THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Sunday, 24 March 2019
Friday, 22 March 2019
The corrupt bargain of the Church making Christians practice idolatry while denying it will soon end when the West awakens Muslim
We can deduce God's will through His laws. If we are Jews, we follow Judaism. If we are gentile, we follow God's laws for gentiles. The New Testament has nothing to base any laws on, so we follow the Koran which informs us that Christians are idolatrous. Jews hold the same view. https://t.co/EDPYyg3mGC— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
The rules work only as long as people follow them, as logic would tell you. Why aren't the rule breakers punished? We know that all people break their own rules, but also know that none have done so as blatantly as Christians or for as long ie 2000 years over the worst sin.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
I think your problem is your inability to acknowledge that the doctrine of the Trinity is idolatrous or the endemic corruption of your priesthood over the centuries. The defects of your religion and political system you blame on Jews, with very little self-examination.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
The corrupt Christian Trinitarian bargain is as follows: people who call themselves Christians *pretend* to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and their corrupt priesthood *pretend* to forgive them their sins.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
The bargain made between your Christian ancestors and their government was as follows: call yourself Christian and pretend to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God to be different from Jews and Muslims, and the state will not persecute you.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
Not surprisingly, the moment people who called themselves Christians were allowed to deny the Trinity, that was precisely what they did. And now the baby of Biblical morality has now been well and truly thrown out with the bathwater of their idolatrous Trinitarianism.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
Not everyone can be persuaded to believe in God, but it is the law that limits our immorality. Our laws should be in conformity with our chosen moral system. The US constitution allows freedom of belief but Christianity is totalitarian and says you must believe Christ is God too.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
When Rome fell in 476 CE, the Romans had the excuse of not having Islam available to save their civilisation. The Koran was revealed in the 600s. We do not have that excuse available to us.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
Thursday, 21 March 2019
30:00 Rabbi Mizrachi considers the Nazis at Purim
30:00 Rabbi Mizrachi considers the Nazis at Purim. https://t.co/LkYqgJ5uhg— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
38:00 Christchurch mosque attacks considered by Rabbi Mizrachi.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
39:00 "The head of the Nazis in America" is mentioned. Does the rabbi mean Greg Johnson? @NewRightAmerica @Countercurrents
56:00 Feminism and homosexuality is discussed and Rabbi Dweck is predictably mentioned.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
1:04:00 How wise rabbis saved the marriage of the king— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
1:10:00 Rabbi Mizrachi:
How many professors and lawyers and doctors and rabbis in the Beth Din of London are going with married women? How many? Unfortunately. Married women! More and worse than a murderer! It is a sin that is worse than murder with a bigger punishment. It is the death penalty! Unbelievable. So what do you see over there? These filthy murderers will not do it, but people with beautiful ties, they don't have a problem with that. Look what's happening in the rotten society today. Look what happening in Hollywood. Look what the movies are teaching to do. Massive brainwash to the people. No wonder they are like this. It's all from the media. Non-stop brainwash about these things. Non-stop. People become what they see. That's it. [He then goes on to talk about Esther.]
1:11:00 Rabbi Mizrachi seems to be suggesting that rabbis in the Beth Din of London are guilty of adultery. https://t.co/9rH9Ir556Q— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
1:19:00 The nightmare of Jewish parents who later divorce from their mixed marriages— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
The Deductionist View of Religion
THE DEDUCTIONIST VIEW OF RELIGION— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
If the problem is Matriarchy, the solution must be Patriarchy.
If the destination is Patriarchy, the vehicle must be Theocracy.
There is nothing in the New Testament to base a theocracy on, so the scripture to be used can only be the Koran.
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
1) Is the West now a matriarchy?
2) Should the patriarchy be restored?
3) What else would restore the patriarchy if not Secular Koranism? https://t.co/4NylsZ7m5e
4) If there is nothing else other than Secular Koranism, do you have a duty to discuss it?
5) If you refuse to discuss it, is it because you suffer from the character defect of cowardice and denial?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
6) If you refuse to discuss it and present yourself as an alt-right political activist such as @MarkACollett and Millennial Woes, are you being intellectually dishonest?
7) If you are an intellectually dishonest activist who refuses to discuss solutions you dislike, are you in fact a hypocrite more invested in producing videos complaining about the problem than finding a solution for your people?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
8) Are you parasitic if (7) is true of you?
9) What do you think will happen to spineless leaderless men unable to defend a principle or even acknowledge the truth, use logic or follow the rules of morality?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
10) What are men who know they are fit the description above but cannot be shamed into action - cattle?
Their contemptible cowardice and silence only means that a change of religion is not only necessary, it is becoming increasingly urgent to avert disaster.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 21, 2019
11) Is Western civilisation a dead man walking? https://t.co/VHYFP78sXQ
Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Rabbi Mizrachi calls Chief Rabbi Mirvis a mesirah and accuses him of destroying his UK Community
Topics discussed by Rabbi Mizrachi:
Chief Rabbi Mirvis is denounced as a mesirah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesirah He has also been previously described as rashaim. https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/nas/rasha-2.html
The phenomenon of self-hating Jews is considered . I wonder if he is aware of my answer to the Jewish Question at https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2018/10/ask-rabbi-5-claire-khaws-questions-for.html which would tend to lower the heat of antisemitism if it were more widely discussed.
