Thursday, 29 September 2022

Principled Agnosticism is indifferent to the actual existence of God

1:00  There are only arguments purporting to be logical arguing for or against the existence of God. 
2:00  Was the Uncaused First Cause the Universe rather than God?
3:00  Theocracy conforming to the Noahide laws is a rational and moral choice. 
4:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is to protect humanity. 
6:00  To be an idolater is to forego the guidance of the Torah or God.
7:00  The Abrahamic God revealed both the Torah and the Koran. 
8:00  What do the Abrahamic faiths prove?
9:00  The Torah is too hard for Jews to follow now in the 21st century West.
10:00  The Noahide laws are sensible, eternal and universal. 
11:00  The consequences of not being rightly-guided by the Koran
12:00  To be Christian and liberal is to be an idolater.
13:00  The Whig Interpretation of History by Herbert Butterfield
The End of History by Francis Fukuyama
14:00  Blaming the Jews
15:00  Neurotic Jews and gentiles
16:00  Our changing moods and subjective perceptions
18:00  Cosmic divine justice objectively and perfectly measured
20:00  Our evil inclination balanced by our better selves
21:00  Measure for measure in perfect justice
22:00  Choosing to obey God's laws for moral reasons
23:00  The administration of justice in this life and the next
24:00  Theocracy or liberal democracy?
25:00  Choosing the best moral system
26:00  Jews in retreat and in denial
27:00  Secular Koranism
28:00  The problem with Christians
29:00  There is a rational and moral choice of theocracy even if we don't believe in God.
30:00  Arguments for the existence of God
31:00  Rational arguments can be perceived as sophistry. 
32:00  Atheists and theists can agree that laws are needed to protect us from each other. 
33:00  The fairest moral system is the one that will be easiest for most people will agree to. 
34:00  There must be rules.
36:00  Natural law or legal positivism?
37:00  Ecclesiastical law
38:00  The history of the New Testament
39:00  The Word of God must trump the word of mortal and fallible me in the New Testament. 
40:00  Christianity has inferior scripture. 
Rational Jews would have to choose the Koran which does not have 36 capital offences. 
41:00  Legal housekeeping
42:00  Israel was meant to be a theocracy. 
44:00  Rapid change is unsettling. 
45:00  Iran or Israel?
46:00  WW3
47:00  Bad things happened to Westerners because they were not being rightly-guided by the Koran.
48:00  Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.  
49:00  Taoism
50:00  The rules
51:00  Jews should not be diluting the principles of the Noahide laws.
52:00  The Mandate of Heaven
53:00  Public morality should be defined by divine law.
55:00  Being guided by the Koran is being guided by God.
57:00  My position on agnosticism
58:00  Choosing a religion
59:00  The Jefferson Bible
1:01:00  Hindu and Buddhist scripture
1:02:00  Khums and usury
1:04:00  Christians changed their mind on usury over the centuries. 
1:06:00  Banning usury would end the boom-bust cycle. 
1:08:00  Agnosticism
1:09:00  Atheists and nihilists should not be the majority in your society. 
1:10:00  The Torah is supposed to be from God, but not the rest of the Old Testament. 
1:12:00  20% flat rate income tax
1:14:00  Moral arguments for following what are believed to be God's laws
1:15:00  Banning usury should be sold to individuals and governments over their heads in debt. 
1:16:00  Secular Koranism is a bridge between matriarchy and theocracy. 
1:17:00  One party theocracy abolishing political parties

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Sam Samuels imitates Vincent Bruno from 1:02:00

24:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
26:00  Practical Polygamy
29:00  Experimental lifestyles are risky.
30:00  Gay marriage, incest and beyondism
32:00  Am I God's advocate?
33:00  Adam Green
36:00  Hindu Zionism
37:00  Hindu Noahides
41:00  Vincent's agenda
42:00  Hindus support Zionism because it is anti-Muslim and are sycophantic towards Jews.
45:00  Banned from India?
47:00 Travel costs
50:00  Meetup, EA and EF Dawah
52:00  Vincent is "indescribably bizarre".
55:00  Sam Samuels
56:00  Who agrees with Vincent?
58:00  Sam Samuels is warned.

