Thursday, 30 November 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about accelerationism

Hindu Zionists

7:00  Cow shit for Covid

Is moral relativism a good thing?

8:00  Homophobia and misogyny in Hindus
9:00  Hard and soft polytheism
13:00  Hindu or Muslim takeover?
15:00  Noahide Hinduism
16:00  Soft polytheism is really monotheism.
18:00  Hinduism is obviously less Noahide than Islam.
21:00  No final rabbinical authority
22:00  Constantine the Great
23:00  America has made a mascot of Jews.
25:00  Rabbis want to entertain the idea of Hinduism being Noahide.
26:00  Avigor Miller
27:00  The correctness of my ranking
28:00  Jews, Hindus and Muslims
31:00  White people are converting to Hinduism.
37:00 Vincenet wants to accelerate the adoption of Secular Koranism.
39:00  Doooovid and Zoubida

Hinduism from 2:55:00

42:00  What do the masses want or care about? Not "Hindu Noahidism"!
44:00  What threatens Western civilisation?
52:00  Moral relativism
54:00  Accelerationism
1:02:00  Experimental
1:04:00  Am I an accelerationist?
1:05:00  I don't want to drive into a wall  or the edge of a cliff.
1:06:00  Norvin Hobbs
1:10:00  White and dangerous

1:22:00  Being too clever by half?
1:23:00  Dialectical materialism
1:25:00  Utopia of sodomites

I, the Messiah Substitute, have been sent to tell you that the Messiah is not coming

  1.  The Messiah is not coming because he is not the maid of all work tidying up the rooms of Jews, Christians and Muslims. 
  2. Jews can tidy up their room by doing what God made them His Chosen People to do.
  3. Righteous Jews should be able to agree amongst themselves that if God has any purpose in mind for Jews at all, it is to remind gentiles that idolatry and blasphemy are forbidden in His Commandments. 
  4. Righteous Jews should be able to agree amongst themselves and with righteous gentiles that both the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws repeat the prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy. 
  5. Jews must do teshuvah for not ranking Islam most and Christianity least Noahide centuries ago, bearing in mind so many historical tragedies could have been averted by Europeans following the correct religion properly eg the European Wars of Religion, the Inquisition, the Albigensian Crusade, WW1, WW2 and WW3 if it breaks out as well as the early 21st century neocon wars of an evil empire promoting globally the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same divine punishment.
  6. There is no point talking to Christians because they must make themselves deny Truth, Logic and Morality in order to remain Christian worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah. 
  7. Because Jews were so hopeless at teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles, Muslims were sent as their auxiliaries. 
  8. Muslims have proven to be just as disappointing as Jews in discouraging idolatry by refusing to obey with the consequence that they have also been cursed by God suffering the Crusades and being the apparently eternal victims of Western imperialism. 
  9. While it is understandable that Jews and Muslims would be too much in fear of their Christian overlords to put them on notice that Christianity is idolatry compounded by blasphemy, their fear reveals their hidden idolatry of worshiping their idol of fear of their Christian overlords when they should have as believing Jews and Muslims fear disobeying God and been prepared to martyr themselves defying the idolaters and blasphemers instead of doing business with them since the Middle Ages. "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews."
  10. Hypocrites calling themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims are cursed by God whose final destination is hell unless they repent. The most efficacious way of public repentance is rabbis and and imams jointly publishing a letter in the Church Times asking the Archbishop of Canterbury to explain how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. Individually, @justinwelby who is Archbishop of Canterbury can be contacted on Twitter and asked the same question.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Vincent Bruno discusses polytheism and the noble homosexual

3:00  Olympians and Titans
7:00  Receptacle of the soul
8:00  Religion
9:00  The Torah represented the recorded words of God.
10:00  Atenism
12:00  Divine right
13:00  A compassionate Abrahamic God who rejects human sacrifice
15:00  Women were seen as the vessels of the next generation.
16:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
18:00  Fringe

23:00  We are not interested in eschatology, only the practical applications of religion ie CBT.
24:00  SJJ frets about not having children.
25:00  The hearty detestation of women of cowards
27:00  SJJ should find principles to defend.
28:00  A spiritual marriage
29:00  Religious people are more likely to marry and have children and stay together for the sake of the children. 
30:00  Marriage substitutes
31:00  Licensed brothels
32:00  A Christian is a liberal who expects to go to heaven.
33:00  The Pope
34:00  Traditional Catholics like E Michael Jones and Michael Voris do not get along.
35:00  Who is the leader of sedevacantists?
36:00  Papal authority was supported by the might of Roman Empire.
38:00  The church was always  a creature of the state.
Thomas Cranmer
42:00  Is God breeding us?
43:00  Marriage is eugenic.
46:00  Gay men with artificial wombs
49:00  Gay manifesto, not gay sci-fi
51:00  Vincent's heros are female.
52:00  Women are practical, men are ideological.
55:00  Women more likely to initiate divorce in gay and straight relationships.
58:00  The Fisher and His Wife
1:02:00  Women are sexually insatiable.
1:06:00  Flag and gun photos
1:08:00  So perfect that Vincent is gay.
1:09:00  The Dissident Right are like a woman inviting a man to rape them.
1:10:00  Mafia boss
1:11:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims are more likely to bestir themselves than atheists.
1:12:00  Vincent finds Muslims scary.
1:15:00  Muslim are classier than Islamophobes.
1:16:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
1:18:00  Ambiguity is a feminine stratagem.
1:20:00  Men too afraid to question or challenge feminism.
1:21:00  Women hate unprincipled men.
1:22:00  Women are masochists.

1:24:00  KHALID SAFIR joins.
1:26:00  Attitudes towards the family
1:27:00  Islamophobia
1:30:00  Copyright and guilds
1:31:00  Usury
1:33:00  The noble homosexual
1:34:00  Slavery
1:36:00  Gay accent
1:42:00  Hitler
1:44:00  Complaining
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
1:45:00  Genetic engineering
1:46:00  A sage
1:48:00  Toxic positivity

1:50:00  JORD joins.
1:56:00  Louis Wain
Carl Jung
1:59:00  Transhumanism
2:04:00  Theosophy and Blavatsky
2:07:00  World religion
2:08:00  We live in a post-truth society.
2:09:00  My narrative
2:10:00  Tisha B'Av
2:12:00  The Messiah
2:13:00  The Messiah Substitute
2:14:00  Noahidism
2:15:00  Jews make a point of learning from their mistakes.
2:18:00  Philosemitic
2:19:00  The Trinity
2:21:00  Idolatry is forbidden by God in His Commandments.
2:23:00  Trinity
2:24:00  Christianity failed to protect the institution of monarchy.
2:26:00  Republics have a bigger pool of political talent than monarchies.
2:27:00  Regicides
2:28:00  Fantasy of a new religion
2:33:00  Magical thinking
2:34:00  Monogamy
2:35:00  Carol Balizet

2:36:00  HOMOSEXUAL KORANIST wants to be a drone in a bee colony.
2:39:00  My prophethood
2:40:00  The most powerful religious leaders in the world
2:42:00  Planning my retirement
2:43:00  Hypocrites calling themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims are unable to hypothesise on God's existence. 

