Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Is the degenerate feminist gentile weak and stupid because he is suffering from the double whammy of a failed religion and political system?

The question is why the gentile in his own land allows Jewish organisations to bring unwanted migrants into their country.  To be weak and stupid is to invite exploitation and abuse. There are plenty of gentile liberals encouraging Jews to be liberal. This is a matter to be resolved between gentiles themselves, surely? Obviously there will be white Western gentiles who want to co-opt non-white and Jewish minorities in their country to their political cause eg Sarah Jeong. The liberals being what they are would recruit far and wide amongst women, Jews and minorities while the Conservatives would be standoffish and exclusive with the predictable consequences of having a small narrow base of left-behind impoverished old angry technophobic white men regarded as bores even by others of their ilk from the lower strata of society with low standards of sexual morality and behaviour with addictions problems repellent to women of any race.

The kindest way to regard Jews and Judaism is this: think of liberal democracy as a toxic marinade and Judaism as a steak marinating in it with Jewish leaders now too morally poisoned by their moral environment to feel it to be their religious duty to remind the gentile when his laws fall dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

2:29:00  "Isn't Christianity infinitely flexible in political terms? Christianity was a key part of Europeans conquering the world and having strong identities as Europeans,  Englishmen.Frenchmen or Germans and Christianity can also be an important part of the desire to contract Christendom and fill it with people who are hostile to Christianity. It is almost infinitely flexible in political terms."

The New Testament states nothing clearly, unlike the Koran, that is why you think it is infinitely flexible.

Christianity is now indistinguishable from Liberalism.

It is not quite so easy to distort the Koran once you control its interpretation.

Not for nothing has it been said that Christianity is the religion of religion and slaves, doubtless because of its ambiguity.

Ambiguity is a feminine stratagem, while men who make the rules like to state the rules clearly and men subject to those rules also prefer the rules to be stated clearly so that  they can order their lives around these rules.

Islam is the more masculine religion because it is supposed to be the directly revealed Word of God revealed by a successful leader of fighting men, while Christianity is necessarily confusing and ambiguous because it took Christianity 300 years to establish itself with several different accounts of the deed and speeches of an executed revolutionary anxious to give God what is God's and what is Caesar's to Caesar, whatever that meant, and whatever that took to get himself out of trouble with the Roman authorities.

No honest reading of the New Testament would give any reasonable lawyer the desire to base a theocracy on its stupid stories and vague extremist pronouncements. The Koran, on the other hand, naturally lends itself to legislation.

Only the most chauvinistic cultural Christian would continue to insist that co-opted and corrupted Christianity is superior even as he disbelieves the Trinity but refuses to read either the New Testament or the Koran because he already feels sufficiently "informed" by his hatred of Muslims.

Jews have been identified as a source of immigration encouraging leftism by the angry white non-Muslim gentile male. The kindest thing to think is that Jews who become liberal think gentiles want them to be liberal. Could this just be a terrible misunderstanding? If you stay with a quarrelling couple and take sides, expect to be physically removed when you supported the losing side. Women are liberal, men are Conservative. Jews have been known to adopt feminine stratagems of victimhood as a means of acquiring status in their host countries while adopting overwhelming force when it comes to dealing with unwanted residents in Israel. Is this the fault of Jews if the gentile is so easily exploited and afraid of his women who don't care about the concerns of gentile men, these women who keep voting for pro-immigration parties, for leftist parties who want immigrants to vote for them by giving them passports?  All political parties in the West have the strategy of soliciting the female vote because the female vote is the key to getting voted into office, followed by the most powerful minority of all, the Jews. This is predictably resented. The solution is so obvious: become a one party state and disenfranchise non-taxpayers.

The solution as I see it is to separate the good Jews from the bad Jews. There is nothing liberal or sexually liberated about Judaism. It also an abuse of hospitality - whether you be Jew or gentile - to be generous to people your hosts would consider unwanted intruders at your host's expense.

If you lose even when you win by playing by the rules and there is no longer any rule of law, then violence seems the logical next move. Trump won because he showed concern on immigration and even now the HIAS are trying to obstruct him when he is only trying to fulfill his compaign promises. They are doubtless also plotting his impeachment and assassination.

 If we are of the view that things will have to get worse before they get better, then we will have to regard things getting worse as a sign of things getting better.

If we are of the view that things will have to get worse before they get better, then we will have to regard things getting worse as a sign of things getting better.

Even now Jews refuse to consider the grievances of gentiles. Anyone presuming to inform them of their grievances are told they are antisemites who should fuck off.

And then I was unfriended.

If we are not guilty of any act of violence, there is no moral reason why we should not say "We told you so and look what happened because you wouldn't listen. People will only play by the rules if they think they have a reasonable chance of winning if they do so, but you have rigged everything and the rule of law no longer operates. Do not be surprised then if some people become angry enough to take the law into their own hands when they already know that the legal and political system is kaput and rigged against them. If you already know people are so upset that they voted Trump because they have had enough of immigration, why are you obstructing him at every move and trying to import ever greater numbers of immigrants?"

You must have a really shit political system to let your minorities do this to you without any hope of fixing it.  Why not admit it is shit?

Your religion must be kaput if it none of your leaders except Trump is trying to represent the interests of the beta male. Why not admit it is kaput? Why not take a more Jewish view of suffering and learn from it, rather than continue being women in denial?

To repeat: your religion and political system must be utter fucking shite if your minorities and elites can do this to you without any prospect of the problem being fixed.

Is it because Jews are so very clever, or is it because people who identify as Christian do actually have shit for brains?

Hey, maybe if you admitted that Christianity is kaput and democracy should be taken out with the trash, something might just change?

Otherwise, the white gentile male will be like his women: passively complaining waiting for his knight in shining armour.

"The Jews did it to us." Why did you let them do it? "Because we have have no moral agency, no leaders and no chain of command that will trigger any focused action to solve the problem because our religion and political system are no longer fit for purpose."

43:00  Jews get more left-wing as they get older? I know an elderly woman who voted to remain because EUrocrap represented her glorious youth.

45:00 Degenerate sex crap will always provoke a wave of self-loathing so intense it will spill over into violence. I seem to remember a book by Anthony Parsons who was describing the same thing happening in Iran before the Revolution.

Essentially (and in my view correctly), he argues that the Shah never understood how deeply resented were the changes he had wrought in trying to move Iran from feudalism to high technology in a generation, how much the young nationalists and the Shiite leaders hated what they saw as the political, cultural and economic colonization of their country by the West, mainly by the United States. I never heard it expressed better than by a young revolutionary of my acquaintance, who said that the trouble with the Shah and his circle was, ''They can tell you all about Chartres or the Colosseum, but they know nothing about the mosques of Isfahan.''

Bernard Shaw:

"A healthy nation is as unconscious of its nationality as healthy man of his bones. But if you break a nation's nationality, it will think of nothing else but getting it set again." 

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