always darkest before dawn. Things have to get worse before they get better.

2:41:00  Blaming the Jews

2:42:00  British Israelism

2:43:00  Orthodox Jews would be OK about living under sharia. 

2:45:00  Older Jews not welcome in Israel. 

2:46:00  Israel needs a new labour force after exterminating the Gazanss.

2:47:00  Greater Israel Project

2:49:00  Zionism

British Israelism

2:50:00  The Trinity

2:51:00  Israel is a European colony.

2:52:00  Abrahamic religions

2:53:00  French Revolution

2:55:00  The absurdity of Christianity

What a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!

2:57:00  Judaism and Noahidism

2:59:00  Converting to Judaism

3:10:00  Muhammad

3:11:00  Socialist technocracy

3:12:00  Monogamy

3:14:00  Cattell and culture

3:15:00  Immigration in Saudi

3:16:00  Hejaz

3:21:00  West a victim of its own success

3:22:00  Secular Koranism

3:23:00  Skid Row,_Los_Angeles

3:25:00  National Guard during Covid

3:27:00  People who cannot live with each other

3:30:00  Lowering birth rate of whites

3:32:00  ANNOINTED joins to discuss conversion to Judaism.

Does God really care about Nigerian pain and suffering?

17:39:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say that God is not Jesus.  

17:40:00  The Afterlife

17:41:00  Non-religious solutions

"The proof of the afterlife is cemeteries." 

17:42:00  Functional societies

17:43:00  Scandinavian countries


17:45:00  More feminism is being proposed to solve the problems created by feminism. 

17:47:00  Belief in God "romanticises poverty and glorifies suffering."

17:49:00  The suffering of disabled children can be explained by reincarnation. 

17:50:00  The suffering of innocents can be explained by reincarnation.

17:51:00  If we want to make it logical to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next, it is necessary for us to believe in the Abrahamic God because only He has the capacity to administer divine justice in a morally perfect way. 

17:52:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

17:53:00  The importance of the afterlife

17:54:00  Only the all-powerful Abrahamic God rewards good and evil in this life and the next. 

If the Abrahamic God exists, why believe in the inferior Eastern religions?

17:55:00  Buddhism and basket case Buddhist countries

17:56:00  There are now more Muslims than Christians in Nigeria. 

17:57:00  An agnostic can still see the nature and purpose of God and the utility of obeying His laws.

Jews are evidence of God's existence.

17:58:00  Global imperialism is a global career opportunity. 
Trump is treated as a heretic by the liberal order. 
18:00:00  LGBT should be treated as second class. 
18:01:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders.
18:02:00  My agnosticism is confirmed. 
18:03:00  The Torah endorses genocide of Amalek, but the Koran does not. 
18:04:00 supports the First Amendment. 

Muslims have been misinterpreting the Koran for nearly 1400 years. 

18:05:00  The age of Aisha was in dispute.
18:06:00  The marriage practices of child betrothal.
18:07:00  Why a waiting period of three months is necessary before divorce
18:08:00  A girl becomes a woman when she is in theory capable of bearing children ie when she begins her menses.
18:09:00  Allah is the best of all legislators.
18:10:00  The Abrahamic religions are more powerful than the Eastern religions.

I concede that religion - being about law and war - is about the ability to inflict organised violence on out groups. 

18:11:00  It is not explained how the Abrahamic God made people reject their desire for wealth and prosperity. 

18:12:00  America is not a Christian country. If Americans can be said to be Christian, they are only cultural Christians not mindful of Christian principles.

None of the most powerful American entities are Christian eg Microsoft, Lockheed Martin etc.

18:13:00  The roots of the American Republic are in fact Islamic because supports the First Amendment. 

Were the Deists of early America Spinozans?

18:14:00  When the Founding Fathers established Thanksgiving, who did they think they were thanking?

18:15:00  "In God we trust" and "One nation under God"

Halloween is a Day of the Dead.

The utility of pretending to believe in God

18:16:00  Christian beliefs are absurd.  

Muslims don't think the Kabbah is Allah. 

Muslims don't think Muhammad is divine. 

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan

18:18:00  Jihad
Holy War
Religion is social technology.

18:19:00  Judaism and Islam have been an arms race of theological weaponry. The winner must now be declared.

The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

My agnosticism must have begun between the time I identified as atheist and the time I identified as agnostic - sometime after 2009. I was certainly agnostic in 2018.