1:02:00  SAM SAMUELS joins.
1:03:00  Interest rates and gilts
1:05:00  Sam imitates a gay accent. 
1:06:00  Chicken Licken
1:07:00  The Sopranos
1:10:00  Christopher Walken and the Pet Shop Boys
1:11:00  Transvestites
1:12:00  Children having sex with each other
1:13:00  Peak Globohomo

1:26:00  Complaining about Sam Samuels
1:26:00  Sondsol
1:29:00  Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes
1:32:00  Noahide laws
1:35:00  White nationalist circles and North Carolina
1:38:00  Trump
1:39:00  Tulsi Gabbard
1:40:00  Chabad
1:43:00  Vatican
1:44:00  The Talmud came after Torah.
1:45:00  7 Noahide laws for gentiles and 613 laws for Jews
1:49:00  Death penalty for bestiality
1:50:00  Reincarnation
1:51:00  Christians incorporated Jewish scripture.
1:52:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.
1:53:00  Christianity supported the divine right of kings rejected by the American Republic.
1:54:00  "You need the Old Testament for the New Testament to work." 
1:55:00  Not necessarily an atheist
1:56:00  We know the good, we chose the evil. 
1:57:00  The effect on behaviour of belief in the Abrahamic God
1:58:00  The Torah forbids men and women wearing each other's clothes. 
1:57:00  Law and morality
2:00:00  Obviously wrong to steal an election
2:01:00  Where do moral principles come from?
2:04:00  Noahide laws
2:05:00  Idolatry
2:07:00  Judaism and Islam
2:08:00  Idolatry incurs the death penalty.
2:11:00  Blasphemy
2:15:00  Pontius Pilate, Jesus and Barrabas
2:18:00  Babylonian and Palestinian Talmud
2:21:00  Trump and the Noahide laws
2:26:00  My historical knowledge
2:27:00  History repeating itself
2:29:00  The worst thing that happened in history
2:31:00  Thomas Jefferson
2:33:00  The Wars of the Reformation
2:35:00  No freedom of belief in Europe.
2:36:00  Neither Jews nor Christians enjoyed freedom of belief. 
2:28:00  The American Republic
2:39:00  The French Revolution
2:40:00  Neither a borrower nor a lender be. 
2:42:00  Gun and flag photos, a hero and legend
2:43:00  Nuclear
2:45:00  WW3, WW2 and WW1
2:46:00  Land-hungry little Western European countries
2:47:00  In WW1 and WW3, Britain declared war on Germany.
2:49:00  Britain lost its global empire over a stupid 1915 General Election.
2:51:00  The fall of the Berlin Wall
2:52:00  Spain suffers from regional separatism
2:53:00  US$83 billion to Ukraine
2:54:00  Mongolia
2:55:00  Liz Truss
2:56:00  Deranged
2:57:00  Rishi Sunak
2:58:00  Democracy
2:59:00  Black Panther
3:00:00  Trump deplatformed from Twitter.
3:01:00  Democracy
3:02:00  Rigged elections
3:06:00  Tucker Carlson
3:07:00  Vaccines
3:08:00  Conservative Party
3:11:00  57%/42% Truss/Sunak
3:14:00  Ukraine
3:16:00  Breakaway states
3:17:00  Water
3:21:00  Vincent is a neocon. SHOCK HORROR
3:27:00  Vincent voted for Trump because of Muslims. 
3:29:00  "So few right wing racist men"  
3:30:00  Jews
3:34:00  Being fair enough
3:35:00  Definitional ambiguity
3:36:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
3:37:00  Noahidism or Islam?
3:39:00  Spinoza
3:40:00  Kabbalah

Sunday, 25 September 2022

Will my offer to speak at the October 2022 Traditional Britain Group Conference be accepted?

Sent: Sunday, 25 September 2022 at 10:20:34 BST
Subject: Speaking at your 2022 October conference on The Nature and Purpose of Religion

Happy to speak at this event on the nature and purpose of religion, if you think it will help the delegates understand better the predicament of Western Man.  

Claire Khaw

PS  I have tried calling Sam Swirling but it seems his number is now out of service. I do hope he is all right.  

2:00  Sam Swirling
3:00  Gregory Lauder Frost and John Kersey

5:00  Jews and Muslims have a religion while the people who are always complaining about them don't.

6:00  You have no right to identify as Christian unless you are a confirmed Christian. 

8:00  Morally compromised men who have been feminised and infantilised by half a century of feminism suffering from learning disabilities and neuroses

9:00  Infantilised and feminised men who bury their heads in the sand tend to get their bottoms kicked

People who think their race can be their religion are white supremacists.  

People who think that their race does not need the protective and dignifying wrapper of a religion whose principles are supported by law are white supremacists in denial that they are white supremacists. 

10:00  The Trinity is a child's tricycle.  
Denial is a feminine vice.

11:00  Morally compromised men unable to come to terms with the nature of their predicament are like toddlers shutting their eyes thinking if they cannot see the thing that is frightening them, the thing that is frightening them cannot see them.  

TBG is a hug box and echo chamber for Islamophobic white men with unacknowledged white supremacist tendencies.  

12:00  Objective morality is public morality is enforced by divine law. 

A viable moral system is one that allows you to deal with your internal and external enemies. 