2:45:00  Israeli News Live
3:53:00  Christianity
3:54:00  Zionism
3:55:00  The New Testament
3:57:00  Narrative that America protects the Jews
3:58:00  AIPAC
4:00:00  Jews as a mascot
4:01:00  Confucianism
4:02:00  Mandate of Heaven
4:04:00  Henry II and King John
4:05:00  Albigensian Crusade
4:08:00  David Irving
4:09:00  Neocon wars
4:11:00  Driftwood
4:13:00  Fake Christians
4:15:00  Carol
4:16:00  Hidden idolatry
4:17:00  Liberal Muslims
4:18:00  Rabbi Sacks
4:19:00  Liberal Jews are heretics.
4:20:00  Limmud
4:21:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis
4:22:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
4:23:00  Pioneering
4:25:00  Refusing to follow the rules
4:26:00  Mormons
4:27:00  Changing the reward and punishment system
4:28:00  Married parenthood is not supported.
4:29:00  Birth rate
4:33:00  The youth of today
4:34:00  Frivolity is a sign of decadence.
4:36:00  Focusing on fantasy
4:37:00  Inability to fight as an underdog

4:38:00  JAY WALKER joins.
4:39:00  Words of Jesus
4:40:00  Christianity has failed.
4:41:00  Violent schoolchildren warehoused.
4:45:00  Phone
4:48:00  Government won't address the issue of unmarried parenthood.
4:49:00  Not being a confirmed Christian
4:50:00  Know them by their fruits.
4:52:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity
4:54:00  Sheilaism
4:55:00  Emmet Fox and AA
4:58:00  Jay is the Grandfather rof the Cuboids.
5:01:00  Sermon on the Mount

5:04:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
5:06:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
5:11:00  Projection of what?
5:12:00  Secular Koranism
5:14:00  Moral systems
5:15:00  Overton window
5:16:00  The intelligentsia are getting smaller and less intelligent. 
5:17:00  Unspoken agreement amongst nationalists not to discuss Secular Koranism.
5:18:00  Jon Vance
5:19:00  Travis Patron
5:21:00  How many apostles did Jesus have?
5:22:00  Slavery
5:26:00  Marriage
5:27:00  Avril Haines
5:31:00  Jehovah's Witnesses > Dissident Right
5:34:00  Mormon > Dissident Right
5:37:00  I have bricked the Overton window.
5:38:00  Grifters
5:40:00  Audience capture
5:46:00  Demographics
5:47:00  Disgusting! 
5:49:00  The Post-War WW2
5:52:00  The Second Thirty Years War
5:54:00  The Western disease
5:57:00  Alexander Dugin's Fourth Political Theory
5:58:00  People and posterity
6:01:00  Our identity as a people
6:04:00  George Washington's farewell speech warning against political parties.
6:06:00  One party state
6:07:00  Hidden idolatry
6:08:00  Rewarding bad mothers 
Ketih Joseph's Edgbaston speech
6:12:00  We are low status.
Jesus and Moses are low status.
6:17:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
6:20:00  Christian Science Architecture

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Vincent Bruno responds to Edward Martin who had his anti-Noahide petition taken down

2:00  I am accused of child abuse by Edward Martin who seems to confuse that with permitting parents to commit infanticide on their severely disabled infants. In any case, child euthanasia is now permitted in Belgium and death pathways are known to exist in Britain. 

5:00  Noahide laws
8:00  Unprincipled rabbis declaring idolaters Noahides
9:00  Rabbinical freebies to places of abomination
10:00  I am the Messiah Substitute.
11:00  Tovia Singer
12:00  The Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury
13:00  Getting the Ummah to tag the Archbishop of Canterbury to ask how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God

14:00  It must be on the historical record that Jews and Muslims for their own sakes did put the Archbishop of Canterbury on notice that Christians are guilty of idolatry compounded by blasphemy by asking him at least three times how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God.  

15:00  I recommend Jews and Muslims put their public letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury calling out the idolatry of Christianity in the Church Times.

16:00  I have to nudge and push rabbis, the Archbishop and imams.

19:00  Rabbinical excuses not to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

20:00  Hypocrites calling themselves rabbis, Archbishops and imams

21:00  Averting WW3 through repentance expressed by hypocrites who call themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims

22:00  All rabbis have to do is rank the four gentile religions. Nothing further is required from them. 

24:00  Jon Vance
25:00  Why it had to be Vincent and me 
27:00  Vincent wants a list of laws of Secular Koranism
28:00  Adopting Secular Koranism
30:00  Vincent refuses to read the Koran.
31:00  It is logical to believe.
32:00  Pantheism
33:00  The nature and purpose of the Holy Spirit
34:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
35:00  The Holy Spirit
37:00  Albigensian Crusade
39:00  Atheist hypocrites would pretend to believe in God.
40:00  Personality cult
41:00  Jews want the Messiah to come because they are so far away from their principles now.
42:00  I am the Messiah Substitute and Vincent is my assistant.
43:00  Secular Koranism
44:00  Mortal and fallible prophets

47:00  Alfred
52:00  Commissioner Gordon
53:00  Robin
56:00- Edward Martin
59:00  Stories
1:00:00  Cubieyule
1:02:00  Jon Vance
1:03:00  The driving emotions
1:04:00  Millenniyule
1:07:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
1:08:00  How I would run the Dissident Right
Khalid Safir
1:09:00  Theology > conspiracy theories
1:10:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God
1:11:00  Using God to frighten children
1:12:00  The law exists to control us.
1:13:00  Purity spiralling 
1:14:00  God can detect hypocrisy.
1:15:00  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
1:18:00  Psychedelic drugs as part of therapy
1:19:00  Belief in God prevents depression?
1:21:00  Atheism and schizophrenia
1:22:00  Families
1:24:00  Courtship and marriage
1:25:00  Secular Koranism would abolish no fault divorce.
1:29:00  Not the apple of his parents' eye
1:30:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:31:00  Neurosis
1:32:00  Freud
1:35:00  Hypersensitivity
1:36:00  The Four Humours
1:37:00  Myers Briggs 
1:46:00  An Islamic takeover would be preferable than a Hindu takeover.
1:48:00  Lashon Hara
1:49:00  Beyondism
1:52:00  Gandalf
1:53:00  Being in touch with our emotions
1:54:00  Hypocrisy causes neurosis.
1:57:00  Catechism
2:00:00  Carol Balizet and British Israelism
2:04:00  Iceland and Greenland
2:05:00  Fraudulent misrepresentation
2:07:00  Sapiens by Yuval Harari
2:09:00  Ten Commandments
2:10:00  Group solidarity in the ruling classes

Vincent Bruno on the trouble with white people

The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
1:00  Turning mystics into scientists
2:00  Moral system
3:00  Self-defeating attitude of nationalists
4:00  Retreats and escapism
5:00  Esotericism is not necessarily mumbo jumbo.

6:00  "Secular Koranism could help white people in getting them to think of laws rather than metaphysics."

White people are now so infantilised they want to believe in magic and childish things.

7:00  Black people mock white people for their interest in magic.

8:00  Kevin MacDonald
Abstract thought v Romanticism

9:00  Brown people like rules to make things work while white people like airy fairy ideas. 


