Sunday 20 October 2024

Subsidiarity, scapegoating and status; No Jews without Judaism, no Judaism without Torah

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  The meaning of words - analytical philosophy

4:00  The meaning of idolatry

5:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy according to the Christian narrative while Jews claim they do not even have a record of Jesus ever having existed. 

Is nationalism moral?

8:00  In vino veritas

Good, evil, justice and morality are big words we think we know the meaning of. 

12:00  The image problem of nationalism

Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and Salazar

15:00  The American Empire would want to discourage nationalism, regionalism and separatism.  

16:00  American imperialism 

17:00  Hollywood is part of the Fourth Estate.


20:00  Catholic social teaching

21:00  Subsidiarity is a principle of libertarianism. 

22:00  Thoughtcrime

Salem witch trials

23:00  How do you know someone is guilty of witchcraft?

24:00  The burden of proof beyond reasonable doubt and the presumption of innocence

26:00  The impossibility of proving a negative

27:00  Scapegoating was a Jewish idea.

28:00  Fallen

29:00  Incubi and Nephilim

30:00  Were the Germans guilty?

32:00  Britain declared war on Germany in 1914 and 1939.

34:00  Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points

36:00  Thucydides trap

National self-determination

39:00  Matriarchy and patriarchy are societies. 

43:00  The preferences of women are prioritised over men in a matriarchy.

44:00  White women have given up on white men. 

45:00  Men and women are always trying to get a better deal. 

46:00  Hypergamy is rational.

A man of principle

48:00  People are racist and not racist.

52:00  Fatwa

56:00  The Koran's nuanced position on alcohol. 

1:02:00  Religion is an organising force.

1:07:00  Men prefer women to be dumb, don't they?

1:08:00  Therapy with Claire! 

1:10:00  The one who got away

1:11:00  Andrew Wilson

1:13:00  Hypocrisy

1:17:00  MRA and the Putin religion of Orthodox Christianity

1:18:00  No future in Orthodox Christianity for British Christians.

1:19:00  Famous Masons

1:26:00  MISTY joins.

1:30:00  BIG BANE joins to discuss Affluent White Female Liberal
1:32:00  World Order of Jesters
1:33:00  Biden is already dead.  
1:36:00  Decorum

1:39:00  LURKER the third Australian joins.
1:41:00  The aborted Rob and Claire Show on relationship advice
1:44:00  Top or bottom
1:50:00  More than one man having sex with one woman without her knowledge
1:52:00  Is it rape when a woman was merely misled as to whether a man was an Arab or Jew?
1:53:00  Chauffeur
1:54:00  False rape accusations
1:55:00  A complete defence to rape is reasonable belief in consent.
1:56:00  Roosh V on rape
2:00:00  Transactional sex
Free love
2:02:00  Matriarchy is a society of sluts and simps.
Hard times create good times etc.
2:03:00  All empires fall for the same reason. 
2:05:00  Sheepshaggers
2:06:00  Marriage is eugenic.
2:07:00  Religion is having an immune system. 
2:09:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents.
2:10:00  Sexual liberation is a Western value.
The Chinese still have not got gender relations right. 
2:13:00  Monogamy is the most stable form of society.
Polygamy is tolerated in extremis.  
2:14:00   If the British had been Muslim, they would have easily replenished their racial stock after two ruinous World Wars. 
2:16:00  Wasn't the Roman Empire flooded with slaves which replaced the plebeians?
2:20:00  "Human civilisation is cyclical." 
2:21:00  Jihad
2:24:00  Defining good and evil
Nobody knows what is good for them: not individuals, not governments, not empires. 
2:26:00  There are only three Abrahamic religions. We just have to choose the one that is right for us. 
2:27:00  "A cultural interpretation" 
2:28:00  The good news is that atheists already understand God.
2:29:00  Getting people to agree that they should believe in the Abrahamic God through a series of Socratic questions
2:32:00  It is better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all. 
2:33:00  Jihad
2:34:00  Defending principles to the death
2:36:00  Identity is knowing our status and sex. 
Attributes admired in men are not attractive in women and vice versa.
2:37:00  Recreational sex should only be licensed for couples married to each other. 
2:38:00  Men are expected to defend territory with their lives.  
2:40:00  Zelensky is being paid by neocons to keep the war in Ukraine going.
2:44:00  Stephen J James
2:45:00  "Europe is an occupied country since 1945."
Are we the Slaves of God?
Are we a vassal state of a vassal state?
2:47:00  Representative democracy is rotten to the core. 
2:48:00  Three assassination attempts against Trump in three months

2:49:00  DREW the fourth Australian joins. 
2:50:00  We believe what we want to believe. 
Scott Adams
2:51:00  Atheists and ethical monotheists have a different outlook on life. 

