Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Luana Fabri Goriss, Jewish with MA in Antisemitism, discusses Noachide

1:00  Luana on Koraniyule

3:00  Abrahamic faiths not following their religious principles

5:00  Not "second or third generation refugee"

6:00  Culture of victimhood

8:00  The dominant culture of gay marriage and transgenderism is not what any rational immigrant would want.

9:00  The slippery slope of gay marriage

10:00  UN agenda  2030

15:00  LGBT Jewish Schools  pushed by Jewess

18:00  Antisemitism, Kiddush Hashem, Chillul Hashem

19:00  Integration and assimilation. Jewishness is more than DNA.

22:00  Noahide laws

24:00  Light of the Nations

25:00  Israel recognises gay marriage

26:00  Theocracy

28:00  Deborah, Judge, Warrior and Prophetess

31:00  Jewish feminists

33:00  The assimilated Jewish left5

34:00  The Jews who said kadish for Hamas terrorists

35:00  Jewish emancipation 

36:00   The emancipated Jew were still hated and feared.

37:00  The changing face of the Jew is the changing fashions of hatred

38:00  Christianity falls below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

40:00  Luana doesn't think Christianity has failed. 

41:00  When the Noahide laws go, Christianity will go and the West will descend into tribal warfare.

42:00  The Al Aqsa Mosque is a hint to avoid establishing another corruptible priesthood.

43:00  Usury

44:00  Jews have Israel, where will Christians go when they are persecuted?

46:00  Countries who conduct pogrom descend into chaos and disorder.

47:00  The legalisation of gay marriage

48:00  Unprincipled people

49:00  Idolatrous Christians

51:00  Catholic Ireland has fallen to gay marriage.

52:00  Looking on the bright side.

53:00  Muslims are more likely to protest against gay marriage.

54:00  Why do religions fail?

55:00  Blasphemy

56:00  Are Jews more kiddush or chillul Hashem?

57:00  Religious Jews can be criminals too.

58:00  Stable and sustainable

59:00  Different levels of observance in different generations

1:00:00  Loss of tradition

1:02:00  Do Jews campaign for immigration? 

1:03:00  HIAS

1:05:00  The Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all 

1:06:00  The Abrahamic faiths

1:08:00  Christ was pleading the Fifth Amendment at his blasphemy trial.

1:09:00  The antisemitism of the New Testament

1:10:00  Jerome

1:11:00  The Virgin Birth

1:12:00  Jewish concepts

1:13:00  Greek concepts

1:15:00  Jews being claimed by gentiles. 

1:16:00  If Jesus was really born of a virgin, then he could not have been the Messiah because the Messiah would be descended from the line of King David.

1:17:00  Jesus has no tribal lineage to King David.

1:18:00  John, Ignatius, Syria, Doctrine of the Virgin Birth

1:19:00  Abraham knew the laws.

1:20:00  Luana has read the Koran.

1:21:00  Muslim in Israel mistreating kittens.

1:22:00  Kosher and halal slaughter

1:23:00  BLOOD IN THE STREETS Eid Al-Adha animal sacrifice festival sees roads turn red with blood as cows are beheaded

1:24:00  Luana would rather well-treated free range chicken than battery farmed kosher chicken.

1:27:00  Islam cannot work without sharia.

1:31:00  Hillel and Jesus

1:32:00  Silver and Golden Rule

1:35:00  Losing sight of right and wrong. Lawlessness

12:36:00  Redefining the terms of the Natural Law v Legal Positivism debate

1:37:00  Theocracy

1:38:00  Divinely sourced, legal and morally authoritative 

1:42:00  Narcissism and self-worship

1:43:00  The narcissism of human rights

1:45:00  Being nagged by the matriarchy into submission

1:46:00  The Fisherman and His Wife

1:47:00  Feminism

1:48:00  Division of labour

1:49:00  Complementary relationships not competitive relationships are the best relationships.

1:51:00  Fear of misgendering people

1:52:00  Our new religion is feminism.