I learn about the Epikoros. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epikoros
To be Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, you have to be the biggest rashaim and Epikoros in the world, it seems, says Rabbi Mizrachi.
The last one - Rabbi Sacks, though a heretic - was nowhere as bad.
LIBERALISM HAS INFECTED JEWS. Rabbi Mizrachi himself has been accused of Holocaust Denial.
Chief Rabbi Mirvis sicced a Muslim woman at UK Border Agency to interrogate him on arrival about his views to prevent him from entering the UK forcing him to cancel 12 lectures.
42:00 Reincarnation
The Israeli Supreme Court is the viper in the bosom of Israel.
Trump probably being blackmailed.
Jews have a religious duty to peacefully and legally remove the rasha Rabbis Mirvis and Dweck from their positions, says Rabbi Mizrachi, by boycotting their events, not going to their synagogues and not allowing him to be part of their minyan.
Jews should leave Europe for Israel before it is too late.
In 2 or 3 years from now, it will be too late for them.
Antisemitism is off the scale, especially in California.
There are goyim who don't know they are Jewish and there are people who think they are Jews who aren't really Jews.
Jews are so mixed up and their women so out of control that there are even Hamas terrorists who are Jewish.
The Holocaust was caused by the Hand of God.
If Hitler had exercised more patience, he would have won the war and exterminated the Jews.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
My roadmap to Global Secular Koranism
1) Get Jews to point out the idolatry of Christians, who will fall out of the picture, so to speak. Think of this stage as an eliminator. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/eliminator
2) Get Muslims to point out the failure of Jews to enforce the Noahide laws or even remind gentiles that their societies have fallen below its minimum moral standards.
3) Get Jews to make up their omission for the past 1400 years by declaring Islam to be in compliance with the Noahide laws while idolatrous Christianity to have been in a state of non-compliance for 2000 years.
4) Get Muslims to
a) oversee the keeping of Registers of Jews and
b) appoint Registrars (who would be rabbis) of these Registers worldwide
to ensure that unobservant Jews are struck off.
5) To escape the death penalty for breaking the Sabbath, picking up sticks on a Sunday, being a drunken and disobedient son, practising idolatry, falsely claiming to be a virgin in order to trick a man into marriage etc, many Jews would convert to Islam or become Secular Koranists. (They wouldn't be converting to idolatrous Christianity because it is obviously kaput now that Catholic priests are now synonymous with paedophilia and sodomy and the Anglican Church synonymous with the religion of degenerate white people who spread globohomo causing global degeneracy, the wrath of God to be provoked and His punishment to be inflicted on humanity worldwide.)
2) Get Muslims to point out the failure of Jews to enforce the Noahide laws or even remind gentiles that their societies have fallen below its minimum moral standards.
3) Get Jews to make up their omission for the past 1400 years by declaring Islam to be in compliance with the Noahide laws while idolatrous Christianity to have been in a state of non-compliance for 2000 years.
4) Get Muslims to
a) oversee the keeping of Registers of Jews and
b) appoint Registrars (who would be rabbis) of these Registers worldwide
to ensure that unobservant Jews are struck off.
5) To escape the death penalty for breaking the Sabbath, picking up sticks on a Sunday, being a drunken and disobedient son, practising idolatry, falsely claiming to be a virgin in order to trick a man into marriage etc, many Jews would convert to Islam or become Secular Koranists. (They wouldn't be converting to idolatrous Christianity because it is obviously kaput now that Catholic priests are now synonymous with paedophilia and sodomy and the Anglican Church synonymous with the religion of degenerate white people who spread globohomo causing global degeneracy, the wrath of God to be provoked and His punishment to be inflicted on humanity worldwide.)
Church of Entropy and I discuss our relationship with God
Jennifer Scharf and I have a turbulent relationship.
All relationships are transactional. The currency of relationships: the material, egostistical and spiritual.
7:58 Arranged marriages
R and K selection
Malthusianism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism
22:00 Jenn complains about Brundle's behaviour at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1cIRO_lr7o
Internet relationships
Internet bloodsports
Slave and Master Morality
Why is vanity essential to the slave-morality? How does it relate to the individual's need for approval? Is Nietzsche asserting that the vanity of an individual is a direct consequence of the individual's own sense of inferiority?
33:00 Our relationship with God and prayer is a demonstration of humility
Our relationship with God
35:00 The Abrahamic God defined by me.
36:00 The Triune God
37:00 The creator of a chair would be the carpenter. It would be idiotic to say that the creator of the chair was the tree.
Baruch Spinoza was a Murano.
PHILOSOPHY - Baruch Spinoza
The Thirteen Principles of Jewish faith are as follows:
1. Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists.
2. The belief in G‑d's absolute and unparalleled unity.
3. The belief in G‑d's non-corporeality, nor that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling.
4. The belief in G‑d's eternity.
5. The imperative to worship G‑d exclusively and no foreign false gods.
6. The belief that G‑d communicates with man through prophecy.
7. The belief in the primacy of the prophecy of Moses our teacher.
8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah.
9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah.
10. The belief in G‑d's omniscience and providence.
11. The belief in divine reward and retribution.
12. The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era.
13. The belief in the resurrection of the dead.
40:00 Jenn says Abraham is about hatred of Brahmins.
