Friday, 30 June 2023

Reintroducing slavery to pay off student loans 

Britain is the birthplace of neoliberalism.

Washington warned against political parties.

Democracy did not last long in Ancient Athens.

Is democracy really the best form of government?

Every time you vote, the government gets worse.

People who don't care about the principle of the thing and who don't care about foreign policy should not be allowed to vote.



Political cartels supporting the same foreign policy


12:00  Student loans

13:00  Neither a borrower nor a lender be.


14:00  Usury

16:00  Chickens coming home to roost.

17:00  Representative democracy is dividing your religion into sects and rejoicing in your own doctrines.

Who should be allowed on Twitter?

His and hers Twitter with their different rules

Categorising the quality of the content of tweeters

Incoherent and ungrammatical tweets

Elegantly phrased evil tweets

Manichean tweeters

Who likes gibberish tweets and what is their motive?

An Islamic French Revolution


Right and wrong kinds of Christians fighting each other

Pilgrim Fathers


If God does not exist, which sex invented God and which sex invented the blow job?

1:00  Abrahamic God
2:00  4000 years ago and Aten
3:00  Hasmonean Dynasty
4:00  Church of England
5:00  Monarch and priest must be separate.
6:00  Divine right to rule
7:00  The Pope
8:00  Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell and Cardinal Wolseley
10:00  Divine right
12:00  Hierarchy and Atenism
13:00  Estates of the Realm in the ancien regime
14:00  Hindu caste system
15:00  The Untouchables
16:00  Communism
17:00  Three Represents
19:00  People's Democratic Dictatorship
23:00  Three Estates of the Realm

26:00  Communists can't agree.
27:00  Communist Manifesto
28:00  Communism is just as schismatic as Christianity.
29:00  Mein Kampf
30:00  The Koran
31:00  Being cynical
32:00  The Koran must have been written by a committee of men.
33:00  The Abrahamic God and Moses
34:00  The Ten Commandments
35:00  The Koran
37:00  Sex differences
38:00  Feebleminded decadent unmarriageable men
39:00  Stalemate
41:00  Dying on their death bed in the dying room
42:00  Moral motor neuron disease
43:00  Pyramid of patriarchy
44:00  Secular Koranism - the book
45:00  The purposefulness of believers
46:00  "The market can stay irrational for longer than you can stay solvent."
48:00  Being on a CIA blacklist
51:00  Low status people bumping along at the bottom
52:00  Appearing to talk politics
54:00  A herd of sacred cows
56:00  The wrath of the matriarchy
57:00  Men failing all the shit tests
59:00  The welfare state
1:01:00  Pyramid and inverted pyramid

Is refusing to shake a woman's hand an acknowledgement of female power?

2:00  Kissing a woman's hand

6:00  Sex segregation

8:00  Muslim man in wheelchair apologised to me for shaking my hand because he thought I was a man. 

9:00  Curtseying and bowing

13:00  Beatles assailed by female fans. 

15:00  Bouncing boobs


22:00  Why some women like to dress provocatively

24:00  Talking to the Pope in a bikini

27:00  What is normally exposed?

28:00  Orthodox Jewesses wearing wigs

29:00  Hijab

31:00  Scattergun approach to mating

Choosing our religious identity to raise our status

1:00  Adolescent identity crisis
5:00  Joining groups
6:00  Status
7:00  An orphan free of parental expectations and existentialism
8:00  Christian existentialists eg Kierkegaard and Heidegger 
12:00  Christianity is the wrong religion.
13:00  Changing our religion
14:00  Religious groups are the most powerful human groups.
15:00  Francoise and Francois, Paul and Paula
17:00  Finding ourselves at the bottom of society
18:00  Knowing we are the slaves of God is better than not knowing this.
19:00  Moving for the sake of the children
21:00  Performing our roles to the best of our availability
22:00  Philosophical resignation
24:00  Occupation is identity and status.
25:00  Cultural identity
26:00  Directionlessness of atheists
27:00  Returning to ancestral homelands
28:00  Linguistic identity
29:00  The warlike nature of English-speaking peoples
30:00  The utility of religion
31:00  Neurotic Westerners
32:00  Children who have not been taught reason

Thursday, 29 June 2023

The story of Abraham and Isaac in the context of Eid al-Adha

2:00  Human sacrifice ended.
4:00  Did God end human sacrifice or not?
5:00  Was Isaac complicit in the staging of Abraham's proposed sacrifice of his son to God?
6:00  Noah v Abraham
17:00  Did Abraham stage the proposed sacrifice?
21:00  Human sacrifice for foreign policy
22:00  The absurd Christian narrative
24:00  Christianity is about cannibalism and human sacrifice.
26:00  Why did God allow Christianity?
27:00  Faith does not come before reason.
28:00  Allah is illogical. 
29:00  Posterity
30:00  Christians can't follow principles.
31:00  Christians can't follow the principle of no human sacrifice and no cannibalism. 
32:00  Knowing God's wishes
33:00  Inferior Christian scripture
34:00  Mathew, Mark, Luke and John
35:00  Do Christians really want to revive the Christian practice of heretic burning?
36:00  The First Amendment is supported by
37:00  Idolaters and blasphemers are executed under Judaism.
38:00  Islam is always talking about the rights of non-Muslims.
39:00  The consequences of not having a religion

40:00  George Washington: "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."

Happy Eid al-Adha AKA Happy Muslim Meat-Eating Day!

It is a positive commandment of the Torah that whoever wishes to eat meat must first slaughter the animal, as it is written, “Thou shalt slaughter of thy herd and of thy flock, which the Lord hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou shalt eat within thy gates, after all the desire of thy soul” (Deuteronomy 12:21)

6:00  Bullfighting

7:00  Buy it from the butcher

12:00  Essex girl
14:00  Soylent Green
20:00  Methods of slaughter
21:00  A slaughter survey
23:00  Halal slaughter
24:00  Shechita

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Why Christians believe in Christianity

1:00  Tayo intro
3:00  Religious people have principles and have more children.
4:00  Christianity
7:00  Tertullian: "We believe it because it is absurd."
10:00  E Michael Jones
Letter from Muhammad to Christians
17:00  The religion of our ancestors
18:00  Hypocrites
19:00  Tayo defends Christianity
22:00  Logic and reason
25:00  The emotional elephant

28:00  CK speaks on the idolatry of Christianity.

30:00  Logic is a good in itself. 
31:00  Illogical Christians

32:00  CK speaks on Christianity

36:00  Tayo talking to Ali Dawah on the incarnation
Humility of God
37:00  Are Jews white?
38:00  Slave trade
40:00  Ethnicity > race
41:00  God would not be humble.
42:00  Lion and the lamb
43:00  Glorification of the weak disapproved by Nietzsche.

