Tuesday, 30 June 2020

I tried to ask Rabbi Krausz about the Noahide laws and Chabad today, but he wouldn't speak to me

Is Rabbi Gavriel Krausz the exemplar of Jewish masculinity?

History lessons for the West and the rest of the world

1:00  Learning from our mistakes and not burying them.
2:00  I wouldn't even take down statues of BLM taking down statues after the Secualr Koranist Revolution.
3:00  The sin of going against God's laws is its own punishment.
5:00  Yin and Yang and the eternal battle of the sexes
6:00  Present pleasure can lead to future pain.
7:00  The Abrahamic God made rules for nations and individuals.
8:00  We all need to how who we are.
9:00  The psychology and psyche of nations
10:00  We should think of a nation as an individual with a history.

11:00  The flabby response of the Western political establishment to revolutionary statue-toppling is evidence that it is a matriarchy full of senile, effeminate and infantilised men who wouldn't even know what a principle is, let alone defend it.  

12:00  People are unprincipled sheeple who are easily intimidated.

14:00  Women will always prefer the line of least resistance but in a matriarchy, men are afraid of women.

15:00  The correct values are the values of your religion.

16:00  Christianity is kaput.

17:00  Single mothers have been telling their sons to be cowards.

18:00  Correction

19:00  Our religion and politics tells us who should be in charge.

20:00  The liberal fallacy

21:00  Knowing what to expect when we break the rules

22:00  No religion, no ability of men to organise against their internal enemies.

23:00  Conservatism was a defensive ideology created in response to the ideas of the French Revolution

25:00  Belief in the afterlife

26:00  History teachers of the world

27:00  The disturbing spinelessness of Western men

28:00  The psychosis and sclerosis of the West

29:00  Imperialism and the Roman Empire

30:00  China

31:00  If the Chinese adopted the ideas of a self-hating German Jew, why not Secular Koranism?

32:00  All the solutions are already at our finger tips.

33:00  Jewish history

35:00  Gentile history

36:00  The failure of Christianity meant the lack of religious education in Western men leading to loss of self-confidence in individuals and the government producing the current crisis in masculinity of morally flabby men in denial about the loss of their masculinity and the contempt and hatred Western women now have for them as a result. Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values and we already know Western men are incapable of defending even the truth because they are so terrified of offending their easily offended women who are offended by almost everything he does. 

37:00  The numbers game in the Koran

38:00  Western men can't even defend liberal principles.

39:00  Atomised, isolated, frightened and atheist

40:00  Denial

41:00  Better the devil you know.

42:00  Moral flabbiness

43:00  The moral flaccidity of men without pride and without shame

44:00  Peter Lavelle, a bachelor not particularly bothered by feminism,

45:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou discuss the abject failure of Apostate Muslim in debate and Islam in the West

47:00  Your principles are your instructions. 

48:00  The most powerful religion is Judaism

49:00  Caste system

50:00  The rule of law in India and China

51:00  Does race really matter more than nationality and culture? 

52:00  Measuring the efficacy of ideas

53:00  The Abrahamic God and His two revelations: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles

54:00  Christianity and the Trinity

55:00  Arianism and Trinitarianism

57:00  Not even Christians claim the New Testament was written by Jesus, let alone God.

59:00  Legitimacy and authority of Christianity

1:00:00  Islamophobes

1:01:00  Which religion would you choose for your people if you could start from scratch?

1:03:00  UK Labour Party

1:07:00  Marie van der Zyl

1:09:00  Jew and gentile are having an identity crisis.

1:10:00  Why everyone should support me?

1:12:00  Dr Mengele

1:13:00  Hate speech laws in Israel are pretty wide-ranging.

1:14:00  Claire Khaw, The Great Communicator

1:15:00  The matriarchy is spooked. 

1:16:00  My role as honest broker between men and women and spokeswoman for the misgoverned

1:17:00  Stefan Molyneux

1:18:00  Survivor's guilt

1:20:00  Spreading the message

1:22:00  Ubiquitous and available.  Phone a friend.

