THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Thursday, 28 February 2019
What do antisemite E Michael Jones and Zionist Jew Yoram Hazony have in common?
I suspect that if E Michael Jones were to be given a choice between becoming Muslim and being an atheist, he would choose the latter.
I think even if he knew his place in heaven would be guaranteed if he became Muslim, he would still refuse.
EMJ prefers to blame Jews for even the failure of Christianity. If gentiles have a defective religion and political system that can no longer maintain morality and choose the best leader for their nations, why blame Jews rather than consider what mistakes have been made?|
If you have a defective religion that no longer works and which your countrymen no longer believe in because it is patently absurd, why blame Jews and Muslims for their comparative success?
Let me put it this way.
In an overwhelmingly atheist society, getting someone to believe in God is like getting someone suffering from obesity who hates exercise to walk a mile, but getting him to believe that Jesus is also God would be to expect him to run a marathon.
The reputation of the Catholic Church is now so low that most people cannot think of it without involuntarily thinking "paedo priests".
Therefore, even if there were a theoretical possibility of the Catholic Church regaining its moral authority, it is unlikely to do so within our lifetimes, even if we were born yesterday.
Also, to expect an overwhelmingly Protestant people to return to Catholicism is a forlorn hope.
There are some who hope for salvation by joining their nearest Christian Orthodox Church, but since it has no chance of taking the West by the storm, we can surmise that the West is more likely to have an Islamic Revolution than a Christian revival.
Why not do the logical and moral thing instead of continuing to stew in their fetid pot of antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism?
I believe it is his conviction that the solution is Catholicism that makes EMJ focus on Jews.
If your religion is your antivirus, and your computer is infected, the only conclusion is that the antivirus has failed. Why would you continuing using your failed antivirus and not get a better one?
If you continue to use the failed antivirus, it must be because you hate and fear the better and stronger one for irrational reasons.
Recently, I pointed out yet again that the only religion that can be deemed to be effective at forbidding fornication is the one that prescribes a punishment for it ie quran.com/24/2
EMJ then dismissively said he would leave the slut-shaming to me, indicating that he did not wish to be seen to be proposing such a thing.
We know who is in power by those we dare not criticise, and it is not Jews EMJ dares not criticise. Married fathers fear to offend their wife, their wife's relations, their daughters, female relations and their female friends, their female seniors and the females to whom they seek sexual access. Most men and women are morally compromised. Even if they are not themselves morally compromised, they fear to offend the overwhelming majority who are.
I do not claim that my morals have been perfect either. If we have sinned, repentance is always an option.
It was Cato the Elder who said "If we allow women to become our equals, they will soon be our superiors."
Cherchez la femme.
It is my suspicion that EMJ and Yoram Hazony share the same phobia.
We know who is in power by those whom we dare not criticise and men - Jew or gentile - dare not criticise unmarried mothers because they know what happened to that Jew Keith Joseph who did.
I suspect that if E Michael Jones were to be given a choice between becoming Muslim and being an atheist, he would choose the latter.
I think even if he knew his place in heaven would be guaranteed if he became Muslim, he would still refuse.
EMJ prefers to blame Jews for even the failure of Christianity. If gentiles have a defective religion and political system that can no longer maintain morality and choose the best leader for their nations, why blame Jews rather than consider what mistakes have been made?|
If you have a defective religion that no longer works and which your countrymen no longer believe in because it is patently absurd, why blame Jews and Muslims for their comparative success?
Let me put it this way.
In an overwhelmingly atheist society, getting someone to believe in God is like getting someone suffering from obesity who hates exercise to walk a mile, but getting him to believe that Jesus is also God would be to expect him to run a marathon.
The reputation of the Catholic Church is now so low that most people cannot think of it without involuntarily thinking "paedo priests".
Therefore, even if there were a theoretical possibility of the Catholic Church regaining its moral authority, it is unlikely to do so within our lifetimes, even if we were born yesterday.
Also, to expect an overwhelmingly Protestant people to return to Catholicism is a forlorn hope.
