Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Is it part of the job description of an Ambassador of God to warn and advise the gentile when his moral standards have fallen dangerously low?

Rabbi Sacks:

To be a Jew is to continue the journey our ancestors began, to help build a world that honours the image of God in every human being and to be part of a people summoned by God to be His ambassadors down here on earth.

Could being an ambassador have in its job description the duty to advise and warn the gentile when he has fallen far below the minimum moral standards of the Seven Noahide laws?

Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality is one of the Noahide laws. Presumably this means not having more bastards than legitimate offspring.

Does the Jew have a duty to raise the alarm if the degenerate gentile is blissfully oblivious to his own degeneracy?

If the Jew has already warned the gentile weakly a few times, does he just forget all about it if there is no improvement and instead the gentile's condition worsens dramatically?

There is not a single senior gentile male politician prepared to protest against the advancing dementia of feminists presumably because he is in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence, his wife divorcing him under the rules of no fault divorce, his girlfriend or potential girlfriend refusing to grant him sexual access if she perceives him as being too critical of feminism, or his sexually active daughters legitimate or not, underage or not looking askance at him.

If this is the case, does the Jew shrug his shoulders and just give up?

If the West becomes a series of failed states overrun by violent Muslim migrants raping European women, blowing themselves up and murdering Jews as well as gentiles, will all diaspora Jews be able to fit into Israel? Or have they already made arrangements to move to New York?

Is it not time for the Jew to at least follow his religious principles and show a little social responsibility towards the gentile rather than stand idly by while the gentile is destroying himself and allowing himself and his civilisation to be destroyed by his women who despise him and want him replaced by Muslim migrants?

I can understand that Rabbi Sacks does not want to be marginalised for expressing views that could be interpreted to be misogynistic by the feminazi establishment squatting threateningly above our heads. I have been trying to attract the attention of the media and male politicians for years, to no avail. This is because the media and House of Commons are run by feminists and men terrified of them. Muslims seem reluctant to discuss the political potential of Islam to replace and eradicate feminism because they don't want to come to the attention of the Security Services. The reason no one listens to us is because we are low in status compared to Jews who are the aristocracy of humanity. Gentiles however have been known to listen to Jews, as I once heard Rabbi Sacks point out in the case of Jonah.

If this is so, then it must surely be time for Jews to speak again and hopefully avoid the fate of two principled Jews Keith Joseph and Maurice Glasman who had their careers as politicians destroyed when they presumed to criticise immoral gentile women with variously fathered and badly parented illegitimate offspring.

How any rational and moral person, let alone God's Chosen People, can suffer to live in a society where all men are lower than the unmarried mother with badly parented illegitimate offspring without protest is shocking and disgraceful.

"85% of all incarcerated youths grew up in a fatherless home." This statistic comes from Jamaica. Soon Britain will be like Jamaica but without its fine weather.

Recreational sex is a drug and Western governments want us all hooked on it and then die childless without descendants to please the environmental and gay lobby

Why Jews in the West fulfilling their religious duty to promote the Noahide laws should encourage Western governments to adopt Islam

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