Friday, 30 October 2020

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin

8:00  Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’

15:00  Shas

21:00  Political Correctness

29:00  When Rabbis Speak "Heresy"

33:00  Natan Slifin

50:00  Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions


53:00  The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord that Christians are only pretending to believe in for the sake of status and income. 


  1. Who is this "Rabbi Mizrachi"?

    If you mean Joseph Miszrachi I'd not put any faith in somebody who calls themselves Rabbi who doesn't have the qualification. Ask yourself if you would trust somebody to do major surgery who had dropped out of medical school before taking the exams and then called themselves "Dr". In fact, that is a crime and you can go to jail for it.

    Claiming to be a Rabbi however is not (yet) a crime!

    In fact, Andrew Wakefield has more rights to call himself Dr than Yosef Mizrachi has to call himself Rabbi.

    To show the difference between a fake such as Mizrachi and somebody genuine, consider the Chofetz Chaim who died in 1933. The Chofetz Chaim was, without a doubt, one of the most important Rabbis of the last few centuries. He was head and shoulders above most others - a true great. His real name was Yisrael Meir Kagan, and was known as the Chafetz Chayim, because of one of his many books. He was trained and recognized as a rabbi, but did not hold semikhah until he had to apply for a passport. He realized that unless he obtained a written document of semikhah, he could not technically enter "rabbi" as an occupation without lying. He then received his semikhah by telegraph from Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski of Wilna, an unusual arrangement - especially in the early 20th century. In other words, he refused to call himself Rabbi without a Semikha. He was given it when he needed it to get a visa to visit America and had to enter it on his passport.

    Compare that to a fraud like Mizrachi!

  2. But what did this rabbi of yours do that is better than Mizrachi?

  3. I was hoping you would explain why you admire this rabbi.

  4. I'm giving you links. BTW this is what I mean when I criticise your interpretations. As you know a lot but important bits you don't. The Chofetz Chaim's most important work was the Mishna Berurah which was a complete compilation of Jewish law made easier. Not knowing about the Chofetz Chaim is one example - why you need to learn so much more before pronouncing on stuff. - this is worth reading as it quotes from Louis Jacobs who was persona non grata for Orthodox Judaism and founded Masorati Judaism in the UK.
    Encyclopedia of Jewish and Israeli history, politics and culture, with biographies, statistics, articles and documents on topics from anti-Semitism to Zionism.

  5. I have no idea why you are comparing Rabbi Mizrachi with a deceased Jewish sage though.

  6. Unlike MR Mizrachi, nobody questions the Chofetz Chaim. His influence was phenomenal. Here's a story about him. and also

    I'm comparing the two, because the Chofetz Chaim did not call himself Rabbi or allow himself to be called Rabbi as he did not have Semicha. However he was invited to speak in the USA and to do that he needed a visa and to put his occupation down. He refused to put down Rabbi which needed. So he was given Semicha by telegraph by one of the most important Rabbis of the last century. Nobody questioned his ability to be a Rabbi.

    In contrast Mr Mizrachi calls himself Rabbi even though he has no right to the title, and has admitted to not having Semicha. He has tried to justify that he could earn Semicha if he wanted to and has some sort of graduation certificate. However he does NOT have Semicha and so is a fraud for calling himself Rabbi. Following a fraud is not something good people do - although Mr Mizrachi is a good con-man and manages to cheat a lot of people that he is a Rabbi and what he says is valid. He's a fraud. Even Andrew Wakefield is better as at least Wakefield earned a Dr qualification despite what he did later.

    And it's irrelevant the Chofetz Chaim is deceased. He's still regularly studied. (I have things he wrote on my book shelf. Tell me ONE book that's recognised that Mr Mizrachi has written. The man is an idiot and a fraud. He knows (but won't say) that if he wrote a book it would not get recognition).

    Moses is also deceased but we follow him.
    Mohammed is deceased but millions follow him. I'd put more faith in Mohammed than Mr Mizrachi.

  7. So it is becoming rabbi by peer review.

    Rabbi Mizrachi only tells us what the Torah says and you hate him because he doesn't do your double-minded double think to make Judaism palatable to the liberal degenerate.

    You lot should be following your religious principles, not the failed nonsense that is liberalism.

  8. No - Mr Mizrachi does NOT say what the Torah says. He misinterprets what the Torah says and says really stupid things. The Torah does not know about hairdryers yet Mr Mizrachi suggested blowing a hair dryer down your throat to kill Covid-19 which the Torah also doesn't talk about.

  9. There were all kinds of crazy ideas going round and he told us one of them. Big deal.

    What did he say about the Torah that was incorrect?

  10. shows how stupid he is. If he says stuff like this, how can you even think that what he says about Torah is valid. He is a total fool.

    And he was the only one who said something this crazy. It shows he has no idea of checking the truth of anything.

    What he said about the Holocaust was totally condemned by Rabbi (a real Rabbi) Berel Wein who is an expert on these areas. He said it was totally wrong and outrageous. (

    Then there is what he says about autism, downs Syndrome and much more. The man is not a Rabbi. He's a charlatan who cons those who do not know.

    Here's more of his non-Torah teachings.

    BTW do you know that one of those who Mizrachi wanted to kill is Rabbi Sacks?
    There's this too.

    He was forced to apologise for one heretical statement as otherwise he'd have not stood a chance of defending himself.

    BTW some of the names on this list are MAJOR Torah teachers. For them to take the step of condemning somebody is significant. The Chofetz Chaim codified the laws about speaking ill of somebody. As a general rule it is forbidden to speak ill of somebody and that is a Torah law. Mizrachi breaks this ALL the time. However there is an exception that does not apply in the way Mizrachi does this. That exception is to warn people away from an evil doer who shows that he/she wants to mislead people. For these Rabbis to single out Mizrachi shows that what he says is as from Torah as the sun is from the Earth. Mizrachi has even said that he knows Orthodox people reject him but he doesn't care as he's not talking to them but to those who don't know anything. He's admitted to being a fraud - in calling himself Rabbi and in who he targets.

  11. I am sure everyone knows he has no medical training and no one is in any danger of being cured of Covid-19 by him. He never claimed that he had the cure. My memory was that it worked for him or another person and mentioned it, I think.

    Rabbi Mizrachi he pointed out that the Nazi definition of Jew was at odds from the halachic definition of a Jew. The Nazis considered you a Jew if one of your four grandparents are Jewish, while the traditional view of being Jewish is that your mother has to be Jewish. Therefore, one can deduce that the numbers were 4 times fewer Jews than that the 6M asserted.

    He never called for the execution of anyone. If he had, I am sure he would have been arrested b now.

    Aw, that's so sweet with Rabbi Mizrachi being forgiven by Dr Katz and given a blessing!

  12. He has no medical training but talks about medical issues as if he had.

    He is not a Rabbi but pretends to be.

    Your argument on maths is false. You are using what he did which is totally insulting and totally false. Over half the Jews murdered by the Nazis were from Poland where intermarriage was extremely low. So the Nazi definition did not apply. The 6m is based on the KNOWN number of Jews in Europe pre-1939 and the actual figure is not known for certain. What is known is it is between 5m and 7m and so 6m as an average seemed sensible.

    The fact that a Rabbi of the importance and calibre of Rabbi Berel Wein breaks silence to condemn him would be enough to say the man is a fraud and charlatan. But it's not just Berel Wein. Rabbi Mirvis doesn't call for people to be banned from entering the UK for nothing. He was banned for spreading lies and falsehoods as a hate preacher.

    He should not have had to apologise to Dr Katz. He realised he went too far, and Dr Katz was magnanimous.

  13. Mirvis is an establishment man which means he is utterly without principle, which he has to be to compile an LGBT handbook for Jewish schoolboys.

    Looks like Katz and Mizrachi knew each other quite well anyway.

    You all find him embarrassing because he takes the Torah literally.

  14. He and Yaron have BOTH called for murdering people. I saw the video before it was removed from YouTube for incitement. They said that if they could they would seek to execute these people on their list.

    Apart from the fact that doing so would be against Jewish law, even calling to do so is incitement and forbidden. The man is a heretic and speaks heresy but most non-religious Jews are not knowledgeable enough to show him up.

    Have you read Rabbi Mirvis's guidebook. I suggest you do before you criticise it. He totally condemns homosexual acts in it. However he also condemns acting on rumours and bullying which are also against jewish law.

    You like MR Mizrachi (please do not insult proper Rabbis by falling for his trap and calling him Rabbi). You like him because he is like some Imans - preaching fire and brimstone. He does NOT preach Jewish law but claims to. He frequently goes against Jewish law. The man is embarassing.

    Plus it is forbidden to take the Torah literally. The Karaites split from Judaism over this. So did the Sadducees. Both are viewed as completely wrong.

    You go by the Talmud and MR Mizrachi does not follow the Talmud from half of what he says.

  15. Rabbi Sacks, and others. I shared the link up above.


    Note the reason he hates these people - and these the people on his list he wants to murder and stated it in the video that was removed.

  17. He only told people to avoid them!

  18. Some of these are Yeshiva heads, major Rabbinic figures and more but they all at some point highlighed MR Mizrachi's evil and heretical words. He doesn't like it because if he doesn't like people who tell the truth about him.

    No - he did that several years ago. The removed video was much more recent.

  19. I really don't remember him actually saying these rabbis should be executed.

    He did go on about them, but he only told people to avoid rabbis who mix their lies with the truth.

  20. Not surprising - you may have missed it in his 2 hour rants

    Exactly - so he should avoid himself.

  21. Reuven is a bit more fiery. He is always shouting at you.

    I much prefer Mizrachi.

    I like his take on current affairs.

  22. But that does not make him right. Sadly you don't know enough to know why he pronouncements are heretical.

    So only listen to this - although i they are as sensible as his medical knowledge I'd not go with that either.

  23. Rabbi Friedman is a teeny weeny heretical.

  24. Manis Friedman saying God needs us and we never asked to be born.

  25. Just read about him - enough to know he's kosher but controversial. Which is NOT the case with yaron on Mizrachi. They seek to be controversial but are NOT kosher.

    Manis Friedman's brother is Avraham Fried - and that is another positive in his favour.

    Also we never asked to be born and the idea that God needs us is kabbalistic and valid.

  26. Jews should not be submitting to Political Correctness and declaring rabbis who do not conform to this ungodly ideology non-kosher.

    You are only kosher if you follow the principles of Judaism and the principles of Judaism are nothing to do with Political Correctness, as you must know, deep down. You really are such a disgrace trying to reconcile the principles of Political Correctness with Judaism. Logic would tell you that they are irreconcilable.

  27. I 100% agree that Judaism is nothing to do with political correctness. Some Jewish principles and political correctness coincide but that is coincidence. The two are separate. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you talking about the idea that we never asked to be born / God needs us and so on. And that this is ungodly and not kosher?

  28. I am saying assimilated Jews fall over themselves to dissociate themselves from Rabbi Mizrachi because he takes the principles of the Torah seriously, while you do not and think they can be elided and ignored by the assimilated rabbis who went to gentile universities to be indoctrinated with the rubbish they believe which you should be challenging.

    Chabad are wrong about their rabbinically guided Noahidism anyway.

    All Jews are required to do is rank the four world gentile religions according to the Noahide laws, and when they do, they will all get the same ranking as I have, but they are too afraid to do even that.

  29. Chabad have problems but not about a lot of what they say. For me to go into the problems with contemporary Chabad and Chasidim in general would take too long and you wouldn't understand from much of what you post.

    And it's nothing to do with assimilation with regards to MR MR MR MR Mizrachi. Stop giving him an honorific that he is not qualified to claim. He is not a Rabbi and to call him one legitimises fraud. Or maybe you like fraud? (Should I call up ActionFraud on you?

  30. All we need to understand is that gentiles are not going to trust rabbinically guided Noahidism when they have Islam. Those who submit to rabbinically guided Noahidism are Islamophobes anyway.

    He is known as Rabbi Mizrachi, so that's what I shall call him.

