Sunday, 31 December 2023

Judas on the 22nd Koraniyule 2023

2:00  Monologue by CK
4:00  Rabbi Reuven and Rabbi Mizrachi against Rabbi Friedman
6:00  There is no Supreme Rabbi or Supreme Imam.

7:00  Rabbi Reuven on Rabbi Friedman
9:00  Rabbi Friedman excuses suicide.
11:00  Rabbi Friedman will suffer the fate of Haman, Rabbi Reuven predicts.
12:00  Rabbi Friedman's heresy
16:00  God created humanity as an act of love.

18:00  Judas reads from the Indisputable Truth about Christianity.
23:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men.

24:00  Rabbi Yaron Reuven on New Year's Eve
27:00  Pope Sylvester the antisemite 
29:00  Blood libel
31:00  Noahide laws and shellfish
37:00  I feel bad about lobsters.
38:00  Shellfish poisoning
40:00  Cheeseburger
41:00  Chukim
42:00  Obedience to God without understanding
43:00  17 out of the 36 capital offences were sexual offences.
45:00  Incest is cheap sex.
46:00  Song for Vincent Bruno
47:00  Judaism is the most heterosexual of all religions.
48:00  Incest
49:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
50:00  Kohl Nidre
51:00  Rationality of Judaism
53:00  Sexual liberation
55:00  Marriage is a eugenic filter.
56:00  Islam
1:01:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
1:02:00  New moon
1:07:00  North Pole
1:09:00  Asher Meza the heretic
1:20:00  John Gischala

Talking to Vincent Bruno about Mathilde Ludendorff

7:00  There is no advantage to having a newly created religion.

8:00  "The white spirit"

Reckless experimentation with people's lives should be avoided by a reasonable and compassionate government. 

9:00  Christianity is schismatic.

10:00  We don't want to be treating people like guinea pigs.

11:00  People who are seduced by liberal values giving them sexual liberation leave Islam.

12:00  Cults are rejected by the establishment. Even if the establishment adopted a cult, it would have many operational difficulties at its implementation and be rejected by its neighbours.

13:00  Mathilde Ludendorff was a Nazi.

14:00  She was a much married woman.

27:00  "Islam is Judaism for gentiles." 

28:00  A new religion would make things worse.

29:00  Islam is more likely to defeat Jews than some newfangled pagan religion created by antisemites. 

30:00  No advantage to being a new religion eg Atenism.

31:00  The prophets of God had to refer to a higher authority.

33:00  Paganism is re-using a parachute that hasn't opened which has already failed one person. 

Pioneering as a Jehovah's Witness and discussing Mormonism with Vincent Bruno

Listen from 2:00
4:00  End times
6:00  Charles Taze Russell
8:00  Edith Starr Miller
10:00  Pioneering
12:00  Foot in the door salesman
15:00  The Reasoning Book
23:00  Jehovah's Witnesses not allowed to get drunk and smoke.
24:00  Pioneering in pubs
26:00  Noahide Cafe
27:00  Quiz night
28:00  My idea of saving the local pub
Parlour game night
40:00  Pub culture
42:00  Death Cafe
43:00  Process Church
45:00  Secular Koranism classes
46:00  Kurt Metzger
49:00  Joe Rogan Experience
52:00  Jehovah's Witnesses scandals
53:00  Not a stable doctrine
55:00  Conversational stoppers
58:00  Noahide laws
1:00:00  Christian accelerationism
1:04:00  Being on the inactive list
1:05:00  Harder to be a Jack Jehovah's Witness than it is to be a Jack Mormon
1:08:00  Mormonism
1:10:00  Mr Pelu
1:13:00  Freemasonry, British Israelism and pyramidology
1:14:00  Charles Taze Russell
1:16:00  Herbert Armstrong and Klu Klux Klan
1:18:00  Newton
1:22:00  Billy Crone

1:23:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics protects Americans from weird cults.

1:27:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:28:00  Mormonism
1:29:00  Monogamy v Polytheism
1:30:00  Islam allows regulated polygamy.
1:31:00  White Mormonism
1:32:00  What does Vincent mean by "Asiatic"?
1:32:00  Monotheism
1:33:00  Idolaters deprive themselves of Koran guidance. 
1:35:00  Louis Wain is a Trinitarian. 
1:37:00  Jack Mormon is not admitted to the Temple.

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Vincent Bruno on child cults

4:00  Stefan Molyneux
12:00  Beliefs
14:00  Appendicitis
15:00  Christian Scientists
18:00  Breeding for the state
20:00  The age of minority and majority
21:00  Coercive control
25:00  Liberal parenting
26:00  Parental authority
27:00  Vincent's mother
28:00  Training of a Jehovah's Witnesses
32:00  Writing clearly
33:00  Organised religion
34:00  Maternal influence
35:00  Jehovah's Witnesses have no fear.
41:00  Vincent Bruno is the only white man prepared to discuss ideas with me.
43:00  DIY cults
44:00  Group rules are religions.
45:00  Tayo and Zeus
46:00  Wrongthink
47:00  God created evil.
Avigdor Miller
52:00  Getting Jews to do what they were made God's Chosen People to do
54:00  Jews were created to serve humanity.
55:00  America's burden
56:00  Those whom the gods with to destroy, they first make mad.
57:00  Ukraine

1:01:00  Buffer state

1:02:00  Russia in NATO?

1:05:00  A continuing divine narrative

1:08:00  Omar

1:09:00  Thomas Baden-Riess

1:11:00  Jay Walker

1:12:00  Kiwi Farms on TBR

1:14:00  TBRx0

1:16:00  Millennial Woes and Brutus

1:19:00  Secular Koranism

1:24:00  Christians who won't go to church unless there is a rock band.

1:25:00  Weekend World

1:27:00  "Any linear discussion is autism."

Caleb Maupin

1:28:00  State operatives

1:30:00  Andy Nowicki

1:31:00  Shadowbanning

1:32:00  Millennial Woes

Talking to Vincent Bruno on his 40th birthday

3:00  Jon Vance

4:00  Accelerationism 

5:00  Noahide laws

6:00  God's existence

8:00  Moral judgement

9:00  Burden of proof

11:00  What our government wants us to do

12:00  Are we the slaves of God or the slaves of God?

13:00  Blaming other residents instead of calling the roofers

14:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

15:00  Koranic principles

16:00  Sexual morality

17:00  Khums

18:00  Noahide laws

19:00  Culture is fluid.

22:00  Islamophobic

25:00  Atheists wouldn't fear God.

26:00  My message to the Abrahamic religions

28:00  Mantras and superhero representations of Koranic principles

36:00  Secular Koranism
38:00  Omar on Koraniyule
41:00  Jews and Muslims don't have a Pope.
42:00  If Jews don't know who they are.
46:00  Asiatic
47:00  Islam
48:00  Jewish holidays > Islamic holidays
50:00  Day of Atonement
51:00  Noahide laws
52:00  A Noahide kingdom is being paved.
57:00  Qualified Koranist
1:03:00  Repentance
1:04:00  Omar
1:05:00  A and B schools under Secular Koranism

Talking to Stephen J James and Brundle about Doooovid and Vincent Bruno on his birthday

4:00  Brundle on Doooovid
19:00  Stephen sacrificing himself.

22:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
25:00  Dooovid's Multiple Truth Hypothesis
26:00  Doooovid and Jen Scharf
27:00  Apollonian Germ
29:00  Jewish supremacy
30:00  We need to think we are better than our religious groups.
32:00  Conflict should be ideologicval instead of just personal.
34:00  Thomas Baden-Riess
35:00  "It's above my paygrade .... "
38:00  TBR's neurosis
39:00  TBR's Jewishness
40:00  TBR's deleted video
47:00  TBR being a paid state actor
50:00  TBR girlfriend video
56:00  TBR video SJJ granny
1:02:00  Being co-opted
1:03:00  SJJ is the coming man in streamland.
1:06:00  £100k for SJJ being a Secular Koranist
1:12:00  Principles
1:14:00  Exchanges of favours
1:15:00  The principle of submitting to truth, logic and morality
1:17:00  Epistemology
1:19:00  TBR x0
1:22:00  20/80
1:23:00  Morality
1:24:00  Choosing the best moral system
1:25:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs
1:26:00  Subjective and objective reasons for choosing a moral system.
1:29:00  The Golden and Silver Rule
1:30:00  Five world religions
1:31:00  Defending principles
1:34:00  Pagan
1:36:00  Jewish Superman
1:37:00  Westerners don't believe in Christianity.
1:38:00  Buddhism
1:39:00  Ladyboys
1:40:00  Does Jon Vance believe in God?
1:42:00  Uncaused First Cause
1:43:00  Big Bang

1:47:00  JON VANCE joins.
1:59:00  My credential is my solution.
2:02:00  Speakers Corner
2:04:00  Khalid Safir
2:05:00  Martyrdom
2:06:00  Jew and Muslim Show
2:07:00  Transgenderism
2:08:00  Jon Vance says supporting transgenderism has got him more attention than Secular Koranism.

2:11:00  BRICK joins.

Stephen J James on Doooovid, Tayo and Vincent Bruno on Christianity and natural law

Start listening from 7:00.

9:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
10:00  Christmas floods
12:00  Doooovid stream

13:00  Career advice
14:00  Omar on Koraniyule 2023

16:00  Dumb goy
19:00  Doooovid incites antisemitism.
20:00  Doooovid is the most learned Jew to grace our community.
21:00  Fascist
23:00  Religion is a string that ties round the bundle of sticks.
24:00  "Secular and liberal Jews have destroyed Judaism."

31:00  Telegram
32:00  Louis Wain
33:00  The mobile phone is the thinking organ of the average 21st century human.
34:00  War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
36:00  Dostoevsky
37:00  Crime and Punishment
38:00  Trollope

45:00  TAYO joins.
49:00  Godzilla Minus One
55:00  Estuary meetings
1:01:00  Secular Koranism
1:02:00  Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Secular Koranism
1:03:00  Ark Conference
1:04:00  Secular Koranism
1:05:00  The Founding Fathers dealt a mortal blow to belief in the Trinity.
1:06:00  All moral systems have a moral narrative and moral claims.
1:07:00  Christianity only worked properly when heretic burning was practised. Fewer than 80 years after people were executed for blasphemy, the American Revolution broke out. 
1:09:00  Monarchist or republican?
1:11:00  The greatest story ever told
1:12:00  All great empires are great civilisations and all great empires are supported by a great religion. 
1:13:00  Using objective criteria to judge the success of an empire
1:14:00  Liberalism replaced Christianity.
1:15:00  Nationalism and Communism were attempts to replace Liberalism.
1:16:00  Tom Holland's Dominion
1:19:00  Not following of your own principles
1:20:00  The Caliphate and hypocrites
1:22:00  Secular Koranism does not require the permission of Muslims.
1:23:00  Christianity only properly operated when heretics were burned at the stake.
Christianity can be said to be successful by the global empires Christians acquired.
Britain is nominally Anglican.
1:24:00  WASP supremacy began with Spanish American War 1898.
1:25:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.
1:26:00  Not practising marriage has resulted in degeneracy.
1:27:00  The Welfare State is dysgenic.

Western sacred cows: feminism, Christianity, democracy, sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, welfare state.

1:29:00  Transgenderism and gender roles
1:30:00  Gender roles were useful to marriageable men and women seeking a spouse of the opposite sex.
1:31:00  IVF
1:32:00  Eugenics
1:33:00  Is evil genetic?
There is only one Abrahamic God.

1:34:00  Liberalism
1:35:00  Is Christianity working?
1:37:00  The existence of Christian communities is enough for Tayo.
1:38:00  Christianity is mocked in its own homelands.
1:40:00  The negative perception of Christianity
1:41:00  Christianity is not capable of accomplishing what I want it to do.
1:43:00  Islam has an official handbook and an easy to believe story.
1:44:00  The Torah
1:46:00  Which is the most powerful being?
1:47:00  "The real genius of Judaism is its monotheism."
1:48:00  The Abrahamic God is an immaterial God

1:52:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
1:53:00  Polytheism v monotheism
1:55:00  Free will
1:56:00  "Polyagnostic"
1:57:00  Dualism
1:58:00  Zorastrianism
1:59:00  Beyondism
2:04:00  Natural law
2:07:00  If your society allowed murder, it would soon collapse.
2:11:00  Promoting genocide
2:13:00  If America were a beyondist democracy
2:14:00  Democracy
2:17:00  The genius of monotheism
2:18:00  Nigerians and Greeks
2:19:00  Committee of Gods
2:21:00  Vincent is so racist! 
2:23:00  Hinduism
2:24:00  Europeans
2:25:00  Mormon God and mystical shit
2:28:00  Vincent's religious background
2:29:00  Vincent doesn't need his God to be omnipotent. 
2:30:00  Vincent is agnostic.
2:31:00  Black and white, polytheism and monotheism
2:33:00  Race and religion
2:34:00  Islam is spreading faster amongst Latinos than whites.
2:35:00  Christianity is more fluid while Islam more rigid.
2:36:00  Islam more threatening to sodomites than Christianity.
2:37:00  Darker skinned people are more homophobic.
2:39:00  People who want to start their own religion are a dime a dozen.
2:42:00  Tom Holland's Dominion
2:44:00  Polytheism
2:45:00  Homophobia amongst whites and non-whites
2:46:00  Christianity is the mother of Communism.
2:47:00  "Christianity is an individual religion."
Vincent met me through our common interest in the Noahide laws.

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Omar on the 21st Koraniyule 2023

1:00  Secular Koranism
3:00  Feminism
4:00  Islam is the antidote to feminism.