13:00  Morally dishonest men too dishonest and neurotic to acknowledge the nature of their predicament

Jews try to learn from their mistakes, but Christians are just idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

14:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. Morally compromised men would be too dishonest to acknowledge this.  

15:00  While I am proud to count people who are politically prisoners as my friends, Gregory Lauder Frost was never a political prisoner, unlike like Alison Chabloz or Simon Sheppard. 

16:00  Ed Dutton and Millennial Woes

18:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes

19:00  The absurdity of the beliefs entailed by the Trinity

20:00  The burned and bloody history of the Trinity

28:00  How is anti-zionism not antisemitism?

31:00  If you don't think white people need a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality, you are a white supremacist.  

33:00  Hitler and Mussolini tried to govern in the national interest but failed. The legal positivism of Nazism and Fascism should be superseded by Secular Koranism which has significant elements of Natural Law. 

Nationalism is government in the national interest. 

34:00  Universalising the appeal of nationalism

35:00  Social conservatism is in the national interest. 

36:00  There will be no retrospective legislation under Secular Koranism. This means unmarried fathers like John Kersey will not be lashed 100 times per illegitimate offspring.

37:00  Secular Koranism will have a period of grace for unmarried parents before it starts meting out the punishment of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring. 

38:00  Morally compromised men with learning disabilities refusing to see the nature and purpose of religion 

39:00  Morally compromised by half a century of feminism

40:00  Keith Joseph's Edgbaston speech

41:00  The nature and purpose of religion is to protect its members from each other. 

42:00  The purpose of having moral principles

43:00  Western men must acknowledge that they live in a matriarchy.

45:00  Replacing the current failed moral system

46:00  Only the late Rabbi Sacks cared that liberalism was pronounced "obsolete" by President Putin.

48:00  A corrupt, incompetent, evil and insane ruling class.

The BBC is part of the ruling class. 

Morally compromised men suffering from a learning disability caused by their neurotic denial won't be able to discuss Secular Koranism rationally or honestly

49:00  The morally compromised men of the Dissident Right

51:00  The morally compromised men of the Dissident Right who are mostly not married fathers do not care about posterity and are low enough to consider it a win if they manage to go to their graves without having to endure the correction that is Secular Koranism.

Most of the bachelors of the Dissident Right are not married fathers and have no biological investment in the next generation ie posterity. For this reason they are unable to bestir themselves to protect their non-existent progeny.

52:00  You cannot expect unmarriageable men to care about the abolition of no fault divorce. 

Is Simon Webb Jewish?

53:00  Theology

54:00  Naveem Parvini kicking the can down the road

56:00  The problem with Western men is that they are overwhelmingly atheists and nihilists.

57:00  A warning to white people

58:00  How antisemites drive themselves mad with their insane antisemitism

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Talking to Sam Samuels at the beach about interest rates and five Israeli elections in four years

3:00  Market meltdown
5:00  Negative interest rates
6:00  Biden lying that housing bubble not burst and US not in recession.
8:00  Truss
9:00  Chicken Little/Chicken Licken
11:00  Financial bubbles bursting all over the place.
13:00  Command economy
Capital controls in China
14:00  Banks shutting down the accounts of porn stars and taking their money.
15:00  Hyperinflation in Germany in 1923
18:00  National Socialism is similar to Communism.
19:00  Saving Private Ryan
21:00  Trudeau bought. 
Russian Jews are leaving Russia. 
24:00 Jewish servants of American neoliberalism and neoconservatism
27:00  Usury
28:00  The Stock Market is an international casino. 
29:00  Catholic Church
31:00  Pope Francis of Argentina
32:00  Charles III
33:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
38:00  Christianity
41:00  Democrats
43:00  Principles
47:00  Liz Truss
49:00  Lessons of history
54:00  Israel is a piece of America. 

Friday, 23 September 2022

Progress report on Secular Koranism

2:00  The purpose of an army and police force
3:00  Democracy was not how Europe was Christianised.
5:00  Can any Christian agree on five Christian principles?
6:00  The Inquisition and pogroms
8:00  WW3
9:00  Darkest before dawn
10:00  Teshuvah
11:00  Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws
12:00  If you are an idolater, you suffer the price of not being rightly guided by the Koran. 
13:00  From flying First Class to flying EasyJet
14:00  From the best private school to the local sink school comp
15:00  Neurotic Jews provoking antisemitism
17:00  Removing the broken boiler and replacing it
19:00  Christianity is kaput and cursed by God.
20:00  Secular Koranism
26:00  Restoring the patriarchy by banning marriage substitutes
27:00  A religious principle against suicide
29:00  The protective characteristics of religion
30:00  Identity politics is fighting over status.
31:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
32:00  Bad parenting and a declining birth rate would mean uncontrolled mass immigration. 