46:00  CK explains the Mystery of the Trinity

50:00  Original Sin
54:00  Sins of the fathers
57:00  Faith or logic?
59:00  Creation
1:02:00  The first university was Muslim
1:14:00  Slavery
1:19:00  People who lie to themselves
1:21:00  Faith before reason or the opposite?
1:23:00  Black box theory
1:25:00  Elon Musk
1:27:00  CK on reasons why people have their religion
1:28:00  Islamophobia
1:31:00  Christians don't take religion seriously.

Muslims killing Christians in Nigeria

1:33:00  E Michael Jones and the big words Christians like using

1:37:00  EMJ talking about logos instead of logic.
1:38:00  John Vervaeke

1:39:00  EMJ
1:40:00  Faturechi

1:57:00  Why Christian are wrong?
1:59:00  Paul Vander Klay

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

10 Western taboos and sacred cows of the West

1.  Feminism

2.  Christianity

3.  Liberalism

4.  Democracy and in particular representative democracy

5.  Sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting eg LGBT rights and a culture of permissiveness and casual sex

6.  The Welfare State

7.  Imperialism AKA neoconservatism AKA liberal intervention

8.  Free porn

9.  Gay marriage

10.  Mass immigration for the labour force needed to deal with labour shortages caused by feminist policies ie not enough children and badly parented children who are not good workers

Talking to Jay about emunah and bitachon

Russian coup

7:00  What's normal these days?

Emmet Fox

8:00  Is belief in God a delusion?
10:00  Repressed memory
11:00  History is written by the victor.
12:00  Japan is an occupied country.
13:00  Europe is an occupied country.
14:00  Secular Koranism supports the First Amendment. 
15:00  The Fist Amendment destroyed belief in the Trinity.
16:00  Christian imperialism
17:00  Do Christians have the best religion because they acquired three global empires?
18:00  Muslims don't follow the Koran.
20:00  Jews are supposed to promote the Noahide laws.
21:00  Christianity
22:00  Idolatry
24:00  Blasphemy
25:00  Paul
27:00  Liberalism and the Statue of Liberty
28:00  The Third Estate
29:00  Fanatics can be atheist too.
31:00  Football is a religion. 
32:00  Mexican wave
33:00  We believe what we want to believe. 
34:00  The best scam artists are Nigerians.
35:00  Damsel in distress
36:00  Just in case

39:00  Christianity and religion
41:00  Wetherspoons

A nation of shopkeepers

41:00  The church is a Creature of the State.
42:00  Average age
43:00  Inflation
44:00  Sending weapons to Ukraine
45:00  Shooting sprees in America
46:00  Mental illness and UAE
47:00  Depression
51:00  The feeling that we have done the wrong thing
56:00  Crazy ladies
57:00  Middle class neurosis
58:00  Femininity and masculinity
59:00  Indebtedness in gentry
1:00:00  Harry
1:01:00  Never envy rich people
1:02:00  Lake District
1:02:00  Coniston Water
1:04:00  Living by the sea
Lakes warmer than the sea
1:06:00  Wetsuit
1:08:00  Talking about God
1:09:00  Emunah and bitachon
1:11:00  God doesn't mind being asked for stuff.
1:12:00  Bargaining with God
1:17:00  Guilt
1:19:00  Wedding photos
1:20:00  Religion supports marriage.
1:22:00  Therapy
1:26:00  Questioning our faith
1:27:00  Weight gain
1:30:00  Religious tolerance

Talking without saying anything: Paul Vander Klay and his satellites

10:00  Middle class people who refuse to discuss politics
16:00  Rejecting the LibLabCon
17:00  Lower middle classes, unionised labour and ununionised labour
21:00  The spiritual home of homeless hobos
22:00  Centralised hierarchy
23:00  Calvinist Reform Church
26:00  65 Project
29:00  Grim Griz
32:00  Conversation in a lunatic asylum
33:00  Paul Vander Klay doing his rounds at his psychiatric ward
34:00  Pretending to discuss serious matters
35:00  Christian hypocrisy
37:00  The buzz words of Paul Vander Klay
41:00  Why would an atheist and nihilist pretend to be Christian?
43:00  Christian handwringing
45:00  Watching something rotting at high speed
Deuteronomy 28

Monday, 26 June 2023

Talking about sex and marriage at Speakers Corner

3:00  Learning from our mistakes
4:00  Secular Koranism
5:00  Men on their wedding days
7:00  The majority of people are stupid.
8:00  The benefits of marriage
9:00  Transactional acts of affection
11:00  Free love
12:00  Johan Hari
13:00  Star Wars
15:00  Compatibility and Russel Brand
16:00  Meaningless sex
17:00  Being patient with our spouse
18:00  Unmarried parents
19:00  Blaming the government
21:00  Spouses are supposed to cover each other's faults. 
22:00  Atheists and nihilists who don't care about promiscuity and the damage it causes
24:00  Funerals
25:00  Religions that support patriarchy
26:00  Marriage is a sacrifice. 
27:00  Muslim culture
29:00  Gift
31:00  Blue Zones
Drugged up in an old folks' home
32:00  Apps to facilitate fornication
34:00  Muhammad on choosing a wife 
35:00  Revolutions are caused by sexually frustrated young men.
37:00  Fatherless children in fatherless homes
38:00  Male and female role models for children
39:00  Background checks and male matchmakers
40:00  Neutral party in relationships
41:00  A handsome divorce settlement
42:00  Most divorces initiated by women.
43:00  Anti-feminist men won't campaign to abolish no fault divorce.
44:00  Viktor Frankel
48:00  Spirituality
49:00  Crazy ladies and psychopathy
50:00  Sociopathy is a product of atheism and nihilism.
52:00  Good cultural norms
53:00  Idolatry
54:00  Sadia Khan
56:00  Alliances, fellow travellers and common goals
58:00  Elon Musk
59:00  Learning from our mistakes

Sunday, 25 June 2023

Rabbi Mizrachi talks about Hitler's mother

45:00 Rabbi Mizrachi has given up on Jews and expects only Muslims to do the right thing now.
46:00  Tisha B'Av is coming.
47:00  Cry about nothing, God will give you something to cry about. 
50:00  Riptides in Israel
1:02:00  Israelis who have expressed views on the the reform of the Israeli Supreme Court now have spyware on their phones and computers.
1:04:00  Israeli politicians probably blackmailed.
1:05:00  Double agents
1:17:00  Stoning for breaking the Sabbath
1:29:00  Definition of a Jew
1:35:00  Married Israeli parents now also breeding for the next generation of LGBT Israelis
1:43:00  University-educated Jews who mock rabbis
1:48:00  Hitler's Jewish blood and Bernie Sanders 
1:52:00  The tug of war between the brain and the heart
Rabbi Avigdor Miller
2:02:00  Manis Friedman is the greatest heretic.
2:07:00  Being judgmental and exercising judgement

Friday, 23 June 2023

Men taking an anti-feminist stance while wife-hunting

 Men must take a principled stand against feminism.