8:00  Islamophobia
9:00  Liberal principles
10:00  Islam threatens sexual liberation.
12:00  If you can't beat them, join them.
13:00  While the Torah has 36 capital offences, the Koran hardly mentions them at all. 
14:00  You can't take the law into your own hands.
15:00  Immigration
19:00  CK intro
20:00  The principles of Christianity and Liberalism have not been codified.
21:00  What are Christian and liberal principles?
22:00  There has been no Act of Parliament called The Censorship (Prohibition of Speech Injurious to the Feelings of Minorities and Women) Act.
25:00  New and greater forms of censorship being practised.
26:00  Conversion therapy
27:00  Social media platforms
29:00  Even the Koran comes to an end.
30:00  Secular Koranism
32:00  Backbiting forbidden by the Koran.
33:00  The role of the Supreme Court
34:00  ISIS intepretation
37:00  Only governments through their appointed representatives have the right to interpret and enforce the law eg the army, police, judiciary etc.
40:00  Humane and reasonable interpretation of the Koran
41:00  Moral education needed for our incompetent and corrupt ruling classes
42:00  Objective morality
44:00  Justice is what is fair enough.
47:00  Paedo Bastard Britain Slutland
50:00  Nikah
58:00  Most convicted prisoners come from the fatherless homes of unmarried mothers.
59:00  No fault divorce
1:03:00  Pro forma marriage contracts
1:07:00  No commercial partnerships would be formed if they can only be dissolved under the rules of no fault divorce.
1:09:00  Marriage vows
1:10:00  There should be no such thing as a starter marriage for gold diggers. 
1:11:00  Social reinforcement of no sex before marriage.
1:12:00  Living in sin
1:13:00  Children in the 21st century attend the weddings of their parents.
1:15:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.
1:16:00  Illegitimate offspring and sex offenders
1:17:00  A and B schools

1:21:00  Prayer break

1:25:00  No morality without religion.
1:26:00  My proposal to segregate children of legitimate and illegitimate offspring declared to be "abhorrent" and I respond with eggs and omelets.
1:27:00  B children are the majority.
1:30:00  Illegitimacy rate in Jamaica is 85%
1:34:00  Child abuse
1:35:00  How to deal with bastard schoolchildren who bully legitimate schoolchildren
1:39:00  Criminal classes
1:42:00  Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern
1:43:00  Government's role in encouraging marriage
1:44:00  Objective morality
1:45:00  The concept of God exists.
1:46:00  God's laws are objective morality.
1:48:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:53:00  Jews
1:54:00  Liberal principles
1:56:00  Jews and Christians have ganged up against Muslims.
1:57:00  Jews are the mascots of the American Empire.
1:58:00  The Koran tells Jews and Christians to become Muslims. 
2:00:00  It is hard being a Jew.
2:01:00  Antisemitism
2:02:00  Putting Jews and getiles on a Register.
2:03:00  2 Jews 3 opinions, 3 Muslims, 4 opinions.
2:03:00  Fasces
2:04:00  LGBT
2:05:00  Domestic partnership
2:06:00  Gay marriage contracts would become illegal contracts.
2:08:00  I would abolish inheritance tax.
2:10:00  Married parents would be privileged over non-parents. Unmarried parents would be treated as sex offenders.
2:11:00  LGBT rights under Secular Koranism

"What do we do with Xmas now?" Claire Khaw speaks from 14:00

14:00  Religion is essential to the moral functioning of your society.

15:00  Europeans have been Christian since Roman times.

16:00  Melting pot

 19:00  People who take their religion seriously enough to only marry within their religion will be paid up members of their group with their group maintaining its integrity better than groups of people without religion. 

20:00  Liam rejects the idea that Christianity is a gentile religion and believes it to be a religion forced on gentiles by Jews. 

21:00  Barbarian and idol

23:00  Christianity was a product of a cultural appropriation of Judaism. 

24:00  Islam is yet another Jewish creation created to conquer Arabs.

29:00  Neither Jews nor Muslims have the final authority of a Pope.

31:00  The most powerful being conceivable is the Abrahamic God.

32:00  Christianity and Islam have been attempts to supersede Judaism.  

Islam is Monotheism III.

34:00  Islam protects gentiles from Jews.

36:00  All religions are political programmes.

1:00:00  Koranic dress code.

1:03:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

1:04:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam.

1:05:00  Iran v America

1:06:00  Islam is a synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.

1:07:00  Hypocrites are cursed by God whose destination is hell.

1:08:00  Jews and Muslims are afraid of offending their Chrisitan overlords. 

1:09:00  Martyrdom is an express ticket to heaven.

1:11:00  Idolaters are depriving themselves of the opportunity of being rightly guided by the Koran.

1:12:00  God is just waiting for humanity to come to terms with their idolatry and hidden idolatry.

1:13:00  Muslims regard Jewish prophets as Muslim.

1:14:00  Don't eat an animal while it is still alive.

1:15:00  The Noahide laws are from the Talmud.

Friday, 22 December 2023

Mid Millenniyule Gossip Stream

8:00  Heidegger
9:00  New TBR Loyalists
10:00  Socratic questioning
11:00  Greg Johnson
14:00  "Western values are gay values."
17:00  Dangerfield
22:00  Millenniyule bandana
25:00  Tucker Carlson
26:00  Donald Trump
29:00  Jared Taylor and Gavin Boby
30:00  White Papers
31:00  History Bro
34:00  Terry Wogan
35:00  John Waters
37:00  MW censorship
41:00  AA
42:00  Luke Ford
All publicity is good publicity.
43:00  Jolly Heretic
44:00  Inverted pyramid
45:00  P word or N word censorship
47:00  Neocons
50:00  Keith Woods
53:00  Jews
54:00  Gad Saad
55:00  Individualis and liberalism
1:00:00  Qatar
1:02:00  Gad Saad
1:03:00  Harry Robinson
1:05:00  Nazis
1:07:00  BantheBBC
1:10:00  Lucas Gage
1:13:00  Joe Owens
1:19:00  Unity News Network
1:20:00  Stromberg's hideout
1:23:00  Annoying Scotsman
1:25:00  Gavin Boby, mosque buster
1:31:00  Parking jihad
1:37:00  Voluntary repatriation
1:42:00  Chinese Exclusion Act
1:45:00  Auron McIntyre
1:46:00  UK Column
1:47:00  Praise of Folly
1:51:00  Kevin MacDonald
1:56:00  The burden of proof
Nathan Cofnas
1:57:00  Doooovid
1:58:00  Alan Dershowitz
1:59:00  Hamas
2:00:00  Asians loyal to Labour
2:01:00  No Chance
2:02:00  Nicola Sturgeon
2:03:00  Hamza Yusuf
2:05:00  Red Ice TV
2:06:00  News aggregation
2:07:00  Complaining content
2:09:00  Greg Johnson
2:13:00  Culture Dads
2:16:00  Gifts Ungiven
2:28:00  Mr Dee
2:31:00  Off Grid Ireland
2:35:00  Lady of Shalott
2:44:00  Compliment
2:47:00  Mama JF

