THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Thursday, 29 September 2022
Principled Agnosticism is indifferent to the actual existence of God
Wednesday, 28 September 2022
Sam Samuels imitates Vincent Bruno from 1:02:00
Sunday, 25 September 2022
Will my offer to speak at the October 2022 Traditional Britain Group Conference be accepted?
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Talking to Sam Samuels at the beach about interest rates and five Israeli elections in four years
Friday, 23 September 2022
Progress report on Secular Koranism
Thursday, 22 September 2022
An analysis of an implacably antisemitic post masquerading as anecdotal experience
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Every time I’ve met a ‘right wing’ Jew, the outcome is the same. Whether Christian or Jewish (converso or tribal), he will demand you adopt his economic system and supplant your traditional ways of harvesting and economy and worship for his.
Usury isn’t bad, goy, you just don’t understand it- and a large part of God’s blessing given to the nations is through currency and financial success he will admit. And if you or your nation get in financial trouble it is because you don’t understand the basics of our currency, not because it is a weapon leveled at the you non-Jews. (I have seen this over and over.)
He will want you to abandon your cults and adopt his. And he will be more militant a Christian than the most militant of European Christians. In the end, for the Jew, there is only abrahamism. And in one form or another, through the excuse that this or that branch is more based, he will push you to abandon all you know and love to adopt his myths and gods. Witnessing this alone gave me pause about Christianity. How could the most evil, most cunning, most duplicitous people on the planet have the handle on absolute goodness, let alone the key to ethnic fulfillment?
The Jew will adopt a militant Christian attitude that spurns men of action to respect. He will tell you that he is so zealous that he would kill Europeans who are not Christian. He will then say he will kill Europeans that are Christian who defend non Christian Europeans and that this is God’s will.
Whether in spirit or in body he will always kill Europeans because his mission is to destroy amalek (the Jewish interpretation of who the European is), to blot even his memory from the earth. This is a topic and a command from God that European Christians don’t touch but should know about as it sheds light in every action Jews have taken for thousands of years but particularly with regard to Christianity.
The European Christian should wonder at the go-and-come nature of Jews converting to Islam or Christianity with a fervor that natives to the religions cannot muster.
The zealous Jewish Muslim in crypsis will co-opt a movement that kills a million Armenians and blame it on native Muslims. The zealous Jewish Christian in crypsis will order the deaths of native Europeans for heresy and later blame the European Christian.
It is never the Jew’s fault. Like the Jew Houdini or the Jew David Copperfield, and myriad other confidence tricksters and illusionists, the Jew alone does not exist- unless to garner your sympathy for the end times.
But what of based Jews, of Jews that know what’s up, that read Luther’s screeds and proclaim their hatred for the Jew?
The answer is in the religion they ‘convert’ to. Did they truly abandon Judaism, its myths and legends and its ultimate goal of dominating all nations? Did they change their attitude toward non-Jews who do not embrace Judaism in one form or another? Are they among the loudest voices trying to co-opt a movement, and in pained tones despair at having to kill yet more non Jews for heresy?
Not one is to be trusted. And I have stupidly trusted a few in what I thought was honest discussion.
From here on in, the moment I discover that a commenter in this chat is Jewish I will ban them. They have no position we can trust. And when they say we need them, they mean they need us to follow their lead to our doom.
Our fate as Europeans must lie far afield from Jewish tricks and lies. If it were possible to ignore the Jew, that is the course I would suggest. Everyone sins, but when you know the truth- about people and about yourself, and are able to parse the outer man from the inner, be true to the inner man, the man of blood and honour.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
This sentence is intended to convey the impression that the gentile has been fooled by the Jew at least twice.
Every time I’ve met a ‘right wing’ Jew, the outcome is the same. Whether Christian or Jewish (converso or tribal), he will demand you adopt his economic system and supplant your traditional ways of harvesting and economy and worship for his.
What economic system is being referred to? If it is capitalism and usury, the solution is simple: Islam. But this antisemite will blame Islam on Jews too. If not Jews, then the "Jewish God".
Usury isn’t bad, goy, you just don’t understand it- and a large part of God’s blessing given to the nations is through currency and financial success he will admit. And if you or your nation get in financial trouble it is because you don’t understand the basics of our currency, not because it is a weapon leveled at the you non-Jews. (I have seen this over and over.)
What has this antisemite seen "over and over"? If he is complaining about usury, Islam bans usury, so convert to Islam to ban usury, but this simple solution is always rejected by the antisemite complaining about usury because he hates Islam and Muslims too and calls them Jewish or the malign manifestation of a malign "Jewish God" to be rejected in favour of this belief system of antisemitism which has no solutions other than to turn up the hate until presumably a pogrom is conducted.
He will want you to abandon your cults and adopt his.
Does the antisemite mean Jews demand that gentiles convert to Judaism? Do Jews really demand that gentiles convert to Judaism?