2:52:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON on Hinduism and Buddhism
2:53:00  The afterlife, idolatry, paganism
2:54:00  Idolaters are people without the benefit of divine revelation. 
2:55:00  Rules are made to be broken.
2:56:00  Liberalism is now sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, which is dysgenic. 
2:57:00  Sexual liberation is the cause of degeneracy and the labour shortage making the demand for immigrant labour irresistible for Western governments.
2:58:00  The immigrant can certainly be got to support marriage and the restoration of the patriarchy in the West.
3:00:00  Commonsense not wanting to assimilate into a degenerate culture. 
3:01:00  Religion is an organising force.
3:02:00  Parallel societies
Stigmatising unmarried parents and divorce
3:03:00  White Australia policy
3:04:00  White Christian does not trust Christians of other races.
3:06:00  There are obvious genetic and cultural difference between different kinds of Christians from different races and nations.
3:07:00  Universalism
3:10:00  Why Christian nationalism cannot be used.
3:11:00  White sharia
3:12:00  Frightening people without hurting them
3:14:00  A bathplug is like an official moral system.
White women have given up on white men.
3:16:00  Universal suffrage and the uniparty
The matriarchy hates whites and wants them to die?
3:17:00  In a patriarchy, the man is the head and the woman the neck. 
3:18:00  Feminism
3:20:00  Muslims are prepared to die for their principles.
3:21:00  Socrates was the philosopher who died for his principles.
3:22:00  Atheism keeps us in fear. 
3:23:00  Atheism and hedonism let in feminism. 
Atheism enables moral cowardice while valuing pleasure.
3:24:00  Atheists took their Christian parentage and culture of which they were beneficiaries for granted.

Atheism is white genocide.

3:26:00  Dunhill
3:28:00  Australia takes the rejects. 

I have to remain in the West to oversee the transition from matriarchy to theocracy.

3:29:00  PRINCESS HANNAH the Registered Nurse joins to announce she is Jewish. 
3:31:00  Is marriage irrelevant?
3:32:00  Abolishing no fault divorce and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
3:34:00  De facto relationships
3:36:00  Abortion
3:37:00  No sex before marriage.
3:38:00  Teen sex
3:40:00  Going to house parties to fuck girls
3:46:00  New York nephew
3:48:00  "The West is built on free will, free speech and autonomy."
3:51:00   Parental responsibility
3:53:00  Free will and free speech
3:54:00  Dumb question
3:56:00  Illegal aliens
Sexual offences
3:58:00  SHLOMO MARTIN joins to discuss philosophy.
3:59:00  Matriarchy < Patriarchy
4:00:00  Morality
Final authority
4:02:00  Measuring morality
4:03:00  Grooming gangs
4:04:00  Heretical Jew
Without the Torah there would be no Jews.
4:05:00  VINCENT BRUNO questions the heretical Jew. 
4:06:00  "Without Torah, there is nothing Jewish."
4:08:00  "Bullshit of chosen people"
4:10:00  Zoroastrianism
4:11:00  Defining a Jew
4:12:00  "You have no right to talk about the Torah. You don't even read it." 
Ethno-religious identity
4:13:00  Anti-Jewish racism
4:14:00  Agnosticism
4:15:00  "Get rid of the Torah and what's left?"
If no one were an observant Jew, Jews would become extinct in two generations. 

Jewish without being religious. 
4:16:00  Noahide laws
4:17:00  "Your focus on religion is a mistake." 
Is Communism Jewish?
Is Judaism what Jews do?
4:18:00  Leon Trotsky
4:20:00  "You're a Jew who doesn't do Judaism."
Vincent's identity issues

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An Islamic international order would keep the peace better than American imperialism

Moral agency is choosing between good and evil. 2:00  Moral agency is choosing between the Torah and Koran. 3:00  The choice of secular Jews...