Thursday, 2 June 2022

People who prefer to talk about the JQ instead of SK #SecularKoranism #BoomerTruthRegime

Academic Agent
1:00  Boomer Truth Regime = boomers who have spent the inheritance of their children
2:00  Why successful boomers sneer at anti-immigration parties
3:00  Boomers unable to bring themselves to vote leave the EU
4:00  Boomers sentimental about the EU
5:00  The Pill, the feminist revolution, sex and drugs and rock and roll
6:00  Voting to leave the EU
7:00  Irritating neologisms
8:00  Boomers who won't admit that they have been wrong
9:00  National Conservatism

10:00  AA on Millennial Woes 2021
11:00  Religious groups
12:00  Judaism
13:00  JQ
14:00  Cultural Jews/Christians/Islam
15:00  The problem with nationalists
16:00  The feminised and infantilised Lost Boys of Neverland
17:00  Defining the national interest
18:00  Stubborn + stupid
19:00  Ralph Masilmani
20:00  Secular Koranism
21:00  Secular Koranism > Homeschooling your female offspring to overthrow the matriarchy
23:00  JQ
24:00  The antisemitism of the New Testament
25:00  Secular Koranism
26:00  Sharia > JQ
27:00  David Starkey and Lord Sumption
28:00  James Delingpole
30:00  Libel action
31:00  Sam Samuels feels chosen
33:00  The Curse of Khaw
35:00  Ralph Masilamani's game plan
36:00  Discussing Secular Koranism instead of the JQ
37:00  The Abrahamic God Theory of Everything
38:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God is a problem solving and problem avoiding system of rules.
39:00  Noahide laws
40:00  Western men are not prepared to make the sacrifice of marriage. 
42:00  The offspring of sex offenders
43:00  Pandering to antisemites
45:00  Unmarriageable men should have their views ignored.
46:00  Honest Jews don't think I am an antisemite.
47:00  Sam Samuels
49:00  A theological system of solving problems
50:00  Islam is the most and Christianity the least  Noahide of all gentile religions.
53:00  Secular Koranism
55:00  Paul's letter to the Corinthians forbidding fornication
58:00  Nick Fuentes

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