Monday, 27 November 2023

Swedish antisemite and conspiracy theorist accuses me of Satanism

2:00  Hamas Charter

5:00  Only after Jews in Israel agree to live under some form of sharia will there be progress in Western politics towards replacing kaput Christo-Liberalism with Islam or the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism.

Trump and his supporters are challenging the liberal order through identifying with nationalism. 

6:00  Hamas are conditional Zionists.

7:00  Sharia is law in harmony with Koranic principles of governance.

8:00  Liberal democracy must be replaced by theocracy.

11:00  Islamic schools and branches

12:00  Religion is a means of social control.

Islamic rules of inheritance

14:00  Anti-feminist

15:00  Islam as an imperial religion.

The Members of Other Religions

The Hamas is a Humane Movement

Article Thirty-One

Hamas is a humane movement, which cares for human rights and is committed to the tolerance inherent in Islam as regards attitudes towards other religions. It is only hostile to those who are hostile towards it, or stand in its way in order to disturb its moves or to frustrate its efforts.

Under the shadow of Islam it is possible for the members of the three religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism to coexist in safety and security. Safety and security can only prevail under the shadow of Islam, and recent and ancient history is the best witness to that effect. The members of other religions must desist from struggling against Islam over sovereignty in this region. For if they were to gain the upper hand, fighting, torture and uprooting would follow; they would be fed up with each other, to say nothing of members of other religions. The past and the present are full of evidence to that effect.

They will not fight you in body safe in fortified villages or from behind wells. Their adversity among themselves is very great. Ye think of them as a whole whereas their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a folk who have no sense. Sura 59 (al-Hashr, the Exile), verse 14

Islam accords his rights to everyone who has rights and averts aggression against the rights of others. The Nazi Zionist practices against our people will not last the lifetime of their invasion, for "states built upon oppression last only one hour, states based upon justice will last until the hour of Resurrection."

Allah forbids you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your houses, that you should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loves the just dealers. Sura 60 (Al-Mumtahana), verse 8

17:00  Antisemitism displayed. 


23:00  My position on Hamas

25:00  Apartheid and imperialism

26:00  "Satanic"

27:00  Revelations 3:9

28:00  Possession is nine points of the law.

29:00  Chapter and verse on Jews not being able to return to Israel not provided.


32:00  Children of Israel

33:00  Israel is another name for Jacob.

34:00  Synagogue of Satan

35:00  Christians worship an executed blasphemer.

37:00  I am called Luciferian. 

38:00  Trinity

40:00  I am accused of being a Jew.

43:00  17:104

I declare my agnosticism.

44:00  "Christianity has been defeated centuries ago."

45:00  American Empire

46:00  Zionism and Theodore Herzl

47:00  Zionism was created by Christian Evangelicals.

Albert Pike creator of Scottish Rite masonry

53:00  Cathars

55:00  Isaiah 45:7

57:00  Free will

58:00  Church of Sweden

59:00  Abrahamic God

1:00:00  Abrahamic religions

1:02:00  JAYTWEETZ joins.

1:05:00  Hamas represents an opportunity for the West to consider replacing its failed Christo-Liberalism with sharia.

1:06:00  Western men are unprincipled atheists and nihilists.

1:07:00  The West is controlled by necons who are Zionists.

1:08:00  Feminism is the problem.

1:09:00  Sharia

1:12:00  I deny that I am nihilist

1:13:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

1:32:00  Talking about me

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Herbert Armstrong's Anglo-Israelism and his rejection of Trinitarianism — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules) March 11, 2025