  31. This is a list of prominent Rabbis that have condemned MR Mizrachi for his heretical teachings.

    HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz Rosh Beit Din, Beis Din of America and Chicago Rabbinical Council
    Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein Editor, Cross Currents
    Rabbi Shalom Baum President, Rabbinical Council of America
    Rabbi Yosef Benarroch Rosh Midrasha, Midreshet Eshel Mara D’atra, Adas Yeshurun Herzliya Synagogue Winnipeg, Canada
    Rabbi Moises Benzaquen Mara D’atra, West Coast Torah Center Rosh Hayeshiva, Harkham Gaon Academy Los Angeles, CA
    HaRav Mayer Alter Horowitz, Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim
    Rabbi Joseph Dweck Senior Rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom
    Rabbi Daniel Feldman Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
    Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Jacob Atlanta, GA
    Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Mara D’asra, Boca Raton Synagogue Boca Raton, FL
    Rabbi Micah Greenland International Director, NCSY
    HaRav Michel Twerski Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Jehudah Milwaukee, WI
    Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky Rosh Yeshiva, Darche Noam Jerusalem, Israel
    Rabbi N. Daniel Korobkin Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Avraham Joseph (BAYT) Toronto, Canada
    Rabbi Avi Shafran Media Liaison, Agudath Israel of America
    Rabbi Yitzchak Shurin Rosh Midrasha, Midreshet Rachel V’Chaya

    "As rabbonim and mechanchim, we are greatly concerned about the popularity in some circles of a “kiruv” approach that does not bring honor to the Torah ha-Kedoshah but, on the contrary, creates considerable chilul Hashem.

  32. Threatening me just shows your crazed hatred of a man who challenges your liberal interpretation of Judaism.

    Rabbi Dweck said globohomo was "fantastic" when the Torah says such people deserve death. Don't Jews even know their own Torah any more?

  33. All of these have impeccable Semicha - and many are heads of Yeshivot that give Semicha. If you are defending MR Mizrachi you are defending a heretic who regularly commits Chilul Hashem as these Rabbis state. And there are more too. I'm not including Rabbis Sacks (who say you like) and Rabbi Mirvis who you dislike

  34. You are just citing me the names of rabbis who have submitted to Political Correctness, which you have yourself admitted is not Judaism.

    Why would I care for the peer review of a bunch of hypocritical and cowardly rabbis who deny and ignore the principles of the Torah, who do not follow the 13 Principles of Judaism?

    What is the heresy Rabbi Mizrachi is guilty of?

  35. 1) Rabbi Dweck NEVER EVER said that homosexuality was OK. MR Mizrachi didn't listen to his shiur and misquoted it - which is reason enough to dismiss him as a heretic. I heard the shiur and that was not what Rabbi Dweck said.

    2) Rabbi Dweck is married to the grand daughter of Rabbi Gaon Ovadia Yosef - with Rabbi Yosef's blessing. His semikha came from Rabbi Yosef and is impeccable. HE HAS SEMIKHA

    3) The Rabbis listed (even excluding Rabbi Dweck) are impeccable. They are not politically correct or liberal at all. You have the Bostoner Rebbe as one. The head of the one of the top Batei Dinim in America is also on the list. Several Roshei Yeshiva.....

    To accuse these figures of being liberal and politically correct is laughable.


    “The entire revolution of feminism and even homosexuality in our society … is a fantastic development for humanity.”


  37. These are such heavyweight Rabbinic figures that to go against them all means you are a heretic. That alone is just one of the things that MR Mizrachi does. Most of these Rabbis do not just have a yoreh yoreh semicha. They also have a yadin yadin semicha which is more advanced. MR Mizrachi has neither. So he cannot call himself a Rabbi - and is deliberately misleading people by doing so. That is forbidden by Torah law. (In fact in Torah law people who mislead to that extent warranted the death penalty - except it would not be imposed except under extreme circumstances which Mr Mizrachi choose to ignore so that's two more problems with him).

  38. You have all gone native.

    Except for the saintly RABBI Mizrachi. If only you would all have the decency to repent and make teshuvah!

  39. Finish the quotation: "“The entire revolution of feminism and even homosexuality in our society … is a fantastic development for humanity.”

    That is only half of the sentence. The liars who attack Rabbi Dweck choose to skip the whole quotation because it doesn't suit their purposes of going against Torah teachings.

  40. The idea of these prohibitions against sexual acts between people of the same sex is that they don't have sexual relations with each other.

    Or, if they do, they are discreet and don't marry each other.

  41. In fact what you are saying is really worrying - as you are now saying that Mr Mizrachi is like you, trying to found a new religion. It's NOT Judaism that Mr Mizrachi teaches. Rabbi Mizrachi is teaching Mizrachism like you preach Khawism. Both are as false as scientology, cargo cults and the great spaghetti monster.

    There's no point discussing this further if you are trying to join one false doctrine to another false doctrine. I do not believe and will not believe in either Khawism which is a heretical type of Islam or Mizrachism which is a heretical offshoot of Judaism.

  42. The civil partnership and gay marriage is the green light for them to do so *as the equals of married parents struggling to provide for and educate their legitimate offspring*.

    Jews are supposed to exemplify the practice of marriage and family values.

  43. And of course the prohibitions against homosexuality are forbidden according to the Torah and both Rabbi Dweck and Rabbi Mirvis are 150% clear that homosexual acts are totally forbidden.

    They do not approve of gay marriage at all. That is not what they said. They do not approve of homosexual acts - they condemned these.

  44. Jews are supposed to set and uphold standards not party with the peasants. It is pathetic listening to them whinge about antisemitism after they have been partying with the Amalek.

    Amalek are represented by gentiles who are most certainly not righteous gentiles.

  45. This is from what the Chief Rabbi wrote:

    "We are, of course, aware of the Torah’s issurim (prohibitions) here, including Vayikra/Leviticus 18:22, but when homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying is carried out with ‘justifications’ from Jewish texts, a major chilul Hashem (desecration of God’s name) is caused. We must be ever-mindful of the mitzva to “Love your neighbouras yourself” (Vayikra/Leviticus19:18), considered by Rabbi Akiva to be the most important principle of the Torah."

  46. The ideological Amalek can be identified through their attitude towards sexual immorality. If they approve of gay marriage and think unmarried parents should be treated as the equals of married parents, they are ideologically Amalek. How man of these people do you know? You were once a member of the Labour Party.

  47. His focus was that it is forbidden to bully people or publicly shame them. That is a basic principle of Judaism - another heresy committed in the name of Mizrachism. And Khawism.

  48. Nobody listens to the Chief Rabbi who will say and do anything to fit in with the Amalek British political establishment currently represented by a pair of unmarried parents and their bastard in Downing Street.

    I have never promoted anything called "Khawism" which is a figment of your imagination.

    If we are to discourage homosexual and transgender behaviour, then we have to use social methods of discouraging it.

  49. 1) I have never been a member of any political party - not the Labour party nor a fascist party (which you were).

    2) What do you know about Amalek. Who was Amalek. Why are they a problem. You are speaking BS again. I am starting to see where this comes from. A fraudulent Rabbi who has been banned from entering the UK for his hate preaching.... And although I do not like Boris and do not approve of his relationships, their child should not be called a Bastard. From a Jewish perspective they are married and the child is definitely not a bastard.

    You are showing your prejudices again - based on nothing.

    "If we are to discourage hate speech then we have to use social methods in discouraging it."

    Such as breaking Torah laws?

    More BS.

    I've had enough of your nonsense. Go back and finish your thesis on Khawism, and adopt some of Mr Mizrachi's fraudulent, non Jewish ideas into it.

  50. Rabbi Mizrachi understands the principles of the Torah and has noticed how many Jews in the West do not practise its principles. He is not afraid of pointing this out and outraging the liberal establishment of the West. Of course you lot want him to shut up because you don't want Amalek to know that your religion is opposed to their way of thinking and their matriarchy. I see why Jews who have gone native would hate and fear RABBI Mizrachi for pointing out to them that they have indeed gone native and are "no better than goyim", as he would say.

    What Torah laws are you accusing me of wanting to break?

    Mizrachi just treats the Torah as undisputed truth and forms conclusions based on these beliefs. None of you can argue against this coherently - however many goyim universities you have been to - and that is why you hate and fear him for revealing the extent to which you have strayed from Torah principles.

  51. I also believe the Torah is total truth. However I do not take things into my own hands and follow a chain of tradition. Anybody who breaks that chain is a heretic. It's why Masorati and especially Reform are viewed as non-valid / heretical movements. Mizrachi does the same thing. He makes his own conclusions that are not based on the "mesorah". (See: -

    Mesorah is not primarily a corpus of knowledge to master but a process of accessing a chain of student-teacher relationships that reaches back to Sinai. Moshe received the Torah and transmitted it to his student, Yehoshua, who in turn taught it to his students and so on, continuing through today. The nature of transmission of the mesorah is instruction from a rebbe to his student. We connect to the mesorah, to the sacred structure of laws, beliefs and attitudes, through our teachers.

    MR Mizrachi (he does not hold semicha so it is fraud to say he is a Rabbi and that breaches direct Torah commands e.g. Lo Lifnei Ever).

    The article mentions Rabbi Herschel Schachter who is one of the most important Rabbonim today - especially outside Israel, and also Rav Soleiveitchik (the Rav) who was one of the greatest Rabbonim of the last 100 years.

    Not that this means much. You prefer to trust an ignoramus who makes claims that are not based on Torah and says they are - when in reality they are obscure interpretations that almost nobody has ever followed - rather than trust the normative Jewish view. Mr Mizrachi can be called Rabbi Mizrachi for adherents of Mizrachism. He is NOT a Rabbi for adherents of Judaism.

  52. If sodomy attracts the death penalty, logic would tell you that God disapproves of it. Did even Sodom and Gomorrah legalise gay marriage?

  53. The problem is that you have been conned. Mizrachi IS a conman and you have fallen for his lies because you do not know enough to see through him.

    His colleague, Reuven Yaron has apparently been booted out of the Rabbinical Alliance of America (Igud Harabonim) because of his heretical views.

    What's sodomy got to do with things? Of course that is against the Torah when it's male - on - male.

    Anal intercourse (man and woman) is not forbidden. There are many passages in Jewish law that consider this - e.g. in relation to rape. Is an anal intercourse rape the same as a normal intercourse rape.

  54. Whatever happens to Reueven or Mizrachi, the fact remains that gay marriage should never have been legalised and Jews should at least have protested about gay marriage because the penalty for sodomy is death for Jews.

    Only couples married to each other have the right to have recreational sex with each other. That is the rule.

  55. Jews have and continue to object to gay marriage. Gay marriages are NOT allowed in Orthodox synagogues. Rabbis did protest - I think Rabbi Sachs was one of those who spoke against this in the house of Lords.

    There is no penalty for sodomy.

    There is one for homosexual acts between men.

  56. It is disgraceful that Rabbi Sacks did not speak against gay marriage. But then he has gone native, and so have you.

  57. Please Claire - stop spouting nonsense. Start doing some real research. I just said that Rabbi Sacks opposed gay marriage and spoke out and was attacked for speaking out.

    So it is disgraceful that your hots for Yosef Mizrachi make you so biased that you can't even listen or read the truth even when it's in front of you.

    As you show an inability to check sources - here's a simple explanation from Rabbi Sacks.

    This is the text of the response of the London Beth Din (Court of the Chief Rabbi) and the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue to the Government Consultation on Equal Civil Marriage


    Marriage by definition in Jewish (biblical) law is the union of a male and a female. While Judaism teaches respect for others and condemns all types of discrimination, we oppose a change to the definition of marriage that includes same-sex relationships. Jewish (biblical) law prohibits the practice of homosexuality. It therefore follows that same-sex unions are against Jewish law.

    Question 1

    Do you agree or disagree with enabling all couples, regardless of their gender to have a civil marriage ceremony?

    We disagree.

    Question 2

    Please explain the reasons for your answer.

    Our understanding of marriage from time immemorial has been that of a union between a man and a woman. Any attempt to redefine this sacred institution would be to undermine the concept of marriage.

  58. This gives a different interpretation.

    I would abolish civil partnerships and gay marriage.

