Monday, 4 December 2023

Vincent Bruno discusses rabbinically-guided Noahidism with a Hindu

1:00  Secular Koranism and the Noahide laws
2:00  Idolatry
5:00  God is beyond human comprehension.
10:00  Moksha

16:00  The attractiveness of Secular Koranism
17:00  Noahide laws
19:00  Sodomy
22:00  Astrology and Secular Koranism
28:00  Hindus are not about to submit to rabbinical guidance.

36:00  Reading from Wikinoah
37:00  Rejection of rabbinical guidance
39:00  Anglophile Hindus prepared to ape the West
43:00  Secular Koranism and the Noahide laws

44:00  Narish Kalia has read Secular Koranism and comments on it.

47:00  Jacob's ladder

49:00  "Our history is being altered."

Noahidic Hindu

51:00  70 Nation Plan
Erasing of memory and history

52:00  A multipolar world is preferred by Narish.
53:00  Narish envisaged the Noahide laws being interpreted by Indians.
54:00  No values
55:00  Pakistan
56:00  Khalistan
59:00  Religious worship of Narish as a child in Britain
1:00:00  WW3
1:01:00  Indians
1:02:00  Mohdi
1:04:00  India has changed its name to Barat.
1:05:00  Indians in India and Indians the West
1:06:00  Ron Bannerjee
1:07:00  Rishi Sunak follows the orders of the neocons.
1:09:00  Beyondism
"You Gentiles"
1:10:00  Fearing for the future

1:12:00  Noahidism in India would have to be be implemented by the government.

1:13:00  Top down and bottom up
1:15:00  Secular Koranism
1:16:00  Unmarried parents would be discouraged by the corporal punishment Secular Koranism would inflict.
1:18:00  Corporal punishment
1:19:00  Jews
1:21:00  Hamas Israel War provoking antisemitism.

1:22:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
1:23:00  Jews now lack moral authority over gentiles.
1:24:00  I explain why I have to take such a strong person on idolatry.
1:26:00  Jews don't want to offend Christians. 
1:27:00  Jews and Muslims can be guilty of hidden idolatry.

1:28:00  The purpose of the Noahide laws is to rank the four gentile religions so that gentiles choose for themselves the most Noahide religion. 

1:29:00  The most important religious group to call out are Christians because they are the worst idolaters.

1:30:00  Hidden idolatry is more insidious than open idolatry. 

1:31:00  Buddhism is codified Hinduism.

1:32:00  The confirmation ceremony is necessary for formal Christian identity.
1:33:00  The shahada
1:34:00  Vincent converted into being an Untouchable.
1:35:00  Hindu caste system
1:37:00  Who can be a Hindu?
1:38:00  Becoming one with God
1:41:00  Religion is about rules.
1:46:00  Idolatry
1:47:00  God cannot take material form. 
1:49:00  The reason why God cannot take material form.
1:51:00  Brahman
1:52:00  The correct perception of God
1:53:00  Pantheism
1:56:00  God consciousness
1:58:00  Oneness of God
1:59:00  Idolatry and the uncreated universe
2:00:00  Rules
2:01:00  Why Vincent is an idolater
2:02:00  The Third Principle of Judaism and avatars
2:04:00  Rama
2:05:00  Hinduism is not idolatry.
2:06:00  The Noahide laws are to be applied on religious groups.
2:07:00  To be an idolater is to forego the rule of law.

My insistence on rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

2:08:00  Buddhism is codified Hinduism.
2:09:00  Only the scripture of organised religion from the Abrahamic God can impose the rule of law.
Christian Science
2:10:00  Rabbis guilty of hidden idolatry
2:11:00  Open idolatry
2:12:00  Top down and bottom up

2:13:00  Jewish Islamophobes will also be punished along with gentile Islamophobes for thier hidden idolatry.

Gentiles and Jews can celebrate the same holidays apart from Passover.

2:16:00  Execution for idolatry and blasphemy for both Jews and gentiles

2:17:00  The Noahide laws are the absolute minimum standard.

2:18:00  The Noahide laws are not so much for the purpose of measuring the righteousness of a gentile, but for determining the righteousness of a gentile nation. It is basically saying that only sharia-compliant nations are righteous gentile nations. 

2:19:00  Only Islamophobic gentiles would rather submit to rabbinically guided Noahidism than to the laws of Allah in the Koran. 

Egypt has been subverted by the neocons.

"both Egypt and Israel became major non-NATO allies of the United States"

2:22:00  William Breiannis and Carol
2:23:00  Muslim reaction against the Abrahamic Accords mentioned by Jordan Peterson

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