"the idolatry of pantheism"
In its advocacy for monotheism, the Torah warns of the spiritual perils of idolatry (avoda zara). As such, it remains unsurprising that beyond the prohibitions of worshiping other gods or making idols, Jewish law mandates many activities to distance ourselves physically and to prevent ourselves from benefiting from prohibited forms of worship.The Mishna states that a Jew may not enter a town that hosts idolatrous worship unless the pathway also leads to other areas.
43:00 Antisemitism is as old as sin itself.
44:00 Antisemitism is a manifestation of the sin of envy.
44:45 Jews were chosen by God to set an example (if they are good) and be made an example of (if they are bad).
46:00 The Noahide laws
The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
1. Do Not Deny God
2. Do Not Blaspheme God
3. Do Not Murder
4. Do Not Engage in Sexual Immorality.
5. Do Not Steal
6. Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
7. Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism. Schneerson wrote:
We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)
48:00 My answer to the Jewish Question
50:00 George Soros is an example of objectionable Jew promoting degenerate liberal values which are nothing to do with Judaism.
52:00 Ad hominem fallacy about Jews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
53:00 Clever people are drawn to politics and Jews because they have a cleverer religion are generally cleverer than gentiles with their stupider religion of idolatrous Christianity.
55:00 The great chasm between theory and practice
55:45 Justice is whatever is perceived to be fair enough by the generality.
56:00 My route to global slut-shaming sharia in the form of Secular Koranism is as follows:
1) Get Jews to point out the idolatry of Christians, who will fall out of the picture, so to speak. Think of this stage as an eliminator. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/eliminator
2) Get Muslims to point out the failure of Jews to enforce the Noahide laws or even remind gentiles that their societies have fallen below its minimum moral standards.
3) Get Jews to make up their omission for the past 1400 years by declaring Islam to be in compliance with the Noahide laws while idolatrous Christianity to have been in a state of non-compliance for 2000 years.
4) Get Muslims to
a) oversee the keeping of Registers of Jews and
b) appoint Registrars (who would be rabbis) of these Registers worldwide
to ensure that unobservant Jews are struck off.
5) To escape the death penalty for breaking the Sabbath, picking up sticks on a Sunday, being a drunken and disobedient son, practising idolatry, falsely claiming to be a virgin in order to trick a man into marriage etc, many Jews would convert to Islam or become Secular Koranists. (They wouldn't be converting to idolatrous Christianity because it is obviously kaput now that Catholic priests are now synonymous with paedophilia and sodomy and the Anglican Church synonymous with the religion of degenerate white people who spread globohomo causing global degeneracy, the wrath of God to be provoked and His punishment to be inflicted on humanity worldwide.)
Captain Nemo (also known as Prince Dakkar) is a fictional character created by the French science fiction author Jules Verne (1828–1905). Nemo appears in two of Verne's novels, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) and The Mysterious Island (1874), and makes a cameo appearance in Verne's play Journey Through the Impossible (1882).
Nemo is a mysterious figure. The son of an Indian Raja, he is a scientific genius who roams the depths of the sea in his submarine, the Nautilus, which was built in pieces all over the world and shipped to the builder. Nemo tries to project a stern, controlled confidence, but he is driven by a thirst for vengeance and a hatred of imperialism focused on the British Empire. He is also wracked by remorse over the deaths of his crew members and even by the deaths of enemy sailors.
56:00 Jenn explains her role as theocratic dictator.
1:01:00 Jenn's identity in a previous incarnation
1:06:00 Jenn says she finds books "boring".
1:07:00 Jenn's people are Caucasians who are K-selected.
1:08:00 Her people are not going to find anyone more benevolent than her.
1:09:00 Jenn says her opinions are based on science but mine are based on quoting scripture.
1:11:00 Jenn says "the feminization of society is linked to the matrilineal nature of the Jewish tribe"
1:13:00 Christopher and Peter Hitchens' mother was a Jewess.
1:15:00 Secular Koranism mentioned by Jenn first.
1:17:00 The genetic integrity of white people
1:18:00 Following God's laws contained in scripture is idolatry, according to Jenn.
1:20:00 The Abrahamic faiths cause R selected behaviour
1:22:00 The Abrahamic faiths are anti-Brahmin and larping as an Aryan.
1:24:00 Jews have an inferiority complex because they hate idolatry.
1:25:00 One can become Aryan through the quality of one's soul, apparently.
1:26:00 A natural religion that can be validated through science is what Jenn prescribes for the ills of the human race.
1:27:00 Unified Field Model: gravity, uncertainty, electricity, entropy.
1:27:30 "Physics is the transcendental logic and the legalism is the applied logic but the root of logic is the transcendental logic."
1:30:00 Posing as a false theocratic dictator
1:32:00 Jenn claims to have jurisdiction over Caucasians because she is herself Caucasian.
1:33:00 Imposter Syndrome
1:35:00 "I do feel a need to protect my own people from the parasitic acts of others."
Monday, 18 March 2019
Three Trinitarian idolaters urge the West to stay Christian
11:30 Gavin Ashenden: "Jesus is more of a victim than Muhammad."
It seems Ashenden is keener to emphasise the fact that Muhammad is the oppressor, for obvious reasons.
The Koran has a chapter on Mary, acknowledges Jesus and the Virgin Birth. There are verses in it also saying that these Jews and Christians will never be happy until Muslims do things their way.