There are some who hope for salvation by joining their nearest Christian Orthodox Church, but since it has no chance of taking the West by the storm, we can surmise that the West is more likely to have an Islamic Revolution than a Christian revival.
Why not do the logical and moral thing instead of continuing to stew in their fetid pot of antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism?
I believe it is his conviction that the solution is Catholicism that makes EMJ focus on Jews.
If your religion is your antivirus, and your computer is infected, the only conclusion is that the antivirus has failed. Why would you continuing using your failed antivirus and not get a better one?
If you continue to use the failed antivirus, it must be because you hate and fear the better and stronger one for irrational reasons.
Recently, I pointed out yet again that the only religion that can be deemed to be effective at forbidding fornication is the one that prescribes a punishment for it ie quran.com/24/2
EMJ then dismissively said he would leave the slut-shaming to me, indicating that he did not wish to be seen to be proposing such a thing.
We know who is in power by those we dare not criticise, and it is not Jews EMJ dares not criticise. Married fathers fear to offend their wife, their wife's relations, their daughters, female relations and their female friends, their female seniors and the females to whom they seek sexual access. Most men and women are morally compromised. Even if they are not themselves morally compromised, they fear to offend the overwhelming majority who are.
I do not claim that my morals have been perfect either. If we have sinned, repentance is always an option.
It was Cato the Elder who said "If we allow women to become our equals, they will soon be our superiors."
Cherchez la femme.
It is my suspicion that EMJ and Yoram Hazony share the same phobia.
We know who is in power by those whom we dare not criticise and men - Jew or gentile - dare not criticise unmarried mothers because they know what happened to that Jew Keith Joseph who did.
Why did the Zionist political philosopher block the gentile nationalist philosopher?
Ultra Orthodox Jews complaining about the satanic laws they have to live under in the West should now be repenting of neglecting their religious duty to enforce the Noahide laws on gentiles. I have spoken to Rabbi Bassous before and he doesn't really take this duty seriously. https://t.co/oT8HnVyMkO— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Would someone tell @yhazony to unblock me, please. Why is an Israeli political philosopher deliberately shutting his ears to what I, a nationalist philosopher, have to say about using a one party theocracy to govern in the national interest of Jews and gentiles? https://t.co/UXpcgoObMn— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Why would he do that? @yhazony please unblock my friend @Theocracy4all.— Noah Talansky (@NTalansky) February 28, 2019
We can't even enforce the laws of the Torah in Israel. For example, the abominable pride parades that go on there should be put to a stop.— Noah Talansky (@NTalansky) February 28, 2019
That's only because you are the 51st state of America. You need to declare independence from America, *first*, obviously. @RavKahaneDaily was right.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
The only way you can stop being seen as the 51st state of America is to formally refuse to receive US funding. There is an identifiable sum of money from the US every year, is there not? When are you due to receive the next payment? You have to say "No thanks." Amexit for Israel!— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
I don't think Yoram blocking me is anything to do with my perceived antisemitism. It's more because he doesn't want to be associated with the slut shaming proposals of Secular Koranism that would be reintroduced in my proposed one party theocracy which I also want Israel to adopt— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Isn't it clear by now that I am equally concerned about the welfare of both Jews and gentiles? Both are necessary to God's plan, which I shall explain if you will listen. You can't have Jew without gentile the way you can't have legitimate offspring without marriage.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
He's more scandalized by traditional morality than by Nazism— Dennis Dale (@eladsinned) February 28, 2019
Yoram knows I know about his past association with Rabbi Kahane and that I know Kahane proposed that Israel be a theocracy. He may have been assassinated in America, but his ideas are never so alive now in Israel!— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Isn't it telling that all men of the matriarchy - Jew and gentile, however senior, in Israel and outside - fear to criticise immoral irresponsible unmarried mothers who form the basis of the matriarchy?— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
How Jews can save the West just by mentioning the Noahide laws to idolatrous Christians
I see from https://t.co/kXGiCM7ehz that @DataDistribute and @RoyalEndeavour are working together and making a point of not discussing Secular Koranism or engage with me on whether Christianity is idolatrous. https://t.co/4NylsZ7m5e @Islam4Europeans @Haqiqatjou— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
What I find most infuriating is the cowardice and hypocrisy of these idolatrous Christians. They refuse to discuss whether Christianity is idolatrous, but think they can continue to ignore me and pretend I do not exist. Today, @haaretzcom have finally acknowledged my existence.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
