Thursday, 1 August 2019

A most interesting theological discussion I had with a Jew from Jerusalem

5:00  The debate I had with Church of Entropy on whether God is personal or impersonal

7:00  The difference between valid and sound arguments

9:00  Anthropomorphism 

11:00  The role of the Holy Spirit

11:30  Holy Mary Mother of God

13:00  Einstein's view of God

14:00  Church of Entropy arguing for an impersonal God talking about "the personality of God"

15:00  God does not break His own laws after creating a logical universe.

16:00  The New Testament does not even claim to be from a divine source. Was the Council of Nicea which cooked up the absurd doctrine of the Trinity that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God divine? Of course not. 

19:00  Church of Entropy cannot be both a pantheist and a panentheist because of the law of the excluded middle.

22:00  Church of Entropy talks illogically about the uncreated universe being created by God. 

23:00  Church of Entropy deliberately complicates things to confuse people and blind them with science and her expertise so she always wins.  

25:00 Church of Entropy and I both used utilitarian arguments ie that an impersonal/personal God would encourage more morality. 

26:00  Pagan empires would also fight each other. Christians started two World Wars and if there is a WW3, Christians will have started it too. 

28:00  Jews who already know about the dangers of idolatry should be harder on Christians about their idolatry.

30:00  Panpsychism

35:00  Kosher Jesus

38:00  Secular Koranism does not require Muslims to interpret it. An Israel consisting entirely of Jews could still interpret Secular Koranism without any assistance from Muslims.  

41:00  A lower standard of theocracy is Secular Koranism. Secular Torahism would be far too harsh on Jews requiring Jews to stone each other to death for breaking the Sabbath or picking up sticks on the Sabbath. 

44:00  The necessity of laws to enforce our morality. It is not enough to just occasionally tune in to God. 

45:00  Laws can only at most discourage but never eradicate the undesired behaviour.

48:00  Gentiles in Israel at Sukkot.

50:00  Tacitus: "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous its laws."

Claire Khaw: "Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow." 

56:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims break their own rules. They should know about each other's religious principles and police each other's behaviour.

59:00  Israel needs to declare independence from America to fulfil its divine destiny. 

1:00:00  Liberal democracy in Israel is undermining Judaism. 

1:01:00  Democracy is about our politicians sharing the blame with us for our collective stupidity, ignorance, incompetence and corruption.

1:02:00  Judaism and Islam reject monarchy.

1:03:00  Measuring wisdom

1:04:00  The Hasmoneans and the separation of powers

1:05:00  Before Jews had Kings, they had Judges - when the judiciary was the quasi-priesthood of the Jews

1:07:00  King Solomon and his 300 wives and 700 concubines

1:08:00  Church of Entropy: "One law for me, and another for thee!" 

1:09:00  Judaism treats its prophets as mortal sinful men which is not as stupid-making as regarding an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of God or insisting that Muhammad was sinless.

1:12:00  Jews and Muslims should police each other's behaviour by studying each other's religious principles and calling each other out when they are seen to be breaking their own rules. 

1:13:00  Doooovid claiming that Judaism was tolerance.  

1:14:00  Doooovid does not justify his idolatry as Hare Krishna. 

1:16:00  Jews have not been calling out Christians out on their idolatry. God is punishing Jews for their neglect of their duty to the gentile.  

1:17:00  Christianity should be seen as the bridge between idolatry and monotheism. Don't go back to worshipping Odin/Wotan, Gandalf! 

1:18:00  Jews have great difficulty accepting the reality of their Covenant with God and its burdens. 

1:19:00  The best theological discussions I have had are with Jews and Muslims. Christians absolutely refuse to discuss their idolatry because they already know that a Sistine Chapel full of Catholic Cardinals could not successfully defend Christianity from the undeniable accusation of idolatry. Christians are more invested in the abomination of their idolatry than in the correct worship of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God.  

1:20:00  Melchy claims that Jews as God's Chosen People have been superseded by Christians who are God's People.  

1:22:00  If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it is probably a duck. This is true of Christian idolatry. Ultimately, Christians worship themselves and their own idolatry. Aaron points out that they don't even cling to their idolatry because so many white gentiles are not Christian and actually actively reject it. The failure of Western civilisation is correlated to the failure of Western men to engage with their own religious principles. 

1:23:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity is so unbelievable and absurd that Christians had to pass oppressive laws eg Blasphemy Act 1697 so they could burn each other at the stake for heresy if any of them denied the co-equal status of an executed revolutionary with the eternal and supreme Abrahamic God. Michael Servetus was a victim of John Calvin, an evil man who said it was OK for Christians to practise usury. 

1:24:00  Western Christians don't know the history of the horrors of the totalitarian intolerance of Christianity. 

1:25:00  The Post-Christian hate and fear Jews and Muslims while envying them their group solidarity but refusing to make sacrifices to achieve this because they think they are too cool for rules. 

1:27:00  Comparing the Day of the Atonement with the stupidity of Christmas of borrowing money you don't have to buy things people don't want repeating the same mistake again and again and again while hating and fearing Jews and Muslims for having their more effective religions. 

1:29:00  The Noahide laws

1:30:00  The Talmud

1:33:00  There is no need to executed gentiles guilty of idolatry.  

1:34:00  The least rabbis in the diaspora can do is denounce gay marriage, transgenderism, sexual immorality and idolatry. God must be punishing Jews because they have been neglecting their duty to the gentile for 2000 years. This must be so because Christians have been guilty of idolatry for 2000 years.  

1:35:00  I point out that the Torah does not forbid father/daughter sexual relations.

1:38:00  For Jews to be light unto the nations is to remind gentiles to keep to the Noahide laws.

1:39:00  It is now time for Israel to declare independence from America, the Great Satan.

1:41:00  Americans would be horrified if Israel became a theocracy.  

1:42:00  America and Israel are analogous to husband and wife. Maybe it is time to get a divorce if Jews are to fulfil their divine destiny. 

1:43:00  A great Israeli way of getting illegal immigrants to go home. 

1:45:00  The West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human. 

1:46:00  Satan is rebellion from God. To be satanic is to directly go against Biblical and Koranic principles. 

1:48:00  The divinely defined borders of Israel

1:50:00  Losing your identity is like losing your memory after suffering from dementia. 

1:51:00  Man shall not live on bread alone.

1:55:00  I confirm my agnosticism. 

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