Thursday, 22 September 2022

An analysis of an implacably antisemitic post masquerading as anecdotal experience

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. 

Every time I’ve met a ‘right wing’ Jew, the outcome is the same. Whether Christian or Jewish (converso or tribal), he will demand you adopt his economic system and supplant your traditional ways of harvesting and economy and worship for his. 

Usury isn’t bad, goy, you just don’t understand it- and a large part of God’s blessing given to the nations is through currency and financial success he will admit. And if you or your nation get in financial trouble it is because you don’t understand the basics of our currency, not because it is a weapon leveled at the you non-Jews. (I have seen this over and over.)

He will want you to abandon your cults and adopt his. And he will be more militant a Christian than the most militant of European Christians. In the end, for the Jew, there is only abrahamism. And in one form or another, through the excuse that this or that branch is more based, he will push you to abandon all you know and love to adopt his myths and gods. Witnessing this alone gave me pause about Christianity. How could the most evil, most cunning, most duplicitous people on the planet have the handle on absolute goodness, let alone the key to ethnic fulfillment?

The Jew will adopt a militant Christian attitude that spurns men of action to respect. He will tell you that he is so zealous that he would kill Europeans who are not Christian. He will then say he will kill Europeans that are Christian who defend non Christian Europeans and that this is God’s will. 

Whether in spirit or in body he will always kill Europeans because his mission is to destroy amalek (the Jewish interpretation of who the European is), to blot even his memory from the earth. This is a topic and a command from God that European Christians don’t touch but should know about as it sheds light in every action Jews have taken for thousands of years but particularly with regard to Christianity. 

The European Christian should wonder at the go-and-come nature of Jews converting to Islam or Christianity with a fervor that natives to the religions cannot muster. 

The zealous Jewish Muslim in crypsis will co-opt a movement that kills a million Armenians and blame it on native Muslims. The zealous Jewish Christian in crypsis will order the deaths of native Europeans for heresy and later blame the European Christian. 

It is never the Jew’s fault. Like the Jew Houdini or the Jew David Copperfield, and myriad other confidence tricksters and illusionists, the Jew alone does not exist- unless to garner your sympathy for the end times. 

But what of based Jews, of Jews that know what’s up, that read Luther’s screeds and proclaim their hatred for the Jew?

The answer is in the religion they ‘convert’ to. Did they truly abandon Judaism, its myths and legends and its ultimate goal of dominating all nations? Did they change their attitude toward non-Jews who do not embrace Judaism in one form or another? Are they among the loudest voices trying to co-opt a movement, and in pained tones despair at having to kill yet more non Jews for heresy? 

Not one is to be trusted. And I have stupidly trusted a few in what I thought was honest discussion. 

From here on in, the moment I discover that a commenter in this chat is Jewish I will ban them. They have no position we can trust. And when they say we need them, they mean they need us to follow their lead to our doom. 

Our fate as Europeans must lie far afield from Jewish tricks and lies. If it were possible to ignore the Jew, that is the course I would suggest. Everyone sins, but when you know the truth- about people and about yourself, and are able to parse the outer man from the inner, be true to the inner man, the man of blood and honour.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. 

This sentence is intended to convey the impression that the gentile has been fooled by the Jew at least twice. 

Every time I’ve met a ‘right wing’ Jew, the outcome is the same. Whether Christian or Jewish (converso or tribal), he will demand you adopt his economic system and supplant your traditional ways of harvesting and economy and worship for his. 

What economic system is being referred to? If it is capitalism and usury, the solution is simple: Islam. But this antisemite will blame Islam on Jews too. If not Jews, then the "Jewish God". 

Usury isn’t bad, goy, you just don’t understand it- and a large part of God’s blessing given to the nations is through currency and financial success he will admit. And if you or your nation get in financial trouble it is because you don’t understand the basics of our currency, not because it is a weapon leveled at the you non-Jews. (I have seen this over and over.)

What has this antisemite seen "over and over"? If he is complaining about usury, Islam bans usury, so convert to Islam to ban usury, but this simple solution is always rejected by the antisemite complaining about usury because he hates Islam and Muslims too and calls them Jewish or the malign manifestation of a malign "Jewish God" to be rejected in favour of this belief system of antisemitism which has no solutions other than to turn up the hate until presumably a pogrom is conducted.  

He will want you to abandon your cults and adopt his. 

Does the antisemite mean Jews demand that gentiles convert to Judaism? Do Jews really demand that gentiles convert to Judaism? 

And he will be more militant a Christian than the most militant of European Christians. 

Militant about what in what way?

In the end, for the Jew, there is only abrahamism. 

By "Abrahamism", presumably the antisemite means the God of Israel who is also Allah and perhaps also Jesus Christ who is after all a Jew.  