5:00  Being vulnerable to the rules of no fault divorce means you should insist on its abolition. 

6:00  Men with the conviction to declare a marriage strike until no fault divorce is abolished

8:00  Marriage is a eugenic heritable trait inherited from married parents. 

9:00  The generation gap 

10:00  The "religion" of sport

11:00  Married parenting

12:00  Healthy gender relations

13:00  Christianity is kaput because it has been replaced by liberalism.

14:00  The unofficial religion of America is the pursuit of happiness, the unofficial religion of Europeans is unquestioningly obeying the orders of America.

15:00  Americans losing their First Amendment rights. 

16:00  Foreign policy

17:00  The Wars of the Reformation

20:00  The English Republic

21:00  Monarchy is idolatry.

22:00  The role of the Pope and regicides of  three European monarchs

23:00  The design defects of Christianity and monarchy

24:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy and the lack of a US official religion

25:00  The consequence of Western governments no longer supporting marriage

26:00  Degeneracy and decline

27:00  Why it is a moral imperative to fight for the restoration of the patriarchy

Talking to Jay about the economy under khums ie a flat rate income tax of 20%

2:00  Working class and middle class attitudes towards discussing politics

6:00  Hindu caste system and the British class system

8:00  The priesthood in the English middle ages

11:00  Identity politics is status politics.

12:00  JAY joins.

13:00  Secular Koranism denialism


15:00  Occupation

17:00  Political activist

19:00  Unacknowledged snobbery

20:00  Paul Vander Klay

21:00  The Bible

22:00  Covid spies

24:00  Voting makes your government worse.

26:00  Is it worse to be mad or to know everyone around you is mad?

27:00  Female commentators and feminist propaganda

28:00  Keir Starmer being doughnutted

31:00  Women pooping the party and safe spaces for men

32:00  His and Hers Twitter

34:00  Male solidarity

37:00  Self-inflicted mental illness

38:00  Childhood

39:00  Cricket Club

42:00  Our online community

43:00  Luke Ford

44:00  Truth censored and lies promoted

46:00  Extreme situations require extreme solutions.

47:00  Generation gap

48:00  Roy Keane

49:00  Paternity leave

50:00  Young people these days

51:00  The older generation are party pooping wet blankets.

53:00  Winning arguments is good for your mental health.

54:00  Inflation

55:00  Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany

56:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%

59:00  Monopolies

1:00:00  Social media monopolies

1:01:00  Brexin after Brexit

1:02:00  Not race but class

1:08:00  I don't hate white people.

1:09:00  The purpose of having an official moral system

1:10:00  The Church

1:11:00  Sermon on the Mount

1:12:00  The End of Christendom by Malcom Muggeridge

1:15:00  Communicating Christianity to children

1:18:00  The logical necessity of having a moral system

1:19:00  The First Amendment 

1:21:00  How would the British feel if the  French decided to go full sharia?

1:22:00  Titan submarine deaths

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

A response to a review of SECULAR KORANISM by William Breiannis

This review is 26 pages. 

Her book spans 100 pages of larger than normal font such that, if she used a normal font (sized 11 or 12) her book may very well be less than 70 pages.

I take it as a compliment that William thinks my book too short and was disappointed not to have been able to read more to prolong the experience of reading my words of wit and wisdom.

I actually agree with her here. Most of the problems faced today are moral issues and are due to a lack of both principle and conviction. She went on to elaborate on this and again, I agree with her words, “A principle is something you make a point of always doing or never doing, whether it resulted in praise, reward or punishment.” Now, though I do agree with this, I will take her to task in relation to it shortly. First, I want to continue by sharing her perceived solution: “It would be in the national interest to adopt the best moral system available.” Now, again, I agree with her on this.  

 And I agree with his agreement.

Now, if this was what Secular Koranism was really about, I am sure that the majority of Muslims would support it. Indeed, it is these ideas (though, perhaps more thought out and presented in a more balanced and nuanced way) that most Muslims espouse and use to invite their fellow Americans. In fact, most of what I have shared here is not really objected to by any Muslim…and even many non-Muslims would agree.

Again, I agree with his agreement.

The first thing we will look at is something she called a Koranic Credit Score. Now, she didn’t explain this at all in her book, she simply mentions it several times and so, we don’t actually know what this is to be used for. However, since she tells us that those who repent from Christianity and put their names on a registry and those who publicly repent from being the parent of illegitimate children can get Koranic Credit Score “brownie points” and ‘bonuses”, as well as her saying, “Your Koranic Credit Score will be based on your ability to solve problems using Truth, Logic and Morality”, we must assume that this is a kind of social credit system where one’s travel, internet speeds/usage, and ability to buy, sell, work or rent will be limited by the state based on one’s score. What this means is, the more you obey the state control, the more privileges you get to enable you to live comfortably but the more you seek to question the state, or disagree with their views of what “Truth, Logic and Morality” means, the less privileges and so, the harder your life will be made by the state.

Actually, your Koranic Credit Score will be treated like your IQ score. You can boast about it or withhold it, as you wish.  

The [Christian] reader is then left to wonder, what about those who refuse to renounce their beliefs? Ultimately, despite the claim that Secular Koranism would preserve the First Amendment, we see that Christians would not enjoy the same privileges as non-Christians. Similarly, those who attempt to enjoy any freedom of speech by calling such a system unjust and oppressive would likewise not enjoy the same privileges as those who would remain silent in the face of such tyranny. 

What William does not seem to understand is that privileges are rights over and above what is normally enjoyed. Christian Americans would continue to enjoy the protection of the First Amendment and have the same rights as non-Christian Americans. However, what is expected to happen is that Islam would become mainstream under Secular Koranism and more and more Americans become Muslim after acknowledging the failure of Christo-Liberalism. One of the selling points of Secular Koranism to Muslims is that it will nudge non-Muslim Americans towards Islam and in a few generations, America would become a Muslim majority country and Secular Koranism slide comfortably into Islam.   

