Monday, 9 December 2024

Carol WMW on the 3rd Koraniyule 2024

1:00  Restoring the Caliphate
4:00  Ottoman Empire
5:00  Muslim countries that are not theocratic Islamic republics cannot be a prospective candidate for the Caliphate.
6:00  80% of the Ummah are Sunni, 20% are Shia.
7:00  Secular Koranism would bring about Muslim unity. 
8:00  ISIS are Muslim men of fighting age who are the mercenaries of America.
9:00  United Islamic Nations
10:00  End game is splitting Russia into three regions? 
Eastern Question
13:00  Modernisation of the military did not take place in the Ottoman Empire.
14:00  Restoring the Caliphate
15:00  All empires die. 
16:00  The Caliphate was a failure.
17:00  The four rightly-guided Caliphs were not kings.
18:00  The non-rightly guided Caliphs were kings.
19:00  The British monarchy
20:00  Housing association
21:00  Experts
22:00  Abolishing the British monarchy
24:00  Constitutional monarchy
25:00  America controls the world through the British monarchy
26:00  51st state
27:00  Trump as Zion Don
28:00  Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Turkey, NATO and Shias
29:00  Peons
30:00  Americans with six figure incomes a paycheck away from being a peon.
31:00  A cashless  society
32:00  Caliph > Emir
33:00  The Japanese Emperor
34:00  UAE 
Could an emir be a king?
36:00  The Papal Conclave
39:00  The Emirate Conclave
40:00  The Papal Conclave Rules
42:00  Carol admits to being a pessimist.
43:00  The Afterlife
44:00  How Carol came to Islam
45:00  N J Dawood was an Iraqi Jew.
46:00  Our ruling classes
47:00  The majority Sunni Ummah are not going to acknowledge Imam  Khamenei as the Caliph.
48:00  Iran is the most powerful Islamic republic in the world. 
Sunni scholars living under a monarch are morally and intellectually compromised.
49:00  Could Imam Khamenei's son could succeed him making the Supreme Leader a monarchy? 
50:00  The Papal Conclave
51:00  Big Brother House
53:00  Yasir Qadhi

55:00  If America adopted Secular Koranism with American Characteristics and put its hat into the ring of contestants to be the Caliphate, it could end in theory be chosen. 

56:00  Secular Koranism used wisely by America could give its global empire a new lease of life. 

57:00  Communications
58:00  Middle management in the CIA, FBI etc.
59:00  Zionist appointees
1:01:00  Zionism is an imperial project.

John Nelson Darby
1:03:00  The current generation of Americans are not Zionists.
1:04:00  Nobody votes on foreign policy.
1:05:00  The Trinity
1:06:00  Discussion about politics between the generations
1:08:00  White nationalists could take over Secular Koranism to protect themselves from Islam.
1:09:00  Islam was called a heresy by Christians. 
1:11:00  ROTC were mostly Mormons.
1:12:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.

1:13:00  KKK thought they were lighting a cross.
1:14:00  Civic nationalism is the only way for white nationalists to go.
1:15:00  God punishes idolatry.
1:16:00  The compulsion to blame Jews
David Duke and Jared Taylor
1:17:00  Not all white nationalists are not white supremacists.
White nationalists have no choice but to adopt civic nationalism. 
1:19:00  Israel First when it should be American First.
1:21:00  NATO
Marco Rubio is a Christian Zionist.
1:23:00  White/Christian Nationalists who hate Jews worship a Jew. 
1:24:00  More Christian Zionists in AIPAC than Jewish Zionists.

1:25:00  Jews and Muslims have a religion while the people who complain about them - antisemites who are atheists and nihilists or Christian do not.

1:26:00  The Jefferson Bible

The Koran > The New Testament

1:27:00  People who identify as Christian are liberal democrats who trust Congress to make up the rules as they go along. When they get bad government, they blame the Jews. 

Your beliefs dictate your actions.

1:28:00  White Westerners only claim to be Christian because they want to remain white and middle class.

1:29:00  Nobody knows what Christian principles are.
1:30:00  Islam created an empire, Christianity failed to prop up an empire.
1:31:00  Christianity failed to defend the divine right of kings.
1:32:00  The Spanish Empire was a Catholic Empire followed by the Protestant empires of Britain and America.
1:34:00  People who claim to be Christians are hypocritical atheists. 

