Monday, 21 February 2022

Aarvoll and I discuss the theology of the Abrahamic faiths and why God made Jews His Chosen People

Aarvoll does not identify as nationalist.
1:00  Kurt who?
2:00  Decentralised communications
3:00  Odysee

4:00  Aarvoll's political vision
7:00  Parallel networks
8:00  Nationalism too confrontational.
9:00  In favour of global government
10:00  Intended and unintended consequences
11:00  The contraceptive pill
12:00  Integrated political foundation
13:00  Christianity is kaput.
14:00  Perennialism
15:00  Noahide laws
16:00  Rejection of the Old Testament
17:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
18:00  Judaism
19:00  Atman is Brahman.
22:00  Abrahamic God
23:00  India is a twice fallen civilisation. 
24:00  Does the Indian government treat Indian citizens better than Western governments treat Western citizens?
25:00  The numerousness of Indians helps India remain in existence. 
26:00  The rule of law
27:00  The institutions of marriage and the family in India
28:00  The West is a matriarchy.
29:00  Fornication is a mortal sin. 
30:00  Nietzsche
31:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou's debate with Mark Collett

33:00  Liberalism and secular humanism
Jews being blamed for liberalism?
34:00  Christianity
35:00  Aarvoll's beliefs are a mish-mash of Christianity and Hinduism.
36:00  The Trinity
37:00  The Council of Nicaea
The American Revolution was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy. 
38:00  The bargain between European monarchs and the Catholic Church
39:00  The Wars of the Reformation
40:00  The priesthood
41:00  The American Revolution 
42:00  The divine right of kings 
43:00  The French and Russian Revolutions

44:00  The British monarchy is now the antithesis of monarchy and discriminated against. Because Andrew is a prince, he was charged way more for the services of an American prostitute than the ordinary Joe. 
45:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
46:00  Prince Andrew's settlement to Virginia Giuffre
47:00  Mercantile class

48:00  American monarchists are being unAmerican.

49:00  Monarchy has been given up in both the Occident and the Orient. 
50:00  China
51:00  Meritocracy and the Dowager Empress
52:00  The fall of the Qing Dynasty
53:00  The breakdown of the rule of law 
54:00  Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. 
55:00  The Torah and the Koran contain the laws of the most powerful being conceivable. 
56:00  Morality and law
57:00  "Religion is secular metaphysics."
58:00  Christianity offers redemption through repentance, unlike Hinduism.
59:00  High Scholasticism and Thomas Aquinas
1:00:00  Islamic revelation rejected
1:01:00  The rule of law in Islam
1:02:00  Christianity
1:03:00  The Noahide laws 
1:04:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:05:00  Transcendent and immanent
1:06:00  Pantheism
1:07:00  Christianity is dependent on Judaism. 
1:08:00  Believing Jesus is divine means being guilty of idolatry. 
1:09:00  The Holy Spirit
1:12:00  Spinoza
1:13:00  God, being omnipotent and omniscient, would create a logical universe.  
1:15:00  We don't get to meet God till we are dead.
1:17:00  Arianism and Unitarianism
1:18:00  The Catholic Church
1:19:00  Confirmed Catholic
1:20:00  The Book of Common Prayer
1:21:00  Christianity was spread through Western imperialism.
1:23:00  The Catholic Church put on a good show. 

1:24:00  Tribal wars were supported by tribal gods and the losing tribe accepted that its god was defeated by the god of the victorious tribe.
1:25:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable. 
1:27:00  Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism. 
1:28:00  The New Testament was not written by Jesus, let alone God. 
1:29:00  Satan

1:30:00  Good 
"Jews took a parasitical strategy and were parasitical people."

1:32:00  The conquest of Canaan was enabled by God because Jews followed enough of God's instructions. 

1:33:00  In Orthodox Judaism, Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel.
1:34:00  A corruptible priesthood
1:35:00  Jewish emancipation
1:36:00  If gentiles wanted to ban usury, they should have adopted Islam in the 7th century. 
1:37:00  The Koran forbids usury. 
1:38:00  John Calvin said usury was allowed. 

1:39:00  The Koran > The New Testament
God keeps His Chosen People in existence. 

1:40:00  God divided humanity into Jews and gentiles to punish each other for their sin. 
1:42:00  Judaism kept Jews in existence and apart from others for 3000 years. 