18:20:00  I am diagnosed with psychopathy.

18:21:00  The Koran does not say execute apostates. 

18:22:00  I reject the Hadith when it contradicts the Koran. 

18:22:00  Even if you choose the religion with the best available guide to humanity, your civilisation can still fall if you don't follow it properly. 

18:24:00  Muslims are well known for ignoring their own rules causing their own empires to crash and burn. 

The penalty for breaking the Sabbath is death by stoning.

18:26:00  Christianity was a cooked up all the way back in the Council of Nicaea in 325.

Deuteronomy 13:16

18:30:00  Christianity was superseded by liberalism as the official political system of the West.

18:31:00  Patriarchy is the obvious choice if matriarchy is the alternative. Patriarchy is eugenic, matriarchy dysgenic. 

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences  of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy -  100% unmarried parents.

All advanced and healthy civilisations are patriarchies. 

All primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

Non-parents would be second class, unmarried parents would be third class. 

18:32:00  Men have become second class citizens after submitting to feminism.

18:33:00  GDP

18:34:00  I propose a one-party state and China is the most Secular Koranist-ready country in the world. 

18:35:00  I equate liberalism with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 

Secular Koranism is the Eight Wonder of the World! 

Nigerian currency

18:36:00  Some Nigerians want the return of their military dictatorship. 

18:37:00  Nigerians for Trump?

19:02:00  We need to acknowledge the existence of the Abrahamic God making us more likely to adopt sharia and by obeying His laws enjoy the benefit of their justice and protection.

19:03:00  If Americans adopted sharia, they would be more likely to read the Koran to know their rights to protect themselves from their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes. 

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. 

19:04:00  Muslims are too afraid to say that monarchy is haram. 

19:05:00  Because 80% of Muslims are Sunnis, they are unlikely to acknowledge that the Iranians were the ones who most successfully used Islam to get their country back from the Western imperialists. 

Iran enjoys national sovereignty. 

19:09:00  Secular Koranism with African Characteristics

19:10:00  Secular Koranism with African Christian Characteristics

Culture is a product law and morality.

19:11:00  Arabic culture

19:13:00  Scorning spirituality

19:15:00  Science and technology

19:16:00  The problem of corruption

19:18:00  Atheism justifies short term thinking.

9:00  Nigeria is the top oil producing country in Africa but it's got a low life expectancy, a high rate of illiteracy, a very high infant mortality rate. That huge amount of natural wealth in Nigeria oil which is the most valuable commodity in our Global fossil fuel-based economy is not under the control of the Nigerian people. it's under the control of Exxon Mobile BP and Chevron and the profit from Nigeria's oil is going to the Wall Street monopolies and the London Stock Exchange. HSBC Bank (which is BP), the Exxon Mobile corporation (which is Chase Bank) are the ones getting rich off Nigeria's natural wealth. 

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Sexual morality, historians and liberalism as a secular religion

1:56:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss sexual morality.
1:58:00  Matt Gaetz and higher standards of sexual morality

1:59:00  People with low standards of sexual morality who are the majority in a matriarchy are not going to agree to raising them even if they are not themselves sexually active because they don't want to incur the disapproval of the majority.

2:00:00  Oscar Schindler
2:01:00  White nationalists are not acknowledging the reasons for uncontrolled mass immigration.
2:02:00  Hitler only suspended the Weimar Constitution and never even bothered to write his own.
2:04:00  Orphans and amnesiacs
2:05:00  David Irving
2:16:00  What is morality?
2:17:00  Listing the lies of people
2:19:00  Liberalism is a religion.

Moaning minnies playing the blame game not interested in solutions

1:24:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say no one is interested in solutions, only playing the blame game.

1:25:00  Hierarchy, powers of discrimination and discretion

1:26:00  Who does Isaac Cade listen to?

The King James Bible

1:27:00  "We can only save ourselves."

1:28:00  Nick Land and the English Canon

John Milton

1:37:00  Andrew Bridgen

1:39:00  Keir Starmer

1:51:00  What would happen to the UK if Russia wins or loses

Does God really care about Nigerian pain and suffering?

17:39:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say that God is not Jesus.  

17:40:00  The Afterlife

17:41:00  Non-religious solutions

"The proof of the afterlife is cemeteries." 

17:42:00  Functional societies

17:43:00  Scandinavian countries


17:45:00  More feminism is being proposed to solve the problems created by feminism. 

