Saturday, 27 February 2021

Pantheism is idolatry and Spinoza's excommunication must NOT be lifted

1:00  Idolatry would be death for Jews in a Torah theocracy.
2:00  Pantheism
3:00  Principle 3 of the 13 Principles of Judaism
4:00  God as an idea.
8:00  God having substance would be heresy to Jews. 
9:00  The prohibition against idolatry reinforces Jewish identity.
10:00  The blasphemy of Jesus for which he was crucified
11:00  Akhenaten and Jesus
15:00  The power of ideas
16:00  God and law
17:00  Envy is a sin deadly to your society.
18:00  Ten Commandments
19:00  An indifferent God
20:00  An active intervening God
21:00  The rule of law
22:00  Nihilism
23:00  Faith in God
25:00  Spinoza's idolatry
27:00  Samuel Taylor Coleridge
36:00  The Eolian Harp
37:00  The Jewish and Islamic view of God
38:00  Holy Spirit
39:00  The Eolian Harp

If "hateful extremism" is thought crime, 2:256 of the Koran says thought crime is unIslamic

2:00  Hateful extremism
5:00  Thought crime, First Amendment
7:00  Christianity and its enforcement
8:00  Forced conversion
9:00  Burning heretics for blasphemy
10:00  Archbishop of Canterbury doesn't believe in the Trinity.
11:00  Tom Holland denying the existence of Muhammad
16:00  Matriarchy and the symptoms of this disease
17:00  Solving the problem in theory
19:00  Tools of thinking
20:00  Truth, logic and morality
21:00  Belief in the Trinity
22:00  Being Jewish is not dependent on practising Judaism.
23:00  Badges of identity
24:00  Excommunication of Spinoza because of his thought crime
25:00  Idolatry and the death penalty
26:00  Hateful extremism
27:00  Grace period for
28:00  Punishment
29:00  Hateful extremism
33:00  Liberal principle
39:00  The First Amendment is included in the package of Secular Koranism.
40:00  Trump
41:00  Matriarchy and Patriarchy
43:00  Red Pill Germany
50:00  There is no compulsion in belief.
51:00  Interrogatories.
53:00  Hooked on social media
57:00  The law of imperial China
59:00  Secular Koranism

1:04:00  PELU joins.
1:05:00  Transgender Health Minister in the US
1:07:00  Perversion
1:08:00  Secular Koranism
1:09:00  Constitutional monarchy and republic

"We are endowed by our Creator ... "

1:10:00  Pelu: "Secular Koranism is inevitable." 

1:12:00  Providential constitution
1:15:00  American exceptionalism
Manifest destiny

1:17:00  America is exceptionally and indispensably Islamic in the conception of the Founding Fathers.

"Secular Koranism is already the philosophy of America, intellectually, metaphysically."

1:18:00  Branding and strategic marketing
1:19:00  Governed by God
1:20:00  Multi-faceted marketing of Secular Koranism
1:23:00  Pelu and I have the same thought processes.
1:24:00  Monotheocracy
1:28:00  Providential Constitutionalism
1:30:00  Scythians
1:32:00  American Empire
1:36:00  Demographics
1:37:00  Bismarck

1:40:00  BAD TIMES joins.
1:42:00  PELU rejoins.

1:44:00  RAF
1:47:00  Stammer
1:48:00  Interacting as gentlemen
1:49:00  HARD TIMES rejoins.
1:50:00  Countering Nazism
1:51:00  The cannibalism of Christianity
1:53:00  Bush Administration
1:54:00  Traphouse and crackhouse
1:55:00  Two cultures
1:56:00  Sierra Leone and Creoles
2:00:00  Nazism
2:03:00  Hadith
2:05:00  Abraham Accords

2:09:00  "What's the point of hating Jews?"

2:11:00  Israel and Saudi Arabia
2:15:00  Pelu can trace his family back to the 1700s.
2:17:00  The Anglosphere
2:21:00  When Pelu converted to Islam
2:23:00  Secular Koranism protects the institution of marriage.
2:25:00  Naturalisation Act 1790
2:26:00  The woke crazy transgressive left

2:28:00  LUPE joins.
2:34:00  Intellectual supremacy
2:36:00  Sierra Leone Soccer Team
2:37:00  Coward DNA
2:38:00  Not grown men and probably gay
2:40:00  Principled men capable of defending principles
2:41:00  Monotheocracy, Providential Constitutionalism, Secular Koranism
2:42:00  Q&A leading to Secular Koranism
2:43:00  Man or mouse?
2:44:00  The Anglosphere
2:45:00  Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Universe
2:46:00  The testimony and expression of our faith
2:47:00  Declaration of Independence
2:48:00  Physical and moral laws

2:49:00  When it does not appear that good is being rewarded or evil being punished, it is because we have not yet had the full picture, since civilisations and false religions like Christianity take centuries to fail.

Why Western women hate Western men and why Rahab betrayed Jericho

Men in a matriarchy are despised by their women so much that they actively want to destroy their own civilisation to show their hatred of their men. But these men are either too stupid to realise it, or too frightened to challenge the matriarchy, or just don't care because they have no biological investment in the next generation, being childless bachelors, or just don't give a damn what their badly parented offspring, grandchildren or descendants will think of them as men who never defended a principle because they are materialists who do not understand or care about such concepts as morality or posterity even if they happen to be a philosophy professor.

In a matriarchy, nothing is fit for purpose.