Discussing Islamic economics with Vincent Bruno

1:00  Islamic inheritance rules
3:00  Banning usury
4:00  China is a people's democratic dictatorship as opposed to a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
5:00  China was the first civilisation to use paper money. 
6:00  Almir Colan
7:00  Muslim parents disinheriting their children. 
8:00  Dying testate or intestate
9:00  Freedom of disposition
11:00  Usury
12:00  Social welfare
13:00  Be principled.
14:00  The purpose of Islamic rules of inheritance
15:00  Jehovah's Witness
18:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
20:00  Slavery and Kuwait
22:00  Almir Colan
25:00  Bankers are hard to find.
Islamic finance in Western banks
27:00  Slavery was the ancient form of welfare state.
30:00  Usury and John Calvin
31:00  Capitalism
32:00  Almir Colan
34:00  Deutsche Bank
36:00  Questions on usury
38:00  How usury would operate after it has been forbidden
39:00  Easy money and easy credit
40:00  War finance
41:00  Gold Dinar and Gold Standard
42:00  Petrodollar
43:00  Saddam and Gaddafi
44:00  Questions for Almir Colan
John Calvin
45:00  Illegal contract
47:00  World Communism
48:00  Usury
49:00  Slavery
50:00  Workfare
Means testing
Universal Basinc Income
51:00  Workfare would work best under slavery.
52:00  Joint Stock Company

56:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
58:00  Qualified Koranists and Examinations in Koranic Knowledge
59:00  Training as a Jehovah's Witnesses
1:01:00  Situational sermon
1:02:00  Role play
1:04:00  Incentive scheme
1:06:00  Jack Mormon and the Temple
1:07:00  America is the land of cults.
1:09:00  No catechisms for Jehovah's Witnesses
The Lord's Prayer
1:10:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to talk to God using their own words to develop their own personal relationship with God.
1:12:00  Judaism is a questioning faith, unlike Christianity.
1:13:00  Catholic ecumenism
1:15:00  Jehovah's Witnesses have more verbal intelligence.
1:18:00  Oratory
1:23:00  Anglo-American is the work of Satan.
1:24:00  JW eschatology
JW banning Christmas

1:38:00  Vincent's therapist and advice to Vincent from Chatgpt about his therapist
1:40:00  Illiberal liberalism
1:44:00  The Koran
1:46:00  Religion consists of narrative, values and rules.
1:47:00  Judaism
The Koran isn't going to kill you.
1:49:00  Why Jews reject Islam as the most Noahide gentile religion

1:50:00  Demon-possessed children
1:52:00  Children in Africa accused of being witches
1:53:00  Priests trained in exorcism
1:54:00  If Vincent became a father
1:56:00  Vincent thinks he is God.
1:57:00  Jen Scharf, Vincent Bruno and family therapy
1:59:00  Threatened with being dumped at the orphanage
2:00:00  Satanic Vincent
2:02:00  First Amendment
2:04:00  Secular Jews
2:14:00  Almir Colan video explaining usury

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Ancient Gardener on the 20th Koraniyule 2023

2:00  E Michael Jones and Michael Voris
6:00  Catholic seminary
15:00  Status strength
19:00  Freud
20:00  Sublimation
22:00  National Average Age and a National Personality
25:00  Philology
27:00  Class differences
28:00  Heretics
29:00  Wisdom
30:00  We live in a post-truth society.
31:00  Catholic Church
33:00  Short-term thinking
34:00  Theocracy
35:00  Adrian Vermeule
38:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
41:00  The meaning of marriage
44:00  George Washington warned against political parties.
45:00  Judicial activism
47:00  New Hampshire farmers
48:00  One party state
49:00  China
50:00  1984 and Animal Farm
52:00  Meritocracy
53:00  Orgasms
54:00  Mr Smith Goes to Washington
57:00  One party state
58:00  Analysis, decision, action.
1:00:00  Mencius Moldbug AKA Curtis Yarvin
1:02:00  The emperor is far away.
1:05:00  Governor of State
1:05:00  An official moral system
1:09:00  No desire to abolish no fault box
1:10:00  Paul Elam and Mike Buchanan
1:14:00  Basket cases
1:17:00  Republican Party
1:18:00  Donald Trump
1:19:00  Healthy marriages
1:20:00  Secular Koranism
1:21:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy
1:22:00  Plains Native Americans were tougher than East Coast Native Americans.

"Secular Koranism is a good idea!"

1:23:00  Afghanistan
1:24:00  Upholding public morals
1:25:00  No impulse to practice.
1:26:00  Justification for the death penalty
1:27:00  Investment in the local community
1:28:00  Sex segregation
1:35:00  Sharia
1:36:00  Matriarchy
1:40:00  The banality of evil
1:41:00  Class divisions
1:43:00   Atheism of middle classes
1:44:00  Playground name-calling
1:45:00  There is nothing new under the sun.
1:45:00  Sharia law lite society
1:47:00  Noahide laws
1:49:00  Who is your neighbour?
1:51:00  Covid 
1:53:00  Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Vincent Bruno on polygamy and polyamory

5:00   Patriarchy was always a burden on men.
6:00  Gender relations
Feminism has undermined marriage.
9:00  Tranny step-parents
14:00  Narish Kalia > Jon Vance
16:00  Immigrants and indigenous can agree on the importance of supporting marriage.
18:00  Definition of degeneracy
19:00  Marriageability is a desirable heritable trait.
Cultural and racial
20:00  Gender relations and the marriage licence
21:00  Gender roles
23:00  Transhumanism
24:00  Vincent wants to change human nature.
25:00  Polygamy
26:00  Polyamory
29:00  Suicide
30:00  Hatewatchers
38:00  Colony of 150 people and a control group
39:00  Carol Balizet
44:00  Sharia
45:00  Birth rates
47:00  Jon Vance
48:00  Divorce regret
50:00  Mistakes
55:00  Boomers
57:00  Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk and Sean Hannity
58:00  Secular Koranism

Reasons for belief in the Abrahamic God

4:00  Arguing against the existence of God
5:00  Salmon
9:00  A self-regulating moral system
10:00  Free will
11:00  Even if God doesn't exist, there are people who believe in Him.
13:00  What is socially and politically acceptable to believe
15:00  Religious groups are the most powerful groups in existence.
16:00  Judaism produces and protects Jews.
19:00  Christendom, monarchism and republicanism
20:00  Monarchy and Caliphates
21:00  A clash of civilisations between monarchists and republicans
23:00  Royalty are not supposed to go to court without undermining their own position.
24:00  Harry
25:00  French monarchy
26:00  Transition of China from monarchy to republic in the 20th century
27:00  The remnants of Christendom
30:00  The Abrahamic God supported by the First and Fourth Estate

