Sunday, 29 September 2019

A more natural and logical conception of God

When people lose faith in themselves, they are left with putting their faith in God. The Abrahamic faiths represent three different routes to the same deity.

If you are Christian and feeling exploited by Jews and invaded by Muslims, you would feel that you are left with Islam if you want to remain a gentile. Islam is "Judaism Lite" and Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

Also, if your faith depended on your capacity to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, it would weaken first compared to the one who believes that because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God who created a logical universe whose written instructions to mankind are contained in the Koran.

As my Consort Church of Entropy said, a religion is easier to believe if it requires less suspension of disbelief.  She claims her Entropism is easier to believe because she equates God to the Universe. Her reasoning is that because the Universe obviously exists, so does God. However, all she has done is the equivalent of pointing to box of frogs in her room and saying "That box of frogs is God" and then claiming "I have pointed at God." This is of course pure sophistry and sleight of hand.

Having accepted the attributes of the Abrahamic God and His narrative, we would naturally be awed by this divine concept, particularly if it were the mere invention and imagination of a mortal man called Abraham. The story of Pygmalion is that  Aphrodite answered his prayer by bringing to life the sculpture of the beautiful woman Pygmalion himself sculpted and yearned to marry.

If this was indeed how the Abrahamic God was created, then God is indeed greater than His Creation (who conceived of Him and conjured Him into existence by an act of imagination).

We don't literally need to believe in God. All that is necessary is that we consider the possibility that God might exist according to the Abrahamic narrative, and then consider the possibility that He might protect us and our society, nation and civilisation if we obeyed His laws. This is so low-maintenance that an agnostic such as myself naturally slips into this mode of thinking, which is now my default position. The high-maintenance belief of being Christian requiring the affirmation by the Christian concerned that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the Abrahamic God can thus be rationally and readily abandoned because of its patent absurdity and idolatry in favour of a more natural, logical and non-idolatrous conception of the Abrahamic God.

Friday, 27 September 2019

I display the right degree of compassion and indulgence towards sluts and women to Israeli campaigner Aaron Amihud 3:06:00

1:34:00  Atheist Jews should be struck off the Register of Jews by their Registrar rabbi.

1:35:00  Why is the patriarchy "bullshit"? Wasn't Abraham a patriarch? ttps://


If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count [on you,] with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

1:37:00  If we believe in God and follow His laws, then we are the slaves of God, aren't we?

1:38:00  Jon's views on canon law are incoherent.

1:42:00  The liberal elite represents the matriarchy.

1:44:00  Jon is basically saying he is ashamed to be associated with the alt-right who are a bunch of marginalised degenerate losers. He complains about identity politics, but all politics are about identity anyway. We all have to start at the bottom and the bottom is full of bottom feeders, political pariahs, social retards and unmarriageable degenerates we would all disdain to be associated with if we had a choice, but we don't.

1:47:00  Who are the people Jon says I surround myself with influencing my worldview? What is their worldview?

1:54:00  The Claire and Jen streams have some wisdom, but not enough for Jon. Then Claire and Jen will try harder! Or we just need a good editor, or Jen needs to behave herself.

1:49:00  I never said I was Muslim and don't expect Muslims to like Secular Koranism. The Islamic scholar I spoke to was so horrified at Secular Koranism that he blocked me on Facebook to protect his students from my ideas.

The exchange Adassamad Clarke and Claire Khaw had on Secular Koranism

Abdassamad Clarke the Muslim scholar blocks Claire Khaw from his Facebook page

1:54:00  The Claire and Jen streams have some wisdom, but not enough for Jon. Then Claire and Jen will try harder! Or we just need a good editor, or Jen needs to behave herself.

1:57:00  Secular Koranism is not all the Muslims you hate. It has never been tried.

1:59:00  What does Jon mean when he says I do not "understand the straight and narrow path"?

2:00:00  You don't seem to be aware that a news blackout has been imposed on me.

2:01:00  Giving Erika a wrench to protect her from being timed out by Aaron is nothing to do with patriarchy.

2:01:00  You are still not getting it about Secular Koranism if you are still saying you must be Muslim to support Secular Koranism.

2:03:00  Theocratic Dictator Contest on 7 October 2019 mentioned at  At 1:59:00  I pointed out that I would definitely win if the Papal Conclave rules were used ie the winner would be chosen by the other contestants who could not vote for themselves. Jay is therefore not going to have the contest run on the Papal Conclave rules.

2:09:00 Jon points out that Church of Entropy is not really serious about her ideas as long as she gets to talk about them.

2:12:00  Who gives a shit about people who don't know what Brexit means? Is this level of ignorance now "normal" in degenerate Britain?

