Saturday, 2 December 2023

Afterparty of Khalid Safir's stream on why multiculturalism can't work

Jay Walker:

I could discuss why X tianity is failing and has failed,, but it hasnt for me

4:00  Jay Walker is the rich young man mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount. He horrifies me as the true representative of British masculine degeneracy. 

6:00  Stephen James pretends to worry about the white race but refuses to campaign to end no fault divorce or even discuss it because that would make him serious and boring and lose subscribers.  

7:00  Do men have a responsibility to challenge and defeat feminism?

8:00  A Statue of Responsibility would be Stephen J James's gym-toned body holding the Koran and indicating it to the Statue of Liberty opposite.

11:00  ROB joins.

12:00  STEPHEN J JAMES denigrates my elevator pitch.

13:00  "If you can't beat them, join them."

14:00  Islamophobes want to die on their hill of Islamophobia. 

16:00  Am I admirable or autistic?

17:00  Cometh the hour hour, cometh the woman, who is a Secular Koranist! 

18:00  Secular Koranism against sharia

19:00  Degenerates cannot be shamed.

20:00  Belief in God is optional under Secular Koranism. 

21:00  Secular Koranism is a syncretic legal system.

22:00  Jews who are victims of cunning gentile imperialism

23:00  JAY WALKER joins.

24:00  Japan

26:00  Western men must call out the matriarchy.

27:00  Jay and Stephen will not be campaigning to abolish no fault divorce. 

28:00  No requirement for anyone to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism. 

29:00  Secular Koranism for non-Muslim majority countries, Islam for Muslim majority countries.

30:00  Santa

31:00  Secular Koranism supports the First Amendment. 

32:00  Not all Muslim countries are Saudi.


36:00  Vincent Bruno is very welcome as the first gay American Secular Koranist.

37:00  Secular Koranism is meant to appeal to Western degenerates.

39:00  I am a chaste woman. 

41:00  I am not going to be a complete prude.

42:00  Jews

45:00  Holy women of Christ

48:00  YouTube's highhanded attitude towards me saying my videos have been sent to specialists presumably in the CIA

50:00  Spaces

51:00  Unprincipled Richard Spencer

53:00  Apollonianism

56:00  Matt Goodwin

57:00  The middle classes

1:00:00  Thomas Baden-Riess

1:01:00  No international co-operation

1:02:00  I am a heretic on LinkedIn, which has a surprising amount of politics. 

"The role of the media is to pretend that the views of 10% are the views of the majority."

1:04:00  No inter-generational communication

1:05:00  Dublin riots

1:06:00  Immigration

1:07:00  Muslim slaves would be welcomed in the homes of Islamophobes.

1:09:00  The American Empire has turned its imperium into economic zones.

1:10:00  The business model of America is to bomb the crap out of Muslim countries and send them to the West as cheap labour.

1:11:00  Muslims are the biggest minority group in the Labour Party.

1:12:00  Being accused of Islamophobia

1:13:00  Self-censorship

1:15:00  Definition of Islamophobia

1:17:00  Accusations

1:19:00  All the five world religions have the nature and purpose of promoting marriage and family values.

1:23:00  A strategy of future

1:26:0   The moral imperative of marrying before having children

1:27:00  Monogamy

1:28:00  Degeneracy

1:29:00  Boiler analogy

1:31:00  Cheap entertainment

1:32:00  Shame

1:33:00  CIA

Thomas Baden Riess is coming to Koraniyule!

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