I boasted that I will soon be the talk of the town in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, because I expect @haaretzcom to critically consider Secular Koranism which I expect the Israelis to adopt. I wouldn't wish a Torah theocracy on my worst enemy and Jews are the key to saving the West.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
All Jews have to do to save the West is to declare Christianity to be less in conformity with the Noahide laws than Islam. After all, Jews are already forbidden from entering idolatrous churches, but allowed to enter mosques. https://t.co/RKzvNuz9Zf @JewishChron @rabbisacks— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Rabbis in the diaspora simply have to collectively state that Islam is more in conformity with the Noahide laws than Chrisitanity https://t.co/qv3LvcNH62 and the idolatry of Christianity for 2000 years will finally be acknowledged. God has forbidden and will punish idolatry.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
We know how primitive pagan European monarchs must have been when they were persuaded by the Catholic Church to convert to Christianity. Being the pagan savages they were, they were understandably impressed by the intellectual superiority of the Catholic Church in Rome.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Since becoming Christian, it could not be expected European monarchs would trade in the Catholic Church for Islam the moment they became aware of it, like their old car for a new model. King John tried, but he did not have the requisite moral authority. https://t.co/4VNiFHKmo7— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Diaspora Jews would understandably be wary of tapping their Christian rulers on the shoulder and asking them if they knew that Christianity was idolatry, because Christians have a very long record of settling such religious controversies with violence and state intimidation.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Since the West is now as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human, the time is now ripe for Jews and Muslims to initiate a discussion on whether Christianity is in fact idolatrous and to ask Christians if God would punish idolatry after taking the trouble to forbid it.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
I would have thought that the decline and fall of your civilisation is already punishment enough for practising the abomination the idolatry, but it may be that God has something worse in mind along the lines of what He did to the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
The best case scenario is that senior Christian leaders of the West repent of their idolatry and convert to Islam pronto. It is most unlikely that these degenerates would suddenly start burning Jews and Muslims at the stake for heresy and blasphemy, so @rabbisacks need not fear.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Rabbi Sacks was on https://t.co/x2sq82wSq8 and it is quite obvious that the biggest problem Jews have these days is the problem of "going native" - an expression the British used of British colonial administrators who preferred native culture to that of the British imperium.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
More than once I have heard rabbis decry the fact that gentiles being nice to Jews have destroyed more Jews than the Holocaust under the Nazis. When gentiles are nasty to them they complain about antisemitism. When gentiles are nice to them they worry about "going native".— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
It is now time for a proper discussion about who is a Jew and who should be a member of the tribe. If Muslims would cease their hostilities against Jews, it is more likely that they will come to a halachically correct conclusion in conformity with Judaism rather than expediency.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
It is self-evident Jews owe their very existence to Judaism without which they would have assimilated and be lost to humanity. The conditions of tribal membership must be thoroughly revised and unobservant Jews deprived of membership on pain of death. https://t.co/UDG19xfy9P— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
In this way will the quality of Jewry be improved but their numbers reduced, leaving the remainder fit to live in an Israel that will be internationally recognised as a kingdom of priests and light of the nations, after they become a theocracy and adopt Secular Koranism.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Once Israel adopts Secular Koranism, it will no longer be seen as the 51st State to Iran, who will stop feeling the compulsion to rattle their sabre at Israel. Israel under Secular Koranism would be Israel under a form of sharia, helpful in keeping observant Jews observant.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Once Israel adopts Secular Koranism and becomes a theocracy, it would cease to be a Western colonial outpost. Western nations would soon adopt Secular Koranism because that would be the only way of restoring the patriarchy and eradicate the scourge of degenerate satanic feminism.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 28, 2019
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks with Tal Keinan on the Jewish future
What an unnecessarily long-winded introduction by this woman whom I believe is not quite modestly dressed because we can see her knees. I don't think she is wearing a wig either because he hair looks natural.