    Sacks should have spoken out more robustly against this abomination of sanctifying what should be regarded as a sexual offence if you guys still took your religious principles seriously.

  59. To quote: There is a Talmudic principle that says, ‘Just as it is a duty to say that which will be heard, so it is a duty not to say that which won’t be heard’.

    That is the difference between Rabbi Sacks z"tl and you. You speak out on things that should not be heard and so destroy your chances of influence on the things that should be heard. Instead you are seen as an intolerant, vindictive extremist by most and so get nowhere in realistically pursuing what you want. For those who don't know you, they'll listen until they do get to know you. In contrast moral leaders like Rabbi Sacks were listened to and are revered.

  60. Sacks' cowardice is evident from the absence of the Noahide laws in his book on morality for gentiles.

  61. This is a perfect example of your lack of understanding.

    You only think of one thing and you get that wrong. You don't have to mention things explicitly for them to be understood but when you lack EQ you'll fail.

    And if you for once took the blinkers and prejudices and biases from your eyes you would know that Rabbi Lord Sacks z"tl had written lots on the Noahide laws - including in his books e.g. the Dignity of Difference.

    But you have such strong prejudices that you cannot escape your ignorance. Instead you follow heretical hate preachers who have been repudiated just because they seem to agree with our retributive and hateful ideas and claim they speak for Jewish thought when they don't now and never did. (And that's why their views are heretical).

  62. Noahide laws not mentioned in MORALITY, is it?

  63. In answer to your comment, if he'd written about the Noahide laws in an earlier book, why should he write about them again in a later one.

    Especially when the book you mention is looking at a much broader range of issues than the Noahide laws. Rather than look at this in isolation the whole book looks at aspects of this - but of course you won't appreciate that as you focus on micro-details and fail to understand the whole. Behind the Noahide laws there is much more.

    As an example, please give me the source of the Noahide laws. Chapter and verses. If you can - and I suspect you can't.

    IF you had read his book "Morality" you'd know he condemned free love and praised the family and normal marriage. He's calling for something much bigger and greater. Communal responsibility - that is the idea behind the Noahide laws. Without communal responsibility there can be no law at all as if it's all I, I, I then there can be no "we, we, we". It's why Trump was so bad for a America as his ethos was the individual and he condemned the idea of collective responsibility. It was everybody in it for themselves and no real justice.

    But you need a wider vision than the inhumane doctrines of Khawism to see that - which is why you failed to understand what Lord Sacks z"tl was writing.

  64. Writing a book on morality for gentiles without mentioning the Noahide laws is either deliberate omission or negligent oversight.
    The Noahide laws comes from the Talmud, of course.

  65. OR Knowing more about Judaism than you do and not making mountains out of molehills and instead focusing on what is important.

    The Noahide laws are very tangential. They are not really mentioned in the Bible and the Talmud is not relevant for non-Jews.

    Even in the Talmud they are tangential. The source is And the Lord God commanded the man saying, ‘of every tree of the garden you may freely eat’. [Gen. 2:16]

    They only really became a topic about 1000 years ago.

  66. The purpose of the Noahide laws is a tickbox of morality to measure gentiles by set by Jews who are shy of discussing this because they are frightened of triggering the already antisemitic gentile.

    Rabbi Mizrachi thinks Trump will win a second term!

  67. If you really believe Mizrachi and the fake news media that Trump has won, then there is absolutely no hope for you. You prove that your hots for Mr Mizrachi is blinding your intelligence.

    Also the current incumbent of number 10 has a perfectly legitimate, and as far as we know, healthy baby boy. I'm not sure about his daughter Stephanie but as far as I know she is also perfectly legitimate.

    Although Johnson seems to be quite happy breaching the rules against adultery, I don't think he's ever had a child from a woman who was already married to somebody else.

    Interestingly I'd have thought you'd also have the hots for Boris based on this news item.

    Maybe Mr "Fake Rabbi" Mizrachi has replaced him as a focus of your attention.

  68. Boris is yet another unprincipled Etonian degenerate.

    An unprincipled man is like a cushion that bears the imprint of the buttocks that most recently sat on him. The British Prime Minister with his bastards is such a cushion.

    Why would an Orthodox Jew applaud bastardy?

    Shouldn't a Jew be concerned that he lives amongst the Amalek?

  69. I don't applaud bastardy. I'm totally against it. However I believe in the Jewish definition and not the Christian one.

    And please stop this BS about Amalek. You are showing your ignorance again.

    And then there's this other approach.
    "“There is no real purebred Amalek today since, according to the Talmud, King Sennacherib mixed up the nations. This means that we cannot point at any one nation and say that they are Amalek. It also means that Amalek has gotten mixed into the other nations and a little bit of Amalek is in everyone.”

    As there's no purebred Amalek any more, there is no longer a command relating to Amalek and we must destroy him in other ways and that's NOT Mr "fake rabbi" Mizrachi's way as that is against Torah and heretical.

    See also:
    THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT as on this definition YOU are a follower of Amalek with your constant attacks on the most vulnerable people in society.

    This is by Rabbi Gil Student who is excellent. (And a real Rabbi who is well respected unlike MR Mizrachi).
    You'll also note Rabbi Student quotes extensively from the Chafetz Chaim, Talmud and other sources. BTW - that alone is a signifier of how fake MR Mizrachi is. In all the talks I've half-heard, as I'm not willing to listen to even 1 hour of his total lies / heresy, he's never once given a proper source except maybe the Torah itself which he misinterprets. He'll mention sources like the Talmud but doesn't give people the proper place to check and follow up on what he says. That is the definition of a charlatan as charlatans do not want you to check their sources as they know they have no validity. They'll say "the Talmud says" or "the Zohar says" but not where to find it. Note the difference. Rabbi Student gives references to ALL his sources so you can check them out. Mr Mizrachi gives his own opinions and views - NEVER Jewish Orthodox views. And he's an idiot - his views on Trump, Covid-19 (and hairdryers). That's why I think you have the hots for him as you are much too intelligent to fall for his lies unless there's something else going on, and you get all orgasmic listening to his mellow tones.

  70. Assuming that Amalek still exists, then they would be found amongst unrighteous gentiles who pass laws that directly flout God's laws.

    Have you heard of the expression globohomo gayplex?

    Rabbi Dweck is Amalek.

    The more Noahide laws you break, the more likely you are to be Amalek.

    Christianity is the least Noahide of all the four gentile religions because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous. No surprise then that the moral sewage of globohomo is being pumped out from Post-Christian Western nations.

    Western nations now break 3 out of the 7 Noahide laws.

  71. "Assuming Amalek still exists"

    You've obviously never read the links I gave you. They are quite clear as is Jewish tradition that Amalek disappeared after Sennacharib.

    Yes - but I had to look it up.

    "A word used to describe a globalized and homogenized culture pushed for by large companies, politicians, and Neocon/Leftist pawns. This culture includes metropolitan ideals such as diversity, homosexuality, sexual degeneracy, colorblindness in regard to race, egalitarianism, money worship, and the erasure of different individual cultures, among other things. The term is often used by Alt-Right figures, as well as other people associated to the right on the political spectrum, who are aware of the globalization being forced upon multiple countries. Also used to describe Global Capitalism and/or Marxism. The globohomo system is referred to as the Globohomo Gayplex."

    In other words another of the paranoia of the far right.

    Noahide laws and Amalek are NOT connected. Please stop defining stuff you have no ideas about. Also the more you write, the more obvious it is that YOU are infected by the sin of Amalek. For example, have you EVER heard Rabbi Dweck? SO how can you accuse him of anything. The answer is that you are infected by the sin of Amalek. Your whole approach - with Khawism, for example, is typified by Amalek.

    You attack single women with children - without mercy. For you there are no exceptions. That is typical Amalek behaviour to be merciless to the most vulnerable irrespective of the reason for their vulnerability and irrespective of whether they brought this on themselves. Even more so. You always pick on those who are vulnerable and attack those who defend the vulnerable - such as Rabbi Dweck.

    I think you should make it a rule not to meet me in person or give me your address. As I think I would be obligated to kill you / post poison to you. The trouble is that defending myself by proving you ARE Amalek would be dificult.

    And there you go again, redefining Christianity.

    What are the 3 laws Western nations breach?

  72. Western nations, being officially Christian, offend against the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy. Legalising gay marriage is promoting sexual immorality.

    Why are you accusing me of being Amalek?

  73. Not to worship idols. NO IDOL WORSHIP - UNLESS YOU MEAN WALKING AROUND THE QABBA in MECCA. That is a sin of Islam.

    No Blasphemy. NOT RELEVANT IN THE WAY IT IS DONE. See: (and as the Noahide laws are Jewish this is the definition that must be used).

    Not to commit murder. NOT DONE

    Not to commit adultery, bestiality, or sexual immorality. A PROBLEM!

    Not to steal. NOT DONE

    Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal NOT DONE

    To establish courts of justice. DONE - BUT NOT DONE FOR ISLAM / KHAWISM as their sentences are manifestly unjust and follow the laws of Sodom / Gomorrah in their cruelty.

    I'm accusing you of being Amalek because of things you constantly say and call for. They are, without question, symptoms of an Amalek mentality.

  74. I promote Secular Koranism. What about Secular Koranism is Amalek?


    "What did the Amalekites do wrong?
    -They were cowards, who attacked without provocation weak refugees untrained for war who were just passing through, from the rear, including their women and children."

    THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL FOR ALL THE TIME. You call for the attack and cruel, inhumane, punishment of the weakest in society. That is a symptom of Amalek.

  76. Secular Koranism is based on the Koran. The Koran is the Holy Book of Muslims whose religion Jews themselves have already acknowledged as Noahide.

    You haven't got a leg to stand on.

  77. There's a difference.

    1) Khawism is a secular religion so it cannot be Noahide as God is not involved.

    2) Islam and even more Khawism include cruel and inhumane punishments

    As for a Rabbi - you know lots. Ask one. Ask Mr Mizrachi :)

  78. Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system. Do you know the difference?

  79. Of course I do. But it is ha its basis in a belief system - the Quran. It strips out God from this: God - the most merciful, full of compassion. What remains is a cruel, despotic and wicked system that would make an Amalekite proud. There were two distinguishing features mentioned about the Amalekites.

    1) They targeted the weakest and most vulnerable in society. That's a feature of much of what you say about some of the most disenfranchised groups in society. You want to attack them in khawist legal codes.

    2) They removed God from life and made everything happenstance.

    You even admit to removing God from the Quranic legal system to create Khawism.

    Both ideas show Amalekite approaches to life

  80. Secular Koranism is a theocracy guaranteeing freedom of belief with

    This verse is the basis of the First Amendment.

    No one would be required to believe in anything. Belief in God would be optional.

    You are not required to believe in God, nor be an atheist. Do you understand?

    Or are you just pretending not to understand to be irritating?


  81. I understand fully.

    Do you? Making false claims about Jefferson's copy of the Quran being the origin of the 1st amendment just shows how monofocused you are.

    The truth is not what you try to push.

    Also the verse you quote has two contradictory parts, but concludes with the opposite of the 1st amendment

  82. Can't read WP article because of paywall.

    Are you saying that the White House Koran is not Jefferson's?

  83. No. It was Jefferson's. It was a translation used for Christian missionary purposes.

    This is the REAL story of the 1st amendment. It relates to the early history of America and Puritans.

    Jefferson's Koran probably also was so he could know more about the early Muslims in America

  84. There is no verse in the Torah about freedom of belief, is there?

  85. Of course not. That would make no sense. There is lots on freedom though, and respect for human rights, that is missing from Khawism.

    The Torah is not about belief. Its about doing the right thing. says more about Jefferson's quran showing how wrong you are.

  86. The Koran is also about doing the right thing.

  87. Because it includes God.

    That removes it from the Amalekites and secular koranism.