Khalid Safir the Ahmadiyya on the 19th Koraniyule 2023

1:00  Nationalism
2:00  Identity politics is status politics.
3:00  British imperialism
4:00  Repatriation grant of £60,000 offered by the British National Party
5:00  Ghana and Pakistan
6:00  Asian takeover
9:00  Complaining is an indicator of status.
10:00  Snorkelblog and Stephen J James
11:00  Islamic discipline and ability to obey rules
12:00  Rights without responsibility
13:00  Women complain, men deal with it.
14:00  Blaming Jews and Muslims
15:00  Making up the rules as you go along
16:00  The age of consent
17:00  Gratitude
18:00  Liberal birth rate
19:00  Commitment-phobic non-Muslim hedonists
21:00  Dumb Muslims at least marry and have legitimate offspring.
22:00  Wives cooking for husbands
23:00  Cheaper festivals than Christmas
iPhone and iPad for Christmas for the kid.
24:00  Eid
25:00  Christmas and old folk's homes
26:00  Secular Koranism
27:00  White supremacists don't think they need religion.
28:00  Marriage is only optional.
29:00  Age of Aisha
30:00  The age of marriage
31:00  In Delaware, the age of consent was 10 years old until 1871 when it was lowered to 7 years old. Under the 1871 law, a man was given the death penalty for sex with a girl below the age of consent. 
34:00  Jon Vance supports transgenderism.
36:00  Travis Patron of the Canadian Nationalist Party
37:00  Gillick Competence
38:00  Underage sex is the British norm.
39:00  The age of consent is an implied licence to fornicate. 
40:00  The marriage licence is a eugenic filter.
42:00  Male Western Jews and gentiles between the age of 18 to 30.
43:00  Secular Koranism
44:00  Stephen J James
45:00  "Regular guys" would be Islamophobes. 
46:00  Why Islam did not work for Jon Vance.
47:00  No point non-whites converting to Judaism.
48:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
49:00  The Post-Christian Westerner cannot bring himself to admit that Christianity is kaput.
50:00  Christianity and Judaism are the wrong religions.
51:00  Hannibal Directive
52:00  British Israelism
54:00  "We made the desert bloom."
57:00  Liberal democracy
58:00  Hamas demand that Jews in Israel live under sharia.
1:02:00  Stephen J James
1:03:00  Muslim wives for Stephen
1:04:00  A pogrom is not possible without government support.
1:06:00  An offiical moral system is required to hold our ruling classes to account.
1:07:00  Secular Koranism
1:08:00  Risk-averse feminised Western men
1:09:00  No religion, no principles. 
1:11:00  Why identify with losers?
Why not be light unto losers by guiding them away from the degeneracy of the matriarchy?
1:12:00  Gavin Boby

1:15:00  Journalists and PR advisers
1:16:00  Matriarchy
1:17:00  Jon Vance now supports transgenderism.
1:18:00  Vincent Bruno
1:19:00  If they correct themselves, how they will correct themselves?
1:20:00  Nihilists don't care about posterity.
1:22:00  "I would rather die!"
1:23:00  Mortality rate
1:25:00  Irreligious people more likely to die off than religious people who marry.
1:27:00  Behaving as if we believed.
1:28:00  "Would you marry me" videos
1:29:00  Marriage
1:31:00  Dying alone
1:32:00  Christianity is the weakest link.
1:33:00  Secular Koranism
1:35:00  Someone who remains agnostic because he claims that he has not seen evidence of God
1:38:00  Belief in God
1:41:00  Not having an official moral systems means not being able to hold your ruling classes to account.
1:43:00  Liberal arguments
1:44:00  Unmarriageable men
1:46:00  Seneca on religion

1:47:00  Native Americans would rather drown their children than allow them to become slaves.
1:48:00  Surrogacy
1:49:00  Jon Vance supports transgenderism.
1:50:00  Surrogacy and IVF
1:51:00  Sensitivity
1:52:00  White supremacists
1:53:00  Muslims are more open about their beliefs.
1:54:00  1984
1:56:00  Suicidal white people
Ahmadiyya Muslims
1:58:00  Categories of prophets
1:59:00  Stephen J James
2:02:00  Ahmadiyya Muslims are smarter than non-Ahmadiyya Muslims.
2:04:00  Secular Koranism is the Trojan horse of Islam.
2:05:00  Ahmadiyya Muslims are winning anyway. 
2:06:00  Muslims and maths
2:08:00  Turkey baster
2:09:00  Surrogacy produced children
2:10:00  Child abuse
2:12:00  Noahide laws
2:13:00  Hindu family relations
2:15:00  Vincent's racial background
2:17:00  Asian and Arab culture
2:18:00  Are we the slaves of our parents?
2:19:00  Viktor Frankel and the centenarians of Okinawa
2:20:00  Artificial wombs
2:21:00  Japanese women
2:22:00  Sexually liberated white people
2:23:00  Proper parenting
2:25:00  Lonely white people
2:28:00  Trained to be a slave
2:30:00  The education of a Jehovah's Witnesses
2:31:00  Mechanical learning
2:34:00  Elizabeth Dilling
2:41:00  School
2:42:00  Learning maths the Jehovah's Witness way

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Discussing Vincent Bruno making connections with Republican Muslims to sell Secular Koranism


3:00  "trial by combat"

9:00  Muslim ban

12:00  Trump is Father of the Vaccine.

15:00  Do Americans need an official moral system?

17:00  Conspiritard

20:00  Elizabeth Glass

21:00  Corporations and admiralty law

22:00  Serial killer phase

23:00  US foreign policy

24:00  General Wesley Clark

34:00  No gay civilisation

35:00  Heterosexual men

39:00  Vance is Vincent's convert

44:00  Islamist and neologisms

48:00  Metapolitics and epistemology

49:00  Rules, values and beliefs

53:00  Gender relations

55:00  Trapped

47:00  Chatgpt

1:10:00  Baby boomers

1:14:00  Schmoozing Muslims

1:17:00  White saviour

1:19:00  Republican meeting

1:23:00  Medium

1:24:00  The wall

1:26:00  Jon Vance

1:27:00  Dissident Right don't even care about each other.

1:29:00  Milo easily scared.

1:30:00  Spacepan

1:31:00  Hinduism

1:33:00  Jehovah's Witness

Vincent Bruno on pushing Christmas out of the public square

Religion and group therapy
6:00  Differences in Jews and Muslims on religious holidays
7:00  Secular Koranism would celebrate Jewish festivals. 
9:00  Passover
10:00  Hanukkah tree
11:00  The power of organised religions
12;00  Thanksgiving in the US and Canada
13:00  America a Christian nation?
15:00  Jews
18:00  Cabinet dispute delays decision on entry of Palestinian workers to Israel
23:00  Academic Agent
24:00  Capital punishment under Trump
26:00  I have plans for Vincent.
27:00  Jen Scharf
28:00  Vincent promotes my book.
29:00  Jews, Republicans and Muslims
30:00  Milo
31:00  Slave rebellions
32:00  Vincent's radio show
33:00  Shake their tree.
Muslim Republicans
34:00  Keir Starmer
35:00  Germany
36:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

49:00  Jews have to die for liberal democracy.

Anglo Israelism

Imagining an America with licensed brothels and love hotels under a restored patriarchy

Jewess or Jewish

1:00  Christians
3:00  Getting cancelled
4:00  Preaching to the converted
5:00  Reform Jews are heretics.
6:00  Rabbis have no influence over Jews.
Chief Rabbi Mirvis the heretic
7:00  The Pope is the final authority on Catholic doctrine.
9:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
10:00  Assimilated Jews
11:00  Hierarchy > egalitarianism
13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
War party
14:00  Only defensive and successful imperial wars are allowed.
15:00  Proselytising Muslims
16:00  Islamic principle against idolatry
17:00  America does not have an official religion.
19:00  Vincent was threatened with beheading.