1:24:00  The beginning of the Great Khavian Age of the West

1:25:00  Rabbi Mizrachi 

1:26:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis

1:26:00  Liberal Jews who call you a Nazi to shut you up and win the argument provoke antisemitism much much more than observant Jews who already know they are to reflect on their suffering every Tisha B'Av

1:27:00  Jewish emancipation has only confused Jews and given them an identity crisis.

1:28:00  My proposed Registrar of Jews would help protect Jews and gentiles from each other.

1:29:00  Being allowed to stay on the Register of Jews from generation to generation in the diaspora as an observant Jew would be a sign of lineal Jewish achievement

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Faster, Better and Happier with Secular Koranism

You will be faster to make a decision that is better and make you happier if you subscribe to a tried and tested moral system ie religion said to be based on law made by the most powerful God conceivable who divided humanity between Jew and gentile, who revealed the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.

It will make you deal with your problems faster and better thereby making you and your society happier.

How Western voters can save Western civilisation

  1. Western voters who care about their statues should phone a friend and ask their friend to phone another etc to talk about organising against statue-topplers to make sure Biden does not win.  The emerging election strategy of the Democrats for the 2020 Presidential Election
  2. Muslims who want the West to be more Islamic should invite their Orthodox rabbi to confirm that Islam is more Noahide-observant than Christianity. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-seven-noachide-laws  "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."
  3. Muslims and Jews should write a joint letter to Christians pointing out that Christianity is kaput and why they must adopt Secular Koranism as soon as possible.  How to restore the patriarchy with the help of Jews and Muslims  Proposed joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians warning them of the abomination of idolatry  The reason for rising antisemitism and what Jews could do about it  The crisis of masculinity caused by the failure of Christianity and how Jews and Muslims can help

Saturday, 27 June 2020

The crisis of masculinity caused by the failure of Christianity and how Jews and Muslims can help

Westerners are suffering from a crisis of confidence caused by the failure of Christianity. We know Christianity has failed because it was undermined by feminism.

If Christianity was the antivirus you installed on your computer, but your computer was subsequently infected, you can deduce that your antivirus has failed.

Because feminism is based on gender equality, it has caused gender confusion, and gender confusion leads to gender dysphoria leading people to think they would be happier after sterilising themselves and mutilating their sex organs to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex. The prohibition in the Old Testament against men and women wearing each other's clothes was therefore very wise.

Once the men become women, who will protect the women? Presumably, nations whose men are known to have become women will be considered ripe for invasion and exploitation by men of other races and nations. This problem is easily solved by Jews and Muslims getting together for mutual protection to denounce Christianity as an illegitimate, idolatrous, blasphemous and absurd religion which is now confused for the liberalism that allowed in feminism to subvert the morals of Western men now no longer capable of even verbally defending the statues of their ancestors.

It is necessary to understand why Western Man is no longer capable of defending a principle.

  1. He lacks a moral education.
  2. A moral education is being aware that one is a member of a group who subscribes to a moral system ie religion.  
  3. He does not even know what a principle is, let alone what it is for, nor is he capable of having a discussion on the subject. 
  4. He is an atheist.
  5. He is also a nihilist who subscribes to no moral principle and does not even pretend he will not break the law or break a promise if he can get away with it.
  6. No moral philosopher in the West is capable of having an honest and honourable discussion about this because philosophers are a dime a dozen and no one will defend the right of any moral philosopher to say anything even if it is true, rational and moral, as long as it can be smeared as "offensive" or "hateful". 
  7. Western Man is subconsciously aware that any discussion on the subjects I raise will lead to a discussion about whether Christianity is kaput and whether democracy is dementia.
  8. Ordinary men do not feel powerful enough to have this discussion without risking losing their employment, income and status. 
  9. Supposedly powerful men in the political establishment do not feel able to have this discussion without risk of losing status and being denounced for saying something "hateful" or "extremist". 
  10. Men will do anything for sex, and I do mean anything. They will commit acts of violence and murder but they will also keep quiet and become women in order to maintain their access to sex. Men becoming women is part of beating feminists at their own game to acquire the feminine privilege they think women have.
  11. Feminine privilege is basically having more offers of sex than one is prepared to accept including a woman's prerogative to change her mind.  