1:53:00  The idolatry of Christianity

1:54:00  Unsustainable nonsensical agendas

1:55:00  Belief in God prevents nihilism.

1:56:00  Conscience and God

1:57:00  A sense of right and wrong

1:58:00  Empires have fallen while Jews still exist.

1:59:00  Conscience is divine law.

2:00:00  The sin of pride that causes narcissistic personality disorder

2:01:00  The shallow cult of youth and beauty

2:02:00  Population reduction and sustainable development

2:03:00  Climate change

2:04:00  Noah Yuval Harari

2:06:00  The coming of the Messiah

2:07:00  No more boundaries, no more rules.

2:08:00  The origins of degeneracy

2:11:00  The church, Michael Servetus, John Calvin, Martin Luther

2:13:00  Chabad

2:14:00  Christians and Muslims in turn protected Jews

2:16:00  Christians protesting more than Jews.

2:17:00  Muslims and Jews

2:18:00  The conversation ends.

2:21:00  EU and UN

2:23:00  Self-expression no longer allowed in the totalitarian West.

2:25:00  Is Truth, Logic and Morality allowed?

2:27:00  Boys forced to wear girls' clothes at school

2:30:00  Feminism and Liberalism

2:34:00  Rabbi Sacks not condemning gay marriage

2:36:000  Rabbi Mizrachi

2:38:00  Israel

3:14:00  Baseless hatred and Lashon Hara

3:15:00  Being in charge

3:16:00  Rothschilds. There is no Jewish quota. The church forced Jews to be moneylenders.

3:17:00  The perceived Jewish problem is a problem with liberalism.

3:18:00  Jewish by DNA only

3:19:00  Jewish values are the values of the patriarchy: God, Family and Education

3:21:00  Blaming Jews is the easiest option.

3:22:00  Putin: Russian president says liberalism 'obsolete'

3:24:00  People with daddy issues tend to have a problem with authority figures eg God.

3:25:00  E Michael Jones, Arc-Antisemite

3:26:00  Be fruitful and multiply within wedlock.

3:27:00  The historic norm of marriage once destroyed leads to loss of identity.

3:28:00  The White Nationalist desire to ban all the Abrahamic faiths, expel Jews, Muslims and non-whites and then finally have a jolly old religious war to fight over which pagan god to worship.

3:29:00  Transgenderism will drive a rise in children being sent to religious schools. 

3:31:00  Only one Abrahamic faith, according to Luana.

3:32:00  The woman with the Greatest Jewish Conspiracy Theory of all on usury

3:38:00  Usury and Jubilee

3:42:00  Antisemitism began with the Christians.

3:43:00  Selling Christianity to the gentiles was a marketing decision by Paul.

3:44:00  Gentiles swamped the Jewish Christian groups.

3:45:00  Separating Muslims from the Koran

3:53:00  Garment of the Jews

3:54:00  The Noahide laws are addressed to gentile nations.

3:55:00  Chabad

3:57:00  Ham sandwiches

3:58:00  Hem of the Jew

3:59:00  The Koran is Zionist.

4:02:00  Secular Koranism in Israel?

4:04:00  Orthodox rabbis in Australia on gay marriage

4:05:00  Lot was a judge in Sodom.

4:08:00  Abortion to birth

4:10:00  The sacralisation of the right to have extramarital sex

4:11:00  Rape victims and the morning after pill

4:12:00  Abortion, infanticide and murder

4:14:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

4:15:00  The Dead Sea

4:17:00  Christians speaking out against globohomo.

4:18:00  Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Sacks

4:19:00  Silence signals submission

4:24:00  Shopping on Shabbat

4:29:00  The women with wigs and gay people in synagogues

4:32:00  Get a room!

4:33:00  Slut-shaming

4:34:00  Shotgun wedding

4:37:00  Decline in educational standards

4:38:00  Scott Morrison

4:41:00  Extinction rebellion

4:44:00  LGBTQIWTF

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...