1:45:00  Utility of Jews
1:46:00  The Koran does not have the 36 capital offences of the Torah. 
1:47:00  Is God patiently waiting for humanity to come to a sound conclusion about which scripture to follow when there are only two from Him?
1:48:00  The fear induced by the Koran

1:50:00  The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.

1:51:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
1:52:00  Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God. 
1:53:00  Perennialism
1:54:00  Platonism
1:55:00  The ideal forms
1:56:00  Archetypal and perfect
1:57:00  The Abrahamic God is the ideal form of a divine being.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

41:00 Purgatory for Jews

1:20:00  University rabbis

1:43:00  Rabbi Mizrachi speaks through Benjamin Netanyahu

How Muslims could invite Jews to Islam

I've just done a video on how to how Muslims should invite Christians to Islam and you can see how easy it is because all you have to do is point out to them that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and that if God exists, Christians would be damned for their mortal sins of idolatry and blasphemy. 

Christians can't prove that Jesus is God because there is no scriptural evidence for this at all but Jews -  some people might think - would be a harder nut to crack, but they are just as vulnerable to the logic of my arguments. 

Jews would know that there are 36 capital offenses in the Torah. 

If Jews lived in a Torah theocracy they would be subject to all kinds of capital punishments
for things that gentiles would not be punished for eg breaking the Sabbath, practicing idolatry, being guilty of blasphemy, picking up sticks on a Saturday, being a drunk and disobedient son etc.

Sorcery will get you stoned to death.

As for attempting to convince another to worship idols, the heretical Jew Paul of Tarsus would have clocked up seven different death penalties for his letters to the Ephesians, Colossians, Galatians, Thessalonians, Corinthians, Romans and Philippians. 

Those seven letters to those seven different communities would be used as evidence against him for instigating all these communities to practice the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.

It is easy to clock up a death penalty or two or even more in one Jewish lifetime eg cursing one's own parent, bestiality, incest, adultery, sodomy etc.

Most interesting of all is ir nidachhat ie being a citizen of a city that has gone astray. 

I have attempted to speak to rabbis in particular and they are horrified at my particular interpretation of the application of that capital offence. A city that has gone astray is a city that practices idolatry. According to Orthodox Jews, Christianity is a religion of idolatry and blasphemy and those of you who know anything about Orthodox Judaism would know Jews are forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practiced. They're not allowed it to go into Reform synagogues either because Orthodox Jews regard Reform Jews as heretics.

Jews are however allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques so this should give you an idea of what Orthodox Jews really think of Christianity. If it is a death Jews to be a citizen of a city that has gone astray ie a city that practices idolatry, then the whole of Christendom would come under this heading. This means that however good a Jew you have been, you have in fact already clocked up a death penalty just for being a citizen of a Western nation that regards itself as part of Christendom. 

It would be interesting to see whether Americans regard themselves as part of Christendom. According to the American constitution, they technically have no established religion and are without an official moral system with which to hold each other and their ruling classes accountable. 

A perfectly good Jew who lived and died a citizen of Christendom would be considered a citizen of a city that has gone astray. He already has a death penalty awaiting him and it is death by beheading as well as any sins he might have committed that would attract the death penalty if he had been convicted in a Torah theocracy.  

Jewish death penalties come in four varieties:

  1. death by beheading
  2. death by stoning
  3. death by strangulation
  4. death by fire

If Jews do really believe in an afterlife and the existence of God to punish them then this must mean they could have more than one death penalty awaiting them undischarged which would have to be discharged in their afterlife which they call their olam haba.

A Jew could in theory be beheaded and then resurrected in order to be strangled in order to be resurrected in order to be stoned in order to be resurrected to suffer death by fire - not a pleasant prospect at all, particularly for Jews who who have been citizens of Western nations that regard
themselves as part of Christendom,

The only way to escape all that is to become Muslim. 

That would be the best way for Muslims of inviting Jews to Islam.

The most engaged comment I received from a rabbi was "This is superficial drivel."

None of the points I raised is part part of the rabbinical curriculum and they have no answer. 

It must be dismaying indeed for believing Jews to now to think of their Jewish ancestors who lived and died in Christendom as having to suffer the death penalty of ir nidachat in their olam haba,

Muslims could easily be asking rabbis this question to see how they respond if I have got any of the above wrong. 

I predict that  they won't be engaging at all and in fact make a point of avoiding engagement with Muslims by pretending that Muslims want to kill them. 

Do people who claim to believe in God lie to themselves or are they genuinely confused?