Friday, 26 June 2020

Rabbi Mendel Kessin on America and its sins

8:00 The sexual immorality Western Man now allows offends God

36:00 The entire Western media afflicted by Trumpophobia is in a state of hysterical psychosis

37:00 The senility of Biden and his mental handicap which they will blame on Trump and his supporters

40:00 Trump part of the messianic process

41:00 God is punishing America for its sins.

43:00 A sexually deviant world

44:00 Slavery and kidnapping

47:00 Sodomy, Martin Luther King

48:00 Hurricane Katrina

52:00 Trump or Biden AKA Schumer/Pelosi/Socialist America?

55:00 Trump landslide?

56:00 Blacks being used by Antifa

59:00 Trump's Tulsa rally

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Culture War - Karen Kataline

The only one state solution that could work in Israel

Ivanka Trump attended the dedication ceremony of the new US embassy in Jerusalem in May 2019

The only one state solution for Israel that could work in theory would be a legal system based on the Koran ie sharia.

Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia.

A survey on Secular Koranism is at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/96RQWJV

For observant Jews, sharia would just be a walk in the park. According to the Talmud, righteous gentiles are only required to observe the Naohide laws, while Jews are required to observe 613 laws. The Noahide laws are a minimum moral standard for gentiles. Observant Jews should have no difficulty agreeing to living under sharia because that is already a significantly lower standard than their 613 laws.

The problem is that most Jews are not observant and the majority are Liberal Democrat voting Jews who now want to topple Trump by toppling the statues of the American Founding Fathers. Trump, by relocating the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, has stuck his neck out to an unprecedented and some would say unnecessary extent.

US consulate general in Jerusalem merges with embassy

It would be interesting to see how many liberal principles are in direct conflict with the principles of Judaism.

How many Liberal Jews are there to every observant Jew?

Which is the more authentic Jew - the Observant Jew or the Liberal Jew?

If Liberal Jews are the majority, does this mean that the Observant Jew can never be an archetype of Jewishness? But without Judaism, Jews wouldn't even exist. It can therefore be concluded that being the majority is no way linked to whether you are right, even if you are Jewish.

Do liberals even know what their principles are now?

Jews are in a better position to know what their principles are and can look them up if they don't, but liberals these days support no principle other than that of sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting and the maligning of the achievements of their own ancestors. If all Jews followed liberal principles such as can be discerned from the current practice of those who identify themselves as liberal eg globohomo, they would soon become extinct. It is possible that God would allow Jews to become extinct once they have done what they were supposed to do ie impose a minimum standard of law and morality on the rest of the world through the setting of standards, but the time is not now, because Western gentile nations are very far from being Noahide. Israel's protector, America, in fact promotes globohomo, which is arguably satanic, if Satan can be defined as rebellion from God's laws. 

Monday, 22 June 2020

Jews, ask Rabbi Sacks these questions on my behalf as well as your own!

  1. Is worshiping Christ as the co-equal of Hashem idolatry?
  2. Is worshiping Christ as the co-equal of Hashem blasphemy?
  3. Are Jews allowed to enter churches?
  4. Are Jews allowed to enter mosques?
  5. Why did God make Jews His Chosen People?
  6. What were Jews chosen by God to do?
  7. Are Jews supposed to be promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles?
  8. Is Islam the most Noahide-observant of all the world religions?
  9. Is Christianity the least Noahide-observant of all the world religions?
  10. Is Christianity even less Noahide-observant than Hinduism because the Hindus at least do not pretend that any of their idols is the co-equal of Hashem?
  11. When did Jews stop promoting the Noahide laws?
  12. Is Christianity kaput?
  13. Do Jews have a duty to tell gentiles in the West that their religion is kaput?
  14. What should replace Christianity if it is indeed kaput?
  15. Is Islam the only rational and moral choice for the Post-Christian nation in need of a religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?
  16. Should Jews promote the Noahide laws by recommending Islam to the gentile Post-Christian to stop him from sliding down faster and further into degeneracy?
  17. Is Israel Noahide-observant?
  18. Should Israel be a theocracy? 
  19. Would Israel need to declare independence from American to become a theocracy?
  20. If Israeli Jews are not up to the job of becoming a Torah theocracy, should a Koran-based theocracy eg Secular Koranism be considered?
  21. Should only observant Jews be put on a Register in the diaspora with non-observant Jews struck off to avoid the Chillul Hashem of the latter from adversely affecting the good standing of Jews in general? 

