Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Should it be a crime for Jews to incite hatred against themselves?

What is racism? Saying anything that could be found offensive by a member of another race, even if no offence was intended.

Who is an anti-Semite? You are an anti-Semite if a liberal assimilated Jew hates you.

An anti-Semite is lower in status than the Jew, of course. The moment a liberal assimilated Jew who hates your political views calls you an anti-Semite and you argue with him, you are stuffed, because he will always use this labelling as his weapon of choice.

Once you are smeared in this way and lose your reputation, job and income, your status can never recover, so, even if you never hated Jews before, you will end up hating them. This is how liberal assimilated Jews "win the argument" when they silence you. Incidentally, this is exactly the same tactic feminists use to silence the beta male victims of feminism.

When you allude to this well-known and repeated tactic, they repeat again that you are an anti-Semite, and you lose the argument yet again.

What is the solution? Allow people the liberty of hating whom they choose as long as they do not incite crimes against people. But is there even a law against this anyway?

Liberal assimilated Jews should know that the best way of making people hate you is to forbid them from hating you. The surest way of increasing anti-Semitism is to complain about it.

But perhaps the whole idea was for the media to incite liberal assimilated Jews into complaining about anti-Semitism thereby inciting anti-Semitism against themselves for which they will never be prosecuted, and then reduce the liberty of gentiles because they will be frightened into not mentioning Jews either to each other, much less to Jews. Fear is always followed by hatred. Greater fear will of course be followed by greater hatred.

Should liberal assimilated Jews be prevented from inciting hatred against themselves?

Will this timely and well-meant advice to Jews be interpreted as hateful and I accused of anti-Semitism by liberal assimilated Jews who will hate me just for pointing out this danger?

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