10:00  Carol Balizet, Herbert W Armstrong, British Israelism, Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses

12:00  Pyramidology promoting British Israelism
14:00  Zionism and eschatology
15:00  DIY cult kit
17:00  Scientology

Vincent's proposal to breed gay men without women

18:00  Changing the law through political activism
19:00  Political establishment expelling current members
20:00  An inspiring narrative has to be given to inspire people into action.

Noahide laws

21:00  Islam is imperial religion.
23:00  Tribes can use Islam to maintain their identity.
24:00  The West has become a victim of its own success.
25:00  Usury and malign encouragement
26:00  Not saving and investing in the future means you impoverish yourself as an individual and a nation. 

27:00  Christianity has been rejected so many times by Europeans in the last 250 years. It is like suffering from vomiting and diarrhea without recognising that you must have eaten something bad. 

28:00  British monarchy

29:00  Monarchy is an institution has failed and the evidence is the regicide of Charles X, Louis XVI and the entire Romanov Royal Family.
30:00  The Crown is a drama series funded by Netflix in the US.
31:00  The four rightly-guided Caliphs were not kings. 
32:00  Islam does not support the divine right of kings to rule.
33:00  A mystical experience is not political activism.
34:00  Takfir
35:00  Purity spiralling
38:00  Using the Abrahamic God to win arguments
39:00  Revelation
40:00  Christianity
41:00  Secular Koranists

42:00  KHALID SAFIR joins.
43:00  Monotheism and unified laws
44:00  The desire for freedom has destroyed white people.

45:00  White people like magical thinking and Vincent sees Secular Koranism as the antidote.

The corruption of priestly absolution

46:00  Vincent's religion would outlaw ethical monotheism

47:00  If the Universe was uncreated, there would be no need for God to create it. 

50:00  Vincent wants a white child.
51:00  Making up a religion
52:00  Beyondism
54:00  By their fruits shall you know them.
55:00  Slavery and misogyny

The two witnesses rule in the Koran for the witnessing of a loan agreement only applies to women. One male witness is sufficient.

56:00  Brown women
57:00  Honest white women
58:00  Romanticism
59:00  Fantasy
1:00:00  Sharia and rules
Kevin McDonald
1:01:00  Could white people agree on a new religion?
1:03:00  IQ
Jehovah's Witnesses and Arabs
1:04:00  Northern and Southern Europeans
1:06:00  Mail-burning parties in Italy
1:07:00  Disorganisation of Hindus
1:09:00  National defence
1:10:00  More Indians than Britons owning London property
1:11:00  Maths and science
1:12:00  Where are the white people in maths?
1:14:00  White South Africans are more employable than white British people.
1:15:00  Atheism is destroying white people.
1:16:00  White people have stopped making sense.
1:17:00  Donald Trump uses positive thinking to get his spirits up.
1:18:00  Emunah and bitachon
1:19:00  Lying to others and oneself
1:20:00  Belief in God is logical.
1:21:00  God caused the Big Bang.
1:25:00  Is the Koran scientific?
1:27:00  The first chapter of the Koran
1:29:00  Mujahid Uddin
1:30:00  Big Bang

Monday, 27 November 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the homosexual Vortex of Michael Voris

40:00  VINCENT BRUNO speaks on practising homosexuals.
43:00  Michael Voris
45:00  Catholic seminaries would be full of gay men.
46:00  Age of consent in the Vatican as low as 12.
47:00  Gay monasteries
49:00  Age of consent 7 in Delaware until 1871
50:00  Heterosexuals
51:00  E Michael Jones
58:00  Liberal democracy
1:00:00  Reform of the Israeli Supreme Court
1:01:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
1:02:00  Neturei Karta
1:04:00  British Israelism
1:06:00  Mumbo jumbo
1:07:00  God's Chosen People
1:08:00  Snobbery
1:11:00  The Cube
1:12:00  Marginalised people
1:15:00  "Epistemology and shit like that"
1:18:00  Swedish Twitter
1:19:00  This life is an examination hall.
1:20:00  Noahide laws
1:22:00  Changing human nature
1:23:00  Japan
1:25:00  If Jews lived under sharia in Israel
1:27:00  Noahide laws
1:28:00  How the government can control the birth rate

Are antisemites slaves to their antisemitism more than they are to Jews?

2:00  Antisemites worship their hatred of Jews.
5:00  My introduction
8:00  We need an official moral system.

God's Chosen People

10:00  Jews are protected by the American Empire after they have been made the mascots of the Anglo Saxon Empire. 

11:00  DOOOOVID joins.
12:00  Envy leads to hatred.
13:00  Britain's Thucydides Trap
14:00  The Post-War narrative
16:00  Jews and empire
18:00  American Revolution
19:00  India
20:00  Jews a managerial class
21:00  Book of Daniel
22:00  Doooovid's intro
26:00  A man cannot serve two masters.
27:00  The oonly way to be free is to voluntarily enslave yourself to God.
30:00  US foreign policy
31:00  Neocons
32:00  Noahide laws
33:00  People who don't have rules deserve to be ruled.
34:00  Idolatry
35:00  Separation of the church and the state
37:00  National interest
38:00  God controls America, says Doooovid.
39:00  Low birth
42:00  The matriarchy is in charge of the West.
46:00  The higher you are, the more rules you have to follow.
48:00  Evil laws and rules
50:00  Chapter 18
53:00  Usury
54:00  We are the slaves of our government. 
56:00  The higher you go, the more rules you have to follow.
57:00  Freedom does not exist.
58:00  Usury
59:00  War finance
1:01:00  Usury
1:06:00  Jews and gentiles are both slaves of God?
1:07:00  Doooovid's summary

Swedish antisemite and conspiracy theorist accuses me of Satanism

2:00  Hamas Charter

5:00  Only after Jews in Israel agree to live under some form of sharia will there be progress in Western politics towards replacing kaput Christo-Liberalism with Islam or the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism.

Trump and his supporters are challenging the liberal order through identifying with nationalism. 

6:00  Hamas are conditional Zionists.

7:00  Sharia is law in harmony with Koranic principles of governance.

8:00  Liberal democracy must be replaced by theocracy.

11:00  Islamic schools and branches

12:00  Religion is a means of social control.

Islamic rules of inheritance

14:00  Anti-feminist

15:00  Islam as an imperial religion.

The Members of Other Religions

The Hamas is a Humane Movement

Article Thirty-One

Hamas is a humane movement, which cares for human rights and is committed to the tolerance inherent in Islam as regards attitudes towards other religions. It is only hostile to those who are hostile towards it, or stand in its way in order to disturb its moves or to frustrate its efforts.

Under the shadow of Islam it is possible for the members of the three religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism to coexist in safety and security. Safety and security can only prevail under the shadow of Islam, and recent and ancient history is the best witness to that effect. The members of other religions must desist from struggling against Islam over sovereignty in this region. For if they were to gain the upper hand, fighting, torture and uprooting would follow; they would be fed up with each other, to say nothing of members of other religions. The past and the present are full of evidence to that effect.

They will not fight you in body safe in fortified villages or from behind wells. Their adversity among themselves is very great. Ye think of them as a whole whereas their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a folk who have no sense. Sura 59 (al-Hashr, the Exile), verse 14

Islam accords his rights to everyone who has rights and averts aggression against the rights of others. The Nazi Zionist practices against our people will not last the lifetime of their invasion, for "states built upon oppression last only one hour, states based upon justice will last until the hour of Resurrection."