Friday, 19 June 2020

Two Jews talk about Karen and the alt-right

13:00  First Amendment violation in New York

26:00  Spenciarian Marxian Islamism

33:00  E Michael Jones is top of the pyramid of antisemites

36:00  The Altar Boy and His Priest (Keith Woods and Richard  Spencer)

40:00  Keith Woods is 15 years old, according to Halsey.

43:00  Soph

46:00  Milo

52:00  The alt-right converting to Islam

57:00  Controlled opposition

58:00  Islam

The worse their government, the more antisemites will blame Jews for their bad government

1:00  Rabbi Mizrachi telling Jews to prepare for pogrom.
4:00  The rules of natural justice
5:00  White Christians started two World Wars and will probably start another.
6:00  Jay
8:00  Hating Secular Koranism because it is based on the Koran means you are an Islamophobe.
9:00  Antisemitism
11:00 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
12:00  My definition of the alt-right
13:00  The oligarchy and our corrupt political cartel
14:00  Corrupt Conservative politicians like David Cameron who says Conservatism is gay marriage.
15:00  Monopoly = one party state
17:00  Democracy is coming to a grinding halt.
18:00  Stiff upper lip or cry out loud in the hope of being rescued?
19:00  My radical and revolutionary measures

20:00  I am only using Truth, Logic and Morality to sell Secular Koranism to a degenerate society whose members and political establishment are mostly incompetents, cowards, hypocrites and lifelong deniers of Truth, Logic and Morality. 

21:00  What we dislike may be good for us, and what we like may be bad for us. Children who have been properly parented and morally educated know this, but most Westerners have been brought up their unmarried mothers in fatherless homes.  

To stop so many Westerners both high-born and low-born from being beyond the reach of Truth, Logic and Morality, I propose that unmarried parents be treated as sex offenders and given the punishment prescribed at quran.com/24/2

23:00  Our political classes enjoy less free speech than we do. 

24:00  Antisemites envy Jews. 

25:00  Why you go to the highest status person to get things done eg "Take me to your leader."

26:00  Damned if you do, damned if you don't. 

27:00  Identity is important. 

28:00  Jews would be nothing without Judaism. 

29:00  No religion, no identity. Secular political ideologies don't last as long as religions.

30:00  Marxism will keep popping up when most people are feeling poor. 

31:00  Meritocracy v Caste System

32:00  Christianity

34:00  Jews and Muslims should be jointly pointing out that Christianity is kaput. 

35:00  Atheist nihilist politicians who don't govern in the national interest.

37:00  Antisemitism is envy.

38:00  Envy is a Deadly Sin.

39:00  Thoughtcrime

41:00  Muslim antisemitism

42:00  Jews who become even more Liberal than gentiles.

43:00  Liberalism came from the French Revolution.

