1:00 Reaching a logical conclusion
2:00 In our post-truth society, people will still make a decision not because it is the right thing to do, but on the probability of enjoying some benefit. In short, people will vote for a political party the way they would bet on a horse. They act on probability rather than principle.
3:00 Agreeing on reality
4:00 Short-term thinking v long-term thinking
Principled action
Belief in the Abrahamic God
6:00 The Koran is both clear and complex.
7:00 The attributes of the Abrahamic God
8:00 c 500 verses in the Koran is capable of being made into legislation.
10:00 Zakat
14:00 Sunni
15:00 Sunni-Shia debate
18:00 Arab v non-Arab conflict became Sunni v Shia.
20:00 Quresh v Islam over gardens
21:00 A Supreme Court of Sharia in each country.
23:00 Second fitnah
28:00 60 wars
A Caliph is not a king.
30:00 The Caliphate must be Iran.
31:00 "People are faith are cattle to be moved."
32:00 Monarchies are not halal.
33:00 The Servant of the Two Mosques in an absolute monarch.
34:00 Papal Conclave
37:00 The good should be strong, the strong should be good.
38:00 Algeria
39:00 Atomised citizens most reliant on their government would be least able to fend for themselves in the event of a failed state, while those in communities made out of families would fare better.
40:00 Promise keeping
41:00 The Abrahamic God
42:00 Atheist morality
43:00 Atheists are easily threatened and bribed.
44:00 The principle of reciprocity
45:00 Atheists, nihilists and narcissists
46:00 Hypocrites
47:00 Atheists are less moral.
48:00 C S Lewis's theodicy
49:00 God created good and evil according to the Book of Isaiah.
53:00 Choosing the best moral system must be the solution.
54:00 Patriarchy
56:00 The matriarchy distracts us with sex and drugs.
58:00 Sexual morality is the basis of all other morality.
59:00 Edward Bernays
1:00:00 Cannon-fodder
1:01:00 Oligarchies and their election campaigns
1:02:00 George Washington warned against political parties.
1:03:00 Israel
1:05:00 The cost of running a global empire
1:06:00 Controlling the world through liberal democracy
1:08:00 Military hierarchy is the shape of the pyramid.
1:09:00 Khums
1:11:00 Muslims conquered Romans and Persians in one summer.
1:15:00 Belief in God makes soldiers fight more bravely.
1:17:00 The Koran regulates gender relations, labour relations, consumer relations and international relations.
1:18:00 Islam threatens the matriarchy.
Westerners have utter contempt for Christians.
1:20:00 Repentance/teshuvah
1:22:00 Choosing an identity within our comfort zones
1:23:00 The correct Muslim attitude towards curious non-Muslims
1:24:00 The education and parenting of the next generation is all-important.
1:25:00 Jews are not fit for the purpose of being God's Chosen People.
1:26:00 Rabbi Mizrachi
1:29:00 Noahide laws
1:32:00 Christianity is uncodified.
1:33:00 36 capital offences in the Torah
1:34:00 quran.com/18/4
1:35:00 The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:36:00 Shahid Bolsen
1:37:00 Unmarriageable bachelors would predictably reject Islam and/or Secular Koranism.
1:38:00 Powerful minorities
1:39:00 Muslims refuse to make the arguments.
1:40:00 All the five world religions take marriage seriously.
1:41:00 Foreign labour brought into replace the non-working indigenous proletariat
1:42:00 Playing the blame game
1:43:00 Good wives and good husbands
1:44:00 Christian nationalism
1:45:00 A Christian Amendment would abolish the First Amendment.
1:46:00 Latest developments in the Dissident Right
1:48:00 The generation gap
1:49:00 Parenting is just as important as partner-selection.
1:51:00 Our government now supports matriarchy.
1:52:00 The matriarchy with its low standards of sexual morality relies on the ignorance and indifference of the average female voter for its survival.
1:53:00 Pool of voter
1:55:00 Is voting mass compulsive behaviour?
1:57:00 Married fathers with adult children who are a credit to them should be the national leader.
1:59:00 Who can run for POTUS
2:03:00 CEOs and bailouts
Crisis of 2008 and Enron
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