Allah forbids you not those who warred not against you on account of religion and drove you not out from your houses, that you should show them kindness and deal justly with them. Lo! Allah loves the just dealers. Sura 60 (Al-Mumtahana), verse 8

17:00  Antisemitism displayed. 


23:00  My position on Hamas

25:00  Apartheid and imperialism

26:00  "Satanic"

27:00  Revelations 3:9

28:00  Possession is nine points of the law.

29:00  Chapter and verse on Jews not being able to return to Israel not provided.


32:00  Children of Israel

33:00  Israel is another name for Jacob.

34:00  Synagogue of Satan

35:00  Christians worship an executed blasphemer.

37:00  I am called Luciferian. 

38:00  Trinity

40:00  I am accused of being a Jew.

43:00  17:104

I declare my agnosticism.

44:00  "Christianity has been defeated centuries ago."

45:00  American Empire

46:00  Zionism and Theodore Herzl

47:00  Zionism was created by Christian Evangelicals.

Albert Pike creator of Scottish Rite masonry

53:00  Cathars

55:00  Isaiah 45:7

57:00  Free will

58:00  Church of Sweden

59:00  Abrahamic God

1:00:00  Abrahamic religions

1:02:00  JAYTWEETZ joins.

1:05:00  Hamas represents an opportunity for the West to consider replacing its failed Christo-Liberalism with sharia.

1:06:00  Western men are unprincipled atheists and nihilists.

1:07:00  The West is controlled by necons who are Zionists.

1:08:00  Feminism is the problem.

1:09:00  Sharia

1:12:00  I deny that I am nihilist

1:13:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

1:32:00  Talking about me

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Did Israel offer Palestine the Noahide Laws for Peace?

The Israeli Lawmaker Heralding Genocide Against Palestinians
Deputy Speaker Bezalel Smotrich's admiration for the biblical genocidaire Joshua bin Nun leads him to adopt values that resemble those of the German SS

5:00  Dan Cohen
7:00  Bezalel Smotrich
19:00  Sharia
20:00  Old news
21:00  Muslims
22:00  Voter indifference to foreign policy
24:00  EU for the UK is foreign policy.
27:00  Theological antisemitism
29:00  Israeli News Live
32:00  Jews spitting on Christians
36:00  Noahide laws
39:00  Religion is a personal matter.
40:00  Jordan Peterson
41:00  Hypothesising about God leads to belief?
42:00  Idolatry
43:00  Catholics pray to saints.
46:00  Remembrance is allowed, not racist.
49:00  If Israel were a gentile nation, it would not satisfy the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.
51:00  Noahide laws
53:00  I am a bull in a China shop.
55:00  Beheading idolaters
56:00  500,000 Noahides
57:00  Muslims and the Noahide laws
59:00  Fear will embolden Jews and Muslims to denounce the idolatry of Christianity.
1:01:00  God is a conditional Zionist.
1:04:00  If Jews in Israel accept sharia, the rest of the West would soon follow.
1:05:00  Why the British withdrew their troops so quickly after the end of WW2
1:07:00  Muslims do not acknowledge the existence of the Noahide laws or their authority.
1:08:00  Muslims believe God created them to take up the slack of the Jews.
1:09:00  Catholics have a central authority, but not Jews or Muslims.
1:10:00  All groups need a leader.
1:12:00  Hierarchy
1:13:00  Hippy movement
1:17:00  Muslim converts
1:18:00  Arguments against gentiles accepting the Noahide laws
1:21:00  Secular Koranism
1:22:00  Torah theocracy
1:24:00  Messiah Substitute
1:32:00  A Register of Jews

Talking to Vincent Bruno on the criminality of religious groups

4:00  Albert Pike

10:00  Sheilaism

11:00  Cult leaders and charlatains

12:00  Jewish philosophy is Jewish theology.

13:00  Conspiracy theories are tedious and uninspiring. 

17:00  People want hocus pocus.

18:00  Stephen J James 1k stream

19:00  Law-abiding Jehovah's Witnesses

24:00  Muslims

26:00  Orthodox Jews who are criminals.

30:00  Haredi Jews

34:00  Mormons in Russia

42:00  Mormon Mafia

43:00  Every country should have a national religion. 

45:00  Anglo Saxon Empire

Religious war in Israel

46:00  God is a Conditional Zionist.

48:00  If Jews live under sharia in Israel, then America will follow. 

49:00  Post War narrative of the Anglo Saxon Empire protecting Jews.

51:00  Hyde Park anti-war march 2003

52:00  Don't say Zionist, say neocon.

53:00  America is a global empire.

55:00  The First Amendment is an American achievement.

56:00  David Irving

57:00  The narrative of the Anglo Saxon Empire

58:00  Jews have been made the mascot of the Anglo Saxon Empire.

Saturday, 25 November 2023


9:00  Talking to Far Wrong
12:00  Cousin marriage
13:00  Civic nationalist
14:00  A monoracial empire is a contradiction in terms.
16:00  WW2 and the disease of degeneracy
17:00  The Koran is a recipe book no one is capable of following properly.
18:00  Secular Koranism has never been tried.
20:00  Wish list politics v road map politics
21:00  Avril Haines
23:00  Why I talk mostly to Americans
Alexander Dugin
24:00  I am a political philosopher.
25:00 What is the problem if not religion?

JON VANCE joins.
27:00  Curtis Yarvin/Mencius Moldbug

28:00  ANTI-SJJ
32:00  William Breiannis
33:00  Luke Ford
35:00  Converts
37:00  ADHD
38:00  Is SJJ faking his ADHD to pander to his shit for brains subscribers?
40:00  Jon Vance's problems at school
42:00  Cage fighting
45:00  Luke Ford
49:00  SJJ says he has never taken ADHD medication.
52:00  Growing old is a developing process.
54:00  Reading
55:00  Reading and finishing Secular Koranism
57:00  SJJ reads one paragraph.
58:00  Christianity is kaput.
59:00  Dugin
1:00:00  Nick Cotton
1:01:00  JF

1:21:00  CONOPS joins.
2:06:00  Geert Wilders
2:07:00  Zionist
2:14:00  University
2:15:00  Grifting AA
2:16:00  US politics (I speak.)
2:21:00  Malaysia
2:22:00  Wilders is allowed because he is Zionist. (I speak.)
2:25:00  Muslim accelerationism
2:26:00  Hamas
2:27:00  Secular Koranism
2:28:00  Wish list v road map politics

2:29:00  DOOOOVID joins.

3:45:00  Because people hate Luke and don't trust him any further than they can throw him.

Friday, 24 November 2023

Are both Jews and gentiles the slaves of God?