Philosophy departments do not teach anything useful, philosophy courses are not about teaching or defining wisdom but about wasting time talking nonsense in a society where no man will ever defend a principle. Indeed, men no longer know what a principle is, much less what it is for.

It is just as well that such a degenerate society will soon be extinct.

When men become women, who will defend the women?

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

The cure to antisemitism is to get Jews to perform their religious obligation to gentiles

1:00  Antisemitism and its consequences for Jews and gentiles
2:00  The white heterosexual male without any protected characteristics
5:00  Rabbis fearful of offending Christians
6:00  Israel is an American protectorate. America is suzerain of Israel.
7:00  The Culture War in America

8:00  Envy
10:00  Nobody would care that a gentile was crucified. People only cared because Jesus was Jewish.  
11:00  The New Testament is a testament designed to encourage antisemitism.  
12:00  Gentiles who envy Jews
13:00  Why Muslims hate Jews
14:00  Westerners hate Muslims because they hate immigration and Muslim immigrants are the immigrants whom they perceive as most threatening
15:00  The perceived problem with the Liberal Jews is really a problem with Liberalism.  
17:00  Ten Commandments
18:00  Are Jews the servants of American imperialism?
19:00  Jewish emancipation after the French Revolution
20:00  Inquisition
21:00  Forcible conversion of Jews to Christianity
22:00  Auto-da-fe
22:00  Disputation of Paris

29:00  Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions


34:00  Liberalism
35:00  Intersectional Feminism

37:00  The White Heterosexual Male has none of the rights but all of the responsibilities of his race with his women undermining him and his minorities asserting their protected characteristics at his expense, but he is now too degenerate, stupid and scared to protest.  

39:00  In a matriarchy, nothing is fit for purpose. 

41:00  Those who call themselves nationalists are not fit for the purpose of defining the national interest because most of them cannot discuss ideas, and can only blame Jews, Muslims and non-whites for the failure of their government. 

42:00  Indiscriminate universal suffrage

43:00  The female preference that political parties always pander to. 

44:00  Democracy is a busted flush. 

45:00  In a matriarchy, no one is in charge. 

46:00  The role of Jews to warn and advise the gentile 

47:00  How the patriarchy was undermined

48:00  Christianity and Christianity were kaput a long time ago. 

49:00  Democracy is dementia. 

50:00  Jews are hardly like to suffer auto-da-fe now. 

51:00  No public intellectual prepared to engage with me

52:00  The left = the matriarchy = Amalek

53:00  Amalek will destroy your destroy your civilisation by ignoring and flouting the Noahide laws.

57:00  Joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christian enquiring about the idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity and demanding its cessation for the sake of the world

The "sigma male" is propaganda from Amalek to keep men distracted and confused under its oppression

In my view, this is propaganda created by the matriarchy intended to flatter beta males and marginalise males with leadership qualities to keep them confused, quiescent and distracted in their matriarchy. Whoever heard of the sigma male till now? Are men now dumb enough to fall for this?

Let's keep things simple: alpha males are males with leadership qualities who are leaders of beta males. This is the definition of patriarchy.

Any society that allows the female preference to dominate their society will become a matriarchy.

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies.

To discover that your society is a matriarchy is like discovering it has cancer.

The only way to prevent your society from becoming a matriarchy is to respect the institutions of marriage and the family.

The only way to restore the patriarchy is to treat unmarried parents as sex offenders.

If you are in any way offended by this idea, it means you are already a creature of the matriarchy because you clearly regard this proposal as heresy and blasphemy breaching a taboo. If you are unable to discuss this rationally and honestly and wish to take action to censor this post, this confirms your support of the matriarchy.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Belief in experts is an exercise in buckpassing

The difference between science and wisdom

It should be pretty obvious that science and philosophy are quite different using different methodologies: empiricism and rationalism. Science is about what can and cannot be done. Philosophy is about what should and shouldn't be done. Science is about the study of things, philosophy is about the analysis of ideas and the following of principles after deciding which moral system should be followed as well as the application and interpretation of them.

Monday, 22 February 2021

The difference between science and wisdom

It should be pretty obvious that science and philosophy are quite different using different methodologies: empiricism and rationalism. Science is about what can and cannot be done. Philosophy is about what should and shouldn't be done. Science is about the study of things, philosophy is about the analysis of ideas and the following of principles after deciding which moral system should be followed as well as the application and interpretation of them.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

On being accused of Grandiose Narcissism

7:00  Schadenfreude 


21:00  My self-belief
22:00  The worldview of Judaism
29:00  God and the machinery of His Universe
32:00  The Abrahamic God
33:00  Are rabbis child-like?
34:00  The status of Jews
35:00  Antisemites
36:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws
37:00  The materialist ideologies of Capitalism and Communism


38:00  Identity, religion and morality
39:00  Leadership, sex and children
40:00  Sex and the next generation
41:00  Narcissism and the rules
42:00  Those suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder are more likely to think and act irrationally on the subject of Islam and Muslims because of their neurosis.
43:00  Everything happens for a reason.
44:00  Addressing the symptoms but not the disease
46:00  The culture of having recreational sex is degenerate.
47:00  Men are primarily motivated by sex.

If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance.” So proclaimed the Roman general, statesman, and censor Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus, in 131 B.C. Still, he went on to plead, falling birthrates required that Roman men fulfill their duty to reproduce, no matter how irritating Roman women might have become. "Since nature has so decreed that we cannot manage comfortably with them, nor live in any way without them, we must plan for our lasting preservation rather than for our temporary pleasure."