Let us imagine if you were to ask Jesus what we are to do about violence and immigration. Could Jesus have any advice other than to refer the matter to Muhammad? And if you asked Muhammad, he would say that all the solutions are already in the Koran revealed 1400 years ago.
23:00 Are you aware why Jews are not permitted to enter churches?
27:00 What are Christian principles? The requirement to worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God? Surely this is idolatry. Idolatry is an abomination and attracts the death penalty for Jews. If Christians have been practising idolatry for 2000 years, then the decline and fall of their civilisation must be God's punishment. Fortunately, He has thoughtfully revealed the Koran through Muhammad to ease the Post-Christian out of idolatry.
To help with this process, there is also Secular Koranism.
In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate.
27:30 Ah, Jules Gomes. I believed him when he was being only satirical about the Trinity and even told everyone about it. https://www.julesgomes.com/single-post/Church-of-Englands-Synod-may-abolish-Holy-Trinity-to-include-Muslims
29:00 Justin Welby is so theologically ignorant did not even know he was supposed to believe in the Trinity when he said what he did at http://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2014/09/what-is-point-of-having-archbishop-of.html
32:00 Getting Muhammad if we do not choose Jesus would be a tragedy, says Gavin Ashenden. Why would it be a "tragedy" to repent from 2000 years of idolatry?
The Jews have a special four step process of admitting errors. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-teshuvah-2076801 It is not too late to repent, repent!
Sunday, 17 March 2019
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry
Dear Christians
We Jews and Muslims see it as our Judaic and Islamic duty to put you on notice that you have been practising idolatry for 2000 years and demand that you henceforth cease this abominable practice before God zaps us all in the global village that you have now turned into Sodom and Gomorrah with your satanic laws and degenerate culture.
Cursed by God because of your idolatrous and now failed religion - for what is the priesthood but the fattened maggots feasting on the corpse of idolatry? - you are now suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and a failed political system.
You have now become a matriarchy of immoral unmarried mothers bringing up the next generation of sex offenders and violent murderous criminals. Your milquetoast men are now too spineless to stand up for a principle because in a matriarchy, all men are lower than unmarried mothers. Indeed, you now no longer know what a principle is.
You must henceforth cease and desist this practice of promoting sexual liberation as a distraction to your degenerate people, or someone much worse and more powerful than us will come to destroy your civilisation.
Our advice to you is that you repent and immediately adopt Claire Khaw's slut-shaming Secular Koranism in its entirety to commence the process of moral and social regeneration.
Yours faithfully
Jews and Muslims
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Why Jews are God's Chosen People
Greek Philosopher And Tribal Sage Have Friendly Cultural Exchange over their respective chicken soup recipes. https://t.co/ORfguuRz5z— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 6, 2019
Greek says Greeks are better sailors than Jews. https://t.co/ORfguuRz5z— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 6, 2019
I wish people would get it that the Jew/gentile relationship is symbiotic and eternal, like rich and poor, old and young, male and female, peasant and aristocracy etc in the sense that we can't have one without the other. Jews are also a kind of pacer for the human race (pun intended), a mechanical hare for the dog track. They are both necessary for the human race and Aesop's fable of The Hare and the Tortoise. You will always hate them, I suppose, because the sin of envy is perennial, but when your hatred boils over into genocidal violence, it means both have done wrong. Adam and Eve tried to pass the buck when confronted for their disobedience, but you may remember that both were punished.
Why did God choose the Jews? Because He had to choose a group - any group - to make His point. Once He chose the Jews, He had to stick with them, which was all He needed to do to keep making His point ie that all would be well if Jews and gentiles followed His laws. Since the Koran was revealed, gentiles no longer have an excuse not to follow theirs properly without being guilty of idolatry. It is only Pride and Anger that prevents Christians from finally and formally abandoning their idolatrous religion. Those who identify as Christians are the biggest hypocrites ever because they don't even really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, yet cling to their Trinitarian idolatry to show hatred and contempt for Muslims and defiance of God Himself while refusing to acknowledge that their own unbelievable religion has failed.
That they still cling to their idolatrous Trinitarianism is evidence of their denial. Knowing that Catholic Church - the most powerful church in the world - is now generally regarded as synonymous for clerical sexual offending, they look to Orthodox Christianity. But how would Western Man converting en masse to Orthodox Christianity change any law at all? And how long would that take?
As for the Chosen People of God, the existence of their religion alone is enough to make God's point: that Judaism is divine ethno nationalism sanctioned by God based on an ethical moral system following the laws of the most powerful deity imaginable. Should genocidal antisemites succeed in exterminating Jews, it would not mean that their own elites would start governing them with wisdom and justice. Any country that allows itself descend into a state of anarchy and violence would find itself entering a mini Dark Age after a pogrom.
While we still can, we should discuss things reasonably and act rationally, but it seems the beta males of the alt-right so intellectually impoverished that their ideas can be summed up as the 3 Ps - Pogrom, Paganism and Propertarianism. They can only cling to Hatred as their quasi religion for the common values they share, their practice of displaying and expressing it is their ritual of regular worship.
If you envy Jews so much their chosen status and covet it, then all you have to do is convert to Orthodox Judaism. If that is too hard for you, there is the option of Judaism Lite that is Islam. If that's too hard, there is yet the option of Secular Koranism, which is Islam Lite.
