Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Cursed are the pseuds; Beyondism v Secular Koranism; honouring parents; gayness of Nick Fuentes; Kol Nidre; dissing the Dissident Right

13:00  Extinction vortex

14:00  Artificial wombs

15:00  Japan

17:00  Repellent cowardly men

18:00  Fixing society by changing the laws

19:00  Women are high maintenance.

20:00  Vincent's plan to ban ethical monotheism.

22:00  Bachelor tax and anal sex

23:00  Marriage is a eugenic filter.

24:00  My proposed propaganda campaign

25:00  Repeal of feminist legislation

26:00  Nina Power

28:00  People who have missed the boat on marriage

30:00  Is Nina Power a hypocrite?

32:00  The rape of collapse will accelerate.

33:00  Patriarchy has always been a burden.

34:00  Men calling the shots. 

35:00  Is transgenderism homophobia?

38:00  There is someone in Secular Koranism for the ruling classes.

39:00  Some CIA operatives must be Republicans and Trump supporters.

40:00  The first gay US Secular Koranist

42:00  You don't have to be marriageable to support marriage.

43:00  Dolce & Gabbana support the family.

45:00  Vincent can promote Beyondism under Secular Koranism.

46:00  Artificial wombs project

49:00  Non-Muslims wouldn't need to follow the Islamic rules of inheritance.

51:00  Mandatory, advisory, optional

52:00  Banning usury and affirmative action laws under Secular Koranism

57:00  A global reading of the Koran


58:00  There are exceptions to every rule.

1:00:00  Secular Koranism proposes to deal with dissent through the SK Debate Exchange system.

1:01:00  Raymond Cattell on the universalism of Catholicism

1:03:00  Secular Koranism will keep issuing regular reminders to the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury that they have not answered how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy or how Jesus is God.

1:05:00  A re-ordering of the status of the religious groups 

1:06:00  One party theocracy

1:07:00  Vincent's objections to Secular Koranism lashing unmarried parents 100 times

A year's grace for unmarried parents not to be lashed in public 

1:08:00  The first Hindu British Secular Koranist

1:09:00  Secular Koranism is political lego.


Vincent could be a Conditional Koranist.

1:13:00  No one should trust hypocrites.

1:14:00  Honour thy parents.

1:15:00  Muslim marriage contracts

1:16:00  Asking questions to show we don't agree

1:17:00  Vincent's mother does not love him unconditionally.

1:20:00  Vincent's mother thinks God is higher than Vincent.

1:21:00  Vincent's mother has met his husband.

1:23:00  Noahide laws

1:24:00  There is some affection between Vincent and me!

1:26:00  Straight people carry gay people on their backs.

1:29:00  Vincent thinks his mother is immoral.

"Only God decides what is moral. My son is not God, he's gay!"

1:31:00  Kingdom halls do not have statues of Jesus.

1:32:00  Free will

1:33:00  "Good created good and evil." Isaiah 45:7

1:36:00  God is the great examiner in the sky.

1:38:00  Leibniz's idea that we live in the best of all possible worlds.

1:39:00  Vincent does not really believe in free love.

1:41:00  Why Vincent wants to abolish women

1:45:00  Artificial wombs would be banned under Secular Koranism.

1:48:00  Seven Year Itch

1:49:00  Unnatural

1:50:00  Eternal and universal laws

1:51:00  Forbidding extramarital sex again

1:52:00  Is religion and politics unnatural?

1:53:00  The first gay American Secular Koranist

1:54:00  Vincent could be belle of the ball with Muslims.

1:55:00  Vincent's Muslim fans

1:56:00  My rival

1:57:00  Vincent has star quality.

1:58:00  Vincent as a celebrity personality.

2:00:00  I am the Messiah Substitute.

Jon Vance

2:01:00  Our mental is causing us mental illness.

2:02:00  The benefits of Secular Koranism

2:04:00  Secular Koranism has elements of liberalism, socialism and nationalism.

Noahide laws

2:05:00  Zakat

2:06:00  Vincent finds Secular Koranism entertaining.

2:07:00  Ads for Secular Koranism

2:08:00  The institutions of Secular Koranism

2:10:00  Domestic partnerships

2:12:00  Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals

Tranny Game Show

2:13:00  Big Brother Tranny Secular Koranism

2:14:00  Secular Koranism fashion

2:15:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

2:16:00  Messiah Substitute

2:17:00  Secular Koranism is creative and clever.

2:18:00  Jonathan Sumption

2:19:00  Mujahid Uddin and Khalid Safir

Adrian Vermuele

2:31:00  Church of Entropy and Doooovid on Week In Review

2:32:00  Hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo and pseudo intellectualism

2:42:00  Stephen J James
2:44:00  Secular Koranism is brainworm.
2:45:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate. I need the First Estate to give the green light to Secular Koranism.
2:46:00  Ed Dutton, Millennial Woes and Mark Collett
2:48:00  Non-feminist

2:53:00  Pretending not to understand in order to ignore their moral imperative
2:54:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
2:55:00  Displacement therapy
2:56:00  White men who hide under the skirts of coloured women
2:57:00  At least Americans have Donald Trump.
2:59:00  There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Western civilisation is in a hospice.
3:01:00  Separating the sheep from the goats, the chaff from the wheat.
Muslims are waiting for the green light from white people.
3:02:00  Vincent is cream of the crop of the white race.
3:04:00  Getting older
3:05:00  25 year old Nick Fuentes is leader of incels.
3:06:00  Men going on an official marriage strike
3:07:00  Vincent thinks Nick Fuentes is gay.
3:10:00  Ben Shapiro and Norvin Hobbs
3:11:00  "Having sex with women is gay."
3:12:00  Straight men
3:14:00  Becoming a Catholic priest is synonymous with being gay to Catholics.
3:16:00  Himmler
3:17:00  The fathers of Stephen J James and Thomas Baden-Riess
3:18:00  The media undermined parental authority.
3:19:00  Vincent and I are accused of being lesbians.
3:20:00  Evola and Guenon
3:22:00  Oswald Spengler
John Glubb's Fate of Empires
3:25:00  Corrupt ruling classes declining to govern degenerates.
3:27:00  Matriarchy
3:28:00  Producing productive members of the next generation
3:29:00  "We would rather die."
Teshuva on the Day of Atonement
3:30:00  Cancelling our vows to God
3:31:00  Kol Nidre
3:35:00  Mark Collett

3:39:00  Immigrants and white nationalists should be able to agree with each other about supporting marriage and family values.
3:40:00  Marriage is eugenic.
3:42:00  Mark Collett
3:43:00  Koraniyulers v Millenniyulers
3:44:00  A psychological experiment about the developing narrative
A message for different groups
3:45:00  Vincent needs to write his memoirs.
3:46:00  Getting platformed on MSM
3:47:00  Afghanistan and Ukraine
George Washington's farewell speech warned against political parties.
3:48:00  Carol
3:51:00  Cursed by God
3:52:00  Isaiah 45:7
3:53:00  Book of Deuteronomy and hypocrites being cursed by God

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Jehovah's Witnesses on health and diet; SKP Registers of Race and Religion with Vincent Bruno #12

1:00  Carol Balizet 2:00  Jehovah's Witnesses attitude towards health and diet 3:00  Kambucha htt...