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Is the pandemic an Act of God?

1:00  The moral imperative

5:00  An Act of God
8:00  Nationalists in a matriarchy are not fit for the purpose of discussing the definition of nationalism.  
9:00  Immoral men incapable of discussing moral systems.
12:00  Lord Sumption
14:00  Status 
Alex Woodrow

15:00  The moral imperative
16:00  Nihilists who say they make a principle of not having principles so they don't have to defend them
17:00  Unmarriageable men are by definition low status.
18:00  Elon Musk
19:00  Morally repugnant sociopaths and degenerates mostly too stupid to know they have lost the argument
21:00  My van analogy
24:00  Matriarchy
25:00  The moral imperative


26:00  Covid savings
27:00  Act of God
29:00  No fault divorce
31:00  Alex Woodrow


32:00  A general belief in God
34:00  Big Bang

An indifferent deity has no political or moral utility and that is the reason why I reject it.

35:00  Science and  Philosophy uses distinct methodologies: empiricism for science and rationalism for philosophy.

37:00  The Talmudic mind

41:00  Hercule Poirot and Colombo
42:00  Deductive reasoning
44:00  Rabbis who don't care about degenerate antisemites who hate them

45:00  Jews being overwhelmed by the moral sewage created by gentile liberalism who are now too frightened to challenge it

46:00  Men in denial they are frightened of their women
47:00  Men too frightened to challenge feminism
49:00  Secular Koranism
53:00  Alex Woodrow

Science has nothing to say about whether we should obey the laws said to be from God. 

55:00  My question
56:00  Dialectical materialism and historical dialecticism
57:00  Church of Entropy
58:00  A Higher Power protecting the institutions of marriage and the family with His laws
59:00  Religions last significantly longer than secular political ideologies because they are more eugenic.

1:00:00  Instilling a general belief in God to make more people more likely to obey what are said to be God's laws for longer 

1:01:00  Theodicy
1:02:00  Jewish suffering

1:06:00  Dr Pangloss
1:07:00  French Revolution
1:08:00  Russian Revolution
1:09:00  Caliphate
1:10:00  The evils God's laws were meant to discourage and prevent
1:13:00  Definition of Panglossian
1:15:00  Alex Woodrow
1:16:00  Public order reasons for believing in God

1:18:00  When your stupid shitty degenerate online identity of being an antisemite, Islamophobe or racist is more important than submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality

1:20:00  Solving the problem of the pandemic with the sackcloth and ashes of calling for global Secular Koranism

Rabbi Mizrachi discusses the correct Jewish attitude towards the vaccine and Jewish magazines that are not kosher

2:00  Israeli attitude towards rabbis, dayanim and those who refuse the vaccine

7:00  Conspiracy theories and doctors who facilitate them
4 million Israelis have been vaccinated and none of them died.

11:00  The view that Holocaust was punishment to Jews from God

13:00  Which rabbi would get to speak in a New York university?
a) a gay Reform rabbi
b) an Ultra Orthodox rabbi

14:00  "open Orthodoxy" 

15:00  Paranoia and conspiracy theories amongst Jews

21:00  Ugly divorce case in Israel about Covid

29:00  Thomas Sowell

1:59:00  The purpose of sleep

3:02:00  The execution of Eichmann

3:25:00  Vaccine

330:00  Non-kosher magazines intended for a Jewish readership called "mass murder [of souls] machines" making Jews visit Dubai and move to Florida

3:32:00  Jews moving to Florida

The situation with vaccines in Israel

Rabbis who oppose corona vaccines:

  1. Rabbi Shalom Harush
  2. Rabbi Yaakov Adas
  3. Rabbi Menashe Amon
  4. Rabbi Yuval Cohen Asherov
  5. Rabbi Yuval Ovadia
  6. Rabbi Dov Kook
  7. Rabbi Zion Boaron
  8. Rabbi Yoav Alon
  9. Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger
  10. Rabbi David Chaim Stern
  11. Rabbi Eldad Shmueli
  12. Rabbi Avraham Cohen
  13. Rabbi Yishai ben Menachem
  14. Rabbi Benyahu Shmueli
  15. Rabbi Moshe Zeev Zarger
  16. Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Zarger
  17. Rabbi Chaim Zeev Schneider
  18. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Savwich
  19. Rabbi Nehemiah Katz
  20. Rabbi Shimon Shapira
  21. Rabbi Zvi Friedman
  22. Rabbi Zion Boganim
  23. Rabbi Yehoshua Asher Rabinowitz
  24. Rabbi David Michael Schmidel
  25. Rabbi Yehuda Sheinfeld
  26. Rabbi Pinchas again
  27. Rabbi Yosef Binyamin and Azner
  28. Rabbi Tuvia Halevi Schulzinger
  29. Rabbi Yosef Shani
  30. Rabbi Amos Guetta
  31. Rabbi Ben Zion Wazner
  32. Rabbi Meir David Shmueli
  33. Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak
  34. Rabbi Dov Berkovich
  35. Rabbi Aharon Raz
  36. Rabbi Daniel Asur
  37. Rabbi Avraham Peleg HaCohen
  38. Rabbi Uri Michael Sofer
  39. Rabbi Yehoshua Soloveitzik
  40. Rabbi Aharon Feinhandler
  41. Rabbi Chaim Dinovich
  42. Rabbi Shmuel Shmueli
  43. Rebbetzin Sara Elbaz
  44. Rabbi Aharon Reisner
  45. Rabbi Yosef Shalmon
  46. Rabbi Yechiel Friedman
  47. Rabbi to them songs
  48. Rabbi Meir Eliyahu
  49. Rabbi Avranam Baruch
  50. Rabbi Avraham Koritz
  51. Rabbi Roi Avichai
  52. Rabbi Shmuel Zivan
  53. Rabbi Erez Shachar
  54. Rabbi Yaakov Meir Schechter
  55. Rabbi Yair Levy
  56. Rabbi Alon Anwa
  57. Rabbi Michael Green
  58. Rabbi Yoel Schwartz
  59. Rabbi Yaakov Zissholtz
  60. Rabbi Shimon Nevenziel
  61. Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchak Stern
  62. Rabbi Eliezer Stern
  63. Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen
  64. Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz
  65. Mr. Shmuel Kamintsky
  66. Mr. Malkital Kotler
  67. Mr. Eliyahu Dov Wachtfoigl
  68. Rabbi Ravid Nagar
  69. Rabbi Nachman Biderman
  70. Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Biderman
  71. Rabbi Moshe Tzedaka
  72. Rabbi Meir Shmueli
  73. Rabbi Yosef Asaig
  74. Rabbi Mordechai Gottlieb
  75. Rabbi Aharon Stern
  76. Rabbi Menachem Edri
  77. Rabbi Natan Kupshitz
  78. The Rebbe of Belz
  79. Rebbe Moiznitz
  80. The Rebbe of Amshinov
  81. The Admor of Sassov
  82. The Rebbe from the Almin
  83. The Rebbe of the Guardians of Faith
  84. The Admor of Strykov
  85. The Rebbe of Biala
  86. The Rebbe of Pinsk Carlin
  87. The Rebbe from Lalev
  88. The Rebbe of Chernivtsi
  89. The Rebbe of Rahminstrivka
  90. The Admor of Dushinsky
  91. The Rebbe of Matnia
  92. The Admor from the history of Avraham Yitzchak
  93. The Rebbe of Laluv Nickelsburg
  94. The Rebbe from Maz'iboz
  95. The Rebbe of Porisov
  96. The Rebbe of the Shepherds' Neighbors
  97. The Admor from the history of Aaron

Rabbi Mizrachi discusses Jews rejecting the vaccine and related matters.

11:00  Conspiracy theorists are showing hatred of their government through believing in and propagating conspiracy theories.  

16:00  Russian Israelis don't want the vaccine either. 


18:00  The meaning of suffering

19:00  The Jewish sin of not ranking the four gentile religions and declaring Secular Koranism more Noahide than Christianity

20:00  How my being intermediary between government and the governed would help the world

21:00  Global penitence

22:00  How government could deal with conspiracy theorists

24:00  Pestilence is discussed in generic terms in the Bible.

26:00  Me on the BBC?