Why would you put her down? Her skirt may be too short for your religious orthodox requirements due to her sitting down her skirt may have risen up above the knee especially when wearing leg stockings however, she did an amazing job interviewing both guests. You should always give credit when credit is due. For a young lady she clearly did her best to represent her community in the best light possible. Well done.
Claire Khaw:
@Z888 "Young lady?" She is a wife and a mother and, apparently, a female Rosh Kehilla of the Downtown Minyan. Her husband is a rabbi! Why on heart is he not moderating this discussion? I am sure he wouldn't be wearing a too-short frock however pretty causing controversy with his knees and making us all scratch our heads about what on earth she meant about the Rivers Mississippi and Colorado!
Mijal Bitton
The Downtown Minyan of which she is Rosh Kehilla is very liberal indeed, as you can tell from https://www.thedowntownminyan.com/the-team
Poor Rabbi Sacks is completely outnumbered and outgunned at this discussion: on the one hand there is this rebbetzin who doesn't see fit to mention that she is rebbetzin, on the other there is the global financier who seems to be saying that the Torah cannot quite keep up with the modern world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tal_Keinan
14:00 God created gentiles to appreciate Judaism, says Rabbi Sacks. I think God chose Jews because He had to choose someone. https://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2019/01/why-jews-are-gods-chosen-people-and-my.html
15:00 You can't be God's Chosen People. If gentiles all became Jewish, Jews wouldn't feel special or chosen any more. You were however created to be the light of the nations and enforce the Noahide laws on the gentiles. That much is clear. How about doing more of this sort of thing instead of being liberal and assimilated, which is not what you are supposed to do anyway since you are supposed to keep yourselves apart as your religion requires?
The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism. Schneerson wrote:
We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)
37:00 OMG. How short is her skirt now?
38:00 Should non-Orthodox ie non-observant Jews be considered Jews at all?
My brilliant solution to antisemitism: a Registrar and Register of Jews
43:00 Rabbi Sacks: "We may have choose our individual routes, but let's have a shared destination." Where might this shared destination be? Is Rabbi Sacks saying Jews should all go to Israel?
47:00 Is Rabbi Sacks proposing the reintroduction of Herem for unethical Jewish businessmen like what they did to Baruch Spinoza, Leon Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev?
Alain de Botton's short video on the pantheism of Spinoza and why he was censured.
55:00 Secular Jews make up the numbers for the State of Israel, says Rabbi Sacks, but is that the idea? If you are meant to be a kingdom of priests, then you must be a theocracy with secular Jews not already stoned outside the city gates for breaking the Sabbath allowed only as a very insignificant and marginalised group. I imagine Tal Keinan won't like hearing this.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Rabbi Aharon Bassous: Diaspora British Jews are in spiritual and moral danger because of the imposition of "fundamental British values"
Rabbi Aharon Bassous - Diaspora Jews are in spiritual danger because of the satanic laws of Western nations. https://t.co/JmUkEAWwXv— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
Rabbi Bassous: "Antisemitism now is nothing compared to what we had to endure in history."— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
Antisemitism is the least of Jewish worries compared to the moral danger Jews are in who have been marinating in the moral rottenness of "fundamental British values", with Jewish leaders such as that establishment man Chief Rabbi Mirvis compliant and cowardly.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
1:33:00 @rabbisacks is referred to for authority in denouncing the gay friendly guide for Orthodox Jewish schools written, apparently by a *Reform* Rabbi - SHOCK HORROR.— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
1:44:00 Israeli Charedi leader accuses Chief Rabbi Mirvis of ‘blasphemy’ over LGBT guide— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch claims the British Orthodox Jewish leader was “encouraging” homosexualityhttps://t.co/5XUX6AYatD
1:54:00 Confirmed: Compulsory relationships and sex education delayed until 2020https://t.co/aC5Vbxu1OW— Claire Khaw (@Theocracy4all) February 27, 2019
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