Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Rabbi Bassous calls all Jews with the flame of the Torah still burning in their hearts to take a stand against "fundamental British values" which have fallen dangerously below the minimum standards of the Noahide laws

If you support the principled stance taken by Rabbi Bassous, please click on the video to like it as a show of support. Is it not disgusting that any defence of any principle will have you mocked and derided by the liberal media for being a crank, fanatic or fascist? 

According to Rabbi Bassous, Hanukkah is more important than Purim. Haman only wanted to destroy the physical bodies of Jews, but Antiochus wanted to destroy their religion.

Rabbi Bassous says:

Leadership and kingship

When a person is all alone and can withstand the pressure to stand firm in his belief in Hashem and cannot be moved, then Hashem says he is fit to be a king, because he will not be persuaded by the people, rather he will lead the people. A person who is wishy-washy can't be a king. A king has to be a leader. He has to be a ruler. He mustn't be led, he has to lead. If a person is persuaded, he hasn't got firm conviction and he can't be a ruler. Yosef was alone: no father, no brother, no mother, no sister: by himself, yet he remained strong. He comes out of twelve years of prison and was brought in front of the king, the rule of the vast Egyptian empire. A little bit of humility, a bit of being worried what he says and how he says it, but no, he says it straight away: "There is a God and God will tell you ... "

Ofsted and Fundamental British Values

Ofsted - do you know what that means? It's education in England, this whole system of education now in England, which his run by what's called Ofsted and they have various requirements of all the schools in England that they have to fulfil those requirements in order to be authorised to act as a school. It doesn't matter whether you are getting money from the government, or not getting money from the government: these are basic requirements that every school has to fulfil. So, Ofsted, because there is lots of extremism from the Muslim community, so the British are very worried so they want to try and push what they call fundamental British values in the community and the schools and the children should be taught those British values. Do you know what these British values include, which the schools have to all promote? Tolerance of gender reassignment, civil partnerships, sexual orientation. It means to promote and to explain to the children to behave in a free way, in a permissive way, and to respect people who do such a thing, and understand that this is also acceptable. The Jewish schools don't want to teach this. They have a problem because the faith schools don't want to teach this. Slowly, slowly they are making problems for the schools. Who is responsible for this?

This was a problem that never was. Faith schools were left alone. You take money from the government - there are certain criteria - but why do they care what you are teaching? You teach them how to be decent human beings, not teach them to do anything wrong, not teaching them to steal, not teaching them to kill. We're not teaching them to promote what they call fundamental British values of tolerance ...! Where does it come from? We are responsible ourselves!

The Chief Rabbi, he is very worried about this situation in the schools and he has spoken in the government which said that trying to promote British values of tolerance which are becoming things that are intolerant towards the faith schools. They're using that standard as a stick against the faith schools, so you're tolerance for everyone else, but not for the faith schools. You're not tolerating other religions. That's what he said to them in a meeting. It was a big meeting, and that's what he said. Quite rightly so. He's trying to stand up. He's worried that the government is not promoting religion. They see religion as a problem rather than religion as a good thing. The Chief Rabbi told them: it's a problem. But who caused this problem? We caused it ourselves. I'll tell you how we caused it ourselves.


There is a building down the road, one mile outside Golders Green called JW3. This building is a Jewish organisation which was opened in October 2013. It finds itself London's flagship Jewish community centre serving all members of the Jewish community.

JW3 is the first Jewish Community Centre and arts venue of its kind to exist in London. The brainchild of Dame Vivien Duffield and created by a core capital grant from the Clore Duffield Foundation, the centre opened on the Finchley Road, NW3 in October 2013.

Her marriage to British financier John Duffield produced two children, Arabella and George. The marriage ended in divorce in 1976. From 1973 until 2005, she was in a relationship with Sir Jocelyn Stevens, who was managing director of Express Newspapers and Chairman of English Heritage.

Rachel is a budding Jewish matriarch in a prominent Orthodox London synagogue and has almost has all that is required to follow in her departed mother’s footsteps; poise, confidence, strength, knowledge. Weeks away from obtaining the last and arguably most essential requirement--a husband--Rachel finds it difficult to silence feelings for her best friend, Sarah. Will Rachel find the willpower to keep herself, her community and her dreams together, or the courage to follow her heart in the opposite direction? A touching story told through humour and song.

This year in March, they decided to have a programme for two weeks. They call that programme GayW3. The name of that building is JW3. They changed it to GayW3. They had a big banner outside stating "Celebrating the best of the gay culture from Monday 27 February to Sunday 12 March. Sunday 12 March was Purim. So the end of the two weeks culminated in Purim Day.

