Monday, 9 March 2020

Noahide law is Natural Law

18:00  Antisemites are so blinded by their hatred and suspicion of Jews that they cannot accept that the Noahide laws are motherhood and apple pie ie fair enough.

If you accept the necessity of ordering your thoughts, speech and actions in order to obey the laws of a supreme being, then you would see that it does not make sense to blaspheme or worship idols.

  1. If you already worship a supreme being, you would not want to worship idols. Why would you want to worship idols if you already see the point of submitting to the authority of a supreme being whose laws you already agree with?   
  2. If you do not accept God's law forbidding murder, are you a murderer?
  3. If you do not accept God's law forbidding theft, are you a thief?
  4. If you do not accept God's law forbidding sexual offences, are you a sex offender?
  5. If you do not accept God's law forbidding the eating of a part of an animal while it is still alive, are you someone who enjoys being cruel to animals?
  6. If you do not see the point of having a court and legal system to enforce laws, are you a criminal in favour of lawlessness? 
  7. Which deity other than the Abrahamic God has given mankind - both Jew and gentile - divine scripture containing His laws?  
  8. Why would you wish to worship any deity inferior to the Abrahamic God?  
  9. What is your problem with Jews and Muslims other than racial and religious hatred?  
  10. Why do you think your laws are better than the Noahide laws when they have already failed you?
  11. Why do you think your religion is better than Islam when Christianity has already failed you?
  12. Why do you think your political system is better when it has already failed. you?
  13. Isn't it obvious that not following what are believed to be God's laws is actually irrational when you are always complaining about Jews and Muslims who try to follow God's laws who do have a religion who have risen in status above you in your own country?
  14. Isn't submitting to Natural Law submitting to what is obviously true and logical?
  15. Isn't it obviously true that the Ten Commandments come from the Torah?
  16. Isn't it obvious that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe?
  17. Isn't it obviously true that Jews worship the most powerful deity conceivable?
  18. Isn't it obviously true that Christianity is kaput?
  19. Isn't it obviously true that an executed revolutionary is not the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?
  20. Isn't it obviously true that Christianity is both idolatrous and blasphemous with scripture that is not even divine?
  21. Isn't it obviously true that the scripture of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism is not even claimed by Christians, Hindus or Buddhists to come from a divine source? 
  22. Isn't it obviously true that the Koran is the only scripture that guarantees freedom of belief with and for this reason is superior to all the others if you care about freedom of belief?
  23. If you don't care about freedom of belief, does that mean you want to repeal the First Amendment?
  24. If you want to repeal the First Amendment, you are clearly someone who does not believe in free speech and freedom of belief, aren't you?
  25. Isn't it obviously true that no society can do without a religion effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie effective at ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents?
  26. If you refuse to answer any of the above questions honestly, is it because you are morally compromised in some way and/or refuse to make the sacrifices required to restore the patriarchy?
  27. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy because you are unlikely to become a married father?
  28. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy because you know that even if you wanted to become a married father, you have little or no prospect of doing so and have in fact given up?
  29. Is the reason why you refuse to support measures necessary to restore the patriarchy because you cannot see how it would benefit you because you are in fact unmarriageable?
  30. Is the reason why you refuse to support restoring the patriarchy fear of upsetting your associates who are morally compromised men who regularly have sex with someone not their spouse and/or have no prospect of becoming a married father?
  31. Is the reason why you reject the idea of obeying God's laws because you are both an atheist and a nihilist who does not care what happens to his society after he is dead?  

19:00  Idolatry is at least the worship of idols.

20:00  I have never expressed an opinion either for or against Church of Entropy's moon theory. However, I do wonder why she introduces these topics when we are discussing political matters. Presumably this is to draw attention to the fact that she knows more physics than the the rest of us, but how does this relate to the validity of her political views? She repeatedly refuses to engage on her definition of morality which she defines as minimising suffering. It is my contention that morality is more than just an analgesic. 

2:26:00  Philosophy

What exactly is Church of Entropy referring to about how Conops and I went wrong at She does not say.

2:29:00  The truth can be expressed as an equation.


2:50:00  Looking forward to the monologue of the e-personalty of Church of Entropy!

2:51:00  Ooh! Jen now says she wants a one-on-one conversation so it looks like we will have a one on one conversation soon!


3:03:00  Does Church of Entropy want to examine my personality particle?

5:38:00  Nobody knows what the hell they are talking about. Even Gandalf who likes word salads dropped out. 

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