And in one form or another, through the excuse that this or that branch is more based, he will push you to abandon all you know and love to adopt his myths and gods. 

The Western gentile has been Christian for nearly 2000 years. Is this antisemite really proposing to revive extinct pre-Christian deities? How would taking this retrograde step help solve the social, economic and political problems of the West. If things get worse, he can always blame the Jew! 

Witnessing this alone gave me pause about Christianity. How could the most evil, most cunning, most duplicitous people on the planet have the handle on absolute goodness, let alone the key to ethnic fulfillment?

What is "ethnic fulfillment"?

Do Jews claim to "have the handle on absolute goodness", whatever this means?

The Jew will adopt a militant Christian attitude that spurns men of action to respect. He will tell you that he is so zealous that he would kill Europeans who are not Christian. He will then say he will kill Europeans that are Christian who defend non Christian Europeans and that this is God’s will. 

This does not sound like the average Jew or gentile. The antisemite pretends that all Jews are like this crazed Jew the antisemite has met who says he would kill non-Christian Europeans. 

Whether in spirit or in body he will always kill Europeans because his mission is to destroy amalek (the Jewish interpretation of who the European is), to blot even his memory from the earth. This is a topic and a command from God that European Christians don’t touch but should know about as it sheds light in every action Jews have taken for thousands of years but particularly with regard to Christianity. 

The antisemite pretends that Jews have the agenda of exterminating all gentiles, making no distinction between Amalek whom he is indeed obliged by the Torah to exterminate and righteous gentiles who obey the Noahide laws. 

The European Christian should wonder at the go-and-come nature of Jews converting to Islam or Christianity with a fervor that natives to the religions cannot muster. 

Is there anything sinister about Jews converting to Islam or Christianity? If Jews convert out of Judaism, they would cease to be Jews by the next generation since their children would not be Jewish, but what you would have thought would please the antisemite makes him hate Jews more if they convert to other religions "with a fervour natives cannot muster". 

Even if the Jew converts and extinguishes his Jewish identity, the antisemite will still hate him.

The zealous Jewish Muslim in crypsis will co-opt a movement that kills a million Armenians and blame it on native Muslims. The zealous Jewish Christian in crypsis will order the deaths of native Europeans for heresy and later blame the European Christian.

It seems all the bad gentiles who killed other gentiles were really Jews all along! 

It is never the Jew’s fault. Like the Jew Houdini or the Jew David Copperfield, and myriad other confidence tricksters and illusionists, the Jew alone does not exist- unless to garner your sympathy for the end times.

What is never the Jew's fault? It seems the antisemite will keep blaming the Jew even if he converts out of Judaism and no longer exists. 

But what of based Jews, of Jews that know what’s up, that read Luther’s screeds and proclaim their hatred for the Jew?

The answer is in the religion they ‘convert’ to. Did they truly abandon Judaism, its myths and legends and its ultimate goal of dominating all nations? Did they change their attitude toward non-Jews who do not embrace Judaism in one form or another? Are they among the loudest voices trying to co-opt a movement, and in pained tones despair at having to kill yet more non Jews for heresy? 

The implication is that Jews who convert out of their religion must also be rejected and ostracised. Note the presumption that Jews regularly kill gentiles for heresy and will kill more, for reasons that are not explained and with no further details given about the heresy that attracts the death penalty.

Not one is to be trusted. And I have stupidly trusted a few in what I thought was honest discussion. 

From here on in, the moment I discover that a commenter in this chat is Jewish I will ban them. They have no position we can trust. And when they say we need them, they mean they need us to follow their lead to our doom. 

Our fate as Europeans must lie far afield from Jewish tricks and lies. If it were possible to ignore the Jew, that is the course I would suggest. Everyone sins, but when you know the truth- about people and about yourself, and are able to parse the outer man from the inner, be true to the inner man, the man of blood and honour.

The post ends with another declaration of hatred and condemnation of Jews by antisemites of "blood and honour".

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Secular Koranism discussed on a white Muslim channel. Terron Poole joins.

27:00  Why Muslims won't support Secular Koranism
28:00  "Our way or the highway."

29:00  Being able to read Classical Arabic or converting to Islam would not make Islamophobes respect me more. Nor would it get the support of frightened Muslim men frightened of the disapproval of other Muslims and the hatred of Islamophobes. 

30:00  Cowardly Muslim men
31:00  Muslim men too frightened to perform their Islamic obligation of enjoining good and forbidding evil who dare not mention my last name in the hope of retarding the propagation of Secular Koranism

32:00  Have Muslims properly interpreted Koranic principles? If they had, surely they would be more high status and successful than they are at the moment?