  88. What removes what from the Amalekites and Secular Koranism?

  89. Look at the Amalekites and why we are commanded to kill them.

    It's not an absolute command. If they renounce their ways they can be forgiven and welcomed. They can even convert to Judaism and based on Sanhedrin 96b some of the descendants of Haman the Amalekite of the story of Esther DID convert and became Rabbis teaching Torah. (

    So we need to understand what was wrong with what the Amalekites did. They knew about what God had done for the Children of Israel leaving Egypt but for them this was irrelevant as they did not need God for the legal codes. They removed God and viewed everything as happenstance.

    This meant that their worldview and laws were secular - even though they knew about religious / faith based law. They stripped out the faith elements. This is what secular Koranism does. (English law expects you to swear on a Bible - as do most other legal systems. They recognise and incorporate faith in their legal systems. The ones that don't e.g. the Communist systems have always turned out to be cruel, despotic, etc. That brings us to the 2nd problem with Amalek.

    Amalek preyed on the most vulnerable. They attacked the single women bringing up children who had no help and so were at the rear of the people leaving Egypt. They attacked the people who were least able to help themselves and were the most vulnerable. Those at the edges of society - in the desert, those at the edges of the people leaving. Those who had been excluded from the camp for reasons given in the Torah. THIS is the ethos of secular Koranism. You keep on and on and on about how you plan to whip and beat the most vulnerable society members such as single mothers (ignoring the fathers who are just as responsible if not more so). You have NEVER from what I call said that cads should be punished. It's always what you call sluts. (In fact most single mothers are desperate for companionship which makes them prey to the cads in society and explains why they end up as single mothers). So you go for the most vulnerable - exactly like the Amalakites.

    Hence Khawism is an Amalekite philosophy and legal system.

    It also holds elements of the legal systems of Sodom that also attacked the poorest elements of society. So it may also be a Sodomite system although I'm not so sure about that. I'd need to think about it a bit more. Let's just leave it at being Amalakite and not both.

    However as I started - there is the chance to reform.

    Abandon Khawism.

    Abandon Jewish heretics such as Mr Mizrachi
    Do some proper learning from easy to read Rabbis like Rabbi Sacks z"tl and Rabbi Dweck. (Have you EVER heard a Rabbi Dweck class?)

  90. What is the ethos of Secular Koranism?

    Unmarried parents are treated as sex offenders by

    You do realise that unmarried parents can be either sex, don't you?

    Secular Koranism is based on the Koran, which is the Holy Book of Muslims, already accepted as Noahide by Jews.

    Dweck is now part of the matriarchy and the matriarchy is Amalek because its laws are satanic. Satan is rebellion from God.

  91. 1) You keep mentioning the women only. And that tends to be what happens in Islamic countries too. It's usually the women who get punished. (There are never honour killings of men for example). So it's irrelevant what the quran says in one place when it's never put in place anywhere else.

    2) Not all say Islam is Noahide. Most Rabbis question elements of Islam. They agree it is not usually idolatry but also say Islamic religious service at Mecca was idolatrous in that it involved the ritual of throwing stones which constituted idol worship. In fact some say that it fails on 2 other Noahide laws - and we see this today. Apart from the idol worship at the Qa'aba, many Muslims justify murder - Mohammed's gaining asylum at Medina where he murdered people wholesale is one example. What happened a couple of weeks ago is a continuation of this as Mohammed's justification was that he had been disparaged - so you have teenagers beheading teachers because of a simple cartoon. You have fatwas on major authors calling for murder. And you have ISIS and Iran. So in practice, Islam is very far from Noahide as this is all done in the name of Islam and the Quran (so secular Koranism, basing itself on the Koran cannot be Noahide). Muslims are also breaching the rules of theft - in many cases. (Look at why Ishmaelites rejected the Torah according to Jewish views).

  92. I have said unmarried parents countless times.

    Under Secular Koranism unmarried parents *of both sexes* would receive the same punishment.

  93. Have you ever heard Rabbi Dweck speak?

    You always choose to define stuff out of total ignorance. I just explained about Amalek. It has nothing to do with your fictional matriarchy.

    And do I believe in Torah and Hashem. Yes. Which is why I reject Mr Mizrachi but do listen to Rabbi Dweck.

    Maybe you should. Here's one short video. Unlike Mr Mizrachi who cannot put an idea out unless it's 3 hours long Rabbi Dweck takes under 3 minutes.

  94. We are talking about first principles here. We know Dweck is good looking, high born, went to the right universities and knows how to tug at the hearts of the goya while Rabbi Mizrachi only offers Jewish folk wisdom.

  95. Mr Mizrachi does NOT offer Jewish folk wisdom. He offers false teachings completely. Note he never gives sources.

    Nor does Reuven Yaron.

    This is the video where he makes death threats. And he is COMPLETELY wrong and lying about what the sanhedrin would do. If he was a genuine Rabbi he would know he's lying.

  96. Rabbi Reueven: "If it was legal, I'd kill him."

  97. Also although Rabbi Dweck subsequently got university degrees he never attended university.

    Here's from his Wikipedia bio. (Which you obviously never read as your comments show your profound ignorance of him - perhaps because of your hots for Mr Mizrachi the fraud who breached Torah law when he attacked Rabbi Dweck. The breach was because he depended on lashon harah!)

    Rabbi Dweck studied in Jerusalem at Hazon Ovadia Yeshiva under the tutelage of former Rishon LeZiyon, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef and his son, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the current Rishon LeZiyon.

    Rav Ovadia Yosef referred to Rabbi Dweck as his "heart's desire" and "the esteemed Rabbi who brings merit to the community" in an approbation[1] written for Dweck's book on Jewish blessings, Birkhot Shamayim.[2]

    Rabbi Dweck received his Semikha (rabbinic ordination) from Rav Ovadia Yosef under the auspices of the Sephardic Rabbinical College of Brooklyn, New York.

    In 1995 he married Margalit Bar Shalom, a granddaughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef. Margalit is the daughter of Dayan Ezra Bar Shalom and Adina (Yosef) Bar Shalom.

    Just so you understand - Ovadia Yosef was THE GADOL HATORAH respected universally. Around 800,000 people attended his funeral.

    After gaining Semicha, Rabbi Dweck studied for three years (1996–99) at the YULA Kollel in Los Angeles under Rabbi Nachum Sauer. In 1999 he moved with his wife and oldest son to Brooklyn, New York to become a fellow of the newly established Sephardic Rabbinical College under the direction of Rabbi Shimon Alouf, where he studied for the next seven years.

    NOTE - 15 YEARS STUDY. (As 5 years to get Semikha which Mr Mizrachi can't claim to have).

    Rabbi Dweck also got a BSc degree in psychology / philosophy and then an MA in Jewish Education from London School of Jewish Studies with Middlesex University.

    He's also very far from being high-born. He's the child of Syrian refugees. BUT THE KEY DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE WAS ALWAYS RELIGIOUS unlike both Mr Mizrachi and Reuven. He has never eaten pork in his life. So unlike the two clowns he knows Jewish wisdom and not the wisdom of Chelm which is the Jewish folk wisdom Mr Mizrachi teaches. (Look up wisdom of Chelm e.g.

  98. What Do Gdolei Yisrael Think of Rabbi Yaron Reuven

  99. We know Dweck is good looking, high born, went to the right universities and knows how to tug at the hearts of the goya while Rabbi Mizrachi only offers Jewish folk wisdom.

  100. Mr Mizrachi does NOT offer Jewish folk wisdom. He offers false teachings completely. Note he never gives sources.

    Nor does Reuven Yaron.

    This is the video where he makes death threats. And he is COMPLETELY wrong and lying about what the sanhedrin would do. If he was a genuine Rabbi he would know he's lying.

  101. Rabbi Reueven: "If it was legal, I'd kill him."

  102. Also although Rabbi Dweck subsequently got university degrees he never attended university.

    Here's from his Wikipedia bio. (Which you obviously never read as your comments show your profound ignorance of him - perhaps because of your hots for Mr Mizrachi the fraud who breached Torah law when he attacked Rabbi Dweck. The breach was because he depended on lashon harah!)

    Rabbi Dweck studied in Jerusalem at Hazon Ovadia Yeshiva under the tutelage of former Rishon LeZiyon, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel Ovadia Yosef and his son, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, the current Rishon LeZiyon.

    Rav Ovadia Yosef referred to Rabbi Dweck as his "heart's desire" and "the esteemed Rabbi who brings merit to the community" in an approbation[1] written for Dweck's book on Jewish blessings, Birkhot Shamayim.[2]

    Rabbi Dweck received his Semikha (rabbinic ordination) from Rav Ovadia Yosef under the auspices of the Sephardic Rabbinical College of Brooklyn, New York.

    In 1995 he married Margalit Bar Shalom, a granddaughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef. Margalit is the daughter of Dayan Ezra Bar Shalom and Adina (Yosef) Bar Shalom.

    Just so you understand - Ovadia Yosef was THE GADOL HATORAH respected universally. Around 800,000 people attended his funeral.

    After gaining Semicha, Rabbi Dweck studied for three years (1996–99) at the YULA Kollel in Los Angeles under Rabbi Nachum Sauer. In 1999 he moved with his wife and oldest son to Brooklyn, New York to become a fellow of the newly established Sephardic Rabbinical College under the direction of Rabbi Shimon Alouf, where he studied for the next seven years.

    NOTE - 15 YEARS STUDY. (As 5 years to get Semikha which Mr Mizrachi can't claim to have).

    Rabbi Dweck also got a BSc degree in psychology / philosophy and then an MA in Jewish Education from London School of Jewish Studies with Middlesex University.

    He's also very far from being high-born. He's the child of Syrian refugees. BUT THE KEY DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE WAS ALWAYS RELIGIOUS unlike both Mr Mizrachi and Reuven. He has never eaten pork in his life. So unlike the two clowns he knows Jewish wisdom and not the wisdom of Chelm which is the Jewish folk wisdom Mr Mizrachi teaches. (Look up wisdom of Chelm e.g.

  103. Dweck has the ear of the goyim with his PC pronouncements with feminism and gay marriage which he described as "a fantastic development".

    Gentiles are not all agreed that it is "a fantastic development", even if you, an Orthodox Jew, think so.

  104. Just watching that video on Reuven Yaron.

    1) Why does he need to justify his status. BECAUSE people have questioned it and questioned what he says as heretical so he's trying to show he has qualifications unlike Mr Mizrachi.

    2) The certificate shown his is semicha qualification which is at the lowest level of Yoreh Yoreh.

    3) Eliyahu Ben Chaim is kosher and respected but NOT a gadol b'torah at all. He is also Mr Mizrachi's only source for respectability but both go against Rabbi Ben Chaim's teachings. Rabbi Ben Haim also studied under Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and advocates leniency and supporting all Jews and would never attack other Rabbis or Jews.

    4) Yosef Chaim Mizrachi - never heard of him and nor has Google except in the connection of Reuven Yaron. So not a gadol at all. Just an ordinary Rabbi.

    5) This is incestuous. It includes a fake Rabb- called Yosef Mizrachi. Definitely NOT a gadol - a heretic more like.

    6) NOT ONE OF THE OTHER NAMES IS CLASSED AS A GADOL B'TORAH. They are all just regular rabbonim. Some are very minor - you can't find their names on lists of major Rabbonim. One or two are known and important politically e.g. the chief Rabbi of Netanyah which is a minor city in Israel, a political appointment and not a gadol b'torah.

    7) Most of the attributions are standard ones you get when you ask for a blessing or reference. They are not special and certainly do not say that Reuven Yaron is important or a great teacher or anything. For example, this is the sort of thing that is said when somebody gets married or has their bar mitzvah.

    In fact that is the standard statement when somebody gets married - maybe that's where all these came from.

    I put up with that as it was 5 minutes. I hope I've shown how each minute was fake and false. And that you are following false gods

  105. Non-English speaking rabbis would have no influence at all on the goyim.
    In fact, the goyim ignore even things in English that they do not like.

  106. With exceptions, most major Rabbis are now Hebrew speaking as 1st language. Rabbi Herschel Schachter is one of the few really important Rabbis who is American. Here are some more.

    HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz Rosh Beit Din, Beis Din of America and Chicago Rabbinical Council
    Rabbi Shalom Baum President, Rabbinical Council of America
    HaRav Mayer Alter Horowitz, Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim
    Rabbi Daniel Feldman Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
    Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Mara D’asra, Boca Raton Synagogue Boca Raton, FL
    HaRav Michel Twerski Mara D’asra, Congregation Beth Jehudah Milwaukee, WI

    What's interesting is that these pretty universally respected Gdolim (most senior Rabbis) all signed the letter condemning the teachings of Mr Mizrachi.

    I've missed out the names who were less important. There are also people who did not sign it - Herschel Schacter for example. In the UK the Gateshead Rav and Dayan Ehrentreu are the most important Rabbis. Dayan Ehrentreu was the Rabbi who interviewed Rabbi Dweck after he was falsely accused over the gay issue. He was the person who suggested the changes to how he taught BUT said he'd not said anything wrong. Just wasn't clear so could be misinterpreted - which is what happened. He also backed Rabbi Mirvis when Mr Mizrachi was banned from entering the UK as a hate preacher. (He was going to stay with another of Rabbi Dweck's detractors - Aharon Bassous. If you search why Bassous - who may recently have been forced out of his synagogue - was against Rabbi Dweck you'd understand what really happened. Bassous had been looking for an excuse to attack Rabbi Dweck for several years - since Rabbi Dweck was selected as head of the Sephardi communities instead of another candidate who didn't get enough votes. The other candidate was Rabbi Bassous's brother who had promised Rabbi Bassous work. So he hates Rabbi Dweck for not appointing him to the Sephardi Beit Din.

    Also why SHOULD Rabbis be for non-Jews. Imans aren't. Priests and Bishops aren't for communities other than their own.

  107. Says who?

    It's not as simple as that.

    Have you watched the Rabbi Dweck video yet?

  108. Jews were chosen by God to be light unto nations!

    I know Dweck is beloved by Jewesses.

    And I see why. He is a handsome fellow who would have been better in showbiz.

    Jewesses love Dweck so much they have commanded their fathers, brothers and sons to love him too and they have obeyed.

    Or perhaps Jews now feel less inhibited about expressing love for another man ...

  109. RABBI Dweck is good looking - but so what. Incidentally, if you attend his classes, you'll notice he regularly drinks water. You'll also notice he stops and says the blessing so people can respond Amen. That's important in Judaism - as it's an affirmation of God. I've never once seen your favourite heretics doing that.

    But it seems you have something against handsome men. Perhaps you go for ugly ones? Or is it that you actually feel threatened by good looks? Or prefer women?

    But why should he have been in showbiz. He's a Rabbi, not an actor.

    Also your last comment really shows your ignorance. Read Leviticus 19:18 as one example. There's never been an inhibition for men to express love to fellow men. It's a positive command. The prohibition is for homosexual acts, not homosexual love. If you don't know the difference then I feel sorry for you as you've been infected by the virus of Christian theology which says that thoughts are more important than actions.

    In almost all cases, Judaism says it's actions that count - not thoughts. You can't commit adultery in your heart. Only in action. There's no sin if you think a woman other than your wife is beautiful. There is a sin if you act on this to seduce her. There's no sin in expressing friendship and even love to another man. There's a massive sin if you act on this and have a homosexual relationship that includes the physical act. BUT in Christian thought even admitting to liking another man was seen as forbidden. THAT WAS WHAT RABBI DWECK WAS SPEAKING ABOUT IN THE LECTURE BASSOUS ATTACKED. He had taken on non-Jewish views about relationships and claimed they were Jewish. The result has been that men felt embarrassed at hugging their sons and telling them well done. Men were always taught not to cry if they were upset - and that has caused massive damage to men's mental states. Rabbi Dweck was condemning this - saying it's OK to cry. And the fact that is now accepted is a fantastic thing. Yet there are still people that deny this - and think men should not show emotions. People like you!

  110. Has Dweck condemned gay marriage?

  111. OF COURSE. What planet are you on.

    Rabbi Dweck is 100% Orthodox and OPENLY CONDEMNED HOMOSEXUAL ACTS in his lecture. The fact that heretics such as Mr Mizrachi chose to misconstrue what he said - while openly admitting that he was depending on hearsay (and so breaking Torah law) does not mean that he didn't condemn homosexual sex.

    The purpose of marriage is to have sexual relationships and if you condemn homosexual sex you are also condemning homosexual marriage.

  112. Marriage is for legitimate children.

  113. Correct.

    But what about marriage of older people - past child bearing age. Or marriage of people where one of the couple is infertile?

  114. I am not going to make childless married couples divorce.

  115. Are they allowed to get married in the first place?

  116. We won't know if they are fertile unless they are allowed to have sex with each other, will we?

  117. Yes we will!

    If the women is in her 50s. E.g. divorced or a widow or even never married. Are you saying that 50 year women are not allowed to marry?

    And there are women who are younger who suffer from early menopause who know they cannot have children. Or women who have had cancer treatment and so are infertile.

    Are you forbidding their marriage?

    BTW Rabbi Dweck's views on gays are far to the right of some Orthodox rabbis. There are now some very prominent Rabbis who say that although they would never officiate and do not approve such marriages, they are preferable than promiscuity. So a gay couple that promise to be faithful to each other is less of a problem than promiscuous gays (or even heterosexual couples) (although this Rabbi is very far to the left).

    In contrast Rabbi Lau is mainstream and very well respected. Except by heretics such as Mr Mizrachi who do not really know Jewish law and doesn't even have Semicha (unlike his friend Reuven Yaron who only holds a Yoreh Yoreh Semicha)

  118. I am certainly not forbidding anyone not within the forbidden degrees of consanguinity to marry if they are of the opposite sex.

  119. Ok - but you do seem to disapprove of infertile couples marrying. That is 100% against Jewish teachings which say that people should not live alone but with somebody as a couple. (I suspect that is part of the rationale behind Rabbi Lau's reasoning. Incidentally if you look him up, you'll see how respected he is - in comparison to your ignorant choices of Rabbis to follow. Mr Mizrachi preaches to the ignorant and was once challenged on his approach. He said that the people he preaches to don't know anything so can't question him properly and that he doesn't want to teach knowledgeable Jews who know things. I'm trying to find this for you. He aims his BS at ignorant people and you fall for it too - which says a lot about you too).

  120. I have already told you I have no intention of forbidding any heterosexual couple not within the forbidden degrees of consanguinity from marrying!

    No intention, and no desire.

    Do I need to be even more emphatic than that?

  121. OK.

    I'm trying to find the bit about Mizrachi's teaching and saying he focuses on the ignorant only to bring them to Judaism.

    While searching I've come across this refutation of his approach - another example of his heretical views. And also how dangerous he is for Jews. (And non-Jews too who follow him and think he's valid).

  122. He just takes a rather literal approach to the Torah, that's all.

    He has been politely described as a "folk rabbi".

    There was someone in his congregation nicknamed Gorbachev because he was Russian who I believe was a bit autistic. In the middle of his talks, this Gorbachev would basically interrupt and object and Rabbi Mizrachi would very patiently deal with his objections to the extent that some viewers complained.

  123. 1) He's not a Rabbi. There's no such thing as a folk Rabbi. There is such a think as a false Rabbi. I think you have confused the two.

    2) He doesn't take a literal approach at all. He goes very far from a literal approach to an approach that major Rabbonim from the last few 100 years (or longer) viewed as heretical. He takes very minor parts of Jewish belief and magnifies them as if they are the basics. (His statements about gilgul for example - is only a few 100 years old and in none of the main Jewish teachings such as the Torah, Midrash, Talmud.... yet he says it is so important that if you don't accept it you are a heretic. This is calling one of the greatest figures of 1000 years ago a heretic as Saadya Gaon was totally against this viewing such beliefs as pagan).

    3) Read this - on top of what I posted earlier.

    Is Yosef Mizrachi a pervert?

    Essentially his focus on sex seems to suggest he is a pervert - and you, by following him, share his perversions. So are you also a pervert?

  124. Sex is very political, don't you know.

    Honestly, you have completely overloaded my Lashon Hara meter.

  125. How?

    And constantly speaking about sex in mixed classes is highly problematical from a Jewish perspective. But Mizrachi doesn't care about that.
    Also speaking out against him - is not Lashon Hara according to the Chafetz Chaim who analysed all the laws of Lashon Harah.

    You are totally allowed to warn people against those seeking to mislead others. In fact you are supposed to. (It's probably why Mr Mizrachi and Rabbi Reuven both think it's OK to attack real Rabbonim - except that they way they do it is totally forbidden as it's now no longer Lashon Harah but Motzei Shem Rah. They actively spread lies. They are also guilty of genivaat daat. So in almost every lecture they breach several Torah commands. That makes them heretics.

  126. Rabbi Mizrachi takes Torah principles literally while assimilated Jews want to interpret away its principles to fit in with liberalism which has become their God instead of Hashem Himself. Disgraceful!

  127. In which case he is a total heretic. It's nothing to do with assimilation. It's to do with 2000 years of traditional teaching.

    If he takes Torah principles literally then he's a Karaite. However because he brings in topics like gilgul he's not a karaite. So he doesn't take Torah principles literally at all. In fact he reinterprets Torah to suit his own perverted thoughts. And so he's a heretic for going beyond Torah principles and claiming things are Torah when they aren't.

    The problem is that those who were not brought up to understand Torah principles sometimes fail to see the wood for the trees. That includes Mr Mizrachi who was brought up in a highly assimilated home as he himself admits. The tragedy is that he then takes his non-religious background and perverts Torah principles to try and teach people who do not have the religious background to even know what Torah principles actually are.

    The sites I shared with you are from TRUE followers of Torah. The letter signed by those Rabbonim condemning him are very very far from assimilated Jews. Most are Chareidi Jews

    HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz - one of 15 to condemn Mr Mizrachi. (Google him).

  128. I listen to most of Rabbi Mizrachi's talk and I have no problem with them. Just because he is politically incorrect does not mean you should cancel him. You are part of the cancel culture.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  129. Does this Rabbi look assimilated?

    HaRav Mayer Alter Horowitz - another one who has condemned Mizrachi for false teachings.

  130. What they look like is neither here nor there. It is what principles of Judaism they uphold. Don't judge a book by its cover!

  131. You have no problems with what MISTER Mizrachi says because you do not know enough to be able see why he is a fraud. And that what he says is not Orthodox, Charedi or any form of traditional Jewish thought. It's his own - and it's nothing to do with Political correctness. It's to do with Torah and Judaism.

    Also do not call him Rabbi. He's as much rights to call himself a Rabbi as you do. (And incidentally as I do - and I once mentioned this to one of my Rabbis and commented that if it's as easy to claim to be a Rabbi, could he make me a Rabbi too. I said this as a joke. The response was that I'm more entitled to call myself Rabbi than jokes like Mr Mizrachi).

    OK - here's principles that Rav Horowitz calls for. Notice the difference in his approach to that of MISTER Mizrachi. Rav Horowitz gives the true Jewish view - condemning homosexual relationships but supporting those with such tendencies to wean themselves away from them. THAT is what Rabbi Mirvis, Rabbi Sacks, and any genuine Rabbi would do. NOT what frauds like Mizrachi says.,7340,L-4633772,00.html

  132. Murder attracts the death penalty for Jews and so does sodomy, blasphemy, idolatry, and Sabbath-breaking amongst other things.

  133. Another one who has condemned Mr Mizrachi.
    HaRav Michel Twerski

  134. There are 36 death penalties in the Torah.

    "University rabbis" as Rabbi Mizrachi calls them, would want to pretend the death penalty is really something else, or doesn't mean what it says because they don't want liberals thinking badly of them. Their God is no longer Hashem but the crumbling clay feet of liberalism. But Liberalism is kaput and is about to be given up by gentiles very soon after Trump is inaugurated on 20/1/21/

  135. No - sodomy does NOT attract any penalty at all if between husband and wife. Anal intercourse is not forbidden.

    This is why you should NOT listen to frauds such as Mizrachi. He does not know enough to lecture and what he lectures is false and misleading and NOT TORAH.

