Friday, 7 September 2018

Rabbi Sacks on Morality is on Responsibility.

I fear Rabbi Sacks has completely sold out now. Listening patiently to the idiotic views of schoolgirls is the surest sign. is on the Selfie Generation.

Rabbi Sacks, Reform rabbi. They are using him to give credence to their PC crap and he is allowing it. He says nothing at all other than asking rather obvious questions anyone else could have asked. For shame! I can't wait to hear what Rabbi Mizrachi has to say about this. asks "Is society a myth?"

Richard Spencer, the White Nationalist, is mentioned.

Identity politics is tribal politics and the witch hunt mentality runs rampant. Say the wrong word, use the wrong pronoun, hold the wrong view and you are immediately "othered".

Matriarchy ie five decades of feminism and fornication has dissolved the patriarchy, atomising people into ever smaller groups who are perpetually offended by what they regard as The Management - the white heterosexual male and the values that made him great, but who is now under the thumb of the feminazi, and no longer in charge, terrified of being accused of a historic sexual offence.

The white heterosexual non-Muslim gentile male who is not a liberal is the most unprotected group, helpless against the abuse caused by the hatred, ridicule and contempt the liberal media daily provoke against him because they hate Trump so much, because he represents the men who were previously leaderless for decades until he became President. says "Welcome to the Morality of the 21st century

Rabbi Sacks discusses the ideas of Juval Harari, an atheist civilly partnered Jewish-Israeli intellectual calmly proposing to abolish the working classes.

Harari is parodied below in Private Eye:

Sacks does point out that there is dignity in work, but the homosexual and childless Harari pooh-poohs the idea.

These fantasists think they are going to use algorithms instead of law and morality to control human behaviour.

Who will programme the algorithms?

God if He exists must have formulated the algorithm of morality. There are three versions of this in the three Abrahamic faiths. The most universal application of this algorithm can be found in the Koran.

Do atheist tech people strike you as the best people to determine morality?

A schoolboy asks "If we are not going to trust our government, who are we going to trust?"

Rabbi Sacks is now Reform. is on Moral Heroes.

Steven Pinker in his Ivy League ivory tower thinks the world is getting better.

This is the last in the series and we all know Rabbi Sacks won't be mentioning feminism - the elephant in the room. It is fornication that is fuels feminism, that gives us our short-termist culture of extramarital sex and shopping, of materialism, consumerism, excuses, entitlement and victimhood. It is the most evil and stupid ideology in the world and Rabbi Sacks did not say the F word even once all week, did he?

Perhaps, even as former Chief Rabbi, he has forgotten all about the Noahide laws which enjoins Jews to warn the gentile against permitting sexual immorality that undermines the the institution of marriage.

Rabbi Sacks mentions the Far Right, the Far Left, religious extremists and militant atheist in the context of free speech.

Because no one is in charge - certainly note the white man - society has atomised into a destructive and mindless amoral angry tribalism that we now euphemistically call "identity politics". The largest of these tribes are feminazis and their running dogs bent on pushing ever larger quantities of sexual liberation down our throats at an ever younger age.

We know who is in power by those whom we dare not criticise. Sacks is the world's most influential Jew in the world because we know he drafts speeches for Mike Pence and is forever in and out of the White House and Downing Street, but he, too, is afraid of feminists. It is possible that even a learned rabbi can make a category error and conflate challenging feminism with misogyny, particularly if most of his children are female and he is understandably anxious not to offend his good wife.

Currently, men in the West fear the wrath of feminazis who have infiltrated all the important institutions of state.

Having bribed Western Man with fornication and seduced him into a state of stupor and forgetfulness, he has forgotten and diluted the principle of Deuteronomy 19:15 which states that no man may be convicted of a crime with the uncorroborated testimony of a possibly lying witness.

These days, it is perfectly possible for a man to be accused of a historic sexual offence which, no matter how obviously false, the police are obliged take seriously. The Directrix of the Public Prosecutions has reversed the burden of proof in the CPS guidelines for those accused of rape, but people seem not to have noticed. This of course means that any accusation is now as good as a conviction and that is why no senior male member of the Western establishment - and this includes Rabbi Sacks - will challenge the matriarchy.

Secular Koranism is so obviously the solution for restoring the patriarchy. It may be a one party theocracy, but it is only moderately authoritarian. More importantly for Jews, it conforms to the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws.

If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

If matriarchy is the problem, then patriarchy must be the solution.

If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.

Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced to defend the national interest. The British have been living in a matriarchy since 1974, when another Jew, Keith Joseph, pointed out that the tolerance of unmarried mothers would destroy the human stock of Britain. Although widely regarded as Prime Minister in waiting, he was made to resign for what amounted to blasphemy in a matriarchy. (In a matriarchy, all men are lower than the unmarried mother, even if that man is a Prime Minister in waiting.) A woman then became the first Tory Prime Minister, taking what many thought to be his place. Joseph took it with good grace and is credited with giving Thatcher most of her ideas.

A patriarchy cannot exist without marriage and marriage is eugenic and about privileging married parents over non-parents and unmarried parents because they undertake the task of rearing the next generation in optimum conditions for the continuation of their race, whatever their race or religion.

If marriage is not practised, the result is degeneracy, and degeneracy will lead to the decline and fall of your civilisation.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies and all primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are degenerate matriarchies.

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

What is the percentage of the illegitimate in your society?

Very disappointingly, Rabbi Sacks does not once mention marital and family breakdown in this very censored debate he was chosen to front by the Series Editor, Christine Morgan. The BBC also has a preponderance of female producers and this should be noted. If you look in the credits of any TV programme produced, you will find that the producer is invariably female.

It has come to my notice that non-Orthodox forms of Judaism is being increasingly led by lesbians. Recently, a female Orthodox Rabbi was inaugurated in Britain. Rabbi Sacks should have a care that Judaism is now too being subverted by the matriarchy, if he cares about his religion and people at all.

All feminists condone fornication and all unmarried men who want to have sex with women they are not married to will also condone fornication. This explains why bastardy has now been normalised. This is now the way of the Western world. Fornication, incidentally, is a deadly sin.

If the rest of the world hates the West, it is only because they can see that the way of the feminised West has failed and resent the way an obviously failing moral and political system is being pushed on them.

Jews are the Chosen People because they are religiously obliged to martyr themselves under their rule of Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of the name of God). I would have thought failure to remind the gentile of the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws would trigger the sin of chillul Hashem (desecration of the name of God).

Sadly, there are no signs of Rabbi Sacks acknowledging either of these principles of Judaism in this rigged BBC debate on morality. All he ended up doing in choosing to participate in this rigged debate is to give credence to the ideas of Yuval Harari, an atheist and a homosexual who wants to abolish the working classes and replace them with driverless cars and trains.

If I were planning a series on morality, it would divided into the following parts:

1) The nature and purpose of morality - to secure the continued existence of the group subscribing to that morality 
2) The means of enforcing morality - this would be law and government 
3) The different moral systems available separating the five world religions from the non-divine political ideologies such as Conservatism and Liberalism.
4) The defects of Conservatism and Liberalism would be pointed out. 
5) The arguments for Secular Koranism would be made.

The Arab-Israeli dialogue that would lead to peace in the Middle East and the only legal system that would enable Israel to be true to itself as a theocracy and be the light of nations

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