45:00  Conservatism = Theocracy Lite

46:00  The Cult of Reason and The Cult of the Supreme Being

Rabbi Mizrachi on a pogrom on Jews in America provoked by Liberal Jews

Defamation, Lashon Hara, Chillul Hashem, hypocrites

13:00 What to do/say about known paedophiles in your own community
16:00 The best lies are those with mixed with some truth.
20:00 The duty to contradict heresy
23:00 That rabbi that looks like Santa Claus whom the goyim love because he tries to be so zany and folksy but who speaks heresy
25:00  Sodomy
43:00  The mystery of the weekend guest that disappeared without a word
48:00  Sackcloth and ashes
1:05:00  Political agendas
1:26:00 The future of America and what will happen after the antisemites overthrow Trump

1:27:00 Rabbi Mizrachi denounces the Liberal Jews who serve the Liberal agenda of overthrowing Trump

1:28:00 "You only have freedom of speech if you are a lefty traitor" but not if you are religious because you will be forbidden from speaking against abortion, LGBT or for Trump.

1:32:00  Property prices will fall in Brooklyn, Long Island and Los Angeles when the Jews sell up to flee from the antisemites who intend to overthrow Trump and the goyim will be so potless they won't even be able to buy it cheap and will probably end up trashing it.

1:34:00 Move to Israel if you are a young couple with no babies or only one baby. Don't wait till your kids are bigger when they will find it harder to settle into Israeli schools where they will be expected to speak fluent Hebrew. Some of them actually won't accept American children.

1:36:00 Moral corruption suffered by Jews in globohomo is worse than being beaten up by antisemites. Wear a baseball cap instead of a yamaka so God does not have to work quite so hard to protect you from antisemites. Where appropriate, dress like an Arab.

1:40:00 Citizenship rules in Israel are likely to be relaxed soon.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

God gave Christians the freewill to conceive of the Trinity and then believe in it

The belief that Christianity is still the religion of the West is damaging to the self-esteem of Western Man. Western Man, who is now Post-Christian, is traumatised and aghast at the enormity of the trick played on him and his ancestors so long ago and for so long - 2000 years. It is like telling a credulous child a blatant lie just to see how long it would take for it to realise it cannot possibly be true. Telling children that Santa is real just to see how long it would take for them to realise that it cannot possibly be true is part of this long cruel tradition.

Western Man drowns in his own moral sewage while Jews and Muslims look on

Western Man was not man enough to defend the principle of due process. He is after all incapable of defending any principle at all. He will not speak the Truth, exercise logic or follow any moral principle for he is such a coward that he fears the disapproval of those weaker, fewer in number, stupider and poorer than he is. That is why he submits to living in a matriarchy where all men are lower in status than the unmarried mother whose children will soon take over what is left of his civilisation.

Western Man seems unable to say that slavery is an institution and that people of all races, religions and nations have at one time or another enslaved each other.

Jews and Muslims are silent on whether slavery should have been abolished and do not point out there is no authority for the banning of slavery in their scripture. 

The Torah accepts the practice of slavery and even regulates it.


The Abrahamic God never forbade slavery in either the Torah or the Koran. It is enough that He forbade usury quran.com/2/275 which leads to irresponsible borrowing and lending by individuals and governments. It is indebtedness that leads us into behaviour such as gambling and reckless imperial wars which ultimately leads to our own enslavement when we lose at gambling and at war.

When the British lost their global empire, they decided that they never wanted it in the first place. 

Their empire was handed to the Americans on a platter who found themselves unable to govern it through forcing countries worldwide to adopt the same flawed system of representative democracy. It is through representative democracy that nations were manipulated into submitting to US interests through the bribing of their key politicians.

When America finally gives up liberal democracy, it will no longer be able to force on others the system it has itself abandoned, when confidence in Western institutions will have collapsed like a house of cards.

Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose?

- Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.

— Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.

— The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.

— Floyd already began to complain “I can’t breathe” a few minutes before the neck restraint was applied, while resisting the officers when they tried to get him into the squad car. Fentanyl affects the breathing, causing death by respiratory arrest.

— It was normal procedure to restrain Floyd because he was resisting arrest, probably in conjunction with excited delirium (EXD), an episode of violent agitation brought on by a drug overdose, typically brief and ending in death from cardiopulmonary arrest.

— The official autopsy did indeed give cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of death, and stated that injuries he sustained during the arrest were not life-threatening.