21:00  Intersections of Extremisms
White Nationalist/Salafi-Jihadi
Propaganda Overlaps and Essentialist
Narratives about Muslims
25:00  Cleanliness
26:00  Surrogacy and artificial wombs
27:00  Stupid and poor whites can't manage what stupid poor Muslims do.
28:00  Degenerate Islamophobes
30:00  Working mothers
31:00  Women cause problems
32:00  Mother and MGTOW
33:00  LGBTQ is cheap sex.
34:00  Wife sex or prostitute sex?
35:00  Comics and neurotics
36:00  Principles come from religious principles.
37:00  Fornicators and fornicatresses engage in fornication.
38:00  Incest, adultery, fornication, bestiality and sodomy are religious concepts.
39:00  Loss of reasoning tools.
To explain something is not to justify it. 
40:00  Shooting the messenger

Vincent Bruno is the smartest person in the West I talk to.

41:00  Conservatives are vapid and stupid.
42:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are better educated than Catholics.
44:00  Gay men are not like Vincent.
45:00  Spacepan
47:00  White men who get non-white women and gay men to speak for them.
48:00  Men applying to the matriarchy for their rights only confirm their low status.
50:00  Das Kapital was published in 1848.
51:00  What Hitler should have done instead of starting WW2
53:00  Hitler wanted to ban usury with Feder.
54:00  Europe is a continent with people in it.

English people of Tudor times would be different to English  people of the Victorian Age.

55:00  We want to feel that our legislation and rights are based on the best moral and legal political system in the world. 

56:00  People in the same family cannot even agree on their politics.

America not having an official religion is a problem for the rest of the world. 

57:00  Equal pay
58:00  Divide and rule.
59:00  Questioning the intentions of women of child-bearing age
1:00:00  More chiefs and Indians
1:01:00  Fuddy duddies
1:04:00  Bores can be useful.
1:05:00  Vincent's parents
1:06:00  "Lamo"
1:07:00  Why women despise men
1:10:00  Ambitious women
1:11:00  Ageing and shrinking society
1:12:00  Ninevites
1:13:00  The fall of the Qin Dynasty
1:14:00  Marx
1:15:00  Islam
1:16:00  Iran and a purge
1:17:00  The Koran tolerates prostitution.
1:18:00  Men must pay for sex.
1:19:00  Wife sex or prostitute sex with nothing in between
1:20:00  Love hotels for a bring your own prostitute
1:21:00  Trans women
1:25:00  Biological parents
1:27:00  Average parents
1:32:00  "You're just like your father/mother!"
1:37:00  Slaves
1:38:00  Beware technocrats.
1:39:00  Space exploration
1:40:00  Marriage licence

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno, Stephen J James and Jon Vance who renounced Islam

3:00  Guillotine
8:00  Lethal injection, 
11:00  Carl Schmitt
12:00  Russia should become a one-party state.
14:00  George Washington's farewell speech
18:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
20:00  The intelligent people become corrupt.
Clintons and Bushes are like royal families of America.
21:00  Elizabeth Glass
22:00  Storm in a teacup
24:00  Otto Pohl
28:00  Greed and fear
30:00  No point crying over spilled milk.
31:00  Christianity
32:00  Principles
33:00  Proposing the solution of Secular Koranism
35:00  Religion of victimhood
36:00  Secular Koranism supports the First Amendment.
37:00  Tranny Islam
38:00  Khalid Safir
40:00  Narish Kalia
41:00  Ann Coulter
42:00  Carol
43:00  Shock and awe

45:00  Religion
46:00  English Reformation
48:00  Judaism and Islam
49:00  Islamic rules and rituals
50:00  Mormonism
52:00  Principles
53:00  Muslims vote left.
One-party state
54:00  Are theDissident Right democrats?
55:00  Conservatives don't vote.
57:00  Electoral college
1:02:00  Overton window
1:06:00  Slut-shaming
1:07:00  Israel
1:08:00  Muslim Republicans
1:11:00  Trump's Muslim voters
1:14:00  Ann Coulter
1:15:00  1% of the vote
1:17:00  Jews and Latinos
1:19:00  Minority votes
1:21:00  White whingeing
1:22:00  Western men are not prepared to sacrifice their sexual access to women. 
1:23:00  Stupid white people
1:25:00  Jon Vance
1:26:00  Jon Vance renunciation of Islam
1:27:00  "90% of your children are useless."
1:28:00  MGTOW

1:31:00  JON VANCE joins.
Alternative forms of child rearing
1:33:00  Jon Vance on dysgenics
1:34:00  Polygyny
1:48:00  Stephen J James

1:51:00  Given up on Islam
1:54:00  Cult leader
1:56:00  Becoming extinct
1:56:00  The dawn of extinction
1:57:00  Eugenics
1:58:00  Tranny girlfriend
2:00:00  Fertility cult
2:01:00  Epigenetics
2:03:00  Utopia
2:07:00  Healthy values
2:09:00  "Babylonian society"
2:09:00  High value people
2:12:00  Living in a community
2:13:00  God
2:14:00  Tranny girlfriend
2:15:00  Masculine forms of textual expression
2:16:00  Men who try harder than women to be women
2:17:00  Trans women are better value.
2:22:00  Women the cause of homophobia.
2:23:00  Vinent jealous of attractive heterosexual men.
2:29:00  Ann Coulter accuses Bill Clinton.

2:37:00  Jon Vance is a Vincent Bruno convert.
2:38:00  Vincent finds Khalid annoying.  
2:42:00  Marriage substitutes
2:43:00  Mother shopping around for a religion
2:44:00  Vincent's autobiography

2:50:00  Joseph
2:52:00  Edward Martin
2:53:00  The principles of a Reform Judaism
2:54:00  Jay Walker
2:56:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

Men complaining like women expecting women to correct their mistakes do not deserve to live in an advanced civilisation

The achievement of any race would be the achievement of empire. Empires are measured by their expanse and duration built on nations consisting of tribes. Great civilisations are great empires built on the rule of law based on a moral system supporting the practice of marriage.

The West is declining because it is a matriarchy toppling the pillars of Western civilisation while the men complain like women.

Is it God or the CIA that is conducting a global Milgram experiment?

If God exists, He would be looking down with interest to see the results of his global Milgram experiment.

Jews believe that a compassionate God would give us a cure before the disease, to test our God-given faculty of reason. Are degenerate Westerners marinating in the moral sewage of their matriarchy still capable of moral and deductive reasoning?

Liam T Jarrett on the 18th Koraniyule 2023

2:00  Intro
8:00  Historicity of Jesus
10:00  Muhammad and mysticism
11:00  Spirituality
13:00  Good and evil
14:00  The most important question
15:00  Our axioms do not agree.

If we all instinctively know what is good or evil, why is there so much crime?

16:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.
18:00  Why Constantine adopted Christianity for the Roman Empire
19:00  Paganism and polytheism
22:00  Darwin
24:00  Nature and purpose of religion
26:00  Gentiles are in receipt of the final and best revelation from God.
28:00  Catholicism < Protestantism = WASP supremacy
30:00  Iron Age religious traditions
31:00  World religions > cults
Donald Trump
33:00  Aquarianism
35:00  Compliments about me through speculating on my star sign! 
37:00  Fortune telling, augurs and astrologers and their art
51:00  Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill
52:00  Secular Koranism
53:00  Noahide laws
55:00  Blasphemy
59:00  Mahdi
1:00:00  Divine feminine and masculine
1:01:00  Jews
1:05:00  Shabbos goy
1:06:00  Prostitution
1:07:00  Fatwa
1:08:00  Vincent Bruno and Adam Green
1:10:00  Astrology etc
1:12:00  Doooovid and Church of Entropy
1:13:00  Reformation of the Abrahamic religions
1:17:00  Marital status
1:18:00  Patriarchy
1:21:00  Jacob and Esau
1:22:00  Whiteness
1:26:00  Gender relations
1:29:00  Academia promoting the historicity of the prophets of God.
1:30:00  Sharia
1:31:00  The eugenic filter of marriage
1:33:00  Patriarchy
1:34:00  The Founding Fathers separated the church from their state.
1:35:00  Jews blamed for Mormonism.
1:36:00  Secular Koranism on the wife-beating verse
1:37:00  Corporal punishment for sex offenders
1:38:00  An alpha male to protect the interests of marriageable beta males
1:39:00  Progressive degeneracy
1:40:00  No sex before marriage.

Monday, 18 December 2023

Vincent Bruno after streaming with Khalid Safir about the logic of believing in God

2:00  Uncaused First Cause
5:00  The Abrahamic God does not even need to exist for people to want to believe in Him.
6:00  Science and philosophy are two different branches of learning.
7:00  Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy.
8:00  Jen Scharf disliked the term Hinduism.
9:00  Hidden idolatry is hypocrisy.
11:00  Jews want to submit to rabbinically-guided Noahidism.
12:00  People believe what they want.
13:00  America doesn't have a religion.
14:00  A literal but permissive approach to interpreting the Koran
15:00  It will be an American effort and American reading. 
17:00  A committee of cultists creating their own religion
19:00  The greatest story ever told
20:00  The total number of Jews, Christians and Muslims
21:00  SK USA
23:00  Marriage
25:00  How are gay men going to choose their leader?
28:00  Vincent does not intend to ban Judaism, Christianity and Islam immediately.
Noahide laws
35:00  Absurd beliefs of Christianity
40:00  Islamophobes
42:00  Jews incite antisemitism against themselves. 
45:00  The ruling classes
46:00  Mark Collett
48:00  Millenniyule 
51:00  Snorkelblog

57:00  SK USA
59:00  Muslims have never interpreted their Koran properly.
1:02:00  Consultation
1:04:00  Putting people into groups eg Jews, Christians, Muslims                          
No nihilists will be allowed to have offspring. 
1:06:00  Ministry of Debate
Jon Vance
1:08:00  Trannies
1:13:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:14:00  Spacepan
1:15:00  Ghostwriter for Beyondism
1:18:00  Swastika Night

Elliott Blatt on the 17th Koraniyule 2023

Apocalypse now.
4:00  Feminism
6:00  How men should deal with feminists
7:00  Men should not apply to the matriarchy for their rights.
9:00  Nationalists playing online games.
10:00  Lack of achievement
Suck it up.
11:00  Moaning minnies unattractive to women
12:00  Damsels in distress
13:00  Complementary partnerships
14:00  Co-ed high schools have to go.
15:00  Secular Koranism
17:00  School shootings
18:00  Napoleon Dynamite
20:00  Cheerleaders and jocks
21:00  Why women are bitchy
22:00  Steven Crowder
23:00  The problem of mass atheism
24:00  Atheists unconsciously reaching out to God
25:00  Chinese Indonesian colleague
27:00  Deism - non-Trinitarianism
28:00  Racial segregation in prisons
31:00  Prison conversions to Islam
32:00  Rules 
34:00  Ann Coulter
35:00  Donald Trump
36:00  Obama
37:00  Trump identifies as nationalist.
38:00  Civic nationalism is not allowed.
40:00  Three global Christian empires: the Spanish, British and American Empires.
41:00  British abolished slavery in 1830.
42:00  Free movement of people, good and services
44:00  The EU was made in America.
45:00  Living in an economic zone
46:00  Rabbi Sacks said we are all living in hotel rooms.
48:00  When Italy united under Rome
49:00  Zollverein
50:00  Usury and property prices
53:00  Prisons and slavery
54:00  Indentured servitude is slavery.
56:00  Workfare
58:00  There is no point in saying anything not shocking. 
1:00:00  Ram raiding
1:01:00  Secular Koranist in-training
1:03:00  Tards
1:05:00  Questions rather than statements
1:09:00  Elliott's proposals
1:11:00  Questions at the end of every chapter of Secular Koranism
1:13:00  Middle classes
1:15:00  Bread and circuses
1:17:00  Mercenaries
1:18:00  Imperial wars
1:19:00  People are made cowards by their atheism.
1:20:00  Religion and genetics
1:22:00  Things need to be said.
1:23:00  Is Trump the Messiah?
1:24:00  Sodomites in the Senate
1:28:00  Jon Vance's tranny girlfriend
1:34:00  Gender roles
Labour shortage
1:36:00  Alpha male leader chosen by beta males
1:37:00  Vincent Bruno
1:40:00  Nihilists
1:42:00  University education
1:43:00  Idolatry
1:44:00  Patriarchy
1:45:00  Feminism bribes men with cheap sex.
1:46:00  Religious traditions and sublimation
1:47:00  Victorian architecture in San Francisco
1:48:00  Gender relations
1:50:00  Burkas
1:52:00  Lions and lionesses
1:53:00  OV
1:55:00  Families
1:57:00  Spartacus moment
1:58:00  Divine narrative
1:59:00  Hamas Israel War
2:00:00  The silent majority is the moral majority.
2:01:00  Hare Krishna
2:02:00  An admonition
2:03:00  Messiah Substitute
2:04:00  Jesus Superstar
2:06:00  Hanukkah

Challenging Liam T Jarrett former Catholic about to create a new religion from 2:07:00

Sunday, 17 December 2023

Snorkelblog on the 16th Koraniyule 2023

2:00  Judaism
4:00  Different strokes for different folks.
8:00  The rules of religion
9:00  Gentiles culturally appropriated the scripture and God of Jews.
10:00  Joseph Atwill's Caesar's Messiah
12:00  The supremacy of the Abrahamic God
14:00  The oneness of God
15:00  Atenism
17:00  Light unto nations
18:00  The lion and the lamb
20:00  Have you ever seen a Jew in the woods?
21:00  Israel is an American colony.
23:00  Uganda and Madagascar
24:00  Hamas Charter

"Americans were a passive people."