Notice how this manic propaganda blip that pretends to be a news report labels anyone who opposes this untested vaccine an antivaxxer, that term we have all been conditioned to associate with terrible, reckless, stupid people. It groups this experimental vaccine, which received two months of limited testing (and no animal testing) with those that receive seven to eleven years of testing. Notice how anyone who opposes this untested vaccine is called deceitful, a spreader of lies. The media blip doesn't discuss any of the so-called lies, doesn't refute them. It just demonizes the people who even dare raise questions about the vaccine. This is an old propaganda trick, demonizing critics without ever discussing their criticism. This media blip announces that Rabbi Yuval Hacohen Asherov who opposes taking the vaccine doesn't have any medical training. Actually, he has been practicing natural medicine for 30 years. Does Netanyahu have any medical training? He studied architecture and business in college. Does the Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein have any medical training? No, Edelstein studied foreign languages when he lived in the USSR, where apparently he didn't get any instruction in democracy. [Side note: what would be the need to study foreign languages in a country with sealed borders? Maybe he planned to be a spy for the communists.] He has been the Minister of Health for less than a year. Prior to that he was the Speaker of the Knesset for seven years. Prior to that he was Minister of Information and Diaspora. He's a career politician as is Netanyahu. This news blip doesn't mention that 25% of doctors in Israeli hospitals are refusing the vaccine. Notice how Netanyahu peddles fear by referencing a new British strain of the virus. We have learned that the old strain really wasn't so bad. In Israel, only 134 people under 50 have died throughout the whole year of COVID hysteria, many with pre-existing conditions. The average age of death from COVID-19 is 80. 30 people under the age of 30 have died, yet half the population of 9 million is under 30. That's 30 out of 4.5 million. Do the math. There's no great danger to the general public, no need to vaccinate everyone with this untested, experimental vaccine that plays around with your genes. So he announces there's a new strain in order to recreate the fear he generated in the early days of COVID when he announced tens of thousands would be dead in a month. Netanyahu is a master of generating fear. And he gets away with it every time. People in Israel have been required to wear masks whenever they are outside of their houses for a year now. The current fine for mask ‘violations’ is 1,000 NIS, which is around $300. People walking down empty streets have been fined. A woman sitting on an empty beach was fined and then arrested for refusing to show her ID. Schools have been fined 10,000 NIS or $3,000 for being open during lockdowns. This keeps the fear going. Israel has put approximately 20% of the country into quarantine, very few of them actually sick at all. This is by far the highest rate of quarantine in the world. This keeps the fear going. Israel has the most testing per capita in the world, using of course the PCR test which was not designed to detect infection and labeling positive results as infections. It publicizes its bogus infection counts constantly. Israel has imposed three total lockdowns lasting many months. That keeps the fear going and pressures people to vaccinate with this untested vaccine because they want to have their lives back. Not only have the lockdowns prevented people from earning a living, but the government is preventing many people from working at their professions unless they vaccinate. It has told people that they will not be allowed to go to malls, theaters, stadiums, or even synagogues unless they vaccinate. The PM said that people who don’t take the COVID vaccine will not be permitted to leave the country via the airport! The PM has ordered (what else does he do) release to a task force (propagandists, gestapo?) names of unvaccinated adults in order to "persuade" them. Is that a threat? Yes, it is. Note his glare as he says it. What is he really thinking? Does this country operate with any semblance of civil rights? No, it does not. This is what the PM has done throughout his career: whip up fear and threaten. He has ordered killings too. That's nothing to him. He has been operating this way for a long time. He is so desperate to get everyone vaccinated. Is it because he made a deal with the vaccine manufacturers to vaccinate the whole country in return for the medical records on the vaccinated? He is subjecting the entire country to a forced medical experiment in violation of the Nuremberg Code, the one made in response to Nazi atrocities. How ironic. He has a financial objective as he is trying to bring Pfizer and Moderna manufacturing plants to Israel. Perhaps he has other objectives, more sinister ones. You have to be very naïve to not consider that. What you say, Jews aren't killers and they certainly won't kill Jews? Lazar Kaganovitch, a Jew from the Ukraine, orchestrated the Ukrainian famine that killed millions of people,1.4% of which - at least 100,000 - were Jews. He killed millions of his own countrymen. Lazar Kogan, son of a wealthy Jewish merchant, was administrator of the Soviet GULAG from 1930-1932 the years when the GULAG first started, taking 30,000 lives. Many were Jews. He was followed by Matvei Berman, the son of a Jewish brickyard owner, who was the administrator until 1937. Around 150,000 died under his rule. He was followed by Israel Pliner, who was the administrator until 1938. Another 100,000 perished under his rule. Jews Genrikh Yagoda and Nikolai Yezhov ran the NKVD, the Soviet secret police, from 1934 until 1938. The NKVD undertook mass extrajudicial executions of untold numbers of citizens, and conceived, populated and administered the Gulag system of forced labor camps. There are individual Jews who certainly are willing to kill other Jews. They seem to enjoy it. Israel has had the most out of control, heavy handed, tyrannical response to the COVID hysteria. A committee decides everything. It's like the USSR politburo. The courts are silent. Why doesn't the United Nations charge Israel with violations of human rights? Why doesn't the world complain? Did they complain the last time Jews were exterminated? Maybe they are just afraid of criticizing the state of Israel. We all know what happens when anyone criticizes the state of Israel. The silencing of criticism that Zionists and the state of Israel have imposed on the world is coming back to haunt us. Meanwhile, the Israeli press keeps on propagandizing, keeps delivering government threats, keeps the fear alive. It is nothing but an arm of the state, just like in Nazi Germany, just like in Soviet Russia.

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Better to wonder for what purpose God was created by Man than practise open idolatry

1:00  Opportunity cost
2:00  Latent damage
3:00  To obey or not obey?
4:00  We obey because we prefer to obey, we disobey because we prefer to disobey.
5:00  Theodicy
6:00  The evidence will never be conclusive one way or another.
7:00  Why is the penalty for idolatry death for Jews? Because they were chosen to lead gentiles away from idolatry. 
8:00  Idolatry leads to self-worship and self-destructive narcissism. 
9:00  The status of Hinduism 
10:00  Idolatry open and hidden
11:00  Making a deity of our opinions and beliefs
12:00  Idolatry eventually leads to the destruction of your civilisation.
13:00  Atheists can unknowingly worshiping themselves.
14:00  Better to wonder why God was created by Man than to actually worship an idol.

Claire Khaw, Anthropologist of Jews and gentiles, theists and atheists

1:00  Sin
2:00  Global empires collapsing beneath the weight of their own sin. 
3:00  Algebra
4:00  Theodicy
5:00  Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.
6:00  Nobody cares that liberalism is kaput either. 
7:00  Indo-Aryan identity and spirituality
10:00  Week in Review
11:00  Wotan and the Nordic Pantheon
12:00  Heidegger
14:00  Jurassic Park
15:00  Shofar
16:00  The shame of living in a matriarchy
17:00  Choosing a religion
18:00  The separation of the generations
19:00  Western society atomised and suffering anomie
20:00  The Sunday lunch
21:00  Festivals of consumerism
22:00  Holocaust Memorial Day
23:00  Muslims
24:00  A world of make-believe and larping
25:00  Waiting for your turn to speak and talking past each other
29:00  Secular Koranism
33:00  I am a purveyor of moral political solutions.
34:00  Patriarchy
37:00  Meritocracy
38:00  Category errors
39:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
40:00  America and Jews are part of the solution. 
41:00  The exceptional and indispensable nation
42:00  The Islamic American Republic
43:00  George Washington
48:00   Anthropology

The concept of God already exists and its existence cannot be denied even by atheists

1:00  Alex Woodrow's pantheism

2:00  We must never confuse God and His creation or we would be guilty of idolatry. 

3:00  Ideas are immaterial, insubstantial and without physical presence. 

4:00  Ideas become words held together by other words. 

5:00  Institutions are universal practices.

6:00  Marriage is an institution like slavery and prostitution. 