The education system under Secular Koranism will be built upon a two tier system - tier A is only for legitimate offspring and tier B is only for illegitimate offspring. She tells us though, the “state provision of educational facilities will be equal.” She even offers hope that perhaps the tier B students will get better teachers, claiming, “Doubtless ambitious teachers would want to teach in the more challenging B schools.” So, why the separation? To humiliate the illegitimate offspring? To protect the legitimate offspring from their cooties? Most likely, it is simply more state control such that they can monitor and influence the potential future state regulated slaves and prostitutes.

The purpose of putting the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents into B Schools is to protect the former from the bad behaviour of the latter. They will however be taking the same subjects and doing the same examinations.  

She even tells us what her views are of the “purpose” of religion is by saying, “If it[is] the purpose of all the world religions to protect patriarchy ie the practice of marriage and family values, the Christianity is clearly the weakest link.”. (She says this on page 25 despite having said on page19 that, “We must however give credit where credit is due. Christianity raised standards of sexual morality by imposing monogamy…”)

It is not a contradiction to say that when Westerners took monogamy seriously, Westerners were a different kind of people to what they are now: a people seeking to make polyamory mainstream. Doubtless Romans were a different people when they were a people who hated kings to when they were a people who worshiped their deceased emperors. 

Throughout this work, Claire has demonstrated a seeming inability to differentiate between a valid argument and a sound argument.

No examples of this inability were given.  

If the Qur’an was revealed for the gentiles only, as she claims, it doesn’t matter how many Jews there are in the world. And on top of that, if the Torah is the best system of morality available to mankind, why would it matter how many Jews are in the World? The percentage of Jews should not have any impact on what scripture a person decides to adhere to. 

In this video I make arguments Muslims could use to invite Jews to Islam.  

Yet another example of her faulty logic is her saying, “It cannot be denied that if you are an unmarried parent, you must have been guilty of fornication.” Perhaps she is unable to conceive of divorced parents, widows and widowers, or victims of rape. For her, if you are an unmarried parent, you must be guilty of fornication.

Technically speaking, rape is forced fornication or forced adultery. Secular Koranism would punish the unmarried parents of illegitimate children. I had not thought it necessary to state it in a way that requires the use of tautology and pleonasm eg unmarried bachelor/spinster, married spouse, tuna fish etc. It should be clear from the context that I only mean to apply to unmarried parents who are guilty of having illegitimate offspring without a marriage certificate. William, typically, is trying to make me look bad by suggesting that I would want to inflict corporal punishment on divorced and widowed parents. Of course that was not what I meant and it is bad faith on his part to pretend to think it was. In fact, we have discussed this subject many times before and I am known to state the terms of the offence: unmarried parents guilty of having illegitimate offspring with each other without a marriage certificate.

Due to this word play, one may easily get stuck arguing with her while, if she used clear vocabulary, they may agree or the reverse, they may inadvertently agree when in normal circumstances they would be arguing against it. In the end, it is just another layer of subterfuge.

It is unclear on what subject on which I am guilty of "subterfuge". As far as I am concerned, I have proposed quite radical ideas that I already know will make many liberals throw up their hands in horror. I don't think I am exactly holding back on plugging my Secular Koranism as a one-party theocracy.

She went on with her false claims saying, “America is a republic that considers itself to be a Christian nation…”. 

The case is famous for Brewer's statements that America is a "Christian nation".

These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation. 143 U.S. 457 (1892)

In a 1905 book titled: The United States: A Christian Nation, Brewer explained further:

But in what sense can it be called a Christian nation? Not in the sense that Christianity is the established religion or that people are in any matter compelled to support it. On the contrary, the Constitution specifically provides that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Neither is it Christian in the sense that all of its citizens are either in fact or name Christian. On the contrary, all religions have free scope within our borders. Numbers of our people profess other religions, and many reject all. Nor is it Christian in the sense that a profession of Christianity is a condition of holding office or otherwise engaging in public service, or essential to recognition either politically or socially. In fact, the government as a legal organization is independent of all religions. Nevertheless, we constantly speak of this republic as a Christian Nation—in fact, as the leading Christian Nation of the world. This popular use of the term certainly has significance. It is not a mere creation of the imagination. It is not a term of derision but has substantial basis—one which justifies its use.

What I want to point out is her claiming that America considers itself a Christian republic (which it never has) and her considering it the third Christian empire while also, when it seems convenient to her, claiming her proposed solution would, “finally complete the project of the Founding Father, formally rejecting Christianity…”

I am just making the point that whether America was a Christian nation was controversial way back in 1892. Do the majority of Americans regard themselves as Christian? Are believing Christians still the most numerous religious group in America? What does it mean to be a believing Christian and a cultural Christian? What are the differences in outlook and behaviour? If there are no behavioural differences in these different kinds of Christians and none of them will stand up for a Christian principle because they cannot agree on what Christian principles are, then American Christians must accept that Christianity is kaput in America and get themselves an official religion for themselves or else slide further into a degenerate matriarchy in which their society is being turned into a dysfunctional bee colony before their very eyes.

She actually says, “You cannot have principles if you have no moral principles, and you can have no moral principles if you have no religious principles. Without religion, you can have no religious principles which are also moral principles.” Now, since she has said of herself that she is an agnostic and she does not affiliate herself with any religion, it is safe for us to conclude that the author herself has no principles…moral, religious or in general. By her definition here, she is an unprincipled woman. But we can add to that a quote from her from when I confronted her with this directly. In her “defense” she said about my questioning her, “All your questions are intended to nudge me towards conversion. It is a marketing decision on my part. I think I have a better chance of selling SK to the Western political establishment as an agnostic than as believing Muslim. Do you disagree?”

It should be clear by now that my principles are to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality. It is possible that William will even remember that this is my Holy Trinity. 

My response was that I do not agree and too, Islam and the Qur’an are not commodities to be bought and sold like some cheap fare.

The Koran is a free and possibly divine resource. There is no need to buy or sell it is since it is for all of humanity. It is just too bad that there are so many self-appointed gate keepers like William who think they can veto who gets to read and apply Koranic principles. If the Western ruling classes wish to adopt it, there is nothing any Muslim can do to stop them, just as there was nothing Muslims could do to discourage any moral system that was not Islam other than invite them to Islam or conquer them by war. Muslims can of course declare each other heretics if they dislike each other's interpretations of the Koran, but, other than that, there is not an awful lot they can do if the Western nations decide to adopt Secular Koranism en masse.   

The question always will return to you - as the founder and leader - do you practice what you preach? Do you adhere to the Truth, Logic and Morality that you call to? If, as you say, we MUST assume that there is a God and only through such a belief would one fight to defend the institutions of society itself / seeking to fight for patriarchy - Then does the one calling to this believe her own words or not?”