1:00  "Are we slaves to Jews?"
2:00  Slaves are pets.
5:00  If God exists, we are His slaves.
7:00  Hidden idolatry
8:00  Hypocrites go to hell.
10:00  Antisemites
11:00  The victim is lower status than the perpetrator until the latter is brought to justice.
12:00  Status
13:00  Are Jews treated as higher status by gentiles?
14:00  Gentiles are less restricted by God's laws.
15:00  Noahide laws and the Ten Commandments forbid idolatry and blasphemy.
16:00  The 36 capital offences of the Torah
17:00  Jews cannot prove that God said gentiles would not get their own revelation. 
18:00  Theocracies in the world
19:00  Ridiculous accusations against Jews not dignifying with a response
21:00  The burden of proof and the rule of law
22:00  Distinguishing between good and evil by following God's laws would get us to heaven.
23:00  Propositions
24:00  We live in the best of all possible worlds.
25:00  Obeying God's laws would bring us closer to heave on earth.
26:00  Living in a society that submits to Truth, Logic and Morality would satisfy our desire for justice.
27:00  How to correct ourselves
29:00  Only Islam is strong enough to be feared by Westerenrs.
30:00  Dugin is still not proposing a one-party state for Russia.
32:00  Religion supports marriage.
33:00  Reintroducing slavery
34:00  Birth rate
35:00  Why China chose Marxism
36:00  Dialectical materialism and the Koran
37:00  Banning usury
39:00  Do not envy Jews.
40:00  Who has corrupted whose morals?
41:00  Both Jews and gentiles are the slaves of God.
42:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

Sam Samuels on the Hamas Incursion on 7 October 2023

2:00  Accelerationism
7:00  7 October 2023
8:00  Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL
9:00  Jews traumatised by being forced to practise Christian hypocrisy.
10:00  Heretics
11:00  Doublethink and duplicity
12:00  Jews made a deal with the devil.
14:00  Diaspora Jews
15:00  Matilda by Hilaire Belloc
16:00  Jews the new Ukrainians
18:00  Antisemitism in the diaspora
20:00  7 October 2023
22:00  The attitude towards Jews and Muslims of non-Muslim antisemites and Islamophobes
24:00  Islamophobes now identify as Palestinians
26:00  7 October 2023
27:00  David and Saul
28:00  Amalekites
29:00  Simcha Torah
31:00  Hamas did not know about the Supernova rave.
34:00  Amalek and Buddhism
36:00  Aaron and the Golden Calf
39:00  Adam and Eve
43:00  Blasphemy
44:00  Christians refuse to repent for their idolatry.
46:00  Foreknowledge of 7 October 2023
49:00  Attorney General of Israel
51:00  Ezekiel 38
55:00  More God-fearing Jews in Israel now.
57:00  Jewish accommodationists
58:00  Duplicitous weasels
1:11:00  Hamas
1:13:00  Divine intervention
1:17:00  Trump and backbone
1:18:00  Hollywood propagated atheism.
1:20:00  Bruno Bauer
1:22:00  Larry David and the fraud of Christianity
1:23:00  Liberal Jews
1:24:00  Morally bankrupt America
1:25:00  How many generations have been defrauded of their olam haba?
1:26:00  Alexander Dugin
1:28:00  Origins of Islam

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Posterity and The People

Dugin endowing "the people" with elements of their past, present and future is a brilliant way of repackaging the concept of posterity.  

Alexander Dugin: 'I proposes redefining the idea of “the people.” Instead of viewing them simply as citizens of a nation or state, we should consider them a cultural community with a rich, enduring heritage that spans centuries. In this theory, the people are seen as the primary subject and foundational element. They are understood in an existential manner, which means their identity and existence are considered in a deeper, more philosophical context that goes beyond conventional political boundaries.'

The ten propositions of Secular Koranism

1. Jews, Christians and Muslims are hypocrites cursed by God. 

2. The final destination of hypocrites is hell. 

3. Hypocrisy is evidenced by hidden idolatry.

4. Hidden idolatry is evidenced by giving irrational and irrelevant reasons not to follow religious principles. 

5. Jews, Christians and Muslims know they are forbidden idolatry.

6. Christians practise the worst kind of idolatry because they worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.

7. Neither Jews nor Muslims have asked the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury or any Christian monarch how Christianity is not idolatry.

8. If predictably deflected by the hypothesis that it is not idolatry to worship Jesus if he is indeed God, Jews and Muslims must be ready to ask how Jesus is God.

9. If no Jew or Muslim is prepared to ask the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury or any Christian monarch how Jesus is God and point out the idolatry of Christianity, it must be assumed that all Jews and Muslims are hypocrites whose final destination is hell. 

10. The punishment for hypocrites who provoke divine detestation is WW3.

Three kinds of Zionism

Christian Zionism keeps the secular state of Israel going and requires Israeli Jews to live under liberal democracy. Muslim Zionism would impose sharia.

Christians take orders from liberal democrats who in turn take orders from neocons operating under the cover of Zionism.

Only believing Muslims dare challenge this moral and political order. Even Dugin the Russian political philosopher sees the necessity of allying his political philosophy with Islam since only Allah is above the global hegemon.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

False accusations, Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory and @MuskMaximalist

4:00  Counselling for being accused of harassment

8:00  Khalwat

10:00  James Goddard knew Jim Dowson

11:00  Thailand

12:00  Sex tourism

13:00  Buddhism

14:00  Malaysia and Singapore

15:00  Maintaining the morals of society

16:00  Marriage and family values

17:00  Gender roles

18:00  Degenerates would reject the idea of restoring the patriarchy.

19:00  "The devil works in increments."

20:00  What did British men die for in WW1 and WW2?

21:00  Mark Collett is not a married father.

22:00  Changing the burden of proof

23:00  Gillick Competence

25;00  Peasants' revolt

26:00  Lowering birth rate

27:00  Preponderance of non-parents

28:00  Amanda Holden and other role female role models

29:00  Admitting mistakes

30:00  Atheist short termism

31:00  Patrick Bet David

32:00  Global Milgram Experiment

33:00  Iraq War and 7/7

34:00  Men accused of sexual misbehaviour

35:00  The uncorroborated testimony of just one witness should not be enough for a conviction.

38:00  OU President accused of rape.

38:00  Low quality males

Nick Griffin

39:00  |Moving to Poland or Hungary

40:00  Christianity

42:00  Eastern Europe

43:00  Poland

44:00  Paul Golding

45:00  The Church is always creature of the state.

47:00  Ed Dutton

48:00  Top down/bottom up

49:00  Controlled media

50:00  Whateverism

53:00  Historical materialism


1:08:00  The People as a concept

1:12:00  The pyramid

1:22:00  SJJ

1:36:00  SJJ joins.

1:48:00  What rights do mothers have?


1:50:00  Joke threat to kill parents by Thomas Baden-Riess

1:54:00  Readings

3:45:00 of

2:01:00  More masculine voice

2:03:00  Dugin

2:05:00  Third Position 

2:09:00  Liberalism

2:10:00  Russian influence

2:12:00  Iain Dale

2:15:00  Ukraine

2:18:00  Multi-ethnic empire

2:20:00  Keith Woods meets Doooovid

2:21:00  Hasbara

2:26:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

2:28:00  Liberalism has also destroyed Jewish identity.

2:31:00  Keith Woods

2:35:00  Luke Ford

2:38:00  Halsey

2:39:00  Ramzy Paul

2:43:00  Nigel Farage

2:46:00  New President of Brazil 

2:49:00  China

Translator app

2:57:00 Twitter

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Vincent Bruno on Jehovah's Witnesses

3:00  The government would make sodomy a sexual offence.

4:00  Bedtime analogy

5:00  Rabbi Schneerson and the Noahide laws

9:00  Race Relations Act

10:00  Loss of empire

11:00  Battleship diplomacy

13:00  British Israelism

19:00  Ex-Muslims

21:00  Al Azhar University

Al Sisi

22:00  Controlling the interpretation of the Koran

23:00  Noahides and Christians

24:00  Getting gentiles to take a position against idolatry

26:00  Secular Koranism can have the best of both worlds.

