Sunday, 3 December 2023

Luana Fabri Goriss: 3rd Koraniyule 2023

1:00  Zionism
3:00  Jews who are anti-Zionists ie Neturei Karta
6:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on Iran
7:00  The right of return
8:00  Religious Jews discriminated against by secular Jews.
10:00  Leftist Jews
Helicopters hovering over Jews in Australia
11:00  Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
12:00  Vaxxers and antivaxxers in the family
17:00  Party solution
18:00  Queensland
21:00  Victoria
22:00  Daniel Andrews
24:00  Annastacia Palaszczuk
28:00  Atheism makes cowards of us?
29:00  Worship of nurses
30:00  Values
31:00  Fear
32:00  Christian martyrdom
33:00  Fasting on Yom Kippur
34:00  Bubonic plague
35:00  Maimonides
36:00  Evil
38:00  Jews were chosen for a task.
39:00  Jews in the diaspora.
41:00  Henry Ford, International Jew, Hitler
43:00  Avigdor Miller
45:00  Zionism
47:00  Anti-Zionist secular Jews
48:00  Israel and AIPAC
49:00  War of Independence
50:00  Wilhelm Marr
51:00  Jews and Muslims agree on the oneness of God.
53:00  Abrahamic religions
54:00  Values
59:00  Atrocities
Hamas Charter
1:01:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
1:02:00  Haredim v Secularim
1:03:00  Torah theocracy
1:04:00  Albigensian Crusade
1:05:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
1:06:00  Jewish privilege
1:07:00  Usury
1:08:00  Inquisition
1:09:00  Jewish state and Jewish schisms
1:10:00  Abraham was Jewish?
1:12:00  Paul
1:13:00  Battery chickens are not kosher.
1:14:00  Kashrut
1:15:00  Shochet
1:17:00  Israel operates under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy.
1:18:00  The mixed multitude - the Erev Rav
1:19:00  Eschatology and Ezekiel
1:20:00  Redemption and repentance
1:21:00  Ishmael
1:22:00  Rabbi Schneerson
1:23:00  Hindus
1:24:00  The Trinity
1:25:00  What Jews were made God's Chosen People to do
1:26:00  Are Christians Noahides?
1:29:00  The Noahide laws
1:30:00  Israel does not currently satisfy the minimum moral standard of the Noahide laws.
1:31:00  What is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher. 
1:32:00  The Torah has 36 capital offences but the Koran hardly mentions the death penalty.
1:33:00  Rule by rabbi would be a nightmare.
1:34:00  No Sanhedrin and no Temple.
1:35:00  Adolf Eichmann and Pontius Pilate
1:36:00  The Sadducees did not believe in an afterlife.
1:37:00  Jesus
1:38:00  Mass crucifixions
1:39:00  7 different types of Pharisees
1:40:00  Paul was a Pharisee.
1:41:00  Who will build the Third Temple?
1:44:00  "The Torah is perfect."
1:46:00  The Torah is too hard for Jews to follow.
1:47:00  Jews can interpret the Koran better than Muslims, probably.
1:48:00  Noahide laws
1:49:00  Jews reluctant to tell Christians they are idolaters.
1:50:00  The court and legal system established must enforce the Noahide laws.
1:51:00  The Archbishop of Canterbury
1:52:00  Which is most and least Noahide? India, China or America?
1:53:00  Rabbinical contact
1:54:00  Rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions
1:55:00  Torah values
1:56:00  Justice system
1:58:00  Religion gives us our values.
2:00:00  Morality is divided between public and private morality.
2:02:00  Adam and Eve
2:04:00  The evil inclination
2:05:00  The Children of Israel
Rules are made to be broken.
2:06:00  Atheism is more divisive than religion.
2:09:00  Archaeological evidence of Jewish presence
2:10:00  Continuity of possession
2:13:00  Speakers Corner
2:14:00  Noahide laws
2:15:00  Palestine
2:16:00  "My grandmother is older than this country."
2:17:00  Globohomo
2:18:00  The Crown

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