Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Better to wonder for what purpose God was created by Man than practise open idolatry

1:00  Opportunity cost
2:00  Latent damage
3:00  To obey or not obey?
4:00  We obey because we prefer to obey, we disobey because we prefer to disobey.
5:00  Theodicy
6:00  The evidence will never be conclusive one way or another.
7:00  Why is the penalty for idolatry death for Jews? Because they were chosen to lead gentiles away from idolatry. 
8:00  Idolatry leads to self-worship and self-destructive narcissism. 
9:00  The status of Hinduism 
10:00  Idolatry open and hidden
11:00  Making a deity of our opinions and beliefs
12:00  Idolatry eventually leads to the destruction of your civilisation.
13:00  Atheists can unknowingly worshiping themselves.
14:00  Better to wonder why God was created by Man than to actually worship an idol.

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