2:14:00  Jay: "Ignorance is a source of wisdom."  This is the kind of shit Jay says. Damn right that kind of shit needs to go. Jay starts calling him drunk, Jon calls him a stupid fat fuck and a pathetic man. Aaron asks Jay why he worships his own stupidity. That is because he is a narcissist. He will worship himself, even if he is stupid. Westerners basically worship their own stupidity and degeneracy, which is why their civilisation is now a matriarchy going down the toilet.

2:22:00  Jay is apathetic because he hasn't got a proper religion capable of making him do the right thing. is all he ever quotes but it is mostly nonsense as you can see. The Catholic Church wanted William Tyndale dead for translating the Bible into English because they knew they could not explain nonsense.

2:23:00  Con Opps represents effete apathy.

2:24:00  Con Opps seems to be saying that Jay  is a kind of echo of the last person who spoke to him. Jon is disgusted by Jay. Jay starts shouting to drown out Jon who says he thinks Jay would rather record a murder than call the cops and wallows in ignorance when he approved of his friend who had no idea what Brexit is.

2:32:00  Jon Vance accuses Con Opps of having no principles.

2:34:00  Jon says he had hoped to discuss ideas rather than engage in personal drama. Jay accuses of Jon of starting with the personal drama. Aaron reminds Jay that it was he (Jay) who started calling Jon drunk after Jon accused him of moral apathy and wallowing in ignorance.

2:35:00  Jay pretends Jon wants him to talk about Brexit to the man who says he doesn't know what Brexit is about and who only wants to do his gardening, but Jon was not saying that at all. Jon was disgusted at Jay saying he wanted to be as ignorant as that man.

It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is only because they only know their own side of the question.

2:36:00  Con Opps say that that level of ignorance, of not even knowing what Brexit is, is not to described as wisdom.

2:37:00  Jay seems confused about the role of being a brother.

2:39:00  It is not safe for men to marry under the rules of no fault divorce but not even men who complain about feminism will propose the abolition of no fault divorce because they are already so cucked and unmarriageable the thought of marrying a woman actually triggers them.

2:42:00  Gay disco is a vacuum that Islam will move into, says Aaron.

2:45:00  Gay disco = the pill = fornication = bastardy = civil partnership = gay marriage = transgenderism

2:46:00  Con Opps is too effete to say he wants to change people's minds to effect political change.

2:49:00  Brutus the British and his hiring of a prostitute is mentioned as if that proved anything.

2:52:00 Jon's one party state

2:55:00  A one party state is about accountability, otherwise, the political parties will be passing the buck of blame round and round so fast it becomes a blur ....

3:00:00  Direct democracy

3:02:00  Nothing wrong with saying you are prepared to trust a principled elite to govern your one party state.

3:03:00  God is the policeman in your head

3:06:00  I join and am accused of being liberal.  I talk to Dr Renee at

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

There is no need to literally believe in the Abrahamic God to enjoy the benefits of faith

All you have to do is consider the possibility that He might exist and then consider the possibility that He might help you if He approves of your actions.

Mine is a simple but robust apprehension of a deity that might have created the entire universe just to make us wonder at Him.

And even if He were entirely an idea conjured out of nothingness by mortal man, God is still greater than His Creation.  

Friday, 20 September 2019

The purpose of morality (which comes from religion) is to keep the group together

If you bother listening to this, you will see that the problem is that we have not defined basic terms such as morality.

Morality is the individual imparting minimal harm.

It is not just a matter of the individual imparting minimal harm as Church of Entropy asserts at, but a matter of group survival. Sometimes, it is necessary and therefore moral to abandon your elders to the cold when they become old and weak, as the Inuit do, if you want to keep your way of life and function as a group distinct from others.,_murder,_and_death

In other words, morality is for the purpose of preserving your group identity and following or not following its rules is evidence of the lengths to which you are prepared to go in order to do so ie make the sacrifices required by your religion eg marrying before having babies, staying with the spouse you are now disappointed, bored and irritated by for the sake of the children, keeping the Sabbath etc.

Jews, the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, were deprived of their homeland for 2000 years and still managed to get it back, demonstrating the success of Judaism.

Since we also know Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism, we also know that gentiles have a choice of two Abrahamic religions if they want to worship the Abrahamic God, obey His laws and worship the same supreme and eternal God the Jews do, which is clearly the source of their continuing existence and power.

Why might the Western gentile give up Christianity and adopt Islam? Because, properly advised, he would be able to see that Christianity has failed. We know Christianity has failed simply because the satanic laws emanating from the West that promote globohomo and transgenderism directly contradicts the scripture of the Abrahamic faiths.

All civilisations rise in patriarchy and decline in matriarchy. If President Trump really wants to make America great again, he would have to make America a patriarchy again.

