Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Should it be a crime for Jews to incite hatred against themselves?

What is racism? Saying anything that could be found offensive by a member of another race, even if no offence was intended.

Who is an anti-Semite? You are an anti-Semite if a liberal assimilated Jew hates you.

An anti-Semite is lower in status than the Jew, of course. The moment a liberal assimilated Jew who hates your political views calls you an anti-Semite and you argue with him, you are stuffed, because he will always use this labelling as his weapon of choice.

Once you are smeared in this way and lose your reputation, job and income, your status can never recover, so, even if you never hated Jews before, you will end up hating them. This is how liberal assimilated Jews "win the argument" when they silence you. Incidentally, this is exactly the same tactic feminists use to silence the beta male victims of feminism.

When you allude to this well-known and repeated tactic, they repeat again that you are an anti-Semite, and you lose the argument yet again.

What is the solution? Allow people the liberty of hating whom they choose as long as they do not incite crimes against people. But is there even a law against this anyway?

Liberal assimilated Jews should know that the best way of making people hate you is to forbid them from hating you. The surest way of increasing anti-Semitism is to complain about it.

But perhaps the whole idea was for the media to incite liberal assimilated Jews into complaining about anti-Semitism thereby inciting anti-Semitism against themselves for which they will never be prosecuted, and then reduce the liberty of gentiles because they will be frightened into not mentioning Jews either to each other, much less to Jews. Fear is always followed by hatred. Greater fear will of course be followed by greater hatred.

Should liberal assimilated Jews be prevented from inciting hatred against themselves?

Will this timely and well-meant advice to Jews be interpreted as hateful and I accused of anti-Semitism by liberal assimilated Jews who will hate me just for pointing out this danger?

Distinguishing authentic Orthodox Judaism from Reform Judaism is crucial to preserving the good of Jewish identity and keeping observant Jews safe

Rabbi Bassous tells his congregation about Ofsted and fundamental British values.

Rabbi Bassous sprung into the headlines earlier this year when he denounced Rabbi Dweck for a lecture on gay love given at a Hendon synagogue.

More recently, he was one of 25 right-wing Orthodox rabbis who issued a notice warning their congregants to stay away from JW3.

Accusing the centre of encouraging “homosexual activities” in his talk, which  has been circulated on Youtube, Rabbi Bassous criticised the “silence” of the Chief Rabbi and the London Beth Din.

The Chief Rabbi has lent his passive support to the JW and their activities. "To lend active or passive support to institutions that officially encourage or condone homosexual activities is tantamount to a denial or defiance of the Word of God." Who wrote that? Rabbi Chaim Rapoport in an authentic view endorsed by Lord Jonathan Sacks.

Rapoport has written about homosexuality from an Orthodox perspective. His book, Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View (Vallentine Mitchell, 2004), was prefaced by Dayan Berel Berkowitz, a senior Judge of the Beth Din of the Federation of Synagogues, where he describes it as "the first meaningful attempt to articulate a strictly orthodox perspective on the question of Homosexuality". The book's forward was written by the then Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks who described Rapoport as "a courageous figure who has written on a difficult subject that many would rather avoid".

Rabbi Bassous asks "Who are the modern-day Hellenists?" Reform Jews!

Laura Janner-Klausner, the senior rabbi to Reform Judaism, said: “The Jewish community should be proud that we are a welcoming and inclusive place for LGBT individuals. The signatories of this latest letter do not appear to represent the majority of mainstream British Jewry.”

It had to be a woman, eh?

83% of female MPs voted for gay marriage while only 48% of male MPs did. What does this say about feminism?

What is Rabbi Dweck?

A Reform Rabbi masquerading as an Orthodox Rabbi?

A wolf in sheep's clothing?

A liberal masquerading as a Conservative. There are many of those in all religions. 

How do we spot them?

By knowing what our principles are and uncompromisingly defending them, as Rabbi Bassous and Ann Coulter have.

How sad then to see Rabbi Sacks using his intellect and charisma playing the politician and accusing people left right and centre of anti-Semitism, conforming with the liberal agenda to demonise all critics of liberal democracy.

Although Rabbi Bassous desperately quotes Rabbi Sacks, Rabbi Sacks has been conspicuously silent on the issue.

It was the neocon rabbi Rabbi Sacks who was the one who struck the first blow in this round of attack against Jeremy Corbyn in the hope of toppling him so Labour can have a neocon leader. When this happens, we can proceed unimpeded towards WW3.