As promoter of Secular Koranism, I logically and necessarily support the principles of Secular Koranism. As a Secular Koranist, you would expect me to promote Secular Koranism, and this I do. This means I am supporting legislation based on its principles which will be different from country to country. For example, the method of its adoption in America would be different to that of its adoption in Britain which has a monarchy whose established church would have to be disestablished. However, what would be similar is that the members of its Supreme Court would also have to identify, list and number the Commandments of Allah in the Koran capable of being turned into UK legislation. I predict that there will be some differences in opinion about the exact verse and number of them from Supreme Court to Supreme Court and from Supreme Court Judge to Supreme Court Judge. I can only say that we will just have to cross those bridges when we get to them.    

Obviously, I do not deny that the concept of the Abrahamic God exists. Even if He does not in fact exist, the fact that so many people want to believe in Him would be sufficient for my purposes as a social and political scientist and a moral and political philosopher. 

To obtain the full benefit of such a system, most people would have to believe to maintain obedience from generation to generation. It was Voltaire who said that if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. I have no doubt that in two or three generations under a one-party theocracy operating on the principles of Secular Koranism, belief in God will be general. Even as atheists remain atheists, those of them who become parents would find the stratagem of warning their children suspected of disobedience that God is watching them irresistible. 

Once the laws of God are in place and social order established and enjoyed, belief will follow. 

Your introduction should begin with telling us about you, your views on morality, religion and politics and then close with an introduction to your proposed solution, Secular Koranism. Sadly, you failed to tell us what exactly Secular Koranism is or what the principles of Secular Koranism are. The introduction would be a good place to define it for your audience.

For the avoidance of doubt, I will repeat here that Secular Koranism is sharia for non-Muslims in non-Muslim majority Western nations for social conservatives of all races and nations to unite under in order to restore the patriarchy and defeat the matriarchy. 

It is called Secular Koranism because non-Muslims such as myself can interpret it.

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

Marriage is eugenic, illegitimacy dysgenic. 

Marriageability is a eugenic and heritable trait which all right-thinking members of society ought to support. 

Unfortunately, because the West is now a degenerate matriarchy, the majority of people in society are sexually liberated liberals rather than right-thinking members of society supporting marriage and family values. 

In fact, even children can see that it is better for children to be reared by their two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship than raised by a never married mother who has deprived her offspring of their father who casually conceived them with a procession of unsuitable lovers passing through her bedroom as her variously fathered illegitimate children are growing up. It can easily be imagined that some of these unsuitable men will either resent the presence of her illegitimate children or opportunistically abuse them in some way. 

In short, marriage is a child protection scheme. It is not a complete disaster if you are a child if only one of your parents living with you is abusive. However, if you are the illegitimate offspring of an unmarried mother who is abusive, in a fatherless home, no one can hear you scream until your abuse comes to the notice of neighbours, teachers and social services, by which time you will have been damaged and traumatised. 

It is expected that only Westerners who want to become or remain married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring would be interested in supporting Secular Koranism. As for those who do not, they can be shamed as unmarriageable and degenerate if they do not get with the program.  

Chapter One would remain “What is the Problem” but would lay out your historical context, starting with your views of Judaism, the Christian empires and the last century that has lead us to the liberal and degenerate state of affairs we find today. Here you would bring your statistics on marriage and illegitimate offspring and the like.

50 years of feminism has destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

Stupider, weaker and more degenerate

Chapter Two would be “Why Must Something Be Done?” which would outline the possible outcomes of doing nothing at all. It can also offer your views on how a representative democracy cannot solve the problems according to your estimation. 

Doing nothing at all would mean the matriarchy widening and deepening the degeneracy that the West is suffering from and spreading it like leprosy or manure all over the world. Turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah would attract the same punishment, if God exists. Even if God does not exist, the consequence of global matriarchy would be dysgenic and regressive in the extreme. If ignored, there is the distinct possibility that the human condition would return to the primitive state it was before marriage was invented and began to be practised. That is why something must be done and done as soon as possible. 

Chapter Three would be “What are the Options?’ which would offer true and viable options rather than straw-man arguments. Taking other proposals that have been made, or even other versions of your own proposal offered by others, and then explaining why, in your opinion they are not viable at all. Then, offeryour own proposal at the end.

I actually know of no idea to rival my own and it is not from want of looking. I have been accused of being ubiquitous on social media with the practice of challenging people to knock down my ideas like a boxer wanting to be reigning world heavyweight champion of debate looking for a fight. Sadly, it is like dealing with badly-parented children who have not been taught how to reason. The only argument against Secular Koranism remains "We don't like it, we don't wanna, you can't make us." I have been more or less told that they will not be moved by Truth, Logic and Morality, but only by a police force or an occupying army. 

Chapter Four would be “How is it to be Done?” which would serve as a natural continuation from the end f the last chapter. It would outline the need for people to get involved by recognizing and acknowledging the problems, discussing it on social media, and then getting picked up by the mass media. Then, explain how you foresee it being phased in via your four step process. Finally, offer the details of what that one- party theocracy will look like by explaining your institutions as you did in the current conclusion. 

My proposal is to divide and rule the Jews and the CIA. I am still trying to persuade Alison Chabloz to say that her views on Jews align with mine exactly and that she trusts me completely to represent her views on Jews. I have been emphatic that only when she does that will her fortunes improve. So far, I have received entrenched resistance to this idea from her and her associates who refuse to properly or at all discuss their views on Jews with me.

As for the CIA, I intend to appeal to their better nature and have already assumed they have one. When they are sufficiently curious to know what I have in mind, a mainstream media outlet such as the BBC will interview me after the restriction on mainstream media against reporting on me has been lifted.  

Chapter Five would be, “Asking Questions.” and it would serve as your current chapter by this title does, to offer questions that can be asked on social media, and even to politicians and the mass media, in order to illicit [sic] support and get the ball rolling.

Sadly, without CIA clearance, the presstitutes would be too terrified of discussing Secular Koranism without editorial approval while independent journalists also be crippled by moral and intellectual cowardice manifested through their Islamophobia would refuse to engage with my idea for fear of giving it the oxygen of publicity.  

It is telling that the Guardian is refusing even to to do a hatchet job on me because they are more interested in depriving Secular Koranism of the oxygen of publicity than entertaining and informing their readers. has a list of preliminary questions from the Guardian that I answered. Sadly, the Guardian was not given CIA clearance to interview me. 

It is well known that nationalists - being mostly crippled by their antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism - cannot bring themselves to discuss Secular Koranism. Some, like Alison Chabloz, have told me that they would "rather die" than do as I have been earnestly recommending for years now - adopt my views on Jews as being part of the solution - particularly as they do not themselves have a better solution. 

