Thursday, 28 February 2019

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks with Tal Keinan on the Jewish future

What an unnecessarily long-winded introduction by this woman whom I believe is not quite modestly dressed because we can see her knees. I don't think she is wearing a wig either because he hair looks natural.

Why would you put her down?  Her skirt may be too short for your religious orthodox requirements due to her sitting down her skirt may have risen up above the knee especially when wearing leg stockings however, she did an amazing job interviewing both guests.  You should always give credit when credit is due.  For a young lady she clearly did her best to represent her community in the best light possible.  Well done.

Claire Khaw:
@Z888 "Young lady?" She is a wife and a mother and, apparently, a female Rosh Kehilla of the Downtown Minyan. Her husband is a rabbi! Why on heart is he not moderating this discussion? I am sure he wouldn't be wearing a too-short frock however pretty causing controversy with his knees and making us all scratch our heads about what on earth she meant about the Rivers Mississippi and Colorado!

Mijal Bitton

The Downtown Minyan of which she is Rosh Kehilla is very liberal indeed, as you can tell from

Poor Rabbi Sacks is completely outnumbered and outgunned at this discussion: on the one hand there is this rebbetzin who doesn't see fit to mention that she is rebbetzin, on the other there is the global financier who seems to be saying that the Torah cannot quite keep up with the modern world.

14:00  God created gentiles to appreciate Judaism, says Rabbi Sacks. I think God chose Jews because He had to choose someone.

15:00  You can't be God's Chosen People. If gentiles all became Jewish, Jews wouldn't feel special or chosen any more. You were however created to be the light of the nations and enforce the Noahide laws on the gentiles. That much is clear. How about doing more of this sort of thing instead of being liberal and assimilated, which is not what you are supposed to do anyway since you are supposed to keep yourselves apart as your religion requires?

The late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism. Schneerson wrote:

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

37:00  OMG. How short is her skirt now?

38:00  Should non-Orthodox ie non-observant Jews be considered Jews at all?

My brilliant solution to antisemitism: a Registrar and Register of Jews

43:00  Rabbi Sacks: "We may have choose our individual routes, but let's have a shared destination." Where might this shared destination be? Is Rabbi Sacks saying Jews should all go to Israel?

47:00  Is Rabbi Sacks proposing the reintroduction of Herem for unethical Jewish businessmen like what they did to Baruch Spinoza, Leon Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev?

Alain de Botton's short video on the pantheism of Spinoza and why he was censured.

55:00  Secular Jews make up the numbers for the State of Israel, says Rabbi Sacks, but is that the idea? If you are meant to be a kingdom of priests, then you must be a theocracy with secular Jews not already stoned outside the city gates for breaking the Sabbath allowed only as a very insignificant and marginalised group. I imagine Tal Keinan won't like hearing this.

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