Every problem has a solution and every destination a route.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
2:00 Rabbi Mizrachi complains about the Liberal Mafia of the UK
2:00 Rabbi Mizrachi complains about the Liberal Mafia of the UK and how they "torture" rabbis like him by conspiring to have their meetings cancelled by threatening their donors and supporters. Disgraceful! https://t.co/XQf8ZBEsJN— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 5, 2019
Rabbi Mizrazchi is flying to Manchester on Wednesday, but whether he will get there to speak to observant Jews in Manchester is touch and go because of the disgusting tactics of the liberal mafia of the UK who want to make the rest of the world as degenerate as they are.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 5, 2019
The Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth is described by Rabbi Mizrachi as the "Chief Clown Rabbi of England" and "the biggest rashaim in the world". This establishment man and similarly-inclined "soldiers of satan" were fighting each other to stop him from speaking.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 5, 2019
Chief Clown Rabbi Mirvis and his soldiers of satan have organised a toxic media campaign against Rabbi Mizrachi who says if they were writing about Hitler himself, they could not have demonised him more. https://t.co/1YdZRCd5Cm— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 5, 2019
Rabbi Z.Y. Kook on Rabbi Meir Kahane in the Knesset
Zionist Jew complains about Liberal Progressive Jews who receive funding from the West who think they are better than religious Jews and the "inane system" that is liberal democracy.
Sunday, 3 March 2019
The alt-right discover Supersessionism
35:00 The left behaves like an interfering woman.
40:00 It would make more sense if you think that Man created God.
45:00 The only way to conquer death is to have legitimate children and parent them properly after choosing carefully our spouse. Even if we as individuals die, our societies, nations and civilisations continue, and what we do not know and cannot do now future generations will.
54:00 Destruction is necessary to enable Creation.
56:00 My knowledge of the Koran and other religions is superior to WLL2PWR. What's the point of exploring religion after religion and never making up your mind? Will didn't like me saying I thought his thought processes were disordered. The Torah is said to be given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. A recurring antisemitic trope is that the Jews now are not really Jews or that they are not really God's Chosen People. Will admitted it when I asked if he had been diagnosed with a mental illness.
@Ecce Lux LiveStreams So you think you can just say you are God's Chosen People and that Jews are not? Under what and whose authority?
@Ecce Lux LiveStreams The thing to note is that while the Torah and the Koran are said to actually be from God to the Jews in Hebrew and to the Muslims in Arabic, the New Testament is just mortal men giving conflicting accounts about what Jesus said and did decades after his death.
Dates of composition
See individual book articles for more detail.
The earliest works that became part of the New Testament are the letters of the Apostle Paul. The earliest of the books of the New Testament was First Thessalonians, an epistle of Paul, written probably in 51, or possibly Galatians in 49 according to one of two theories of its writing.
In the 1830s German scholars of the Tübingen school tried to date the books as late as the 3rd century, but the discovery of some New Testament manuscripts and fragments from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, one of which dates as early as 125 (Papyrus 52), disproves a 3rd-century date of composition for any book now in the New Testament. Additionally, a letter to the church at Corinth in the name of Clement of Rome in 95 quotes from 10 of the 27 books of the New Testament, and a letter to the church at Philippi in the name of Polycarp in 120 quotes from 16 books. Therefore, some of the books of the New Testament must have been in circulation by the end of the first century.
Scholars hold a wide spectrum of views on exactly when the books of the new testament were written, with non-fundamentalist scholars tending to argue for later dates, and more conservative scholars arguing for an earlier one. Most contemporary scholars regard Mark as a source used by Luke (see Marcan priority).[97] If it is true that Mark was written around the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, around 70,[98] they theorize that Luke would not have been written before 70. Some who take this view believe that Luke's prediction of the destruction of the temple could not be a result of Jesus predicting the future but with the benefit of hindsight regarding specific details. They believe that the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21:5–30 is specific enough (more specific than Mark's or Matthew's) that a date after 70 seems likely.[99][note 7] These scholars have suggested dates for Luke from 75 to 100.
Support for a later date comes from a number of reasons. Differences of chronology, "style", and theology suggest that the author of Luke-Acts was not familiar with Paul's distinctive theology but instead was writing a decade or more after his death, by which point significant harmonization between different traditions within Early Christianity had occurred.[101] Furthermore, Luke-Acts has views on Jesus's divine nature, the end times, and salvation that are similar to those found in Pastoral epistles, which are often seen as pseudonymous and of a later date than the undisputed Pauline Epistles.[102]
Most conservative scholars however, argue that both internal and external evidence strongly points to dates prior to 70 AD for the Synoptic Gospels, Acts, and the Pauline Epistles. They note that there is no mention of the deaths of Paul, Peter, and James, all of which happened between 60–65 AD, in any book of the New Testament. These were all extremely important figures in the early church, writers would have mentioned their deaths if the New Testament had been written later.[103] Furthermore, the Gospels contain numerous attacks on the Sadducees, a sect of Judaism that was wiped out with the destruction of the temple. Why, they ask, would later writers devote so much narrative space to attacking a group that no longer existed?[104]
John Robinson also notes that each book of the New Testament had to be written prior to the destruction of The Temple. Robinson notes that most scholars interpret the Olivet Discourse as a post 70 AD account of the destruction of The Temple, couched in language to make it appear to be a prophecy, culminating in the Second Coming of Jesus to end the world. Robinson notes that the Second Coming did not occur after the destruction of The Temple, leading him to ask, why would a writer in the 80s or 90s forge a prophecy of an event that is proven not to have occurred 20 years earlier?