33:00  Frightened Muslim men frightened of Islamophobes
34:00  The definition of extremism
35:00  If everything is fine, then Secular Koranism is indeed redundant.

38:00  TERRON POOLE joins.
39:00  Doing dawah to Westerners
41:00  Lowering the threshold of observance

44:00  Why would Westerners become Muslims like Jon Vance?
45:00  A higher percentage of black Americans become Muslim than white Americans.
46:00  Nationalists get labelled fascists and misogynists. 
48:00  Carol Quigley
49:00  Tenth century fiqh manuals
52:00  Sharia offers stable marriages, stable families, a stable economy and a stable society to Westerners.
53:00  Samuel Huntingdon
54:00  Many Muslims in the West don't want sharia. 
57:00  The new Muslim convert
58:00  Munafiq
59:00  Divided Muslims
1:00:00  No Pope of Judaism or Islam
1:01:00  A supreme court
1:02:00  No Pope of Jews.
1:03:00  Assimilated Jews are the most influential.  
1:05:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.
1:06:00  Inner peace
1:08:00  Justice in this life is a measure of good government. 
1:09:00  Corporal punishment in Aceh Province

1:13:00  Iranians got their country back after their Islamic Revolution. 
1:14:00  Sunni Islam is on the back foot compared to the Shias.
1:15:00  The liberal parents of Conops had a lovely time in Iran.
1:16:00  Israel is an extension of the West.
1:17:00  Non-Muslims feel threatened by Muslim birth rates.

1:18:00  You have to fight fire with fire. 
1:19:00  The dysgenic one-child policy of China
1:21:00  Gay rights in China
1:22:00  Mind control with a light touch
1:25:00  Secular Koranism would be implemented by the media of the political classes adopt it. 
1:26:00  Trump
1:30:00  My forcefulness and aspiring married parents
1:31:00  Not many people want children.
1:32:00  Married men are taken more seriously on the salary roll.
1:34:00  Talking to girls and marriage substitutes
1:35:00  Increasing the likelihood of winning a successful defensive war.
1:35:00  Porn in a pre-internet age
1:37:00  Immigration, education and parenting
1:38:00  Compromised nationalists
1:39:00  Neighbourhoods and communities
1:41:00  Women giving up equal pay
1:42:00  Gender relations
1:43:00  Women are materialistic.
1:44:00  Married parents should be privileged over married parents and sex offenders.
1:45:00  Western establishment
1:46:00  Trump supporters

A discussion of Secular Koranism on a white Muslim channel


50:00  Secular Koranism would have a flat rate income tax of 20% payable only by people not on a low income.

54:00  Secular Koranism proposes a one-party theocracy.

57:00  Define tyranny. We have already heard of the tyranny of the majority. Is William actually calling the laws of God "tyranny"? Now that is a surprise since he is supposed to be Muslim and Muslims are supposed to support sharia, and sharia is based on the laws of God in the Koran.

Americans  who have never heard of Secular Koranism have already been talking about a second American Civil War.  

Obviously, this idea needs to be properly introduced to Americans with the cooperation of their ruling classes through mainstream media.

The cat is out of the bag as regards Secular Koranism. Even if I called it something else, the many Islamophobes who are already aware of it would say it is based on the Koran and I am not going to deny it.

58:00  So was everyone in Mecca after the Meccan Revolution already Muslim before sharia was imposed there?

59:00  Secular Koranism is the middle way between more globohomo and a violent revolution. It would only be the "extreme solution" that Adam labels it as if there is another solution that would solve the political problems of America. So what is this moderate solution that is being proposed by whom?

There are already plenty of laws people obey that they disagree with because they fear punishment. Are you really claiming American Muslims agree with all US laws?

1:02:00  All laws that you disagree with that you have to obey are oppressive. Does William really think there will come a time when all Americans will agree to obey laws in the Koran? Does he think that will happen in his lifetime? If not, is he prepared to make the case for sharia in his lifetime? If not, is he prepared to support anyone who does? Or does he already assume defeat and dissociates himself from this proposal to avoid attracting controversy, opposition and accusations? If that is his reason for withholding his support, what about the Islamic obligation to enjoin good and forbid evil?

1:03:00  Freedom of belief is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Does that extend to the right of Muslims to propose sharia after making the case that Christianity is kaput? Or are Muslim men too afraid to find out?

1:04:00  What was the question Adam was trying to ask?

1:05:00  According to the Christian narrative, Jesus was crucified for blasphemy, wasn't he? I, an agnostic non-Muslim female, am more prepared to obey than Muslim men claiming to believe in God.

