Thursday, 31 October 2019

Christianity and idolatry

5:00  Historicity

6:00  The miracle of the Koran

7:00  Divine source of the Torah

8:00  New Testament not from divine sources

9:00  The Torah and Koran are conceptually superior in that they are believed by Jews and Muslims to come from God

10:00  The New Testament is acknowledged by Christians to have been written by mortal men.

11:00  The Tabernacle

12:00  The Koran was revealed over 23 years when Muhammad was being political and military leader of Muslims.

13:00  The Hadith is hearsay as to what the Companions of the Prophet reported him to have said and done.

14:00  Secular Koranism rejects the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran.

15:00  The New Testament is full of unbelievable stories and vague extremist statements.

17:00  The Wars of the Reformation and the fragmentation of Christendom

18:00  The Great Schism

19:00  The prostrations required of Orthodox Christians

21:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity

22:00  The role of the Holy Spirit is the Agent of God

24:00  The 13 Principles of Judaism

26:00  The pantheism of Spinoza

27:00  Judaism is stricter - requiring the death penalty - about idolatry than Islam because Jews are only a tribe, while gentiles are far more in number than Jews

29:00  Why God might be offended by idolatry

30:00  Why the Normans assimilated and disappeared

31:00  Jews are the world's most ancient tribe

32:00  Judaism has preserved the existence of Jews.

33:00  Jews would be nothing without Judaism.

34:00  Nancy Pelosi

35:00  The adherents of the Abrahamic faiths don't practise their religious principles.

36:00  Ideological determinism and the neurosis caused when your nation and your people lose their identity through the failure of their religion

37:00  The irreligious alt-right eg Richard Spencer, Brutus, Greg Johnson

38:00  The Darwinian struggle for survival of the deities. The Titans and the Olympians

39:00  The advancement of civilisation is evidenced by the reduction in the number of deities.

40:00  Monotheism in Ancient Egypt

41:00  Catholicism v Protestantism

42:00  European monarchs looked to Rome as the centre of European civilisation

43:00  Holy Mary Mother of God

46:00  Iconoclasm

47:00  Jesus Charged with Blasphemy

48:00  Prophets of the Old Testament are regarded by Jews as sinning mortals.

50:00  Christianity has inconsistent positions on usury

53:00  Usury creates the boom-bust cycle

54:00  High property prices caused by usury.

55:00  Christians don't even care that they are idolatrous and that God has forbidden idolatry.

56:00  The corrupt bargain that is the Trinity

58:00  Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.

59:00  Hungary and Poland

1:00:00  Pope Benedict's investigation of the Vatican Bank

1:01:00  Cardinal Pell

1:02:00  Gay mafia in the Catholic Church

1:03:00  An even more liberal Pope after Francis?

1:04:00  Changing the law is the only way to change people's behaviour.

1:05:00  Once the laws of God are in place, belief will follow.

1:06:00  You don't need to believe in God to believe in the moral imperative of restoring the patriarchy with slut-shaming Secular Koranism.

1:07:00  If the problem is matriarchy, then patriarchy is the solution. If patriarchy is the destination, then theocracy must be the vehicle.

1:08:00  Britain helped create Saudi Arabia

1:09:00  Sharia dispenses with a parasitic priesthood.

1:10:00  Only God can forgive us our sins, no member of a corruptible priesthood has the capacity to forgive us our sins.

1:15:00  Confession was the Big Brother of the Middle Ages

1:16:00  Morality should not be an option but enforced by law.

1:17:00  God helps those who help themselves. If something should be done, then it must be done. If it must be done, then it should be done as soon as possible.

1:18:00  We don't want degenerate badly parented offspring.

1:19:00  I am accused of being utilitarian

1:20:00  Apathy and despair is stirred up obviously ineffective action.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #20 Policy on the aged and the acquisition of wisdom

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