    Also I and others have told you before about the Jewish view on the death penalty. This is another why both Mizrachi and Reuven yaron are frauds. As they are going totally against Torah in their pronoucements

    You are not supposed to follow the Torah that literally. If you do then you are a Karaite. Because it means you deny the Talmud and the Oral Torah that is part of Torah. Mizrachi seems to pick and choose. And that makes him a heretic

  136. You know I don't mean sodomy between husband and wife.

    You know I mean cottaging and public indecency.

  137. "University rabbis" as Rabbi Mizrachi calls them, would want to pretend the death penalty is really something else, or doesn't mean what it says because they don't want liberals thinking badly of them. Their God is no longer Hashem but the crumbling clay feet of liberalism."

    This is MISTER Mizrachi's get out clause and it is false. It shows he does not know Torah or is reinterpreting it for his own purposes.

    More likely the latter.

    You can check this yourself.
    The mishna teaches that Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiva say: If we had been members of the Sanhedrin, we would have conducted the trials in a manner where no person would have ever been executed

    This is not from a university Rabbi. This is directly from the Mishna and Talmud from over 1500 years ago. What you are saying - if true - is that MISTER Mizrachi is denying the Talmud. Which makes him a heretic.

    The mishna teaches: A Sanhedrin that executes once in seven years is characterized as a destructive tribunal. Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya says: This categorization applies to a Sanhedrin that executes once in seventy years. A dilemma was raised before the Sages: Is Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya saying that a Sanhedrin that executes once in seventy, rather than seven, years is characterized as a destructive tribunal? Or perhaps he is saying that standard conduct is for a Sanhedrin to execute once in seventy years, and only if it executes more than one person during that period is it characterized as destructive? The Gemara concludes: The dilemma shall stand unresolved.

  138. Having laws that you never enforce brings the law into contempt.
    Use the ones in the Koran which are Noahide rather than the Torah then. The Torah would still be good for the stories.

  139. This also applies for homosexuals.

    The Gemara asks: With regard to one who engages in intercourse with a forbidden relative, how would they have acted to spare the accused from execution? Abaye and Rava both say that they would have asked the witnesses: Did you see the intercourse, like a brush entering into a tube? Since witnesses rarely witness the act that closely, one could claim that the testimony is incomplete. The Gemara asks: And concerning the Rabbis, who disagree with Rabbi Tarfon and Rabbi Akiva, how would they have adjudicated that case? The Gemara answers: They hold in accordance with the statement of Shmuel, as Shmuel says: In cases involving adulterers one can testify and convict them from when they will appear as adulterers, without any need for him to witness the act in graphic detail.

    "Having laws that you never enforce brings the law into contempt."

    The laws can be enforced. People know the rules. There are lots of rules that are not put into practice but are on the statute books. And there are lots of laws that ARE on the statute books that don't deter people.

    Otherwise there would be no murders - even when there WAS a death penalty. Nor stealing loaves of bread when the penalty was transportation. And in Saudi Arabia there would be no adultery or any crime at all as people know the punishment.

    So as usual you are speaking BS

    The point about a just law system is that it doesn't discriminate on how good your lawyer is. Or how rich you are. Or whether you are a son of the king or not. If it didn't MBS would have been executed according to the law for his law breaches e.g .with Kashoggi.

  140. will do nicely without stoning anyone to death.

    Judaism has already declared Islam Noahide.

  141. You also should not do anything that could lead a miscarriage of justice and that was why they removed the death penalty in the UK and why Judaism is so careful about it.

    Judaism has NOT declared Islam as Noahide.

    Some Rabbis have. That is NOT how Judaism works - and that's another problem with Mizrachi. He suggests that it is monolithic.

    Any person applying to be a Rabbi is taught from the very start that this is NOT how Jewish law works.
    Jewish law looks at the circumstances and judges based on that. The classic example - on which Rabbis are judged sometimes is they are given a chicken and they need to say if it is kosher or not.

    The right answer is it depends. In some circumstances it is kosher and in others it is not. The rabbi needs to know what the circumstances are and show they know when the chicken is kosher and when it is not.


    "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

  143. In most law systems it's all or nothing.

  144. You guys just want to be both Jewish and gentile. Well, you can't.

    And then you thought "We'll be Jewish without the burdens, yay!"

    You wanted the best of both world's, but you can't have it.

  145. WTF are you talking about. Who wants to be Jewish or gentile. The Rabbis who oppose MISTER Mistakei (Mizrachi).

    And the status of Islam is less clear. The problem is you only read the sources such as the Jewish Virtual Library. I keep quoting the original sources and you ignore them. The Talmud is what Jews follow, not the Jewish Virtual Library.

    This article is more nuanced on Islam and shows why it is problematical. In fact in some ways it is even more problematical than Christianity. In other ways it is not. It's six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.

  146. Jews would be telling Christians that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy as well as kaput.

    I'll do it on your behalves if you pay me.

    They won't burn you at the stake now because they don't believe in that rubbish themselves now anyway, if they ever did.

    So it is quite safe.

    You''ll get the blame either way, so you might as well do the right thing.

  147. I agree. So ignore heretics like Mizrachi.

    And follow Jewish principles and law. Ignoring deviancies like Khawism.

  148. Islam is Judaism Lite and Secular Koranism is Islam Lite, but still Noahide. Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. The third global empire is nominally Christian. Its transition from Christianity to Islam is inevitable as well as divinely decreed. Now all Jews have to do is their Kiddush Hashem.

    The world is waiting.

    Do your thing and shine your light unto the nations.

    Don't hide your light under a bushel.

  149. All I understood was something fictional saying Islam is Judaism lite. This is total nonsense. Islam is half pagan in origin, with the Jewish bits bolted on to make it monotheistic. It does not follow the Torah and actually rejects the Torah so anybody who say it is Judaism lite has sawdust for a brain.

    In contrast Christianity fully accepts the Torah in principle and according to Jewish views is a false offshoot of Judaism. It is not blasphemy nor for Christians idolatry.

    Reform Judaism is Judaism lite.

    So please stop redefining stuff that you do not know about or understand. You just show yourself to be stupid as well as ignorant on Judaism, Christianity and probably Islam too.

    Go and preach to others with crazy, false and heretical views. Try Yosef mizrachi to start with as some of his views appear to be Islamic in origin.

  150. Wasn't Jesus convicted of blasphemy?

    Haven't Christians been worshipping a man executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem?

  151. Where's it say that?

    He was executed by the Romans using their standard method for executing people found guilty of sedition.

    Crucification is not a Jewish method of execution. It is cruel and inhumane but survives as an Islamic method - another proof that Islam is not Judaism lite

  152. You don't know that the Sanhedrin convicted Jesus of blasphemy for saying his papa was Hashem?

  153. He never said that. Where's your source?

    If the sanhedrin convicted him of blasphemy why was he punished for sedition by the Romans. Ipso facto he wasn't convicted of anything by the sanhedrin as they didn't punish him.

    We do know. Nowhere in the gospels does Jesus claim to be anything other than a Torah observing jew. The son of God bits came centuries later.


    Are you not aware of the story of Pontius Pilate trying to wash his hands of the matter?

    Pilate didn't want to execute Jesus at all and couldn't see what he had done wrong.

  155. Sources are all the NT which are polemical and obviously biased. Give other neutral sources, EG Joaephus but only the bowderlised version

  156. We don't have to accept any narrative to reason hypothetically based on that narrative. My point is that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. Christians have burned heretics who denied the divinity of Jesus. It doesn't matter whether Jesus was guilty as charged, the point is that they should know their own Doctrine of the Trinity which requires them to worship an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Hashem.

    Christians were not just horrid to Jews, they were horrid to each other.

    They basically believed in lies and nonsense and killed those who wouldn't affirm the absurdity of the Trinity. Maybe they never believed but only pretended to but still punished those who wouldn't affirm the absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping a dead Jew as the co equal of the eternal and supreme Abrahamic God who created the Universe. They are full of self loathing and hatred for the tribe that perpetrated this gargantuan fraud on them for 2000 years. Do you understand, Arthur?

    Paul was a heretical Jew who attached a dead Jew to Hashem.

  157. Have you read the quran? Mohammed was a mass murderer, thief and Islam hasn't a great record either.

  158. Apart from the European monarchs, everyone else was forcibly converted and then punished by burning if they apostatised.

    It is a disgusting and repugnant faith that Jews should condemn if they took their religion seriously, but obviously you don't.

    You know I have read the Koran even if you haven't. Muhammad was a successful general and a revolutionary. What are you claiming Muhammad stole?

    You're just afraid of offending Christians. You all are because you are atheists and nihilists afraid to do the right thing because you fear punishment. You are no better than the atheists and nihilists you claim to be above. There are probably no real Christians any more. Even those who have been confirmed and who are now in the corrupt and parasitic priesthood probably never believed Jesus was God, but were prepared to pretend that they did to get a job.

    Know and remember what Christians did and have been doing for 2000 years now: they attached the rotten corpse of a dead Jew convicted of blasphemy to Hashem whom you worship as the Creator of the Universe.

    Are you too afraid to discuss this with the Chief Rabbi?

    Maybe you can get your rabbi together with other concerned rabbis to ask the Chief Rabbi to have a word with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope, if you want to pass the buck.

    Chief Rabbis of the world could collectively propose a meeting inviting the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury to defend Christianity against the charge of idolatry and blasphemy.

    They can plead guilty as charged and the rest of the world can proceed to adopt Secular Koranism.

  159. I'm not scared of discussing sensible things with any Rabbi - although I don't have direct access to the Chief Rabbi.

    I have discussed Mister Mizrachi with Rabbis - i mentioned to you that one said I was more qualified than Mizrachi.

    And the role of a Rabbi is not to lobby the Chief Rabbi or Archbishops to discuss rubbish. Their role is religious to support congregants.

    As for Christianity - you just need to read a bit to know things but you refuse.

    1) The Council of Nicea were the people who put the idea that Jesus was the Son of God into their doctrine. Arianism opposed this but was rejected as a heresy. Before that there were Ebionites that were almost acceptable from a Jewish perspective. Had Christianity followed the Ebionite path we'd view it as a schism but not a complete break with Judaism.

    2) Christianity accepts the Torah and views it as relevant to lives and a code to follow. They claim that Jeremiah's new covenant meant that most laws did not need to be kept any longer. Islam is a a false religion as it defines Mohammed as a prophet, has a law code that is NOT based on the Torah so is man-made and not from God. Much of the law code breaches Noahide laws and Islam breaches Noahide laws in 3 ways. Christianity in 1 or maybe even none, depending on how you interpret the Noahide laws. So of the 3 Abrahamic faiths, Islam is the furthest away from God's teachings and even rejects God's teachings, as given to Moses including the Noahide laws. So you cannot even speak about these and Islam as Islam rejects all 7 even if they keep 4 in practice.

    3) Jesus said according to the gospels that he that is without sin should throw the first stone in an execution by stoning. This proves that such executions did take place and that the Sanhedrin had the legal right to sentence evil doers to death by one of the 4 ways permitted. The fact that crucifixion is not one of these proves that Jesus was not sentenced by a sanhedrin to death - but was sentenced by the Romans. The sanhedrin could have had nothing to do with this.

    4) The Gospels were written at least a generation and for the later gospels 2 generations after Jesus had died. Luke was not even an apostle so was not a first hand witness. John wrote in Rome at around 80 years after Jesus's death so if it was written by an apostle then the apostle would have been a child at the time of Jesus OR well past being a centenarian. Also why did an apostle wait 80 years to write an eye-witness account. The answer is it was not written by an apostle by some sort of author claiming to have been an eye witness to fool the gullible (and Claire Khaw).

    5) At the time the gospels were written it was important to curry favour with the Romans - especially considering the history. The earliest gospel was written around the time of the 1st Jewish-Roman war. Had the gospels been open in their criticism of Christianity they would have been ruthlessly suppressed. Instead they sided with Rome to criticise Rome's enemies - the Jews. The later gospels are even stronger, absolving Rome of blame (e.g. Pontius Pilate washing his hands of Jesus's death. The aim was to bring Romans on side to support Christians against Jews. There are a few cryptical references condemning Rome but mostly it's siding with Rome and so blaming the Jews for Jesus's death in any way possible. Hence you cannot view any of the NT as reliable in anyway at all as a true history.