— Videos of the arrest do not show police beating or striking Floyd, only calmly restraining him

— In one video Floyd is heard shouting and groaning loudly and incoherently while restrained on the ground, which appears to be a sign of the violent, shouting phase of EXD. His ability to resist four officers trying to get him into the squad car is typical of EXD cases. A short spurt of superhuman strength is a classic EXD symptom.

It is logical and moral to submit to The Inevitable

From 1:22

Islam means logos if logos means the peace you get from submitting to the inevitable ie Truth, Logic and Morality. You can ignore truth until it becomes unignorable. You can refuse to use logic until you fall into error and disaster. You can refuse to follow your moral principles until your body politic is lying on the ground decapitated by the Elephant in the Room: Feminism.

You can only comfort yourselves by pretending that you never cared about the statues anyway and hope your shops are not looted if you kneel to the God of Anti-racism, since the government will no longer uphold the law or protect your rights even if you are Big Business. How can the headless corpse of democracy and Christianity protect anything?

Perhaps the Jews will save us since they are the people who are supposed to martyr themselves if they are forced to kneel before idols, and idolatry is worshiping anything that isn't the Abrahamic God.

The Abrahamic God never forbade slavery in either the Torah or the Koran. It is enough that He forbade usury which leads to irresponsible borrowing and lending by individuals and governments. It is indebtedness that leads us into behaviour such as gambling and reckless imperial wars which ultimately leads to our own enslavement when we lose at gambling and at war.

Jews can only win against E Michael Jones if they call out the idolatry of Christianity

1:00  https://thevoiceofreason-ann.blogspot.com/2020/06/my-14-questions-for-ann-coulter-that-i.html

4:00  The Trinity

At 1:08:30

10:00  Paralysis of Western government

11:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis refuses to protect the statues of his host country nor does he believe in due process.

The rallying cry ‘Black Lives Matter’ should be understood as more than a powerful slogan. It is a call for rehumanisation in a world that seems in danger of forsaking its humanity.

While the shocking and tragic murder of George Floyd and the resulting protests across the world are currently making the headlines, the racism and dehumanisation that they have exposed is not new. We cannot stand idly by as it takes hold of our societies. However, it is also not enough for us to simply join in with a superficial chorus of disapproval. Real change calls upon us to find the courage to challenge racism wherever we come across it: on social media, in the streets, in our communities and in our hearts.

The world remains in the grip of the most devastating global pandemic in memory, a tragedy which should have placed all of humankind on the same side as we face a common foe. Now more than ever, we must recognise that we are all part of one global family within which all people are created in the image of God, whoever they might be.

Jewish tradition teaches that one who saves a life has saved an entire world and one who destroys a life has destroyed an entire world. Such is the value we must place on each and every human life. That ‘Black Lives Matter’ needs affirming at all is utterly shameful. There is no doubt that this is an essential wake up call for each and every one of us.

12:00  Marginalised and junior Jews
13:00  Why E Michael Jones won't talk to me any more. Michael Voris
14:00  Michael Voris, Jared Taylor and American Renaissance
15:00  Catholics lost the Wars of the Reformation
16:00  The Protestants won the Spanish-American War and the Catholics lost.
17:00  Napoleon invaded the Iberian peninsula provoking rebellion in its New World territories.

18:00  The Civil War was really an American War of Unification.
19:00  What Lincoln said about slavery:

If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.


21:00  The WASP supremacy
22:00  White guilt = imperial guilt
22:00  Kneeling policemen and kneeling National Guardsmen antithetical to global imperial glory
24:00  If E Michael Jones were dictator
25:00  Quicker to restore the patriarchy with Secular Koranism than with another Inquisition for which there is even less political will.
26:00  The Trinity

27:00  Jews suffer because they have failed to condemn the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. The soonest Jews could have effectively started Noahidising Christians and being light unto the nations was after the success of Islam in the Middle East.