27:00  I claim moral authority over Jews and Muslims because I know what they were supposed to have done which they have not yet done. 

28:00  The most morally authoritative Jew or Muslim must ask the Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.

29:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are "derelicts".

31:00 Jehovah's Witnesses are banned in many countries.

32:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are not encouraged to become doctors.

35:00  Jehovah's Witnesses destroy family life.

36:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are against forced conscription.

39:00  Vincent's mother

42:00  Bad advice given to Jehovah's Witnesses

43:00  Cults

44:00  Theology

45:00  Jehovah's Witnesses' view on the soul

46:00  An official moral system for Americans

48:00  Another American Civil War?

49:00  Vincent's helpfulness

51:00  Wishy-washy Christians

52:00  Group identity

53:00  British Israelism

54:00  Virgil's Aeneid

56:00  Sapiens by Yuval Harari

57:00  Ancient stories

58:00  People who convert to a religion to marry their spouse

59:00  Jehovah's Witnesses wives

1:05:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are more likely to suffer schizophrenia.

1:06:00  Mormons

1:08:00  Catholicism v Protestantism

Vincent Bruno talks to a Hindu about the Noahide laws

3:00  Hindu women rejecting Hinduism

Islam allows wives to keep their income while Judaism does not. From 2:12:00

7:00  Coverture
8:00  Feminism
9:00  Men no longer need to commit to get sex with women. 
10:00  TROLL joins.
12:00  Could it ever be legal to rape women in a civil society?
15:00  Laws against theft
17:00  Wife beating and marital rape
20:00  Islamic marriage and no fault divorce
22:00  Annulment
25:00  Muslim wives who want their husbands to take another wife
26:00  Polygamy
28:00  Abdal Hakim Murad AKA Tim Winter
30:00  Gay polygamy
37:00  Marriage is eugenic.
38:00  Feeblemindedness
39:00  Mentally deficient
40:00  Bimbos
41:00  A man has to love a woman first to contemplate having children with her.
42:00  Parenting by gay men
43:00  Child sex offenders
46:00  Unmarried parents to be treated as sex offenders under Secular Koranism
47:00  Civic consciousness
48:00  The contribution of non-parents
49:00  Fornication is a sexual offence.
50:00  Nature v Nurture
51:00  Vincent's radical social experiment
52:00  Unfit parents
53:00  Pederasty in Ancient Greece and Rome
54:00  Lower class people are also necessary.
55:00  Eugenics and racial hygiene
56:00  Surrogacy
57:00  Unfit mothers who want to keep their children

58:00  JON VANCE joins.
1:01:00  Mosques for white people
1:02:00  Racism in Islam
1:04:00  Prayer
1:08:00  Idolatry
1:09:00  Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

1:14:00  Vivek the Snake
1:16:00  Jews and Hindus
1:18:00  Message of the Koran
1:19:00  Hypocrites
1:22:00  Hindus want to have their cake and eat it too.
1:23:00  Jews have been diluting their principles for centuries.
1:25:00  Jews are not allowed to make up a religion for gentiles.
1:26:00  God never said He would not give gentiles their own revelation. 
Talmud is only the word of mortal and infallible men. 
1:27:00  Talmud and Hadith
1:28:00  Talmud softens the Torah, Hadith hardens the Koran.
1:29:00  Christians
1:30:00  Jews and the Kohl Nidre
1:31:00  Jay Walker
1:32:00  Christian nationalists
1:33:00  Salem Witch trials1:34:00  George Washington's farewell speech
1:35:00  Unitarian Church
1:36:00  Herbert W Armstrong
1:37:00  Charles Taze Russell

1:38:00  ULRIC joins.
1:39:00  Krishna
1:41:00  Secular by Design by Alan Cecil
1:42:00  Noahide laws would be applied in Noahide nations in their own way.
1:43:00  Rules are needed for society.
1:44:00  Secular Koranism
Vincent is agnostic. 
1:46:00  Vincent's idolatry and religious experience
Secular Koranism
"God is abstract."
1:47:00  Trinity
1:48:00  Isn't praying to Jesus worshiping Jesus?
1:49:00  Holy Spirit
1:50:00  Blasphemy
1:51:00  Council of Nicaea
1:52:00  Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses
1:53:00  Theology, philosophy, law and mysticism
1:55:00  Noahide laws
1:58:00  Is a Noahide Hindu an oxymoron?
1:59:00  Idolatry
2:00:00  Divination
2:03:00  Holidays, festivals and holy days
2:09:00  Sodomy
2:15:00  Slippery slope and the thin end of the wedge
2:21:00  Noahide laws
2:24:00  The idolatry of Hinduism
2:29:00  Beyondism
2:30:00  Vincent's Evil Plan
2:31:00  Ulric's prediction
2:35:00  Noahide laws
2:37:00  Shituf/associating partners with God
2:40:00  Homophobia and Vincent's mother
2:41:00  Racism
2:44:00  Guilt by association
2:47:00  Society is now becoming antisemitic.
2:48:00  Theories about Jews
2:49:00  Soft polytheism and universal values
2:50:00  Moral relativism
2:52:00  The greater good
2:55:00  Noahide laws and Secular Koranism
2:57:00  Moral relativism
2:58:00  Legal systems > belief systems
2:59:00  Christians
3:00:00  Hinduism
3:05:00  Vincent's Evil Plan
3:14:00  Wanting it black and white
3:15:00  Birds
3:16:00  Yes or no
3:18:00  Noahide laws
3:20:00  Antisemites would reject the Noahide laws.
3:21:00  The Noahide laws help promote Islam and Secular Koranism.
3:22:00  Rule by rabbi
3:23:00  Islamophobic rabbis do not want to promote Islam.
3:26:00  Noahide laws
3:27:00  Gentiles need and want their own revelation.
3:29:00  Time of concealment
3:30:00  The liberal establishment want to maintain the status quo.
3:31:00  Rabbi Schneerson getting the US to proclaim Education and Sharing Day
3:32:00  What God has in mind
3:33:00  Education and Sharing Day
3:36:00  Jews and Muslims need to ask Justin Welby how Christianity is not idolatry.
3:38:00  WW3
3:39:00  Rabbi won't rank the four gentile religions.
3:40:00  Christians
3:41:00  Jewish organisation and learning
3:42:00  Christianity remains uncodified.
3:43:00  Jon Vance
3:45:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
3:49:00  Jehovah's Witness
3:51:00  Joining religious groups like Luke Ford
3:53:00  Roosh
3:55:00  Orthodox Christians
3:57:00  Christianity
3:58:00  The End of Christendom by Malcolm Muggeridge published in 1980
4:00:00  The American Republic killed belief in the Trinity.
4:01:00  The most Noahide gentile religion is Islam.
4:01:00  Hesychasm
4:02:00  Prayer > meditation
4:07:00  What atheists and agnostics could do to promote Secular Koranism
4:09:00  American Gnosticism
4:10:00  Islam
4:11:00  I am the Messiah Substitute.
4:12:00  Learning from the mistakes of Christianity
4:13:00  Orthodox Christians
4:15:00  An official moral system

