Sunday, 12 November 2023

Is it idolatry for gentiles to worship a Jew executed for blasphemy?

5:00  Christendom

6:00  The failure of Christianity

7:00  Edict of Milan 313 

8:00  Edict of Thessalonica 389

11:00  Changing our religion

12:00  The Year of the Five Emperors

13:00  Semi-divine offspring of a divinity

14:00  Atheism is hidden idolatry.

15:00  God's Chosen People

16:00  The New Testament

Jews find it difficult to follow the law and prefer to live as liberal democrats.

17:00  A Register of Jews

18:00  Jewish Question and the opportunity cost of idolatry

19:00  Economic, political and social problems solved by the Koran

20:00  Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday

21:00  Christianity is the worst death cult of all. 

22:00  Hitler should have been guided by the Koran.

23:00  Madagascar Plan

24:00  Haavara Agreement

25:00  Israel

26:00  Three state solution for Israel?

27:00  Living under sharia in Israel

28:00  Islamophobia

29:00  Secular Koranism

31:00  Idolatry

32:00  YUNUS joins.

34:00  The lost years of Jesus Christ

36:00  The family religion

37:00  Choosing the best religion to run your country with

39:00  Hinduism and the caste system

40:00  China and Tibet

41:00  Majapahit Empire

42:00  Choosing the best religion for your people

43:00  Christian imperialism

44:00  Why Buddhists convert to Christianity

45:00   Organised religion is superior to Eastern religions.

46:00  Peace after war

47:00  Violence as a last resort

48:00  Trump

50:00  Western imperialism wars

51:00  Blackrock

52:00  WW3

53:00  OPEC and Australia

54:00  Australia is a British dominion.

55:00  British monarchy, Huawei and Ericsson

56:00  NATO countries are US vassal states.

57:00  Oceania

58:00  Australia and the Eurovision song contest

59:00  Russia

1:00:00  Aleksandr Dugin

1:01:00  Islam

1:03:00  China

1:04:00  Islamic international order

1:05:00  Westerners have already tried all the wrong ways already - Catholicism, Protestantism, secular political ideologies.

1:06:00  Western religious identity

1:07:00  Armistice Day/Remembrance Day

1:08:00  Religious identity

1:09:00  Christianity

1:10:00  Constantine the Great

1:12:00  Idolatry

1:13:00  Good government prevents violence.

1:14:00  PAS 

1:15:00  Aceh Province

1:16:00  Indonesia

1:17:00  All change, all change!

1:18:00  Hamas Charter

1:20:00  If Jews live under sharia

1:22:00  White Christian people killing each other in endless wars

1:23:00  Learning from mistakes

Separation of church and state

1:25:00  Changing the rules of gender identity

"Child abuse"

1:26:00  Discipline or abuse?

1:27:00  The reason for minority

1:28:00  Conversion therapy

1:30:00  Arthur A Goldberg

1:31:00  Marriage License

1:32:00  Gender roles and recreational sex

1:33:00  Wife sex or prostitute sex?

Lowering standards of sexual morality

1:35:00  Unmarried parents

1:38:00  WW3

1:37:00  Even atheists understand God.

1:38:00  Mandate of Heaven

1:40:00  Reincarnation and the afterlife

1:42:00  Having an official moral system

1:43:00  Monopoly

1:44:00  Hamas Israel War

1:46:00  Theology

1:47:00  Allah is not a liberal democrat.

1:49:00  The final destination of hypocrites who call themselves Muslims is hell.

1:50:00  The Trinity is the sleeping dog that will have to be woken. 

1:52:00  Accountability

1:53:00  Liberal democrats not answering questions.

1:54:00  Christians

1:55:00  Burning heretics at the stake

1:56:00  Cultural crimes

1:57:00  The law is the algorithm of human behaviour.

1:58:00  Christianity has failed to maintain Christendom.

1:59:00  An Australian referendum on becoming an independent republic

2:00:00  WW3

2:01:00  Turkey should leave NATO.

2:02:00  WW1

2:03:00  Aztec priests

2:04:00  Idolatry

2:05:00  Religious war between Jews and Muslims

Nuke the Middle East

2:06:00  My peaceful and legal way of preventing WW3

2:07:00  Jews

2:08:00  1948

2:09:00  Jews are associated with the evil empire that propagates globohomo and wants Westerners to die childless, gay or sterilised and transgender. 