7:00  Matriarchy

8:00  Extramarital sex includes incest. 

10:00  The attractions of pantheism

11:00  Unprincipled idolaters

12:00  Chinese ancestor worship is the worship of an idea. 

14:00  The statecraft of China

16:00  The American Sage George Washington
17:00  Solon

18:00  The concept of God cannot be denied. 

19:00  The lie and its purpose

20:00  The concept of God certainly exists. 

21:00  Voltaire

22:00  The Cult of Reason and the Cult of the Supreme Being

23:00  The concept of the Abrahamic God and the concept of Jews being God's Chosen People

25:00  Unfalsifiable ideas are useful.

26:00  The utility of a concept of the laws of God

28:00  People who refuse to read the Koran because they want their minds to remain shut or because they hate reading 

29:00  People already invested in their identity as antisemites, Islamophobes, Sinophobes and racists and refuse to give it up because the only thing they know is hate 

30:00  Graduates who do not submit to Truth, Logic and Morality

31:00  Seeing the utility of God and a general belief in Him

32:00  The utility of the apprehension of divine punishment

33:00  People of low status and low character who refuse to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality

34:00  Church of Entropy cannot "unthink" Secular Koranism.

35:00  Communism is a secular moral system.

36:00  Communists have scripture, the alt-right have none.  

38:00  The sin is its own punishment.

39:00  The teleological purpose of God

40:00  People who think of themselves as Christian but who do not understand the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity or why it is wrong and was always meant to fail

41:00  Five the Founding Fathers of the American Republic were not even Christian.

42:00  If God were created by Man

43:00  Why Secular Koranism is called Secular Koranism

44:00  The distinction between religion is a distinction without a difference.

45:00  Atheists - to whom nothing is sacred - consider their own views to be sacred.

Politics and religion is about morality. 

46:00  A moral necessity

47:00  Cannibalism

51:00  Secular Koranism would be easier to accept once the antisemite, Islamophobe, Sinophobe and racist acquires the virtue of humility after accepting the error of his atheist nihilist feminist ways.  

Any proper Orthodox rabbi would confirm that pantheism is idolatry and idolatry is death for Jews

2:00  Coleridge’s Ecumenical Spinoza

5:00  The blasphemy and idolatry of Christianity

6:00  John Calvin approved of usury.

8:00  The self-image of Christians

9:00  The New World

10:00  Penal transportation


16:00  The 13 Principles of Judaism

20:00  Principle 3: "God is not a body."

22:00  Idolatry

23:00  The problem of atheism

25:00  The idolatrous materialist Christian conception of God

26:00  Alex Woodrow

30:00  An easy to believe in God

31:00  Even BLM implicitly believe in a theocracy.  

32:00  The eternal and universal Noahide laws

33:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

34:00  A perfectly moral God would have give us laws which He has.

35:00  A perfectly moral God would protect the patriarchy.  

36:00  People who choose to obey God's laws will choose to believe, people who choose to disobey will choose not to believe. 

37:00  Theocracy would stabilise the economy and society through stabilising marriages and families.

38:00  To better make more people obey God's laws for longer, theocracy would be the best way of going about instilling a general belief in God. 

39:00  Childless people and parents who don't care about their children or care about having legitimate grandchildren because they are nihilists (even if they claim to believe in God like the Catholic Christine Ramsay) would not support restoring the patriarchy. Such people should have their views ignored because they clearly do not care about the national interest. 

40:00  People who care about posterity would want to restore the patriarchy.  

41:00  People who don't want to restore the patriarchy are one or some or all of the following: 

i)  illegitimate
ii)  have illegitimate offspring
iii)  have illegitimate grandchildren
iv)  have family members and associates who are illegitimate, have illegitimate offspring or have illegitimate grandchildren
v)  atheists
vi)  nihilists

That would be most people most people know.  

42:00  People who claim to be nationalists who cannot bring themselves to define nationalism or discuss what is meant by a moral system are afraid to engage with me because they know how quickly I would make them walk the plank into the sea of Secular Koranism.

43:00  Theodicy

45:00  God is punishing Jews and Muslims along with idolatrous and blaspheming Christians because three idolatrous and blasphemous Christian global empires have risen during their watch.  

46:00  Stemming the tsunami of liberal democracy with Islam and one-party-ism

47:00  Iran and China are the only nations in the world who can assert an independent foreign policy disapproved of by the global American hegemon.

48:00  Will America fall to Communism and chaos if Americans do not soon correct themselves?

49:00  God clearly supports the rule of divine law.  

50:00  The purpose of suffering is to make Jews think. Because they suffer, they think. Because they suffer more than gentiles, they think harder than gentiles.  

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Idolatrous Christians who cannot see the harm of idolatry cannot see the harm of Spinoza's pantheism

Very annoying stream in which Spinoza's idolatry was not mentioned at all.

5:00  Descartes
7:00  Materialism v Rationalism
Ideas v Things
8:00  Mind, Matter, God
10:00  The Uncaused First Cause
God or Nature?
12:00  Leibniz
14:00  "Intellectual love of God"

I post many comments on the idolatry of Spinoza which these Jews did not seem to grasp. 

5:00  The Normans

7:00  The divine anthropological reason for Jews being forbidden from idolatry

8:00  The penalty for idolatry for Jews is death.  

10:00  Henry Abramson: "The [Jewish] community wanted to be more Catholic than the Pope."

11:00  Antisemitism is caused by the defects of liberalism.