Monday, 20 November 2023

My first Hindu British Secular Koranist

1:00  Idolatry
2:00  Dayanda Saraswati
3:00  The Canaanites ie pre-Israelite inhabitants
8:00  Opportunity cost
9:00  Book of Rules
10:00 Dharma
11:00  The common feature of the five world religions
12:00  Rabbis refusing to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
13:00  Genuflecting
14:00  Jesus
16:00  Holy Spirit
17:00  Constantine the Great
Arians v Athanasians
18:00  Holy Spirit
21:00  The Trinity explained.
23:00  Associating partners with God
24:00  Holy Spirit
25:00  Iblis
27:00  Devas
Hidden idolatry
28:00  Hidden idolatry is manifested through hypocrisy.
29:00  People who prefer to believe in lies
30:00  Bollywood
31:00  Corrupted by feminism
32:00  No places of worship will be closed down.
33:00  Slavery and licensed brothels
34:00  Judiciary to identify, list and number the list of verses containing the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.
35:00  Enjoining good and forbidding evil
36:00  People need permission to support Secular Koranism.
37:00  Prostitution
40:00  Women who are neither wives nor prostitutes
41:00  Degeneracy
42:00  Licensed brothels
43:00  Transitional arrangements
47:00  Underage sex
49:00  Giving it away for free
50:00  Rahab
51:00  Book of Jeremiah
54:00  Underage sex
55:00  Who should we have sex with?
56:00  Immigrants are rats clambering on board a sinking ship.
58:00  Sheep dog
59:00  Performing your gender role is a way of displaying your marriageability.
1:00:00  The marriage license
1:01:00  We must no longer be guided by our loins.
1:02:00  Dysgenic breeding
1:03:00  Keith Joseph
1:05:00  More money as a lone parent
1:06:00  Slut-shaming
1:07:00  Dysgenic choices of promiscuous women
1:09:00  Bonobos
1:11:00  China and malign encouragement
1:12:00  Going to university could destroy your life.
1:13:00  A military run on egalitarian principles
1:14:00  America is mad, stupid or evil.
1:16:00  Gallipoli
1:19:00  Suez Crisis
1:22:00  Australia
1:23:00  Protecting Jews
1:24:00  Aliens Act
1:25:00  Israel
1:26:00  Monroe Doctrine
1:27:00  Dog in a manger foreign policy
1:29:00  Europe is a US vassal state.
1:30:00  First gay marriage in India
Free radio for a vasectomy
1:31:00  Controlling the birth rate
1:34:00  We are destroying our inheritance.
1:35:00  Secular Koranism
1:37:00  Birching
1:38:00  Theft
1:40:00  Slut-shaming
1:41:00  Failed shit tests
1:43:00  Sex segregation
1:44:00  Leaders and pecking orders
1:45:00  No need for women to compete against men.
1:47:00  Margaret Thatcher
1:47:00  Tony Benn
1:50:00  One-party state
1:52:00  Ukraine
1:53:00  New system
1:54:00  Democracy
1:55:00  American overlords
1:56:00  Average age of America
1:58:00  Young men with problems with authority
2:02:00  Satanic
2:03:00  Bestiality
2:05:00  Policies of Sodom and Gomorrah taught to school children
2:07:00  The Rational Female
2:09:00  Parental authority
2:10:00  Male and female role models
2:11:00  Big boys don't cry.
2:12:00  Gender roles
2:13:00  Early marriage in India
2:16:00  Idiocracy was prophesy.
2:17:00  I'm versatile.
2:19:00  My rejected ideas are absorbed and come up later from the rejector.
2:21:00  Jews and Muslims
Noahide laws
2:24:00  Secular Koranism is better than the Conservative and Labour Party.
2:25:00  I am the Messiah Substitute.
2:26:00  Religions
2:28:00  Bad Muslims

4 components of religion:
Theology, sharia, philosophy and mysticism

2:29:00  Low tax, low crime
2:31:00  New Age religion
2:32:00  Competing religions
2:33:00  Matriarchy wants us to become extinct.
2:36:00  Short term thinking of atheists
2:37:00  Army A and Army T
2:38:00  The government needs to make it OK to believe in God again.
2:39:00  The Jews
2:40:00  Jewish emancipation
2:41:00  Register of Jews
2:44:00  Zionism
2:46:00  Haavara Agreement
2:47:00  The Post War narrative
2:48:00  Killing non-combatants
2:51:00  America does not have an official moral system.
2:52:00  George Washington's farewell speech

What if Jews, Christians and Muslims were bred by God to compete with each other?

1:00  Millenniyule
3:00  Millennial Woes will not be having me on Koraniyule.
5:00  Thomas Baden-Riess

6:00 TROLL joins.
7:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
8:00  Background to Koraniyule
9:00  My role to educate and entertain
10:00  Vacuous people
11:00  Not wanting to be put to the trouble of following a leader
12:00  Millennial Woes talking about pretending to be depressed.
Performance art
13:00  Why Thomas Baden-Riess is loved by morons and vegetables
14:00  Larping
15:00  Photo opportunity
16:00  Publicity stunts
18:00  Social retardation, extremism, fanaticism, radicalism
20:00  Hyper-nationalism
21:00  Vincent Bruno
Most of the dissident right have heard of Secular Koranism.
23:00  Subliminal advertising
24:00  CIA clearance

JORD joins.

27:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
28:00  "A tiny bit schizophrenic"
29:00  The problem as I see it
30:00  Vincent does not want to compromise his message.
32:00  We refuse to entertain the masses except incidentally. 
33:00  80/20 ratio of entertainment and education
34:00  Koraniyule
35:00  Convictionless degenerates
Mein Kampf
36:00  Being a regular guy
37:00  Tall poppy syndrome, sticking your head above the parapet

39:00  JORD on Emo Monk
40:00 Cathartic larping
41:00  Being desensitised to dross and degeneracy
42:00  The Cube is a lunatic asylum.
44:00  The Cube
45:00  Armstrongism
Jerry Springer
46:00  Hitler
47:00  Jon Vance
48:00  Debate Exchange
50:00  Jord has a channel on politics and philosophy!
53:00  The German Labour Party before Hitler
55:00  Jord wastes his talents by talking rubbish.
57:00  Tweeters who won't retweet your tweets and only like them
58:00  Carol Balizet
1:00:00  I'm not trying to turn Secular Koranism into a mass movement only selling Secular Koranism to the Western political establishment. 
1:01:00  The middle class political activists
1:02:00  Slavery
Edward Martin
1:03:00  Colonel Gaddafi Support Group
1:04:00  Low IQ people who only want to complain about the people they hate thereby getting into trouble over hate speech

1:05:00  Muslims are waiting for imams to tell them it is OK to support Secular Koranism. They in turn are waiting for the Western liberal establishment to give them permission and this depends on the CIA.

1:06:00  Vincent and I are nerds.
1:07:00  Moral hierarchy
1:08:00  I am to be deprived of the oxygen of publicity.
1:09:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.