17:47:00  Belief in God "romanticises poverty and glorifies suffering."

17:49:00  The suffering of disabled children can be explained by reincarnation. 

17:50:00  The suffering of innocents can be explained by reincarnation.

17:51:00  If we want to make it logical to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next, it is necessary for us to believe in the Abrahamic God because only He has the capacity to administer divine justice in a morally perfect way. 

17:52:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

17:53:00  The importance of the afterlife

17:54:00  Only the all-powerful Abrahamic God rewards good and evil in this life and the next. 

If the Abrahamic God exists, why believe in the inferior Eastern religions?

17:55:00  Buddhism and basket case Buddhist countries

17:56:00  There are now more Muslims than Christians in Nigeria. 

17:57:00  An agnostic can still see the nature and purpose of God and the utility of obeying His laws.

Jews are evidence of God's existence.

17:58:00  Global imperialism is a global career opportunity. 
Trump is treated as a heretic by the liberal order. 
18:00:00  LGBT should be treated as second class. 
18:01:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders.
18:02:00  My agnosticism is confirmed. 
18:03:00  The Torah endorses genocide of Amalek, but the Koran does not. 
18:04:00 supports the First Amendment. 

Muslims have been misinterpreting the Koran for nearly 1400 years. 

18:05:00  The age of Aisha was in dispute.
18:06:00  The marriage practices of child betrothal.
18:07:00  Why a waiting period of three months is necessary before divorce
18:08:00  A girl becomes a woman when she is in theory capable of bearing children ie when she begins her menses.
18:09:00  Allah is the best of all legislators.
18:10:00  The Abrahamic religions are more powerful than the Eastern religions.

I concede that religion - being about law and war - is about the ability to inflict organised violence on out groups. 

18:11:00  It is not explained how the Abrahamic God made people reject their desire for wealth and prosperity. 

18:12:00  America is not a Christian country. If Americans can be said to be Christian, they are only cultural Christians not mindful of Christian principles.

None of the most powerful American entities are Christian eg Microsoft, Lockheed Martin etc.

18:13:00  The roots of the American Republic are in fact Islamic because supports the First Amendment. 

Were the Deists of early America Spinozans?

18:14:00  When the Founding Fathers established Thanksgiving, who did they think they were thanking?

18:15:00  "In God we trust" and "One nation under God"

Halloween is a Day of the Dead.

The utility of pretending to believe in God

18:16:00  Christian beliefs are absurd.  

Muslims don't think the Kabbah is Allah. 

Muslims don't think Muhammad is divine. 

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan

18:18:00  Jihad
Holy War
Religion is social technology.

18:19:00  Judaism and Islam have been an arms race of theological weaponry. The winner must now be declared.

The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

My agnosticism must have begun between the time I identified as atheist and the time I identified as agnostic - sometime after 2009. I was certainly agnostic in 2018.

18:20:00  I am diagnosed with psychopathy.

18:21:00  The Koran does not say execute apostates. 

18:22:00  I reject the Hadith when it contradicts the Koran. 

18:22:00  Even if you choose the religion with the best available guide to humanity, your civilisation can still fall if you don't follow it properly. 

18:24:00  Muslims are well known for ignoring their own rules causing their own empires to crash and burn. 

The penalty for breaking the Sabbath is death by stoning.

18:26:00  Christianity was a cooked up all the way back in the Council of Nicaea in 325.

Deuteronomy 13:16

18:30:00  Christianity was superseded by liberalism as the official political system of the West.

18:31:00  Patriarchy is the obvious choice if matriarchy is the alternative. Patriarchy is eugenic, matriarchy dysgenic. 

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences  of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy -  100% unmarried parents.

All advanced and healthy civilisations are patriarchies. 

All primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

Non-parents would be second class, unmarried parents would be third class. 

18:32:00  Men have become second class citizens after submitting to feminism.

18:33:00  GDP

18:34:00  I propose a one-party state and China is the most Secular Koranist-ready country in the world. 

18:35:00  I equate liberalism with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 

Secular Koranism is the Eight Wonder of the World! 

Nigerian currency

18:36:00  Some Nigerians want the return of their military dictatorship. 

18:37:00  Nigerians for Trump?

19:02:00  We need to acknowledge the existence of the Abrahamic God making us more likely to adopt sharia and by obeying His laws enjoy the benefit of their justice and protection.