In their programme, they wrote: It has been 50 years since the Act decriminalised homosexuality and changed attitudes towards these identities in the UK and in the Jewish world and it culminated in the Purim Extravaganza which they called A Cabaret ... I don't want to speak about it, they called it the best Purim Party in town, that's what they called it.

What do you expect would be the reaction of the Jewish community to such a thing?

Would you expect some reaction?

Would you expect someone to speak about it, from the established Jewish community in England, in London?

Silence! All the communal bodies - no one had anything to say about it. Absolute silence, except for one individual. One individual spoke up. There was one person. In the middle of the night he came and wrote on the banner "Shame". No one knows who he is. He wrote "Shame." What was the reaction to that? The person is upset and feels it is a shame that a Jewish organisation should flort [sic] Jewish religion in such a way. It is a shame! You know how what happened?

The organisers, they wrote to the papers. They wrote in the paper that he was saddened and disgusted by the incident, and they changed the word "shame" to "unashamed". They're not shamed. They did it themselves. The CEO of this organisation changed it himself. He took a paintbrush and he said "I took a paintbrush and led by example and wrote 'Unashamed' ". You would expect there to be a reaction from the established rabbinate. Yes, there is a reaction now. The Chief Rabbi writes ... You know what he writes? He has strongly condemned the homophobic vandalism of the banner and described it as "unacceptable and I have made clear previously homophobia is unacceptable so we must have zero tolerance. There is no excuse for vandalism. Conflict is divisive and destructive and nothing positive can come out of a public protest of disharmony."

He's worried about what?

He's worried about vandalism. That's what he's worried about. Is this person a vandal? Is this person trying to be homophobic? This person just said one word. It is a shame for a Jewish organisation to do this. He's not a vandal. By keeping quiet about the incidents about what is going on in this building, the Chief Rabbi has lent his passive support to JW3 and its activities. Let us read what is written about such a person and about this sort of thing. 

"To lend active or passive support to institutions that officially encourage or condone homosexual activities is tantamount to a denial or defiance of the Word of God." Who wrote that? Rabbi Chaim Rapoport in the authentic view, endorsed by Lord Jonathan Sacks. 

Rabbi Sacks commends a book by Yuval Harari (a known homosexual and secular Jew in a civil partnership whose "husband" is Itzik Yahav whom he "married" in Canada). Rabbi Sacks describes this book as "terrific" and was reading it for the second time. 

This institution is encouraging homosexual activity, that's for sure. It's not just condoning it, it's encouraging it. The Chief Rabbi has lent passive support to this institution. 

Inside this building is a kosher restaurant called Zest which has a kashrut certificate from the SKA, the Spanish and Portuguese Beth Din. By giving a kashrut certificate to such an institution, they are actively lending active support to this institution - not passive support but active support, because the money from this restaurant, the profits from this restaurant goes to the institution and the activities of this institution. It's part and parcel of this institution. You can imagine how much this kashrut certificate is worth.

So what happened next?

Local rabbonim when they sought, they were let down by the official established rabbinate. They decided to come together and write their own notice. 25 local rabbonim in North West London: Golders Green, Hendon and Edgware signed a public notice stating that this building of JW3 has certain programmes and activities which promote a way of life which is a total contradiction to Orthodox Judaism and halakha and accordingly members of our community should refrain from visiting this centre even for recreational purposes. That notice was publicised in the Orthodox Press
[eg] was sent to all the shuls and all the schools There was a school, an Orthodox school locally, who had a plan before this notice was sent out to take their children to do ice skating in this building, but when the notice came out, they cancelled it. People are not aware of what's going on. 

OK, so what happens next?

The CEO of the JW3 writes in the press "The rabbis who signed this notice represent just a very small specific bit of the Jewish community and the woman who founded an organisation called
[Hebrew]. What is it called? Mothers and fathers: two mothers and two fathers [Hebrew], that's the group, the support group that meets at the JW3. Approximately once a month, they have activities. She said:

"It means a great deal that we meet in the heart of the Jewish community and that our activities are part of the programme of a mainstream Jewish organisation, so now we understand: they are the mainstream Jewish organisation, and we are only a specific bit, and a very small negligible bit of Jewry - these 25 rabbis. They are the mainstream Jewish organisation. 

So I want to put on record: this organisation, this building JW3, is not mainstream, it's Reform. It's Reform, and we are the mainstream Anglo-Jewry, we 25 rabbis behind several thousand households.