All that Will is proposing is Supersessionism.
The Islamic tradition views Islam as the final and most authentic expression of Abrahamic prophetic monotheism, superseding both Jewish and Christian teachings. The doctrine of tahrif teaches that earlier monotheistic scriptures or their interpretations have been corrupted, while the Quran presents a pure version of the divine message that they originally contained.
To be supersessionist, one must first believe in God.
If you worship the Abrahamic God, you could do so as a Jew or gentile.
If you wish to remain a gentile while worshipping the Abrahamic God, you can only be Christian or Muslim.
If you wish to avoid idolatry, then Islam is the only moral and rational choice left.
If you don't believe in God, you could still see the point of restoring the patriarchy. If you wish to restore the patriarchy, what else other than Secular Koranism would do the job?
Saturday, 2 March 2019
You are an antisemite if you refuse to acknowledge my answer to the Jewish Question
Most men crave the protection following clear principles gives them. Islam has a low threshold of belief appealing to the unnarrowed mind prepared to submit to truth, logic and morality. It's the only religion for gentiles who wish to worship the Abrahamic God without idolatry.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 13, 2019
Most men want to find a woman they are sexually attracted to, are compatible with, get married to, buy property and raise children. These desires / instincts are written into our DNA, but denied by the technocrats planning the NWO and the depopulation agenda.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 16, 2019
The race whose degenerate men who have so lost control of their women that they allow their ability to sire legitimate offspring to be taken away without a fight will become extinct. This can only happen in a matriarchy which prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 16, 2019
You talk about the matriarchy as if it occurred for no apparent reason, like spontaneous combustion. That is not the case as you would have discovered if you had done proper research. Nothing happens by accident on this planet. Nothing!— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 16, 2019
Matriarchy is established by a culture of tolerating and encouraging fornication. Jews should know God forbids fornication because the Noahide laws forbid sexual immorality. Christianity says it is a mortal sin. Islam shames sluts and slut fuckers with https://t.co/PcEWOcqTw8— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 17, 2019
"Matriarchy is established by a culture of tolerating and encouraging fornication" Correct. Next question. Who encourages fornication? Predominately, the secular Jew run porn and movie industry + leglislation that makes marriage dangerous for men and slut fucking safer.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 17, 2019
Your entire solution is focused on scapegoating Jews rather than solving problems. If your religion no longer maintains morality, your politicians cannot be trusted to operate any political system, however sound. You seem far from admitting the failure of Christianity/democracy.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 17, 2019
Focusing on Jews is not the solution. It is IDENTIFICATION of the problem. Once the problem has been clearly identified, the solution can be implemented. STOP the Jew money flowing into the ACLU to support feminism, homosexuals and transgenders under the pretext of "human rights"— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 17, 2019
The solution is to declare feminism to be in itself a conspiracy to corrupt the morals of the public. The evidence is there for all to see: you won't find a single feminist prepared to revive the practice of slut shaming. All the human rights we need is already in the Koran.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 17, 2019
The feminist movement is merely one piece on the global chessboard. David Rockefeller knew exactly how that piece would move given sufficient resources - act like a cancer, invading every cell of society. Now, study Rockefellers main obsession - population reduction. FACT.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 18, 2019
Population reduction is an agenda for environmentalists and environmentalism is a pillar of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. Feminism normalises fornication. All human relations hinge on gender relations and feminism damages gender relations.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 18, 2019
The Greens are being used as a tool to facilitate population reduction just like feminists are. The real reason why the elites plan to kill 7 billion people is simply because AI is going to make them all surplus to requirements. By 2045, there will be no task a robot cannot do— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 18, 2019
It is easy to argue that technocrats are immoral people who don't believe in God or the sanctity of marriage, and most probably homosexual.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 19, 2019
It is not only technocrats who are immoral. This powerful group originated with the Milner Group. They don't care who they kill. To their way of thinking "the end justifies the means" which is why we have seen so many false flag attacks throughout history.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 19, 2019
Who are the Milner Group? Where does it say that they are a group of mass murderers and terrorists?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 19, 2019
You can find this information in Carroll Quigleys book Tragedy & Hope, A History of The World in Our Time. Quigley was the official historian for the CFR. You will not find a better source anywhere.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 20, 2019
The sheeple are not interested in reading books on conspiracy theories they have never heard of, but they will have heard of the Koran.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 20, 2019
The Chilcot Report was an official government inquiry into the Iraq war. Millions have read at least some of the major points that came out. Why do you think Tony Blair is one of the most hated men on the planet. It's going to get worse unless lazy people start learning.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 21, 2019
Everyone complains but not everyone has a solution. You just want to blame Jews and that's it as far as I can tell. It is even vaguer than Propertarianism which is already far too vague.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 21, 2019
You refuse to answer a simple question. How can criticism of Zionism be antisemitic, when thousands of Israeli Jews also criticise Zionism?— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 21, 2019
That doesn't answer my question. I knew you wouldn't answer. You never do. The only thing you are good at is twisting things.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 21, 2019
The only thing that is "clear" is your lack of understanding. To answer the Jewish question requires nuanced thinking which you seem to be incapable of. You turn everything into black and white when in reality there are many shades of grey in between.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 22, 2019
Your agenda is to blame Jews for everything and then? Conduct a pogrom? My agenda is to persuade the political establishment to change its ways and give up its failed ideas, as well as point out that the religion and political system of the West have completely failed.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
Your comments are absolutely ridiculous. If you had studied the Neocon group, "Project for The New American Century" and carefully read the document, "Rebuilding America's Defences" and then listened to Major Wesley Clarke, you would understand why everything has turned to shit— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 22, 2019
How is Christianity not working?— Zor-El (@Adam4004) February 22, 2019
How is Christianity working? The West is Post-Christian and promoting gay marriage. The most powerful church in the world is made up of corrupt sodomite priests, which the Pope condones. Christianity is also idolatry.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
1)You are conflating christianity (the actual belief) with certain orgs or whether mankind is currently accepting or rejecting it.— Zor-El (@Adam4004) February 22, 2019
2)Christianity itself notes that over time man will embrace more and more wickedness until we reach the point where they were in the days of Noah.