 Rabbi Sacks regales his audience with tales of hobnobbing with the neocons and royalty in 1995. From the 18th minute

Former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks says he wouldn’t be in same room as Corbyn after anti-Semitic Facebook row

How is this good for Jew or gentile, Rabbi Sacks?

Rabbi Bassous says Rabbi Dweck is dangerous because he is really a Reform Rabbi masquerading as Orthodox. Perhaps Rabbi Sacks is even more dangerous than Rabbi Dweck, because Rabbi Sacks is much more powerful than Rabbi Dweck, having the ear of the neocon Western political establishment and who is always in and out of Downing Street and the White House drafting their speeches.

I paraphrase Rabbi Kin:

Reform Jews are treasonous to authentic Judaism.

Reform Judaism is like a cheap imitation: false, dangerous, poisonous.

They eat shrimps and frogs' legs too.

Reform Jews who came from Germany thought their homeland was Berlin and America was the New Israel.

Their numbers are declining because they are like the goyim who don't marry, don't have children, and don't stay married in order to parent properly their children.

"It is better that the Reform Jews disappear off the face of the earth to save our Torah from being tampered with."

Reform Jews are like a cheap Chinese imitation of the real thing.

Christianity started as a cheap copy of Judaism with a corrupt bargain - "Say you believe what we believe and become one of us. If you are one of us, we won't persecute you." This bargain was not kept. - nearly 200 years of it.

The Ideal Jew is the one who stands by his religious principles, performs them and answers questions on them, come what may, though the heavens fall. Rabbi Sacks has not yet answered my questions I asked him at 

Indeed, the Ideal Jew is prepared to die for his principles, as Socrates was. Was perhaps Socrates a better Jew than Rabbi Sacks?

Socrates was ordered to commit suicide when he asked too many awkward questions in a warmongering Athens. He was even accused of a historic sexual offence. The parallels between Athens during the Pelopponesian War and the West now are all too horribly obvious. The West is Athens, the Russians are Sparta. The new Romans will be the Muslims. Well, at least the Koran guarantees freedom of worship with

Will Rabbi Sacks continue to refuse to discuss the following?

  1. Whether Israel should be a theocracy rather than a Western colonial outpost resented by the Ummah
  2. Whether America should cease and desist its militarism
  3. Whether Western leaders who propose laws that make the morals of their society fall dangerously below the minimum standards required by the Seven Noahide laws should be treated as Amalek
  4. Whether it is the religious duty of the Jew to point out to gentiles in whose land he lives when their moral standards have fallen dangerously below the minimum moral standards required by the Seven Noahide Laws
  5. Should Orthodox Jews encourage the gentile to adopt Secular Koranism as part of their tikkun olam?
  6. What are the limits of Jewish responsibility?

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

How a neocon liberal assimilated Jew has incited antisemitism and what Orthodox Jews can do to solve the problem of liberal Jews giving Jews a bad name

Can you imagine the feelings of Jewesses as they gaze on Rabbi Dweck and as they look at Rabbi Bassous? Who do you think they will instinctively support without even listening to the arguments?

As you can see from this video, you can see that Rabbi Dweck is a handsome and charming chappie and the women must swoon over him.

Rabbi Dweck's objectionable speech

You may find Rabbi Mizrachi's denunciation of Rabbi Dweck more entertaining than Rabbi Bassous's, but you must listen to his magnificently angry speech. 

The Denunciation of Dweck begins from the 49th minute

The Amalek is mentioned at 1:02.

The Noahide Laws are mentioned at 1:05.

To summarise, Rabbi Bassous is saying that the values of the Torah are non-negotiable and that the policemen inside the heads of Jews is God Himself. Jews should explain to the gentile the benefits of instrumentalising God for a lower crime rate. The Muslims already get it with their sharia, but the Christians are far far behind in all this. The religious duty of the Jew to the gentile is to play their role of being the light of nations, shining the way to conformity with the Seven Laws of Noah to the benighted Post-Christian busily promoting global gay marriage, guided by frivolous fashion, their whims, base appetites and foolish inclinations, the worst of which is the disease of the mind that is feminism.

Rabbi Bassous challenges any rabbi in the world to support what Rabbi Dweck has said about same sex love being "a fantastic development for society".