SKA give for this very time a kashrut certificate for a Reform organisation.

Michael Goldstein

There someone called Michael Goldstein - does anyone know him? Never heard of him? I also don't know him. I'll tell you about him. He's the new President of United Synagogue. United Synagogue embraces 25,000 plus households making British Jewry's largest organisation. He is now the lay head of that organisation since a few months ago. What was this Michael Goldstein's position ... communal position before he came the President of United Synagogue? You want to know? He was Chairman of JW3. Chairman! When they made all these activities in March, he was the Chairman, he was the boss .. of the JW3! This is not secret. I'm not telling you things which are hidden. He has given an open exclusive interview in the Jewish Chronicle a few days ago.

His mother, Ann, is on the board of one United Synagogue, Hampstead Garden Suburb, and one of their four daughters is on the board of another, Alei Tzion in Hendon.

I know he has stepped down from the position of Chairman, but out of his love for the JW3 he still retains his position as Vice Chairman. This is what he says in the interview:

"The JW3 has proved an amazing institution and I am very proud of it. I think it has added great value to the community ... " To the Reform community, yes! When they asked him about being attacked by some right-wing rabbis, he says, "I don't understand why they choose to behave like this." Can you imagine? The President of the United Synagogue doesn't even understand why 25 rabbis should inform their constituents not to attend a Reform organisation. So there we have it: the President of United Synagogue is Reform. Not only is he Reform, he is Chief of the Reform! He is the President of the Reform! He is the Chairman of the Reform! 

So now you have it.

Why this complete silence by Chief Rabbi Mirvis and the dayanim of the United Synagogue? It explains everything. Let's go further. 

Rabbi Dweck

I have to bring up again, unfortunately - I don't want to do this - to bring up the question of Rabbi Dweck. 

The Spanish and Portuguese want Reform

A decision was passed by Chief Rabbi Mirvis and his panel that Rabbi Dweck can remain the Chief Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese. He sold United Synagogue to the Reform, he is now selling the Spanish and Portuguese to the Reform. I tell you what: I feel more compassion for him at this point because - I tell you why: He was in a very difficult position. He wants to make peace in the community, so what did he do? Very cleverly - what did  he do? He removed Rabbi Dweck as a dayan for the Spanish and Portuguese so that way when it comes to divorce etc, he's not involved. He removed him from the kashrut authority so that when it comes to the chickens, he's not involved. He removes him from speaking in America because the American rabbis were vociferously against Rabbi Dweck, so he solved that problem. But he retained him to be Senior Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese because that's what the community wants. When he was retained they made a standing ovation for him, because that's what they want: they want Reform, so the Chief Rabbi said "Let them have Reform. I'll give you Reform, that's what you want." The Spanish and Portuguese have always been partners with the Reform. It's not a new thing. Till today the cemeteries are jointly owned with the Reform. 

Hoop Lane Cemetery: one side is Sephardi, the other side is Reform. 

Edgwarebury Cemetery: one side is Sephardi, the other side is Reform - even closer to Reform because Hoop Lane there are two walls: one for the Sephardi, one for the Reform. In Edgwarebury, they share the same hall. One day there's a Reform burial in the same hall, the next day there's a Sephardi burial in the same hall. No problem! The Spanish and Portuguese have always been together with Reform. They don't seen a problem with it, basically. They are beloved of each other in life, and they don't separate even in death. So give them! If that's what they want, give it to them! 

But, they said, he is not allowed to give any lectures of halakhic content without a review by someone on the panel. So what does that mean? Have you heard of a lecture that does not contain halakhic content?

Basically, it means that every one of his lectures has to be reviewed first.

So what does that mean?

Is that a rabbi? A rabbi who has every one of his talks to be reviewed by someone else first? That's a rabbi? It means you can't trust that person. You can't trust him to say anything from his mouth. Basically, he is telling the whole world - the panel, the Chief Rabbi - he's telling the whole world that this rabbi ...  The Spanish and Portuguese want him, let them have him - he's not worth anything.

A rabbi who requires that every one of his lectures prior to saying anything - it's a joke.

So that was his way of telling the community that no shul that feels any fibre of connection with
[Hebrew] should ask this rabbi to speak in their shul.

In any case, any person who cannot be trusted even if what he says is 100 % kosher, we can't go to listen to that lecture.  

If you cook kosher food in a treif pot, the food is treif.

It's not just the word he says, it's what he puts inside it. He was very clever, so why are we speaking about him? Why did I keep quiet till now? I thought it was a clever diplomatic way of giving the Spanish and Portuguese what they want and keeping the rest of the community away from him. 