1:06:00  What does C J Moore think I am confused about? I am not confused about Koranic principles being a source of social conservatism. There are still Americans who want social conservatism, aren't there? These would be Trump supporters identifying as Christian, but Christianity is kaput because it has failed to give them social conservatism ie protect the institutions of marriage and the family. How is deducing that Americans need a moral system that actually forbids and punishes extramarital sex with and, evidence of "confusion"?

If I, a non-Muslim female agnostic can come to this conclusion, why not Muslim men?

1:07:00  Are we to assume that in an Islamic State run by William, he is going to ignore and force everyone to be Muslim?That would be also unAmerican, because the First Amendment is based on this verse.

Secular Koranism neither bans pig farms nor requires everyone in the country to eat halal food only. American pig farmers need not fear Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. 

1:09:00  There is more than one way to skin a cat. The Koran can be sold as a political manifesto promoting social conservatism to protect the institutions of marriage and the family. If social conservatives who are atheists and agnostics can be sold on that alone, why would you not do your dawah this way?

1:10:00  If you are already Muslim, you would be avoiding pork anyway, but Secular Koranism does not ban pork. does mention house arrest, doesn't it? does prescribe 100 lashes which would be meted out to those whose guilt is undeniable - unmarried parents. 

1:11:00  I am not picking and choosing because Secular Koranism is not my personal selection of God's laws in the Koran that I want to have enforced by law, because I am going to enforce all the commandments and prohibitions of God.  The methodology of Secular Koranism and interpretation is unique to me, however.

The judiciary gets to decide on the interpretation of the Koran.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

I try to impress on atheists the moral imperative of obeying God's laws from 27:00

The logical necessity and moral imperative of Secular Koranism

2:00  Don't display your antisemitism even if you hate Jews. 
3:00  Mark Collett

5:00  Low status low information low education low income political activists
6:00  The problem of widespread illegitimacy
7:00  I could convert to Reform Judaism and be a Reform Rabbi.
8:00  Heidegger's concept authenticity
9:00  Should we be true to our emotions or our principles? What if we don't have principles? 
10:00  Should we prioritise our emotions over our principles? What if we don't have principles?

11:00  Choosing our moral system
12:00  Nationalism is the only intellectually and morally respectable secular political ideology.  
13:00  How is it in the national interest of any European nation to support war in Ukraine?
14:00  Nationalism is the secular political ideology that it would be rational and decent to support. 
15:00  The immoral policies of Sodom and Gomorrah our matriarchy is asking us to support
16:00  The only division we should recognise is the division between those who believe parents should be married and those who do not.
17:00  Small businesses will be destroyed by the matriarchy.
18:00  Have Muslims been sent by God to Christian countries to punish Christians for so many centuries of idolatry and blasphemy? 
19:00  The American Revolution was more about the rejection of Christianity and monarchy than the rejection of taxation without representation. 
20:00  The corruption of Christianity
21:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were consequence of Westerners rejecting the totalitarian oppression of Christianity forced on them by their corrupt and incompetent monarchs. 
22:00  The Church of England was established to be a Creature of the State. 
23:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy means the people are at the mercy of their elected politicians who can pass and repeal any law.  
24:00  The unique geopolitical interests of our nation
25:00  NATO, arms manufacturers, America and another World War
26:00  It is in the national interest to choose the best available religion based on the best available guide to humanity. 
27:00   Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. Without Judaism, there would be no Jews. 
28:00  Westerners are only left with Islam once they decide that Christianity is kaput. 
29:00  If Israeli Jews were forced to choose between a Torah theocracy and a Koran-based theocracy, they would choose the Koran because it does not have 36 capital offences.  
30:00  I am selling Secular Koranism straight to the ruling classes.
31:00  Is effluent4u still Christian?
32:00  Doesn't effluent4u know Christianity is idolatry?
33:00  Is the Creator of the Universe Jesus?
34:00  The narrative of Islam resolves the identity issues of Jesus.
35:00  Do Christians want Jesus to have died for their sins despite claiming that they love him? If so, are they not condoning human sacrifice?
36:00  Do Christians really believe in the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments? If they do, why do they practise it?  
37:00  Christians who complain about Jews and Muslims without acknowledging their sins and errors only deserve failure.  
38:00  The religion of the English is Anglicanism.
39:00  Acquiring moral and religious principles to defend
40:00  All healthy nations have a moral basis to their laws. 
41:00  Divine laws in divine revelation
42:00  Non-Christians and non-liberals not bothered by the failure of Christianity and liberalism, untroubled by their lack of a functioning moral system
43:00  The British haven't got a constitution.
44:00  Britain and Israel are governed by the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy.
45:00  A ruling class morally regulated by Secular Koranism
46:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
49:00  Class war 
50:00  No one can agree on the principles of liberalism.
52:00  The Christian principle of practising idolatry and blasphemy
54:00  Controlling the terms of debate
56:00  The false premise that Jesus is God
57:00  The Mystery of the Trinity solved.
59:00  Idolatry is definitely forbidden. The issue that must be addressed is whether Christianity is idolatry.
1:02:00  Mixed metaphor

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Phil Kny: ​"No religion can solve the problems of the West. Our problem is with the economic model."