    As for Pontius Pilate - I suggest you read a bit about him.

    Also read Josephus, Philo and others mentioned.

  160. So you are calling the capital offence of blasphemy for Jews "rubbish"? It would appear that you are calling the Doctrine of the Trinity "rubbish" too.

    I am only interested in scripture claiming to be the laws of God. Even Christians do not deny that the New Testament was only written by mortal and fallible men. We already know what the Doctrine of the Trinity requires Christians to do: worship a dead Jew as the co-equal of Hashem, at the behest of a heretical Jew. This is not disputed, is it?

    Whether or not Jesus was in fact guilty of blasphemy is a matter of indifference to me as an agnostic. However, the fact remains that Christians have been worshipping a dead Jew as the co-equal of Hashem for 2000 years. Are you denying that this is idolatry and blasphemy?

    Have you asked your rabbi about this?

    Will you be asking your rabbi about this?

    Christians have not merely attached a dead Jew convicted of blasphemy to Hashem but merged him with God. Do you understand?

    The Christian doctrine of the Trinity is the homogenisation of a dead Jew executed for blasphemy with God and the Holy Spirit.

  161. No - neither.

    The way Christians interpret the Trinity is totally not correct from a Jewish perspective. However the idea of God manifesting Himself in different ways is not a problem at all. In fact that is very Jewish. It's why there are so many different names for God. They represent different manifestations or aspects of God. There's Ein Sof, HaMakom, Elohim, Adonai, YHVH, Shaddai, Shechinah, El-Shaddai and a number more. All are different manifestations.

    The trinity is a perversion of this idea.

    Jesus was not a blasphemer. And even if blasphemy is a capital offence, the sentence has to be passed on strict rules in a court of justice and the barrier to passing such a sentence is very high. It's why Islam is not Noahide as

    1) the barrier to miscarriages of justice is very very low
    2) punishment is extreme
    3) Islam says you can blaspheme against a human being. Even Christians don't say that. You can say what you want about the Pope or the Archbishop of Cantebury. But in Islam saying anything against Mohammed - a man - is blasphemy and an individual can carry out the death sentence for this without a trial or evidence or any signs of justice. This is totally against Noahide law and so Islam is very far from Noahide

    Also you are not interested in scriptures being the word of God. If you were you'd reject those religions like Islam that are not (as it was the angel Gabriel that did the job for Islam - not God).

  162. You are not going to speak to your rabbi about this?

  163. Of course not.

    It has nothing to do with Judaism. So why should he be interested?

    Also he is trained as a Rabbi - not as a priest or Iman so he cannot and will not comment on your BS.

  164. You do know that Jews are not supposed to enter churches, don't you?

    You just don't want to admit that you have been living under the law of idolaters and blasphemers who most definitely not righteous gentiles your entire life.

    It is also your intention to remain in denial.

    Whatever you think of me, I have the sensibility of a Jew as regards what Jews should find repugnant in the Doctrine of the Trinity.

    If you believe in God at all, you should expect punishment.

  165. You have the sensibility of a heretical non rabbi. And also an inability to read.

  166. Christians should be put on notice of the idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity by Jews and Muslims

  167. I do know the rules a out most Catholic and Orthodox churches

    But you know next to nothing about Judaism yet act as if you knew a lot

  168. I know quite a lot about Christianity and Islam too.

  169. No. You think you do. What you know is superficial. If your knowledge of Christianity is anything like your knowledge of Judaism, it hardly touches the surface. Maybe 1mm out of a sea that is 10km deep.

    I suspect your knowledge of Islam is not that much better based on some things you've said.

  170. You should know idolatry and blasphemy when you come across it, since these are originally Jewish ideas.

    I guess you are so frightened at the enormity of all that you can only go into denial and then pretend not to understand what I have said.

  171. I don't redefine things to fit in with a new religion I've invented. That's L Ron Hubbard and khawist territory.

    You want Christianity to be idolatry and blasphemy, but because it's not in most Jewish sources, you redefine it.

  172. I have not invented a new religion.

    But I will admit to having created a new legal system called Secular Koranism, which is a New School of Sharia.

  173. sharia is the Islamic law system. It cannot stand by itself. It's basis is the Quran which is supposed to have been passed to Mohammed by Gabriel. (So not even a proper prophet, receiving divine revelation but from an intermediary - something the Torah expressly forbids when talking about witchcraft).

    So secular Koranism is a perversion of a perversion.

  174. Are you calling Islam a "perversion"?

  175. No - not the religion. The ways Islamists interpret it and their resulting cruelty, in the name of Islam. You've taken the worst bits of Sharia and focused on these. The attacks on the most vulnerable parts of society with inhumane punishments. It's exactly what Amalek did. Plus the removal of the divine elements and the belief in Allah. That's also Amalekite.

    Secular Koranism IS Amalakitism.

    So I agree - secular Koranism is not a new religion or a religion at all. It's much much worse. It's the faith of Amalek.

    Amalek knew about God and God's laws but wanted to remove God - and that was their philosophy. Total secularism without God.

    And that led to them attacking the most vulnerable. That's the total focus you have - in everything you preach. Matriarchy. Unmarried mothers. Sluts..... it's pure Amalek. As unmarried mothers tend to be the most underprivileged and deprived and vulnerable members of society. They were generally taken advantage of by over-privileged men but you ignore this and attack the women. That's Amalek.

    You may say you'll punish the men too BUT only when pushed. Your focus is the women and that's where your hatred lies. The only men you hate are those who are homosexual irrespective of whether or not they actually carry out homosexual acts. Only that is forbidden but you don't care. You want to punish them irrespectively and attack anybody who defends them. Also Amalek.

  176. Your hysterical but predictable denunciations against Secular Koranism are laughable when I am only following the Koran which is believed by Muslims to be the Word of God complying with the Noahide laws. It is disgraceful that an Orthodox Jew is more anxious to be seen as liberal than being in compliance with the Noahide laws. You are worshipping of the idol of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting which is what liberalism is now. The righteous gentile in a righteous gentile nation would be living in conformity with the Noahide laws. The more of them you break, the closer you are to Amalek. Just like a liberal worshipping at the shrine of sexual liberation, you refuse to condemn sexual immorality and extramarital sex that amount to marriage substitutes with the effect of making people less likely to become married parents or stay married if they do. Aren't Jews not supposed to be putting up stumbling blocks for others to stumble over?

  177. Ah... Now it comes out.

    You see Khawism as a way of getting people into islam.

    You are a typical missionary. Not for Christianity but for Islam. NO THANK YOU. I would prefer to die Al kiddush Hashem than convert to a religion responsible for the murder of millions. The religion of ISIS, Al qaeda that thinks it is virtuous to kill... Like the jihadists at bataclan, or those butchering children in Beslan.

    Islam is a true faith that was perverted with the idea of jihad to kill non believers. You see it all over the world. Europe. The middle east. The far east. Africa.....and each attack is by people claiming to follow a religion of peace. They pervert it and as the main Islamic figures refuse to condemn this they are also complicit. That is why Islam today can never be noahide. There is no Islamic figure willing to condemn such murders. Instead they commit blasphemy in their edification and almost deification of mohammed, so that murder is justifiable few cartoons about a man claiming to be a prophet who was born after the age of prophecy had ended, and so could not have been.

    You say you aren't part of this, but push a legal code based on the same philosophy and justify judicial murder, torture and abuses of vulnerable humanity.

  178. You seem to have forgotten that there are 36 capital offences in the Torah and that Islam is more in conformity with the Noahide laws than the idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity you are too cowardly to condemn. Secular Koranism is not a religion but a legal system. It is not a belief system but a legal system. Do you understand? I have not invented a religion but Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia. Are you saying as a Jew that you don't believe in the death penalty when Judaism has 36 capital offences in the Torah? You seem to be associating Secular Koranism with terrorism for no reason at all other than because you are an Islamophobe.

    What you so hysterically denounce as "judicial murder, torture and abuses of vulnerable humanity" is only the death penalty and the Torah with 36 specified capital offences is far harsher than the Koran which I intend to follow.

  179. I suggest you stop trying to convert non Muslims to a perversion of the perversion that is today's Islam, and instead focus on Islam and turn it to the religion of peace and tolerance that it was in its golden age, when people like the Rambam lived and supported Islam for non Jews. Get Muslims to act and return Islam to being a religion of peace, tolerance and knowledge. The religion that kept alive the teachings of Aristotle, and through spreading knowledge and science, ended the dark ages in Europe. Its no coincidence that words like chemistry and algebra come from Arabic. Its because 1000 years ago, Islam was forward thinking and a religion of peace and beauty, with monuments to that glory like the alhambra, and other buildings. Islam was honourable and admirable. Today it is known for decapitation of teachers, the rape of nuns and subversion of vulnerable girls. Its no coincidence the groomers of Rotherham were Muslims. They were following the ideology you continually preach. That western girls were all sluts. Yet these Muslims were followers of secular koranism. They acted secular yet claimed to follow the quran. And perverted both innocent girls, and the ideals of a religion that was once the religion of peace.

    As for my views on homosexual acts, and sex outside marriage I've told you that often. But you ignore them and misconstrue them because I uphold Orthodox Jewish principles about condemning sin and not torturing sinners.

    Have you ever thought why none of the ancient Kings of Israel were called evil Kings? Even though they worshipped idols.

    Think about that, and you will know why your approach is evil.

    Also Islam as it is today is a very long way from being noahide. Then actions in Manchester, the decapitation of teachers in France, beslan, Sri Lanka... All in the name of Islam prove it is no longer noahide. It breaches murder, idol worship, blasphemy... And you cannot say these are aberations as there has been no attempt to set up justice systems to stop these perversions and so Islam is not noahide on this also.

    In contrast Christianity is much closer and often matches the noahide ideal. Anglicanism is not blasphemous or idolatrous in the Jewish understanding, for example. And the the noahide laws depend on the Jewish definitions and not the Muslim ones you continuously parrot and not the almost heretical views of so called Jewish hate preachers like Mr mizrachi, who does NOT teach or represent Jewish beliefs and never has.

  180. Again you pretend that I am trying to convert people to Islam when I am not even Muslim, but am agnostic. Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system, ergo it is not a religion requiring you to believe in anything. Indeed, Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with Do you remember me saying this before countless times? Yet whenever we discuss this, you repeat the same hysterical accusation presumably because you are suffering from Islamophobia.

    In your Islamophobia, you persist in confusing Secular Koranism with Muslim terrorists and then pretend that I am in contact with them.

    You already know that most parents in Britain are unmarried parents so it is obviously true that most women are sluts who practise fornication. Their bastards are conclusive evidence of fornication, but you condone it.

    Are you really saying that the Asians in Rotherham convicted of running child prostitution rings were followers of Secular Koranism?

    It seems to be your purpose to give deliberate offence by repeating blatant lies. Why do you bother with your unseemly, dishonest and deliberately antagonistic methods of discourse as if it were some virtuous act when you are in fact guilty of telling lies and hate speech? I thought Jews have a higher standard of speech and have been told to avoid Lashon Hara. You are lucky I am so tolerant.

    All religions are about law and war. Have you forgotten that Jews are still under a continuing religious obligation to exterminate the Amalek?

    As you know, the Amalek are gentiles but not righteous gentiles. You live in a country of gentles who have legalised gay marriage, encourage transgenderism in schoolchildren and now live with widespread bastardy so much that there is now a pair of unmarried parents in Downing Street. Have you considered that you are a Jew in denial that you live amongst the Amalek subject to their laws?

    You already know that Britain is still considered a Christian country by the uninformed and Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. I have already pointed out repeatedly that Christians have been worshipping a Jew executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem. You also know that Jews are forbidden from entering churches which are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised while allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. You should be able to deduce from this the standing of Christianity according to Judaism compared with Islam, which is not guilty of idolatry and blasphemy either in theory or in practice while Christianity is both.

