Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno, Stephen J James and Jon Vance who renounced Islam

3:00  Guillotine
8:00  Lethal injection, 
11:00  Carl Schmitt
12:00  Russia should become a one-party state.
14:00  George Washington's farewell speech
18:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
20:00  The intelligent people become corrupt.
Clintons and Bushes are like royal families of America.
21:00  Elizabeth Glass
22:00  Storm in a teacup
24:00  Otto Pohl
28:00  Greed and fear
30:00  No point crying over spilled milk.
31:00  Christianity
32:00  Principles
33:00  Proposing the solution of Secular Koranism
35:00  Religion of victimhood
36:00  Secular Koranism supports the First Amendment.
37:00  Tranny Islam
38:00  Khalid Safir
40:00  Narish Kalia
41:00  Ann Coulter
42:00  Carol
43:00  Shock and awe

45:00  Religion
46:00  English Reformation
48:00  Judaism and Islam
49:00  Islamic rules and rituals
50:00  Mormonism
52:00  Principles
53:00  Muslims vote left.
One-party state
54:00  Are theDissident Right democrats?
55:00  Conservatives don't vote.
57:00  Electoral college
1:02:00  Overton window
1:06:00  Slut-shaming
1:07:00  Israel
1:08:00  Muslim Republicans
1:11:00  Trump's Muslim voters
1:14:00  Ann Coulter
1:15:00  1% of the vote
1:17:00  Jews and Latinos
1:19:00  Minority votes
1:21:00  White whingeing
1:22:00  Western men are not prepared to sacrifice their sexual access to women. 
1:23:00  Stupid white people
1:25:00  Jon Vance
1:26:00  Jon Vance renunciation of Islam
1:27:00  "90% of your children are useless."
1:28:00  MGTOW

1:31:00  JON VANCE joins.
Alternative forms of child rearing
1:33:00  Jon Vance on dysgenics
1:34:00  Polygyny
1:48:00  Stephen J James

1:51:00  Given up on Islam
1:54:00  Cult leader
1:56:00  Becoming extinct
1:56:00  The dawn of extinction
1:57:00  Eugenics
1:58:00  Tranny girlfriend
2:00:00  Fertility cult
2:01:00  Epigenetics
2:03:00  Utopia
2:07:00  Healthy values
2:09:00  "Babylonian society"
2:09:00  High value people
2:12:00  Living in a community
2:13:00  God
2:14:00  Tranny girlfriend
2:15:00  Masculine forms of textual expression
2:16:00  Men who try harder than women to be women
2:17:00  Trans women are better value.
2:22:00  Women the cause of homophobia.
2:23:00  Vinent jealous of attractive heterosexual men.
2:29:00  Ann Coulter accuses Bill Clinton.

2:37:00  Jon Vance is a Vincent Bruno convert.
2:38:00  Vincent finds Khalid annoying.  
2:42:00  Marriage substitutes
2:43:00  Mother shopping around for a religion
2:44:00  Vincent's autobiography

2:50:00  Joseph
2:52:00  Edward Martin
2:53:00  The principles of a Reform Judaism
2:54:00  Jay Walker
2:56:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet https://carolbalizetcult.blogspot.com/ 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...