Monday 21 October 2024

There is no need for Jews to control the world through Hindus because they already control the world through Americans?

2:00  Hinduism and Noahidism

3:00  Monotheism of Hinduism

Hindu Jesus

4:00  Muslims are already Noahide!  

Rabbis would prefer to deal with Hindus rather than Muslims because Hindus are far more suggestible. 

Muslims would be stupid or insane to give up Islam to be rabbinically-guided. 

5:00  Jews don't want Noahides to convert to Judaism and don't want to have to deal with Muslims whom they know hate them anyway and reject their authority.  

6:00  Hindus have no principles because Hinduism is not an organised religion. 

7:00  Vincent is pleased that whites are adopting Hinduism. 

9:00  Hindus have no principles because Hinduism is not an organised religion. 

Hinduism will never be a "super-religion". 

10:00  Can you imagine the Hindus in India giving up their idols?

"Idolatry is new to Hinduism"??

11:00  Which religious group has the most moral authority?

12:00  Secular Jews are more powerful than rabbis.  

13:00  Judaism is not an organised religion and has no official religious leader. 

"Hindu-Noahidism" is not a super-faith.

Does Vincent want to become a Hindu again?

"I want a world with idolatry, blasphemy and sodomy, yes."

14:00  H

15:00  "H is not a Noahide."

17:00  Noahide laws

18:00  Education and Sharing Day in the US

19:00  Mason now have to accept transgender women.

20:00  Education and Sharing Day 

The Noahide laws as a package go against the First Amendment. 

22:00  SAFFRON joins.

24:00  Hindu cowardice

25:00  Hindus fell to Islam and Christianity.

27:00  SERAMER talks nonsense.

31:00  Hindu Noahidism

34:00  Noahides are more organised than Hindus. 

36:00  "White nationalist documentary"


39:00  "Jews and Hindus have absolutely no connection."

Sikhism is not one of the five world religions. 

40:00  "What are you known for other than your silly hats?"

41:00  Democracy came from Greece. 

43:00  Money and might run the world. 

44:00  "Vincent is a tapestry of mixed up feelings."


45:00  The Koran

46:00  Pecking order

49:00  Worshiping gurus

51:00  Moghul Empire

52:00  India, Khalistan and Afghanistan

54:00  Collective power

56:00  Zionism

58:00  Are Sikhs Noahide?

1:00:00  YARDEN BEN JOSEPH joins.

1:03:00  H admits to polytheism.

1:04:00  H then contradicts himself by saying he doesn't believe in idol worship. 

1:09:00  Adultery

1:11:00  Fornication

Marriage is sacred.

1:15:00  Concubines

1:16:00  King David


1:17:00  Fornicating with the Midianite women resulted the death

1:19:00  You must not convert for marriage. 

1:20:00  Adultery is a capital offence in the Torah and also a crime in certain American states. 

1:22:00  Prostitution is not forbidden in the Bible or the Koran.


1:26:00  Marriage was practised in Ancient China.

1:28:00  Nomads to farmers

1:30:00  Marriage prevents the degeneracy the West is now suffering. 

1:32:00  The purpose of the Noahide laws is to be uncontroversial which only antisemites would reject. 

1:34:00  You don't go to heaven just because you call yourself a Jew, Christian, Muslim or Noahide. You must uphold your stated principles too. 

1:35:00  Stumbling block

1:36:00  Without the Torah, there would be no Jews. 

1:37:00  Making a Jew forget his identity is the worst thing you could do to a Jew

Shocking practice at Harvard of tearing out the pages of library books by students to stop other students from doing as well

1:38:00  The evil but great Roman Empire

1:39:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

1:40:00  Jews and Muslims need to be tougher on Muslims.

1:41:00  Moon splitting

The stories and eschatology don't matter, only the rules matter. 


The Jizya

1:45:00  The Koran is the final edition.

1:46:00  Secular Israeli Jews have a role to play in Secular Koranism. In a referendum on whether Israelis prefer Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics interpreted by Israelis or to live under a Torah theocracy interpreted by rabbis, which would these secular Israeli Jews choose if they had to choose between the two? 

1:47:00  Esther denies that Islam is an Abrahamic religion. 

1:48:00  The Koran is the updated Torah. 

1:50:00  A Muslim is someone who submits to Natural Law.

1:52:00  Hindus

1:53:00  Esther thinks Mrs Obama and Mrs Macron are both men. 

Ever lowering standards of sexual morality

1:55:00  Esther fears gay parenting becoming the norm. 

1:57:00  Idolaters

1:58:00  "When you destroy a part of the Creation, you destroy a part of the Creator."

1:59:00  Jews killed idolaters in Canaan. 

2:00:00  Israelis can keep either the Torah or the Koran. God ain't fussy since they are both from Him! 

2:02:00  Keeping the Noahide laws would keep the Holy Land holy. 

Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in the Quran, but there are indications that it is important. The Quran does mention the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in verse 17:1 of chapter 17, sūrat l-isrā (The Night Journey). 

The Quran also tells the story of the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey, in which he traveled from the Ka'ba in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The story is understood to relate to the Temple in Jerusalem, which is referred to as Bayt Al-Maqdis. 

2:03:00  Jews and Muslims need to tell Christians they are making God angry with their idolatry and blasphemy. 

2:06:00  I market Secular Koranism. 

2:07:00  The Caliph should be the Supreme Leader of Iran.

2:09:00  Like Judaism, Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 

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An Islamic international order would keep the peace better than American imperialism

Moral agency is choosing between good and evil. 2:00  Moral agency is choosing between the Torah and Koran. 3:00  The choice of secular Jews...