Friday, 23 March 2018

Maimonides agrees with Claire Khaw on who the Amalek might be

Rabbi Sacks:

Jewish law ... specifies two completely different forms of action in relation to the Amalekites. First is the physical command to wage war against them. That is what Samuel told Saul to do, a command he failed fully to fulfil. Does this command still apply today?

The unequivocal answer given by Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch is No.[4] Maimonides ruled that the command to destroy the Amalekites only applied if they refused to make peace and accept the seven Noahide laws. He further stated that the command was no longer applicable since Sennacherib, the Assyrian, had transported and resettled the nations he conquered so that it was no longer possible to identify the ethnicity of any of the original nations against whom the Israelites were commanded to fight. He also said, in The Guide for the Perplexed, that the command only applied to people of specific biological descent. It is not to be applied in general to enemies or haters of the Jewish people. So the command to wage war against the Amalekites no longer applies.

It is Rabbi Rabinovitch who claims the job has been done and the Amalek are now extinct.

If you don't want to do something, you would deny that it needs to be done, wouldn't you?

Rabbi Rabinovitch lived in the West and now lives in Israel, I believe.

It is understandable that Rabbi Rabinovitch would be reluctant to call the Americans Amaleks for promoting global gay marriage, controlling the world economy by means of the petrodollar run on usurious principles and grinding the faces of the poor. This is because Jews are a minority in America and Israel a mere colonial outpost. If Israel were what it should be, it would be a theocracy. However, if Israel were a theocracy, American liberals who run the Western political establishment would disapprove and withdraw their support, leaving Israelis vulnerable to their hostile Arab neighbours.

But I have a solution: if they adopted Secular Koranism, this would please and flatter their Muslim neighbours, who would be interested and intrigued to see how the Israelis both Jew and gentile get on with this social experiment. They might even marvel at the surprising way that their Gate of Interpretation has been thrown open by me if Secular Koranism were to be adopted by the Israelis.

Rabbi Mizrachi says the Amaleks are still with us but it would be considered a crime to exterminate them, because there are laws against murder and terrorism.

This being so, I am certainly not encouraging Jews to use violence in order to perform their religious duty. However, it would at least be in order for them to consider what characteristics Amaleks might have and how to identify them.

As I define it, Amaleks are both Jews and gentiles who propose any laws that would lower the moral standards of your society till they fall far below the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws.

While Christianity obviously falls below the standards required because it has been practising idolatry and usury for centuries, Islam not only satisfies the Noahide laws but exceeds them, since it forbids usury for all for the same reason Jews are forbidden to practise usury on each other. Unlike Christian clergy, Muslim scholars and clerics are not known for being sexually liberated paedophiles or sodomites busily promoting global gay marriage and transgenderism as well as condoning fornication and bastardy.

If Jews encourage gentiles in the Western political establishment to adopt Secular Koranism, then the Islamic State that comes into being as a result would take over their religious duty of exterminating the Amalek from the Jews, which I know they are reluctant to do anyway.

To be in good standing with God, all Jews have to do is discuss the truth of the following propositions with each other:

  • Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism.
  • Islam is divine civic nationalism.
  • Islam is Judaism Lite.
  • Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 
  • Conservatism is really social conservatism.
  • Social conservatism is about punishing extramarital sex, and in particular about shaming sluts.
  • Because most Westerners now assume that fornication is their inalienable human right, the law must make it very clear to them as soon as possible that extramarital will be treated as a sexual offence and this means the state applying the punishment described at at a tariff of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.  
  • Christianity is kaput and falls below the minimum standards of the Noahide laws because it has been practising idolatry and usury for centuries.  
  • Christianity is now known as the religion of the people who promote global gay marriage.
  • People who call themselves Christians don't really believe in the absurdity of the Trinity, they only pretend to do so, and pretending to do so has made them hypocrites, cowards, morally apathetic, corrupt and finally atheist because the culmination of rejecting the Trinity means that they have thrown out the baby of Biblical morality with the bathwater of the Trinity.
  • Islam more than satisfies the requirements of the Noahide laws because it additionally forbids usury for everyone, while Judaism only forbids Jews to practise usury on other Jews.  
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would save Jews from being in bad standing with God for not performing their religious duty of exterminating the Amalekite because it would take over their task of dealing with evil or stupid people proposing degenerate and immoral policies that would make the laws of their society fall below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws. 
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would make fewer people anti-Semitic because Jews can no longer be blamed for the adverse consequences of usury.
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would satisfy the nationalistic cravings of peoples and prevent the persecution of minorities because the rules would be perceived to be fairer by the indigenous populace. 
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would address the grievances of beta male victims of feminism and protect women from the extremism of a White Sharia backlash.
  • White Sharia is more restrictive on women's rights than Secular Koranism. 
  • Between matriarchy and patriarchy, patriarchy is the lesser evil. 
  • All advanced civilisations are patriarchies. 
  • All declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies.
  • Patriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of married fathers.
  • Matriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of unmarried mothers with variously fathered illegitimate offspring which they badly parent who then grow into delinquent adolescents and adult criminals who become a burden on the state and a plague on their society. 

Jews - if they are following their vocation of being God's Ambassadors because they are am segula and God's Chosen People as part of their tikkun olam - would be encouraging gentiles in the West to adopt Secular Koranism, which I would like to emphasise is a legal system and not a belief system. I propose that a non-Muslim judiciary (which would include Jews, of course) who have read the Koran would be applying the principles of Secular Koranism for the next 16 years after they have done a training course and passed an examination devised and marked by me.

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