13:00  Capital punishment in Judaism

14:00  Idolatry

16:00  Idol worship leads to the self-destructive narcissism of self-worship.  

18:00  Gentiles stupidly stupefying themselves with idolatry while complaining about how cunning Jews already are

19:00  The idolatrous religions of Hinduism and Christianity

20:00  The attributes of the Abrahamic God

21:00  Spinoza's materialist idea of God contradicts the 13 Principles of Judaism

23:00  Liberal Jews who have made an idol of liberalism

24:00  The First Amendment of the American Republic

25:00  George Washington was implicitly referring to Islam in farewell speech when he said:

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct". 

26:00  Only the Koran has principles about foreign and international relations for gentiles.  

To admit to Islamophobia is to admit to being irrational and this admission means you lose the argument. 

28:00  Belief in a higher power is logical and necessary for moral reasoning. 

29:00  If we were honest, reasonable and principled people, we would have to say we subscribe to a moral system because to not do so would mean we are nihilists who cannot be trusted.  

30:00  Would you choose a nihilist or a principled leader to lead your country?

31:00  Fame

31:00  Nationalists and Nationalism

33:00  Jews and Judaism

34:00  MGTOW and matriarchy

35:00  Degenerates and their society are like a bath without bath plug.

36:00  Degenerate nihilistic Aztecs who don't care about posterity

37:00  Being outnumbered by illegitimate degenerate antisemitic Islamophobic racists who will submit only to force

38:00  Pantheism

39:00  Principled and observant Jews

40:00  Jews the aristocracy of humanity living in gentile empires

41:00  The indestructibility of Jews is an irritant to the antisemite.  

42:00  Making a god of their appetites

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Washington must have meant Islam when he said religion and morality enjoin good faith to all nations

George Washington: 

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct". 


9:00  How Jews Fight by Menachem Posner

16:00  The overwhelming majority of Americans are not Jews so they cannot be expected to use the principles of Jews in the Torah.

17:00  The New Testament is silent on foreign policy.  

18:00  Why Christians had to incorporate the Old Testament into their Bible

19:00  Washington must have meant Islam when he said "religion" enjoins "good faith and justice towards all nations" and that Americans should "cultivate peace and harmony with all". 

 24:00  Thomas Jefferson’s Quran: How Islam Shaped the Founders


38:00  Nation of Islam

43:00  Rabbi Kahane

46:00  2021 Israeli elections

Friday, 12 February 2021

Unprincipled men unable to defend any principle do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation

3:00  Unprincipled nihilists who think regard their cowardice as wisdom
4:00  Societal disintegration
5:00  Male co-operation between the generations is now impossible. 
6:00  Western men no longer submit to Truth, Logic and Morality, having no religion. 
7:00  No shared values
8:00  Childless bachelors or married fathers indifferent to their legitimate children and posterity
9:00  All Britain's problems are caused by its unIslamic domestic and foreign policies.  
10:00  WW1 and WW2 were unIslamic.wars.
11:00  The unforced errors of the British government
12:00  The bad bargain of marriage for men
13:00  The abolition of no fault divorce
14:00  Unmarriageable men
Eligible bachelors as poster boys
15:00  Fatherless and husbandless females
16:00  Nihilistic men who only want to watch their society crash and burn
17:00  The deteriorating national character

18:00  The views of unmarriageable narcissists nihilists and atheists who cannot even concede that the patriarchy must be restored because it would be better for the next generation to be brought up their two biological married parents living together in a loving relationship should be ignored.

19:00  Christianity is a curse. 

20:00  God if He exists would be punishing Christians, the Post-Christian and the Jews and Muslims who do not challenge their idolatry and blasphemy.

21:00  Judaism and the principle of martyrdom 
22:00  Staying within one's religious community
25:00  The rule of not driving on the Sabbath
26:00  The Noahide laws and the Amalek
27:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
28:00  Jews and Muslims
29:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
30:00  Unprincipled Christians
31:00  Confirmed Christians
32:00  Cultural Christians
33:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity
34:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics

35:00  Christians only stopped executing those who refused to be idolaters and blasphemers from the late 1600s. Edward Wightman was the last man to be burned at the stake. Thomas Aikenhead was the last man to suffer the death penalty for denying the divinity of Jesus.

36:00  When Britain finally expresses penitence after so many centuries of Christian idolatry and blasphemy

37:00  Trump's voters too cowardly and disorganised to support him because they are cowardly unprincipled men living in their degenerate matriarchy.

38:00  The matriarchy will continue with its dysgenic social policies and destroy itself. 

39:00  No escape from women if men want to live in an advanced civilisation.  

40:00  Vikings and the Scottish kicked out of their own homeland by their own people.

41:00  The power of women over men

42:00  Hinduism and the divine rule of law

43:00  Jews and their Mission Impossible

44:00  Jews being punished for assimilating with Amalek.

45:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

46:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

47:00  Plebeian groups identities focused on hating groups led by charlatans rather than any adherence to worthwhile principles ie Truth, Logic and Morality.

48:00  Nihilistic narcissistic liberals and antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who wish to go to their graves without admitting they were wrong.  

49:00  Absence of good sportsmanship 

51:00  The only people who would want to restore the patriarchy are people who want to be married parents.

52:00  Only religious people would to marry to have legitimate offspring, probably. 

53:00  Old men become old women.  

54:00  Men in their 40s

55:00  Non-Western men who come from a patriarchy will have the advantage over a nation of morally compromised slut fuckers. 