19:03:00  If Americans adopted sharia, they would be more likely to read the Koran to know their rights to protect themselves from their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes. 

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. 

19:04:00  Muslims are too afraid to say that monarchy is haram. 

19:05:00  Because 80% of Muslims are Sunnis, they are unlikely to acknowledge that the Iranians were the ones who most successfully used Islam to get their country back from the Western imperialists. 

Iran enjoys national sovereignty. 

19:09:00  Secular Koranism with African Characteristics

19:10:00  Secular Koranism with African Christian Characteristics

Culture is a product law and morality.

19:11:00  Arabic culture

19:13:00  Scorning spirituality

19:15:00  Science and technology

19:16:00  The problem of corruption

19:18:00  Atheism justifies short term thinking.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Western men are no longer men - doom for Western civilisation as we know it!

Carol's  thoughts on the Trinity
3:00  Internal dialogues
4:00  The Mystery of the Trinity solved

6:00  Men now compete with women to be damsels in distress.
7:00  Principles maketh the man.
8:00  Men are supposed to die for the principle of being men.
9:00  To have a stake in society, men must be married fathers.
10:00  The genetics of bastards is the problem. 
11:00  The mindset of sluts and bastards
12:00  William Breiannis is a real man. 
13:00  White people are going first but the other races will follow too.
14:00  Humans are dying off. 
Lebanese men
17:00  "The whole human race is going to go."
18:00  Herbivores
19:00  Bromide and camphor
20:00  Your daughter going out with a white guy is like your daughter going shopping with her girlfriends, apparently.
Jackie Kennedy always wore a coat in public.
22:00  The voices of men in the 50s are different to men in the 21st century.
24:00  Pesticides and lesbians
25:00  Low energy men
26:00  Chiropractor with paternity suits
28:00  No sex drive because masturbation is not banned and is positively encouraged. 
31:00  Fornication is the gateway sexual offence. 
34:00  Rock Hudson
35:00  Sublimation
37:00  National Geographic
41:00  Diet
42:00  Malign encouragement from the matriarchy
43:00  Women are not interested in victims complaining about their victimhood.
Peanut the squirrel
49:00  Why females prefer immigrant males
53:00  Moral virtue is being sexy.
54:00  Single sex schools
1:00:00  Mark Collett story
1:01:00  The West is woman bazaar!
1:07:00  Park walker = street walker

The historiography of liberalism

The mood has changed

1:00  Fishtank

11:00  Celebrity Big Brother

12:00  Famous House becomes Hell House

12:30  Simon Cowell's proposed Political X Factor

13:00  Sandwich of Corruption v Sandwich of Correction

15:00   Fishtank Corruption or Correction?

18:00  Foreign policy

19:00  The teaching of history

22:00  Bismarck

24:00  How are the mighty fallen

"Only fools learn  from their own mistakes. The wise man  learns from the mistakes of others."

25:00  Is it always wrong to acquire empire?

26:00  America is uniquely positioned to be a global empire.

28:00  Immensely entertaining history

28:30  Micro- and macro-historians

29:00  We are amnesiacs and orphans if we don't know our own history.

30:00  Historiography

31:00  My 6th Conversation with E Michael Jones described as "very cool and interesting".

34:00  Millennial Woes

35:00  The melting pot or the frying pan?

36:00  Ghettoes


37:00  WASPs

37:30  Mayflower

39:00  Mafia, Batman, Gotham City, New York and the rise of Donald Trump

40:00  Being in the suburbs means you're not part of the establishment?

Suburbs city, white picket fence, ranch houses

41:00  Mowing the lawn and keeping up with the Joneses discourages radical politics. 

42:00  A detached house sitting in its own grounds

People with second homes

43:00  Jews are being used by E Michael Jones to revenge himself on the Anglo Saxons.

Having the hatred of antisemites, Islamophobes and Anglophobes directed at me

44:00  Brutus and SJJ

45:00  Scottish, Irish and Welsh

46:00  The CIA is the American mafia

47:00  Judaism

48:00  Inner city ghettoes

49:00  If I controlled the First Estate

50:00  Empires are always multicultural. 

51:00  HRE - Holy Roman Empire


52:00  America's cultural imperialism

54:00  "The internet is the ultimate empire."

Bluesky and Truth Social

55:00  Secular Koranism can be used for tribes, nations and empires.