I am saying that Christians are required to worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God and this is idolatry. If God has forbidden idolatry, you should expect Him to punish 2000 years of it.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
Your statement is premised on the idea that Jesus isn't God. As for punishing....actually what we note is what we see.— Zor-El (@Adam4004) February 22, 2019
You are assuming Jesus is God because you are Christian and do not even know that you are being idolatrous.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
1) I became a Christian because I felt that the evidence best supported he is God.— Zor-El (@Adam4004) February 22, 2019
2)If I use your logic I can say that you are an unbeliever and your eternity is not with God.
I am an agnostic who advocates theocracy. I know Christians are so dumb, hypocritical and corrupt that they don't know they are practising idolatry and even if they did, they wouldn't admit it. That is why their stupid, hypocritical and corrupt religion has failed.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
If you are an agnostic you are dumb. Considering the balance of probability, there is much more evidence to support the existence of a creator than exists to disprove the existence of a creator. Scientists admit the code written in our DNA is evidence of intelligent design.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 22, 2019
I don't want to waste time arguing about whether God exists, and instead want to demonstrate what are said to be the laws of God make sense. If matriarchy is the problem, then patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
The elites know that the patriarchy is the answer. Notice that David Rockefeller is described as the patriarch of the Rockefeller family. But that is for them, not for us to succeed. That's why Rockefeller funded Gloria Steinem and Margaret Sangar - to attack our families.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 22, 2019
If a few liberal Jews can undermine your religion and political system, it wasn't much cop to begin with, was it?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 22, 2019
It wasn't just "a few liberal Jews" It was a highly organised effort by several powerful factions working in different areas. Secular Jews played a part. EXHIBIT A - the porn industry has destroyed marriages worldwide and corrupted the minds of countless children as young as 9— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 23, 2019
My case is constructive and goal orientated, not fanatically focused on blaming Jews and Muslims who have always denied the Trinity for the axe that is soon going to fall on their absurd and idolatrous religion they themselves no longer believe in.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 23, 2019
Why shouldn't I point out that mostly secular Jews run the porn industry, are swimming in an ocean of filth, perversion and degeneracy, getting it all on camera and uploading it to the Internet for the worlds children to watch. It's beyond disgusting. It's satanic.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 23, 2019
If Jews run the porn industry, it is only because porn is not forbidden by https://t.co/HTzlhDtVyd— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 23, 2019
I don't need government or the church to tell me that spreading porn all over the planet does nothing for societal cohesion, or that kids with computer illiterate parents will look for it. It's just plain old common sense. Incidentally, who is this guy? https://t.co/JZJm2yl7i9— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 28, 2019
Under Secular Koranism, Diaspora Jews would be required to be subject to authority of their regional tribal leader ie the Registrar Rabbi of his synagogue. I propose reintroducing the practice of Herem. https://t.co/sGsZtIIwbe Jews can be struck off the Register by the Registrar.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
How does being struck off the register prevent secular Jews like Noel Biderman from enticing gentiles to have affairs, which put their marriage at risk and also puts the well being of their children at risk. Biderman laid a honey trap for millions of gentiles to fall into.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 28, 2019
You don't seem to think gentiles have any moral agency. If they are as easily led as cattle are, they will forever be exploited by the cunning Jew you hate so much. My more charitable view is that their idolatrous religion of Christianity has failed. Islam should replace it.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Your religion is not Christianity since you deny the Trinity. If you believe in the Abrahamic God as a gentile, then you are closer to being Muslim. Islam would curtail Jewish power, so why not discuss this? It is obvious antisemitism is more your religion than anything else.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
I've told you I believe in a divine creator. I don't follow any of the corrupt religions. There are many people who lack self discipline. Secular Jews have exploited this human weakness, which all of us suffer from to various degrees. Stop excusing their despicable behaviour.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 28, 2019
My answer to the Jewish Question is to strike unobservant Jews off the Register of Jews so only the Sabbath-keeping ones are allowed to keep their Jewish identity. Reform Judaism will be a thing of the past.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
How have I excused anyone's inexcusable behaviour?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
How? You continue to accuse me of antisemitism when I tell you what secular Jews are doing. Someone who is anti-Semitic hates all Jews just because they are Jews. I hate the BEHAVIOUR of some Jews who use their intellect to exploit others. There's a difference !— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) February 28, 2019
You are an antisemite because you keep focusing on Jews doing what gentiles are also allowed to do by law. The solution is obviously to forbid everyone from corrupting the morals of the public, but you cannot stop hating Jews even for a moment to stop to discuss this.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 1, 2019
A disproportionate number of Jews run the banking system, the media, the porn industry and has congress by the balls. You repeat anti-semite, anti-semite, anti-semite like a brain dead parrot. Despite other races being persecuted, Jews are the only people we cannot criticize— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 1, 2019
Sluts are the group Western men really dare not criticise.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 1, 2019
You are too dumb to join the dots or make connections. The elites funded the feminist movement via the philanthropic foundations, which became powerful, got into the United Nations and lobbied governments for legislation that caused sluttery to grow. It all started AT THE TOP.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 1, 2019