    I have not tortured anyone for anything and I resent your hysterical accusations that you think gives your arguments greater weight.

    Please define evil if you are going to argue that Secular Koranism is "evil".

    I have never claimed that all Muslims are saints, only that Islam as a religion is the most Noahide observant of all the gentile religions.

    You are making a category error when you confuse a book you have not read with the people who call themselves Muslims who do not follow it.

    If Rabbi Mizrachi is guilty of any heresy, he is guilty of expressing views that would be regarded as heresy by liberals while reminding Jews of Torah principles. Because you are far far far more anxious to be a good liberal than a good Jew, you join in the cowardly chorus of Political Correctness to cancel him.

  181. "Again you pretend that I am trying to convert people to Islam when I am not even Muslim, but am agnostic. Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system"

    But it is based on a belief system. That belief system took ideas from the Torah and altered them to a massive extent. You took a belief system that depended on God for its justification and removed God. Hence you removed the justification for the system and so it is a perversion of the original, which is itself a perversion of the Torah although justifiable and totally acceptable for Muslims as long as they follow it. So secular Koranism has not justification at all - it is a perverted system that focuses on the most vulnerable in society and seeks to punish them.

    Sharia law includes laws on interest, theft, business, medicine, food, how to administer justice and much much more. Secular Koranism as you continually portray it is to target fornicators. That seems to be the only thing you mention to any extent at all. Everything else is minor. Hence it targets the vulnerable and rewards the rich. You even once said this when you suggested that the CEOs of FTSE companies should be the administrators of the system. It is a system that could be created by Amalek because of its principle focus - or the principle focus you express.

    "In your Islamophobia, you persist in confusing Secular Koranism with Muslim terrorists and then pretend that I am in contact with them."
    I've never said you were in contact with them. But much of contemporary Islam glorifies them or at the least doesn't condemn them. There are a few religious Muslims who do - but they are lone voices. I actually like Ibadi Islam as it follows the Quran and DOES focus on tolerance. I have issues with both Shia and Wahabi / Sunni Islam as they have moved away from tolerance - so I'm not Islamaphobic. I'm Wahabi-Shia-Phobic. Because one or the other seeks to kill me and Jews in general.

    "You already know that most parents in Britain are unmarried parents so it is obviously true that most women are sluts who practise fornication. Their bastards are conclusive evidence of fornication, but you condone it."

    TOTALLY FALSE! This is the problem. You base your philosophy on lies. In 2017 in England & Wales 48.1% of babies were born to single or cohabiting parents. In Jewish law, cohabitation is one of the ways you get married so the key figure is the number of births registered solely by the mother. According to OFFICIAL STATISTICS (i.e. not Claire Khaw hysteria) the number of births to single mothers in 2016 was as the lowest level since 1980, with just 5.2% of babies born to single mothers. That means that 95% of babies are born into a stable relationship which in Jewish law would be married. Hence this 5% are the people you target - a sign of Amalek.

  182. "Are you really saying that the Asians in Rotherham convicted of running child prostitution rings were followers of Secular Koranism?"
    They were essentially secular yet claim to be followers of the Koran.

    "Have you forgotten that Jews are still under a continuing religious obligation to exterminate the Amalek?"
    Have you forgotten that we do not know who the people of Amalek were as they were dispersed 2500 years ago. I keep repeating this to you - so we are under no obligation to exterminate Amalek. We ARE under an obligation to exterminate the ideas that symbolised Amalek. The ideas only - not the people behind them. (And this was always the case - an Amalekite was allowed to renounce these ways and convert. In such cases the command was not relevant). The only reason I am so tolerant of letting you correspond with me is because I hope that one day you will give up the ideas you have that are based on those of Amalek.

    "You live in a country of gentles who have legalised gay marriage, encourage transgenderism in schoolchildren...."
    I am totally against both. I've said that multiple times. I'm also against victimising people who are vulnerable - including gay and transgender. There is a balance needed between supporting people on the margins of society and keeping to societal norms. You appear not to respect that.

    Yes adulterous relationships are a real problem. I have no problem with people in love getting together - and even having children so long as it is a stable relationship. I do not like Boris and haven't for many years. His treatment of Petronella Wyatt and Marina Wheeler was reprehensible and his current squeeze better be made of stronger stuff as she'll get dropped the moment a prettier floozy comes along. However in principle I have no problem with their relationship ALTHOUGH it's not one that I would advocate for people who want to live moral lives. I do not judge other people in the way you do. I look for positives - not negatives.

    "You already know that Britain is still considered a Christian country by the uninformed and Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy....."

    And I have continually pointed out that you are using a Muslim definition which I, as a Jew, do not accept. As Jews were the ones who prohibited idolatry, I think it makes more sense that our definition should be seen as valid. On the basis of this definition Christians are guilty of neither Idol worshipping or Blasphemy.

    There is no problem also with the concept of God having multiple manifestations. That is a Jewish view. The Christians took it a bit too far with the Trinity idea where these manifestations became physical and separate. That is a problem. But the essential idea is not problematical. I've said that many times but you ignore me completely and carry on with your own fundamentalist and false beliefs.

    "I have not tortured anyone for anything and I resent your hysterical accusations that you think give your arguments greater weight."
    YET! If secular Koranism was adapted, you would be guilty of this with your rules about beatings.

    Please define evil if you are going to argue that Secular Koranism is "evil".
    Inhumanity - especially to the weakest 5% of society which you would broaden.

    "I have never claimed that all Muslims are saints, only that Islam as a religion is the most Noahide observant of all the gentile religions."
    In theory - yes. In practice - far from it. Including by people who have read the book and try to put it into practice. ISIS, Al Quaeda, Saudi Imans, Shia Ayatollas - all have read the book and their actions are inhumane and pervert the idea of Islam being a religion of peace and tolerance. Only Ibadi Islam seems to emphasise this concept.

  183. "If Rabbi Mizrachi is guilty of any heresy, he is guilty of expressing views that would be regarded as heresy by liberals while reminding Jews of Torah principles."
    NO - he makes up Torah principles. They are NOT Torah principles at all. That is why the letter from the Rabbonim I mentioned to you was published. None of these Rabbis were liberals. Most were totally anti-Liberal. They were against a perversion of Jewish views calling the perversions Torah. There is NOTHING in Torah that links sins to autism, Downs Syndrome and much more. Anybody who follows somebody who claims that you can cure Coronavirus by a medically risky process of blow-drying your throat deserves scorn - not admiration. Anybody who thinks a preacher who says such things should be followed is an idiot.

    Yet you follow him - the comment on tolerance should be for me. Why do I tolerate somebody who can admire such a fraud and idiot. I'll give an answer. The answer is that I hope you will one day learn from this stupidity and abandon secular koranism - becoming a proper Muslim or no religion at all and stop claiming you know stuff when in reality you are teaching the ways of Amalek. I am trying to do the Mitzvah of destroying Amalek's ideas whenever they are encountered - which means that I must engage with you until you do abandon them.

  184. "I have not tortured anyone for anything and I resent your hysterical accusations that you think give your arguments greater weight."
    YET! If secular Koranism was adapted, you would be guilty of this with your rules about beatings.

    If the Torah already has 36 capital crimes, why are you squealing against my modest proposal to lash unmarried parents who should be treated as sex offenders by at a tariff of 100 lashes per bastard?

    Do you share the liberal repugnance at making the punishment fit the crime or of supporting anything that might actually be effective at discouraging behaviour that would offend against the Noahide laws? It seems you do.

    What is the worst thing you think Rabbi Mizrachi has ever said?

  185. 1) The MAXIMUM number of beatings was 40 in the Torah. In practice this was made 39 to ensure no miscounting and going over the 40.

    2) Having children out of wedlock is not a crime according to the Torah and sensible people.

    3) Again - you are focusing on one thing only. There are many worse things than being taken advantage of sexually. Where are your punishments for fraud, affray, murder, theft, riot, Jihadism, and lots more. You don't care about those so secular Koranism is a legal code that victimises the weakest - and so is Amalekite in thought and inhumane in practice

    4) The Torah's view of punishment is as a deterrent and to correct misdeeds. The aim is rehabilitation - not retribution. Secular Koranism is retributive and so is evil in its harshness.

    5) Jewish law does everything possible not to sentence people. The 36 capital crimes are aimed at showing how serious the Torah views these crimes. The aim is the sentence should never be carried out and the processes required before they can be carried out are extremely strict to ensure absolutely no possibility of a mistake plus the miscreant knew the penalty and accepted it. Further the aim is to rehabilitate the person's soul - not punish it. If no other form of rehabilitation is possible then the death sentence is applied and the soul is immediately forgiven and goes to heaven as a result of suffering the sentence. It is NOT retributive. Hence in Jewish thought there is no punishment that is retributive. It MUST fit the crime and anything else is cruel, inhumane - and learned from Amalek.

  186. Corporal punishment is not in principle forbidden by the Torah, which contains 36 capital crimes. When your scripture already has 36 capital crimes, squealing about a bit of corporal punishment really is the pot calling the kettle black.

  187. Jewish law is not excessive. Maximum penalty is 40 lashes.

    The capital crimes were hardly ever applied - when they were applied the recipient actually was committing suicide.

    As for Mister Mizrachi - worst think ever, worst thing connected to Judaism? It's hard to know where to start. His statements about the holocaust rank high - which is why RABBI Berel Wein strongly criticised him. (Rabbi Wein is the opposite of Mr Mizrachi - which is why he is respected. He's not a big-mouth-no-brain type but a big-brain-quiet-demeanor type). For Rabbi Wein to criticise anybody is damning in an extreme.

    Or worst thing to show what an idiot he is.... how about his statement re hairdryers to beat Covid.

  188. Even Bibi got into trouble over Holocaust Denial.

    Repeating a few quack remedies for Covid-19 hardly makes Rabbi Mizrachi a heretic!

  189. Different! Netanyahu was never a holocaust denier. He's not beloved by people who go to Stormfront.

    What Mizrachi did shows total ignorance. It wasn't just an argument over historical detail. It was an argument over historical fact and worse, it was totally insulting to victims too as he lied about how the Nazis treated religious vs. non-religious people. It wasn't a one-time error. He repeated it.

    And he's made so many errors it shows he cannot understand material on pretty much any subject you can think about. He then attacks this as topics of "university educated Jews". He has a chip on his shoulder because he is ignorant - but rather than go and check what he says, he keeps saying it. This proves how intellectually-disabled he is. If he's unable to verify the truth in one area and keeps repeating falsehoods, you can't trust him on anything including Jewish law.

    Note that he NEVER gives sources. He just says it's in the Torah.

    He never gives sources because he doesn't know them. He just says what he thinks and if he thinks it is in the Torah he'll claim it is, when it isn't. (There is no mention of downs syndrome or autism in the Torah for example).

  190. I think Rabbi Mizrachi is entitled to speculate on the just deserts theory of reincarnation. As you know, the belief is that you will have a better life next time round if you are good in this life but a worse next life if you led a bad life.

  191. Of course he is. He's Not entitled to say that this is a key aspect of Jewish thought as it's far from it.

    It's not mentioned in the Torah, Talmud, Shulchan Aruch, Kuzari, Mishneh Torah or ANY of the major Jewish sources except one that is not held by many as authoritative.

  192. Jews are allowed to believe in any kind of afterlife as long as it a just deserts kind of afterlife.

  193. Nonsense.

    There is no hell in Jewish thought.

  194. I am surprised you have not heard of Gehinnom.

  195. Of course I have. You obviously do not understand Jewish concepts. The Talmud says that there have only ever been 4 people sent to Gehinnon for all eternity - and the reasons are interesting. Gehinnon is closer to the Catholic idea of purgatory. It is not permanent.

    Gehinnon purifies the soul so it can go to gan eden.

    This is not bad as an explanation.

    The key point is that we do not know why somebody has Downs or autism so for Mizrachi to claim to know means he is claiming to know God and in ways that are heretical.
    This is also excellent - on when / why you can learn Kabbalistic concepts such as Gilgul


AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

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