1:35:00  White nationalists are motivated by displaying their hatred rather than righteousness or obedience to God.

1:36:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in the End Times.

1:38:00  Immigrants were invited in to work in the essential services.
1:40:00  Demographics
1:41:00  UN, George Washington and John Adams
1:42:00  Eschatology
1:44:00  To you your beliefs and to me mine. 
1:45:00  Idolatry
1:46:00  Free will
1:47:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.
1:48:00  Karma
1:49:00  Reincarnation
1:50:00  The Afterlife
1:51:00  What would bring about justice and peace on earth?
1:52:00  Saying bad words
1:53:00  "The meek will inherit the earth."
1:54:00  Jihad
1:55:00  A matter of interpretation
1:57:00  Bill of Rights
1:58:00  The First Amendment
1:59:00  Do not promote anything that undermines the 1st and 2nd Amendment.
2:00:00  The Trinity
2:01:00  Tawhid
The nature and purpose of the Trinity
2:03:00  Sheilaism
2:04:00  Religion is about morality.
2:05:00  Perjury, truth and logic
2:06:00  The Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible. 

Why are Americans defending an anachronistic religion that in any case failed to defend the anachronistic institution of the monarchy?

2:07:00  Monarchy is useful to the American  Empire. 

Mormons and Unitarian Christians are liberal. 

2:08:00  Religion has the nature and purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality by promoting the institutions of marriage and the family.

2:09:00  America is the land of cults.
2:10:00  Secular Koranism is not a belief system, but a legal system.
2:11:00  Being a non-denominational Christian
2:12:00  Being a member of a religious group and enjoying its benefits
2:13:00  Judaism
2:14:00  Being a cultural Christian
Confirmed Christians
2:15:00  The Church was always meant to be a Creature of the State.
2:16:00  Edward Gibbon blamed Christianity for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
2:17:00  Constantine would have chosen Islam instead of Christianity if this hads been an option for him.
2:18:00  People who convert to the wrong religion
2:19:00  Choosing the most rational religion
2:20:00  Choosing a religion for social, political and career advancement
2:21:00  Creoles were the managerial class of the British Empire.
2:22:00  Christians white and non-white
2:23:00  Tovia Singer
2:25:00  The excommunication of Spinoza

2:27:00  The Third Principles of Judaism
2:28:00  The Koran mentions Allah as having a hand. 
2:30:00  The Burning Bush and the Holy Spirit

2:33:00  Predestination
2:36:00  Optimism
2:37:00  It was meant to be.
2:38:00   Calvinist and Hanbali predestination
Don't you even think about becoming a political activist.
2:40:00  Absolution
2:44:00  Sin
2:45:00  Slavery and blacks
2:47:00  Spinoza
2:48:00  St Augustine
2:49:00  Original Sin
2:51:00  Either we were all born Muslim or born depravity.
2:52:00  Absolution
2:54:00  Confession of venial sins
2:55:00  Calvin lifted the ban on usury.
2:56:00  Secular Koranism
2:57:00  Calvinists are harder on the out group than Catholics?
2:58:00  Not sharing the same values
2:59:00  Deism v Theism
3:00:00  Allegiance to the Ottomans
3:01:00  Religious persecution in Europe
3:02:00  Puritans v Quakers
3:03:00  Streaking and baptisms 
3:04:00  Horsehair
3:07:00  Anabaptists and Mennonites
3:08:00  Chrismation
3:10:00  Confirmation ceremony
3:11:00  First Communion
3:12:00  The Trinity: vapour, liquid, ice
3:14:00  Confirmation
3:15:00  The power of organised religion
3:16:00  Monasteries in Ireland
Churches were indoctrination centres
3:17:00  Your personal relationship with God as a Muslim
3:20:00  Communion
3:21:00  Minyan
3:22:00  Wali
3:24:00  Having an official moral system
3:26:00  Law and faith
Belief in the afterlife
3:27:00  Koraniyule
3:31:00  Casino on Indian Reservation
3:33:00  Shows
3:34:00  Nickel machine and roulette
3:36:00  Halal slaughter

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