Christianity has failed because it is based on an absurdity that the ancestors of the post-Christian Westerner was forced to believe in through state intimidation and persecution. Since Western governments lost the will to enforce the Blasphemy Act 1697, more and more Westerners found themselves lapsing into atheism and the degenerate sexual liberation that it inevitably leads to.

After the Americans separated the church from their state, it appears most unlikely that the US government would repeal the First Amendment in order to enforce belief in God on Americans.

It is also unlikely that the British would repeal the Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 in order to let the full force of the Blasphemy Act 1697 resume its totalitarian control over the minds of Britons. Rather neatly, the Blasphemy Act itself was repealed in 1967 in a perfect transposition of numbers.

A quicker and easier way of reintroducing God to Westerners can be found through Secular Koranism while guaranteeing freedom of belief with

13:00  Theocracy is a big idea.
17:00  Christianity is kaput, democracy is dementia.
18:00  Being American
19:00  Feminism and Fornication
20:00  No fault divorce, affirmative action legislation
22:00  Curt Doolittle and my interview with him at
23:00  Kavanaugh hearings in the US Supreme Court
25:00 is the basis of the First Amendment
27:00  Secular Koranism
28:00  Freedom of belief and free speech
30:00  Can you find a sound argument in this proposition by Church of Entropy?
Are the three arguments I believe to be sound in agreement with your idea of a sound argument?
31:00  Valid and sound arguments
32:00  Calling liberalism theocracy confuses people. If the West had a theocracy based on promoting patriarchal moral values, Jews and gentiles would not be suffering from their identity crisis and promoting degenerate globohomo.
34:00  Another debate on Deism v Theism? Aztecs
35:00  Utilitarianism
37:00  Statecraft
38:00  The National Interest
39:00  Defining the nation
40:00  Theocracy is a society that is governed by God's laws.
43:00  Our laws should reflect our political ideology.
45:00  Social cohesion and group solidarity
46:00  Morality is a system of rules designed to keep a group together and apart from others.
47:00  The Torah. Reinventing the wheel
48:00  Jews
49:00  AIPAC
50:00  A one party state would de-fang AIPAC.
55:00  Knowing what we are: tribe, nation or empire?
56:00  Religion. The French Revolution
57:00  Principles
1:02:00  Road safety under Secular Koranism
1:05:00  Morality may minimise harm but its purpose is to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
1:11:00  Stable and fair government

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Doooovid & Claire Khaw discuss Jewish identity

Why antisemites should also celebrate Yom Kippur

2:00  Fiction and non-fiction

5:00  Otto von Bismarck

9:00  Adam and Eve

11:00  Orpheus

12:00  Moses

13:00  Monteverdi

15:00  Infantry square

19:00  John Humphrys  asks Tony Blair "Is the two party system fatally flawed anyway?"

27:00  Neoliberalism, globalism, Jews and antisemitism

28:00  Conspiracy theories

29:00  Neo-paganism

30:00  The Western Wars of Religion

32:00  The Vedas

33:00  The Koran, The Talmud and the Noahide laws

34:00  Degeneracy

35:00  Redemption and the correction of error

36:00  The Koran is Zionist.

40:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

41:00  Rabbi Sacks

46:00  Conspiracy theories are really an expression of people's hatred of their government.

47:00  History, Herodotus, Thucydides

51:00  Monarchy is unviable and unsustainable.

52:00  King Solomon and his 300 wives and 700 concubines

52:30  One party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism


56:00  Roger Scruton

57:00  Moses


1:02:30  Answers to my questions on Christian idolatry and Shia sectarianism

1:03:00  Tim Winter AKA Abdal Hakim Murad

1:04:00  Israel should be a theocracy.

1:04:30  Islam = Judaism Lite.  Secular Koranism = Islam Lite is in the Goldilocks Zone

1:05:00  Secular Koranism and the First Amendment support each other.

1:06:00  Churchill the warmonger leading Britain into its Thucydides Trap

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Muslim woman attracted to the alt-right because of its antisemitism being economical with the truth

13:00  When was "Christianity in its original form" practised?

14:00  Telling you what the Koran says is "not playing God".

23:00 Demonstrate what?

24:00  I don't "scream about Islam", I promote Secular Koranism.

26:00  I never called Amanda an apostate. She is lying.

28:00  Amanda saying of Dooovid on  "I wanted to burn his house down. "

Amanda is attracted to the alt-right because of its antisemitism.

39:00  Amanda says she doesn't trust herself to speak about Jews and Judaism because she knows it is hate speech.

50:00  Amanda says "Islam is closer to Judaism."

It is very interesting that Amanda did not mention at all.

Next time you speak to her, perhaps you would like to ask if she and I have discussed this verse.  This is an excellent example of being economical with the truth.

Kashif Shahzada (previously interviewed by Pilleater/Francis Nally) answers my questions on Christian idolatry and Shia sectarianism

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...