Since Muslims did not admonish in a systematic way those who claim God has begotten a son as quran.com/18/4 required them to, Europeans remained in a state of Christian ignorance killing each other with heretic burning and then from their Wars of the Reformation in their continent-wide European Wars of Religion. The neglect of this Islamic obligation soon came back to bite them in the bottom when Christians crusaded against them from the 1000s to the 1200s.  

31:00  Jews were chosen by God for a purpose.

34:00  E Michael Jones and junior Jew talking about Jewish identity

36:00  E Michael Jones: "The Jew is a theological construct."

37:00  Jews come in four colours.

40:00  "American Renaissance is a Jewish operation."

41:00  Amy Dean the feminist Commie Jew on gay marriage in Tikkun Olam which antisemite E Michael Jones likes to pretend is the archetypal Jew.

42:00  The observant Jew is the only authentic Jew.

44:00  Only Jews get to live in Israel.

45:00  Jews who have converted to another religion would get struck off the Register of Jews that I propose. It is only a matter of time before the Israeli government gets Diaspora Jews to adopt my recommendation.

46:00  Places of worship under Secular Koranism would be on a level playing field.

48:00  The burned and bloody history of the Trinity

49:00  Michael Servetus ad William Tyndale - burned at the stake for what? 

50:00  My 14 questions for Ann Coulter

Saturday, 13 June 2020


Christianity is a terribly warlike religion. Forget what Christians did to non-Christians in their crusading wars of imperialism. Just look at what they did to each other!

1) The European Wars of Religion which included the Thirty Years War amongst many others

2) The American Civil War when they were all English-speaking, Christian and Protestant too!

3) WW1

4) WW2

It is not surprising that they would feel a little guilty and uneasy about their white privilege AKA imperial privilege which they don't like to talk about, which they no longer even learn about as schoolchildren. Presumably, it is because a largely atheist population will not suffer to learn about the immensely complex doctrinal and political reasons which caused the Wars of the Reformation and the break up of the Holy Roman Empire, which was a kind of Christian Caliphate.

If Europe had been Muslim, there would have been no need for the Wars of the Reformation. If Europe had already been Muslim and following Islamic rules of warfare, there would have been no WW1 let alone its continuation which was WW2, both framed as the Second Thirty Years War.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Interfaith dialogue to save Western civilisation


Interfaith dialogue: Jews, Christians, Muslims and Hindus selling their religion to atheist China in a "beauty parade".  

Jews would rank the four world religions according to the Noahide laws and declare Islam the most Noahide-observant and Christianity the least because it is both idolatrous and blasphemous

Buddhism, because it is atheist,  should be regarded as neutral, but Hinduism which is undeniably idolatrous should be regarded as idolatrous.

That is all the interfaith dialogue the world needs.

Secular Koranism is suitable for all, even those who are atheists but who want social stability in their society. Secular Koranism, being based on the Koran as Islam is, should be regarded as more Noahide-observant than Christianity which should be regarded as the double abomination of idolatry and blasphemy. It is of course the religion of the corrupt and degenerate American Empire that is now spreading globohomo - a satanic lifestlyle that is rebellion against God's laws because it sanctifies the abomination of sodomy and calls it gay marriage.

19:00  It would help if you could find Muslims prepared to discuss Secular Koranism with me as the way forward for the West. Plenty of people disagree with and dislike Secular Koranism and would like to have it challenged by Islamic scholars. I would also like Muslims to donate large cash prizes for my proposed rabbi-only essay writing competition saying why they think Jews were chosen by God to promote the Noahide laws and this they should do by declaring Islam the most Noahide-observant religion for gentiles and Christianity the least Noahide-observant on the ground that is idolatrous, blasphemous, illegitimate and absurd because the Doctrine of the Trinity requires Christians to pray to an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Allah.

Indeed, quran.com/18/4 commands Muslims to admonish Christians for their idolatry and blasphemy.

Muslims have a duty to enjoin good and forbid evil. What could be more evil than a religion that is so hypocritical it condemns the idolatry of others but itself practises supreme idolatry amounting to blasphemy while spreading the abomination of globohomo in the global American Empire?