"Did he think no one would hear? Did he think the rabbis would remain silent?" Dweck has "debased his audience", and by extension the rest of the world because the lecture was being broadcast live.

Jews are supposed to be the light of nations, and to do this must shine the light brightly enough for the gentile to avoid departing from the Seven Noahide laws and falling into the cesspit of Global Gay Marriage. The gentile should be reminded of the usefulness of having a policeman in your head to restrain you from following fashion, base appetites, foolish inclinations, degenerate liberalism or the disease of the mind that is feminism. It would certainly lower the crime rate.

Rabbi Bassous practically calls Dweck an Amalek and calls him "corrupt from beginning to end".

I paraphrase, as you can tell!

Orthodox leader: Chief Rabbi ‘defied the word of God’ by not slating JW3’s LGBT events Aharon Bassous launches extraordinary attack against Chief Rabbi Mirvis over JW3’s festival marking the decriminalisation of homosexuality

Janusz Korwin-Mikke, outspoken leader of Poland’s Congress of the New Right.  Part of his distaste for modern Europe is driven by the position of women, who he says have replaced “privileges” with “equal rights”, a phrase Korwin-Mikke spat out as if it was an insult. Most want to stay at home to raise families, and can’t be trusted to vote, said the twice-married father of six. They are also, he claims, “less tall, less heavy, less intelligent, on the average”. And he adds: “Women usually vote for the more handsome man.”

Monday, 26 March 2018

Jews must now remind gentiles of the Noahide laws


There must be some hierarchy of Jewishness with the Orthodox being top of the pyramids. Unobservant Jews who break the Sabbath are supposed to be stoned so really they are not supposed to exist at all.

Orthodox Jew:

Why should one group be on top of any other in the way you are suggesting. Judaism is and always has been a meritocracy.

Also unobservant jews are NOT supposed to be stoned except under very strict circumstances which practically never occur.


So you don't stone them but consider them dead to Judaism. Bad Jews give good Jews a bad name. Three missed Sabbaths and you are dead to Judaism is what I propose. A synagogic attendance register could work but would make it seem like school with extra marks for not driving to shul as well as per Amalekite exterminated.

Questions is, if one can be considered dead to Judaism, can one be resurrected? Should re-admission to Judaism be treated like having to retake your driving test?

Orthodox Jew:

Judaism is not like Christianity or Islam. Synagogue attendance is not a pre-requisite for Judaism at all. Nor is keeping Shabbat. You can be a good Jew without attending synagogue and there are multiple reasons that Shabbat can be broken. Also even if you are secular and do not keep Shabbat, and even if you gather sticks from outside the town walls, you could be a good Jew. (Look up the Midrashim on the man who gathered sticks in the Book of Numbers).


What you say goes against the Torah though.

Orthodox Jew:

But how many times have you been told that the written Torah is not the same as full Torah. It's a notebook that can ONLY be understood with the aid of the Oral Law, as given in the Talmud and books outlining Jewish law that accompany the Torah. (A bit like the Hadith but more).

So who said it's not in the Torah? It is! (Otherwise you cannot understand all the later books of the Bible. Look at Ruth. Look at the Prophets.... Look at Daniel.... It all shows evidence that the written Torah is not all there is, apart from the ample internal evidence where the Torah clearly states that Jews should do stuff "as I have commanded you" - but there is NO command given in the written Torah. (Half of Kashrut falls into this category. The command is alluded to and that's all).

So cease with the ignorance. As the Passover Haggada says in one place: GO FORTH AND LEARN. (Idiots pronounce on minimal learning. Wiser people keep quiet until they've learned and then ask questions).


The commentary of a book cannot become more important than the book itself and certainly cannot contradict its principles. Unlike you, I have heard of Karaite Jews who also reject the Talmud when it contradicts the Torah. Either the Torah is immutable because it is the Word of God, or it is not. I am also aware of the 13 Laws of Judaism as well as the 613 Commandments.

Anti-feminist Karaite Jew encourages mosque attendance

Karaite Jew recommends Islam for atheists to better fight feminism

Jew prescribing Islam for gentiles satirises white nationalists

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Advice to Jews on how to become less unpopular

Friday, 23 March 2018

Maimonides agrees with Claire Khaw on who the Amalek might be

Rabbi Sacks:

Jewish law ... specifies two completely different forms of action in relation to the Amalekites. First is the physical command to wage war against them. That is what Samuel told Saul to do, a command he failed fully to fulfil. Does this command still apply today?