2:11:00  AI

2:13:00  Repentance

2:14:00  The purpose of life

2:15:00  My idea of heaven and reincarnation

2:16:00  Talking pets

2:17:00  The soul

2:19:00  The Day of the Dead

2:20:00  LURKER joins.

2:21:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship

2:22:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.

2:23:00  Christianity has failed to protect Christians.

One child policy

2:25:00  Rich and poor

2:26:00  Robots and slaves

2:27:00  Gender relations

2:28:00  Sex bots

2:29:00  Slave girls and Stepford Wives

2:30:00  The purpose of life

2:31:00  Moral systems and an orderly transition of power

2:33:00  The Patriarchy and the Dowager

2:34:00  Monarchy v Republic

2:35:00  Next election

Oswald Spengler

2:36:00  Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov

2:37:00  Shortening the period of chaos

2:38:00  Western identity

2:39:00  Acknowledging mistakes

2:40:00  Teshuvah

Feminism creates problems and says more feminism is needed to solve the problems it creates.

2:41:00  Shit tests

2:42:00  Men competing against women for feminine privileges

2:43:00  Jews and Muslims competing for victimhood

2:45:00  Online identities

2:49:00  Conduct of Spaces

2:53:00  Palestinians

2:54:00  The Post-War narrative of the Anglo Saxon Empire

2:55:00  Minorities trying to fit in

Hindu or Muslim takeover

2:56:00  Chinese

2:57:00  Qualified Muslims

2:58:00  Ethical monotheism

3:00:00  Changing the laws

In the Shadow of the Sword by Tom Holland

3:03:00  Patricia Crone

3:05:00  Joseph Atwill

3:06:00  Noahide laws

3:07:00  Unwritten constitution

3:08:00  Gough Whitlam


3:09:00  Europe is an occupied country.

Hillary Clinton

3:13:00  Joel Davis

3:14:00  Academic Agent

3:16:00  Richard Spencer and Joel Davis are neocons.

3:17:00  Stephen J James

3:18:00  Keith Woods

3:21:00  White proletariat

3:22:00  Bait and switch on Remembrance Sunday

3:25:00  Tommy Robinson

3:26:00  Nick Griffin

3:28:00  Remembrance Sunday prevents from the British from understanding their own history.

3:30:00  Holocaust Denial

The Post-War narrative

3:31:00  Holocaust Denial

3:32:00  Rabbi Mizrachi, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ken Livingstone

3:35:00  Peloponnesian War and the New Carthage

3:37:00  Land and marine empires

3:38:00  Australian independence

3:39:00  Terra-forming Australia

3:45:00  Hierarchy

3:47:00  Tall poppy syndrome

3:48:00  Political instability

3:51:00  Australian identity

3:54:00  Convict ancestry

3:55:00  Premiers of different states



3:57:00  Indefinite detention

4:01:00  Ancient Greece

4:02:00  Slavery

4:03:00  Parrot

4:07:00  Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes

4:09:00  Greenland/Iceland

4:11:00  Donald Trump

4:15:00  Project 65

4:16:00  Proscription

4:18:00  Cannibals and self-worship

4:19:00  Good government and morality

4:20:00  Making up the rules as they go along

4:21:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.

4:23:00  "We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow." - Lord Palmerston

Why the Chinese choose Marxism?

4:26:00  One-child policy

4:28:00  White identity

4:29:00  Jewish identity

4:30:00  Prince Andrew

4:31:00  The nature and purpose of king

4:32:00  A rotating monarchy

4:33:00  Christian Amendment

Dugin and Islam

4:34:00  The bourgeois king

4:36:00  Caliph

4:37:00  Republic

4:38:00  Kingship

4:39:00  Term of office

4:40:00  Appointing a board of directors

4:41:00  Confucianism and Legalism

4:42:00  Fair enough

4:44:00  The Trinity

4:46:00  E Michael Jones

4:50:00  Curious Gazelle

4:52:00  Dune

4:53:00  Secular Koranism

4:54:00  Belief in God

4:56:00  Santa

4:57:00  Agnosticism

4:59:00  A national average age of 80

5:01:00  Obeying God's laws even if He does not exist.

5:02:00  That one interview

5:06:00  IRA/IRS

5:07:00  The Koran supports my solutions.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and  @RealVinBruno  #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 6, 2025 [...