Sunday, 31 December 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about Mathilde Ludendorff

7:00  There is no advantage to having a newly created religion.

8:00  "The white spirit"

Reckless experimentation with people's lives should be avoided by a reasonable and compassionate government. 

9:00  Christianity is schismatic.

10:00  We don't want to be treating people like guinea pigs.

11:00  People who are seduced by liberal values giving them sexual liberation leave Islam.

12:00  Cults are rejected by the establishment. Even if the establishment adopted a cult, it would have many operational difficulties at its implementation and be rejected by its neighbours.

13:00  Mathilde Ludendorff was a Nazi.

14:00  She was a much married woman.

27:00  "Islam is Judaism for gentiles." 

28:00  A new religion would make things worse.

29:00  Islam is more likely to defeat Jews than some newfangled pagan religion created by antisemites. 

30:00  No advantage to being a new religion eg Atenism.

31:00  The prophets of God had to refer to a higher authority.

33:00  Paganism is re-using a parachute that hasn't opened which has already failed one person. 

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