The unequivocal answer given by Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch is No.[4] Maimonides ruled that the command to destroy the Amalekites only applied if they refused to make peace and accept the seven Noahide laws. He further stated that the command was no longer applicable since Sennacherib, the Assyrian, had transported and resettled the nations he conquered so that it was no longer possible to identify the ethnicity of any of the original nations against whom the Israelites were commanded to fight. He also said, in The Guide for the Perplexed, that the command only applied to people of specific biological descent. It is not to be applied in general to enemies or haters of the Jewish people. So the command to wage war against the Amalekites no longer applies.

It is Rabbi Rabinovitch who claims the job has been done and the Amalek are now extinct.

If you don't want to do something, you would deny that it needs to be done, wouldn't you?

Rabbi Rabinovitch lived in the West and now lives in Israel, I believe.

It is understandable that Rabbi Rabinovitch would be reluctant to call the Americans Amaleks for promoting global gay marriage, controlling the world economy by means of the petrodollar run on usurious principles and grinding the faces of the poor. This is because Jews are a minority in America and Israel a mere colonial outpost. If Israel were what it should be, it would be a theocracy. However, if Israel were a theocracy, American liberals who run the Western political establishment would disapprove and withdraw their support, leaving Israelis vulnerable to their hostile Arab neighbours.

But I have a solution: if they adopted Secular Koranism, this would please and flatter their Muslim neighbours, who would be interested and intrigued to see how the Israelis both Jew and gentile get on with this social experiment. They might even marvel at the surprising way that their Gate of Interpretation has been thrown open by me if Secular Koranism were to be adopted by the Israelis.

Rabbi Mizrachi says the Amaleks are still with us but it would be considered a crime to exterminate them, because there are laws against murder and terrorism.

This being so, I am certainly not encouraging Jews to use violence in order to perform their religious duty. However, it would at least be in order for them to consider what characteristics Amaleks might have and how to identify them.

As I define it, Amaleks are both Jews and gentiles who propose any laws that would lower the moral standards of your society till they fall far below the minimum moral requirements of the Noahide laws.

While Christianity obviously falls below the standards required because it has been practising idolatry and usury for centuries, Islam not only satisfies the Noahide laws but exceeds them, since it forbids usury for all for the same reason Jews are forbidden to practise usury on each other. Unlike Christian clergy, Muslim scholars and clerics are not known for being sexually liberated paedophiles or sodomites busily promoting global gay marriage and transgenderism as well as condoning fornication and bastardy.

If Jews encourage gentiles in the Western political establishment to adopt Secular Koranism, then the Islamic State that comes into being as a result would take over their religious duty of exterminating the Amalek from the Jews, which I know they are reluctant to do anyway.

To be in good standing with God, all Jews have to do is discuss the truth of the following propositions with each other:

  • Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism.
  • Islam is divine civic nationalism.
  • Islam is Judaism Lite.
  • Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 
  • Conservatism is really social conservatism.
  • Social conservatism is about punishing extramarital sex, and in particular about shaming sluts.
  • Because most Westerners now assume that fornication is their inalienable human right, the law must make it very clear to them as soon as possible that extramarital will be treated as a sexual offence and this means the state applying the punishment described at at a tariff of 100 lashes per illegitimate offspring.  
  • Christianity is kaput and falls below the minimum standards of the Noahide laws because it has been practising idolatry and usury for centuries.  
  • Christianity is now known as the religion of the people who promote global gay marriage.
  • People who call themselves Christians don't really believe in the absurdity of the Trinity, they only pretend to do so, and pretending to do so has made them hypocrites, cowards, morally apathetic, corrupt and finally atheist because the culmination of rejecting the Trinity means that they have thrown out the baby of Biblical morality with the bathwater of the Trinity.
  • Islam more than satisfies the requirements of the Noahide laws because it additionally forbids usury for everyone, while Judaism only forbids Jews to practise usury on other Jews.  
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would save Jews from being in bad standing with God for not performing their religious duty of exterminating the Amalekite because it would take over their task of dealing with evil or stupid people proposing degenerate and immoral policies that would make the laws of their society fall below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws. 
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would make fewer people anti-Semitic because Jews can no longer be blamed for the adverse consequences of usury.
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would satisfy the nationalistic cravings of peoples and prevent the persecution of minorities because the rules would be perceived to be fairer by the indigenous populace. 
  • An Islamic State governed by the principles of Secular Koranism would address the grievances of beta male victims of feminism and protect women from the extremism of a White Sharia backlash.
  • White Sharia is more restrictive on women's rights than Secular Koranism. 
  • Between matriarchy and patriarchy, patriarchy is the lesser evil. 
  • All advanced civilisations are patriarchies. 
  • All declining, primitive, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies.
  • Patriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of married fathers.
  • Matriarchies are societies that prioritise the preferences of unmarried mothers with variously fathered illegitimate offspring which they badly parent who then grow into delinquent adolescents and adult criminals who become a burden on the state and a plague on their society. 