The rest of the paper is just William telling his fellow Americans to follow his "action plan" instead of seriously considering the "wooden nickel" of Secular Koranism. 

In other words, he has no solution to the political problems of America other than to tell his fellow Americans to convert to Islam.  

As for my future plans, one of them is to get Ann Coulter - my favourite white nationalist - to interview me after reading Secular Koranism - available on Amazon at and the Koran. I have already enquired about her fee but I fear she may also be too intellectually crippled by Islamophobia to even respond. Those who wish to support my project of the wholescale transformation of Western morality from degenerate sexual liberation to Secular Koranism with the national characteristics of their Western nation should request that she interview me after having read the Koran and my book at has a reading of Secular Koranism by Carol, a White Muslim Woman who sees the potential of Islam and Secular Koranism riding to the rescue of the white race. 

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

The Heideggerian principle of authenticity applied to Jews serving as a control group

Going by the Heideggerian principle of authenticity, an observant Jew is more authentic than a secular Jew, and the more senior the observant Jew, the higher in religious authority he is. The higher in religious authority the Jew, the closer you will get to authentic religious authority. 

If you are talking to Catholics, the highest in authority is the Pope. If you are talking to Anglicans, the highest in authority would be the Archbishop of Canterbury, or possibly the monarch since the whole point of the founding of the Church of England was for Henry VIII to be his own Pope. It is said the Hasmonean Dynasty became extinct because of its failure to make the position of the monarch and the chief priest strictly separate.

Secular Jews are basically regarded as heretics by religious Jews. The interesting thing about Jews is that the secular ones are more powerful because they have assimilated with gentiles and the Orthodox Jews are not because they are alien to gentile sensibilities.

If God exists, then presumably He would favour the religious Jews and punish the secular liberal Jews.

The most egregious of secular liberal Jews would be George Soros because he is the most wealthy supporter of liberal causes, but who would be the leader of Orthodox Jews? We know they cannot agree amongst themselves. Jews tell me that they do not accept the moral authority of their chief rabbis because to be chief rabbi is to accept the position given to them by their gentile overlords. Traditionally, the chief rabbi would be rabbi chosen by their gentile overlord to collect a minimum of taxes from his community with the option of keeping anything over that for himself. 

Therefore, a more authentic Orthodox Jewish leadership selection method must be chosen. Ironically, this is a situation in which Jews have much to learn from gentiles since the selection process I propose would be the Papal Conclave rules.  

However, since it would be inappropriate for the Sistine Chapel to be used for this purpose and Orthodox rabbis wouldn't be seen dead in it since churches are places of abomination where idolatry is practised, I propose that they could be locked in the Knesset with similar accommodation or just sleeping bags or futons if they want to do it on the cheap until they choose a Chief Rabbi the way cardinals choose a Pope.  

God's attitude towards gentiles would be analogous to his treatment of Jews with Noahides ie righteous gentiles protected while unrighteous gentiles would be unprotected from corruption, sin and temptation.

My position is that Christians without guidance guilty of worshiping an executed blasphemer would be more in trouble with God if He exists than Muslims who attempt to follow the Word of God in the Koran.

If Christians have indeed been cursed by God as Jews have also been cursed because of their disobedience, then the way of lifting that curse must be to follow the Koran.

Jews are useful to gentiles because of their litmus paper like qualities serving as a control group whose behaviour can be used to predict the consequences of similar behaviour in other groups.

The problem with liberal assimilated Jews is more a problem with liberalism than with being Jewish.

Those who have been following events in Israel will know that the conditions there are now close to civil war between secular and religious Jews in rather the same way that Trump supporters and Biden supporters can be described as a culture war that may lead to violence.

It could certainly be argued that liberal democracy has also destroyed both gentile and Jewish identity.

Why Paul Vander Klay and his satellites refuse to engage honestly or rationally

3:00  An unquestionable chain of command 

5:00  The Fourth Estate giving saturation coverage of Secular Koranism

7:00  Academics who refuse to engage on Secular Koranism

8:00  Atheism and nihilism who have not learned to reason

9:00  Fellow travellers

10:00  Philosophy Departments

11:00  Is truth sacred?

12:00  Truth, Logic and Morality > Lies, Nonsense and Immorality

13:00  Truth, Logic and Morality > Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

16:00  Secular Koranism does not rely on any conspiracy theory.

17:00  People who were never taught reason

19:00  People who don't care about posterity

22:00  A microcosm of North American society

23:00  Politically inert middle classes

24:00  Satellites of Paul Vander Klay taken in by the vacuity of his platitudes

25:00  A child could destroy the entire basis of Christianity.

26:00  A proposed Jewish-Muslim alliance to trash the Trinity and expose the fraud of Christianity