3:00  A nihilist is someone proud he has no principles. 
5:00  Beatitudes
11:00  The New Testament
13:00  Christians have the principle of worshiping Jesus as God.
16:00  A unique and supreme deity that isn't the Abrahamic God
18:00  The Torah
19:00  The Ten Commandments
20:00  The absurd Athanasian Creed
21:00  The last execution for blasphemy
22:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.
23:00  Jews and Muslims too frightened of their Christian overlords to challenge their idolatry and blasphemy
24:00  No leadership, no revolution.
25:00  Christianity was absurdity enforced by violence.
26:00  Christendom is matriarchy. 
27:00  Immoral liars who believe in nonsense
28:00  The lost boys of nationalism who have never met their fathers
29:00  Millennial Woes, the thought leader of the alt-right, is more anxious to be led by his followers to get superchats than to discuss ideas that he knows would alienate his low information low status low education subscribers who are unreconstructed antisemites, Islamophobes and racists
31:00  We have the moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God and obey His laws. 
32:00  Only the dead enter heaven if they are good and if God exists.
33:00  The Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury only pretend to believe that Jesus is God. 
34:00  The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility
38:00  It was divinely ordained that Christianity would fail because the sin of idolatry is its own punishment. 
39:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
40:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes cling to Christianity to dignify their antisemitism and Islamophobia.

42:00  The republic has a wider and deeper pool of talent than a monarchy.
43:00  The theological imperialism of the Catholic Church
45:00  Alt-right YouTubers focused on revolution over lockdown in Canada
47:00  Muslims in the West
48:00  Rob Dufour
50:00  Jen Scharf and Adam Green
51:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes will be unable to agree with each other even after they have expelled all the groups they want to expel. 
53:00  The Church of Scientology and its scripture
54:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes morally and intellectually crippled by their own irrational hatred. 
55:00  The conceptual idolatry of pantheists
57:00  Pantheism is morally and politically useless.  
58:00  Pantheism < Judaism & Islam
59:00  Repentance
1:00:00  Muslims inviting Jews to Islam

1:02:00  Beheading
1:04:00  Lethal injections
1:08:00  This life benefits of patriarchy
1:10:00  The King of Thailand
1:11:00  King Solomon

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Can Western nations survive without a functioning moral system?

If Christianity has failed, how and why did it fail?

Was Christianity meant to fail because it is internally inconsistent, if Christianity is indeed idolatry?

If idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God, how is Jesus God?

How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy if it is the Christian narrative that Jesus was convicted of and crucified for blasphemy?

By their own admission Christians have been worshiping a man convicted of and crucified for blasphemy for 2000 years.

The Doctrine of the Trinity requires Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah. It requires Christians to believe that Jesus is co-eternal and co-substantial with God. That would be the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. Christians are required to believe that Jesus created the Universe after impregnating Mary who was a gave birth to him as a virgin. Christians are required to believe that God caused Mary to give birth to Him to save the world - which He created - from Himself.

Christianity began to fail when Christians ceased their Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake. The last execution for blasphemy - and it was blasphemy to deny the divinity of Jesus - was in 1692.

Christianity was used to support the divine right of absolute monarchs and this age has long since passed. Christianity is therefore an unworkable anachronism that cannot be returned to, unless it is the plan to revive the Christian practice of heretic burning and the fining of citizens who do not attend church.

Does anyone seriously think that Constantine the Great would have used Christianity as the new religion of the Roman Empire if Islam had been an option?

The American Revolution was a rejection of monarchy and Christianity. This was confirmed in the French Revolution and reconfirmed in the Russian Revolution.

In any case, Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism because it is compulsory idolatry and blasphemy. The Torah prescribes death for Jews convicted of idolatry and blasphemy.

In 1168, Henry II threatened to convert to Islam in a letter to the Pope. As long ago as that, the corrupt bargain between European monarchs and the Pope was already breaking down.

In 1649, the subjects of Charles I committed regicide, which was clear failure of the purpose for which Christianity was adopted by British monarchs.

If the only moral and rational option of Islam is not adopted, it can only be attributed to Islamophobia, can it not?

The obvious inability of British intellectuals and clergymen to engage honestly and rationally on the matter of a failed moral system is yet another conclusive sign that Christianity is not fit for the purpose for which it was originally intended and that the original purpose - that of supporting the divine right of absolute monarchs to rule - long ago ceased to exist.

When will the penny drop? How many more centuries will it take?

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...