If it is the case that God created laws for Jews and gentiles, then it can be supposed that He intends to punish us for breaking His laws. There are now many Muslims living as minorities in the Sodoms and Gomorrahs of the West.

Jews and Muslims have a duty to warn idolatrous and blaspheming Christians and Post-Christians of the West who are now far astray. Lot himself barely escaped with his life - but not his wife who disobeyed him! - when God finally lost patience and zapped Sodom and Gomorrah.

If rabbis are wiser than academic philosophers, how would this be measured?

Wisdom is the ability to predict the future as well as the ability to solve and avoid problems with the minimum of information through the use of deductive reasoning.


After months of negotiation with the authorities, a Talmudist from Odessa was finally granted permission to visit Moscow.

He boarded the train and found an empty seat. At the next stop, a young man got on and sat next to him. The scholar looked at the young man and he thought: This fellow doesn't look like a peasant, so if he is no peasant he probably comes from this district. If he comes from this district, then he must be Jewish because this is, after all, a Jewish district.

But on the other hand, since he is a Jew, where could he be going? I'm the only Jew in our district who has permission to travel to Moscow.

Ahh, wait! Just outside Moscow there is a little village called Samvet, and Jews don't need special permission to go to Samvet But why would he travel to Samvet? He is surely going to visit one of the Jewish families there. But how many Jewish families are there in Samvet? Aha, only two -- the Bernsteins and the Steinbergs. But since the Bernsteins are a terrible family, so such a nice looking fellow like him, he must be visiting the Steinbergs.

But why is he going to the Steinbergs in Samvet? The Steinbergs have only daughters, two of them, so maybe he's their son-in-law. But if he is, then which daughter did he marry? They say that Sarah Steinberg married a nice lawyer from Budapest, and Esther married a businessman from Zhitomer, so it must be Sarah's husband. Which means that his name is Alexander Cohen, if I'm not mistaken.

But if he came from Budapest, with all the anti-Semitism they have there, he must have changed his name.

What's the Hungarian equivalent of Cohen? It is Kovacs. But since they allowed him to change his name, he must have special status to change it. What could it be? Must be a doctorate from the University. Nothing less would do.

At this point, therefore, the Talmudic scholar turns to the young man and says, "Excuse me. Do you mind if I open the window, Dr. Kovacs?"

"Not at all," answered the startled co-passenger. "But how is it that you know my name?"

"Ahhh," replied the Talmudist, "It was obvious."

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

My comment on Troy Southgate's post on Chabad

"My plan is basically telling Jews that they can outsource the job of Noahidising the world by encouraging gentiles to adopt Secular Koranism and this they can do by Israel adopting it first." 


The position of the late Rabbi Schneerson is that Jews are under a religious obligation to be light unto the nations through promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles.

The fact that the Americans celebrate Education and Sharing Day every year on Schneerson's birthday suggests that they they think they are Noahide, but how can an empire that promotes satanic globohomo honestly call itself Noahide?

If Chabad were not so morally compromised, it would immediately demand the cessation of this annual commemoration and henceforth withdraw this Jewish seal of approval from America.

The Americans would only be Noahide if they became Muslim because Islam is the most Noahide observant of all the world religions. 

Friday, 5 June 2020

My position on Jews

I say Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. I also say they are the aristocracy of humanity, but that doesn't mean I think aristocrats are more moral than commoners, only that they are supposed to adhere to higher standards and will be punished more severely if they fail. I also say that Jewish privilege should not be available for unobservant Jews and for this reason have been struck off the Register of Jews that I propose. Registrars of this Register shall be rabbis. The Registry is for the purpose of protecting Jews and gentiles against each other. If Jews are suffering an identity crisis, then so will the rest of us.

I am saying if Jews were following their own principles, they would have to support Secular Koranism because according to their own beliefs, they are God's Chosen People, chosen to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles. Secular Koranism is more Noahide than Christianity because it is based on the Koran, and Jews already acknowledge that Islam is is the most Noahide of all the world religions.


What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism?

https://t.co/8eIDbt997y — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...