Monday, 19 June 2023

Talking to Carol about white people dying on the hill of their Islamophobia

1:00  Speakers Corner
3:00  Opening times of Hyde Park
Carol was at Speakers Corner in 1976.
4:00  Tayo
5:00  Faturechi channel
6:00  Christian and Post-Christian guests
8:00  Hebrew and Arab
20:00  Conservative Judaism
21:00  Catholic background
24:00  Sufi orders and cultivating mid
28:00  Tim Winter
30:00  Deobandis
31:00  Hijaz
32:00  Seljuks
33:00  Ataturk
34:00  Turkey is Eurasia.
36:00  Between Iran and Italy
37:00  White Muslims in Turkey
39:00  Modesty in Turkey
40:00  Nationalism
42:00  Sunni and Shia
44:00  Khawarij
50:00  Imam Ali
52:00  Iranian Revolution
53:00  Monarchy
54:00  A Caliph is not a king.
57:00  House of Saud
Imperial harem
59:00  Slave girls and concubines
1:01:00  Rules of interpretation
1:02:00  Hanafi and Khawarij
1:05:00  "spiritual question"
"spiritual experiences"
1:09:00  Rashidun
1:10:00  Mutah marriage
1:17:00  Mature people with children wanting to live together
1:20:00  Marriage is legalised prostitution.
1:27:00  Khawarij
1:29:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
1:31:00  Gertrude Bell and Lawrence of Arabia
1:32:00  House of Saud and Wahhabi movement
1:43:00  Qom
1:44:00  Marja
1:46:00  Saddam and the Baath Party
1:47:00  Iraq
1:55:00  Muslim dating apps
1:58:00  White nationalist
1:59:00  White supremacy
2:02:00  White nationalists who hate each other
2:03:00  Unmarriageability of white people
2:04:00  Refusing to engage
2:06:00  The only way to promote marriage
2:08:00  Contraception
2:09:00  Delayed marriage
2:10:00  Pandering to the female voter
2:11:00  One party state
2:12:00  Free speech
2:13:00  California
2:16:00  Cold ideology
2:17:00  White Muslims
2:20:00  Men have to love their wife more than women have to love their husband.
2:22:00  Abolition of no fault divorce and the media
2:26:00  Aceh Province
2:28:00  Prohibition
2:29:00  Moral education
2:31:00  Carol's reading of Secular Koranism
2:32:00  Anti-feminists with no solution
2:35:00  Corporal punishment for sex offenders
2:36:00  Grayson Quay
Rod Dreher
2:40:00  Liberalism
2:42:00  Biden
2:44:00  Culture War against unmarried parents
2:45:00  Ann Coulter and Cinderella
2:46:00  Man in the house
2:47:00  Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
2:48:00  Feminine privilege
2:49:00  Transgenderism
3:08:00  Islamophobia and Secular Koranism
3:09:00  Their antisemitic identity 
3:10:00  The First Amendment
3:11:00  Christian beliefs and Paul Vander Klay
3:12:00  Paul Vander Klay
3:12:00  Douglas Murray
3:14:00  Estuary Protocols and John Vervaeke
3:15:00  Michael Voris and E Michael Jones
3:16:00  Religious experience
3:17:00  California
3:19:00  The Deadly Sin of Pride
3:21:00  Manifest destiny
3:23:00  Ann Coulter
3:24:00  Neurotic middle classes
3:25:00  Housewives
3:28:00  Socialism and Communism
3:32:00  Secular Koranism
3:33:00  Ann Coulter
3:34:00  WASPs
3:36:00  Deuteronomy 28 Curses of Disobedience
3:37:00  The New Testament
3:38:00  Pontifex
3:40:00  Pantheon
3:45:00  Half assed Muslim
3:46:00  Moral education
3:47:00  Noahidism
3:53:00  Ann Coulter
3:54:00  Christianity is a parachute that will not open. 
3:55:00  The New Testament
3:56:00  Lazarus
3:59:00  Going to a different church on Sundays
4:02:00  If you can't beat them, join them. 
Grayson Quay and Rod Dreher
4:03:00  Orthodox Christianity
Pope Benedict
4:08:00  Ann Coulter's bigger cross
4:09:00  Ted Cruz
4:10:00  A liberal and literal interpretation of the Koran
4:12:00  Sacred cows
4:15:00  An official religion
4:17:00  Islam
4:19:00  Pecking order
4:20:00  Civil disorder
4:21:00  Estuary Protocols
4:55:00  Teachers' union
4:56:00  Islam as a foundation of patriarchy

Luke Ford interviewing Stephen J. James

4:00  Claire Khaw took the internet virginity of Stephen J James.
7:00  Colin Liddell
27:00  Doooovid on Daniel Sienkiewicz
29:00  Jewish problem
30:00  Invasive species
33:00  "White straight Christian men"
44:00  Self-deprecating
49:00  ADHD
1:01:00  Punching above your weight
1:02:00  Porn
1:05:00  Excessive masturbation
1:06:00  Andrew Tate
1:07:00  Millennial Woes
1:10:00  Fat people
1:11:00  "A movement of broken people"
1:13:00  Reading Secular Koranism
1:15:00  "It's a drag." 
1:16:00  God
1:17:00  Justice
1:18:00  Free will, demons, afterlife, beauty, truth, hope 
1:19:00  Group identity
1:20:00  Moral education
1:21:00  Parenting
1:22:00  Incels

The Khavian Theory of Final Attribution from 7:00

Friday, 16 June 2023

Talking about #chinoestuary2023 with Khalid Safir

1:00  Freedom
2:00  Liberalism
5:00  The Chinese definition of good
11:00  Chino Conference
12:00  Paul Vander Klay
13:00  Tayo
14:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship
16:00  Pantheism
17:00  Spinoza
32:00  Christian
34:00  Birth rate
40:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
42:00  John Vervaeke

Arguing with White Muslim Woman about parental authority in a one-party state like China

1:00  SK USA Caliph
2:00  SK Canada Caliph
3:00  Difference between Americans and Canadians
4:00  The pacifying qualifies of the welfare state
5:00  Obedience and enforcement of the rules
6:00  Social conservatism is unpopular with liberals. 
7:00  Religious identity
8:00  Liberalism only works on people already Conservative.
9:00  Labelling, marginalising and demonising dissenters
10:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
13:00  Talking politics
14:00  Christine Ramsay told off by Carol. 
16:00  The political profession
17:00  The Founding Fathers
18:00  Jefferson
19:00  Mandate of Heaven and Manifest Destiny
21:00  Americans are a different breed of white people.
23:00  Canadians are more like the British.
26:00  Mennonites
28:00  Manifest Destiny
33:00  The Crusades
35:00  Manners
36:00  Ireland
37:00  Cork and Kerry
39:00  First King and President of Ireland
40:00  A suitcase full of prophylactics
43:00  Jumped ship
44:00  History books written before 1940
45:00  European villains
46:00  White unity
47:00  White nationalist narrative
48:00  Christianity
49:00  New Covenant and Testament
51:00  Sadducees didn't believe in life after death.
54:00  Judaism and Jews
55:00  Different kinds of Judaism
56:00  Moral system
57:00  Liberalism promotes irresponsible behaviour.
58:00  Dr Benjamin Spock
1:01:00  When the most powerful group sets a bad example
1:03:00  Corporal punishment in schools
1:04:00  Weaving a narrative
1:06:00  Chivalrous cowboys
1:07:00  McCarthy era
1:08:00  Sex segregation
1:10:00  Children with jobs
1:11:00  Buddhism
1:12:00  Pagans
1:13:00  Moral code
1:15:00  White people are useless for promoting Islam.
1:17:00  Islamophobic white nationalists who enjoy sex and drugs and rock and roll
1:18:00  Mohammed Hijab
1:19:00  I wake up after having dozed off.
1:22:00  Irish planters
1:23:00  Military discipline
1:24:00  Davy Crockett and Annie Oakley
1:25:00  Socialism
1:26:00  WEF
1:29:00  White supremacy
1:31:00  William Breiannis
1:32:00  David Duke
1:33:00  Christianity
1:35:00  "Islam would help white people."
1:37:00  Homeschool your children.
1:39:00  Sailor sex at school
1:40:00  Bell curve
1:41:00  Vietnam
1:50:00  Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.
1:52:00  Articles of Confederation
1:54:00  Parental authority
1:55:00  Marriageability
1:56:00  Tinder and vasectomies
1:57:00  Abolition of no fault divorce
1:58:00  Children sucking your brains out
2:00:00  Checking up on couples
2:01:00  No more voting
2:03:00  California
2:04:00  Muslims
2:06:00  Ethical imperialism
2:07:00  White Muslims larping around as foreigners in their own country
2:08:00  China - a one-party state - is a republic. 
2:12:00  Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan
2:13:00  Lebanese
2:15:00  Sufis
2:16:00  Dressing like a Muslim
2:17:00  Communism and socialism
2:18:00  Homeschooling and white people no longer acting like white people
2:19:00  Islam is nationalist.
2:20:00  Dressing like a Muslim
2:21:00  Fentanyl 
2:22:00  Black Lives Master
2:23:00  Jefferson and slavery
2:25:00  White supremacist symbols
2:27:00  White nationalism
2:28:00  KKK
2:30:00  Charity organisations
2:31:00  Conservative black people and civil rights
2:32:00  Unmarried mothers
2:33:00  Nationalism
2:34:00  The First Amendment
2:36:00  Dressing like a Muslim
2:37:00  Dumbed down conversations
2:38:00  9/11
2:39:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Community control
2:40:00  Elected dictatorship and martial law
2:42:00  Restoring the patriarchy with a single party state
2:43:00  Culture war
2:45:00  Jews
2:46:00  Banning usury
2:48:00  Competing goals
2:52:00  Referendum
2:56:00  Direct democracy
2:59:00  China and BRICS
3:00:00  Saddam was proposing to sell oil in euros.
3:02:00  WEF
3:04:00  Community control
3:05:00  Parental control
3:06:00  It takes a village to bring up a child.
3:11:00  Mir
3:20:00  Schools sending your child to a psychologist without your permission
3:22:00  Conversion therapy
3:23:00  Undermining parental authority
3:25:00  Spying on families through children
3:26:00  Undermining parental authority
3:27:00  Is Santa real?
3:28:00  LGBT kids
3:31:00  Canadian truckers