But something has happened recently which has changed all this. It has been publicised that S&P in partnership with LSJS - it is the London School of Jewish Studies in Albert Road - present a new series of lectures in Hendon given by Rabbi Dweck on the Rambam starting in January. You see what's happening?

He's trying to get in via the back door. No community have accepted him that want him to speak in their community in Hendon or Golders Green, but he is determined to get in somehow. It's not enough for him to speak to the Spanish and Portuguese, no! He wants to make his views known over here. He has to find some entrance. He can't see what's going on: no one wants you. Why are you forcing your way in? No, he has to. LSJS, where the President is the Chief Rabbi, he's the Vice President, so you can't tell him what to do, he has a place, he is a Vice President. So I say this to the Chief Rabbi:

"You've sold the United Synagogue to Reform, you've sold the Spanish and Portuguese to Reform, but you can't sell North West London Jewry to Reform, because whatever that is concluded by this panel, whatever their motivation is, we are in no doubt as to the veracity of our own conclusions which are that there are grave allegations concerning Rabbi Dweck that he is not fit to serve as a rabbi at all and has leanings to Reform. It has been signed by five leading American Sephardi rabbis from New York and they don't want him back in America. It's been signed by the Chief Rabbi in Israel Rabbi David Yosefi's uncles etc. If this person is to give lectures in our area he will undo in a few short months what we have done in thirty years. It is very easy to break, it is very hard to build, so we have set up an organisation called Hasmonean and have been informed by the leading rabonim of this area to keep our fingers on the pulse and not allow the North West London Orthodox community to be fooled. There will be protests, there will be pamphlets distributed. We're not just going to sit down and allow the Chief Rabbi to bring in whoever he wants to speak in our area, in our kehillah kedoshah.

How can the Chief Rabbi stand up and negotiate on our behalf with Ofsted when he hasn't negotiated with his own people, his own Jewry the same acts promoting these subjects. He doesn't say a thing, and he's going to tell Ofsted?

We have caused our own problems. The only tikkun is teshuvah, to stand up. 

It's not up to the leaders. The leaders let us down. It's up to every single Jew, if there is one Jew with the flame of the Torah burning in his heart, he is able to do something, and revive the whole thing. And I say these words:

Even if all the countries were bowed in obedience to Antiochus, if every man forsook the land of his fathers and assented to the king's command, even then I and my sons and brothers will not forsake the law of our fathers.

For our community, we must not be fooled and not allow these things to happen. We have control of what's happening in our communities and we have to stand up and we have to make sure we are not naïve and are not fooled.

Melanie Phillips:

To the secular mind, however, all cultures that reject liberal assumptions are an equal threat to others. Recently Dame Louise Casey, who reported for the government on integration, told The Times she would scrap all faith schools that didn’t teach progressive values “around our laws on women, equalities, gay marriage — all of it.”

Yet her view of gender roles, sexual openness or gay rights is not fundamental to British or western values. It derives from secular ideology, which is now being enforced on Charedi schools.
These are not to be allowed to preserve the sexual innocence of their children. They are not to be allowed to practise their own precepts within their own unthreatening community. They are being forced to conform to secular zealotry.

The problem the government has in its sights is therefore not a threat to society. The problem it’s actually trying to eradicate is the existence of religious difference.

A policy ostensibly against intolerance is therefore itself profoundly intolerant.

The ultra-orthodox require just one thing of the state – that it leaves them alone. Now these British Jews are being forced to consider whether they actually have a future in the country which was once the crucible of liberalism, a principle it has so distressingly abandoned.


When the hurly-burly's done, when the battle's fought and won, I would like the statue of Amy Winehouse removed and have it replaced with the 25 rabbis who were Kiddush Hashem and went by the book.

If these 25 Orthodox rabbis are Kiddish Hashem, then the others - who ignored their religious duty to remind each other of what the Torah actually says about sodomy attracting the death penalty and instead immediately kowtowed to the global gay marriage decrees of our latter day Antiochus - must be guilty of Chillul Hashem, the 21st century equivalent of worshipping the Golden Calf.

God gave Jews the role as His Chosen People, chosen to remind the gentile of the minimum moral standards of law that he must not fall below. Therefore only observant and principled Jews deserve this title. The others are only turbo-charged liberals with Jewish privileges they do not deserve because not only are they not shomer Shabbat Jews, they are also collectively guilty of Chillul Hashem because of their active and passive support of acts they have already been told are abominations to God.

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