Jews - if they are following their vocation of being God's Ambassadors because they are am segula and God's Chosen People as part of their tikkun olam - would be encouraging gentiles in the West to adopt Secular Koranism, which I would like to emphasise is a legal system and not a belief system. I propose that a non-Muslim judiciary (which would include Jews, of course) who have read the Koran would be applying the principles of Secular Koranism for the next 16 years after they have done a training course and passed an examination devised and marked by me.

How Jews could solve the problem of antisemitism

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Is it part of the job description of an Ambassador of God to warn and advise the gentile when his moral standards have fallen dangerously low?

Rabbi Sacks:

To be a Jew is to continue the journey our ancestors began, to help build a world that honours the image of God in every human being and to be part of a people summoned by God to be His ambassadors down here on earth.

Could being an ambassador have in its job description the duty to advise and warn the gentile when he has fallen far below the minimum moral standards of the Seven Noahide laws?

Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality is one of the Noahide laws. Presumably this means not having more bastards than legitimate offspring.

Does the Jew have a duty to raise the alarm if the degenerate gentile is blissfully oblivious to his own degeneracy?

If the Jew has already warned the gentile weakly a few times, does he just forget all about it if there is no improvement and instead the gentile's condition worsens dramatically?

There is not a single senior gentile male politician prepared to protest against the advancing dementia of feminists presumably because he is in fear of being accused of a historic sexual offence, his wife divorcing him under the rules of no fault divorce, his girlfriend or potential girlfriend refusing to grant him sexual access if she perceives him as being too critical of feminism, or his sexually active daughters legitimate or not, underage or not looking askance at him.

If this is the case, does the Jew shrug his shoulders and just give up?

If the West becomes a series of failed states overrun by violent Muslim migrants raping European women, blowing themselves up and murdering Jews as well as gentiles, will all diaspora Jews be able to fit into Israel? Or have they already made arrangements to move to New York?

Is it not time for the Jew to at least follow his religious principles and show a little social responsibility towards the gentile rather than stand idly by while the gentile is destroying himself and allowing himself and his civilisation to be destroyed by his women who despise him and want him replaced by Muslim migrants?

I can understand that Rabbi Sacks does not want to be marginalised for expressing views that could be interpreted to be misogynistic by the feminazi establishment squatting threateningly above our heads. I have been trying to attract the attention of the media and male politicians for years, to no avail. This is because the media and House of Commons are run by feminists and men terrified of them. Muslims seem reluctant to discuss the political potential of Islam to replace and eradicate feminism because they don't want to come to the attention of the Security Services. The reason no one listens to us is because we are low in status compared to Jews who are the aristocracy of humanity. Gentiles however have been known to listen to Jews, as I once heard Rabbi Sacks point out in the case of Jonah.

If this is so, then it must surely be time for Jews to speak again and hopefully avoid the fate of two principled Jews Keith Joseph and Maurice Glasman who had their careers as politicians destroyed when they presumed to criticise immoral gentile women with variously fathered and badly parented illegitimate offspring.

How any rational and moral person, let alone God's Chosen People, can suffer to live in a society where all men are lower than the unmarried mother with badly parented illegitimate offspring without protest is shocking and disgraceful.

"85% of all incarcerated youths grew up in a fatherless home." This statistic comes from Jamaica. Soon Britain will be like Jamaica but without its fine weather.

Recreational sex is a drug and Western governments want us all hooked on it and then die childless without descendants to please the environmental and gay lobby

Why Jews in the West fulfilling their religious duty to promote the Noahide laws should encourage Western governments to adopt Islam

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...