1:10:00  JON VANCE joins.
1:14:00  Men do not deserve reproductive rights unless they change the rules of the matriarchy.
1:15:00  Lack of God consciousness
1:16:00  Jew Island, Christian Island and Muslim Island
1:17:00  Edward Martin
1:19:00  I make excuses for JonVance.
People cannot have logical conversations.
1:21:00  Chaos and insanity
1:22:00  CIA
1:23:00  We live in a opaque matriarchy.
1:24:00  Invoking the Abrahamic God
1:25:00  Noahide laws
1:26:00  Global communications
1:27:00  CIA does not want the propagation of nationalism.
1:28:00  Jews never accomplished their mission.
1:29:00  Complacent Christians
1:30:00  Christians worship an executed blasphemer.
1:31:00  Ten Commandments
1:32:00  Capital punishments for Judaism in the Torah
1:33:00  The Koran incorporates the two previous religions.
1:34:00   The New Testament
1:36:00   Jon Vance

i)  Good and evil come from God.
ii)  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
iii)  To stop suffering, stop sinning.

1:37:00  Why Christians culturally appropriated the God of Israel

1:39:00  Bruno's Beyondism: breeding out people who want to believe in the Abrahamic God
1:40:00  Track record
1:41:00  Vincent Bruno, babysitter
1:42:00  Vincent Bruno, first gay Secular Koranist?

Sunday, 19 November 2023

Vincent Bruno rejects free will

4:00  Lauren Southern
7:00  Muslims
8:00  The Dissident Right are bereft of advice from the older generation.
9:00  Civility and respect for elders
10:00  Independent living
11:00  Leadership
15:00  People who pretend not to understand
16:00  Nihilists
17:00  Atheism
18:00  No direct or focused engagement
The men are despised by their women.
18:00  Inter-generational collective action
20:00  Parental ideology
21:00  Respecting our elders
23:00  Generation gap
24:00  Mental health
25:00  Different clothes for boys and men
27:00  Elon Musk on AI
28:00  "I am not programmed to talk about this matter."
29:00  Stop the world, I want to get off.
30:00  Birth rate, immigration and AI
33:00  Milo

43:00  Vincent's therapists tell him he is too rational.
53:00  Conversion therapy
58:00  Indian chief hat
59:00  Turner Diaries
1:00:00  William Pierce
1:01:00  Timothy McVeigh
1:02:00  Kevin MacDonald
1:06:00  Saying the wrong thing even if it can be supported by Truth, Logic and Morality
1:07:00  Burden of proof
1:12:00  Noahide laws
1:13:00  Happy Merchant
1:17:00  "Christianity does not support war."
1:18:00  Ian Miles Cheong
1:20:00  Ghost writer
1:21:00  "Dynasty of Crime"
1:23:00  The First king of Israel was Saul.
1:24:00  Hasmonean Dynasty
1:25:00  Thomas Cranmer
1:27:00  Monarchs subject to interdicts by the Pope
1:28:00  The Reformation
1:29:00  E Michael Jones
1:30:00  Christianisation of Europe
1:31:00  Kulturkampf
1:32:00  Christendom is extinct.
The Crown
1:33:00  Britain is the biggest US vassal state.
1:35:00  Meghan and Harry

R v 

1:41:00  Jay Walker's Sheialism
Cultural Christians and Cultural Muslims
1:43:00  Vincent's therapist's mumbo jumbo and hocus pocus

1:45:00  JON VANCE joins to announce his latest retirement.
1:49:00  Free will
2:00:00  Secular Koranism
2:10:00  The most powerful groups in the world are religious groups.
2:16:00  Christianity requires Christians to believe in nonsense.
2:17:00  Prioritising our obligations
2:21:00  Vincent is losing faith in the white race.

2:22:00  BARON joins.
2:25:00  Autistic
2:33:00  Lowest of the low
2:34:00  Free will
2:35:00  Enoch Powell
2:38:00 Secular Koranism
2:40:00  "Tranny Islam"
2:42:00  Alexander Dugin
2:45:00  Believers in free will and determinism can be both atheist or theist.
2:48:00  Sam Harris

2:49:00  BUBBLEGUM GUN joins to discuss free will

Vincent Bruno is removed from Milo's Facebook group for saying Christians are idolaters

Vincent was thrown out of a Milo group for saying "Christians are idol worshipers."
1:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
3:00  I am known for Secular Koranism.
The nature and purpose of religion
4:00  Human tradition of marriage can only be passed on by marriage supported by religion.
5:00  Kingdom Hall services
6:00  Vincent Bruno sings a Jehovah's Witness hymn.
8:00  Arians v Athanasians
9:00  Theology is easier to understand than conspiracy theories.
10:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims are cursed by God.
11:00  Don't say Jews, say neocons. 
12:00  Antisemites have made an idol of their antisemitism.
13:00  A hierarchy of fear
14:00  A priority of fear
Hypocrites who call themselves Muslims

16:00  Mormonism
17:00  Christian nationalists campaigning for a Christian Amendment while most white Americans are not believing Christians and would reject the idea of making America a Christian republic
18:00  Mormonism is white American Christianity.
19:00  Jack Mormon
20:00  Doctrinal changes in Mormonism, no stability
21:00  Freemasonry requires a secret blood oath.
22:00  The late Prince Philip as a Mason
27:00  The nature and purpose of Freemasonry
28:00  Masons are meant to be Noahides.
32:00  People who believe in nonsense
33:00  Humpty Dumpty is a reference to the Trinity.
34:00  Christianity has failed Christendom.
35:00  Liberalism was rejected by Nazism.
36:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
37:00  Supersessionism has been the modus operandi of the junior Abrahamic religions.
38:00  Gentiles wanted to be the overlords of Jews.
39:00  Christian corruption is priestly absolution.
40:00  Because Athanasius said so.
41:00  The British still do not quite understand that their monarchy is an obsolete anachronism. 
42:00  Charles III
Our post-truth society
43:00  Stop making sense
44:00  Reasoning with their hatred
45:00  Dismissing published authors and bloggers
46:00  No making sense
47:00  Richard Spencer
48:00  Israel
49:00  Bin Laden's letter to America
50:00  War in Ukraine
51:00  Committed

55:00  White men and the causes of their degeneracy: sending the best to die in stupid wars and leaving the rest to breed like flies
55:00  Stage 4 cancer
56:00  Middle class political activists
57:00  Anti-intellectualism of the Dissident Right
58:00  Dumb Ukrainians with Jews being the new Ukrainians
59:00  If you trust America, you deserve what you get.
1:00:00  Bosnia and Herzegovina
1:02:00  Puppet European leaders
1:03:00  Hocus pocus and mumbo jumbo
1:04:00  Georgia Meloni
1:05:00  If Jews agreed to live under sharia, America would have to follow.
1:06:00  Hamas Charter
1:07:00  WW3
1:08:00  Is Hinduism idolatry?
1:09:00  Hindus are in swing states.
Hindus want to be certified as Noahide.
1:10:00  Doooovid
1:12:00  Hindu caste system
1:15:00  Noahide laws
1:16:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
1:19:00  Henry II
1:20:00  Rabbis who won't rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:23:00  Martyrdom
1:24:00  Atheists v Theists
1:25:00  The Enlightenment was a reaction against the Wars of the Reformation.
1:27:00  Christo-Liberalism should be replaced by Islam.
1:28:00  Secular Koranism is uncompromising on the First Amendment.

1:30:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over Americans in their republic.

1:31:00  Not having the objective of the rules stated and not telling you the rules of the game

1:33:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 

1:34:00  "The Judeo-Christian heritage of the West"

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...