The ruling classes were not mindful of the supposed religious principles of a supposedly Christian West. Why blame Jews for it? They were supposed to protect their citizens from the scourge of feminism, but didn't. Christianity has failed, but there is now Secular Koranism!— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 1, 2019
The fact that you seriously believe Secular Koranism is a possibility just proves how out of touch you are with reality. The elites religion is Gaia Worship. It will be imposed unless people like you wake up. This website lays it all bare. https://t.co/GGLI75cuGM— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 1, 2019
Secular Koranism would replace failed idolatrous Christianity and divisive democracy. You are not interested in a cure though. You are about blaming Jews for the failure of Christianity while stubbornly refusing to acknowledge its failure. Your religion is really antisemitism.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
If you had any empathy or compassion for the millions of people suffering on this planet due to phony wars, power grabs and plundering of resources in third world countries, you would be investigating the perpetrators, not trying to set up a another pathetic religion.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
I am not setting up another religion, but pointing to a legal system that would prevent war or mitigate the consequences of war. You, however, prefer to concentrate on turning up the heat on your foul pot of broiling antisemitism.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
If someone is up to no good I will say so. It just so happens that I spot more Zionists up to no good than anyone else. Your attempt to conflate anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism is pathetic. When you see the ball heading towards your goalpost you move the goal post. CHEAT!— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 1, 2019
For you, the goal posts never change: blame the Jew for all the defects of your religion and political system, and it is defective indeed because the failure of one leads to the further failure of the other.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
Unlike you, I spent 50 years working in engineering. I know how things work and how to diagnose faults in complex machinery using root cause analysis. You suffer from the same problem that most politicians and academics suffer from. You have never had your hands dirty.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
I am always being falsely accused of something or other.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
To find a cure, first we have to find out why things are not working as they should. The fact that Christian leaders have compromised their beliefs as government legislation has moved against them is only a symptom of of a much deeper problem.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
The problem, if you believe in God, is that Christians have been cursed by God for their idolatry.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
Because you lack logical thinking, your only defence is to accuse me of anti-Semitism. You have come across the term in the media so often, you are now repeating it like a trained parrot with a tiny pea brain.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
Your religion is antisemitism, because it is all about focusing on crying over spilt milk and saying Jews made you do it. When presented with the answer to the Jewish Question, you refuse to discuss it and focus again on blaming Jews for everything you hate about modernity.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
You always refer to anti-Semitism but never anti-Zionism. You are as deceptive is Emmanual Macron who insists they are one and the same thing. They are most definitely NOT the same thing.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
Why on earth would I deny Jews the right to their homeland?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
The world is full of deluded fools who think, "if only they did it my way everything would be perfect" The churches are also full of control freaks who want to act as a middleman between us and God. I don't need any of them. "Do onto others as you would have them do to you"— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
You are yourself guilty of what you accuse me of.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
Nonsense. I don't want to impose any new rules or control anyone like you. I want to flush out the perps who are causing death and destruction on a global scale. You are blind to the suffering of others.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
You ignore any solution offered in favour of pointing the finger at Jews, presumably in the hope of provoking a pogrom. Why won't you acknowledge that I have the answer to the Jewish Question?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
You also refuse to acknowledge that there is a tiny group of immensely powerful people on this planet who have planned our enslavement in a global technocracy under Agenda 21 on sustainable development. That isn't a theory. That is an absolute fact.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
There will always be an elite who pulls the strings of government, and always a high probability that they - Jew or gentile = are not focused on the national interest or the principles of their religion.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
Depleted uranium weapons were deployed in the takeover of Falujah. As a result, deformed babies are being born even today. You have no compassion.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
What do you propose should happen to the Jews already in Israel? Have them all murdered by Arabs, presumably.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
If your religion was adopted worldwide (which it never will be) that would make you it's founder. And since you are an atheist, that would put you in place of God. One ring to rule them all. No human is capable of holding so much power per without going insane, only God is.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
The most I clam is that my way of interpreting and applying the principles of the Koran is best of all and that would only make me a founder of a new school of sharia.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
According to some sources there are around 4300 different religions in the world - all started by control freaks who thought they were geniuses. We don't need another religion, even a secular one. We need the truth about who is running this shit show on planet earth.— barry hammond (@dr_rythm2003) March 2, 2019
Again, you reject my solution to point the finger at the Jews you hate so much. It is your wish to provoke a pogrom, clearly. Not once have you acknowledged my answer to the Jewish Question.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) March 2, 2019
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