And he will be more militant a Christian than the most militant of European Christians.
Militant about what in what way?
In the end, for the Jew, there is only abrahamism.
By "Abrahamism", presumably the antisemite means the God of Israel who is also Allah and perhaps also Jesus Christ who is after all a Jew.
And in one form or another, through the excuse that this or that branch is more based, he will push you to abandon all you know and love to adopt his myths and gods.
The Western gentile has been Christian for nearly 2000 years. Is this antisemite really proposing to revive extinct pre-Christian deities? How would taking this retrograde step help solve the social, economic and political problems of the West. If things get worse, he can always blame the Jew!
Witnessing this alone gave me pause about Christianity. How could the most evil, most cunning, most duplicitous people on the planet have the handle on absolute goodness, let alone the key to ethnic fulfillment?
What is "ethnic fulfillment"?
Do Jews claim to "have the handle on absolute goodness", whatever this means?
The Jew will adopt a militant Christian attitude that spurns men of action to respect. He will tell you that he is so zealous that he would kill Europeans who are not Christian. He will then say he will kill Europeans that are Christian who defend non Christian Europeans and that this is God’s will.
This does not sound like the average Jew or gentile. The antisemite pretends that all Jews are like this crazed Jew the antisemite has met who says he would kill non-Christian Europeans.
Whether in spirit or in body he will always kill Europeans because his mission is to destroy amalek (the Jewish interpretation of who the European is), to blot even his memory from the earth. This is a topic and a command from God that European Christians don’t touch but should know about as it sheds light in every action Jews have taken for thousands of years but particularly with regard to Christianity.
The antisemite pretends that Jews have the agenda of exterminating all gentiles, making no distinction between Amalek whom he is indeed obliged by the Torah to exterminate and righteous gentiles who obey the Noahide laws.
The European Christian should wonder at the go-and-come nature of Jews converting to Islam or Christianity with a fervor that natives to the religions cannot muster.
Is there anything sinister about Jews converting to Islam or Christianity? If Jews convert out of Judaism, they would cease to be Jews by the next generation since their children would not be Jewish, but what you would have thought would please the antisemite makes him hate Jews more if they convert to other religions "with a fervour natives cannot muster".
Even if the Jew converts and extinguishes his Jewish identity, the antisemite will still hate him.
The zealous Jewish Muslim in crypsis will co-opt a movement that kills a million Armenians and blame it on native Muslims. The zealous Jewish Christian in crypsis will order the deaths of native Europeans for heresy and later blame the European Christian.
It seems all the bad gentiles who killed other gentiles were really Jews all along!
It is never the Jew’s fault. Like the Jew Houdini or the Jew David Copperfield, and myriad other confidence tricksters and illusionists, the Jew alone does not exist- unless to garner your sympathy for the end times.
What is never the Jew's fault? It seems the antisemite will keep blaming the Jew even if he converts out of Judaism and no longer exists.
But what of based Jews, of Jews that know what’s up, that read Luther’s screeds and proclaim their hatred for the Jew?
The answer is in the religion they ‘convert’ to. Did they truly abandon Judaism, its myths and legends and its ultimate goal of dominating all nations? Did they change their attitude toward non-Jews who do not embrace Judaism in one form or another? Are they among the loudest voices trying to co-opt a movement, and in pained tones despair at having to kill yet more non Jews for heresy?
The implication is that Jews who convert out of their religion must also be rejected and ostracised. Note the presumption that Jews regularly kill gentiles for heresy and will kill more, for reasons that are not explained and with no further details given about the heresy that attracts the death penalty.
Not one is to be trusted. And I have stupidly trusted a few in what I thought was honest discussion.
From here on in, the moment I discover that a commenter in this chat is Jewish I will ban them. They have no position we can trust. And when they say we need them, they mean they need us to follow their lead to our doom.
Our fate as Europeans must lie far afield from Jewish tricks and lies. If it were possible to ignore the Jew, that is the course I would suggest. Everyone sins, but when you know the truth- about people and about yourself, and are able to parse the outer man from the inner, be true to the inner man, the man of blood and honour.
The post ends with another declaration of hatred and condemnation of Jews by antisemites of "blood and honour".
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Sunday, 18 September 2022
Secular Koranism discussed on a white Muslim channel. Terron Poole joins.
A discussion of Secular Koranism on a white Muslim channel
Sunday, 4 September 2022
The logical necessity and moral imperative of Secular Koranism
Saturday, 3 September 2022
Phil Kny: "No religion can solve the problems of the West. Our problem is with the economic model."
- Christianity is kaput.
- Democracy is dementia.
- Liberalism is for losers
- The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
- Feminism having lowered standards of sexual morality has corrupted the morals of society.
Are Jews their own worst enemy by continuing to deny the divinity of the Koran?
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...