56:00  Dysgenic sexual selection and dysgenic parenting

57:00  Marriage is eugenic and bastardy dysgenic.  

Washington's Farewell Address on Unprincipled Men

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Zalman Gordon's double-think claims Christianity is Noahide even as he says it is idol worship

1:00  Jews are to avoid mentioning the name of the dead Jew Christians worship as the co-equal of Hashem.

3:00  Jesus is not believed to be Mashiach by Jews. 

4:00  No mention of Jesus in Jewish records.

7:00  False messiahs

9:00  Mashiach wouldn't be someone executed by Romans followed by heretical Jews inciting idolatry and blasphemy against Hashem.  

13:00  Christianity offends against God's Commandments forbidding idolatry and blasphemy. 

15:00  The Trinity is the idolatrous worship of a dead Jew executed for blasphemy.  

18:00  The Talmud

21:00  Israel and Babylon

24:00  Matthew?

25:00  Jews in Muslim North Africa

26:00  Jews along the Rhine

27:00  Muslims who forcibly converted Jews to Islam

28:00  The Crusades

29:00  Jews forced to listen Christian sermons

30:00  Jews who died rather die than convert to a religion of idolatry and blasphemy

31:00  Christianity is idol worship.

32:00  Why idolatry is abomination. 

33:00  Jews are the bride of God and Jews must not flirt with idolatry and idolaters.  

34:00  Jews should abominate places and festivals of idolatry and blasphemy.

35:00  Confirmation ceremonies of Christians are confirmations of blasphemy and idolatry. 

36:00  Christianity is idolatry but not Unitarian Christianity and Islam. 

37:00  Christmas is an insult to God. 

45:00  Jews would stay home over Christmas in case they were beaten up by drunk Christians.  

46:00  Is Christianity really Noahide?

49:00  Zalman Gordon clearly doesn't understand the Trinity which requires Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of Hashem. He has not yet digested the full extent of the idolatry and blasphemy of the Athanasian Creed.  

Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation; that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the Substance [Essence] of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the Substance [Essence] of his Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood. Who although he is God and Man; yet he is not two, but one Christ. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the Manhood into God. One altogether; not by confusion of Substance [Essence]; but by unity of Person. 

"The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will."

The theological solution to the global pandemic

4:00  The Abrahamic faiths

7:00  About 1/3 of the world population are adherents of the Abrahamic faiths.

8:00  Jews in Israel under lockdown having their fourth election in second years

9:00  Aviation industry

10:00  Western politicians

11:00  Religious leaders and Chief Rabbis

13:00  Doubt paralyses.

14:00  Assume God exists and is punishing humanity.  

15:00  Noahide laws

17:00  Those who reject the Noahide laws are antisemites.  

18:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

19:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Athanasian creed

The blasphemous and idolatrous absurdity of the Athanasian creed

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Essence. For there is one Person of the Father; another of the Son; and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one; the Glory equal, the Majesty coeternal. Such as the Father is; such is the Son; and such is the Holy Ghost. The Father uncreated; the Son uncreated; and the Holy Ghost uncreated. The Father unlimited; the Son unlimited; and the Holy Ghost unlimited. The Father eternal; the Son eternal; and the Holy Ghost eternal. And yet they are not three eternals; but one eternal. As also there are not three uncreated; nor three infinites, but one uncreated; and one infinite. So likewise the Father is Almighty; the Son Almighty; and the Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties; but one Almighty. So the Father is God; the Son is God; and the Holy Ghost is God. And yet they are not three Gods; but one God. So likewise the Father is Lord; the Son Lord; and the Holy Ghost Lord. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity; to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord; So are we forbidden by the catholic religion; to say, There are three Gods, or three Lords. The Father is made of none; neither created, nor begotten. The Son is of the Father alone; not made, nor created; but begotten. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten; but proceeding. So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Ghost, not three Holy Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is before, or after another; none is greater, or less than another. But the whole three Persons are coeternal, and coequal. So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped. He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of the Trinity.

Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation; that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the Substance [Essence] of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the Substance [Essence] of his Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching his Manhood. Who although he is God and Man; yet he is not two, but one Christ. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the Manhood into God. One altogether; not by confusion of Substance [Essence]; but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man; so God and Man is one Christ; Who suffered for our salvation; descended into hell; rose again the third day from the dead. He ascended into heaven, he sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from whence he will come to judge the living and the dead. At whose coming all men will rise again with their bodies; And shall give account for their own works. And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. This is the catholic faith; which except a man believe truly and firmly, he cannot be saved.

23:00  The First Amendment was adopted in 1791.  

24:00 Muhammad died in 639.  

26:00  China

36:00  Teshuvah

37:00  European Convention of Human Rights

39:00  Blasphemy laws formally abolished in 2008.


45:00  List of Christian denominations by number of members

50:00  Are Jews and Muslims being punished for condoning the blasphemy and idolatry of Christianity?

51:00  Joint letter from Jews and Muslims to Christians

58:00  The late assassinated Rabbi Kahane
36 capital offences in the Torah


1:00:00  How is Christianity not blasphemy and idolatry?

1:04:00  The global solution to the global pandemic

1:07:00  A one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism all over the world

1:13:00  Three strikes and you're out. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #20 Policy on the aged and the acquisition of wisdom

3:00  SK policy on the elderly 5:00  A talent seeking programme for the elderly 6:00  Living exhibits 8:00  Promoting wisdom 10:00  Ideologi...