56:00  Feminism

57:00  The Whig Interpretation of History by H M Butterfield

The End of History by Francis Fukuyama

58:00  Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

59:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were revolutions rejecting Christianity and monarchy.

Liberty was America, Fraternity was the Third Reich, Equality was the Soviet Union?

1:02:00  The British Empire still exists. 

1:04:00  Living in a city where people have heard of

Sydney Opera House

1:06:00  Cloudbusting

1:07:00  RAKE joins.

1:09:00  The Rake's Progress

1:10:00  William Hogarth

1:11:00  Kate Bush's Cloudbusting

1:13:00  Wilhelm Reich

1:14:00  Loss of family farm

1:15:00  Jungian archetypes

Martin Luther

1:18:00  French Revolution

1:19:00  Our governments make us neurotic by tampering with our belief system.

1:20:00  Monarchy or republic?

1:21:00  Kings are redundant.

1:24:00  Picasso

1:26:00  Martin Luther

1:29:00  Why the government wants to manage our beliefs

1:30:00  CIA psyops

1:31:00  Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones

1:32:00  The see-saw effect

1:34:00  Running up that hill - Kate Bush's song about sexual liberation

1:34:000  You can't have your cake and eat it too. 

Kate Bush 

1:35:00  Marriage is the breeding programme of the patriarchy

1:37:00  The pill has indirectly produced more unwanted pregnancies than before its existence.

1:38:00  Western  men no longer have the ability to fight a successful defensive war because most of them are atheists and nihilists who are proud they have no principles and see no purpose in getting some. If they have no principles, how can they defend them? Preferring to behave like women, they will certainly not be asking to die for the principle of being men. 

1:39:00  Omission of Jews and Muslims to warn Christians that Christianity is idolatry.

1:42:00  Muslims are the ones with the least excuse not to obey the Commandments of God being significantly greater in number than Jews and being clearly instructed to admonish Christians by having been informed by the Koran that hypocrites go to hell.

Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams

The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim. 

1:43:00  Being Masons, they must have believed in a Creator.

1:44:00  Impossibility of Christian Reformation

1:46:00  El Prado Museum in Madrid where the dark corners of Spanish history are stored.

1:48:00  Jews are supposed to learn from their mistakes.

1:49:00  Tikkun olam is Reform Jews supporting the fashionable causes of gentiles.

1:50:00  Liberal Jews

1:53:00  Epistemology and ontology

1:56:00  What we have to give up to have better government

The Five Sacred Cows of Casual Sex, Representative Democracy, Monarchy, Feminism and Christo-Liberalism.

1:57:00  Leadership

1:58:00  Muslim taboos and sectarianism

2:01:00  Iran

2:02:00  Caliph Patriarch

2:03:00  Religious scripture

2:06:00  "The Abrahamic perspective" is a rule based system any society claiming to be honest and rational must adopt. 

2:07:00  The Trinity

2:08:00  Christianity in Scandinavia

2:09:00  Converting the king would mean the conversion of his subjects.

2:11:00  The prestige of the Roman Catholic Church

2:12:00  Celtic Christianity yielded to Roman Catholicism.

2:15:00  Scandinavian converts to Orthodox Christianity

2:16:00  Corrupt bargain of Christianity

2:18:00  Why Christians who take Christianity seriously say "Jesus is Lord"

2:20:00  When some Muslims say "Allahu akbar"

2:25:00  The Abrahamic God could have been conceived of by two imaginative competing children.

2:26:00  The Noble Savage

2:28:00  Survivalism

2:29:00  Having an official moral system for all of society to follow

2:32:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

2:34:00  Controlling the media is controlling the narrative and the discourse.

2:37:00  The evil inclination

Debeo - I must/should

2:40:00  Reward and punishment should be immediate to encourage correct behaviour.

2:42:00  The nature and purpose of forcing people into claiming to have religious principles

2:26:00  The Trinity

Friday, 22 November 2024

The Founding Fathers: what did they really say by Mat Clark

Christian principles are not "freedom for everyone". 
1:00  Europeans did not enjoy freedom of belief under their absolute monarchs.
2:00  The constitutional republic that is America
3:00  The American Republic rejected the tyranny of absolute monarchy.
4:00  Warlords became kings.
5:00  The Book of Judges preceded the Book of Kings.
6:00  The Book of Samuel
8:00  The corruption of Christianity
9:00  "There is no such thing as the Jefferson Bible. It wasn't called the Jefferson Bible until after his death."