3:35:00  MONOLOGE by CK
3:36:00  Has the government turned heterosexual married parents breeders of the next generation of LGBT people?
3:37:00  Hierarchy of authority
3:43:00  Condos and shura
3:51:00  Proposing a solution
3:52:00  Political parties beholden to the merchant class
3:53:00  The Hindu caste system
3:54:00  Wise leaders
3:56:00  Shura and consultation groups

Discussing with Khalid Safir whether Muslims can unite

  1. Muslim unity is having a Caliph acknowledged by non-Ahmadiyya Muslims. 
  2. The purpose of having a Caliphate would be to advance Muslim interests and display Muslim power. 
  3. A way of achieving Muslim unity would be for Muslims to support Secular Koranism. 

  1. Social conservatives refusing to support Secular Koranism or even talk about it
  2. Political apathy and ineptitude amongst Secular Koranists 
  3. Islamophobia
  4. Intellectual ineptitude, corruption and cowardice of Muslim activists, nationalists and social conservatives

2:00  Secular Koranism
3:00  Secular Torahism
4:00  Fewer capital offences in the Koran than the Torah
5:00  Return to patriarchy in the West via Secular Koranism
6:00  You need a leader to get things done. 
7:00  To be organised is a blessing. 
9:00  Christianity is war and empire.
10:00  Producing the next generation of cannon fodder
11:00  Low birth rates in the West
13:00  A Caliph would be evidence of Muslim power and prestige.
14:00  Hizb ut Tahrir
15:00  Ottoman Empire
17:00  The fall of Rome
Constantine and the Conversion of Europe
19:00  The Council of Nicaea
20:00  Associating partners with God and shituf
21:00  The appeal of Christianity
22:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship
23:00  Muslims behaving badly
24:00  Hierarchy, leadership and an unquestionable chain of command
25:00  No beta male will accept the authority of another beta male.
28:00  Alpha male
30:00  Mohammed Hijab
31:00  The sheeple and leadership
33:00  Men of fighting age
37:00  What is wrong with the Ahmadiyya Caliph?
41:00  Mohammed Hijab talking to Jordan Peterson
42:00  Caliph interviewed by Western media
44:00  Discussing Secular Koranism with the Caliph
48:00  Secular Koranism is analogous to an effective but invasive medical procedure.
49:00  Social conservatism can only be supported marriage. 
51:00  56 ethnicities of China
52:00  Mandate of Heaven
53:00  Leadership
55:00  Legitimacy
56:00  Caliphate
58:00  Choosing a Caliph using the Papal Conclave rules
59:00  Leadership contests
1:02:00  Western media
1:03:00  Debating society
1:04:00  Edutainment
1:06:00  Unity in Mecca but not elsewhere
1:07:00  Corruption
1:08:00  Politics is a calling. 
1:09:00  Malaysia
1:10:00  The rule of law
1:12:00  No takfiring
1:13:00  Jews and Muslims dialogue
1:14:00  Israel
1:16:00  The Third Temple
1:17:00  The Torah and the Koran are bookends.
1:19:00  Uniting people with Truth and God
1:20:00  "What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive."
1:22:00  One-sentence explanation of the nature and purpose of Secular Koranism

1:23:00  My agnostic identity is maintained because it is important to make the point that the utility of religion is obvious even if you do not believe in God. 

Monday, 12 June 2023

Emancipation of Serfs and Vincent Bruno

1:00  Questions at the end of each chapter of
3:00  Visiting the 50 states of the US

5:00  Nihilism
6:00  Emancipation of Serfs
14:00  Go-slow
15:00  Manumission
20:00  Usury
21:00  Mir
22:00  "The dark masses"

32:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
33:00  Nihilism
34:00  Mary Baker Eddy
39:00  Christian Science Monitor

42:00  Hitler and the Trinity
43:00  Lady Astor
47:00  Mark Twain
51:00  Died at 89.
1:01:00  US has no official religion.
1:02:00  Heaven's Gate
1:03:00  Jews
1:05:00  The modern form of excommunication
1:06:00  Quakerism
1:07:00  The Trinity
1:08:00  Christian Zionism
1:09:00  Jews who don't like the Trinity
1:11:00  Work

1:18:00  The purpose of having a moral system:
1:21:00  "Gays are boring. People are stupid, ugly and boring."
1:22:00  Two viewers only
1:23:00  Shadow banned again.
1:25:00  Emancipation of serfs

1:35:00  Royals in masonry
1:38:00  Only adherents of the Abrahamic religions should become masons.
1:40:00  Noahidism or Islam?
1:41:00  Repentance
1:43:00  Noahide laws

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...