Friday, 15 December 2023

Naive Jews are the unwitting mascots of neoliberalism and neoconservatism

Jews have been made a mascot of Post WW2 American imperialism. That is the reason why Western gentiles find themselves having to worship Jews after they have been raised in status by liberals legislation that protects them from having their feelings hurt by gentiles in the land of gentiles. 

This is a gift they should be rejecting as soon as possible renouncing the legal privileges conferred on them.  

The cunning gentile gives Jews privileges ostensibly to protect them to make gentiles envious of them. Gentiles who question the right of Jews to win every argument by talking about their relations who died or survived the Holocaust calling gentiles Nazis and antisemites will be called Nazis and antisemites. This of course fans the flames of antisemitism in the hearts of disgruntled gentiles who were only trying to work out why their government has not acted in the national interest in living memory.

The cunning gentile deliberately creates a situation in which Jews are resented. They are encouraged to use their Jewish privileges against gentiles to create even more antisemitism. Envy is a deadly sin because it excites hatred causing us to kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness etc. Envy is the sin that hides itself since the envious know that to acknowledge their envy is to acknowledge the superiority of the person envied. Thus they lie to themselves about the reasons why they hate Jews. The more they hate Jews, the more they will be punished, making them hate Jews even more and providing confirmation bias needed to perpetuate the narrative that Jews are to blame for the cat knocking over the Christmas tree. 

The pathology above allows Western governments to claim to protect Jews while provoking more antisemitism. This is part of their imperialist plan to divide and rule. 

Since Jews are now equated with the evil of neonconservatism and neoliberalism that is widely resented and detested by gentile Westerners, Jews who support the liberal order will be equated with the governments that are hated by gentiles.  

Naive Jews in Israel are now finding themselves in the position of sacrificing themselves for liberal democracy whose policies would be equated with that of Sodom and Gomorrah if they but knew.  

The narrative of the British government is that Britain sacrificed its empire to protect Jews from extermination. The narrative of the American Empire is that it now assumes this burden after Britain lost its empire. 

Jews are associated with Zionism, and Zionism with the pure evil of the American Empire whose foreign policy is now controlled by neocons.  

While there is nothing wrong in being teacher's pet. There is everything to fear if your teacher is malign and teaches you the evil that will make you destroy yourself and your civilisation. 

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