From 5:00
Capitalism v Communism
6:00  Class war
7:00  Judicious balancing of the conflicting interests of the different classes
8:00  The government doesn't care about anyone, much less the national interest.
9:00  Worse and worse government until overthrown by revolution.
10:00  My five convictions:

  1. Christianity is kaput.
  2. Democracy is dementia.
  3. Liberalism is for losers
  4. The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
  5. Feminism having lowered standards of sexual morality has corrupted the morals of society.    
12:00  Just as a dog returns to its vomit, a fool returns to his folly. 
15:00  All societies need a religion. 
16:00  Moral systems

19:00  SAM joins.
21:00  Dublin electricity bill
23:00  Wheat and meat

26:00  PHIL speaks on economic policy. 
27:00  Socialism and Corporate Capitalism
29:00  Capitalism is about private property rights, socialism is about collective property rights. 
30:00  George Soros
31:00  Small independent businesses and national socialism
32:00  Diaspora Jews
33:00  Christianity as a Roman creation
34:00  Diaspora Jews returning to Israel
35:00  Populist uprising and a dictatorship of the proletariat
39:00  Passive Westerners
41:00  Islam
44:00  Food riots
46:00  Departure of English Jews
48:00  Cannibals and UBI
49:00  National average age
50:00  Patriarchy
51:00  Structural social problems
52:00  Sir Keith Joseph
53:00  Feminism
54:00  Restoring the patriarchy does not have general support.
55:00  Our corrupt political cartel
Putin said in 2019 that liberalism was "obsolete". 
56:00  Christianity
57:00  Accused of being a Nazi
59:00  Explaining the problem in socio-psychological terms
1:00:00  Sexual liberation
General Franco, Catholicism, Hungary and Poland
1:01:00  The religious narrative
1:02:00  Usury and easy credit
1:03:00  Social and luxury housing
1:04:00  Banning usury as a non-Muslim is harder than banning usury as a Muslim.
1:05:00  The Abrahamic God
1:06:00  Christianity
1:07:00  Divine right of kings
1:08:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine. 
1:09:00  Muslims corrupted by liberalism.
1:10:00  Sunni v Shia
1:11:00  Gender relations
1:11:00  Morality
1:12:00  Abolition of equal pay
1:13:00  Competing antisemitic conspiracy theories
1:14:00  Not having a protected characteristic under the Equality Act
1:16:00  Penitence and remorse
1:17:00  Jews and Muslims have a religion but those who hate them don't. 
1:18:00  No accountability
1:19:00  The national interest

Are Jews their own worst enemy by continuing to deny the divinity of the Koran?

1:00  Our own worst enemy
3:00  Supporters of Secular Koranism only have to be social conservatives.
4:00  Jews being God's Chosen People and taking their responsibilities to gentiles seriously
5:00  Conflicted Western identity
6:00  My status should not matter if what I say is understood.
7:00  Truth, Logic and Morality is now taboo in the matriarchy.
8:00  Conflicting claims of Western identity creates deep-seated neuroses.
9:00  Corrupt morals prevent the propagation of my ideas and the implementation of my solution.
11:00  Conflicting claims of Jewish identity and the traditional antisemitism of Christians
12:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God and the evil inclination
13:00  The Seven Deadly Sins
14:00  Jews cannot agree on whether Islam is Noahide. 
15:00  Rabbis don't want to lose members of their congregation to Islam. 
16:00  Would God be pleased if world Jewry converted to Islam?
18:00  God must be angry and disappointed at Jews, Christians and Muslims.
19:00  God must be sharpening His Knives of Punishment.
21:00  Why the Western ruling classes will soon be supporting Secular Koranism
22:00  Recalcitrant rabbis are depriving gentiles of being rightly-guided by the Koran.
23:00  Are Jews being proud and selfish by refusing to acknowledge the divinity of the Koran?
24:00  Why are Jews drawing the attention of the ayin hara of gentiles to themselves by claiming they are the only ones with divine revelation?

26:00  If God exists and we are all the Slaves of God, who has the higher status? 
a) People who acknowledge they are the Slaves of God  
b) People who deny they are the Slaves of God

27:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful idea in the whole wide world and can change the directions of civilisations, nations and empires. 

28:00  Will enough Americans be prepared to contemplate proposing a constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States to save themselves from the horrors of intersectional feminism and the Biden Administration?

29:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli, Chinese, Indian, Russian etc Characteristics

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...