"The God of Jesus Christ"

10:00  Supreme Court appointments
11:00  Jefferson's methodology
13:00  Non-coercive freedom
15:00  Charles Thompson
16:00  Sermon on the Mount
The Jefferson Koran
18:00  The First Amendment
19:00  Constantine the Great
20:00  The paganism of  Easter and Christmas
21:00  The Council of Nicaea
Not a Seventh Day Adventist
22:00  Not heard of the Noahide laws
25:00  The Church of God Worldwide Association
28:00  Religion and God
29:00  The Commandments of God
30:00  Men of God, not men of religion
31:00  Hypocrites v True Believer
33:00  Muslims and Communists
34:00  The nature and purpose of having religious principles
35:00  Jewish privilege
36:00  Christian principles
37:00  Strip club visitors
38:00  Cultural Christians
39:00  Morality police
40:00  Thomas Jefferson
41:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable.
You cannot be a nihilist if you believe in the Abrahamic God.
42:00  The logic individual liberty is free love.
43:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
44:00  Shaming people 
45:00  Hypocrites are cursed by God whose final destination is God. 
46:00  Marriage should be supported by the government.
47:00  Forbidding extramarital sex
48:00  Kuwaiti
49:00  Child sex abuse and statutory rape
50:00  The First Amendment protects porn.
52:00  Sharia4US
53:00  Rules are made to be broken.
54:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
56:00  Sexual corruption interferes with good government.
55:00  Thomas Jefferson did not reject the Pauline Epistles, apparently.
57:00  Laws for Christians
58:00  High Holy Days
1:00:00  Herbert W Armstrong
1:01:00  "We don't believe in the Trinity, no."
1:03:00  Having an official moral system
1:04:00  American values
Melting pot v melding pot
1:05:00  Neighbourhoods
1:08:00  Slavery is not forbidden inn either the Bible or the Koran.
1:09:00  Slave or servant?
1:10:00  Book of Job
1:12:00  A trying year
1:14:00  Unemployment benefit is $320 a week
1:16:00  Trust in God
1:18:00  Satanic influences
1:19:00  Vandals
1:20:00  Corrupt countries
1:21:00  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
1:23:00  The Koran
1:24:00  Trump/Harris
1:25:00  Jim Jones and Angela Davis,, Communist and Terrorist, BLM
1:28:00  Willy Brown and Harvey Milk
1:30:00  Neither a Trinitarian nor a Unitarian
1:31:00  Book of John
Holy Spirit
1:32:00  Banning porn
1:33:00  Laws are made to be broken.
1:34:00  Your laws reflect your moral system, whatever it is. 
1:35:00  Carrot and stick
1:36:00  Let them rebel, and let them be punished.
1:37:00  The laws have to be fair enough.
1:39:00  Enforcement
1:40:00  A culture of rebellion
1:41:00  When Christ returns
1:42:00  The role of Satan
1:44:00  Sin is what separates you from God.
1:45:00  The all-seeing all-knowing Abrahamic God
1:47:00  The sin is its own punishment.
The Third Principle of Judaism
Deuteronomy 13
1:49:00  Deism v Theism
1:52:00  Spinoza the pantheist
1:56:00  Was Thomas Jefferson a theist or a deist?
2:00:00  Benjamin Franklin
2:02:00  Definition of Christian
The laws of God
2:03:00  Jewish festivals are God's festivals.
Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement.
2:06:00  Jewish calendar
2:12:00  The Trinity
2:15:00  Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel.
2:16:00  The Lord's Prayer
2:17:00  God instructs Satan to lead us iinto temptation.
2:23:00  Idolatry
2:34:00  God leading us into temptation through Satan
2:38:00  Jeffrey Emert
2:41:00  Sophisticated means fake.
2:43:00  The definition of marriage
2:45:00  30th wedding anniversary
2:46:00  Out of the frying pan and into the fire
2:51:00  Shared objectives
2:52:00  No fault divorce
2:53:00  Cooling off period
3:02:00  American Idol and Pop Idol
3:05:00  Virtual Wife
3:11:00  The marriage license
3:12:00  Generational problems of broken homes and illegitimacy
3:18:00  Muslims shouldn't be monarchists.
3:19:00  The monarch is really the head of the Church of England.
3:21:00  Unwritten constitution of Britain
3:22:00  Judicial notice
Mel Mermelstein
3:23:00  Truth is the opinion of the powerful. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...