25:00  CIA and Jew
Avril Haines
26:00  Who owns Mitsubishi Bank?
27:00  Substitute Jew for American, and American for Jew.
28:00  Holocaust Denial
29:00  America is Zionist.
31:00  Millenniyule
33:00  Supersessionism
34:00  Caesar's Messiah
37:00  Christianity has acquired three global empires.
39:00  Christo-Liberalism is now kaput.
40:00  Imperialism is irresistible.
European Wars of Religion
41:00  Constantine the Great
42:00  Christianity failed to support the divine right of kings.
43:00  Australia is useful to America.
44:00  Neocons
46:00  Black Americans who rape Japanese women
47:00  Catholic Church
49:00  The chickens have come home to roost.
54:00  No fault divorce
56:00  Rotherham
59:00  Turkey
1:00:00  Instant citizenship for non-Americans who fight wars for the American Empire
1:01:00  White only immigration
1:03:00  Chickens coming home to roost.

"Go forth and multiply."

1:04:00  Enoch Powell
1:07:00  An ageing and shrinking society
1:08:00  Men of fighting age - 18 to 40
Joseph and Jeremiah

1:11:00  "Our ruling classes are not us."
The ruling classes of the West pander to the female preference.
1:13:00  Israelis also suffer from the same social policies as liberal democrats of the West.
1:14:00  A Roman bridge
1:17:00  The Chinese build.

1:22:00  WW1 and WW2 was Europeans destroying themselves as the Greeks destroyed themselves in the Peloponnesian War.

1:24:00  History is written by the victor.
1:25:00  The narrative is changed after every war and every revolution.
1:26:00  All global empires want a slice of Israel's ass.
1:27:00  The zenith of British power was reached in the reign of Victoria. 
1:29:00  Jewish scripture and the God of Israel were culturally appropriated by gentiles.

1:33:00  Only God gets to say what is good or evil.
1:34:00  The Book of Isaiah and Jeremiah
That would be the milk of a shiksa who is an unmarried mother.
1:36:00  The world is controlled by Americans.
1:37:00  The British narrative is that they sacrificed their empire to protect the Jews and the burden has now passed to the Americans.
1:38:00  The rason d'etre of the American Empire is to protect the Jews.
1:40:00  The female voter
1:41:00  Hidden idolatry
1:43:00  Turkish guest workers
1:44:00  Keith Joseph
1:45:00  Marriage
1:47:00  The marriage license licenses the parties to the  marriage to have sex and children with each other. 
1:50:00  The Talmud
1:51:00  We are either the slaves of God or the slaves of our government.
1:53:00  Legitimate and illegitimate offspring
1:54:00  The Gods Must Be Crazy
1:55:00  G K Chesterton
1:57:00  The family is a microcosm of society.
1:58:00  Evil is natural.
1:59:00  Religious principles regulate our behaviour towards each other.
2:02:00  The merchants
2:03:00  Philosophers and the worship of Mammon
2:05:00  Artificial wombs
2:06:00  Israel is not a Torah theocracy.
2:07:00  The purpose of Jews
2:08:00  The Evil Inclination
2:09:00  Stephen J James, Thomas Baden-Riess and Vincent Bruno
2:10:00  Jon Vance

Saturday, 16 December 2023

Andy Nowicki on the 15th Koraniyule 2023

1:00  Andy Nowicki intro
2:00  Columbine Pilgrim
6:00  Run Amok
12:00  Falling Down
13:00  Secular Koranism
15:00  Five world religions
16:00  English Reformation
17:00  Sex Revolution and sexual corruption
18:00  Restoring the patriarchy
19:00  Redemption
20:00  Jonah
24:00  Slut-shaming
25:00  Free love
28:00  Jordan Peterson's forced monogamy
29:00  Privileging married parents
30:00  Area of agreement between white indigenous social conservatives and immigrants
33:00  All empires decline in the same way.
34:00  Ann Coulter
35:00  Keith Joseph
38:00  George Washington's farewell speech
39:00  One-party state
40:00  Unmarried mothers
41:00  Process server
43:00  Alt-right response
45:00  Cultural Marxism is feminism.
47:00  Fornication
50:00  Complementary schismogenesis
52:00  Women given the wrong instructions.
55:00  Intersectionality
56:00  Official moral system
57:00  Islam
59:00  Secular Koranism
1:01:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.
1:02:00  The last 250 years have demonstrated the failure of Christianity.
1:04:00  The Abrahamic God and Jews
1:05:00  Organised religion
1:06:00  Confucianists
1:07:00  Social credit system is virtue signalling.
1:09:00  The national interest
1:10:00  Anti-white matriarchy
1:11:00  Blanche Dubois
1:12:00  Japan and China
1:13:00  A shrinking and ageing population
1:14:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
1:15:00  Jefferson Bible
1:16:00  The New Testament < The Koran
1:17:00  Sermon on the Mount
1:19:00  The Koran
1:24:00  Secularism
1:25:00  Catholicism
1:26:00  Sexual immorality
The Talmud
1:27:00  Reasoning by analogy
1:28:00  Gender and labour relations
1:29:00  Khums and welfare state
1:30:00  Workfare
1:31:00  Slavery
1:34:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system.
1:36:00  Heretic burning
1:37:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380
1:38:00  Catholics are remnants of the Roman Empire.
1:39:00  Reformation and Pontifex
1:40:00  The church is a creature of the state.
1:41:00  Thomas Cranmer
1:43:00  The monarch was head of the Church of England.
1:45:00  The Koran

The alternative TBG Christmas special


15:00  Better to be abused than ignored.
18:00  Millenninanny
21:00  Michael Parkinson
22:00  Jonathan Ross and Russell Harty
23:00  Resolving differences
25:00  Prison conversions to Islam
27:00  Spouse
30:00  Racial consciousness
32:00  Women choose.
37:00  JF Gariepy
41:00  Genetic diseases
42:00  Mentally deficient offspring
44:00  IVF 
45:00  Marriage is a eugenic filter.
46:00  Chaste woman
47:00  Free DNA test for the married father

Private DNA paternity testing is illegal, including through laboratories in other countries, and is punishable by up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State has described the law's purpose as upholding the "French regime of filiation" and preserving "the peace of families."


50:00  Winning a race instead of being parachuted in.

52:00  Making marriage more inclusive

55:00  JON VANCE joins.

56:00  Bastards

57:00  Family law


1:18:00  Jon Vance admits his "girlfriend" is trans.

1:26:00  Jon has not yet met his tranny "girlfriend". 

1:33:00  Jon is "homo-erotic".

1:46:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

1:54:00   "You left Claire Khaw because she was gay-friendly."

1:57:00  Howard Stern

2:01:00  Lady boys

2:03:00  Marriage substitutes

2:04:00  "Suitable partner"

2:05:00  Surrogacy

Vincent Bruno's plans

AI generated Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno 1:00  Reaction to Vincent's SK blog 5:00  Forecast for the adoption of Secular Koranism 10:00  Rea...